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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Aug 1883, p. 1

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 'â-  T'S^.-^^KK- I liMliy^. JJ.l»lil..!Ji4- ^w VOL. §.--No, 48. ^^^^.5iJ^ i(j, ^R^tlaU ^nUti IS tUBLlSHEO eVtRY THURSDAY EN^ENING, At Markdalo Ontario. IN ADVANCE. C. W. RUTLED6E. EDrivsiR fe Propbietoe, SAHUEli WAUDEL.L., YTJ-ELL DIGGER AND DRILLER. V oiiifiii promptly attended to -suiiler's HiJl, Owen Sound ALL Resi- 122-35 B. Gliei:"., M,D., M.R-CP. S., O. rii\ sit .ill and Siirt,'eon, PriceviUe, (jmi.utLc '-i Uuivursity. Vict. College. ,, New York, luid Hon. ur:iJ.'i;ite, of tbe same, A-yleth Medicallnstitute. Optlialmic Hospital, N,Y. Alembrr Coll. Physicians Surgeors,0. 104 J.P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, /GRADUATE OF TORO^'TO SCHOOL VT •â-  !*• ntistry, will be at Rutledge's Hutt'L Marki.liile, on the 1st and third Wed- iieJa-,of each month anJ also at Munahaw's Hnte!. i'lbsherton, the day following the :hir.l W't iliM silay in each iaonth for the prac '[Cf d \:i )ir)ft'?sion. Jam;:iry iith, 1883. 122-74, ic^iiu I) rtot' Frost ik Frost, .KISIKRS, AND ATTORNEYS- AT ' .-^.'i oitors ill Ciiancerv, Convey ,,L-., 'Jveii Sound, have resumed at â- ' i!. OlHco open tjvery Thursday, as ito-^T, J. \V. Frost.LL. B. tv Ciiiwu Attoniev. 1 â-  vr. if. Oliio .J. i^IASS03\, ;[sTi:a, master axpdep. reg liancciv, Notary Public, Conveyan V TO LtXn AT SIX PER CENT. â-  'â- .y.vcn Soun'l, in Vicker's Block S' and in Mark^lale, over JleFar 'h_, on Friday and Saturday every o7.1y â-  si'asor* Mnrri^on, B \i[\ y.i w. :â- ! -i..»,SOLICIT0RS.C0NVEY- iVC. etc, iw Owuu Sound, Dufieiin Block, F. Wolfs Store and in MARKDALE •, ivir W .J. McFarUnd's Store on Tliursday .:. t l'iil:iv of each week. Ls"Fiii!tls to lend on reasonahle terms. 'Ii\ l.'l:i;\SiiU, Q. G DUNC-\N MoBIdON Maiiv.;;,;. .March io, 1882. 79-lv Alexander Brown. I; of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Insurance Agent. Commissionei w 1). 1:. ,vc. Conveyancer and Licensed .^iL'tiuiivi 1- for the County of Grey. Farmers, M^vcliiihts, and Land Sales, Punctually at- Tssn 1 Lii.^ I SSI'l Cni Convi VltHlblfi N. D.- "â- intv. ' and charges made very moderat«. lie, Sept. 17.1880. " 1-y VTm. Brown, i; OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Ac nnissioner in B, U.c. aming in all its branches promptlj :o mui carefully executed. -Money to Leud on Real E "tate s« W. G. RICHARDS, prn.DKii, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- esidenoe on Mill Street, Mark- â- HVa Idle .Jan. 2 1th, 1883. 12417 DRESS AND MANTLE I'aiil PARLOR. ip's building Markdale. â- ^â- ' l.M^ of ladies wearing apparel cut and laa^if in the very latest style. ^Vo(|«Siu^' Suits a SpeciaJty.:i49.62 MARKDALE LODGE' L llaH^UALC LUUUb' I ). r. No. 78, will meet in their hall .lay tveni ng. Aug. 6th at eight ' ;. 1.1. ill-,' A. Turner, See'y. C. o Mo dBb MAREDALE, ONT., AUG. 9. 1883. No. 152. mm irtel«. REVERE HOTEL, mARMDAI.E. BYRENS McCASKLLL PROPRIETORS. THIS popular Hotel ha.5 changed hands and the above men eater to the wants of the public. Good ytabling and attentive hostlers. The best brands of liquor and cigars, good meals and comfortable rooms, large ommerciai room. Baiber shop in con- nection. 130-ly. CHATSWORTH HOUSE (late morrow house,) CHATSWORTH, Ont. C. H. MATTHEWS, PEopaistoB. The best brand of liquors and cigars al- ways in stock. Good meals and c.imfortable rooms guaranteed. Good stabling and at- tentive hostler. 114 Wm. Lucas Co., BANKERS, security. I, at all timt sndorsed notes, or on collateral IN large or small smoonts, at all timas, on good Markdale House. This commodious and popular hotel is fur- nished in tirst-class style, is one of the finest hotels in the County. Good accommodation for travellers. 'Bus to and from all trains. Charges moderate. A. RUTLEDGE. Propbietob. COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICEVILJ_E, Ont. J0j:In noble, MARKDALE. (lElR'LBLACKSMITH resent* HORSl SHOEING Large and commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Booms, Ac. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor To the Farmers of Grey. I HAVE m le arrangements with Chath- am Harvester Co., to sell for then their ITIower, Sin^fle Reaper and t^^^o Horse Cord Binder. AU material in these machines warranted of th^ best quality. Every machine warranted to give satisfac- tion or money or notes refunded. Parties in need of any of the above machinea, can inspect them on fair day's at Flesherton, Markdale and Chats svorth, consult your best interests, and examine for yourselves. ALEX. McKECHNIE. 143 .56 Traverston P. 0. GIBSON McMillan CONTRACTORS. Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK A»^D STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Cahomininq in all Shades and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- antec' Orders left at ahe St.\ndaed office will receive prompt attention. Markdale, Feb. 6th, 1883. 126-ly. BEAVER DALE MILL. Lumber and shingles kept on hand, and cut to order, Bills Filled on Short Notice, Satisfaction jriven in all cases. R. JOHNSTON JA8. LAOKY Proprietor, Manager. 141-tf. ALEX KAY Ow BooX SlxoE MILL STREET MARKDALE, INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. t^Drafts issaed and Collections mst^e on points, at lowest rates. W.M. LUCAS, Manager. September 23. 1880. 2-ly AN ACROSTIC, £ook out ye farmers and threshers all And see that you buy for Spring, Summer Kight splendid good oil, [and Fall Don't be misled by statements bland, Insist upon having the very best brand. Now good as ever, in fact it is grand. Everlasting wear without grit or sand, ITIachines run smoothly, no jarring or noise. And engines too in its use rejoice. Carding also it suits, as you plainly see, ff eavy gristing cannot do without me. In fact all machines are blessed by its use, New or old it will save from wear and abuse. Every mn-n try it, we are sure it will please. Our initials, when read, will give the cue In looking for oil, the best and the true, Long in the market, but ever new. Manufactured solely byMcCoHBros.'Co., Toronto. No connection with any rttlierfirm. 127-153. J. W. FORD Is giving splendia satisfaction in GRISTING, By the New Process at the THOS. MATHEWS, ImesS IstalilislinT! MARKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. EUGENIA Grist, Saw andLathMills Having made eqtensive improvements in my Gnst Mill I feel confident I can give good' satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day. Custom Sawing and Bills Filled on the shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Butternut, White Ash, Black Asb Basswood, Pine and Hemlock Logs wanted 691y. M. AKITT, Eugenia. Osprey. A. Heron brooght in a new steam thrasher last week from Hagart Bros. Brampton. J. W„ son of Thoa. Gamay, Esq.. retomed last week from the North West. He cam« home via Owen Sound cu the Canadian roatfl and speaks highly of thi^ line. The crops are looking excellent eeneially. Special attention to parties from a distance so that they c_ay have their grist home the same day. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE "STANDARD." SEEING ISBELIEVING. GENTLEMEN,â€" If you want a first-clasa Buggie or Wagon MCKENNa'a MASON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can supply you with anything from a Lumber Wagon up to Extension Tod Phaeton. IN BAGS OF 280LB8. â€"ATâ€" LOWEST PRICES To buy from them is to SAVE IVLOIVEYI They are both practical workmen, and employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They guarantee their work Second to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. They use nothing but First-class WTiite Oak for Wagons, and thiioe Extra Second Growth Hickory for light work. The immens e amoun t of work turned out of McKenna Mason's shop is snfficien proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. The best is teb CHEAPEST in the END Poor cheap work we positively wiU not take. l]VtT»OR-TEI Turnip SeeD The largest stock at H. PARKER'S Drugstore DURHAM. MARKDALE, Manufacturer of aU Kinds of Drop Valve, Cylinder, Force, and Cistern Pumps. Holland Centr«, The latest news of importance in this place is that our townsman Mr. Carson Price has sold out to one of your Markdale merchants, Mr. H. Foster, the