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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 16 Aug 1883, p. 3

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 ^7 ^l^r her '" Idol ,11, • °«i' ai ,K 1 PP08« she etf^H ^ing, but the sight of me 80 that I drd ould hear it boundii until fanally it u.. me ten minutes fnl eft my hand until very time it bouncy er I seemed to say 2 there ac.i there; :i3 were Apaches t| ad' and I knew, taj 5 i ^oodthirstiethj it of oomsthing, aJ iask out of my brei oward them. Th Qife stopped wheeli a minute that IDS, and that I had| blamed fool I was t enough care of lag I kne\ it slipp med to flinders on t ,-cTythin;? was pla :innod up the rope I 3ut of the snarl a.-* ake two ropes, on le other •./as. i ong enough to ba 1 down I came lil ;hen footed it back I it a new outfit an o.â€"An Awful Lui SUSCELI* A.NKOT7S. Cnstcms receipts at New York for 'â- ' m, reduction on account of the rfe?-nEÂ¥S\-3«MaBuW* J. V sho* r; tariff. to establish a system of tramways i ' and including a clause for the in of £100,000 in aid of emi- been introduced in the English ,^e of Commons. UrelaiKi' j.monstration took place recently Li '^â- ^^"^of resistance by Bradlaugh' was falzar Square, London, in favor of ' There were 30,000 present, and eh- • • Copies of the resolutions were ^^0 Hff ^^^J^^'^y- â- ^^â- "' GHadstone, and ;Jeaker of the House. I'l Siiaftesbury is no pessimist. He ""t tjia* notwithstanding " the enormous ^*j" of infidelity and scepticism, there f was so determined an efifort to ad- â-  jjjg kingdom of Christ, so much res- 'â- f: J (hf; human race, and so great a â-  to look upon the poorest sort, and "hem from their misery." letter to His Holiness President |L ^bile justifying the position taken •V' j-jench against the attacks of the declares that France has no inten- ^[â- 'ai warring against; the Church, and :„ t},at an agreement will be arrived at u-ieenhis Government and the Vatican. f' Bother enthusiast is anxious to try his r. jt the Whirlpool. It is to be hoped tns will be taken to prevent any further -empts to fight the whirlpool. There is 'ack of fools, apparently, but they should :.'bUlIowed to throw away their live [••'essly, however valueless such lives may '-e attempted insurrection at Badajoz "^zzled oat. The garrison seized the in the fortress, and proclaimed a Re- c They were not, however, supported J; e inhabitants. The leader of the re- [•'was a ccloael of cavalry. Authority I'been restored and everything is tran- Britiih Colonial Mmister has received Ttiie Australian Agents General in Lon- " statement that, on account of the ex- :ce ci anarchy and the danger of the f or- oa of a French penal settlement, Aus- ii desires the annexation of a portion of Guinea, and a portion of the ad jacetit The papsr is favorably commented [ly some of the London papers. 'exc.-.anae contains a jiumorous account Service in a Presbyterian kirk at which â- - assisted. The minister hinted that its shoiil-l turn it out, yet none of the ..'iticii responded to the appeal. So "ivjrtiiv divine proceeded to the task â-  anVi then delivered his sermon. The [â- --, r.ov.ever, J.oos not state that the text fl; .li^CL ;ii Kii;g^ viii, 13, quod .0-U-i; vilia^' r^rson last Sunday an- :.:eed t^: ' "a p/aycr-meeting v/ill be n-.tzcta a: iialf-past seven o'clock next .^ay ir.crni^-,' uml icill be continued for ';;o;i;,'i^.' liival churches must look to :;.- laurels. Even the long windednoss of Rev, Mr, Sixteenthly -would be sorely i at a tv.'O months' prayer meeting. Per- reature the occasion is meant for the in- ctica Ci some brother who can pray 'j;:aout ctasiDg." lAxusical vrcn ler is exhibited in London :: ::i!kd th 3 eauina. The notes are produced gb, t-.vilveoi -w-iioniare seated in a row â- ilealon^ box. Keys on the outer board :;;n;cate with wires, which touch each lai'ihead, and when theperformerstrikes v:ry, and tlie contact warns the dog, a [:::;, a yei' a bark, or a bass growl is the b.tse, Tne harmony is defective, but the 1;:::}U3 training has given the strange or- -::i:. ;.r..'