TT^^sIf^pir^s:^?!!^?^^^^ jIISCEI'I'a.NEOtIS â- ' .-J--' -Wlf^l .!Ul,ilUJJI|j»J,l I .-.mailc men a frai 1 ^Some Mks l":|;iev are. There is an awful fuss !,out'theni sometimes, at any rate, I than ifl any case they actually L'li '^^^ ^:V" r .jia be ciitfi-alt to aay what will be '••'^^,;t of Cetewayo's death. In any found not to have been in- ,.,'iferf!hieis will take his place, â- the survival of th'e fittest will Confederate bends are thought not fforthlefcs alter all. In any case a fvlhe ' -ate has been forme dm order t* reaL'za ff^^ an" it 'â- â- i-hought that the Southern [ie-riil ha^e to pay a compositioBj at liK It is to be feared that this jend'ing"O'i money be^ag. ae»t -after Lite men have the theory that the times I'msiiiess depression come and go periodi- 1 jjjd ail laws that may be e^iacted, "or r,!j3 tiiat may be devised cannot prevent misfortuues. The time usuilly fixfed ',jin about each ten years, and if that ij^e then our next "cycle of depression" ' 3t be far away. There are already jDretty ominous indications of a time of ^jer general business depression. Jt have been hearing not a little lately •journalistic courtesies," and the lenitiea of the press. " An Iowa editor has jiiybeen heaping coals of fire upon an contemporary's head â€" more like !,;ed kerosene. " Our dear brother of the ^ji^on Gazette," he begins in the sweet- if tones, only to add in the next sen- l;e, " he will permit us to call him so, Lte says we are an ass." Intzerland and the United States have [j?ood example to other countries in their ♦to agree upon the submission to arbi- n of all their disputes with each other. jeater republic has already accepted f agreement, and the Swiss Federal As- jfy is now to act upon it. Cynical dip- ats may point out that these two coun- iiiavevery little in common to quarrel rt: but there might some day be real l:Gr tiie agreement proposed. phionable people have been going into r::es over all the grand things said, and felt the meeting m the Fishery Exhibi- r building got up to raise funds for an bih Church in Berlin. " It was so de- feal.' The heart of every Jeames pres- I'rat with gratified delight. The Prin- AVales sold tea. The Duchess of laaght kept a saloon, and, oh, it was a;te too awfully lovely to see her sell I: fruit cakes for a dollar, etc., etc. \y}-:Tse it was. Couid Apollo beat that ";iius orâ€" [.jiiies hid best undtrstand once for all ;ii:e petting of dogs and cats, in which rsomuch indulge, is quite a risky busi- Cats can take hydrophobia as well as fc, and they can communicate the same bas easily and quite as quickly. A mere '.i from a cat's claw won't necessarily madness even though the animal has l:ibies. But in most cases cats lick their p so diligently that the virus is sure to In them ready to do its appropriate fiat any time. Dear ladies, leave cats jiogs severely alone. tauleep Sin^h is going to India. Many fikno.v that this gentleman is the heir presentative of ttie old " lion of the ::ijb," He is a Christian, and receives [ieral salary from the British Government. T Oliver I wist and a good many other ticners, he is always asking for more, pin a huff at present because be has fiotwhat he wanted. He, accordingly -:i and is going to India. It is to be -lat ho ri.':neuibers he is on parole as J ij India is concerned, and can only |:T.;c:e tl_e Governor-General maj' indi- â- c • Ti hitch in the negotiations regard- ' Oio. M -phenL' scheme of Irish emi- The Jiome Government approve ar.cL.t, but the Dominion Govern- ^-diat Vj LSiume the responsibility of ^i to '-.r tidvanccd by the Imperial • 'â- J'-i-, however, hoped that the v. i i I- .-acoessfuU} tided over. In --.â- , v.u hope thai" proper steps ;--'-..i I" secure such a class of emi- ' '.. .y I '_• moat suitable and likely â- -â- 'â- â- Ld.aa'!a has no desire, any more â- -;;i:/-, f^.r paup:;r immigrants, be â- â- ;ii.:u ..r hdbh. â- vi.ry Tiiiiicuit to conceive anything â- which the following facts •• -vd look place, as stated not very 'â- A v.jung man, a Canadian, took .:ir;:.; \\- Yi^ik hotel, next morning -â- • 'â- ! -tad, a letter was left which i-'tda.