cfi Wednesdl Mr. W. H.FleJ ":;! in.-t., th9 Tvl Flesheitou, of I r tiie iiey. S, • re:5iJeuce of. tersou, Esq., fit"ii, to I^ab 111 the 12th .iBsi Mr. Wm. Bir»| lays, o;.. thel3Aia9 54 years. O -H r1 ?^ ?H o3 O' P O CQcg C/2 CO P4 K-.O }5. P o O o m o^ xn j-;iXTHLY FAIKS. |. '..-Si- ii' i' ' 'â- tf"i^fi Flesherton G Orangevilio. V bi^fore OvimKeviile. Louse^s progreMVi The potatoa .crop around Toronto i â- ,- :,..- i' „ v ' lis said to })erattii.'4j fast. ^f^ff^Vl^}^^:'^-"^^^^^^ Mr. Duulop h^ improved tue a,p- kas tlifi Lestfierdoroata'we liavo s ii^^' ^-Wcint-: 'i:iy belore Oraiipeville. tlii.s S«I«U season. BiOlI.. Tliuisday in er.cii The Police TriT^t.ces haye dona ^V;i:e.aav in caclij^^' ^(!^ " "'"" «"' repHiri^jg [::aiiiâ€" 1 â- â- :',• l-; [ore Durliam. ri M Tu.C"--'.iav in eiich month. ,-fo .e JJui'liavu. Hidp\vidlis,:yet there is a. few bad liofes and some loose ptanir^vhich ore tTati- igerous to the pedestrian. Dining tbo past week we baye had ^.-j *, j tlie privilege ol a drive through fhe V' port xWwf iP.mfx h'^^^"^H's of Euphrasia, Art5mesia, di tiliU l/lUlii iiriiiiO. jOsprey and Glenelg and n*ver saw better prospects for an abaiidaut bar- vest oi spring grain. Scott, will lecture in the Rev. â- ;' ci.^H'iDU ir.t.'ndi'd tohcnrtlt r Siicictii irill ho rk(irr)ed te;i j '!(• /i/'-f in-fitin-t iiiul Jive j '(;(.;(;(,•(â- ' iiuntiun. " i Methodist Oliurcli, Markdalft. on the evening of Friday Aug. 17rh. The I ill's. iiir.iL'i .-fill' â- . K'Cllil-' Mr. r iMiii .v â- .m ot X |tspc.-"u i'l i! rJiin" pi\'l)al'y lo no Fjtax- Xt TVIO A. Igo, Fr., in having a 1 i'-k'jt fence built loard s cu Murk St. n, Imtclier, has removed â- !i;' lu's house on the eorn- :jiioea streets. Lliisicr, or Piaster Paris, a Scotia, all best and the market. Machine 'ils, close prices. Park- Eliag St 10, Durham. S'e.ire 'i;i] to learn that the sad icksfrni'j tiio delay of the S. S. May- j [On tlifl liremen's excursion was S£ii'i;;.s as reported; Mrs. Lock bnt her rlaugbter is still livmg, t Laving .suffered any serious-injury i kmtk exciterrient. -Evi:iiiA\- .VKDl Parti -On town ministers are expected to speak. Mr. Scott baa been spending the last tiiree montbs Soutb in Florida., and will give some account of his tr.avels. Object to organize a lodge of tbe Sous of Temperance. "Say, Mister, have yon been in Markdale " '•Yes!" "Wa.=! you into McFarland's " "Yes And I bought a chest of that famous Tea " '•Did you Well that is jus^t what I am going ior to-day!"' "Well, if you want to get one you had better liurry up, I saw four go away while I .was getting waited en " In Lcipland the sun never goes dov.-n during Til ay, June, and July, but in winter, for two mouths, he â- never rises at all. His place,b()wever is somewhat supplied ly the wonder- ful northern ligbts, which flash and :r-^ovt}!iing last the moon shone j flicker in the jy-ey tddiis. Tney look :iil itsglory and alarge mimber I like hrts of a rtiiousand shapes and ippearanco at the lavrn u-olonrs. Now like cloowns. and now e\oning being chilly ]t 1 like domes now like flashing nets, iv to take considerable f jind now Ike streamers of idlk now 'â- 'i r to be comfortable, j jiko banners, and now like arches- â€" â- .