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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 21 Jun 1883, p. 1

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 n^€.:, iVOu. 3. --No. 41. MAKKDALE, ONT., JUNE 21, 1883. No. 145. ^esberto, 'B. ^! -1! rf M s • Pork. lot Store. 1^ ft 8 ft EV'RV '^â- . hi iTnr. isH;;n iURSDAY EVENING, r If â- . KiL "'ntiivio. iv ,U'VAX( r, v, ,â-  njiitl.'s. "-J if not paid lill 1, ^lâ- l:â- . N'J iiiij'cr (tiscontinued .1,,.- -w^' jiaid up, exc-cpt at the I'ul li~liL'i-, and paitii's refusing ,.!.; ]â-  .\ 'A'j, up will be lieM respon- â-  :.â-  11 .-ubacriiitious until they 9«tel«. tin- nil' 'â- iS iii-' i t: 1 1 ir iivt: tr;i Licii iub I:!eui'!:i'i'«'i' of bv n-1 USI orv, 11 rted witii new Al^VKETISING i.'ii â-  V a-.- • â- '^oO nn '.]â- ' 27 50 (1 15 fX .i' 8 00 a- 1 00 --, f,' :.t iii^i'r'ion per lino 3 milt insri aoii 3 "iius r 1ie reckoned by the I'lr^l nifasiiirii liy a scale of solid A i-i'rti-eiiK'uf.s withnnt specific wii: 1:3 pulilishe'l tiU foi-t-id and c ri'.;nely. All tranitory adver- ii'.ot be in tlie oflioe ef bubliea- -r..i(.-k on ibe weduesdiy proceed- u!'l!cutiin. JO]; PRINTING ;[ tverv (lGscnpti;)u executed with eat!ie« -and despatch at the Office of iMbiANi'Anri, Mai'kJiile. C. W. RUTLEDGL I-linroii ct PuortiETOR. REVERE HOTEL, ItBAKKDArE. BYRENS MgGASKILL PROPUIETOllS. THIS popular Hotel Im-. changed hands and the above men cater to the wanta of the public, tiood »te.blin and attentive hostlers. The best brands of liquor and cigars, good meals and comfortable rooms, large omKiercial room. Barber shcp in con- nection. 130-ly.. CHATSWORTH HOUSE (late MOliROW HorsE.) CHATSWORTH, Ont. C. H. MATTHEWS, Fropeietoe. XI A !«iAVjrii:s. WAKDELL, ca:-h or produce. U"KI.;, hit d,Ki! A.N']) mXlLLFAl. A-LL \\ (.1,, 1^ )i'i;iiipt!v attev.ilod to. Eesi- t^urrâ€" ^.:ii U i' 111;!. U'-veu Soutul 1'22-;j5 "Lime Kiln y, GiieKt. IvI.D., M-R.CP. S., O. I";iv- all iMul Snri;r(,n. Priceville, â- Wr.a; I "hiv,.'i-.,iiv. Vict. C'.llcge. n m shares. N'l T Yurie, and liilU. UlM 'r\:\U 'if t^ f ^aUU' AvTetii \rc\li-ai Institute. mv ioy sale. cpth.-iiiiic Tiniji;al, N,Y. ii,i.;i; -;. 1':..-::-i:,n,.v;Siir4iVrs,0. iO-1 'Rae best brand of liqwors and cigars al- ways in stock. Good meal.s and c.mfortable rooms guaranteed. Good stabling and at- tentive hostler. 114 Markdaie House. This commodious and popimlar hotel is f iir- nisbed in first-class style, is one of the finest hotels in the County. Good accommodation for ti'aveUers. '-Bus to and from all trains. Chaises moderate. A. KDTLEDGE. Proprietor. COMMERCIAL HOTEL PEICEVELLiE, Ont. Large fthd commodious Sample P.ooms Good Bed Rooms, A'c, The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's TH03. ATKINSON, Proprietor EOBT. ASKIN. Has opened out a First-Class Furniture AND UNDERTK1N6 ESTABLISHMENT. And therefore has supphed a want long felt, especially in the Undertaking Line. COFFINS, C4SKETS, SHROUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNISHINGS supplied on the shortes notice. Hearse for hire at moderate rates. AN ACROSTIC, JLook out ye farmers and threshers all And see that you buy for Spring, Summer Bight splendid good oil. [and Fall Don't be misled by statements bland. Insist «ipon having the very best brand, IÂ¥ow good as ever, in fact it is grand. Everlasting wear without grit or sand, machines run smoothly, no jarring or noise, And engines too in its use rejoice. Carding also it suits, as you plainly see, Heavy gristing cannot do without me. In fact all machines are blessed by its use, New or old it will save from wear and abuse, Every man try it, we are sure it wiQ please. Our initials, when read, will give the cue In looking for oil, the best and the true, Ijong in the market, but ever new. Manufactured solely byMcCoUBros.Co.. Toronto. No connection xcithany ntlier firm. 127-153. Flesliertou. â€" All kinds of â€" PICTURE FRAMING Done ou short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. Mansion House, MARKDALE, JAMES BEYAN, Psoprietor. liOliO. ICamsror^ ICnight, r.u. sruGEONS, p. A (.' iiihi-.ei iiirl Go's Drug OW'V.S sorxD. yr\ '0.v pi e-ervation of Vit' icial l)u'n!:ures mount- .:.' h'A I'lubler bases. iL.ii.L the la.-^t Tuesday in LF.i ..V c.r M' K'light.L.D.S. â- .bilistlloyalCol- "e I'cu.Sur..Ont HAYING LEASED THE ABOYE HO- tel. and thoroughly overhauled and icfurnishcd the same, I am now in a position to i-eceive a sliare of public patronage. The choicest brands of li([uors and cigars kept. Good meals also good stabling. Markdaie, Mar. Uth 83 I311y John McDonald, CHATSWOIITH, JYISION Court Clerk, Issuer of Jlar- riage Licenses, Commissioner in B.E., Conveyancer. Ac. Docds, :.b;rtgages. Wills, c., attended to promptly, accurately, neat- ly, and cheaply. Private funds to lend in small sums ou easy terms. Notes discounted D' Union Carriage Works Union Carriage Worlds. Ail work maniifactnred ffom First Class Material lu the Latest and Best Improved Style, aud finished with Ens^lish. "Vai'nisli- w' liva] of iCK of Ire now le sold )rices, PEO- siness, to sus- buried pecial roHXpt Ilobs )f Miss |P.MARS,HALL, L.D.S, IL.\TaST, Lf.lDr,vTI-: OF TORONTO SCHOOL of 1' 'li- r;-, vii) be at Rutled^e's â-  Miv ' l\^\ on the 1st and third Wed- "'i-i e,ii-ii nii-.utli aud also at Munsha»'"S I'i-^initun. the day following the -iWiduLF/iav 111 eaeh month for the prac iMv'jrii, i.\. 122-71. c0al. 'Jd;j r=. At. "Wtilll, f'-t'.iore. F:r,, Couirv rjo-^t Fro«it, !!!.-•â-  AND ATTOENEYS-AT 'il riti.r- m Chancery, Convey Ov'-.u .Sound, have resumed at oii.Lc npea every Thursday, as A UCTIONEER AND GENEEAL LAND i\. Agent, Williamsford Station. Auction Sales attended in aU parts of the County. Goods sold on commission. Bates moderate. Pianos, Organs, and Sewing Machines-; also Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Vines, Agpicul- tursil Implemennts, and Machinery of all kinds on sale. Wihiamsford, Jan. 27.1881. J. W. Frost, LL. B. Attorney. 1 .1. â- 7I.\S««»0\. :i.vsti:e a.vddep. eeg Notary Public, Conveyan 'iiCliaiit^rv â- â- A'C. EYTi) r.i.XD AT SIXPEE CENT. "ff^-^-ii...ii Sound, in Vicker's Block ',^'-; iLii'l iii Markdaie, over MeFar "I'StiJu, uii 1 liday and Saturday every 57.1y GIBSON McMillan, CONTRACTORS. Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK AND STOHE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastermg. Calsominina in all Shades and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- antee'^. Orders left at ahe Standard othce will receive prompt attention. Markdaie, Feb. 6th, 1883. 126-ly. Painting Trimming Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Eepairs executed in the shortest possible time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Eemember the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHANAHAN, WARNING There is great danger of tak- ing cold from wet feet. If you want to Guard Against Sickness! Keep your feet dry and warm bv procuring your â€" FaOM â€" KAY THOMAS. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Med- icated Cork Soles, all sizes, kept on hand. Eemember the place opposite the new Stasijakd Office. 49 JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GENER'LBLACKSMITH HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. Markdaie. Dec. 2nd, 188L Proprietor. 