.cvateiv tuneful facility. "â- .:t :s c::e, even if he be at "uome in â- t:i2A: h:!i;ua3e, to make of an entref. ::.ed "i'alaio de bu.'uf en allumettes/' â- ;., a palaue of beef in lucifer matches heard oi lucifer making a good --:;c to a piat, though that plat might i^pen to !;:â-  a l;eef palace and yet we saw pti'r:- figuring as one ia a publi* a6/e the o:::er day, and wondered who â- '.^eout or composed the menu, and also [â- -â- -..-.â-  thj cv 'could be a Frenchman. f::c of Carey, the informer, has J-^".: to r:;iu 1 the Nemisis which followed |-; -this more notorious predecessors iu aae l:r.e. Ic is curious that Ireland, â- ' the i;.i..rmer is looked upon with p ioiithing taau perhaps in any other "V, should produce such a prolific '•- o: these creatures, who, however use- -^yn-.ay be, are certainly not desirable [•iitiiice for honest people. At the -;a.ctir.-.e, tiieir crime does cot palliate ' •â- â- '•.5 of those who think it pat; iotic to -Ue worhj of their presence, •-ca^u Eo lai'dator temporis acti, the ad- 'â- â- Â« harvest time to a fanfare of Earuean {^i llccds does imbue one with envious ••f-tions (,t the "rood old times " when, '•-* poet Young sings. Mother Earth, fpa:t v.-;th food for man, was sweetly "'i "with breath Favonian, from warm ^^«rs of the South." And to turn from 'i'l-'ture to the meteorological arrange- â- "S;ch Vertumnus presents to us this ' is to realize that either ' ' the times ^.•r'Oijoict," or that old Time's seasons --cir.ity are equally subject to muta- â- -" way, \That funny names the French ?â-  J to seme of their dishes to be sure *â- â-  'or instance, " Vol au-vent a la finan- " "propoi of which we once heard M^^Kdingly v,-itty illustration. We had f- 1 young lady into dinner, and the J-sation fell upon France, when at that );;J2t this- rliEh was handed to her. We Mr if she could give him a sensible -atioa of such a title, as he could not " c: one, and after a few moments' hesi- " Sesaid: "I suppose it would be fly- f '^^ ""i a^ter an heiress." Wits '"'^6 out much can make a note of this. t^Hrothers became engaged to sisters of ?-borag family in Kentucky. The par- J^ctioned the first engagement, but ijlJ' ]o the second. The younger of the l^ determined to elope. One night J °^g man met a veiled girl whom he {;*1 to be his affianced in a picturegque r»»(i drove ofiF with her in a boggy- kj??' ione very far when he discOver- L, ^is companion was the desired one's ^*ao had overheard them when tjxey H^;." elopement, and had cotoe before Wmted time to perpetrate a joke. â- ^â„¢g the humor of the aitaation, the youasi lorer propoeed to marrv her and 8he consenting. ^thS^ere ^Si"' ^e wKl"*t" *? H**^ huowton. turn, to cfS^T" " "" aister-in-Uw. ?^ho ao- .♦„y^ ^° °°* remember to have seen it stated upon what authority Mr. Beckwith bases hu claim to be the champion swimmer of England. "One Who Kno4^ " says that hifl title to that position is not of the clear- Mt, and that in Enjjland it is perfectly well- known that Jones, of Leeds, can give him a long start and then win but that the latter ?***P* ^8 retired, and B-Jckwith claims to Jr® P^nipion because he wiU not come forth -from that retirement. Oar in- formant has apparently had many opportun- ities of se^inu Beckwith in the water in Lon- don and elsewhere, and readily grants that he IS a good and clever ornamental swimmer, though Miaa Beckwith is considered the more graceful of the two. But, says the gentlemen referred to, "I hope Canadians ^u .^â„¢^"°ai»s will not swallow the tale that Beckwith is our champion swimmer on his own ipse dixit, for we have more than one who can beat him hollow at a distance." The Roman Catholic Bishop of Para and Amazonas, whose diocese includes the valley of the Amazon, has a plan for evangelizing the wild tribes along that mighty river. He Eroposes to construct a large ship. It will e suberbly decorated, and so contrived as to serve as a church. The most precious woods with which the Amazon region abounds will wainscot the interior. The floating cathedral will possess its pulpit and confessional, its organ and baptismal font, and all the church furniture requisite for a splendid exercise of Catholic rites. The Bishop hopes to make it, by reason of its elegance and splendor, "an object of just pride and glory to the Amazonas and of edi- fication to the whole Christian world." Pro- pelled by steam and drawing but little water, it will carry the zealous