^ own ai.d his father's name. The â- was ' pi-oininent preacher and doctor "•'i^ity at one time well-known in -i- An i thus ran the message from tad: 'qf the 'old boy' has so much re- r-'-or liis bou, he may send for his body ^*at the ixpense of burying it. If not, "•; sold for dissection in order to pay â- -el lill.' A whole tragedy c ,i;vic:i.ju of innocent men upon S-sof cr::ne has been of such frequent 'â- â- â- -'^i of late in Germany that the press •â- •:-' earnestly for the passage of a law r-ie iademuiticatiou at the hands of the pa.iiint in such cases. Innocent men taiustly convicted, and perhaps utter- •:oeJ thereby in fortune, have no re- "^^h.tever upon the discovery of the er- I Tae latest reported victim is a man r'^is adjudged guilty of arson last ' year I ;^- criminal court at Thorn, and senten- '0 three years' imprisonment and hard After serving over seven months of f"i"' indisputable evidence of his inno- fs 18 now discovered, and he is released rpdson u ruined man. l;*t is to be done with the opium T-^ers? The fact is unquestionable that ,-imber if such is largely on the increase, Mready some of the States have passed r against the importation of the drag. r'^-d that there arealready twenty thous- V;^eular opium smofcers in the States. I'^i ' •ery bad, but how is a remedy to I piled? The damage done by opium J^^? IS not to be compared with what is Jf?table to whiskey drinking. Why the latter not be put down by force ".iis the former? It would almost ' if a great number must have intoxi- Ml .°f some kind or other, and if one j^ denied they will inconintently fly to f^iiolera is spreading rapidly over the whole of Egypt, and the native authoritiea m nand. The vanoos ^nton fcihe aoBik 1 «xch«e?flie S^ead 'visitant, aaS rwaQQaraT "le Jiaropean ports. Spain has nanted a promptly earned out. lUly, GreecS; Turkey. "â- J • f â- -B f ' IP .y.i i£UM4. mstmcled their officers at It is deroutly to be hoped scourge may be confined to the .r.A .m ® meantime the sanitary board: and OHicers nearer home vigilant. porta of entry, that the East. can not be s t»3 The .Xreaaury Department, oi.tha U. S has just issued circulars regarding the im- portation of neat cattle, by which it appears It has been ocially determinad'^hat a.uch importalion, anhject to conditionJs, wilLnot tend to the introduction or BUsoad of bon. tagious diseases among cattle in 4he U, S. J- he prohibitory laws regardnw 4uch im- portation are therefore suspencjed^^ provided that importers shall submit to 8u«h orders and regulations as have been or msiy be pre- aei^d. All aeat cattle arriViBjc in the Umted States from -any part trf *he world except North and South America wUl be subjected to quarantine of ninety days, counting from the date of shipment. No quarantine for cattle imported from Canada is provided, Canada herself maintaining a quarantine for all imported cattle. There has an agitation been commenced with a view to bring ihe whole Ofthe tele- graphic system of the country under the con- trol of the governments of the United States and of Canada. This, it is to bs feared, would be out of the frying-pan into the fire. It would not and could not prevent strikes, while it would so add to the hordes of ofice holders as to give the Governments, for the time being, any amount of opportunity for corruption and wrong-domg. Then the rail- ways would also have to be bought up. Why all this is just what Jay Gould and his con- freres are working for. They hope to make " a big haul " and then they can go in for other ways of money making just as sure and just as oppressive. Government can do some things better than private enterprise can. But other things it cinnot, as all ex- perience makes manifest. We are always rejoiced to get a good hint from any quarter, and it is therefore satisfactory to be told that Captain Webb had been called of God to swim, and that he had therefore accomplished the work for which he was intended and fitted. He must therefore have also been intended to be also unsuccessful in swimming the whirl- pool, and as one working out God's purpose, according to the Rev. Mr. Jefifery, is not to be condemned. Yes, and the rev. gentle- man might have gone further and said no- body, however foolish or foolhardy, is to be condemned, for in doing what he did and failing as he failed, he was carrying out God's purposes. We are afraid it cannot go that length. Still there is a sense in which it may be all true. But in condemning Captain Webb for a headstrong fool may not others be also working