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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 21 Jun 1883, p. 7

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 .r ^^«*- ^i-'^SSg^^'^a^ '^i]5 ~9'^^--^*^viK" â-  ij^i-t^iyrfs^^ip^^-*^ n^i^ •"c^ ,? ' Ti .- ^rts^^^^'^^^^'^ae^" '^3^f^ ^? j,0RtB-WK3T NOTBS. ^graplis selected from the ^I^rrovineo Papers. jljPrairiebaahadacaaeof glan" P prevails among the hortea at brought intq Macleod recent- "'Jighed thirty pounds. "" J of COO men are now employed 'q?. machine and repair shops at P R. are about to erect in Win- " -;i20,000car shop and planing P;' n ;n that teal mi; in assist to erect an town, giving a 300. •jents oi the temporary bridge, built r.- â-  have been carried off by a freshet, " p R has abandoned the attempt pL. i'" r. A II Tl tf' "j Current Creek last year for the ,^e water at Pense A well was sunk \pnibol 4"0 without securing water. â-  jj'g survey party is subdividing at rth western end of Beaver Lake, '"l^ty.tive miles east of Fort Saskat- rastom House at Brandon is open. A antity of goods in bond await clear- L ttie extension gives very general i'.ion. iaid the party of C. i*. R. Surveyors .Vcamped in the valley of the Pembina 'aryJane Pass, have recently been â- jngthe country North of the Swan Liare now being taken towards incor- t;?jMocse Jaw as a city. Over thirty i.'i were erected in five weeks, and' 2ons are being laid in almost every â- â€¢'» two-year- old Cree girl died re- i^f ai Edmonton from the effect of A man chased her dog with a pitch- 3!id she fancied that it was herself he Irjstting. kaess is cot lively at present in the 'vjns, although it is better than it has " jtie money market is exceedingly x; which accounts for much of the jmeroeux, in digging a well recently ':;aim in rear of Saskatchewan City, sHurireon River mill road, struck a ' â-  tirst-class coal, five feet in thick- L:V»-feet below the surface. fc'JWper cent, of the freigot going to 'rtn-west from the East is now carried [::e Thunder Bay road. The rolling L;a that branch is taxed to its utmost js'i. -M, J. Haney, G. ii. Crowne, and have jointly entered an action tiiiho corporation of Winnipeg for per- t;iilth and refuse to be deposited near sdencei â- S1",000 damages are asked ';r.:ipfg paper says the recent rains ;iveii a great impulse to vegetation ::Dat the country, Tlie crops along |:;e ci railway appear in a very healthy "jcragiDg condition, and sn far the â-  i.ave every reason to feel gratified t;r prospects for a good crop. 'i Kiver has about reached the Level as last August. Any one look- aow wonld hardly believe the water ;-achthe adght it does in the spring. er is both wide and deep. There is trraijie change iu the banks since last a :a several places they appear to be v.. Such being the case, the overflow i.ess yearly. N'ery high water comes |s.;!ai. GEHS OF THOUGHT. I t:o knows most, grieves most for '.me. •k:: the brightest star in the firma- f;: youth. -â- j'.a, like the ironsmith, shapes as it â- â- â- "lan esteems his own misfortune pi'M. Pable without the Spirit is a sun-dial F-Ught, p:5 throws out suspicion should at â- aspected himself. -try may occupy the hands only ^â- â€¢â€¢!ce goes from the heart. ^â- ;-t;oos must clothe us with an immor- â- .ithsome or glorious. "'Sn religion ^vithout worship, and pM worship without ths Sabbath. I'.: as We divorce love from the occu- lt :\ife, wo find that labor degener- .rudr cry. "S.ous oljicrvanccs of the Lord's -^;" legitimately be regarded as es- 'â- â- â- 'the Christian life. â- ' tse best rules in conversation is, â- 'ssyathing which any of the com- â- ' 'easonably wish he had left un- Home. |S'e bitter word may disquiet an en tor a whole day. One surly â-  ^ta a gloom over the household ""|e, like a gleam of sunshine, may, the darkest and weariest hours. J -^eipected flowers which spring up r^Path, full of freshness, fragrance, I -ty, 80 kind words and gentle acts 'Jf^"spositions make glad the sacred '^home. No matter how humble l«)d '*• if it be sweetened with kindness ^. the heirt will turn longingly to- "ttoiaallth • .::. _- â-  " 'f it be ever so homely, will be |:oiJ"°" all the tumults of the world, I iif" ' ' ^^^" ^° homely, will be r^estspotleneath the circuit of the '» fiectrtcal Thermometer. tr,^^^.