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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Aug 1883, p. 5

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 T ^-^;Mi'**Jf3y,'.-\iJ*W?} .jiWUaaA^^|Hi ' ' '*ii IM^5â„¢Wf""*»«J'J!P'"â„¢^"'-»?^45Â¥ir^"' o CQ P "^^ CD -- ?H ?H c3 o a o c6 (D PI HERE (D o CQ CD O CQ o Q S ^â€" ' CQ f CD *♦-*•â€"' hr' o (Q tx VL Qj I-; CQSS^gH o o o«2§ Wo ° 00 00 CO $c Brown [c Mr. Do// f5 leaving Mar- T ao ?r//o M^ Wholesale â- \j\' Business in Toronto^ itoi^^'^shiuf^ to leave Mark- ulto^ethtr,) he has entered \krtnership ivith Mr. W \VN, late of Flesherton, \is ii prartical watchmaker :dler f^f over 1 5 years ex- \Ke, and comes with the best Vmmendations from some of ymiing watchmakers i)i, IKq mion. \j. Brown will carry on the Juiss in Markdale. ' work entrusted to kimi wilt hu in a workmanlike man- ' n'ork will be guarant^d^ \dl floods sold will be foutnd Mmented, or money refund- r loll Brown's, « People's Watchmakers Jewellers Hill's Blocli, -MARKlJALE ONLY. MONTHLY FAIRS. liileâ€" Saturday before Flesherton. riiâ€" Monday before Durham. ;â€" Tuesday before Orangeville. l-etnnâ€" \f()ii(laj- before Orangeville. ptnieâ€" Wednesday before Orangeville. K«rilleâ€" The second Thursday in each ICtil. Forestâ€" Third Wednesday in each Hth. -ilonday before Durham. li-Tliird Tuesday in each month. kvtrâ€" Moiulav before Durham. and Other Iteis. i i" thi/e culitmns intended tobeTieJit yi-A'ittal or Society will be charged ten fi li/M fur the first insertion and Jive ur\' inch aiilxequent insertion. i'actory is now running and cutting 20,000 per -A smart bidable boy. to ukiiig Business, apply to 'I iiiei y. Baker, Markdale. ri'Mb'.ic school bouse has been ""â- -il iliuiiii^' liolidavs by a new \\:i'.k to the street I- M Mr. S. Bowles, of Queen's Valley {commenced cutting barley the let of August. There was a strike at Hull's stave factory this week, wituouo the desired result however. Mr. Andrew Nesbitt has purchased a self binding reaper, bein^lwe beheve the first one introduced into this sec- tion. A Garden party will be held by the Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian Church on the evening of August the 14tb, in the lot adjoining Mr. Mason's. Ad- mission fifteen cents. All welcome. Accident.â€" In Hull's stave factory, on Monday evening last, while FrMik Bellamy a young man of I'lesherton was cutting staves, he had one oi kis little fingers, seyered by the statre knife. The Cattle is last Saturday was an improTemeotr on former ones. We hope to see seever«l hundred head of cattle out nexfcicujr day, as we belieye steps will be takea to secure the ser- vices of several Tbrunto buyers. Christ Church S. S Pic-uic was held in Mr. Walker's bush on Tues- day. The day was lovely and a vey pleasant time generally was spent, an excellent repast was partakn oi, and the various games much enjoyed. The Shelbume lodge of Ancient Order of United Workmen will have an excursion on Friday the 17th, fiom Orangeville and all atations North, to Owen Sound, coupled with a moonlight cruise on the bay. For full par- ticulars see adv't in tltja paper. Lbctube. â€" Key. Father Walsh will lecture in Glenelg Catholic Church on Monday next the 18th, commencing at 7:80 p. m. A crowded house is ex- pected. Admission 25 cents, to be appropriated to the benefit of the Presbytery. A wagon maker who. we are in- formed, hailed from Heathcote and whose name is Cruickshanks, struck for a row while m Markdale one day this week. Cause His storaack was under the influence of a quantity of departed epirits which affected his brain. Garden Pahty.