out the purposes of Heaven Is it never to be possible to have national disputes settled by arbitration It would seem so, for the strong, the proud and the headstrong will always rebel against the decision if it go against them, while the league formed to enforce the award is al- ways liable to be broken up, and the war which was to be avoided to be precipitated and embittered through the very means taken to obviate it altogether. And yet one can scarcely give up the hope that men and nations will by and by become so wise and be so animated by the principles of good sense and enlightened Christianity as to re- ject with horror the bru*;al butcher plan so long the fashionâ€" of settling disputes by the iuternecine slaughter of multitudes who, busy as the devil is, have never had the shadow of a quarrel, and whose deaths could not in any way contribute to the solution of any possible dillioulty. We hope that the dictum of the Toronto rcaf^istrate "over the Dou,"tothee£fect that parents can be made responsible for the misconduct of their children on the puolic streets will be sustained. Sometning neeos to bo done to put down juvenile rowdyism, and that fpecially among the children or the comparatively well-to-do. Apparently many parents turn their boys to the streets to get quit of them. And how this works anvone can see. There is nothing too bad for th^se bovi to do and say. They have regular pickets to watch for the appearance ot the bobbv, while the parents take their smoke and their ease at their door steps admiring apparently the precocious wickedness ot their young hopefuls. Others who think that pandemonium let loose is not very nice for a quiet neighborhood have to grin and bear it, unless they are willing to quarrel with their neighbors and have their windows smashed and their doorsteps besmeared with filth by the rising glories of Ontario. is this the issue of all our advances in ed- ucation and religious instruction It would seem so. The more's the pity. In England, in the United States, and in Canada the number of business failures is reported to be increasing rapid y, being con- siderably larger during the hal year than for some time before. In the United States theirn market-one of the most sensitive of any in regard to general business activity -is much depressed just now and it may be tlSt the lumber market will show a fall- ing tendency next. Whatever may be the causes of these the effects are always felt ve^severelyinCanada. Ithasbeenannounc- IdThat Ihe RobertsviUe Iron inine, m Fron- tenac County, one of the largest producmg Ses i^ Cai^a, has just been closed down Ke^e^ because or the depression in the Uni^ States Iron" markets. Tfe com^-^ owning the mine is composed ot Amen^ Sn manufacturers and It is V^^^^^y^^^ good p-itirJ^-j^^^ris"im^SS M«a«*»ti with. \y^«;^tan have^ a gopd^dml^t f| rcn mice tioo 'tMH delay in «oAuecboa ^th our Canadian courts, of Justice, but cuaparing them with similar institutions in the United States there is a great deal to be thankful for. Whoever has taken niuch pains to Tfad up some important criminal cases in an American court, where there was sufficient inoney at command to keep the lawyers go- ing, mast have been surprised and disgust- ed -with the delays sure to ocoar. The celebrated Gitteau case was one in point. Never was there clearer evidence of a man's guilt, never were there more ready and re-^ spec table witnesses, never. was ^e popularf demand greater for speedy justice, and with- al the critninai. had but little "moDey at his ^ispotai with ^hiq^ 1| cari^ j|li t^e ecbirfa • of aeliy and yet a Whole yeireRps^Jb^ tween the coipmital of that gre.'it crime and tl^ «iinirtpM|3Pf tbicpritaaiaL sThe SUr Kon^'^ish amlltOKtrelttnentable iivi4!iee. I^^q^nneckkiii'j^th Ue8«» the i"dorfW!buttnatj ^Xrffi^;-^--rxr Sabir^reraxito:r;^' businessm ?he export^rade, as weU as in regard to our labor market at home. m -i.„, "What do you understand^y Teacher- What _Q J clergyman. smecure? PapU ^^^^.