missionaries along the natural highway to the most dis- tant parts of the country, as far as Bolivia and Peru, Ecuador and Colombia and Vene- zuela, and even to the most distant Europe- an colonies of Guiana. " Knowledge is poiper,' said Lord Bacon, but we doubt if even his very learned lordship was ever aware of the tremendous power contained in a thorough knowledge of the snobbishness of mankind. Poor Tom Moore was not the only man who "dearly loved a lord." The Canadian papers have been full of particulars of an English swindler who has lately been "doing " the smart Can- ucks wholesale, simply by playingontheir love of all that pertains to blue blood. He called himself by the most aristocratic names said that he was the son of an earl, a duke, of we know not whom, and talked so de- lightfully of high life in England that he found ready admittance to some good Dom- inion circles. Albeit he met his match once or twice, and got a most unceremonious conqe. Had he not, it is allowed, indulged in the most delicious gossip about society at " h)me in England," he would never have come over his snobbish dupes but as he was able to give minute particulars of the ways and doings of "the old nobilitee," he was taken to the very hearts of several families. We wonder if he obtaine-d his knowledge of things aristocratic, as did a br.tther swindler who some years ago " had " the "gawks "on a similar "lay," Thislattsr hal been valet to an English lord A private letter from London says that the fading season is bravely maintained by the presence of m.any Americans, " Good Americans," Mr. Lowell says, " when they die, go to Paris," but many of them previous- ly go to London. The lobby of the House of Commons, says ou?- informant, is be- coming a great resort of the mala members cf the family. Amongst others who have been there lately is Mr. Garatt, Pfesid:ntof the Baltimore and Ohio Railway. Mr. Garatt has just earned distinction in a characteristic manner. When in Italy last year he had an interview with King Hum- bert, who, recognizing a brother sovereign, paid him many courtesies, Mr, Garatt de- voted some time to consideration of how he would worthily repay this kindness. At last he had a happy thought. King Humbert, like his father Victor Emmanuel, is very fond of horses. Mr. Garatt was possessed of an almost priceless animal, an Arab steed, said to be the finest horso in the world. Certainly Mr. Garatt had £0,000 ofiferedfor it, which, considering it is neither a racer noratrotter is pretty well. He determined to ofTer "Damascus" to the King. So delighted is his Majesty with the present, and so profound is his admiration for the beautiful horse, that he means to have a model of it, life size, carved in pure marble. It is not always safe to quote withoui first intimating that you are going to do so,^ It is not very long since a member of the Eng- lish House of Commons called dfrn upon his head the thunders of authority by saying that "some damned good-natured friend " had told him so and so. Of course when he explained that he was only quoting from Sheridan, nothing further could be said, and laughter took the place of denunciation. We are reminded of this incident by some- thing which happened in a house where we were visiting not long ago. He was in the drawing-room waiting for a summons to luncheon, when from below there issued an appalling sound as of the smash of a whole trayful of glass and crockery. All w-ere either relations or intimate friends, so, ladies included, all ran down to see what had hap- pened. Some of the children were dancing round the wreck in huge glee, and were promptly accused by the hostess of domg the damage. But mine host arrived at once at the conclusion that the maid was the cul- prit. and had fled in hopes that the blame would be laid upon the youngstersâ€" as was the case. And that wicked paterfamilias cried aloud in his wrath: "Destructible, damnable, deceitful woman!" Horror on all sides, indignant prcrtestations from the ladies, and no condonation of that atrocious language, until mine host, astomahed at the tenfpert he had created, explained that his words were neitiier his own, nor were they personal, but merely a quotation from the poet Otway Then a calm of