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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 21 Jun 1883, p. 4

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 /^W^lws,"-;' '«*fsi«;»x^s"*^*°^ *^â- ^^ ThB Standard. MAEKDALE. JUl^E 21st, 1888. â€" A fearful catastrophy occurred in a hall rm Sunderland, Eng., on Saturday last by which over 200 children lost their hves. An accident happened at the foot of the gallery stairs and a panic and crush Misned. THE STKAIGHT TIP. Newspaper adTertising offers such fcili- ties for addressing all clasflea from which customers would be hkely to be attracted, that it is now recognized by shrewd business men as the best of all possible salesmen â€" one who never sleeps and is never weary â€" who goes after business early and late â€" who accosts the merchant in his shop, the lawyer in his oflSce, the student in his study, the cultivated woman at the family fireside â€" who can be in a thousand places and speak to a million people each day, saying to each one the best thing in the best manner. It is always at work, and does only and exactly what it is told to do. It can be monopoliz- ed by no one, but, while Qomg your neigh- bor's work is ready to do as good or better service for you. OBITUARY. Amongst the many bereavements by death of late, we have to chronicle the demise of Mr. Chas. Currio, of the South line, Arte- mesia, on the 22nd ult., at the age of 97 years. Deceased was a native of Islav, Argyllshire, Scotland. He emi- grated to Canada in 1374, settling in the township of Chingacousy. In 1851 he with his numerous family removed to Glenelg, in this county in ttie vicinity of Priceville, and lately to his late residence. Deceased was one in whom the spirit ot true Christian charity end benovlance abounded in an emi- nent degree, and his memory will long re- main green and fresh in the hearts of the many who knew his benevolence. His re- mains were followed to their last resting place in the Presbyterian Cemetery, Price- ville, on the 2'4th by a large asemblage of sorrowing relatives and friends. HOLLAND COUNCIL. Holland Centre, June 8 1883, Council of the Township of Holland, met as an adjourned Court of Eevision. Eeeve in'the chair. Members all present. Minutes of former meeting read and confirmed. The following persons were placed on the Eoll, J, W. Eaglo, Patton Jo]in.=ton, Amos J. Merinm, ^N'm. Vogan, Piobt. McNally, and Eobt. Telfour. (hxlbrnitli, Dc.ovict, that the Court of Eev- ision now close, and that the Assessment lioll as it now stands, be confirmed and en- grossed ou the irinutes. John Cameron, Eeeve. (Jarson Price, Clerk. Holland Centie, June 8, 1883. Couficil met at one o'clock for the trans- r.ctioii of general busme?K. The cnnimittto appointed to investigate lIiK rcpaLrii.g and building certain bridges, f^avc ill ihcir V'^iort. Galbraith, Dej'Uty Eeeve. that the clerk be instructed! to iiotitiy the pathmaster of Wal- ter's Falls to rcq'iest Dr. McClelland to re move all oi)stnic:ions off the street opposite his place in Waiter's Falls, ortherwise the l.iw in that rt-^pt-ct will have to be put in forr'e. McKinnet, Dejiuty Eeeve, that an order Ij' issued in favor of Mrs. Crraham for 85.00. on the application of John Price, end that he Ije instructed to give the same to her. Galbraith, Deavitt, that the By-Jaw for the purpose of dividing the Township into Spoi- ling sub