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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Jun 1883, p. 8

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 5=5^ WORTHY OF PRAISE. As a rale we do not recommend Patent Medicines, but when we know of one that really is a public benefactor, and does posi- tively cure, then we consider it otir duty to impart that information to all. Electric Bit- ters are truely a most valuable medicine.and will surely cure BiUiooBnosa.Fcyerapd Ague. Stomach. Liver and Kidnev Complaints, even when all other remedies fail. We know whereof we speak, and can freely re- commend them to all. â€" Ezch.-^Sold at fifty ceut? a bottle, by A. Turner Co. FREE OF COST. All persons wiihing to test the merits of a great remedy^ne that will positively cure C'onsnnption, Coughs, Colds, A.'ithma, Bron- chitis, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs â€" are requested to call at A. Turner Co's Dru^ Store and get a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption free of cost, which will show you what a regular doUar-size battle will do. GIVEN AWAY. V7e c«.nnot help noticing the liberal offer made to all invalids aud suifereis by Dr. Ivlng's New Discovery for Consumption. You are requsted to call at A. Tum«r Co's Drug Store, and get a Trial Bottle free of cost, if you are suffering vvith ConsumptioH, Severe Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay P'ever, Loss of Voice, Hoarseness, or any affection of the Throat or Lungs. It will positiv^y cure vou. The next sitting of Division Court 'No, 5 will be held in Markdale ou the 21st Juue, and in Chatsworth the day following, ANSWER THIS QUESTION. MTiy do so many people we see around ns, ".em to prefer to suffer and be made mise- lahle-iiy Iadig«stiou, Constipation. Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Coming up of the food. Yellow Skin, when for 75cts., we will sell them Sliiloirs Vitalizer, guaranteed to cure tiiem. Sold by Wm. Brown's General Store, Alarkdale. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. This is beyond question the most success- ful Cough medicine we haye ever sold, a few doses invariably cure the wor^^t cases of Cough, Croop and lironchitis, while its won- derful success in the cure of Consumption is \\ithout a parallel in the- history of medicine. Since its ik^tiX, discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, to test which no other medicine can stand. If you have a cough we earnest- ly asK you to try it.- Tree lOcts. 50 cts. and §1. If your Lungs are sore. Chest, or Back Lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by Wm. Brown's (General Store, Markdale. SHILOH'S CATaRAH REMEDY- A marvellous cure for Catarrh ,Diphthcj-ia CVmker rnoutli, and Headache. Witli each bottle there is an ingenious naspl iujuctop. for the more successful treatment of these complaint-; without extra charge. Price 50c. ydd by Wm. Brown's general store Mark- dale. THEGIIEATESTJIEAUNG COMPOUND Is a propaiation of carbolic acid, vaseline aud cerate called McGregor ' Parks's Car- bolic Cerate, It will cure any sore, cut, burn or bruise when all other preparations fail. Call at Hill Bros. G(«eral Store and ,c;et a package. -T-wenty-five cents is all it costs. McGregors ""speedy cure. Froqx the many remarkable cures wrought by usin^ McGregors _Si^«3dy Cure for Dy.spep- .