despair, and a picking up of the pie ces. Chinese ingenuity^ has invented a new plan of prot«ctin? carrier pigeons from birds of prey. A whistle, copiatangof t?n am^ uLL tube.,.is,by meana ofj thre^^ wh^ T^f**! Witat fb* World af QrMKt.roliK ajc* Sagnac and Jbolnf. The texu of the Earl tf E^mc are travel- ling through Wales in gypsy caravwu and camping in the open air. Mrs. Sarah Lippincol); (Grace Greenwood) IS said to be in London engaged in writing a biography of Queen Victoria. William Black says that to feel as well- dressed as the other women roond her sets any woman at ease, but to feel better dresaed adds radiance to that ease. Rosa Bonhenr, in her sixty-first year, lives retired as ever, dresses in serai -mascnUne garments, and paints continnonsly. Of two descendants of Martin Liuther whose lineage is undoubted, and who bear his name, one is a carpenter of ^^oster AUendorf, and the other a theological student in the university of Jena. The King of Bavaria is building a seclnded palace for himself, which he intends shall be ihe most elegant, commodious and mag niflcent human abode on earth, and with the largest banqueting hall. Mr. Burne Jones, the great coloristdmong living British painters, has not humbled hiniself to design a curtain for the back of a piano. The work is outlined in crewels, and has been publicly exhibited. Lady Wilde is tall, large, and usually dressed with a tendency towards her son's aestheticism. When she gives a reception in the day-time, she shuts out all sunlight, and by means of red shades on the gas throws a soft pink glow over everything. Lord Salisbury is going himself to farm several of his farms now vacant. Close by the ^raad entrance of his ancestral Hatfield House, one of the grandest places in Great Britain, is a row of cottages that would dis- grace an impoverished Irish landlord. The death of King Mtesa of Unganda re- moves a very picturesque African potentate. His chair used to be placed on a leopard skin in the hall of audience, so that the hind claws served as a footstool, while the tail stretched along the floor in front. A num- ber of charmii and a tusk were piled in a heap beside him, and his Grand Vizier and other courtiers were constantly employed in smoothing aciwn the creases in his trousers. The late Khedive sent two sheikhs to con- vert him to Mohammedanism, but in vain. At the ball in Paris Millionaire Mackay hired the King of Sweden to dance with the American ladies, paying hiai §1,000 an hour for the work. The Prince of Wales tele- graphed for an invitation, but was refused. Several descendants of the Buonaparte party who attempted to climb in through the win- dows were thrown into the basin of the fountain. This information is from an account in the Nevada Appeal, ' ' based on reasonableness and an intimate knowledj;e of Mackay," The Itev, Dr, Wordsworth, for many years Bishop cf Lincoln, and well known as a Biblical commentator, has resigned in his seventy-sixth year, because of tailing phy- sical health, and " espcciaiiy because I am overburdened with a sense cf solemn re- sponsibility for the spiritual welfare of the county of Nottingham, particularly of its great town containing a population of two hundred thousand souls, and requiring the vigilance and energy of a bishop in full vigor of mind and boiy." Lord L?ndesborough, who recently took a party of actors and actresses, including some Americans, on his drag into the country for a rural feast, has a fancy for mimetic ani- mals, and keeps in his residence in Berkeley square a wonderful monkey and a black squirrel from the Rocky Mountains, which are great artists in their line. His blue drag, with a team of two browns and two grays, is a London institution, and may be seen regularly at Lord's, Henley, and all the racing meets. He was an occasional com- panion of the late Dundreary Sothem, but when he heard that his brother-in-law, the Duke of Beaufort, was going with Sothern on a fishing expedition for months, he re- marked, "Very pleasant for three hours, but not for three months." A long letter from Leigh Hunt to Robert Brownin? appears iu one of our foreign con- temporaries. The writer j ustly accuses him- self of "terribly digressing," and promises that in future his letters