â€" The congregation of bt. Mary's Church Maxwell, will hold their first Garden Party at Mr.- Uavi'l Madill's on Tuesday the 14th August, fi'leshertou Brass Baud has been secured for the occasion, and a gooi time generally is expected. Ad v.u\ side â- sn "• " Sampson, one of the "â- v!! triurqi printers in the Do- ' '-111 iit Hallock. Kittson -^liiiiiL'^utii, a few days ago. •r.l, r.-, who are six monfhs or will be allowed cash .via_' next 3'ears subscrip- â- i^ Liofji-e the year is out. i-"!.â€" Why are the loafers ui-aiice on our sidewalks lii'ic-hiints' goods boxes â-  bnxob don't swear aud ' .iuICl' ' "i liuryost is now com- •'"â-  ci'Oj) is Lelow the average â- " iViu-trd t'ae rust has done "â- 'â- UL't,' on what little- came ""' 'jvere winter. â- ^iii!k.",;i!e House" has. put in. ' i'liiip, \\-ith hose attached, "i'l tijiow water over tlie â- â€¢ A Sensible idea. A hrick ami â- Â« ocdshed is also beiiig lii'.i-ii â- I^Vl.;.yi, "'er jjiii I- tliO •â- " tl; mission 25 cents. It, .^"^inr.KroiiH friends of Eev. " ^^alsli will be pleased to meet â- ^^ having,' re=i,ied m France four '"J.ce h;.^ departure from this "i r-on„t,y_ He bas been ao- '^.^"»" tile Superior of the Bas- 'Utr m h" Mr. Chas. Jerusha, Hotel keeper at Eugenia, keeps an orderly hoube and has good accommodation for pic-nic parties. He can easily accommodate 20 teams with first class stable room, and will be found ready aud willmg to give a iielping hand to the numerous parties who resort to that delightful scenery, "The Falls.' Mr. R. H. Byers, Rocliester, will accept thanks for a copy of Rocliester Dailv PoH Express. Parties sending us papers will do us a favour by mark- ing any item or article they wish to draw our attention to, as we haye a host of papers to look throngh, and may not detect what they wish us to no tied. The Ladies Aid Association of Christ Church are to-l^e congratulated on the success of their Garden Party on Thursday eyeniug last. Notwith- standing the coolness of the weather a large niimb3r turned out. The ea- tables were of the be^t aud in abun- dan«!e. Duudalk Brass Band furnish- ed music to the satislaction of all. To- tal proceeds about $45. Banquet. â€"The banquet on Friday eweniug last, at Campbell s Hotel, Chatsworth. for Mr. B.nn^s, on his leaving the place, was a success. The house is noted for kcbpiu^j a good table, aud this spread did no discredit to the reputation. About 60 t=at down HoBSK Thieves. â€" The country is jast now suffering from a severe at- tack of horse thieves. Horses haye been stolen in Paisley, Palmerstoo and Dresden, and our readers are cautioned to look out for the operators. It would be also prudent to avoid horse deals with unknown parties. Mr. R. McMurchy, District Deputy Grand Master, of the Canadian Order of Odd Fellows Visited Markdale Lodge on Monday evening at their regular meeting, and was highly pleased with the progress this Lodge has made and the flourishing conid- tion in which he found everything in connection thesewith. The lawn pasty given by the Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist Church on Monday evening, was quite iuc- cessful. The Parsonage grounds were decorated by trees and Chinese lan- terns. The choir and some volunteer vocalists furnished the music. The young ladies by the sale of boaquets, Bassian cream and^ lemonade, added materially to the receipts. The nett proceeds were about $81. A Wabniho to Bo'xs. â€" On Tuesday last a son of Mr. Fred. Taylor, Eu- phrasia, aged eleven years had one of his eyes destroyed by a stone thrown carelessly by a neighbor's boy. Mr. Taylor took his son to Toronto to-day to see. if anything