â- !v miller"' and all the these welcome guests make anight wrre well patronized, bo.iutiful. Rowdyism.â€" A most di.=graceful vd- i-e i;; ^;il],' il :;U'l]:ii' nf fir-lr.ut, :â- readily sol-d and ice â- ipnsr-d of, and a gnpjl Spvllt. â- ;: in full blast, at Mc -cijUfntly everything 1 '.t lengths and go-; 1 pciato in value, will lo OI, ami a gnr.ii ^^^uuken prawl took Jace in this vjf- Proceeds $27. i j,,,^; ]ast Friday night, when a num- ber of our young men, Jrom whom in j we would expect better things, became; j^^,^ i^hoemaker E ds intoxicated and raised a fearfulracketi jg",. ^yya. Noble, 1 A FKV.- SPKCI.'.L LINES. ' nt 10c. Y'tir vJ. •k 'â- 25 GonaslO to 15 " "r,-.!i:is lOf. -per. V'l. i :o-ic! y 7 to '2'c per ].r. ' "A rs 1 to 2-jc •' â- "' " lifilf price. ';. I'elt Hats 50c each 1-^ at, cost. Slimmer 3Idleucry at cost. 'o.--iiiop(ilif.a:i Sliort- is at hand. Coll- iery, George C on our sireets to tbe great annoyance of eitizeiiB desirous oi' resiing peace- fully in midnjglit shimbers. W.f) are strongly inclined to give the P-Auxes of tlie parties, but forbear this tiipej but remember boyc. if such a disgraceful occurrence sliculd he ropcate.d. every' name will be published rtganl;I,oss of I.,'.,- G; I ' of Canada Commons •â- â- ;b.t('ri)il matter, n-^.ws 1 lif'd Sbortband after illustrations by Wm. ivton.'iist of (/rip. Alto- ly creditable n.uiuber. ii umber. '^f-~ ' ' "'â- i"i.-:,istrous confla ^^;ook jlac,. ni: l^i-othn Station N bn.Oi' '"f Pitnam [•'â- frit 1, fv 10 ct ra- on poarance of Ms building by painting the Iront.. Maik Wiil. Arin«trong are buisy fitting up tihe matihtnery in thoir tur- ning factory. A car^'f macjiiuery W9,s nn!oaded.a^ ibe sUiion on .Monda,y for them. The .Sab.baiili ;£cho6l erscursion on Wednesday, ifrosa Flesherton nud Markdale was -sseJl patronised. The day was beaufcifal .and all parties ap- peared to erjoy jthemselves to the fall There wea^.e sev^ew c^aches.comfortably filled, and the nunctber would doubt- less have ibeeu •gietitly augmented had it been properly advertised. We knew nothiujj (Of tiie .arrangement un- til after our last assue was published or we would baye;gladly given anotice. A nE.^R?T.Ess DiueHTEE.â€" Cue day last week MaggiCj a daughter of Hill, who is employed as hostler at the Middaugh House, .decamped for the States -^-jtb $285 !of :ber father' hard earning.6.. Hilil liad a payment to malie on a mortgage .in a few mouths of §250, find had :this amount saved for the purpose. Tbe f,irl who is only about fifteen old, left by the morning train., her lather suspect- ed nothing until ^e afternoon, when one of the train ibands mentioned to him the fictj .oif liis .daughter being on tUe train. It in oonjectui^ea that the girl has beeij instigated t com- mit tiie rash au4 unnatural act, by a de^^Lmlng perocn.. Tbe poor gii I will likely pay deafly for her f^lly and her uituuate eoad