^Ua-(;oolden doubly-a(^justable 6:.: ,*'^^ 8 thermometer ia said to be ^,j ,^' lapted for greenhouses, hos- jl ' f^^ sick-rooms, breweries, the n of tleatres, and all cases where I "I'^ltc preserve a uniform tempera- .°ther signal given at any desired "•letanperature either rises above ow tie set limits, a bell is sounded other sig " ":rom:he .^y; instrument. It is said 'i,^'V°'only accurate thermometer 6^; «i vhich can be made to give at excess of both heat and cold. AUiSOKft. ..^^es some headwork works are always •A carpet maaufac- The pliutther'8 mot manage a ,^A picked nine-The quart of jearly straw- Jl'^^h^" " P^"'^*! of ^^ to make a isecanse they make one week. Cuth1«T/*° °!?^^ *^« dull boy smart. Out his finger and apply salt water A man whose best trampled under foot turer. itat rXS!^*^-^*^ ^?Py« 0° tl^e Metropol. ni^t'wT^ *^*^? ' arrested the other Sort o^Ltr'^l""^^' ^^^« ^^^ a ol-^b- oort o. battercake, as it were. whit!°^l-n^.^ Pi°°'° ^^«*« "« ^^^^ ^th color we would suggest crushed custard-pie. th^faT'f ""**' foreheads and chins are tne latest craze among the New York belles, -lo this complexion have we come at last. A smart young man picked up a flower in a ball-room after all the girls had gone, and Sffr!"'""' """ *^« las'troseof "A Florida man has an aligator farm" eays an exchange. By and by this item wiU read :_ A farm of alligators has a Florida Isn't it strange that we never hear of dy- namite being used in Egypt, where there are more Nileists than any wiiere else in the world To be tried for his lifeâ€" The hen-pecked husband. Two cats on the b^ck fence meet purr-chance the usual way. Brought up bv handâ€" The coal-hod. e v 3 "Don't say 'entry' Charles," said Mrs. Culture to her son '• 'hall' is much more â- t^T\ ^®^* ^*y ***« yo'^og man aston- ished his friends by speaking of Aid. Shaughnessy's " hall into office." " That which we call arose by another name would smell as sweet." If you believe that just tell a boy to sleep on at C a.m. in- stead of calling him to "arose," and see how much better it suits him. A gentleman in Brooklyn, celebrating the birth of a daughter on the day of the open- ing of the bridge, proposed to call her Vic- toria, in honor of the Queen's birthday, whereupon a friend (not an Alderman) sug- gested that a more appropriate name would be Bridget. A woman has been discovered in New York who receives babies that are not wanted and sells them at §5 and §10 apiece. â€" Tonkers Gazette. Jf they are not wanted how does she manage to sell 'em â€" Detroit Free Presn. If the truth of the transactions were known it would prove a "give away." â€" Boston Courier. " Mehitable Jane, I cannot give you an- other new dress this summer," ejaculated Mrs. Purseproud to her darling, "your father's pocket book has been drained by you now in fact, it is dry." "But mamma I must." "You must not," interrupted Mrs. P. "You are aâ€" a â€" " " A regular clothes wringer," rejoined the young lady. At a fashionable wedding in New York the ceremoDy was performed under a floral umbrella. This was probably a little sug- gestion of the bride's mother, who wanted the groom to understand by the emblem that he ought to put up something for a rainy day. â€" Hartford Times. Oh, no 1 It was a suggestion for a parasol-taire diamond ear-rings. A "shocking" oath â€" "Thunder and light- ning." Always work with a will when you try to break one. Elizabeth No, dear, coffins are not made of dye-wood. Current poetry is generally that which has an easy flow. Canary birds are generally nice and plump, though they go to seed early. "1 have struck bed rock," said the tired baby when they put him in the cradle. â€" » â€" â-  â-  â€" •-' SlnKalar FrezUc of Two Horses. Juit after dusk one recent evening the passengers in a horse car were puzzled and greatly amused by the queer actions of two strange horses. As the car was coming down the avenue two unharnessed horses were ob- served to come from a side street and trot after the car, keeping their noses close to the rear dash. The conductor tried to drive the animals away, but they kept