64. Wi. Lucas Co., BA NKE RS, ]Money Loaned. IN large or small amounts, at all times. On good jndorsed notes, or on collateral seetirity. INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. SEEING IS BELIEVING. GENTLEMEN,â€" If you want a first-class Buggie or Wagon call at MCKENNA MASON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can supply you with an3rthing from a Lumber Wagon up to Extension Top Phaeton. To buy from them is to Sash and Doob Factort. â€" This new eii' terprise is now in operation and doing a good business. The proprietors, Messrs. Wilson McKechnie are industrious, oblig-- ing, practical men, and will supply a long- felt want in the above business in Flesher- ton. They are now prepared to fill orders for plaining, scroll sawirg, sash door's, fencing and all kinds of building material, while they expect to have their matcher in' operation in a few weeks. Their machinery is aU new and the most improved, and luns Uke a top. They also caiTy on the carriage making in coimection, in this line Mr. Wil- |on has already gained a reputation tor su- perior worKmanship and good material in the manufacture of carriages of all descrip- tions of which they have sold a good number this season, and have now on hand a number ready to go out. Mabblk Works.â€" Mr. Yanzant, has open- ed his marble works in Sproule's block, next door to 11. J. Sproule's store, where he is turning out tomo stones which show good workmanship and beautiful design the pro- prietor reports prospects good. He has se- cured orders for several monuments, the material for which is on the the way. Brick Making. â€" Mr. Varty has put in a brick machine and wLQ in future be enabled to turn out the best of brick in large quan- tities, the increased demand for brick has necessitated this extra expense and we have no doubt it will be a profitable investment to the proprietor,and will no be doubt appreciated by the pubhc in their increased patronage. Mr. Varty has also, during the past season erected a comfortable brick dwelling, and is fencing aud improving th surroundings. Mr. M. Eichardson has removed the build- ing occupied as a drug store and is building a fine large brick on the corner, the stouo work is now J'uilt and the brick work will le pushed forward with all possible speed. Mr. Sullivan has built on th. site of the old skating rink, aud is now iu the tin busi- ness. The cheese factory is doing a large and satisfactory buswiess this season. Mr. Gar- rett, the manager, is eiUcient and tliorougly understands his business, giving his patrons every confidence iu him as as the fac- tory. LOYAL MARKDALE LODeE. SOLICITOES. CONVEY- Block, n Sound, Dufierin ' "It's Stove and in MARKDALE; Mvl iirlan.l's Store on Thursday t^ ' i Hiich WfcKk. ruu.;. lHni„n reasonable terms. ""' G Duncan Mobwos F'lf '^^"..T. '-i;nA (). stooK CO ottQJ?S -M;i arrli l.-^, 1882. 79-lv F No. 78, will meet in their hall June 25tb at eight Of C. on Monday evening o'clock p. m. 108 Draft.^ issued and Collections ma5e on points, at lowest rates. W.M. LUCAS, Manager. September 23, 1880. 2-ly They are both practical workmen, and employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They guarantee their work Second to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. ChatsAVO'tli. Dr. Beunet left ou Monday for Peterbor- ough where he will spend a few months m order to recuperate his health. The fire hall is uov completed, and looks quite imposing. A. McGill is doing a very large trade in harvest machinery this season. He will erect his new building as soon as the rush of work is over, The new building wiU be 70 feet long and two storj- high. The C. 0. 