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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Jun 1883, p. 5

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 m^ ^^;-;. W^i^^W^ ^mW^J^'--^^ .-â- # â- â- â- . •^;^^' s-l3iha«i â-  • ' â- ^' â-  1 ' 4^. ••-»; "*««» â- I :â-  ••! J1j---f Tt rfactitfi Hj »Of,Jj COMEIN Cylinder. Force. AU kindg of SUPPUEI Jrsfaf EXRESSTE.\Ks^. ion with the PalaeeSj â-  "'^fnca" ami ••iH 'nnd Steam Ship soimd every TUEStI for Sault bte. Msri I'orts, ami every A1 for LakeSupen iliunder Bay witii Kail way for "Manitoi Jauadian Nortliwest, tiamirs run direct toj )?e tvaveUing bv tlusf :h Winnipeg as fast and nt rat«3 very l OF FIIEIGHT sliffl wen Sonud S. S. LiiieJ id a" nthrr iBformatioI it-'fnts of the Owen S mto, Grey and I ED. Vmkdi ht and General 1 r Agent, r:. 20, 1SP3. IqoII Brown ^^ Mr. Doll is leaving Mar- kli ^0 f^o into the Whoksale "i-^clUrx Business in Toronto hi noi"-shing to leave Mark- idc alto^dher,) he has entered ,.,/(, parmerskip with Mr. W ROIVN, late of FleshertoHy 'jo is li practical watchmaker lnd]c:i'£ll^y of over 15 years ex- nenc£, and comes with the best ,, ricordnicndations from some of lifete^?",^ watchmakers in the Dmhiion. ]fr. Brown will carry on the muss in Markdale. Ml work entrusted to hi?7i will \( isnc in a wjrkmanlike man- IStT. iRii AU u^ork will be guaranteed, all floods sold will be found 13 represented, or money refund- (it iDoll Brown's, Tkf r.'ople's â- Watclimakers Jewellers Hill's Block, MAllKD.U^E ONLY. See Pleshertou Station Grist Mill adv. in tbitf paper. Statute labor commences next Mon- day in Markdale, under overBeers Douglas Rnd Davis. The Irish pic nic takes place next Thursday, the 2l8t. Also the Divi- sion court in Markdale. Owing to the very wet weather the excursion from Duudalk to Toronto, last Tuesday, was a partial failure. W. J. McFarland is building a new picket fence in front of his residence on Toronto St. also around his moth- er's residence on Mark St. The" Microcosm" for June is to hand and abounds with articles deeply i9- teresting, from the pen of some of the ablest writers of tLe continent. Another big egg 3tory,Mrs.McK,ech-' nie of Glenelg has on^ young Ailsbury duck which has layed 75 eggs this season. Beat this who can. Cattle and pigs are allowed to run at large in this village, and are a per- fect nuisance. We would like to see the authorities put the law in force in this matter. A disreputable specimen of dead beat, said to hail from Meaford, has been having a spree in Markdale, Great need is felt for a lockup fw: such characters when disorderly. MONTHLY FAIHS. EUGENIA iwandLatll eqtensive improTe) I ft'A confident I RALyVAYSON Done Every and Bills FiUed :d lath s HAND. lU, Wliite Ash, Bli â-  'If'iulock Lc;:s' :nI. AKIIT, Eugei Ikkilaleâ€" Saturday before Fleslierton. Kktsitorth-Monday before Durham. aialkâ€" Tuesday before OrangeviUe. Ifishertonâ€" Monday before Orangeville. jljurneâ€" Wednesday belore Oranpeville. aDfieviUeâ€" The second Thursday in each moutli. fcjut Forestâ€" Third Wednesday in each month. hevilleâ€" Monday before Durham. Ilifhamâ€" Third Tuesday in each month. iiBoverâ€" Mondav befo»« Durham. Mr. S. G. Paling late of Notman Frazers. Toronto, is stiU taking photos, in Bnlmer's gallery, sich as cannot be beaten North of Toronto. Mr. John Omdiner, Tinsmith and Hardware merebant, of Dondalk, has Buppplied two »ew cheese factories this season with n:ilk cans, 86 m all. Attempt at Imcendiarisk. â€" un Wednesday a dastardly attempt was made to fire the building occupied by G. W. Parsons. Mr. Parsons hai been out, and returned about 11 o' clock, beard some noise in the shed. Proceeding to ascertain the cause, a quantity of paper tlioroughly saturat- ed with coal oil and some pine wood split finely, was found lying ia the shed near several barrels of oil. Sev- eral burnt matches were found jiear. Had it not been discovered it is alto- gether likely the baildiug, if not the contents would have been destroyed, as the wind was blowing in the direcion ot the main building. â€" Dundalk Her- ald. Saw Mill Burnt. â€" On Sunday last Colin Blyth's saw mill on the3rd,eon., Noi-manby was totally destroyed by fire. The direct loss will be about $1,000 for which there is no insur- ance. The men werfj all awav from home at the time with the exception of Mr. Blyth nothing could Accor'dingto the Dundalk ^^-aZd 1 be done to save the building. A great Sayings and Siftings firomSBr- r*|iadiiig Sections Sorted and Sised tor tite Standard. 