^ j^^^^ A man who holds a smecu teacher help Buppoj the jn^l-, ^^,^^3 was sorry that ^^ "^^'"^^th. sinecure: pdbfiic^iabofeison t" t great wrongs had been done, and the^ ^bK« treasury robbed of its tens of thousands, but tl^ criminals made themselves (ioh out of ttreir plidider, and havinsc abundance ot money at their command it does not seem possible to bring them to justica at all, through mesms of the ordinary Uni,ted States criminal courts. Ever since the early days of the administration of the late lamented President Gir field, the iniquitous facts in connection with the Star Route plunder have been known, and attempts have been made to get a legal conviction of the aboundr^, but, aicfed by the^ ^wer of money and cute lawyers, they have escaped scot free, and probably any further attempts will be abandoned. It required months and months before the cases could be brought to trial at all, and twice were the criminals successful in getting the j ury to disagree. What potent influence was brought to bear on some of these jurymen is only sur- mised at. It is now announced that one of them, said to have been almost penniless before, is now building himself a fine house in a fashionable place, and others are giving evidences of much more wealth than they were ever supposed to possess before. The announcement does not surprise many peo- ple, however, as that was about what \tos suspected. The present jury system in the United States is being strongly condemned by many of the ablest and most earnest men of the nation. It is evident, too, that the plan of electing judges and many other leading court otficials by a popular vote is attended, in many cases, with most serious consequences. The remedy must necessarily be applied at some time, and the sooner a sweeping reform is made the batter for the interests of j ustice. im â- â- â- • Tne Scott Act. The only county in this Province where the Scott Act has been put to the practical test is Halton, and there is naturally a great interest felt as to its success or failure by both friends and foes. Recently a conven- tion of the temperance men of the county was held, and from the report of the speeches made and the resolutions adopted it is evi- dent they are reasonably well satisfied with its success, and they have confidence in the law as a prohibotory measure. Of course the very sanguine men who expect great things must be disappointed, but on the whole no important expressions of disap- pointment were heard at the convention. The diffisulties in the way in the start in the enforcement of such a sweeping law are many and discouraging,^ but so far as the Act itself is concerned it 'does not appear to have proved defective to any considerable extent, as a„practical measure, and with a year's experience in regard to its workings the temperance men of Halton strongly re- commend their co-laborers elsewhere to work for its adoption. The experience in the Maritime Provinces is still more valuable. In some parts of New Brunswick the law has now been four years in operation, and the attempt some months ago to secure its repeal in Frederic- ton, the capital city of the Province, was a failure. No more conclusive evidence could be furnished that the great body of the people have been reasonably well satisfied with the results so far. The Scott Act is now in operation in more than one-half of the counties of Nova Scotia and New Bruns- wick, and in the whole of the Provincs ot Prince Edward Island, and while the tem- perance workers are active in pressing for its adoption in other counties, we have no evidence of any thing like a successful movement towards its repeal any where. These facts are worth many theories in re- gard to its practical success. If the friends of entire prohibition are now anxious for practical success their way seems clear in pressing for the adoption of this local option law. It would be somewhat unreasonable to expect Parliament to pass a general law until the present measure has been put to a fair test. If a measure of local prohibition can be made fairly success- ful then it is evident that a general law would be so, for the difficulties in the way of a local law are certainly much greater than of one not so much circumscribed, If it is possible to Jarry a majority of the counties in a majority of the Provinces of the Dominion for local prohibition then it has bsen pretty clearly demonstrated that the verdict of the people is for a general law. The agitation has now reached a stage of great interest to all sides, and the results of the agitation of the next year or two will tell very decisively on what may be locked for in the near