is ii'^t liard to imagine. Hiil was a kind fif'd idulgent parent, perhaps -too .luucli so. â€" Vurjtain LhrviUi:le. Fire at Sflr^.BuitNK, Aug. 13. â€" On Saturday nit;.lit st lialf pasi eeight a fire sty r tod in Noble's bakery, situat- ed in the centre of tlie business poi-- tion of the vilbage. A grea-t' confla- grate nx seemed imminent, but by tiie strenuous efforts of the citizens tlie arc v;.a«s by midnight under control, the buildings consumed were occupied by F. a. C-ampbell, grocer R. Bes- Needham, jewel- baker Chas. Ad- dis )n, slioemaker Wm. McKee, sboe- mulier F. G. Dunbar, conveyancer. In^urance â€" Wm. Jelly, on building, §800, an tbe "Western Campbell, on stock, $1,750 in the Northern, $1,500 in the Sovereign, $1,500 in the Gore MuUial H. Besley.on Bnilding.$800 in the Economical Mutuiil J. J.. Middleton, on buildiugs,«1.206 m tbe Soverign Wiji. Noble, on stock and furniture, $500 in the Scottish Im- perial Wm. McKee, on slock, $300 in the Scottish Imperial Chas. Ad- dison, on stock and furniture, $400 m Jb" X^E feUER^TOlV Dry 608^, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Pxovioions, c. .Stock kept full and well assorted with new :â- goods received every week. â- ^ ' *â- -o^ â€" MY BRANCH STORE AT EUGENIA replscisbed with new goods every week. For sale cheap for cash or produca. My Saw mill, Shingle Factoty, and Lime Kiln AT LITTLE FALLS, AEE m OPEEATIOX. All kinds Saw o$;s bought at the lilil or sawn on shares. o I.Lumbc!' Latk, Broom ISaiadlcs, Shingles and ILime for sale. BJ'CKLEN'S AENIGA SALVE. The best'salve in the worM for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Ilheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, CoruSjand all Siiin Eruptions, and Positively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. Turner Co To all who are suflferins from the errors and indiscretions ct youth, ner " ons vreak- iiess, early, decay, lo-!S of manhood, tc.,I will send areceipe thtt will cure you, FBEE OF CHAliGE. This great Remedy -nas dis- covered by a missiouarj' in South America. Send a felf-addi-essi d en' elope to Rev. Joseph T. Ixma.n' Utaiion D, Xcw I'urk CUij. GEORGE WILSOIJ. Wholesale and Retail F^leslier-toii Station STEAM GRIST MILL GEO. MOOBHOOSE. Gristing Chopping In a satisfactory manner, EVERYW0RKIN6DAY. BUTCHEKI BEEF, PORK OR MUTTON SUPPLIED, from a single pound to a vhoJe caicaso, at the lowest market price.s. FISH FOWL IN THEIR SEASON Farmers having Fa; Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to of will do well to call at No. 3 Burns' Block, opposite the new Union Block. Markdale, Oct. 2otli, Ifial consequences. Cantifcin Webb's death has breyglit out tiie statement tliat Bo.vton .once conceived the plan of flo.itmg down tlie Niagara rapids in lii« i-ui^oer suit. But with more caution tiiau y^ehh exhibited, he rnarl'^^i ^T^^ iiumbej^ed the (jore Mutual, several itiilroad I405 a^d sent tiiem adoat ab.ove i;Ue ,bridge. When they weie recovjered 'beloy iiie whirlpool and Boyt,w ,5aw the ug:ly dents ^and scars u])on -tbem be wjseiy tVifued Lis back .