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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 16 Aug 1883, p. 8

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 t.i MISCELLANEOUS FORTUNES FOR FARMERS CHANICS. Thqusan'ls of aoUars can be saved bv ing proper judgement in taking; care o: Lfaltb of v.jur s.-lf an:i family. If you ISiJou.-;, L v.j -ifillow coii-.!!les:icii, poor a 1!S- the are je- i J Do. Do. Io. Do. tite, low find deprtbsed .spirits, and geueruly debilitated, do ii"t delay a moment. Vii pJ '.t once and r.rocure a bottle of tli-'-e i'.L"-tnr Bitters. T/liifh never fail tucin- r.:id that to:- the tritlin- ura off.f:y ct;uts.â€" J. ii"!7ie. oAiLliDAX Sold bv A. Turner X" CK. V,-. iMAN'S TRUE FilI^.XD. K frien 1 in nec.l is a friend in deed. Tliis none can 'leny, eBrecially Hi'.n a-s'-tnnce i.- tendered wlien one is sor. ly ufdicti. I %\'itli diseases, more panicnlarly tho=e coinplaints and weakni'ss so c ii:;c:i;.:!i '.n o;ir ff'r;;-".? pcp- rd-ition. I'^very wonnn sliould kno'.v thnt Electric Bitters are ^V(lIn^.n's tine friend.anl ' will positively restore lier to he.altb, ev n when all other n'meciics fad. A sinfjle trial always jirijves oi,r assertion. Tht y .are pleas- I ant to \bc taste, and only cost rifty cents a " Lottie. S.ild bv A. Turner .V 'o. UP. A regular Monthly Cattle Eaii- will be belcl in the Agricultural Grounds, Markdale, as fo'iows â€" 1 S H 3 â€" LOOK TO TOC^JKTKraSTS AND OE* PATENT LOAfiilFTmMACJHINE TELIS SBASaS.- f Havib Tou oseii T ""â- ^^""";3^^1^;..*'^SiBN^WHAT? WHY THE .- m Auc;. 4 Sept. S Oct. Nov. ;! Dec. H 'A MAEKDALB eat Market, the i unlcad in half the time, and ease .ban ia the old way. Agents wanted in every connty, SAEGENT. Berkeley P. O. or Grover In- banes, MCuildinRS, Toronto stantaneous. Uabies a specialty. Dcni't wait lor iino veatW^^' All work j^nararti-oa. " ^â„¢- i come all aud Bee for yourselves m Your.-^ truly JAMES 151'].,:,;!^?^, pi^. '^^M n;;v: GIV. If yon are siitVerinrr with Lw and depress- ed spirits. l(ss of appetite, ^enpral lUbility, i disordered b!i)i I' I, wcvAi con-titu-i'in, liead- iK-he, or a!;y di(a-o f ii liilions np.iiire, liy j ;dl means jirocure a bottle of IJtctric Hitters. I Yuu will be surprised to see the rapid im- provemenc that wiU follow you will be iu- j spired with new life stionqtii and activity will return pain and misery will cease, a id liencefi-rth you will rejuice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bot- I tie by A. lurner A: Co.,?'Iar]cdaio. DYSPEPSIA A- LIVEP COMPLAIST, j Is it not wortli the small price of T-j cents i to free youiself of everj symptom of iliese i Uistressinj,' complaints, if y:.u think so call I at oui store and t;et a bottle of ShiloL's.Vitul- i izer, every bottle lias a ininted guarautt-e en j it, use accordinf.:'y aul if it does you no pood i it will cost you noi'iin:.,' Sold at NVia. i Brown's General Store, .Markdale. Oil, WHAT A COUii-H! Will you heed the wariiin!;- Iho signal perliaps of the sure. approach of th^it nioi'e ' teiriblo disease co;isnniption. Asi your- j selves if y(.u can afford for tlie sake of 50ets., to run the risk and do nothing for it. V.'e kr'ow from experience that Shilolr.