could be done fbr him and to endeavor to save, at least, the other eye which is now affected from the wounded one. Boys, do stop throwing stones. Our townsman Mr. H. Fteter ha» decided toi Teave this place, hav- ing purchased the stock and busi- ness of Mr. C. Price of Holl»ud Centre. We regret having to part with our esteemed friend, yet we be- lieve he is making a good moove, and we compliment the people of Holland Centre on their aquisition. Mr. leis- ter is a good business man gives cDse application to his business and is honourable in his dealings with the public, hence we can safely recom- mend him to the confidence of the people of WiUiamsford Station and vicinity. Serious Accident to an Old Resi- dent. â€" It was with profound regret that the news was received liere on Monday that James Patterson, sr., of Blantyre, had on the day previous nearly lost his life, while starting home from Church in Euphrasia. It appears that Mr. Pattf rao i was back- ing up the team, Mrs. Jas. Paterson jr., being in the \vagf;on at the time, when in in some way ih3 wagon up- set throwing Mr. P^.tterson out upcn the whiffletrecs. The horses then commenced kicking and every kick took effect on the head and body of the old gentleman. When rescued he was found to be insensibie. He was speedily removed to his hotne and Dr. Maclean sent for. His wounds were properly attepded to, but it seemed doubtful whether the patient would survive,, but he rested better that night than was expecter. As soon as the state of the woun*s would permit it was found that he had received severe injuries on the abaomeu, and cliat several of his nbs were seperated from the cartilage, if not brokeu. His head is a mass of i)riiises. The Doctor, howevf r, enter- tains hopes of Mr. Patterson's ulti- mate recovery. Mr. Patterson jr., was bruised on the side, but noi so seriously. â€" Monitor. ARTEMESIA WAREHOUSE STATIOTV. â€" ..... oâ€" â€" Diy Golds, Hardware, Crockery, Boots aid Shoes, Groceries, Proid^ions, c. Stock kept full and well assorted with new goods recoived every weeb* MY BRANCH STOB£ AT EU^iEMA replenished with* new goods every week. For sale cheap for cash or produce. My Saw mill, Shingle Factoty,, and time AT LITTL8 FALLS, ARB.IN OPERATION. Kiln All kinds Saw om ittt(^ a^the Mill or sawn on sharot. -o I^nmber, Lath, Bro«Ki Handles, Shinies aad Ume for sale. A. M'lHTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. MINTYRE m-O-O-X, FlO-U-X, S^lOVLX- McINTYRE'S UQUORS I_LIQU0ll$ McINTYRE'S Cigars, Cigars. McINTYRE'S Ooiiee, Coflee. McINTYRE'S KALI MEALI MEAU McINTYRE'S Vmk, Pork. Pork. McINTYRE'S And a*er ythin jkept n in » first-clasa. Grocery and Liquor. Store, alwayn ont^nd, chxap roB cash. fi « BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulccrr, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, CJiapped Hands, Chilblains, CoruSjand all Siiu Eruption8,and Bositively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to giye perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Eor sale by A. Turner Co A. GAlElJy. To all who are sufterinR from the errors and indiscretions ot youth, ner â- * ous weak- ness, early decay, of manhood, c.,I wiU send a receipe that wiU cure you, FREE OF CHAEQE. This great Remedy was dis- covered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-address« d envelope to Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station V, New York City. GEORGE WILSON. Wholesale and Retail BUTCHER! yieslierton Station STEAM GRIST MILL bed; moorhouse. -:o:- Cristing Chopping in en satisfactory manner, EYERYW0RKIN6MY. Flour, Bran, and general mill always on