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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Aug 1883, p. 4

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 i- .; sir- The Stanxlard. MABKDALE. AUGUST 9tH 1888. SAD BESULT8 PBOM AN EXCUB8I0N. The Owen Sound Firemen had an excnr- •ion to Midland City per steama Magnet, whiob left the above port last Friday morn- ing with over *00 passengers. There was considerable wind on that, as well as the two following days. The steamer should have retomed the same night bat owing to the rough sea did not attempt to leave Midland ontil the following day, and then had to seek â- belter among the Christian Islands and did not make CoUingwood nntil Sunday morn- ing. During this time the residents of Owen Sound, (almost every family of which waa represented on the supposed ill fated Magnet) were thrown into intense nxcitement One, Mrs. Locke of tbe lake shore, Sydenham, died on Sunday from over excitement, she having a daughter on board the ezoursion, steamer. The party arrived safe, however, at noon on Monday, being two and a half days overdue. The sad news proved fatal to Miss Lv^k, who on hearing of her mother's death was so overcome with grief that she died before she reached her home.. MASONIC PIC-NIC Prince Arthurs Lodge, of Fleshertcn, h^ their annual pic-nio at Eugenia Flallv, o«, Friday last, and though the d^y was verj cool, even chilly part of the time, tb^ia wa 4 laige turn out. Maxwell, Flesherton and Markdale were well represented while the agricultural classes put in a very creditable appearance. Messrs. W. Masson and O. Ingles, of Owen Sund were present, and Messrs. Elliott, and Kudd of the town of Perth. The services ot the Flesherton Brass Band were very acceptable on the occasion- About 2 o'clock the contents qf numerous well filled baskets where placed, ig, position making a fine displayi.and, wan^ surrounded by Doctors, Lawyers, MinisterSi, l^rchants, Mechanics, Agriculturists, 9riq|«|9. Hotel- keepers, with their wires ao^ families all ap- parently determined to mak(i themselves and otheri' happy. W« don't: know that the ladies belong to the ' Masonic Order, but they show just as much enthusiasm and union of effort in making the pic-nic an en- joyable affair as the Master Masons possibly can do, andithe increased suotess wl^eh at- tends each successive party proves that their efiorts are not in vain. After the ref|^8h- ments wore disposed of, games were â-  entered into and t^ese together with the graod natural scenery, of Eugenia Falls and its surround* ing werp immensely enjoyed by the party, which broke up in. reasonable time, all well pleased with their day'si sport. OBITUARY. Alexander Irwin, who departed this life on the morning of the 1st inst., was one of tbe pioneers of Artemesia. He was bom in Sligo, Ireland, in 1798. being the only son of Chris, topher and Eliza Irwin of that place. His f fither died when he was very you ng, and he emained in the land of his nativity till 1850, in which year he emigrated to America, and. during the same autumn, settled at his late home when the forest for miles. on. all sides waa scarcely yet desecrated by the wood- man's axe- Encountering- the difficulties usual to pio- neers and ovgrcoiuing them by patience, perseverance and industry, is a part of the history of Mr. Irwin's life ip the backwoods. But, time and circumstances, which change all things, in later yiars found him comforl- ably situated in a country teeming, not only with tbe necessaries of hfe, but tbe luxuries uf an advaneed aj^e of enlightenment â€" a re- sult which bis own hand has been instru- m.ntal in pcduciag from a region clad in iiture's primeval garb. Mr. Irwin has held a variety of elective aad appointed .offices while a resident of A' temesia, including that of Deputy Eeeve (the first ever elected in the township) and a justice of the peace for •28,v6ars. Hj married in 1820 Frances, daughter of Lieut. Hurrass, of the -ITth Regiment of tbe Lritish army, wmo served through Welling- ton's campaigns in The Pe:iiusula and at \\'aterloo. and who subsequently died in InJia. They had a family of ten. eight of whom yet survive. His wife died in 187r, since wiiicu time he resided with bis young- est sou Henry D who is a J. P, and one of the heading and most prosp.'i-ous farmers in, the township. The subject of this notice was highly re- spected by all who knew him, was of a cheer- lull geuial ai.-position vhich together with rt good education and fine iuteUect. r^iudereU his si c ity diCeeJingiy de-irable t^ld pleia- aut. Bid thuugh in his f'4th yuar was active, .•h^â- ^ ful an.l qu e taliative to the last mo- ?]ent. He lived a consistent christian and « ied in tii« tiiimphs of faith. B. MoMnrchy of Owen Sonnd Katriot. D. G. M. of the C. O. 0. P.. »JW «. W^!-* Toeoday.. Mn John Hill of this pUwo is now^^-nWang friends in Dongk. (Garafrwa). WeDiJUfam Co. We are pleased to learn th»t Mnu Joka M. Walker is recovering and is now aUe te b« about, she having returned from liWnth some two months sinoe ini » very flWiical state of health, very Uttlar hopes beia« at that time entertained of h»r roooveiy- Mr. Geo. Butherford of Shelbume i«a* in fown over Sondi^. Mr. Chas. King, of Shelbume gave iift»«all last week. Ifb. and Mrs. Jk W. EUiott of Chatsworth were in town Tuesday. » Geo. Lucas, Esq., ol Alvinston, Lambton Co., father of Mr. Wm^ Lucas, banker of this place, and daughter are visiting in Ifarkdale Fleshertpn and Dundalk at present. We had a call from Mr. John Haona, TJeacher from Maaitonlin. He has giyen up his school and is on his way to the Normal School, Toronto. Miss Cockerill of Owei» Soond is visitiag at MSi. Turner's. Mj». J. Townsend of Durhwn was in town this week. Mrs. Butherford and mother are yisiting at Mr. Turner's this week. We are very pleased to learn that Mrs. Fawcett, wife of the editor of the Flesherton jt4fance, is recovering from her late severe iUoess. Mns. W. E. Southgate of Toronto is now visiting, in Markdale. Miss M. Wright returned from Allenford on Monday. James. McDougall arrived from Fort Wfl- liam on Wednesday. Bev. Father Walsh was in town Wednes- day. Mr. Spurgeon Brown, Merchant of Owen Sonnd is now in town. T. P. Brown, of Woodstock brother of our jeweller, was in town a few days this week. Mrs G. S. Bowes, left this morning, to visit friends at Georgetown. AGRICULTUKAL EHiliriONa SoDTF Grey. At Durham, Tuesday aitd Wednesday, Sept. 2.5th and 26th. Pboviscial. At Gaelpn, trom Septemfeeis 24th to Sept 29th. Industriai,. â€" At Toronto, hrom the 11th Sept. to the 22nd Sept. East Gbky.â€" At FlesherUm, Tues lay and Wednesday, Oct., 4th and 6th. GiBKHLG. â€" At Markdale, on Thursday and Friday. Sept. 2Zth and 28th. Artemesia.â€" At Pricbville, on the 9th Oc- genebal news. Manager "^ain Horn of the Canada Fadfio Bail way sa^: We are now at the rery height of om expenditiue, and it is safe to say we are expending $100,000 per. day. We have abcntt eighteen thousand employed in oonstructioQ, alone, and with our service hands, I sajppose the total numb^ of em- ployee's will nearly omount to 25,000 in all- A young man 2.4 years of age named Jas. Murony, was shot through the heart, on Tuesday night, in Toronio. The murderer was arrested and ga^e his name as Charles Andrews, aged 80 years, an English by birth and a moulder by trade. He was put in safe keeping. In the house of Commons on Monday night a bill was introduced to establish a system of tramways in Ireland, which in- cluded a clause appropriating £103,00 J in ;aid of emigration. The annual meeting of the grand euoamp- ment.I. 0. O. F., was commenced Tuesday at Ottawa, the Grand Lodge will meet Wed- nesday. i San Feancisco, Aug. ?.