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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 21 Jun 1883, p. 5

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 ^. Vv-EACtGE, General Manager. iinnrovements in ,1 at I cau give Filleu on the- [I ALWAYS A.h, Black Ash. â- k Logs v.-anted Eugenia. '^}' â- :Xr-i ,%=* â- ' M^^^: •S" 'H^-yt-:. -â- ?*, â-  ElrlB:ie^ I M" G5- or JET" F [reat Sale of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS at and under Cost goirigonat the TORONTO HOUSE. fow IS the time to secure Cheap, Seasonable Goods in time for tiie 53eiit season's use. The Highest Price aUowed for Farm Produce. p:^-"*-'"^^- WWI. BROWN. \\\r. doll is leaving Mar- co into the Wholesale ,r Business in Toronto, ":-.S"i"-, ^^ leave Mark- '-.-•iki-r,' he has entered licrship vdth Mr. W. m'S, li^le of F Usher ton, J hyartical watchmaker ^..llcY r)f over 15 years ex- r:id'co:ncs ivilh the best Wr.ienda Hens may be a little backward on ep, but they uever fdU to come to the scratch where flower beds are con- cerned. Dominion Day will be celebrated in J^lesherton by horse races and other games, their bUls ebow a good prize list. The weather has been exceedingly warm and showery the past few days and vegetation is consequently very rapid. " Last Thursday, Prudence, daugh- ter of Mr. Wm. Flesher, fell out of a swmg and dislc ated. h^r right arm at the elbow. The London conference of the C* M. Church regected the besis of Union by a vote of 101 to 83, the Montreal ::n \i'ill carry on the oonference has accepted the basis. The trotting stallion '•^Jimmy Puz- zler," will be at the Mansion House lions from some of i-atchinakers in the 111 MarkdaL jrk cnirnstcd to him will ;;; a li'jrkmanlike man- :H ::â- /// be guaranteed, ;.j')(/5 sold ivill be found .iuiicd, or money refund- |e Brown's, ,:»:.â- - ^^ aijlimakers Jewellers Hill's IJloclc, i\r,Ki ,\LF. ONLY. "moNIHI-V FAIUS. -\ :ur'"ii' V lufoio Fleslierton. r. -Jioihl IV l.rt'trc liuiham. -T'l-'Li"'" b-l.'ie ran Seville. L-Moml; V 1.1 lw;e CJriiugeville. -iVaiu^ N.,l:iv iit;lni.i Orantreville. ---'â- 'â- -â-  .cuu'l Tiiursday in each ' :â- â- .--!' .ir.l Wf'lnc-day in each ';â- !â- â€¢ liv in foie I'uvliam. -:. 'M Ti e^:!,n' in tncli month. -^l..ll'l;ly Uf!'i'e u;liam. |i finrl AiViAii T+nmn ' !i â- â- â- (• ',,' ((,//;;. hitcnded to benefit i*.:i")- ,Sm,-/. f/^ ,,-(7/ be charged ten y 'â-  ih.- ' r~t in--:e!t!(n und five »l: s.(Vi"ji,i7(( inscrtiun. [nip Seeds ^^'^^ mostre- â-  j, I'uif, tresh, and true h'-:iie JleiUcal Hall, A. Tur- " Paling ];ito of Notman i louto, is still taking 'i'lirjov's 1,'allery, such as -â- â- vatcii Nditli of Toronto. piEEd.â€" l-',.r Sale, a two ••'^ite, Wiilaiit cabinet, as l--^. lieab'iu lor selling â€" it â- â- i:nough fjv our office. We â- â- " pnrclia^e imotber small -â- ^•' ami v-et a larger one. f-eier ili,j :,-utcr. Apply to 'â- â-  Utruld is a four column, •%r imblialied in Piiiladel- â- 'Jiice a mouth, subscription .^-aiinmi]. it is doing a f-siL'Uoik ui exposing frauds. •â- ^t should liavc it. It is also i^etlunn i\.r advertising, f-*uiatiyn()f70,0U0. "/â- -Last Wi'Dk Ml-. Richard Artiiuisia, met Tvith an ^-eii liiiglit iiavc cost him ' '^•li' a,-)Sistii]g to raise a piilji-acu ic-li on his head '^\ 'Calp wound about three '^^"cth and Droducing a da- ly^i skull about as large fts Kve "'eiit piece. When l^st *-â-  Was progressing fayor- |^=e from Toronto papers ' '^st exammatian of the f'^ersity. Mr. A. D. Creas- I^^V passed his 4th year ex- ' "d has been granted the, ^^^â- , and that Mr. J. A. j^ his 2iid year examin- fst class honors in chem- in biology, minerology, â-  ihese young men »re [°hc Creasor. Q. C, of stable from 3 to 4-30 o'clock P. M. every Saturday until the 1st July. On Monday laet while- Mr. Wm. Galbraiih was assisting to take a stove out of a wagon he slipped, and the stove fell upon him frac- turing his right leg. Statute labor is progressing this week in Markdale, and