^ Cure vvdll cure your Cough. It never fails. This explains vvlty more than a ^Million Bottles I v.-ere sold the jiast year. It relieves Croup, and Wlioo[iing Cough, at once. Alothers do ' not be without it. For Lame Jiaclc, Side, or ' Ciiest, use Shdoh's Porous plaster. Sold at \\'m. Bruwn'b General Store 3,IarkJale. I We have a speedy aud I'l^sltive cnie, f r Catarah. Diplitueria. Caniiei nioutii and Head Ache, in SHIiIT.Ofi'S CATAliJlH llEMEDl' A constant supply of Fresh Meats on liand, at the Liowest Living Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free to all parts of the Town. Farmers having fat stock to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale March 23. 1882. 80-ly Health is Wealth I BEST TO GET PLAGE North cf Toronto, is at the rviailidale GS^allery, That's so, for a friend of mine had bis taken there and he sdys they are even better than what he had taken iu Toronto, JAMES HAMILT ON. A flTIST, WAR^ CHIilA! A: :al In- bottle. breatli. Blown' Ue it if vuu d.'i;e Price 'r\) cent.-. S .Id General Store, iNIarkdale. r free v.-Ith eacii i hei.!ll;i;ndswe(t I Vv'm ' McGIlEGOKS SPEEDY CTT.E. From tile nii nv rcnlarI^able care- v.-roiigiit y using ^h•^^Iâ- lâ- ,â- ors S[., ;â-  C'r.iT to-.- Ilysjiei)- ia. Indigestio'i, (â- o:i.,tj;.;u;on an I Afi'ienon if the Liver an^l fioi,i t!: â-  ';iinii-i:e .-,',.â-  i.f it "itliout aiiv :iil/"rti'~i!!;,' Vx'o l;:;vc cuiniudi d to oiacc it e\ti I v.ho siii'o to fiiii Pro., t; bottle fr-e, v: {[ :ir one d.oII;:i-. tl:e 11: -o :l!:'t urr. loo a nial V c nts Dr. E. C.'s Xi.nvE axd Brain Treat- MF..\"T, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neu- ralgia, Headache, Nervous Pni-tration caus- ed bv the use of alcohol or tobf.cco. Wake- fulness. iNlental Depression, Softening of the Brain, resulting in Insanity and leading to misery, dec.iy and deatli, Premature Old Age, Ban- ennCbS, Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntary losses and Siicrmatorrha'a, eaiised by over-exertion of the brain, self- abuse or over-indulgence. One box will ell e recent cases. Each bos contains one month's treatment. One dollar a box, or :-lx boxes for liye dollars sent by mail ))re- j aid on re eipt of I'rice. ^Ve guarantee six 'ooxes to cure any case. With eac'i order re- ceived by us for six boxes, accoiujianied witli live dollars, we v.ill send tlie purchaser a written guarantee to refund the money if tlie treatment does not elT, ct a cure. Guar- antees i-^sued only by A. Turner A'Co., ole ;oithorized Agent for Markde.le Onr. Join; C. West A'Co. sole jiroprietor Toronto. Out, va.- â- o Pari: I' nny si .hrr pre; C.a-- i to;.ra'-i in:^ Store tin CLlK-i IS M It THE GREATE.ST HEAf.ING Ci):\iI"OUNr) is a prejiaration of c- and cerate ealP'd Mcirn holic Cerate, It v,;li bum or bruis' v.lii'ii a fail. Call at iiill ]h'o= 'et a packag- T.vj:.t; Costs. KUAMS'S Is the only Headache. To.. tljn(hi\ etc. Pubbiiig a f-:w drup^ briskly is :. 11 tiiiit i.; lieede.l. Xo t-dt- in nauseous le. .biines fr.r wt.oks. biii (.ne minute's aiipKc:iiJ. n j'eui.vv-i.s all oain i.n.i W. ALLKIKOS^RIQOOEOB^TES, c_l ' HI Made of Special Iron, o p4 Tlie Clxepest and. Ssst. Support Home industry and proc.irc your Plow Toints • AT THE 3.