-la, In.TigL-stiuu, Constipat;oii and AllVctiiin (if the Liver aud frotii the immense sale ol i: witliout any advertising, wo liave concluiLu til plaee it extonsiwly ou the miiket, u that thii.-.e will) suffur may have a peifect cure. Go To iiill Bros, (ieiievul Sture aud get a trial bottle free, or the regular tifty cents or one dollar. The Toronto Daily ^\'o;lJ is the spiccist, n'\vsyist paper of tin; clay, only 2-5 ct-; a iLionth, just the thing for mechanics. Sub- teiiptions taken at this otliee will be sent direct through the ^iiail, specimen copies can be seen at the St.vndard Ofiice. Eux.A.WAY. â€" On Tuesday, a young lad named Harkley, in the employ of li. P. Butchart Co., was leaving the stable on lialier street, with a horse and buggy, a front wheel came off" and the horse ran away. The boy held on well till thrown out at Wolfe's cor- ner, where the rig colided with a tel- egraph post. The buggy had the shafts broken and was otherwise de- moralized, but for tuuatelj' neither boy nor horse were hurt. â€" O.S. Times. KRAMS'S FLUID LIGHTNING Is the only instantaneous relief for Neuralgia, Headache. Toothache, etc. Rubbing a few drops briskly is all that is needed. No tak- in nauseous medicines for weeks, but one mifiute's application removes all pain aud wilV prove the great value of Kram's Fluil liightniug. Twenty fiive cents per bottle at Hill Bros. General Store. Wm. Lucas Co. bankers, Markdale, have $200,000.00 to I^^an on real estate, btraight loan system. No iines. Low interest: moderate charges, THE QUESTION HAS OFTEN BEEN ASKED. Can â€" Rupture â€" (abdominal hernia) be cured? We most eitipJutticaUtf say, YES. That this part of the body offers no excep- tion to those physiological laws which gov- ern the whole physical economy audit makes not a partici«-uf differeuo« whether the age of the Rupture is one year or a hundred jears. For proof of this s«ud for a Free Book on Rupture to The Excelsior Rupture Cure M'f'g Co., Preacort, Ont. 132-84. Our correspoBdents will do well to bear in mind tkat their copy will require to reach us -tm Tiiesday, to insure an in^qrtion the same week. Work given out. On receipt of your ad« -dress we will make an offer by woicli jpn can earn $3 to ft 7 evenings, at your home. Men, Woman, Boys or Girls can do it. -H. C. WUfcinson A Co., 195 and 1«7 Fulton St., NewWk. The Standabd faLe IxUance oi 83, S8Ten months, for 50 cents, to any addre=s, sub:--cribe at ouce. THE BEST H|GE TO G^X •Nirth'cf Toronto, is at t^ That's 80, for a friend of mine had his taken there and he says they are even better than wha^ he had taken in Toronto. JAM£8 H.AWHTON. ARTIST. LOOK TO YOVS. IirrKMMS AMD Gl!* PATENT lOAD l1Fnii««ACfflHE Tfflft SEASON- It will save yon one or m" a°f« fj,^" day you are drawing in. as yea don't need a man at the front of the mow to pitch it back Yon can pitch fiom the load as you ^pitching dowi instead of up. You can ^laad in half the time, and with greater ease .ban in the old way. Agents wanted in every county. Wm. SARGENT, Berkeley P. O. or Grover In- hanes, MCuildings, Toronto. AVl Vo« Seen 1i â- A e i^' SEEN WHILT N WHY THE iri -TAKEN BYâ€" 41EI,' PHOTi MB. R. G. PALING, late of Messrs. Notman k FrasPi's Stnaio T I Mr. James Bnlraer, Flesherfcon, has secured in Mr. Paiin„ \y^\ Artist, having been employed with the aforesaid firm f(,r i,„^l '[H^i Parties should not tlas opportumty of securn)^ a lirstda 1 V" tbe^elves or friends at low i rices. All photos taken by tiie new )L ^^ stautaueous. JJabies a specialty. Don't wait for fine \veatlier r"' come all aud see for yourselves. All work gnarar teed. ' "len OL. 3.