0. F. pic-nic, last Friday, at Kelly's grove was not as largely attended as was expected, yet a very pleasant time was spent. Mr. M. Wilson, of the new tin estabhsh- ment is getting rigged up and is likely to do a good business. The volunteer company will leave on Fri- day for. Niagara, where they go into camp. The Cattle fair on Monday, was well at- t6nded,but beef cattle were scarce. A. Turner, Sec'y. r.' .T fat Alfxajider Brovi'n I j^.;ER of Marriage Licenses, Fire and â- j-'« liKuranee Agent. Commissioner Pnif "â-  '"i"'ev(incer and Licensed fetthT" '"' "' *-'"untv of Grev. Farmers, !.(â-  f *• ""' I'^i-n'l Sales, PunctnaUy at- '•'" '^iiil cliargfes made verv moderate. â- ticev "!«, Sept, IT.lbeiO. 1-y irj-- Wiii. Brown, ||-„ EE (JF MAEEIAGE LICENSES.e -OCT., "'**i"inB. E.c. Hd t """' " ^â- ^^ i*s branches promptlj ); g^ to an^ carefully executed. itj â- ""'5'3ey to Lend on Eeal ggtete BEAYF,R DALE MILL Lumber and shingles kept on band, and cut to order, Bills Filled on Short ** Notice, Satisfaction given m all cases. JAS. LAOKY ManaRer. W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDEE, CONTEACTOE, ARCHI- xj;(^__liesidence on Mill Street, Mark- dale. Markdaie. Jan. 24th, 1883. 124]j Be R. JOHNSTON Proprietor, 141-tf. Single copies of the DARD 5 ^^^^^' J. W. FORD, Is giving splendia satisfaction in GRISTING, By the New Process at the lluklals Mai Special attention to parties from a distance so tbat they day have then: grist home the same day. They use nothing but First-class White Oak for Wagons, and thrice Extra Second Growth Hickory for light work. The immense amount of work turned out of McKenna Mason's shop is snfficien proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. The BEST is thr CHEAPEST in the END Poor cheap work we positively will not take- Special attention given to Ee-Trimming and Itepainting aU classes of Carriage Work. Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pay) in HORSESHOEING SHOP â€" On Mill Street opposite t'j Sproule's Hotel. McKENNA MASON INTERESTING ITEMS GATHERED FROM OUR. EXCHANGES AND OTHERWISE FOR TUS READERS OF THE "STANFAKD." A masonic excursion from Shelburne to Toronto on the 21st. The day is set apart for the civic holiday of that village. Shelburne authorities have decided to use cedar scantling and pine lumber in their sidewalks in future. Rev. D. McLeod of Priceville was present- ed with a buggy by his congregations recent- ly- Mr. James Hair, of St. Vincent, had h.s left band cut off at the wrist, by a circukr saw in his saw mill in that Township recent- ly- Advertise in the Standard. 8 DISOOVERY! LOST MANHOOD HESTORED. A Tiotim ot yvnthfnl imnnideno. t»vaav' Prem» ton Decay, Kervoos Deboity. Lost Uuitund, etc., li«Tin« tried In v»in every known remedy, has di»- amrer^ a iritnp teiwifc nre. wbich be will send FB£S to S^fdknriOT3S5». addiw U. BEEVES, 43 Chatham SU. K. T- Oct your this ofl|ce. IVorkdoae Thb ex-Canadian Psemier on the Allan Link. â€" In presenting an address to Captain Smith, of the Circassian, the Hon, W. Mac- kenzie, in the course ol his remarks, stated: I am sure that I speak the views of at least all Canadians when I say that we are proud of the Allan hue of Canadian steamsJiips and that no money was never better .--pent than the comparanvely small mail subsidy which the company received from the Gov- ernment to carry the mails and aid in secnr- in-' a tirFt-class steam communication with England. -r;i€ Liverpool Journal of Com- merce, t â- ;;? 1. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE "STANDARD." If di

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