divisions be read 1st 2nd 3rd time :.: d engrossed on the minutes. (ialbraith, JM-iinnet, that the. resolution of Glenelg council, granting $40.00 Jfor rep- airing t jwii like between the twoJTowHships, he supplemented Isy a similar grant from this Townsliip, and to be placed opposite the Ipt '2nd it .Sri concession. (jalbraith, Deavitt, that $500 be expi .ad en tlic roads of the Township this year in iiip following aiipointments West Ward, ?100 South SU'O East $100 North $120 Centre $100. Shute, Deavitt, that the snm of $3.00 be rT;pended in buying timber to make culvert or. Toronto Line near Eailroad. A petition presented by Angus Gunn aijd -igiiei by 20 others praying for a grant to ojien up 3 con., from No. 30 to Hamiltgij's T::ill. Shute. Galiraitii, that the prayer of the •â- 'oy've petition 'oe granted by giving $30. Deavitt, I)t'iinty Eeeve, that the Council appoint themselves road commissions for tb;s year. Deavitt,. Shute, that Mr. Galbraith take till' Scuth Ward, Mr. Shute the North, Mr. vameron the West, Mr. McKinnet the East, Mr. Deavitt tlic centie. Jitavitt, Deputy Etjeve, th^t Mr. Galbraith ic iustiucted to act in auoordauce with th^ â- report with respect to b;;idc^ isx^ •Jnd con. and get 4 wen the same. (ialbraith, Deavitt, tl^a^ Measi;a, Shute, :di'Kirnet bQ. upppiiitedi t4.«xamhM certain i ridges in the tixK^Dship tm tQ tii^ ^te Qf 1 pjwir, and to report njt ^f)x|i iq%i^^. (^ Ctiiicil. u^braith. SLate^thai'v*. adJo^^tf^Um. Q^KSov Fucx, Clerks ABTEMB8IA COUNCIIi. Fleshebtoh, Jnne 4th, 1883. Artemesia oouncil met to-day a« a Court of Bcrisioii on the assessment of 1888. Members present Messrs. ChriBtoe El- liott, Wright. McArthur and McKee., After each member had made CQa sub- scribed the necessay oath as a member of said court, the court was duly opened, when the following appeals were heard and other basiness disposed of Appeal No. 1, Peter Holman, assessment reduced $100; 2. Alex. Brown, assessment sustained; 3, John BnUivant, appeal dis- missed 4. W. H. Campaign, appeal dismiss- ed 5, Josiah Gamey, assessment reduced $50 6, Samuel Pedlar, appeal dismissed 7,Thomas Wwille assessment reduced $200; 8, James Stewart, appeal dismissed. Wm. Walker was assessed on E. Eoll for lot 31, con. 11, at $400 Thomas J. Stinson was assessed as farmer's son lots 178 and 179, Ist West Wm. Patton was assessed for Jot 16, 3 S. D. E., at $750 Eobert Patton as- sessed for S. i 14, 2, S. D. E at $500 T. Atchison assessed for lot 39, con. 7, instead of Wilham Atchison John McMorrison as- sessed for lot 127, 2nd East, at $400 Thos. Gamey assessed for West part 37, con. 7, 36 acres.' at $180 George Dod's assessed for lots 4 and 5, South John Ste. Bell's survey, at $160. EUiott, McArthur, that the assessment roll of the township of Artemesia, as now arranged and corrected by tbe Court of Ee- vision, be certified by the Clerk as the roll for all purposes for the year 1883. Court of Revision rose and sat again as a conncU meeting. Minutes of May session read and approved of. Communications as follows presented and read. Geo. Wright Bro. re bridges f^Ierk of Osprey, re expending $10 on the town line Csprey and Artemesia Fred Gee asking to be exempted from statute labor for the cur- rent year an application from the trustees of S. S. No. 7, to have debentures to the amount of $1,250 for building a new school house in said section an application f'-om trustees