hand. feed,- BEEF. PORK OR MUTTON SUPPLIET*. from a single pound to a whole carcasB, at the lowest market prices. FISH a FOWL IN THEIIISEASON Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do well to call at No. 3 Bums' Block, opposite the new Union Block. Markdale, Oct. 25th, IflBl NOTES ON iHbi RAIL. //'f'heord return er to Anonay, France, quarters of the order of St. ^Js the representative of Canada, 'remain a few years, when he w Come b::ck amongst his friends IS tour of inspection m jj justice was done in this "" an I ^v^l return with the J° p^^Jf Mr. John McDonald was called to the chair, aud Messrs., D. Crei"hton and Thos. Gordon to the vice "chairs. The usual toasts were drank and responded to,, and a good. ime spent. The T. G. B. Employee's civic holiflay will take place on the "iothmst. They have decided to make Shelbume thsir head qjur- ters, and a very lengthy prize list is being prepared for the occasiou, Ifarkda e sub- BCiibed 30 towards the fuud. An excTirs'on from Kilsyth came to Mark- dale on Friday last. The greater part of our citizens were attending the Masonic pic- nic to Eugenia Falls that day, we hope they enjoyed tiemselves. A Luther Tp. 8. S. excurted 1q Owen Sound, on Saturday. About 20 new d. P. R. flat cars passed up on Tuesday on their way to Algoma Mi Is. A. and R. Neilson's saw mill at ProtOR^Sta- tion, was. burued on, Tuesday. T. C. B. RAILWAY. TIME TABLE. diange ot Time. On and after Monday, June 18th, 1882, trains wiU run as f oUown OOINO N TH. Read Dawn. eOING SOUTH Read Up. A.M. 7 30 9 05 9 65 12 20 2 25 11 50 12 06 1 30 p.u A.M. ToBON'TO 10 45 9 05 8 27 6 80 5 00 6 4.^ 6 27 5 le A.M. P JC. 4 25 6 00 Caudwbi.l Junc 6 45 OBAKOEVTLIiE 8 44 Mount Forest. 10 15 Tekswatbb i; ' FfESHEBTON 8 4^' Mabedale, 9 55 Owen sound.. P.M. 9 10 7 31 6 50 4 80 2 4. 4 47 4 30 3 10 P M. CASH for WHEAT. M AN 1+6 Ob Hew LOST, HOW RESTORED /•^^^^â€"-^ We have recently published a new SEAL jedition of Dr. C^vEnwEi.i.'s Cele- ^^^^^Y^^bbated Essay oia the radical and permanent cure (without medicine) of Ner- vous Debility, Mental and Physical incapaci- ty. Impediments to Marriage, e., retuiting- from excesses. IS" Price, in sealed envelope, only C cents, or two postage stamps. The celebrated author, in. this admirable Essay, clearly d'.monstrates, from thirty years' successful practice, that alarming con- sequences may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicines or tiic use of the knife0 pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. IS'This Lectere should be in the hand? o every youth and Rvery man in the laud. Address The Gulverwell [Isdical Go,» P.O. box 450 41 Ap" St., New Tork 110-62. $500 Reward We will pny tlie above reward for any psph- (â- { Liver Complaint, Dyi-p psia. Sick Ilead^ ache. Indigestion. Coji tipatiou or Costi^e- nesswecaunot cure with Wesi's Vegetable liiver Pill-, when the directions are bin-ietly comphed with. Tbav are purely Ve^tabie, aud never fail to give satisfaction. Susiar i'oated. Large Boxes, containing 30 Pillc, 25 cts. For sale by nil Dmggists. Beware- of connterfeits and immitatioi-s. Tirti g»!nu- ine manufrtctureii oj Iv hy JOHN C. WEST"" (fe CO., '-The Pill Makers." "1 « '•3 King St.^ i Kavt, Toronto Ont. Free tnal package sent: P.M. A Mixed l"rain will alf=o rrn betT'P'^i Tor onto and Owen Sound. Spp Time Table. D. McNiCOT.L, Epmund Wbaook. I \,y mail prepaid on recpint f n H cent stim;^ Gen. Pj^t^Jjt. Qfneral Masager, gox sale at Turuef dtCo. Drug Siuve., I. s. 'y â- â-  â-  â-  •• • • ' t-i â-  'Hit I- i. 4; 4 ' i â-  ' •*v » .J â-  V .\ 5t -â- 

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