future. Boston Bleode. Mr. C. S. Hollis, Veterinary Surgeon Bos- ton, Mass., certifies that he has made the great pain-cure, St. Jacobs Oil, the sole rem- edy in hie practice for horse ailments, and considers it superior to any cure he has known in forty years. He tried the Eame great pain-banisher on himself for rheuma- tism and by which he was completely cured. " Consistency is a jewel," but it does not add to its lustre to see a "consistent" church member make a practice of sitting around on the comers loudly lamenting the alleged violation of the Sunday ordinance, and tnen on a week day take his old shot-gnn and go to another part of town, where it won t dis- turb his family, and blazs away nntU he is tired, regardless of the ordinance that he helped to make, and which was to put a stop to such nu'Sinces. NORMAN'S H e Btft umu'iiTioif. BSCBLISHED, • 1871. 4 Queen St., Etut, TORONTO. Nerrons DeUUI^, Bheomatiam, Lame Back, Nenralgia, Paralysia. and all lilver and Chest ComplMntB immediately relieved and perraan- entlr cored by using these BELTS, BANDS INSOL ES. Cire vlars and eonsuUati*tfree DMEVS. UVES AND DBINARY mCANI THK BBSTBLOOaPURlPIKII. iU«Bl9^«B«waj k7 wklek mj Mn I c«a be cared, and tba la by reaMTlaa i»â€" -wlmwver H HMy be. Tbe nnat 1 aatbAriUee ef tbe daj declare ttuU mm disnaii la n«aedb]rd«t«af:«i ___i«7S«rUTer. Te restore tltese-tb«raa»i« U the CKlT war br wblcb bealtb c«» be m« Mvad. Mere U wbere WABVES'8 8AI» OUSB kaa wdileved Us craU repatattoa. It acta dlr«cU7 ap«a tbe kMacTe aad llrw a»4 bx i^v^-t tbcH la a bcaUbjrcaadttl^ drives dlaeaM aad rmtm tewp tba aystcak Wmt idl KMbM7» liver aad Brlaary trcableii 1 Ibr tba dlstreailat dlâ€" rdera ef waiea t •» â- MbiHa, «jid Myaleal treabiM geaerally, iU» creat reatedj has a* eqaaL Beware •r iMtatfen. flfallâ€" â- aad t^mtrntOmm â- aid t* be Jaat as KMd. Var Blaetea aak VAuni un DIABETES CUBS. Wx sale by aU dealenb H. H WARNER CO., Dr. LaFIEUS' FRENCH MOUSTACHE VIGOR Orowi beard oothfl smooUieit face in 20 days or monej reruaded. Kever fails. Sent on receipt ofSOo stAjnps or ailrer 3 packges for ^1. Beware of cheap imitations; none ottier gennine. Send for circular. Address, T. W. SAXE. box 22, Warsaw, lad. U. S. A. at the Montreal Horse Exchange, Aug. Ist, per S. S. Cynthia, three Clydesdale Stallions, and four mares (pedigreed.). These are all first-class stock, the property of John Dalglish, of Glas- fow, Scotland, and willbe for sale to parties esirinu to breed from the best imported Clydesdale Stallions and mares. For further information address C. M. ACER fc CO., pro- prietors, Point St. Charles, Montreal. Dominion Line of Steamships. Running in connection with the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. Sailing from Quebec every Saturday during the summer months, and from Portland every alternate Thursday during the winter months. Sailing dates from Quebec :â€" Montreal, 4th Anc. Ontarii lltb " *Orcgoo, IS'.h " Dominion 85tli Aug. Toronto, Srpt. *8arnla, Sth " â- "Ratfesof assage Cabin, Quebec to Liverpool, $50, ?60, $65, $80 return, $90, $108, $117, $114, according to steamer and berth. Intermediate, $10. Steerage, $21. The saloons and staterooms in steamers marked thus are amidships, where but little motion is felt, and no cattle or sheep are carried on them. For further particu- lars apply to any Grand Trunk Railway Agent, or local agents of the Company, or to DATID TORKAM€E A CO.. General Agents, Montreal Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. AMOUNT REQUIRED TO CURE As Foilcws One to Six Bottles will purify the blood, eradicat'ig all hu- â- niours, from the com;..jn pimple, blotch, or boil, to the most ma- lignant form of scrofulous ulcer. One TO Six Bottles, by cleans- ing the Blood, will purify the complexion from Sallowness, smooth out the wrinkles resulting from imperfect ncurishment of the l)ody, sweeten foul breath, and renovate the entire system. One to Two Bottles will cure ordinary constipation or coslive- ness, thereby removing Headache, Piles, Biliousniss and Jaundice, and all diseases resulting from torpid Liver. One to Six Bottles, by cleans- ing the Blood, improving the general health, and fortifying the system against taking fresh colds, will in all cases relieve, and in most cases cure that common, loathesome, and dangerous disease, CATARRH. One to Three Bottles will regu- late all derangements of the Kid- neys, curing urinary difficulties, prostration. Gravel, IDiabetes, etc. One to Four Bottles will rein- vigorate the entire system, curing nervous and general debility. Female weakness and all its attendant miseriei. PBIl'E ONE DOLL.1R. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS ssEHsaarasHSHSHsasHHSHSi Ah Enqush Veterinary Surgeon and Chkmist, now traveling in this country, I says that most of the Hone and Cattle Powders sold here are worthless trash. He says I IthatShe^an's _3 mm^h â- b ^b m â- .^ â- iriU make hens J s^rrrbToillllfr UFIIO I AV^^'""M lutely pure and im n ll Wm â- â- B lU I â- â- W ^°a Ponders. I immensely val- Bl|| U Wk W^ â- â- W^ â- â- .^ H U H i)ose, one tea-l ererywhere, or sen t b y mail for eight letter-stamps. I. S. JOHVSuN CO., BoSTOW, M^MW. j rwrm S40.000 " PRESENTS! TEIS OFFEB GOOB TI?.r, S^PTEMBEB, 1883, OKX?. The proprietors of the F.^nM, FIELD A:VD i. .- .: :.»:iE, beiiiR desirons of havinc: their alrpn'flywp!!- knowTi and popular AerictlltTiral and Family pap'.r i n' .- iJely circulated and inir. a'.u'fi into ho'.i^":^ where L it is uot already knowft, have determined to throw .Mi' .-til pront this year, and in addition usea rortionofi their capital for the sole purpose of increasinc; their circulation to 1 00,OQO copies. Alter deciding to more •xtcnsively advertise than ever before, the followlug plan has been adopted ty us. We will enter your name on our subscription book and mail the FARM, FIELD AND FIRESIDE rnfru- larly toyon for Six Months and immediately send a printr-i numi^r.ti Receipt, v.-Iiich u-ill entitle the hold- er to cue of the following Presents to be given away at ou SEPTEMBER FESTIVAL. Partial List of Presents to Be Oiven Away. I 6 tr. S. Government Bond" of $1000. $."000 Ofl 10 U. S. Greenbacks of S500 iOOO 00 10 U. 6. Greenbacks of $100 HXiO 00 1 Matched pair of Trotting Horses liW) 00 1 Grand Square Piano iiri 00 1 Grand Cabinet Orsan 2"ii Ofl 1 Three-seat Hockaway 20*) "O 1 Silver Dinner Service joo 00 6 Top Buggies looo 00 SOU. S. Greenbacks of S.iO each 1000 0 lOM Photograph Albums 32 each 2000 (K) t Village Carts Ji„ 200 80 1 Pony Phaeton ' 100 00 1090 Pocket Silver Fruit Knives wa; 00 I 1000 (ients' Pocket Knives HKX) 00 I 1000 U. S. 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It will not be neeessarj- for Subsei-ibers to I attend the Festival as presents will be sent to an y part of the United States or Canada, iet it is to be hoped as many will be present as possible, 'X.'Jt3ZEl SO CJSiSH 'J.'S which vouscndusis the refruiar price for Six Months' Subscription, and therefore we charge nothing for the presenu. OUR PROFIT wi" "« hi yo nr fu ture patronise, as we beheve you will like our paper so well that you wi'l aiwavs remain a suhscj-i ler TOUR STTBSCRXPXION FREE. Getllveofvour friends to join you by cuttiift vhisont and showing it t.. them. Sendtis $2.50andwewmsendyou the FARM, FIELD AND FIRESIDE for six months, and k numbered receipt for each of your jnibscribcrs and one extra for your ti-ouble SEIvn XEIV ss;BHCniiss.:its «with gs and we will send I 2 sub.scriptions and twelve numbered receipts. This offer willhold good until Sept. Ist only, as we shall lim.t the numner of in-v.- suh-ei-ipii. ms t^ 100, 009. I so we wotild advise ail our friends to forward subscriptions fcarly, as in no case v,-i;i tiiey ije received 'iai than September Ist. THE FARM, FIELD AND FS^ESIDEj Isoaeof the oldest and ablest edited Family and Atmctiltural papers. It contnin.'i t^vcniy iars pa^rs rEightr C»I«oi»«;,inciudlng elegant cover, bound, stitched and cut. And now has a circulation of 43,000 COPIES, itcontainsstorles. Sketches, Poetry, Farm, Garden, Househo(d and Agri- cultural Departments by the best Contributors of the day, as weii as an illustrated Fashion Department, Needle and Embroidery Work, illustrations of different jiarts of the UKITELO SXATES and Biosmphleal 9V.^tcho!i of Eminent IHen aud Women, lu short, it contains that which willinterest, instruct and amuse the whole fandly. THE PROPRIETORS " â„¢^° '^^^^^^^'^^ *^**_^^^5*^^^^"" ' ^*^" 3g*'ee. and our paper is long establisbed and reliable, with sufficient capital to cany out and f tilllll to the letter any offer we may make. 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