1 and Other Items. icts in thi'e rolumn. intended tubenejit " i'lu'il ur Societij rcill be charged ten ' liui' (• r III' fir/t inseri'uii and five ' 'nil! I'lich ^uh;eijuent insertion. U Victeriouj IN- FATOB OF •1- 'V'jvk I'foiu JJulmer's Photo Gal- Fl.jblieitiju, Guaranteed first- '^â- evtr vibii; Fleslierton without cal- iiLiJuluii'i-'s Art Gallery. Au ia- •â- t;o;i ot V :ji k solicited. Turnip Seeds ^^'om most re- pure, fresh, and true .iledical Hall, A. Tur- the brass band of that place will give a concert on the 1st July. We think they ought to have it on a week day, the fti-st Lfiing Sunday. The Farmers Advocate for June is before us, and contaiua as usual valu- able information to practical farmers. The independent and out spoken tone of the Advocate is a valuable recom- mendation in itself. New (^ess goods at McFarland's never saw the light of day, Manufac- tured 19 miles under ground by the light of a diamond. Will wash like a cup and saucer, and wear like a niggar's tace. Discount from 10 to 20 per cent on all sales of Clocks, Watches,and Jewellery till September 1st, in order to make case room for a line fall assortment. Call and qet prices, a good stock to select from. Doll Brown, lers. On ]\Ionclay July 2ud the annual pic-uic of th-j"Berkeley uniouS. School, will be belli in the grove near the vil- lai?e 01 Berkeley. Dinner served at I'l-.dO p 2 p. u:. :i:Y EXHIBIIIOSl y IS^l ANU 1882, ])it-foma.^ were! â- ,,1... in 1832 at thj â-ºâ-  Vi.v.Av^ places 1 ,,i Vi.i.ish, N.S-'i Ca)^:.^ Waterfon -...^.â- )ines, twr^lJ Mark, areim Aliased al' over tbei ,f tiie^e Machines f fh of Itself w «1 'li^j'j a' tu " ^i: P-r r.vii have made a large â- '"ii !u i;.i-;i- stocic, and dely com- '-•- lioui any source. [ilAKE No MISTAKE, but get a '^fi'dl .v Brown's "Imported^' 'â- â€¢H-lfi iiud have your number of logs for the seasons sawing was in the yard so a serious loss will result from work being suspended. The fire is supposed to have originat- ed from sparks carried from a smould- ering heap of aw dust. Several men will be thrown out of employment, their occupation being gone there for a while. â€" Chronicle. A Gorgia paper tells of a man down there who sneezed so hard he broke his back. This recalls the fact (alleg- ed) that a large mouthed man in Kan- sas, a short time since, dislocated his hip joint by yawning. There is a man in Williamsport who is so round- shouldered that he has to use stick- ing plaster to hold his shirt on. The champion thin man lives in Wyan- Jote. Every time he shaves hisfacehe nicks the razor. Au old chap living ou Blaud street has sucii a long nose .Jewel- I that he has to take snnff in April in I Older *o sneeze in July. The midget at a New York museum has such a small mouth that his mother kisses him through a pipe-stem. CoMMiTTKD. â€" Since January, there m., sports etc., commence at j^^^^ j^^^^^j some six or seven cases of All visitors will receive ak^|^^,(...^(,|iojj ^f letters at Itepworth hearty welcome. Fpost Oftice, or .£:oing to or from it, Stpt-ck by Lightning.â€" On Tuesday and Inspector Spry has been at work bTETCKbYi.iGEr.i. " trviug to find out the cuiprit. The Post Master has been charged, the cl*^rk8 on the trains have been char- ged, but still the thefts continued until a ffiw davs ago, when r. letter Orangeville High School reoeiyed a .grant of i(3,000, from Dnflbrin Co. Mr. Pickell, near Flesherton had a horse which got his leg broken recently. Dandalk offers 920 to the best ball plajers, the match to be played in that place on Do- minion day. Qeo. Nixon, of Dundalk, shipped last week from that place $20,000 worth of tele- graph poles. The Thombnrv Odd Fellows will have an excursion to Wiarton, by steamer Atlantic, on Tuesday next, the 19th. Dominion Day â€" ^Flesherton will celebrate Dominion daj, also Dundalk, Durham, Chatsworth, Coollingwood, Ac, Ac, The nomination for North Brant, took place at Pans, on Saturday last, when Mes- sers Young and Strick]and were entered