on, in spite of every effort, to the end of the line, sever- al passengers, among them a clergyman, re- maining on board to see the upshot of the novel chase. As the car started on the re- turn trip the two horses followed. After a time the driver chased one ofl^, but the other horse kept resolutely on after the car, stop- ping when it was stopped, but promptly jog- ging on when it started. Some of the pas- sengers suggested that the horses had for- merly drawn horse cars, but had been sold, and, getting loess, had, through force of habit, followed the first car they met, know- ing that they would get a square meal after the night's work was finished. One of the gentlemen who was on the car said that it was a mystery where the horses came from. He was puzzled to aqgount forthis action, for he had not met any one who had ever heard of such a strange proceeding by horses.â€" Newark Call. A Mncb-Pelted Earth. People are so accustomed to looking upon the earth as practically the only material body in the universe, and upon the sky as the realm of unsubstantial phenomena, that it must seem to many a startling thought that our globe is not only literally pelted with meteoric stones, but that as it advances with the sun in his long voyage through space it becomes covered, like any other traveller, with the dust of the journey drifting in upon it from outer and apparently empty space. •-• â€" «^ » â€" ^-»- Mostly out " Your sin will surely find vou out 'â-  said a pastor, sadly, to a drunken Lem£ of his floor " Well," was the thick ^ply. "hi guess-hic-she, won't be very livelyâ€" hic-ter find me in. FuUv to understand a grand and beautiful thought requires, perhaps, as much tune as to conceive it. ttCIXMTiyiC OMSZP. A fatal cutaneous disease is prodaeel in rodents by the "Falvns fungus," or ths Anchorion gehlocenlinii, as they are called. -It-has been stated by a chemist that'Jieat- i,-.oA:."V-'.- *«,!»)*' ,,'-H,J' J..iI,Li."' ing to 120° Centigrade is enough to clear Turkey reds which have b«»En dyed in the presence of a snlpholeate. Beet-root sugar is now admitted to be quite distinct from cane sugar. Its sweeten- ing power is 30 per cent, lower at least, but its polarizing power ia greater. Mr. H. C. Harvey mentions the case of a cat that has become quite blind from cata- ract, but is still ablf to do mousing and to make journeys from and to home. Pasteur ha? studied the pneumo-enterite of I'igs, which has carried off last year in the Valley of the Rhone alone more than 20,000 swine. He traces the affection to microbia. Crude honey has been found to keep far better than the clarified kind, but the ad- dition of about 1 per cent, of oxalic acid will do no harm to the honey, but will improve it. A Polish newspaper says that a rich land proprietor who is liviug in Plotzle has ap- plied to the Government for permission to build a raih-oad between that place and the fortress of Novogeorgievsk â€" a capital name for a terminus. An artificial leather, seys the Engineering, mixed wi:h from 5 to 10 per cent, of sinew and pressed into sheets like ordinary leather card-board, has been recently made in Ger- many. Both materials are made separately. The leather pieces are washed, cut, boiled in alkaline lye, torn, neutralized with hy- drochloric acid, and finally carefully washed once more to remove all traces of acid. The sinews are treated similarly, but steamed in an acid bath until they are like glue. When thus prepared the materials are mix- ed, pressed into sheets, moistened on both sides with a concentrated solution of alum, and the upper surface is at last given a thin coat of caoucchouc in solution with carbon bisulphide. And so the bogus Lord Cantyre has been divorced from the lady whom he married â€" or rather, to speak more exactly, their mar- riage has been annulled and declar. d by the courts to have been invalid from the begin- ning. Our readers will doubtless all remem- ber â€" we are sure our lady readers v ill â€" how a young Englishman, by the name of Allen, met Miss ChafFey in Paris and followed her here visiting at her guardian's residence â€" that of Judge Sinkler, of Perth â€" and how, takin? advantage of a company going