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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 23 Aug 1883, p. 1

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 OL. 3. --No. 50, MARKDALE, ONT., AUG. 23. 1883. No. 154. 4l4:'H I^»^ WAKDELL., tT:i.i. w ^fii'-i: a::d priller. all ori-:^ iiionjijtly atteTided to. Resi- ' e-Mi! 1. 1' Hill, Owen SounJ. 122-35 [Ghent, .M.D., M.R.CP. S., O. l'iiv:.::tM :iiul Surtredii, Priceville, liaaie of L'iiiver.sity. Vict. College. New York, and ;, (jrai';, :)f the same, Ayk'th Medical Institute. Opthahiiic Ho.-;i)ii;al, N,Y. iliorC'n.!. rir-.-iciansd- Surgeors,0. 104 |p.MARSHALL,L.D.S. g i:\Ti ST, -KAPT-ATK OF TOEONTO SCHOOL It,:' 1' M'l-tiy, \v:il be at Rutle.lj^'e's .Mil vt lie. on til- 1st and third Wed- .iivuf •'â- â- !! iu"t!lli an i also at ^^unsha\v's I-:ti. Fl' -!ii rt(i;i, the day following the jWcilij. -iiiy m eatli month for theprac ili:- 'ri!e-si(.!' \\.w.-ii. 1^-:!. 122-7-t ic0aL Frost A; Frost. )Ar,i;iNrK':,-;, and attoenkys-at L,iw, .-•â-  ;,i;iis in Chancerv. Convey l-r-. .vl-., u v-.ii Sound, liave resumed at .i-vii'ii, 1 lUcL ojau every Thursday, as :i. Fi;,sr, J. W. Frost, LL. B. C '.!itv C.'"v.-n Attorney. I .1. M\'?iso:\, )Ai;i:isri'.i;. .m.vstke anddep. eeg ::. Clu ,,;i ly. Notary I'ublic, Convcyan :. iVi' â- â€¢'NlYto lknd at six pkr cent. ':;Ct,â€" !\ ,1 ^dund, in Viewer's Block 'â- â- â- :' St.; ;â-  i in Mark'lale. o\-er MeFar :..-StHi, ;,.; irulay and fcjatuidav every â- 57.1y â-  b: (Hu^oiA- illnrrison, ;;i:r' ....-^.solicitges. conyey- V,-. F. -r. .1. -;â-  :;,i;'v W. (-:. JlCHARDS, r"ACjd,:. cc ARCHI- ;:e oii7\ii;! Slrect, !Mark- 1,- 1211y pREsr Ilu: '.1: "i- â-  I '»â- (!(! in s^D MAWTLE hululin^ Markdalc. V varinf; apparel cut and :.., VL.y latest style. llljc i|(iirf|iIaU ^landard 1- PUBLISHED |:rY THURSDAY evening, i At A[nl;i!alo Ontario. IN- ADVANCE. C. W. RUTLEDGE. Editor Pugprietor. 9»tel«. REVERE HOTEL, PROPRIETOR. THIS popular Hotel has changed hands and the alK,ve men cater to the wants of the public. Oood vtabhng and attentive hostlers. The best brands of liquor and cigars, good meals and comfortable rooms, Barber shop in con- 130-ly. large ommercial room, nection. CHATSWORTH HOUSE (l.ATB MORROW HOUSE,) CHATSWORTH, Ont. C. H. M.4.TrHEVVS, Proprietor. The best brand of liquors and cigars al- ways in stock. Good meals and comfortable rooms guaranteed. Good stabling and at- tentive hostler. 114 COMMERCIAL HOTEL PEICEVILLiE. Ont. Large and commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Rooms, etc. The Bar and larde well supplied with the bes. the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's TH03. ATKINSON, Proprietor â- i"v.ii Sound, Dufferin Block, 'â- â€¢ .1 Stni-.' and in MARKDALE ' " 1 ;â- : I :n.i S'u;-c on TJnirsday â-  â- â-  ':l Wt"k. â- - !â-  n l:rii r._'as'!nable terms. I ' C i'lNCAN MoRI.iON -â- ; u!: l" 13,^2. 7U-ly ' :tti'r Ks'OAAn. j V 11! !;;,"'.â-  Licenses, Fire and I â-  â-  A;:fnt. (.'oinniissionei I I ' i;v yanei v and Licen--ed ' oiinty oi G;ey. Farmers, ' nd Sale I'linctnally at- ' â-  ' s made vorv moderate. ;,.:,1--|. " 1-y 'V:-:, 5ls•o^vn, " ;;.:iAGE licenses, cvc â-  ' in 1;. E. itc. ' â- ! M its branches jTompth â-  â- â- fr'i- exccured. ' \.^)Aon Etal Estate se "'"• 'y f. •-' 7~i, v.-i!! meet in their hall â-  •'-•â- ^V" ^-^nii:!:;, Sept. 3d at eight '"' A. Turner, Sec'y. I^OHH NOBLE, M;.nKDALE. ^ejfaMRLBLACKSMITH h^RSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. To the Farmers of Grey. I have made arrangements with Chath- am Harvester Co., to sell for then their ^Tlower, Single Reaper and ti;t'o Horse Cord Binder. All material in these machines warranted of the best quality. Every machine warranted to give satisfac- tion or money or notes refunded. Parties in need of any of the above machinea, can inspect them on fair day's at Fleshertoa, Markdale and Chats ,vorth, consult your best interests, and eiamine for yourselves. ALEX. McKECHNIE, 143 5G Traverston P. 0. GIBSON MCMILLAN CONTRACTORS. Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK AND STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Calsoniiiuruj in all Shades and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- antee'-!. Orders left at alie Standakd office will receive prompt attent:on. Markdale, Feb. Gth, 1883. 