for the contest. The Canadian Order of Odd Fellows, of Chatsworth. will hold a pic- nic at Kelly's grove, about half a mile from that village, on Friday (to-morrow), atheletic games and other sports will be entered into. At the meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Canadian Ordei of Odd Fellows, in London, Dr. Cameron, oiOwen Sound, was elected Grand Master. The next meeting will be held in Hamilton. The laying of a double track on the Grand Trunk Kailway will be commenced next week from Toronto to Scarboro junotiou, nine miles, and will be continued to Mon- treal in the near future. Cn and after Sunday the Canadian Pacific Railway will operate 1,225 miles, running to Medicine Hat, 660 miles west of Winnipeg.aud to Thun- der Bay, 485 miles east, besides sub- sidiary lines. Henry Ward Beecber relates that once when riding on a€ircut,he break- fasted at a house where johny cake was served. Observating a feather protruded from his cake he remarked: "Sister your johny cake seems to be feathering out." "Yes," replied the lady unabashed;" told John no long«r than yesterday that he must get a cover for the meal barrel or mooye the hen-roost." Flesliertori ^tsii^on. STEAM GRIST MILL tEO. HOORHOUSE. â€" :o: â€" Gristing Chopping In a satisfactory manner, EYERYW0RKIN6DAY. Flour, Bran, and general mill always on hand. feed. -0 â€" CASH for WHEAT. GEORGE WiLSOir, Wholesale and Retail (BUTCHER!; BEEF, POKE OE MUTTON SUPPLIED, from a single pound to a whole carcass, at the lowest market printes. FI8K FOWL III THEIR SEASON Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do well to call at No. 8 Bums' Block, opposite the new Union. Bloek. Markdale, Oct. 2otn, 1881 sight re- I i-ii.l 111 J 't Sewing U-"i u-ottiii;,' stallion "Jimmy Puz- vill be at the Mansion House â- 'â- â€¢^ f!"m :j to 4-30 o'clock P. M. J ^^atuiday until the 1st July. " auinuil pic-nic at the Irish r" ^ill take place on Thursday =tof .Jiiue, great preparatious '""isgiuade by the committee of '?ement for a good day's sport, Iji'tlio weather is favorable, there ""O doubt be, as usual, au immense -ATâ€" PRIP' m tt s :f*P«- tacic at D Crowu, L. D. S. of Wnod- J' will be iu Markdale after May f'^r 3 w...ks. Paxties wishms Class (Ittital work at reasonable "«.^ will Lo carefuly attended to. fi'iinsr a specialy, satisfaction ,,, Office at Doll Brown's â- *vy store. f, ^^LE.â€" Lot 4 Sydenham St. ^^^Je.i of au a. re. This is a â- ^'"t ulon- «ide Mr. Bae's Tailor .^^' '"1(1 woulu be a prime jilace f"r 'â- "'â- ^^rmk, ,vhich is much wanted, â-  "'i doubtless prove a profit- .."^^^steineiit. For particulars and.' sev "^%ly at this office. • ^^' ^^ft^ the 5th, the lightning struck a stump a few roods from Mr. Hugh Smith s house, Euphrasia, shattering the stump, throwing pieces over 60 yard.s, and tearing up the ground, it also kil- led a pig the same time and place. YestGiday, botNveea the station and the villr-a-e, on the way from the noon train, a man was smoking in the Eevere buss, when a spark from his v'lV" lit la the clothes of a young lady iu the same rig, Betting fiie to her parasol, a parcel audhor clothes. Had it not been discovered in gooi time and ex- tinguished, the damage might have proved serious. An illict still was captured in Col- lingwood Township about two mUes from Craicrleith by police Grant of Meaford and constable Wyl'ie of Owen Sound last week. The plant was seized and taken to Owen Sound but the operator w^is not found. A body, lost from the Asia, was buried on Caye Smitli. last week. cont! ming iplOO was sent by the Post- master himself addressed to Montreal. It disappeared between the Post Office and railway station and suspicion at once f^l ou a youn, man named Thos Burr, who carries the m*il from the post office to the station. The Insp- ector hnd liiin arrested and brought before Justice Price and Rutherford in Owen Sound this moming?ftnd suf- ficont evidence being given, he was eommi'tod for trial at the general Ses- bioiV. â€" 0. S. 'fillies. Millet. â€" A farmer who has long grown the ordinary millet, ajad having a large dairy of over 50 cows, says it i^ the best i'odder of all he has tried, (siighum, amber can?, or sweet-corn,, etc.), for making milk, whefher cut green or soi'dog, or when first coming He pets two- or $150 iu cash and some keys were tak- jnto bicom for hay. He gets The body wa« three tons per acre, and will sow en from the remains well dressed. Particulars on applic ation to T. H. Jackman, Killarney.