-N0 jrfjdaU |la IS PUBLI6HEI1 IfRY THURSDAY EN At Markdalo Ontario IN ADVANCE. C. W. RUTLEDl EniToK A; Pi [0L« m fi France threatens China with a devastating war in con- sequence. Wilson Benson OF THE Belfast House, MarMale Has purchased a Large Stock cf the CHOICEST TEAS In the Market, and will sell at lower pirices tlian any m the trade. Purchasing direct from the Kefinery, his SUGARS c^Jiuo" 1^6 excelled for quality aud lowness of price. BACON, HAMS, CHEESE, SALMON, LOBSTERS, SARDINES 111 endless variety. JJAIRY SALT of best quality. g Markdale Foundry. 5 riow Points, ',^ Old Iron taken lu JCxci Un- ifc 4 m ITjI'IO LIGHTNlXir antaneous relief for \i ura!,.da, WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE «ECCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP, THAT THE will juove V.-i- giLat \;d Lightning. I v, ntv i'.ivt Hill l;r..s. Gen. r.ii S;'.i.' Work giv,.;i e.nt. On dress v.T w:!' ni::l;e an 'â- an earn ?3 t S7 evcu.r.g .^ieii. Woman, P.nys .r lj;i ' Wilkinson iV: i~.. ' ' :\\ V.--.V Yoi k. I â-  of Kiain's Fl'.ii.l ' •ents per buttle at â- C'int (if y.'ur ad- Tor bv wiiicii you '-•, ".t yo;;r lioiiie s c;in lio it. ]i. i V.'u Fiilton :;£.. \\m. IjUC'i-; /c '.- i;ave $2( roil CatiUf. r,i.rHi liues. Lowiiittiv ,000 anT'o;-R. ^[nrjoluj 00 t.' lutiu .-- li l..,..i: .sy.steni. Xo iniaja'iito cluir 'e.-;. I CmCAQQ, 1:-SJ Farm for Sale. VEItY d-si:-a^'.: o j"\_ acre-: L ts ti: ^\ t'-t of r. and S. ll..'.- from town of .u 1 oa.l. To acres cu'ar.'i oas a Large -ton... d. .-;. i~ well wato'-e.l \vir!i creek: splendid soil, and m a locuhty. Terms easy. Arri,T AT Markdale, March '2'.)cii. l-:s; U2. 1.: rKd^ie. i.n t-v l';j iiard ng '.r..;ise au.lkj i..-Ar f-illin- Being the Great Central Line, affords to travelers, ry roacon of its unrivaled geo- ,?:mphical position, the shortast nnd best route between tho East, tiortheast'and Southeast, and the West, Northwest and Southwest. It is Uteralty ^nd strictly true, that its connections aro all of the principal lines cf road between the Atlantic and the Pacific. Cy its main line and branches La SallG, Ceneseo, Washington, Keokul., i^noxviiis, u5Ka:oosa, i-airtieici, Dsn ffloines. West Liberty Iowa City, Atlantic, Avoca, .\udubon, Harlan, Cuthrio Center and Council Bluffs' in Iowa; Caliatin, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City, in Missouri, and «.eayen- worth and Atchison T;i Kansas, and tlie hundredi of cities, villages and towns intermediate. The "GREAT ROCK iSLAE^D BOUTt," i and branches it reaches Chicago, JoCat, Peoria, Ottawa, Moline and Rock Island, in Illinois; Davenport, rvjuscatlne I., JCnoxvilla. Oskaioosa, Fairfield, Dsr. Moines, West Liberty' d sirauit; THIS orrieE. rin ^or Sale, â- l W 11,' of T. ACEES. being h.t 7':. ;5r S. R Holland, fvnr ii,i:e^ irom Mariidale, 2) acres cleared, well fe.iced and i watered, balance good hardwood bush, with j .sufficient cedar for fencing. i For terms aud other rarticu^ars appiv to WM. ROWE; on the Premises .Berkeley P. 0., Jnly 3rd, 18Ca. '41 VENTILATED. WELL HEATED, FINELY UPHOLSTERED and ELEGANT DAY COACHES: a line of thA S10ST MAGNIFICENT HORTON RECLINING CHAIR CARS ever -built* PULLMAN'S latest desisned and handsomest PALACE SLEEPING CARS, and 'oiNING CARS that are acknowledged by press and people to be the FINEST RUN UPOM awv ROAD IN THE COUNTRY, and in vrhlch superior meals are served to travelers at the low rate of SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS EACH. travelers at THREE TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and the MtSSOURI RIVER via ih^° ""'" ^^^ "^^^ between CHICAGO and MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUU Albert lea route. aid Council Bluffs^t. Paul, Minneapolis and intermediate oolnts "J****** All Through Passengws eairled on Fast Express Trains. For moredetailed information, see MapsandFblders.wKieh rnaTtimnht^L,..^ weU as Tickets, at all principal T^^ OtflLs ,„ the '^^"»S^^„?*«SS'darJ; of R. R. CABLE, C^ST'JOfin Vtee.P,«s.t*'cen11llana,s,., Swf â„¢ 1 1 ^j^..^ A.»W CHtCACO. *P*«irA»!^ TAI LO f SYDENHAM STEEET, SAnVf^i^ WAUDI rLLDIGGliEA-DPPJl orders promptly att-nd ^Jeâ€"Sniders Hill, Owen Sou [^^t,M,D-, M.R.CI I Physician and Surgeon, 1 duate of University. let. C New 1. "Graduate, of the same. Avletli Mo.l Opthaimie IT'.- nberColi. Physicians .v Sui MARSHALL DET1ST. baduate of T(»rox of Dentistry, will b,- 1, Markdale, on th" 1 t ai ftvof enoh montli an i al-.i l-Ttsherton, the day trd Wednesday m each monl tfofhis ].rofe^sio!^. I January .lth, T-^So. Of best brands tiiul of every variety, ip-j-.-, it j_ T1 TI In sW-t. there is nothing n. thelTlllS SPaCG 061011^8 b K J. Grocery traJe that cannot be Rnpnhed I at the "Belfast House" by ft P^ "R O I T T i TTl TP 1 ' Q P T i" Oil WILSON BENso^a.f 0-irn\^ u J_jJii, i_ iv^^i^w^ouu '"' '•""â-  Who is now selling a hea^y stoci of Spring and Summer goods for whatever they vrAl bring. Frost (St Fro' (ARBISTEES, AN1 AT Law, Solicitors :n Co i beers, A'C. Owen S..iind. ]â- . leshertou, Olhco opuii v.. kretofore. LFBED Fkost, • -^^ ^^ Countv Grown Attin-nov hi J. :vi.i!*'»'0:' AEEISTEE, M.\sl,: m Chancer}' Nota. c. lONEYTOLEVl^ AT SH OfSeesâ€" Owen Sonn 1. in milett St.; and m MarivV: nd^s Store, on Tniav an'i CroasoiA 3J«ir JAERI*^- -iio.SOLKiT ), cVc. A"C. Offices in Owcii S rnl. Iver W. F. WolfV St â-  :n MARKDAL PverVT. J. :\IeFavl ' â- - ndFridfly of eacii w. â-  ';. tS^Funds to h nl, ,. JoHx Cke.\sor. Q. C. Markdale, March I" '---â- â-  rSSUEIl of :\I.IV;.:..- i Life In-uraiii- ' A li. II. Ac. C. nv -â- ! ^^ctioneer i,.)r tio. ' â- 'â- â- _â- 'â- ':• â-  fercliant ar..! I..." i ' ' tnded to an.l elmr.-. â-  Priceville, S, pt. li " â- â-  Witj. V-V'-- ISSUER oy :\i\\: m Commissioner in 1'.. i ConveyaiK-ii.,; i'l ' i 'â- ' |«Uended to an.l ar. ;â-  ' N. B.â€" Moiiev to T. V. ' 'wity. Wrc. RSCI BUILDEU, C' i"\\: TECT. â€" Ihsido;:.. o: "ile. Markdale. .Tr,-.-.. •.;'.:. 'â-  â-  IliRESS Ai^D Duulop's huii.i:: All kinds of ladies w. .. made in thi- very I"Ofldins Suits a n surance Agent Flesherton Will be at the Markdale House Markdale Every /X^UITJtlSr) ^^' First Cl^f s C)^piffi||;airies only represen ^icrfoin^|g(;iQd fariti^ at 7 per. cent ^fC. 0. 0. F. Ko. 7.- ^n Monday eveuinj oeloekp. m 108 JOHN 1 MARK! .^.! ?;".0i- I'^i. 184.(K! Horses A SPE(

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