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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Jun 1883, p. 4

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 ^:.--â€" ^,.;f,- The Standard. MAEKDALE. JUNE 14th, 1888. A, 0. U. W. Botfaio, N. Y., June 10.â€" Saturday's ma tin g closed the eleventh lanniul session of the Supreme Lodge of the Anoieiit Order of United Werkmen. A vote was taken on the plaoe of holding the next annnal meeting and Toronto was selected by the foUowing ballot ;â€" Toronto 116, Chicago 44, St. Lonis 15. A motion to reconsider was defeated by 1Q8, to 64, the majority Determining to test the famous hospitality of the beaati- fal Canadian Queen City. METHODIST CONFERENCE. The following are the stations for Owen Bonnd District as per first draft of station- ing committee. Owen Sound, Jacob E. Howell, M. A., James Scott, Wm. B. Danard superinnuated Brookholm, Eobert Godfrey Woodford, David Perry Walter's Falla, John Pepper, B. A. Chatsworth, Charles V. Lake WiJ- hamsford Station, John Hart Markdale. Wesley Casson Flesheitcn, David C. Mc- Dowell Eugenia Falls, Thomas Grandy • Dundalk, Thomas J, Snowdon PriceviUe, Solemon C. Edmonds, B. D. Wiarton, A. Tiubadeau Lyons Head, one wanted (Samuel G. Eorke, Colpoy's Bay) Hep- worth, Thos. Legate Allenford, Eobert Johnston Gai)e Croker. Glazeir. Rev. Mr. McDiarmid goes to Sault Ste. Marie, as Chairman of Algoma District. LORD LA.N8D0WNE. MOVEMENTS OF OCR NEXT GOVERNOB-OENEBAIi. The London World of May 30, says The Marquis and Marchioness of Lansdowne are â- taying at Bewood, and will come to town a short time this season. Lord Lansdowne took a week to decide whether he would ac- cept tlie Government of Canada. His family and friends all advised him to do so, It is no secret that his income has been most seriously diminished by the antirent agita- tion in Ireland, as his vast estates in Kerry are the backbone of the family possessions. He owns 125,000 acres in Ireland, and only 11,000 in England. Lord Lansdowne was in town frr two days last week, aad had in- terviews with Mr. Gladstone, Lord GrenvUle, and Lord Derby. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. GLENELG COUNCIL. Conncil met in the Town Hall on 4th Inst psTBuant to adjonrnment. All the memibera present. Davis, Dnnsanoor, that a spedal grant of $78, be made to assist in opening "the base lino on the West side ofh)t 2 con. 13. the Beere to let the costract and aaperiatend the work. Carried. Dnnmoor. McMillan, that John Murdoch be paid one doUar for repairing culbert at lot 7. oon. J, E. G. B.. and Wm. Thomas ?1* for wo rh on base line at lot 1, oon. 2. Carried. Mullarky, McMillan, that Thos. McAsey be paid 4 for repairing road at lot 15 con.8. Carried. Dwismoor, Mc Mtllan, that Joseph Lamb's account amounting to 85 cents be paid. Carried. Dayis, Dunsmoor, that 20 be granted to the Town line between Glenelg and Egre- mont commencing at the base Une lot 1 run- ning East providing Egremont grants an eqnivalent foi the same place. Carried. MeMillau, Mullarky, that 830 be granted to open the town line between Glenelg and Egremont opposite lot 23, providing that Egremont grant the same amount for the same place. Canied. Dayis, Mullarky, that G. McRae be grant- ed $9 to pay the hand that assisted him in saving the bridge at Purdy's Mill. Carried. Dunsmoor, Davis, that |40 be granted for the town line between Glenelg and Holland, at lot 1, on Ist, 2nd and 3rd con.'s E. G, R., providing Holland grants an equivalent for the same place. Carried. Davis, McMillan, that Mr. Mullarky be authorized to repair the bridge at lot 101 W T, E. Carried. Davis, Mullajrky, that S40 be granted for repairing road at lots 11 to 15 inclusive on 13th con. Carried. Dansmoor, Davis, that Mr. Jinkens be paid $2.00 for advertising. Carried. Davis, Dunsmoor, that the foUowing sums be granted for the improvement of roads and bridges :â€" Ward No. 1, S70 Ward No. 2, $70 Wark No. 3, $100 Ward No. 4. $80 Carried. Davig, McMillan, that Chas. McArthur be refunded 55.22 taxes for 1882. (Jarried. Davis. Mullarky. that tLe Reeve, Mr. Mc- Millan, ard the mover be a committee to let and inspect the buildiut of a bridge at lot 44, con, 3, N. D. R. Carried. Council adjourn to meet at the same place on 2Qth August next. ©wraspan^^^^* Theprea^BLionhaa set in with sun* rfuneandAower.. .ad «dtry heat, whidi h€rihdeiKtttin*B« «y •" conducive to hmnan ailment., lie food wa eat is an im- portant factor in the preservation of health. Onr sanitary laws are efflment tor incorpor- ated towns and cities. Most people think that in the country aU is. pore and healthy so it is .as far as the gifts oj God are concern- ed, where wicked hwrnanity has not the pow- er to adulterate. Som» years ago a rigid in- vestigation was made bj the sanitary com- mission of New Tork as to the quaUty of the milk snppHed to the public ot that d^, and a cemical analysis proved that out of hsome seven hundred samples tested, only five were found pure. New York h«« its counterparts even worse than the swill-milk of that not- orious cityâ€" in your little town of Markdale. A fashionable hotel in your village, where the most fastidious of your clerKS and travel- ing public resort, have a cow to supply the table with milk. The poor animal has con- tracted disease, and has a running sore in the jawâ€" a monster ulcerâ€" the size of a pail yet the milk ' from this diseased animal is supplied to the boarders and guests, thus feeding a putrid substance which can- not fail to bring about fatal results, but we are told the cautious landlady purchases her nulk for personal use, from a neighbor. A Tbatellbb. O.AJtI To all who are Buffering ftom the errors «^iBdi«e~»toBe ot y««»' »«»lS"r^" ^^ ..