â€" It is asserted that during the past eighteen months five millions worth of war material lias been shipped from San Francisco to China. Last Thursday five hundred cases of amunition and arms were sent. All were from Spring field, Mass., addressed to C. Schmidt, Shang- hai. Two hundred ard forty thousand .:Springfield rifles, 2o ,000,000 cartiidges, and â- 800 bales of cotton duck suitable for tents have been forwarded. Lokdon, Au^. 7. â€" The commander of the British troops in Egypt telegraphs that the the situation is maintained. No fresh cases of cholera are reported. Th^: TeleKraph Operators of America naye b^en now two weeks on strike, anl to the present, Aug. 8, there is n material change in the situation. Before another week ends we presume the operators will be back to work at old rates^ Native cattle are reported to be, dying in great number»,in Kansas owing to an out- break of Texas fever. BIRTHS. Pebeiba. â€" ^At Holl-ind Centre on the let inst., the wif^ of G. N. Pereira, cabinet maker, of a daughter. Coxr â€" In Markdale oa the 3rd inst., ths wife of Mr. L. Cox of a laughter. Watson.- In Holhind on the 3rd in^t., the wife of Mr. Thos. WatHon. carpeuttx, of a daughter. L iVE.â€" lu (iienelg on the 5th inst., the wife of Air. A. Love of a daughter. Hamun.â€" At Maxwfll on the 1st mat., the w.fa of Mr. W. L. B. Hamlin of a uanghter. Coleman. -In Ma •kda'e,on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr. Benjamin Cofeman, of a s.ih. MARRIA GES- To thi Editor ojf the o«~â€" ..-• Tidnr slang. I nor*' ponaied wad uam. SsTlinSt. yoa ki»ow weU) rrf«m»g to the s«id editor, ttd Why he so far lorg««*» •" that is honorable, oiistom*^ or right ma man. of his position and indnlgeB week itfwr ^in such miseiBble attempts at pans agaiHt a priyate inditidoal is a ^y'^J?, STlt is to be hoped. »«w«^«^ *»•* *«.Z£ desist if he is not toti»U» ignorattt and stub- bomfy bent on using. w]i»t n»^« °*S^ be eaUed a load paper, for ™»eâ„¢n8 °f^â„¢" slang of no interest whatever to his «••«»"• Thanking you for space, 1 fenaaui yonrs etc. " B«H, H. TOWKSIJID. MARKDALE MABKETb. Fall Wheat. 10.90 to 10.92; Spring W.98 to $0 98; Barley, 6«o; Peas, B5; Oats. 37c Butter, l6o; Eggs, 15c; Potatoes, 46c; Hay, 96 .00 Pork, 7.P0 to 7.75; Flour, »4.76 to 95 00; Wool 17 to 20. The Large Direct Impor- tations of Pnre Tea made by W. J. McFARLAND arie selling very fast and giving great Satisfaction. The following persons hare each pvrcbased a chest this week Edward Wright, Williamsford. Wm. McDonald, Elantyre. Wm. Clock, Rocklyn. Jo6€ph Braidner, Eaphrasia. Thomas Sourby, Holland. Edwin Hicks, New England. Joseph Fanning, j^erkeley. Wright Cornwall, Markdale. John McUormick, Glenelg. Alex. McConnei, Ekaberiy. Donald McDonald, Trayerston. John Orr, Glenelg. i-{i^ NOTICE. AS I have decided to remove my business from Markdale, all parties indebted to me by note or book account must settle the same immediately. H. FOSTER. Markdale, Aog. 8th, 1888. a .1;^^**"°""â€" ^y ^^- ^- Wilson on Uielstmst., at the residence of the f i^^' Mr- Wm. H. Dodda of Glenek to Miss Hannah A. Freeborn cf Holland Tonilo, Sn; asl k( In Direct Connection with the OWEN SOUND STEAMSHIP LIKE, THE SBOBTESI BOUTS TO Lakes Huron andSuperior, Manitoba and The Great North "West. S. S. AFRICA Leaves Owen Sound every THUBSDAY at 10 p. m on arrival of the evening express train, for Sault Ste Marie and all intermed- iate Ports. S. S. MAGNET Every Saturday at 7 p. m. on arrival of tiie Steamship Express, for little Cm-rent, Algoma Mills, Sault Ste Marie and Port