â€" Manituulin Expodtur. The two cent latter postage in the Uuited States tak»,cffect on the Ist October, iS83. Any perrion reqniving flowering or garden plants, will do well to call at the MeC'cal Hall, we have.,noticed eral very fine Ipts gojog Wiftt way twenty acres this year. I have tried it repeatedly on my poor soil: li^re. but never got a good crop â€" urobalily isbecause not mannreJ enough, Millet cultivated like Hungarian grass. Jime is early enough to sow the millet, as it maluresin six to eight weeks. In latitude of 40o„8ow early in May, and again every two weeks through June, aqd, th«8 get a, Recession x)f crops from, jtily Ist throueb August. â€" AJJ. f» Anglican 49iieHltui*lt /or June.. Osprey. From a correspondent. ' If there is one thing more intcestiug than I auotheiv in this township vi tlic ))reseiit time it is the Railway qnesiion. Thougli our neighbors who are Ixttei supplied with rail- way accomodation thinly we are not suffeving any great inconveniemie, we cannot look oj it in any other light than tliat the extension of the Credit Valley Hallway from Orange- ville through Osprey, wonU be the coinm« cumeut (if a new era in tbe) history of this to'.viisiiip. There is a vast amount of timbi r, valules as it is. which would bring tliousauJs of dollars, and give employment to hundreds in the v.inter season who, as it is, spend the long winter consuming what they make dur- ing the pummer. We understand the Oi-edit Valley company are considering the matter, and favorable hopes are entertained that tlic extcasiou will yet be made at an early date. We assure you ary information you can g'.ve through the Stand.*.rd from time to tirafi will be read with, interest by yQpr many ^.•sprey subscrib- ers. MAEKDALE Meat Market. A constant supply of Fresh Meats! on hapd. at the LoiweHt Liviiig Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free lo, all parts of the Tovm* Farmers having fat steck to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Harkdale. MArah 33. 188^;, 8Q.-lt THOS. MATHEWS, MARKDALE. EVEKYTHING IN CUE LINK KEPT ON HAND OE MADE. TO e^DEE ON SHOET NOTICE.. LIVERYI IN CONNECTION. $500 Reward I We v.'ill p;iy tiie above re'yard for any ca:-e- of I/ivcr CompLiiut, Dyspepsia, Sick Ilead-- aolie. Indigestion. Constipation or Costi\e- ness we cannot cure with West's Vegctablti liiver rill"' when the directions are btrictJy complied with. Thoy are piu'ely YegetablK, and never fail to give batisfactiou. Susifir (boated. Large Boxes, containing 30 Pills, 25 cts. For sale by all Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and iramitations. The genu- ine manufactured onlv by JOHN C. WEST CO., '-The Till :Jiik'i-i,"" -^l it 3 King St. East, Toronto. Out. Fiiee trial package sent by mail piejiaid on receiui of a 3 cent stamp. For sale at Turner ctCo. DruK Stove. Health is Wealth ai Dr. E, C. West's Nerve .\\d Biiaix Tr.T./-T- MF-NT, a guaninteed specific for llysteii?, DizEh'ess, Convnlsions, Fits, Nervous Neu- ralgia, Hcadaciio, Nervous Pro.^'on cann- ed bv the of alcoliol or tol^^cco, Wake- fulues.s. Mont.-tl Doprr-.ssion, Softening of the Brain, resulting in In^rtiiiey and leading to mi-tiy, di*ay and di-atli. Premature Old Ag!' Barr eun bS,' Los.s of Power in e thtr se::, Involnntfti-y lo.^ses and Sperin.itorrbcva, canted by o'er e.\e: tiou of the biaiii. self- abuse or over-im'.uiKeiice. One box w.I^ cu e recent cisc-. Each box contains oi:' month's tiratmrnt. One doilar a bos, ov six boxe.s for five iiollara ^ent by mail pif^- paid on receipt of price. We gnariintee sy to cnie anj- ca^ie. With each order re ceived by n* f"r sis hoses, nccomjiaiiied with fiyo dollars, wrt will send the purchaser written guarantf-e to refund the money if the :treAtment does not effect n cur«. Ouni- autees issued only bv A. Turner tCo.. sola nuthjr!!'.e«l Agent for Markd^e Out. .lohix C. Vest 4'Co. solo iM:oprietor,'Rronto,Ont,, " i\-i-i'-i*(Mri.i.:ii_ 1 â- 8- i ;,ii s V 'I • ' i • :? "' m

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