\ipou Nirga'a. These si,ncidsg,on account 0/ finaiic).ii"l Ai^^ulty remind us of tbe anecdote of .Joliuson, who may have Tlie saw ma' i belong- fbe^n brutal jn bis criticism, but vvho ana Friday. Sept. 27th tsd 28th. Imor., roo-ether wiSa told the .ujith nevertheless. "Sup- Af.i£iiKsiAâ€" At PrictviUe, on llie 0th Oc- ' f-el of lumber, was i pQ£e,".Baid gowell, "a ma» has been tobe,r. â- ' c 1. Tlje wc^ik of de- auilty ot a f.aud that he was ceriaui PaoioK.-At Dtmdalh Oct. 4th and oth. "-i -ViL-: i vrapidandcornplete. i'wourd be fourd out, would not suicide HoLLAKD.-At. Chatsworth, ou tiie qth oi "â- n- ^ci, liiat tlie iire.originat- ibe ijnstifia^ie?" '%o, sir." was John- 1 OAtcbt^r. Y' '-f -li^'ke stack. -The -jniU 'ee'i iiiM:;!nt:, but the m^n b,ad T. C. B. RAILWAY. TIME TABLE. â€" â€" Flour, Bran, and general mill always on hand. feed, CASH for WHEAT. JWptNmoQlD- HOW LOST, ^OW ^ESTOfiED /^~^ "^^« liayc ]x-L-eiit]y ijiihlisJied a new 5^^ ledition of I).-. CuLVEKwi. 1 L-s Cele- Sth, 1882, AGrJCULTURAL EHIBITIONS SooT^ Grey. At Durham, Tuesday and 'Wednesday, Sept. 2.5th and 26th, f Kpvi.NciAL. At Guelph, u:om September 241^ to Sept 29th. Industuial. â€" At Toronto, Irom the Ilth Stpt. to the 22ud Sept. K.4ST GiiiiY. â€" At Fl«^slierton. Tuesday and' Wednesday, Oct. 2nd and 3rd. Glenelg. â€" At Markdale, ou Thursday On and after Monday, June trains jvill run as/ollow.s aOIXf) N TH. Rend Down. A.v. ' p M. 7 80 9 05 9 55 Vi 20 2 2,5 11 50 12 06 1 30 y.M. 4 25 Toronto 6 Of Cahdwell. Jdxc. G 4;'» )kangeviij.e ti 4i Mount Fouesi.. LO 15 Teeswates .... '^^ 1) F. ESHEKl'OS .. 8 45 MabkdaijE 9 55 Owen ;)OCND P.M. GOING SOUTH Rtad Up. 9 10 7 31 (5 ro 4 30 2 4.5 4 47 4 30 3 10 P.M. ;r..i.TED Jiss/.Y ou the viiJ.icai jiiid permanent cure (without mcdiciiir) of Ner- vous Debility, Mental nud Physical incapaci- ty, Imr^diments to Mairiagc, dc.. retuitiuLr from excesses. J-^ET- Prictj, in sealed enveloMe, only 6 cents or two postage stamjis. " " ' The celebrated autJior, in this admirable Essay, dearly demonstrates, fiom thirtv years' succr.-sful practice, thai alarming con- sequences may be radically ci:red wiihout the dangerous use of internal medicines or the use of the knife pointing out a mode of euro at once smiple, certain and eiioctual, bv meaiis of which every sufferer, lio matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically" tis='This Lecture should bo in the hands o every youth and every man in the laud. Address The Oylvemsll M^iml GOi. P.O. box 450 -11 Aa»»« St., JÂ¥fw I'oi-k 110-62. A.M. 1 lu 45 9 05 8 27 G 30 5 00 6 4:S) 271 5 151 A.M. 1 A Mixed Tr^in will /ilso run lietweea Tor- onto and Owen Sound. See Time Table. D. McNicon,. Edmund 'Wk^ggk. Gen. Pass. Afit. Geuercil Manager ^tuijiier. v,-hcn the ii^e wfis dis- u\i\ '^tliirg was saved, tbe J 'â- "'â- 'H'lion was 80ir;3«pif' The 14 b? liFavy as there -was only J!^arativelv smaU amount of ia- ^^^- .^ P.licy for $800 bad jpst.