12C-ly. J. W. FOED Is giving splenuia satisfaction in GRISTING, By the Nev.- Process at the Special attcutiou to parties from a distance so that tiiey Lay have their grist home the same day. ALEX KAY Boot do S1:lo!B MILL STREET MARKDALE. 8 TmRTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A viotim of youtMal imprudence caosine; Prem* tare Decay, Nen-oua Debility, Lost Slanhood, etc., S^ng tried in vain every tuown remedy has covered a Biniple.5jifcure. winch be will send FK^ to his feDow-siiiR!:^, aadres» -• H. KUiVTia, 43 Cbatbani St.. N. Y- SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ".STANDARD." Wm. Lucas Co., BANKERS, ]\loney Loaned IN large or small amounts, at all times, on good endorsed notes, or on collateral eecnrivy. INTEREST AT PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. IS"Drafts issued and Collections ms^eon points, at lowest rates: W.M. LUCAS, Manager. September 23. 1880. 2-ly GEORGE WOGN, Wholesale and Retail BUTCHER!! BEEF, PORK OR MUTTON SUPPLIET^. from a single pound to a whole carcass, at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL IN THEIR SEASON Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do weU to call at No. 3 Burns' Block, opposite the new Union Block. Markdale, Oct. 25th, 1881 Flesherton Station STEAM GRIST MILL GEO. MOORHOUSE. â€" :o: â€" Gristing Chopping in a satisfactory manner, EYERYWORKINGDAY. Flour, Bran, and general mill always on hand. feed, -0 â€" CASH fo r WH EAT. SEEING IS BELIEVING. GENTLEMEN, If you want a first-class Buggie or Wagon call at MCKENNA MAb^ON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can supply you with anything from a Lumber Wagon up to Extension Too Phaeton. To buy from them is to S A " JE 3J O IV E ^^ They are both practical workmen, and employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They gunrant^e their work Second to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. They use nothing but First-class White Oak for Wagons, and tin ice Extra Second Growth Hickory for light work. The immense amount of work turned out of McKenna cfc Mason's shop is snfficicn proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing Rood work. The BEST is thr CHEAPEST in the END Poor cheap work we positively will not take. Special attention given to Re-Trimming and Repainting all classes of Carriage Work. Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pay) in HORSESHOEING SHOPâ€" On Mill Street opposite t'j Sproule's Hotel. McKENNA MAS ON. Oet Four Job Wor!£dane at this office. THOS. MATKWS, larssS Eslallislioeiil MARKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. EUGENIA Grist, Saw andLath Mills Having made eqtensive improvements in my Gnst Mill I feel confident I can give good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALi/VAYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day. â-  Custom Sawing and Bills Filled on the shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Butternut, White Ash, Black Ash Basswood, Pine And Hemlock Logs wanted 691y. M. AKITT, Eugenia. CAL01NE3Z) lE^LASTKEe, â€" OR â€" Plaster Paris, One car of Nova Scotia, all best and cheapest in the market. Machine Oils and Paint OILS AT CLOSE PRICES. H. PARKER'S Drugstore DURHAM. MARKDALE, Manufacturer of all Kinds (.f Drop Valve, Cylinder, Force, and Cistei Pumps. All kiuds of IRON PUMPS SUPPLIED. EOBT. ASKIN, Has opened out a First-Class Furniture I UNDERTKING ESTABLISHMENT, Anc^ therefore has supplipd a want long felt, especially in the Undertaking Line. COFFINS, CASKETS, SHROUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNISHSHOS supplied on the shortes notice. A. Si3leniicl Heai'se for hire at moderate rates. â€" All kinds of â€" I^ICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. GLENELG COUNCIL. This Council met at the Town HaU on the 20th inst., Members all present. A letter- from F. MoArdle, respect- ing arrears of taxes was laid before the Gouncil and referred to the Trea- sure. The following accounts were paid C. W. Rutledge, printing. $34.'G.' J. S. Black, plan for bridge, $4.00; J. BrowE. postage and stationary $7.