of S. S. No. 4, to bon-ow H5 until the levy in said section this fall petition of Alex. Brown et al re bridge on the Durham road, Priceville Village, and a petition of Alex. Kinner, et al re opening sideroad 35 between the 13th and 14th concessions and the repairing of town hne Euphrasia and Artemepia were presented and read. Accounts as follows presented and read John Whitby, salary and postage as as- sessor, $82 A. EUiott, service on commit tee re Priceville bridge. $4 Mrs. Thompson, bread to Boyles and Taylor $13.37 by-law No. 355 to amend by-law 353 appointing municipal ^officers, and by-law 356 to autho- rize a loan to S. S. No. 7 were introduced and read a first time. EUiott, Wright, that hy-law No. 3J5 be read a second time. Carried. Elliott, McArthur, that by-law No. 356 be read a second time. Cariibd. Elliott, Wright, that bv law No. 355 be read a third time, signed, sealed, anci enter- ed in by-law book. Carvieil. McArthur. Wright, that bv-law No 356 be now read a third time, signed, sealed and entered in by-law book. (Jurried. Wright, McKee, that the application of the trustees school section No. 4 for a loan of $45, until their rate La collected he enter- tained, and that the Eeeve issue order for same. Carried. Wright, Elliott, that in accordance with request of the township of Osprey this council ex)iend the sum of ten dollars on township line between Artemesia and Os- prey, at the place named by Osprey, and that councillor McKee attend to the matter. Carried, McArthur, Wright, that the commis^^ion- er for ward No. 2 be instructed to act with commissioner from Euphrasia in building bridge over saugeen river on town hue Arte- mesia and Euphrasia. Cariieu. Elliott, Wright, that this coucjjil will ex- pend fifty dollars on bridge over "augeen river on the old Durham, E. it) the Village of Priceville, provided the people of Priceville make up the balance of cost 'of erecting \Aic same, or the counQtilor for the ward meet the cost over fifty doUars out of his appro- priation. All the timber in the old bridge fit for use to be utilized ia new structme, said bridge to be let by tender or to the lowest bidder, the comnaissioner for the ward to let and superintend the work. Car- ried. • Wright, McKee, that the reeve and deputy reeve be and are hereby instructed to make application to the County Council of the county of Grey, at its session at Owen Sound on the fourth Monday in June 1883, to appoint a comnjittee to enquire into and report upon the amount to be expended by the municipahtiea of Artemesia and Glenelg on townhne between said townsliips trom ninety sideroad north of Markdale, to 110 side n » i South Carried. EUiott, Wright, that Fredrick Gee be ex empt fr«m statute labor for 1883 on accoimt of iU health. Carried. MoKee, McArthur, that the following ac counts be paid Mrs. Thompson, bread to Boyls and Taylor. $13.37 John Whitby, salary as assessor, $82 indigents monthly aUowance, $10 this day session, $12. Car- ried. Ehiott, Wright, that this council meet on Saturday, July 7th, 1883, instead of Mon- day, 2nd .Titly 1883. and that the clerk give notice of change. W. J. Beli AMY, Clerk. Personals. Mr. T. Kells is on a trip to Manitoba. Mr. Jas. Brodie has returned from attend- in-? the Grand Orange Lodge, at St. Cathe- rines. Dr. Armstrong is home from attending the annual meetmg of the Medical Associa- tion ol Ontario, held in