^ ""â- ^'lliy tiio Standard Insur-'v.ny, n tbe lombpr. We j^°' /ieaid \\'hat tbe ioiaX logs- Kvi '^^ section m$^ Buoceeded roton Station., IjfEuRlib Church Garden P»rty J- lUvid MadilFS-l|i|*ey,-pif *;^EvoDiDg. wasa #«na sttc- instifiaT'ie sosn'5 burly j^riswer. "la ^at case^ letjjjm goio80ir,e country were he is* ©ot knowjj ^nJ jjot to lhedevil,sir, yjv^-e he is |:n(ryii " EiiNCAKDiNE, Aug. 13- ^Dr.. McGre- gor, who pi-actised iit Riplev biit hvea« |ere with his wifn, was foijud about half cast seven this evening m rtiar of the E)5J» Hotel wit his throat cnt, iyin-' In a jjool 01 olood qnj^ '^^"^•jl mall klJife waff opew ^t m 8i^e.;i».na *i uew^B^oMr ti'as in ftw po«ket Koeanse is known for s an ""'j'^- ,,. !^ V. r will Oe hell EtjThrabia.â€" At Bocklyn, on tbe I6th of THE IIJLL FIEE AT MIDLAND. lAvDi^hmfr Aug^. ., ll^^Tbe British Canadian Jninber ddmpaity's new mill which with about 6*, OOp^OpO feet of bamberaud seven' tetieifientrli**"**' of the coinpany whs totally destroyed by the'fir^ lirst wetl?; Ii»dra,capacil3fs. wf 75,000; ;^;jer. S^if ii^V mi men aca (lirdwn ooit^^oif The lotM is-astiEfistdd ^^ inw^raMiie ixibi _. "M^ ' LiBica8liire,$l2.500;nW»8lfe!rtf,^ 000 British America, $5,000. **r- A TRIO OF TRIPLETS. A number of ladies at Philadelphia and New York spendingthe snmtner^t Is tan d Heifjhts are actively engaged in raising (fOiiatioBK of money ^od clothibs tor.a Mrs. Johnston, rssichiig in a sinal^«ottage at that place, who baB jast given birth to the third pet uf ti-j|)lei^. The latest arriyals-^ro three cht^j^Wt cowing .chilir«i, the very =pe'tar^» cf iieallifaiâ€" and all girk The iiMii^^l:iB^' way that they are distinguisheI ^lea^teob otor7B,by ttiidr ctptbwg, •;ic n .Hafe i â- V â- â- â- â- â- $500 Reward We will piiy the above reward for aiiy case r.f Liver Complamt, Dys^pcpsia, Sick Heau- Hche, Imligestion. Contipation or Costive- ness we cannot cure with West's VeRetablc Liver Pills, when the directions are btrictlv complied with. They are purely Yegetable, and never fail to Kive satisfaction. Su^tar C^oated, Large Boxes, containing 30 Pihs, 25 cts. For sale by all Brnggista. Beware of counterfeits and immitatioi's. The genu- ine manufrtctured only bv JOHN C. WEST A CO.. "The Pill Makers;" PI t3 King St. East, Toronto Ont. Free trial ji.^ckage stnt by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. For sale at Turner Co. Ii-ug Store. }m^ Advertise in tbe STAtQARb, i-i f 1 NOW 18 THE TIME IQ. SAVE MONEY By bnyiug firslxlass Sewing Machinea from C. Treadgold, who has a good-sapply on baud fei- Bale. His sacvess in th6'pa.--'t luts more than met his hightist hopes tMidlie.atlUl ImjIs corivineed -tiiat iii order to bajld op a solid bosipe^iS it is iiecessar:^ to offer ^ood articles for sale as nothing else wju ^tazid. t}t« test of a didcerttiug public. All Mncis ql' sewing machiiie Bhattles, needtes. 6D. and oter le q^aiHJfo required ia the sewing machine l^us uess can be-sappUed byhim. ".. ;; BejalsQ d(^;in tiie Imding crgana «f the ^ji^KU^ aa Ag feaJtiM Maa;^* ^Fdly jovited id %p|ffy w(^ 149 54 Jiark-iale, P. Q. i'"' said isrf u ffiar ot y°' c!«i»-