shall be " of reason- able dimensions," if Mr, Browning encour- aged him " with a few words in answer to them," About two-thirds of the commun- ication is occupied with extravagant praise of Mrs, Browning's Aurora Leigh, and with first and last lines (or half-Unes) of the pas- sages that Hunt most liked m Robert Brown- ing's poems, " Did it ever strike you," he asks, "how frightful it would be to be wholly prosperous and happy â€" happy all your life I think or fancy it would have made me look upon myself as a sort of out- cast from the general lot and its claims, doomed to perish wholly and be put out, as a thing completed and done with. I'he in- completeness argued against us all here is surely our claim hereafter â€" incompleteness of jcy, incompleteness of knowledge, incom- pleteness of nature. I think God means to round all these things in human want and aspiration, just as Ko rounds orbs or oranges. He does not incomplete anything else. Why should He leave us poor and anxious imperfections incomplete " i^ i III â€" â€" .-^ The Wide, Wide World, LiM.i, Republic of Peru. â€" Senor A. de Li E. Dilgado, L. L. D. and Counsellor, Tribunal of Justice, Lima, Republic of Peru, says: One single application of S t. Jacobs Oil, cured me completely of rheumatic pains in my left arm. I recommended it to two of my friends, the Mr?. Donna Juana Garcia, widow, and Mr. D. Herman Decker a Ger- man gentleman. Lladaai Garcia was reliev- ed entirely by the pain-cure from terrible neuralgic pains cf ten months standing Mr. Decker was cured of inexplicable pains by a single application of the cure. My brother used the greiat remedy for a species of par- alysis of the arm. He was entirely relieved from his ailment by one or two applications, after having tried numberliess other rem- edies withoutefifect. the tubes produce- â-  â€" aaid that birds of prey ate thus kept ofiF. A gourmet expUuned the other night the reason why he alway« had a dinner of three cohnita; "I e»t tiie first." he said, "be- cao^rfULe mos^eat to liTO 4th8aoond, I eat for eating's sake, and the third I eat for the aake of drinking." U â-  i U a /,;.^T;, .â- li^; ThT rr CMnaral DaUtlty and Uyer ConsylkiBt. f ' B. y. PilQCk, M. D., Bafialo, N. Y.. DeAn Sii i Mj i i w i fe tHabiieA takiag yonr VOoUten MedioBl XNKovery" and "Fil- lets " for her liver and general debility, and has foqad them tp b« ^o^ .tnodicines. and woq|cl reoommettd^ them' to all safferers from Liver Codiplaint, Soar' Stomach, and General Debility. Yooxsfiatemally, N. £. SABMON, Pastor M. £. Qmrch, Elsah, IXL Sweden has given the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the daughter of an army officer. Bed-Bidden and Cu-ed^ W. £. HussTis, of Emporia. Kanw, si^ that his wife had been sick nearly seven years, and for the last four monuis bed- ridden. She has been treated by a nnmber of physicians and only grew worse. Her at- tention was called to Dr. Pierce's " Golden Medical Diucovery" and "Favorite Pre- scription." which she Ci^mmenoed using. In one week she could sit op, and in three weeks could walkabout. By druggists. A mimic and ventriloquist terrorized an Omaha pnson, in which ne was confined, by raising gbojtly voices at night. Young, midde-aged, or old men, suffering from neivuus debility or kindred affections, should address, with two stamps, for large treatise. World's Dispexsaey Medicai. Aa- socLiTiON, Buffalo, N. Y. Father Hyacinth will arrive in New York next month, to make a lecture tour. Corks Cobns Corxs !â€" Discovered at last a remedy that is sure, safe, painless. Putxam's Painlkss Corn Extractor never falls, never causes pain, nor even the slightest discomfort Buy Putnam's Com Extractor, and beware of many cheap, dangerous, and fle^h-earing sub- stitutes in the market. See that it is made by Poison E Co., Kingston. Six cowboys went up from Peces to Dal- las, Texas, to take the town. Four of them were taken to the cemetery in a box. Stlotc a Pin Here. It is difficult to grow old gracefully, but you can do it by using the prince of all Hair Renewers. Carboline, made from pe- troleum and guaranteed to prevent the hair from falling out. Two loads of wines have arrived at Gov- ernment house for the Marquis of Lans- downe. Important* When you visit or leave New Tork City, save Baggage Expressaga and Carriage Hire, and stop at Grand Union Hotki, opposite Grand Central Depot. 