the sidewalk is being built towards the station which every citizen will be glad to have complete. One of the new and leading features of the establishmnl of D. Melville Co., Owen Saund, is a system of shop- ping by mail, i'or particulars see ad- vtrtisment in this paper. The bills for Dimdalk Dominion Day Celebration are out, and show a splendid ])rize list for atheletic games, base ball playing, tug of war .c., which will take place on Monda,y July 2uJ, iu the agriculiural grounds. Lost. â€" Between McFarlands store and Mrs. llutledgo sr's., residence one day last week a woman's woollen stacking, white. Any person finding it will please leave it at McFarland's store and greatly oblise. Discount from 10 to 20 per cent on all sales of Clocks, Watches, and Jewellery till September Ist, iu order to make case rooq^ for a line fall assorlpept. Call and get prices, a good stock to select from. Doll Brown, Jewel- lers. Ehubarb is now very plentifull and makes very wholsome and palatable s.auce or pie, when sweetened as fol- lows to every pint of peeled and iinely cut rhubarb put iu all the sugar your conscience will allow and then sliiit your eyes and add another good handful. DuRH\ii Bull.â€" Mr. Eobt. McBride has a fine three year old Durham bull for service on lot 99, 2ud con. W. T. S. Koad, Glenelg, one and a half miles West of Markdale. Termsâ€" $1 cash or $1.25 if not so paid. This is a well built animal and shows good breeding. As St. John's day this year falls on Sunday, Juufi 24tirit is expected that the Rev. Mr. McDiarraid will preach a sermon specially f;)r Prince Arthurs Masonic Lodge, of Flesherton, m Markdale un Sunday evening next,. A few seats at tha front will be re- served lor the Masons. Hot We^thek Sellers.â€" McFar- land's 15 cent. Gasboreres. McFar- land's »» Parasols. McFarland's 12i cent White Cotton. McPirtana's 25 cent Si'k Glov.s. McFarland's 10 cent Prints. McFarland's 40 cent Hoop Skirts. McFarhnd's uncolor- ed Japan lea. McFarhnd's $1.00 Tweeds. Beabs Caught.â€" On Monday last as Messrs J. Thibaudeau. D, Whiticar and Geo. Trvon were returnmg home from Priceville, tb^y saw an old hear and three cubs on the f*rm oi Mr. PatterBou. Alt*o«gh these gentte- men were tinkrmed, they ^vere not *fraia of "The Bear.'apd gave chase, ^riug a pair of cute. «»™e of the SSnew of Uiat vicinity turn^.,95^ with guns b«i wew unsucceBsfnU m Paisley 18 growmg rapidly. On Sun- day week the wife of T. W. Oaley added two sons and a daughter to the population. The Markdale ball club are going to WilUamsford on Saturday next, to play a game with the "Young Cana- dian Officers," of that place. Mrs. John M. Walker of Dnluth, formerly of this place, was brought home to her father's (Mr. Thoa. EUi- ott, sr.) on Tuesday, she having lost her health. SUght nopes are enter- tained of her recovery. We have been informed that the committee of management of the Irish Lake Pic-nic, which takes place to-day (Thur.8day) have chosen the editor of the Grey Review at Durham land the editor of the Maskdalb Stamd- ASD as candidates for the gold head- ed cane. Eev. Mr. Wilson Presbyterian, preached in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening last to a large and appreciative audience. At the close he referred to the amicable feeUng which has existed between Mr. Mc- Diarmid and himself during the past three years, and hoped the same good will and harmony would continue. This IS as it should be. A letter appeared in our last issue from a correspondent, for wnich of course we are not responsible, con- taining statements which reflected un- favorably on one of our hotels. En- quiries have been made and the case found to have been very much exag- gerated. In justice to the proprietor we may say that the milk of the cow referred to has not been used for weeks, a^d, was not used since any objection was raised to it. Horses KiLLEO-^-Tuesday morning train from Owen Sound struck two horses belonging to