-- 03 ALL KINDS REDUCED RATES, jz; Made of Special Iron, Q Tli© Cliepest arLd. Best. fiU Support Home industry and procure your Plow Points AT THE Markdale Foundry. I ,*] I*lovr I^ointss, 3 tor Q Old Iron taken in Exchange. IT* O O Iâ€" I -i« TAILOR SYDENHAM STREET. Insurance Agent Flesherton Will be at the Markdale House Markdale £: ver-yT" H U J^ S r A^^ii" First Class Companies only represented Yourd truly JAMES BULMER t?' ^K ^â- *""'â„¢' â- ""' " " A. M'INTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. IWI'INTYRE T"lo-CLr, ^^lo-ULx, iE^lo-ar. MEAL! MEAL! MEAL! McINTYEE'S I McINTYitj-ZS • Cigars, Cigars. I Pork, Pork, Pork. McINTYRE'S LIQUORS LIQUORS McINTYRES Collee, CoHee. MciNiYi:}:s Aud ever ytliin g kept n in a first-class Grocery njil Liium Stort always on hand, che.\p for cash. ill ARTEiVIESIA WAREHOUSEI o Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots Groceries, Provisions, Lc. Stock kept full and â- well a.s.^crte goods recoivei] every week. o MY BRANCH STORE AT EUGEXLV replenished -with new goods every week. For saleciicap for vxAi orprodoci. IS prur i :VERY THURSDy At M.iik Kil I ]V .A [IV \\ S1.25 i" tJirte Jii jikI;-. j,e e'-a of tho ye ir. '.; ontil all "«*"« "â- " I""' Ljtioiiof the puliishei-. ii Uprii-s without p:iv:n.L; iij' yblefor rlie ye,ir ub=c amply witii tlie ruh TEltMS OF Al' One column one yx;.- â-  lalf "O- '" â-  • Quarter di. do Eightii do. del Card '!â-  Ovbr toil linos, fiVf.t in-e;- Each subsequent insiTtio; The number of hues t Lpace occupied measiue.i brevier. Ailvertiseinen* directions will be pui'li- thargeJ accordincly. A I isemeuts must be in ti lion by 11 o'clock on the tig their publication. .JOB PR IN Df every descripti;)i neatness and despatc be bT.\ND.iKo, Maikel My Saw mill, Shingle Factoty, and Lime Kiln AT LITTLE FALLS, ARP] IN OPERATK .X. C W. RU Eiiir SAl^ILEl. W. ITT'ELL DIG (i Eli A.\" W oidt-rs p'-ciiijitiy .eneeâ€" SniderV Hi.'!, V\ All kinds Saw ofi:s bought at the Mill or sawn on shates.' I.,iinilcr, Liatti, Broom llnndlcs, Sliin^i^lcsniid Liiinc rorsaje A'r. HOGG. Money to loan on good farms at 7 per. cent. 1.3i-60. WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE SEOCRAPHY OF TH!S COUNTRY, WIU. SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP, THAT THE Chicago, Rock Island Pacific R'y, Being the Great Central Line, affords to travelers, by reason of Its unrivaled geo- graphicnl position, the shortest and best route between the East, Northeast and Southeast, and the West, Northvrest and Souttiweet. It 1= litsrally "nd Strictly ti'ue, that its* conneo»lons are all of the prineloal lines of rond ber^eerr the Atlantic and the Pacific. By its mai La GallQ, Ger Washington, Iowa City, Atlantic, Avoca, Audubon, Harlan, Outhrlo C^ter and 'coiTncirBtuffs' In Iowa Gallatin, Tront|n, Cameron and Kansas City, In Missouri, and Leaven- worth and Atchison in Intermediate. The