Toronto. Mr. Wm. McBarney, of Essa Tp. and wife hav^ been visiting friends in Fleaher-. ton and vicinity this week. Mr. John Ford Las parcbased a far-nxin Sydenham Tp., on the Lake shore road, from Mr. Geo. Nesbitt, six nji^es trom Owen Sound apd beside! the -vijlage of Annan. i*Tqf. Canton, graduate of the re-* nowned O. S., Fowlpr's School in iPhreiw^opfy ha^ taken rooms at the Bjeyere Hotel, Markdale, where he wiU-be glad to. l)ave a call fij^m thfr pnbjip. ^^ D. MELVILLE Co. OWEN SOUND. SMUTU _A Leading Feature of our Establishment is the Mail Order Depdrtment, bv means of which customers residiug at a distance have the Kt of our entire stock at the ^ame figures as bypersonal purchase, and that means LOSS than OrOinary Reta il Pr ices. OUB SYSTEM for Mail Orders.â€" On applica- tion we Tend Samples of Dress Goods, Silks, Satins, Pnnl., Sateens, Embroideries. Tweeds, Flanne's, c. Aim OTAUlf Oi Kid Gloves, Silk and Lisle Gloves Uun wlUulV Hosiery and Gentlemen's Furnish- ings, Carpets, House Fuin;»h „-bv I IDCC ings, and Keady-Made CJothing 15 ftHT LAIlOCi In ordering Gloyes send size and color for Hosiery send size of shoe, say whether Misses' or Ladies;. AH Mail Orders receive prompt attention, and Goods sent not proving satisfactory may be returned and money refunded, if detired. â€" To all parties desiring to make personal selections and purchasing to the a- mount of $30.00 we will pay one return ^are. AVool, Butter and E^s t^ken as Cash an highest price allowed. D. MELVILLE Co., DIRECT IMPOllTERS, VmOHi STREJSTF^ aWEN SOU.\D. June 12th, 1885., SPECIAL OFFER. BIRTHS. Freebop'.â€" In Holland, .m the 15th iust., the M"ife of. !M.' Rpbprt Freebori), of a son. " MA BR i-AG E S- McLeodâ€" ^^MYTH â€" By the- Rev. Father Cassm at St. Filter's Church, Glenelg, on the 20tli inst., Mr Wm. McLeod, shoemaker, Markdale, to Miss Catherine, daughter of Wm. Smyth, Esq..., of Glenelg. MAEKDALE MARKETS. Fall Wheat, fO.95 to #0.92; Spring $0.98 to 80 iiS; Parley, 50c; Peas, 65; Oats, 40c Butter, Ific: Eggs, 15c; Potatoes, 45c; Hay, §10.00 Pork, 7.50 to 7.75; Flour, $4.75 to $5 00; Wool 17 to 20. FLE SHERTON MARKETS. A. CA^Tliy. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions ot youth, ncr â- * ous weak- ness, citrly decay, io^s of manhood, Ac., I â- will send a receipe tht will cure vou, FREE OF CHARGE. This great Remedy was dis- covered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressi d envelope to Ret. JosFPH T. Inman, k'tation D, New York City. Fall Wlieat, $0.90 to $0.93; Spiing, $0.95 to§0.y7; Barloy, 57c; Peas, 69c; Oats, 41c Butter, 15c; Eggs, 14c; Potatoes,40 c; Hay, $12.00; Pork, 'ij7.45 to $7.60 VOTERS' LIST 1883. MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GLENELG, COUNTY OF OBEY. FARM FOR SALE. LOT 6 COX. 3 E. G. RD., HOLLAND, 100 acres, 70 acres cleared, well water ed, good orchard bearing good log liouse and barn. Situated 2 half miles from Chats- worth. A. bargain will be given in tlie above property, for particulars ap))ly to Geo. Noble, Maikaale, or to Chas. King. Sh(d- burne. 