to the carnival at Montreal last winter, they were married in that city. Allen had to Miss Chaffey and her friends passed himself off as a Lord Cantyre, and the title doulnless added to his attractions. That she was possessed of about a quarter of a million, added, perhaps, to hers. Anyway, a young lawyer in Montreal passed the bogus lord through, and with the cabman became surety, on getting the license a clergymen performed the service, and they were pro- nounced man and wife. The legal infor- mality now proves to have been the want of consent of her guardians â€" she being a minor. The whole case shows the unsatis- factory state of the marriage law, especially in Quebec. Even here, however, it will stand amendment in the direction that this bogus Lord Cantyre case indicates. Advance Step in Dentistry. Havana, Cuba.â€" The most popular den- tist of this city. Dr. D. Francisco Garcia, member of the Royal University, states that in all cases of troublesome neuralgia, arising from the teeth, his patrons are recommend- ed to use St. Jacobs Oil, and the most satis- factory cures have followed. It is a specific for toothache, earache, bodily pains, and proof against household accidents. A young minister named Stocking was presented by his wife with a pair of socks last week. Donations are being received by the ladies of his church to buy him a hose carriage. PIANOS. puBOfl, anooitbe "Ne A VABIKTY OF THE â-  celebrated " Knabe* „ewcombe" pianos. Some onlxa short time in use sad folly warranted Also second-hand planes bT Dunham. Vose, Great Union, and ouier makers, from $30 op. vardB.far cash, easy payments^ rent or ex- change. OCTAVIUS NKWCOMBE ft CO.. Cor. Church and Richmond streets, Toronto. KO STKAIN Oir THE SHOVIABR OB BUTTONS WHKN STOOPING. Send 25c., 35o. or 50o. for sample pairs Athletic Suspenders. TURNER BROS., 774 CraiK street, Montreal, and 786 Washingrton street. Boston. Mention this paper. BEAVER S. S. IjINE. WEEKLY BETWEEN Qacbcc, Montreal, and UTcrpooI, CALLING AT QUEEN8TOWN AND BELFAST For lowest rates and all particulars apply to Sam. Osborne Co., ** "^xlS^Vo."**' rvK Tm SIDNEYS, UYB AND OBtNARY 0R6ANS THK BEST SLOOP POmPlEII. There h â- â- ly ••• w«y ky w M sfc say Mf i»i Is ky r«^M»Tla( ay ba. The Bre*! trk«reT«r It the a _. â- iedicml â- â-  11 1â€" ' t liâ€" •ittf day 4«elar«' thai ismi by dermacad â- earty wrery «li»tiM.» Is cmmi Utiia aalr way hf whic* bealth emw*4 Haralawbara WAIiNBB'SaAVB rUHK baa acMerad Ita neal rtvalatlaa. (4 oMm 4lvaeclr ayaa tha ItMaara aad llrar I Qhatham, Ont., 7th June, 1883. ana ky i lart»B (kaaa ta â-  b aa I tfcy aoadUiaB ' drlraa dtaaaaa aad pmlmtrmma Cbe â- ysteak Agents Wanted Everywhere for the sale of the already justly Celebrated Chatham Waggon having the improved arm and climax truss rod appli^ to the axles. The cheapest, and at the same time guaranteed the stronKest and easi- est running farm wagson made in Untano. Correspondence solicited. Address Ckthain Maniifg Co.. (Limited.) Por«ll KMiMiy.IJv«r Mid VH««ry troablaa) Air Iba dla«r«aain« diaavdan •fw^meet far UnUtwtm; â€"d pbraiaal trwablaa seurrallT, pbraieal trwablaa gtti tbia (raat raaiedr baa a* e^uai. B^wmw •I lai^aiiiara, laitSatia«a aad cantiacOana lid taba laat aa â- * ^ffr llabe««« mA tmt W ABICK U'S 8A PI OIAJIBTBS rVKJB. ^•mr aala by all daalava. " H. H. WAMTER ft CO., reroAto, Oat, Beehsitsr, H.T., Lea«a,Xaf. QAC REWARD â€" STOLEN, THE 25TH P^U April, from my stable, lot 4, 3rd con- cession, East York, bay horse, 16i bands high, black points, fired nigh hind leg, bone spavin- ed. Any person leading to his recovery will receive the above reward. JAMES SMITH, Don P. O. CHAMPION STUMP AND STONE LIFTEE The Strongest, Lightest. Cheap- estandBest. Will do the work of 8 men and 4 horses. Per price etc. Address 5. S. KIMBALL. 