150 elegant rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollars, reduced to $1 and upwards per day. European plan. Elevator. Restaurant supplied with the best. Horse cars, stages and elevated railroads to all de- pots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other flrst-class hotel in the cit " Fifty and thirteen have just been mar- ried," is the brief anouncement Oi^er a Texan wedding. Catarrh â€" A New Treatment whereby a Permanent Cure is efiected in from one to three applications. Particulars and treatise free on receipt of stamp. A. H. Dixon Son, 305 King-St. West, Toronto, Canada. A tovn in Dakota has been named "Ouida," The nest mud-hole should be called "Zola," Cholera in Canada. The best medical authorities state tha chol- era is making rapid strides towards this contin- ent. We strongly recommend as a preventive Dr. Hoffman's German Bitters, which cleanses the system, leaving no foothold for disease. 50 cent- per bottle. All chemists have it. The girl whose beau is a telegraphist is beginning to have presentiments as to ice- cream. " When all other remedies fail" for Bowel Complaint, Colic, Cramps, Dysentery, etc., "Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry comes to the rescue," Thus writes W, H. (Jrooker, druggist, Waterdown, Jand adds that "its sales are large and increasing." (6) In the place where the mui-ders were com- mitted in Phcenix Park, Dublin, the grass for several yards is trampled out, and the two deep crosses, dug by pious hands, are almost ell'iced. A Cuke fob Ciioleka Moebus. â€" A pos- itive cure for this dangerous complaint, and for all acute or chronic forms of Bowel Com- plaint, incident to Summer and Fall, is found in Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry; to bs procured from any drug- gist. (3) The first woman to arrive in Carbonat:, Col., received an ovation, marked by sum substantial tokens of v/olcome as a town lot, a mining claim, and the m^oney with which to buy a silk dress, A Valuable Discovery, â€" One of the most valuable discoveries in medical science, for the benefit of mankind, was made when Burdock Blood Bitters were invented, This medicine postively cures all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, Skin and Blood, 25,000 bottles have been sold dur- ing the last three months. Copy of a letter received from Dr. R, R. Maitland Coffin, F.R.C.P,, c. To H. Sutherland, Esq. Having taken Suther- land's " Rheumatine " myself, I can bear testimony that it will prove a boon to per- sons who suffer from rheumatism, R. MAITLAND COFflN, F.R.C.P., c. Barton Court. S.W., May 17, 185 2. " I marry that fellow 1 " exclaimed Miss Mitinice " no I I would rather die than have him â€" that is, if I could get somebody ehe." "A. P." 1.^8 mS^TS 'Huact Ib-^ptcn our readers WIU Rhetiniatism,*'weuralgia, Sciatica, Lumtago, Backache, Headadie, Toothache, )1S9 ALE VaaX. BODILT rUM Al» AGHB. SUSbrnrailUUaiidDeblanaTerTWkcr*. n«7Caita»keta«. f ' ^^ iMnoliMalnllLaatnian. THE OHAKUES A. TMEI.EK OO. ~i iiiMiiii T""»°»'« B i iti» t r « at. ca *. ua .nst tde •nddra attacks of Cholera, CSam? Oolio, and the various Bowel Com .pUtiata mcid e n t to the eeaaoa rf ripe fruit, ve^^blea etc. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawbecry is the grand specific for those troubles. {2) " Annty, vat makes the little baby cry BO? Ooit wantits mudder?" "Yes, dear, and its fodder too I " Do not attempt to remain over night without a bottle of Dr. Fowler's extract of Wild Stmwberry near at hand. This is the aeaaon for Bowel Complaints, Cklic, Cholera Morbas. etc. and the remedy above named is tbe unfailing specific. ^5) A jury in London forbade a woman the administration of her own afihirs because of the peculiar bird-like formation of her head, which they believed was an indication of in- sanity. Practise economy by using the Triangle Dyes. Perfect in both dark and light shades. Ask for three cornered package, 10 cents. When a woman smiles from ear to ear. it's real mean to say that her mouth goes back on her. TOKONTO InDOSTSIAL EXHIBITICN.