latter having purchased his stock and business. Mr. Price intends to commence stock taking next Monday and after that is done Mr. Foster is to haye pos- session forthwith. Tbe village has decided to procure for Mr. Fostei a free site for a grain warehouse, which he will erect this season and will purchase all kinds of grain the coming fall and winter. Mr. Price will build an office opposite his present store where he will keep tho Post Office and attend to conveyancing, insurance, Tp, business c. The new "Queen's Hotel" is one of the best on the T. G. B., and is a credit to the place, There is a large shed with hall over, which IS now complete. Mr. Vogan, the host will give a grand opening "hop" and supper on the 1.5th inst. The large quantity of wood in our yard is being shipped. James Ireton has started a shoe shop aud is kept busy. S. Watson has a neat little hardware store. His health which has been very poor is some- what improved. The Methodist church is being improved. â-  »» I District from otherYirise and other Spiinter» our £xclian§:es and All kinds of IRON PUMPS SUPPLIEP. STmRTLINC^^^^ DISCOVERY! LOST WANHOOD RESTORED. A Tioton of yontWtal imprudence aps*55j' fc^l^SSr NMvons Debmty, Lost Manhood, ete^ aavnig WW* "• whicb he will send FluJi: Special attention given to Be-Trimming and Eepainting all classes of Carriage Work. Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pay) in HORSESHOEING BHOP â€" On Mill Street opposite ta Sproule's Ilotel. McKENN A MAS ON. ROBT. ASKIN, Has opened out a First-Class Furniture UNDERTKING ESTABLISHMENT, And therefore has supplied a want long felt, especially in the Undertaking Line. COFFINS, C4SKETS, SHROUDS, and all FUKERAL FURNISHINGS supplied on the shortes notice. A. Sileniid. Hearse for hire at moderate rates. Oet yrur Jo' War's; 1 3 11 8 nt â€" All kinds of â€" PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. KOHT. ASKIN. Eev. Mr. Spurgeon is dangerously ill with malignant gout. The Ontario Government has appropriated 55,000 for the relief of the London sufferers The Owea Sound Steamship Co., purpose expending $2,000 in advertising this line, in foreign countries. Building ig not pros;ressing this year in Mt. Forest as extensively as in former years. Mr. McGowan, Hardware Merchant, of Shelburne, has decided to remove to Orange- ville, where he will continue the same call- ing. Col. Denison, of Toronto, visited Chats- worth recently and found thiags in connec. tion with the Volunteer Co. satisfactory. A banquit was given Mr. John Binns, of Chatsworth, at Campbell's Hotel last Friday ^evening on the eve of nis departure for Oshawa. Mr. C. H. Mathews of the Chat.sworth House, runs a barber shop in connection with his hotel Quite a number of properties have changed hands in Owen Sound the past week, the •boom" has struck the place. The Times very sensibly warns property holders not to stick out for too high prices thereby shut- ting out capitalists. Durham rejoices in having a private Bank established in that town. Vennor predicts having a dry August, Amen say the people. Journalistic Change. â€" We understand that Mr. L. P. Cribbs, editor of the Barrie Advance, and Mr. Wm. Wesley, formerly of the Collingwood Mesi.enger, have purchased the Bruce Herald, of Walkerton. It is reported that Shelburne wi' soon haye another paper. An elastic web factory w.ll be in full operation shortly in Meaford. Mrs. C. H. Jay. of Meaford, d-'ed at her residence in that place, on Saturday the 28th ult.. while her husband was in England on a trip for his health. Sydenham fall show wi" be held this year at Woodford on the 9th of October. Thefither of Mr. R. J. McCoy, of Tara, formerly of Markdale, was a sufferer by the London Wett llool, having his property dam- aged to the extent of over 81,000. Tbe storehouse of Mr. James Sutb^ erland. Owen Souud, was burned last week. Los8 $2,500 mostly coyered by insurance. They haye had an exciting time in Orangeville over the post oflSoe site, which however was decided last week by vote whicli rtsnltetl "n a victory lor wbnt ' 1;^-T' " i :..i- _:.^ I

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