12t-tf. Notice IS hereby given that I have trans- mitted or dehvereJ to the persons men- tioned in the thu'd and fourth sections of ' Tbe Voters' List Act," the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or de- livered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last re- vised assessment Roil, of the said munici- pality to bo untitled to vote in the said muni- cipal 'ty at elections for members of the Legislative assembly and at municipal elec- tions, and that said list was first posted up at my office, at Durham, on tfie eighteenth day of June 1883, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and, if any emissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors correct- ed aecerding to law. JAMES BROWN. Clerk of the said Municipality. Dated this 18th day of .Tune, 1883. T. C.~ B. railway; TIME TABLE. Change ot Time. On and after Monday, N.07. 2pth, 1882- trains will run as follows ' ' GOING K TH. Read Dovm. A.M. I P.M. 7 30! 4 25 9 051 G 00 9 55' 6 45 12 20: 8 44 2 25 11 50 12 06 1 30 P.M. Farm for Sale. TO sell or rent. Lot S 1/2 14, con. 9, Euphrasia, 8 miles from Markdale and 3 from Rocklyn, containing 100 acres, 70 acres cleared and in good stateof cultivarAion, fit to run reaper and mower, and balance bar J wood bush with sufficient cedar for fen- einj?. Well watered with never failing spring only 10 rods from bam; nasa yo;ing orchard, house, bara and stable. Therfl is a new steam saw m411 on next farm to it. Cleaa deed can be given. For particn'irs apply on the premises to SAMJJEL WRIGHT, ' RDcklyn P. 0. QOING SOtFTH Sfod Up. ToBONTO Cakdwell Jcnc. Obangeville MoDNT Forest.. A.M 10 45 9 05 8 27 6 30 10 15 T,EESWATEB 5" 00 !j .;() Fi-ESHEBTpN ... g 43 8 45 9 55 P.M. P.M. 9 10 7 31 6 50 4 30 2 45 4 47 4 30 3 10 P.M Mabkdale, " 6 27 OwEK Sound., ,. 5 15 A Mixed l-rain will a}8o ixm.between Tor- onto and Owen Sound. See Time Table. D. McNiCOLL, EwipND.WBAOeB. Gen. Pa»s. AgU Gen aul Manager. Fariwfor SaJeu AVERT desiiaWa poipDerty Toeing 100 J«ad. 7.0 acres dw^,. IjaUioT'haS^S^ has a large BtonQ.d,«aiiw bouse andJoToM' 18 weU .watered ^li^^i^Ter iai^S Sb MANHOOD HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED /^~~S. We h^ye recently published a new "KAIi jeditioa of Dr. Culverwbm,'s Celb- ^â- ^-mT^^brateix Essay on the radical and permanent cure (without medicine) of Ner- vous Debility, Mental and Physical incapaci- ty, Impediments to Marriage, fec., resulting from excesses. fS" Price, in sealed envelope, only 6 cents, or two postage stamps. The celebrated author, in this admirable i-ssay, qlearly demonstrates, from thirty years s^pces8ful practice, that alarming con- sequences may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicines or the use of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual bv means of which every sufferer, no m'atter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. tS-This Lecture should be in the bands of every youth and Qveiy m,in ia tbe land Agdrjees '•â-  Tht Gulverwfiir Ihdteal ao P.O. box 450 41 Aon St., Wew Fork 110-62. TENDERS wiU be received by the mider- stgned Execa|rix until Monday, th,e2n(i July, 1883, fpr,^eiwrQho8eof,tbe property, knovn as -^eet of.T. Si Boad, Township of Olehelg. Tenders receivfldfpT the Mill i»th 60 acres ^wh;cb it ^tods. the« is.^ a b^ ^Mres upon wlHch tfaeie ia,* l»rge sub- ^e^est qaany tend« not^ nsoaisarUj Por further particulan â- nply to, Or to WDAlB^%e„tri^ Vb.MoG.1^. 0«*ng«^ Mk soil A regular Monthly Cattle p.- SATURDAY Do. ^. )L 1 s°- â- 'â- 'â- 'â- â- .::-- 5 I'o. o^f Do. ;;o,! MAPcKDALE, Maunfdct.uer of ail tads ..j Drop Valve, C.ylii;.]. r, r, Pumps. '""â-  md c:, All ]:i.:u;; of lEOX PLl .S':pi;.u lomls, Brs; u EYENlNt, i:Xi;l.SS liaiNSvilircsJ direct coiincctJoi. -ivitli tin' rahtce Steimiiu' the ",Si.