Mr. Marshall Ward, on the tra^k at the foot of Berkeley grade, killing both animals. It appears the horse* got on the track by a gate being le^l; open either acci- dentally or maliciously, and aa there is a curve ^n the track, the engine driver did not see them ii^ time to prevent the accident. Mr. War4'B loss will be great as his circumstances can ill afford such a miBforti^ne. Accident. -^One day last week, as Mr. John Ga^e, Ass't. (bounty Clerk, was helping to take a large roll of carpet dowrj the stairs from the Mji- sonic Hall, the person who had held of it above was unable to hold on, and the roll came down witli great force on Mr. Gale, knocking him down the stairs, fracturing his collar bone and inflicting other injuries. He was con- fined lo the house for several days, but we arc glad to see he is now able to be around again. â€" C/. S. Jimes. Othek A5!8ignmext8. â€" It has been an un- plea=aut duty to us of late to chronicle the news that townsmen were in financial diflS- culties, but sad is it to us this week to an- nonncc the embarrassment of one through whose difficulty we are affected. Thnrsjiay eveuiug last Mr. H. H. Stovei. of the Vul- etn Foundry, here, assigned to Mf. J, J. Cook. Through this wc were compelled to I follow suit. The foundry was closed about I eleven o'clock Friday morning and vill re- I main closed until the first meeting of credi- ' tors, on next Tuesday. The printing office I will be carried on by the trustees with "^jlosed 1 doors ;â- * all work to be paid for in cash at I time of ordering.â€" J/t, Foreti CanfederaU. 1 ' Immigrant Chiij)BB!»." â€" Mr. John T, Midilemore, the founder oj tl^ Orphan Children's Emigration. Cl»»rity,l40ndeo 0«».. left Liverpool on tha 7th iast., in the S. St. Ciroassion, with a parti «^ 50 girl* »i»d 80 boys between the agen of 3 ami 15 yean, nil© are brought out to this ooontry for «dopttm or hire, chiefly anong farmer*. Tbfy »»e expected to arriva rt the G«thri8 Home, i»«r the city, oa «w aboot tte *Hh in^, »liM will be 3fi^ Middlemon^a llA amtnal irijrt to these sl^Ms wiA iavena»ci»igi»nt from Binnmzha^ Bngivid, skMe l*W._^reMg maay aprfia**"" MBowipmed • witt t»o« referenoea liare *«eB tta4e for flte « WM «xp«cted to MTiv«, tat noon ••• te^mtA. Faitbec partiMlMW bu^ %n oWHuiM tlrwainR Mr. H. Oimsm, â- â- Hin( fi WW Qatiiris ^oiq«, lioaAan, Om, SERIOUS AFFAIB. k not BBM! IN THB LESS BT HIB NXIOHBOB AT BB06TXB'9 lake, WHILE nSHIMO. The above lake is situated about half a mile north of the Collingwood road, at a distance three miles South of Singhampten, and covers some 70 acres of land, being abeut all on the property of Mr Wm. Brewster. It appears Brewster has cultivated speckled trout in this beautiful lake, which in former years was entirely without such, hence con- sidered that he had the undivided control of the fishing in said water. It appears Dbvid Johnston, whose farm adjoins the l%ke, and part of which is said to be on hia proferty, went fishing on Monday the 11th, when Brewster fired a shot in the direction of him, the shot taking effect in Johnstons l^s, the wounds are not likely to prove serious. Johnston had Brewster arrested, and he was coE^veyed to Owen Sound jail, last Thurs- day, to await his trial. He was admitted oat the followiag day on bail. BUCKLEJl'S AENICA SALVE. The best salxe in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores,. Ulcer?, Salt Bheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, ConiSjand all Ski^ Eruptions, and Positively cures Piles. It is (guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refund^. Price 25 cents per bo3c. For sale bv A. Turner Co Flesherton Station STEAM GRIST MILL eiO. lOOMOUSE. â€" :o: â€" Tq the Farmers of Grey. I HA YE nvide arrangements with Chath- am Harvester Co., to sell for then their mower, Sing:le Reaper and two Horse Cord Binder. All material in these machines warranted of the best quality. Every machine warranted to give satisfac- tion