â€" The advertisement of this exhibition, popularly known as "Canada's Great Fair" appears in another column. It will take place this year from the 11th to 22nd September. Prize lists will be sent to anyone requiring them by dropping a post card to Mr. Hill,' the manager at Toronto. All entries must be made on or before the 25th August, The prizes for live stock, agricultural and dairy products, and ladies' and children's work, are very liberal, and large piizes are offered for horseback riding and driving by ladies. The special attractions this year will'be numerous and of a novel character. Full particulars oi all the special features in con- nection with the great fair will be published in programmes shortly. An electric railway, baloon ascensions by a lady aeronaut and electric lights are among them. Others aie being arranged for. Cheap rates and excur* sions will be granted on all the railways. This will be the beat time to visit Toronto, an d take in the exhibition at the same time. OULDINGS, Picture Frames,- Mirrors and Picture Findings generally. Trade sup plied. MATTHEWS BROS.CO..TorontO' ONTARIO VETERIMARV: COLLEGE, TO RONTO. Students can enter from Octo ber until January. PROF. SMITH, V. S. Edio. Principal. Fees, flftr dollars^ COUNXKY STOKE-KEEPEIU.â€" ISave money by using the celebrated Walker Butter Worker all sizes in stock prices on applica- tion to JAMES PARK SON, il to 17 St. Lawrence Mar ket, Toronto. AlflFlCIlL LIMBS g^EAT^r^g^r^ able. Light, Elastic, and Cheap. First prize at Provincial Exhibition, London. Testimonials on application. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address, J. DOAN SON. Drayton. Ont. Gait Collegiate Institute, Gait, Ont. Antnma Turm commences Sept, Ist. Staff of Specialists in every department, Prepara- tion for Iiaw, Medicine, and Universities, and commercial life. Classes for teachers' certifi- cates of all grades. Unsurpassed facilities for cricket, football, and boating. Excellent super- vision for younger pupils. Feas ^14 a year. For institute announcement, address Principal, JOH.V E. BRYAXT, M.A. M S2ii A FORTUMl Act one who will return tbis jlip lo ;h6 adJrikiB below, w'.ih 50 eenis la 4Uin:pa or coin, will recPive 4 urticI'S worth 10 U::-o* fiO ct8.,wliich will enable tliem to clear frnn i-j to S'JO per -weet. Honey rcludei] to anv o:;-.' d!' s.Jliit..l. Dominion Line of Steamships Running in connection with the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. Sailing from Quebec every Saturday during the summer months, and from Portland every alternate Thursday durmg the winter months. Sailing dates from Quebec:â€" Montreal, 4tU Ang, Ontario, lltli " *Oregon, 18tli " Dominion, 25tli Ans, Toronto, l»«t Sept, *8aruia, 8th " Ratesof passage Cabin, Quebec to Liverpool, ?50, 860, $65, ?80 return, $90, $108, $117, $U4, according to steamer and berth. Intermediate, $10. Steerage, $21. The saloons and staterooms in steamers markod thu#: are amidships, where but little motion is felt, and no cattle or sheep are carried on them. For further particu lars apply to any Grand Trunk Railway Agent or local agents of the Company, or to DAVID TOKBANCE £ CO., General Agents. Montreal CANADA'S (JREAT FAIR THE POPULAR £2 3s: £» o s X "a? X o 3Kr of Live Stock, Agricultural and Industrial Pro ducts. Fine Arts, and Ladies' Work, c. TOROHTO, SEPT. nth to 2M, 1883. The programme of special features and novel* ties will be the best yet presented by this asso- ciation. Prize Lists and Entry Forms can be obtained from the Secretaries of all Agricultural Socie- ties and Mechanies' Institutes, or they will be sent anywhere on application by post card to the Secretary at Toronto. eS" Entries should be made at once. Cbc.ap Rates and Excnrsfons on nil Railways The best time to visit the city of Toronto. J. J. WITHROW, H. J. HILL, President. Manager and Secretary. THE GREAT CURE FOR RHEUMATISM And all compl^ltnts of a Rhanmatie nature, â-  RJiEUMATINI is not a tovaeizn remedv tat "aiX the ills that flesh is heir toTtnX for NEU- RALGIAy SCIAliai. KHEltIATISM. ana mmrlninti of Rhenwatie aafWt. " " ITJ8 A $URE CURE; Sold by all dmnristt. The Rhemnatine Man- nfaotnring Co., NiM»n Falls, Ont Messrs* Northrop s Lorman Wholesale Agts., Toronto m k .i "V ':5

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