- 15 E. McCLocklin, mending scraper $4.00 S. Overfield, 60»ta; F. McLarn, $1.25. The following grants were made $20. to Gien©lg Agricultural Society $20 to cat a' hill at Lot 24 con. 8 $15, for,road at lot 1 con. 12; $5 for the town line, Artemesia and Glenelg, at lot 54, con. g, N. D. R. A petition was received from .T. Banks and others, for a grant of $20. to widen a ditch on side hue 42, can. 2 3 E. G. R, petitioners to give an equivalent in work. Davis, Dunsmoor, that in reference to the petition of J. Banks and others that $20 be granted on the condition contamed m the petition the commis- sion for ward No. 1 to let the work â€" Carried. Thomas McGirr, W. H. Arro^Y- smith, Thomas Cook and John Hunt, were appomted collectors fur the pro- sontyear their salaries to be same as last year. A By-law was passed le^-j'ing rates for tlie current year. Total rates ex- clusiy.e of school rates,. eight mills in the dollar. Davis, Mullarky, That Alax. Bea- ton, be paid $10 as further compen- sation for road allowance on lot 15, con. 4, N. D. R. on condition that ho removes his fence to its proper placo before the 1st of October next, to tiie satisfaction of the path-master for that road division â€" Carried. Council adjourned to meet at the same place on 1st Oct. next. ChatSAVortli. J. W. Elliott has the first storv of his new store up. A. McGill raised the frame of liis new machine shop on Monday- John Chambers has sold his (In- cery and Fancy Goods stock and bil^l- ness to John Freeman of this plac' John T5iuus leaves for Osliawa n:i Tluirsday. The cattle fair was lars:;cly atteii.lo.! and quite a number of beeves cIuiul^^JiI hands. Mr. Goodc has the drivowa}- to !ii^ grain house about completetl. -*o» â€" The leading feature of the Americnn A'lri- cti/JiirisJ for Heptemb( r is its carelnlly pir- i;ared list of the Mate, County, .-md o;iir:' Fairs, which tills eight solid cohinins. an.i will Ite fouur] to be :i most useful gridv in the various exhibitions. Among tlie imi page Illustrations are a ideasing picuui m/ Cajy, of Children in a Cotton Fu-iti, :;!: i farm life among the Indians in Ni.irth C:ii.i- lina. Flock-masters will be interested m ;i.- eiit;ravings which show the improveiii'ir, made in the Merino sheep s'nce tlie las: â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢i tuiy, in .liiiiinishiuu tlie size ol the li^iin- and increasing the ijuautitv and tiner.e-.- ...' tlie fleece. However valuable the lusf.o;; fibre of tlie Alpaca may bi' one would n... after reading tiio illnst rated accimnt of Al|'a.- i Farniiiig. care to eii;-'a;_'e iii its 'i odiicroM. In marked contrast with the rude and â- â€¢â- -.-â-  lated liomH of the Alpaca Kani r f South America, are the lieauMful ce which illu-tiate the Editorial Notes o a '• beyond tlu? .Missouri among tl'C fertile ,.,., of Nebraska and AVvoiiiing. I all de!n;is :r â-  i;iven of a pr:ze barn, with ,p| tl.,.. cost of material and lalior. The many c-n- venienoes it attoi'ds for a moderate o:u;iv. must adapt ic to the want=i of inntiy faritpT- in all |uuts of tlie country. A ciia-'acter'-i ii' feature (if the American A;n iculttiri t. Ik,s always been tlie innny farm cnnvenienc'-; ni d labor-iavmg ajipliitiicws K'-ve in its coinup-. esjiecially those wliicii cati be muii' on 'â- . (arm. The ))resent naml)er lias its slmr.' â-  t' these, including nn improved rndkin;^ s'^.o!, Virush lake, baib'd Box, cart f. r ens'i-o" Various needs of tiie orchard and trflrden a-i' provided for. Tlie household depTrrni'-n w. attractive, and the children are jirovidf^d with interesting and instructive r"ndi'e' There are over 7d original engravings in th^ Septemb^'r American Aar cidturi^t. '1'ir fol- lowing are the leading! wvit'=Ts in tli.f- issue of the pajier Otcorge I'hurber. A. B. .\lleij, Wm. Cliit, F. D. Curtis, Joseuh Hmris. Orange Judd, David W. ,ludd, Alfred Tnmi- ble, P. H. Jacobs. H. A. Haigh, Jonu Mor- rison, jr.. F.Grundy. M. C. Weld, U. W. Meech, L. D. Snook, W E. Stone, J. M 8tahl. â- .I II â-  4.

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