nsas as, ancf the hundredi of oitlM, villagee and towns "GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE," As It Is familiarly called, offers to travelers all the qdrantaeM and ebmtorts Incident to a smooth track, safe b.'idgas. Union Oiipeti «t all €»o*»nerctin«ojnt« Fast Express Trains, composed of COMMODIOUS. iWKLL VEMTILATBo wSi i' HEATED, FINELY UPUOLSTEREO and ELEGANT tfAY CaACMES -^ u„l «# ♦h MOST MAGNIFICENT HORTQN IMCUNIMO CHAIIT 6AR8 ever bui^' PULLWAH^ -atest designed and^tmndsamest- PALACE SLEBM^ feARS, artd OiNINe CApI that are ackngwiedsed by pr«M *nd people to be rmBST ftUN UPOM aw^ ROAD 1N THE COUNTRY, and 1,7 which superior metite are •wv^5-t^J^^ the low rate of SEVENTY-PIVC CBNTS BACH. TOttavdlwat ALBERT LEA ROUTED Hvm and Direct Mnf »«« ••neea arid" Kankakee, has MM»n»i. .â€" "l 'ii '^^ • •en Neerport JMM, Wehmond, ^^incinnatT, Tndia" S aL tT ?*"«^ A between Newport Jtawa, Monmond, Cincinnati, IndiaMMrii and l= i â€" â€" • and Oounoll muffs, St. Paul, Minneapolis and intirmldiate^n^' l-a -tofStta, All Through PaMm.ifers carried oaftS^Sn^TSin. For moredetailed Information, see Maps and |tBi^r^ki2I!rI!^* ^^' well as Tickets, atall pr«no.pal Tk*et Oi^'*i;^**tKKl;7»Si?2:.2'«2^^ R. R. CABLE, e. OT?*jSS? â€" •?•' V.oe.Pre..t*Cdn.»«.a„.«ar. ^J^T^U^,' NEW SPRING MFORTilT 9. S»«Otr$.: fleshehtoh Begs to announce the arrival ofi his immense NEW STOCK of SPRING GOODS which are now being marked off, and will be sold at the lowest Tight Money prices, OUE MOTTO is SMALL PEO- FITS and quick returns. I am sick of the credit business, which requires large profits to sus- tain iti, and should have been buriea long ago; therefore I will offer special inducements to cash and promp* paying customers. My MILLINEET PAELOBS under the able management of Miss Harbottle,/ was opened on '^^l 16th inst with the prettiest stoci^ ever seen in this part of the coun- try, and winbe sold at rock bottoiii prices,- /â- -'â- --â- â- "^^ -â- â- â€¢ salt|;'vS^ salt Just rec6ii?^ad, one car load fcj Farm an^l^ Baj^ piairposes, wbic*^ IS selling fast. 3.. Ghent, M.D., M Physician niul STir; aduate of Ciiivi;i'=.ity. fou. Gra'luate, of t! o S.\ly: IfemberCiiil. P]iv--ici:i)' len.trvl lameron d DENTAL sr lice over D. A. C.un-' kore. 'oiik-tt St.. (tWIi Iveryatttntion i;iv,i t. peftaturfilteetii. Vrtiri ion'tplu, Cc'Iaio;.! a-' iWfllbt at Mailii.l. 1 K!h month, .Cameron, M.D.,a: i.F.P.A:^.CTlusc:nÂ¥,, L.D.S., Out. ' MARSHi IEXT1 LRaduate of t of Peutistry, v 1, Markdixle, on thi ay of each month ai lotel, Fleslierton. tl;t f d WedneBdav m ca' i I of his profession. January yth, issH. f0i Frost JAEEISTERS, AN Law, iiohcitors i f««8, Ac, Owen Sou eaterton, Oliice ope Tetofore. RED Frost, Countv Crown Att J. I»IA«i ABRLSTEIl, MAS' â- ' in Chancerv" Notii Sut. «ONEY TO LEND A |Ufficesâ€" 0%vi'n Soun- ^ftt St.; and in M |«^8 Store, on Fridai Ci'easor* JABR]-. _xv«,S0I f*^"es, d-c. Ac, TKcEB in Owen So â-  W. F. Wolf's 5to [?'«• J. McFarlaud â- ^ndsy of each w^i ^^Fundstolen.lon 'CKEAsor., Q.G »tokdale, March 15 loo 'exand€ pSUERof Marriag R I Insurance i fcctin "• Conv« rJioneerfortheCou kZ??**' *°^ Land ^toan^ charge. P^KOFMARE ^„ "^^saiooer in «5l^y*ncing in all N g^ « and carefi] ^â€"Money to Lc

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