Arthur direct, connecting with through train of the Canadian Pacific RaQway few Winni- peg, Portage La Prairie, Brajwlon, Eegina, Ac Time as fast as by an Kail. Fares veiy much flower. ACCOMMODATION THE BEST. D. McNICOLL, ED. WEAGGE. Gen'l. Freight and General iManager. Passenger Agent. m 9 A n » m- s oa UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE SHELBUfiNE OF UNITED WORKMEN, Ow Friday the 17th of Augus From ORANGEVILLE and all intermediate Statonst Including a cruise oi three hours on the bay, on OtCt o tic R 02 01 MAGNIFICENT Steamer "Magnet" A special fast tr9 in of fine coaches will run as folio J Leave Orangeyille 1:40 p. m., Shelbmrne 2:8a Dundalk 8, Fleeherton Markdalo 8:50, Berkeley 4:08, Williamsford 4:25, Cbatowortb4:45aDd] ford at 4:56. STEAMER MAGNET will leave Owen Sound at 7 o-'clook for UOOJ LIGHT EXOUBSiON and will return about 10:30 when the traiu »ili, once depart on the borne trip. For the round trip including moonlight cruise on Ma^ from Orangeville to Crombies $i.oo Shelbume toKle^ ton inclusive 75 cents Markdale and Rockford incloscve 50 cents. Children under 12 years from all stations 401 A Quacfrllle Band will be on board. Tickets can be had at the Stations or on board the tnin DR. NORTON, CHitRLES KING. Secretary. Master Mason! ,11 ^c^rc Ur. "Doll i^ leavin \q go into the W^ [llery Busimss in ' \toi Wishing toleav [dtogetherj he has \httirtnership with I 10 IW, late of Fl a prartical wai jeweller of over ly, and comes will mdationsfror iing watchmake\ If. Brown will ccv^ in Markdale. \n work entrusted ti in a workmanl Vilwork will be gt Vail goods sold will tpHsent^^ or mom loll Bro^ te People's Watchmakei Hill's Bio MABKUALE ON: MONTHLY FAII _„.„^ „atnrday before I tworthâ€" Monday before Milkâ€" Tuesday before Oi fcrtonâ€" Monday before umeâ€" Wednesday befc igeville â€" The second Th month. ^t Foreatâ€" Third Wed month. Iivilleâ€" Monday before D nâ€" Third Tuesday in -Monday before Dt lal aad Othe m_' NOW 18 THE TIME TO SAVE MONEY By buying first class Sewing Maehines from C. Treadgold, who hasagood supply on hani foi- sale. His success ui the paet has Btpre than met his highest hopes and he still f«el» convinced that in order to build up a solid business it is necessary to offer good artic^jw for sale as nothing else Tnll stand the t^fcof a discerning public. All kinda of serine machine shnrtles, needles. «il. and oth^ re quieits required in the sowing machine lB»»i- ness can ba supphed bjtybiui. He also 4eal8 in the lejidipg organs of the day, Bucli as the FamOUS Bell and Dominion. Organs' 1? or further particulars tne pnblio i». cordially invited to apply to C. TREADCCH.D. i49 54 Markdale, P. 6 MARXSDiiLE. Farm for SaTe. ^(\ ^^^' **" ^^ 74. Srd Weat of T Jfaxkdale 2aaoie8ola«i, weU fenced aid watered, balance-good hardwood bwh with snfficjfflit cedar for fendng. ^^' For terms and other partioolars apply to WM. ROWI; Berkeley P. Q.. July Srd, S^"' 4?* $aO 2d0»e$ EiCES in these columns i )ltndividrtal or Society ic I a line for the first ii a line each subsequent im Stave Factory ii I blast, and cuttii vakted. â€" A smart the Bakiug Bnsi MoBtgomery, Bf hr public school 1 roved durirg hohc m and vralk to 1 fGcorclie" Sampsc t known tramp prii lion, died at Hi Pty, Minnesota, a ib8criber8 who ar fin arrears will 1: p by paying next T with this before posrKDBOM. â€"Why realer nuisance |u the mei chants pause the boxes c t tobaciio juice. Rflll wheat haryc N'd, the crop is 1 IS is feared t'c lous dumaKe on [^igh the severe v "6 "Markdale H |wi»p pump, wil **! ^Klll turow ^- A senpibl P»«i. and noods Jijst received and going off lil^^ M ?,i':i-. HOT GATTF.S. â- '»A ^â- â€¢ -T-- J" '«i 3^t T-^** -.."1 â- m

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