^nt:ni." 'â- A'lj.i ' an.i -Mh^tik"' the Owi"T S'.r.uil 'r-t' ,â- ..â- â- : S'liiji Line wi..:, leave Owen Sound i vej v I'T.SliU' H THURhiDAY for SarJt iie. Marie" ^^1]! intermi 'liiit3 Ports, and '\(.yx TUESDil and S; TURD AY for T il..- Snpt.n.irPom, connectiiif; at Thumli^r Ijiv with tbetaii dian Pacitie liail\v;.y fn- Mrnitokanaal' points in the Cr\!i;'d'an XortLKest. SaturilaVK b'teaiutrr- ri-.ii tliuft to Thnn;' Baj' ami tJui=o tra' tUiijg l.y tiiis tripj: route will reach Winriiiic;: a= fast as Ljii' all tr.iin route av.A ii- ivi'.- vi vmucnliinti SHirpinis OF yi^rif.HT' i..iuid ».. sij^ii vip. tl:e (.'wr n Si -ai: i S. S. Line. For rates ami fill otlu-r infiitnatiun app;- to any of the '/.'ni^ ' f ;hf 1 'wm Sounds. t Line, the Torouto, Gn y uim iJrueeMw, or to D. McNICOLL. ED. VsTlAaE. Geii'l. l-'roi;'!it ".iid (icuural ikcacc:. r!i.«seiiKL'i Atrnit. Toronto, Aiu'il -•' is^3. ^reat Sa going ow is ' [sent se£ tdale, June 20th: [ir. 'Ooll is leaviiu ^0 into the_ Wl ^â- y Business in J L u;ishing to leave logetherj he has Irtnership i^ith M \WN, late of F lei \a prartical ivatc ieller of over 153' I and comes with Emendations from Ljo- watchmakers }roujn will carry in Markdale. I'ork entrusted to J in a n'Drkmanlik [jork iL'ill be gua, goods sold linll h isented, or money 8c Brow people's Watdimakers A lill's I^locl MAEKJJALE ONLY. EyCE^LA ilk Grist, Saw andlat Hav;iit'ni8(lv i leii'^ivi? â- â- .nnroven.Hi';;: my Gribt ilsiiil 1 ;,i.i io_.l" ii; I can p: good satisfaction. GOOD FLOU^ ALWAYS MONTHLY FAIUS. -Saturday before Flesl -Mondny before Duii -Tuesday beiore Oranu. ^1â€" Monday befme Oran -Wednesday be lore eâ€" The second Tuiusd testâ€" Third Wediic-^d -Monday before IHirha [â- Thir4 Tuesday in each VMonday before Duriian Chopping Done Every D«v â-  ^^ Qjjjgf J Custom Sawiu- and Bi.i; Filled oa the shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALW.^IS UN IIAN1 Cherry, Bul'.crnut, V\-hitc A.h, Black .i^j' Basswood, Pine .iud Hfiulu.-k LopswinteJ 691y. M. AKIT L. Eugcaia. |tT! tliese coliunria intend i\ud or Society icHl if fco for tlie first insertii 'tackuhiequent inaa MAEKDALE Meat Market, A constant si of Fresh ats! hand, at tJi' Low^fst Liviu- Prices. Orders solicited!. aiiJ deliv- ered free lo all .irts of the Town. Farmers having fat stock to dispose of, will pK.ise leave their aclurcsscs. TERMS STRICTLY CASH^ VRED. SAKJEANT. Markdale Mau:h 23. 1SS2. '^*" IN BAGS OF 28DLB8,. â€" A i^^- LOWEST PRICES TurniP SeeD l^ie Iftrgest stock at H. PARKERS Qragstore DURHA" Up Seeds ^^^^^ owers, pure, Irosh, |atthe Medical Hal G. Paling late of ' Toronto, is sli p JJulnier's gallery, 3 beaten Nortli of 1 kiNTEBs. â€" For S;i 1^5 cage, walnut Ci pew. Reason for pge enough for our to purchase anot Nl Hud get ah per the latter. i^ P«'«i UeraJd is a foi paper published in h once a month, st |per annum, it i pableworkiu expos pect should have it M medium for n I circulation of 70,0 R.â€" Last week M P' Artemesia. un.- Pbich might liavc "bile assisting t 'a brace tell on I* scalp wound a r««igtb and produ [Of the skull about [li'e cent piece, p ha was proRres Nee f^om Toro |^« mt examinat tv^veysUy. Mr. A T'Wy passed bis 4 R. aud has been f \r^' .*^^ tbat ^^*i his 2tid yei I o««t class houoi â- ^WabioloKy.i These yquu John Greaaor. M^.

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