5 7 7 Ci; A I G S T K ]•: ]• MONTREAL. Professor Lispinard's CELEBRATED SKIN BEAUTIFIER! This elegant preparation is Warranted a sure cure for all Skin Diseases such as Pimples Blotches, Ulcers, Humors, and all Eruptions from whatever cause arising. It positively and effectually removes them all in a few days and is the only effectual remedy ever introduc- ed. One package will cure any case. As a Beautifler of the complexion it is unrivalled, removing Tan, Freckles, and all blemishes. It makes the skin soft and white, and restores it to its natural purity and beauty. It is a t'-ue remedy, safe and certain in its action, and does not injure the skin. Price one dollar. (%l). Sold by all druggists, or sent in plain wrap- per postpaid, to any address on receipt of the price. Sole proprietors for Canada. Address THE LISPINARD COMPANY, Box 28.5, St. Catha3.nes, Ont. ENCOUMGE HOME MANCFACTURE. MBS. E. "m? DOANE is now prepared to supply Perforated Paper Stamps, newest and latest designs. The French Liquid Method of stamping on velvet and dsrk goods taught. N.B.â€" Mrs. L. L. Wilson's Eureka Dress Chart for sale, wholesale and retail. MK8. E. M. POANE, 101§a bella St., Toronto. A PEOMSSIVE BUSINESS, IheBoltSIronCo.otToronto. (Lim.) Surcessors to the DomlBlon Bolt Co. MERIT APPRECIATED All the Hardware Merchants, Agricultural Implement Manufacturers, other Manufactur- ers, Railways and Contractors, now get their supplies at th^s, the largest Factory. Witness the large increase in sales: For the 6 mos. ending Apr. 30. 1880 35,548.91 For the 12 mos. ending Apr. 30, 1881 125,2^1.89 For the 12 mos. ending Apr. 30, 1882. 241,578.42 For the 12 mos. ending Apr. 30, 1883. 331,795.50 Every kind and size of Bolts, Nuts, Spikes and Rivets made, Eind satisfaction guaranteed. Four qualities of Carriage Bolts to suit the most particular on quality and the most exact- ing in respect to low prices Consumers who get their supplies from Hardware Merchants should insist on getting these Bolts and take no other. Buyers should see that all the Bolts they receive are labelled with the labels from this place, as without them they have no guaran- tees from here and may get mixed qualities of Bolts. Threshing Machine and Harrow Teeth with other drop forgings will be added to the manu- factures of this Factory. Buyers will favor bv kindly sending samples and estimates, of their early wants in this line. ....-'â- v rk..'i'l,THE BOLT A IRON fQ Dominion Line of Steamships. Running in connection with the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. Sailing from Quebec every Saturday during the summer months, and from Portland fevery alternate Thursday during the winter months. Sailing dates from Quebec :â€" Ontario, 23rd Jane. I Montreal, 14tli Jnly. Uomlnlon. Otb " I Toronto. 2l8t Oregon, 7tli July. Karnla, 28tta ' Rates of passage Cabin, Quebec to Liverpool, $50, «60, «65, $80; return $90, $108, $117, $144, according to steamer and berth Intermediate, $40. Steerage, $24. The saloons and staterooms in these steamers are amidships, where but lit- tle motion is felt, and no cattle or sheep are car- ried on them. For further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Railway Agent, or local agents of the Compiiny, or to DATID TORBANCE A CO., General Agents, Montreal. RHEUMATIME THE GREAT CURE FOR RHEUMATISM And oil complaints o( a Rheuanuic nature, RHEUMATINE is not a sovereign remedy tat "nil the ills that flesh is heir to," but for NEU- RALGIA, SCIATICA, RHEUMATISM, and complaints of Rheumatic nature. IT. IS A SURE CURE Sold by all druggists. The Rheuinatine Man- ufacturing Co., Niagara Falls, Ont. Messrs. Northrop* Lyman Wholesale Agts,. Toronto. Ml- â-  I I â-  1 I l.X.â€" Tbii ibonld bp m everv Jiome A large Stone KnirraTin;;, size 18 x 24, pnnted on beantifnltlnfed plate naiwr In the centre' we sea an open t»uk ia whloh to repster the names and bmhs of each member" of the famUr. On the left hand a beantif nl scroll, oc the ri^ht another beaulif ol r*^i'on wWch to Inaoribe the denths. Surmounting it all In handsome trpe we have the wonU. " God BIimis onr Home." Unaemeath we have nlsces tor photo-anhs of father and mSh«? aTdil' OTOMd the iSctnre arp similar spaces Intempersed with bMnUfal flowers aad leaves, thr whole finumed off in Jirst-class style. We fj* Insure t -lUsupply a want Zglol^sSinpUby mail'izS^^^ 1 dozju for $2.01, 23 by maU,$1.00, 25 l.r cxprm, $3.75 50 by express, $7.00 100 by express $in.O0;. \\.^'f^\"-^^ » tandsono watch and cUhin, only $65.00 » .....,,. h- m i-.

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