or moBiey or notes refunded. Parties in need of any of the above machinea, can inspect them on fair day's at Flesherton, Markdale and Chats worth, consult your best interests, and, examine for yourselves. ALEX. McKECHNIE, 143 56 Traverston P. 0. ^* Mk%X^ Gristing Chopping In a satisfactory manner^ EYERYW0RKIN6DAY. â€" â€" Flour, Bran „ and general mill feed, always on hand. â€" â€" CASH for WHEAT. GEORGE WILSON. Wholesale and Retail Htm (BUTCHER!! TAILOR. Over McFarland's Store M ARKDA LE. Special attention to Cutting Fitting. Orders promptly filled, and satis- faction Guaranteed. A. Hill, THU BEST II CHEAPEST. O Coolness of temperament is a virtue, but the refreshing coolnesg of the Preserved mLeats, Fruits, acid Vegretabl«Si â€" KEPT Af THBâ€" r^ BELFAST HOUSE, MARKDALE, beats all the ioeberKc ever floated down the Atlantic Ocean. BBEF, POEK OR MUTTON SUPPLIED., from a single pound to a whole carcasts,, at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL IN THEIR SEASOK Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, oz- Pigs to dispose of will do well to call at No. 3 Burns' Block, opposite the new Union Block. Markdale, Oct. 2otli, 1881 THOS. MATHEWS, lanesS EslaUiiieiiT! markdale:. EVERYTHING IN OUE LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SEORT NOTICE. LIYERYl IN CONNECTION. $500 Reward I We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Comp^iint, Byepepsia, Sick Head- ache, Indigestijon, Constipation or Costire- ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable. Li,Ter Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetablcv and never fail to give satisfaction. Susjar Coated, Large Boxes, containing 30 PUls, 25 cts. For sale by all Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and immitations. The genu- ine manufactured only bv JOHN C. WBSX CO., "The Pill Makers," 81 83 King St. East, T(Or6nto. Ont. Free trial package sent, by maS prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp.. For saie at Turner Co. Drug Store.. Health is Wealth i The Belfast House Teas and. Coffees I give an exhilirating influence, not equalled in Markdale, except by Benson's WHISKIES, BRANDIES, W«ES. t:c. Those wh« relibb the ' pipe of peace " will find the Tobaccos and Cigars at the Belfast Hotue anmupaBsed north ot ToTontu. Cheese, Bologna S«isftce, and Biacuit in endleas variety, all frtxn Uie .best mam^MtniOTB, al the Bdfast Hoow. Ap- pln, (green and dried,) Spieee, Sweetmeats, Sn. leilet and Fanegr 8«q8, Essences, Perfomes. and Famity QiIb. of the poiest qoaOity. Flanr, PoUtoes, Pork, Hetriog, (diied and sail,) kept eonstamtly ca hand. iS'Oar 9oMRd Oin is imported dfreetly ham tiM inannfaiiliiiwsi vA ear Bottled Wmes »»f«t vp a* tiw fiittivt. ViSdem in b«til«B»l6isteid in earn, «ailin fcet vr- ssydu^iDflMpaeccjtrad^ AiMnftad- ditioBtotlwlMMsaviBenaj^iM to jmx' in |b* \«0A naskals «f S«rop« and Dr. E, C. West's Nebve and Bbain Treat- KENT, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria,, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neu- ralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration cauE-. ad bv the nse of alcohol or tobacco. Wake- fulness, Mental Depression, Softening; 9f the Brain, resaitng in Insanity and lea^ayg to- misery, deca^ ud death, Premature Old Age, Banr ennobs. Lobs of Power in either sex, Ipvcduntaty losses and Spermatorrfaflea, caused hj over-exertion of the braiu, sdf- abase or ovfr-indnlgeDC*. One box^ vill cuereeent caseib Each box eonta^aone moil's tios^ent. One dollar a Iwjc. or fix li^zea for ftye ttollars sent by mail pre- paid OB receipt of priee. We gnarantee six beotat to eore ai^ ease. With each order re- eeived I7 n lor six boxes, accompanied with; five doUkis, w» vriU send the parchssw a written gnaiantee to refund tiie money if tfaa tBsatmant does not effeet a sore, ^ar- antses isaoed only br A. Tmraer AG*., tditt ioi Markdale Ont., Joh^

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