--w lneav. loss of manhood, Ao.,J. ^^elSd'JrS that will ^ou, FBEE OFCHABGE. This great ^edy was dis- covered by • wirtfowWy touthAmmoa. W a^lf-^daMBwd envdope to B«v. City. FARM FOR « Ate- LO*^CON. 8E. G. BD., HOLLAND, 100 acres, 70 acres cleared, wdl water ed sfloi orchard bearing good log house and bttrt BituAted 2 half mUes from. Chats- worth. A. bargain will be giv^p^urthe above property, for particulars apply to Geo. Noble, Mark«ale, or to Chas. King. Shel- borne. u A regular Monfl.i « i° »he AgriSi^Hj follows saturday Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. is ^3 J DIED- Farm for Sale. TO seU or rent. Lot S 1/2 14, con. 9, Euphrasia, 8 miles from Markdale and 3 from Bocklyn. containing 100 acres^ 70 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation, fit to run reaper and mower, and balatoce harJwood bush ^vith sufllcient cedar for feu- cinf Well watered with never failing spring only' 10 rods from barn; nas a yoatig orchard, house, barn and stable. Ther« is a new steam saw mill on next farm to it. Clear deed can be given. For particulars apply on the premises to ^^^^.^ ^kIGHT, Bjsklyu P. O. 3",a-. i^ thk: Smith.â€" In Euphrasia, on the 22nd May, Mary, wife of Mr. Hugh Smith, aged 63 years. BIRTHS. Tatlob. â€" In Flesherton, ou the 9th inst., the wife of Mr. Wm. Taylor.of a daughter. Beard. â€" In Glenelg, on the 11th iust., the wife of Mr. Maishall Beard, of twins, girl and boy. EUPHRASIA COUNCIL. Mr. Doll has found his valise which was reported to have been stolen out of a car at Union Station Toronto, and now the ques- tion is asked, "did he e«cr loose it." We are glad to see Mrs. Caesor, so far re- covered as to be out again. T. W. Potter, son of the late Rev.E. Potter gave us a call on Monday. Hi^! is on a yisit froni Texas, where he is following the sheep stock business with success, he left on Wed- nesday for that plane. Miss Hca'-st of Tara has been visiting in this tliiS week. Jim Slica of PriceviUe, had a watob stolen from him ou tlio night of the 24th May, it ajipears tlio rooms were all crowded at the Revere House where iio was stopping, so tint a number had to]-leep in the parlorwherc the watcLi was taken while he s'ept. Jack Hop:5 \vasarrai;,'ned before J, W. Armstrong J. P., rleshertnn, charged with stcalit)^ the- ^va;ch, and v.-as committed co Owen Sound Jail to await hi.s trial. FiGT. Mr. Ward i)urposes taking a tiirec month loave wlieii he v.ill take a trip to En;:IaiiJ. Tlio liishop ;;{ the Dioeeaj lias liceuscit Mr. Y Davis of London to attend to his v.'oik dnring his ahsp^nc. A confirmation servic'j tviU be held at St. Mary's Church Maxwell on Sunday tiie 21th nist., at 11 o'clock ana at Markdale the same; at seven. Tlie Lord Bishop of Tor- onto will otTficii.te. Mr. (r. S. Brown has purchase 1 from Mrs. Atkinson ten village ic-Js m the rear of the SrAxii.vRii ofSce. Rev. ilr, Ccrccran and Mr. P. R. Ellis rfturued from the Primitive Methodist Con- ftrenco. M^ J. Benson returned from Manitouiin yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clark, ot Hollan I Tp., returned yesterday (Wednesday) from Michi- gan, where they have been visiting friends. Eiig:enia. From onr own Correspondent. One of the citizens of Markdale when out fishing lately in this section thought he was in for a s^.cniJid day's sport he *ot or felt Fomcthing nibbling as is the custom w'tli trout sometimes when they are- a httle Buv, theu he got a splendid bite ami jerk' d to secure the speckled prize, speckled no hut striped, the rod 1 r oks off, but Tom (â- â- inal to t'ae occasion secure 1 the line and hauled the beauty ashore when lo I a part ?r snake abcut foiu feet long. Wtnlar if Tom e .er indulges in profaue languiige,it he don t he can pass. Crops looking f dly ?• t:r tiiMi they avo near ^orcatQ, Township HaU Euphrasia, June 1, '83. This Council met as a Court of Revision, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the above date. Members all present. Andrew Manary's assessmcrkt reduced 5100 Wm. Gutheries, assessment uonSrmtd; Eobert Orr's assessment confimed James Gilray's assessmeut reduced §100 James Gardiner's assessment confirmed Bradley's assessment reduced §100 Bradley assepsed for the whole of lot 6, con. 3 James Stinson's assessmeut confirmed Andrew Grier assessed for EJ lot fi, con 2 Ben. McKeuzie assessed for black-:mithshop, and lot in Kimberley Jas. Patei son assessed for \V-\ of W^ lot ijO, con. 9 instead of Thos. Douglas Jiimes McLung assL'SseJ for NJ of lot 20. con 2, insteal of Robert (Guardhouse Joseph Sherwood assessed for NA if lot o, in the 3rd corce.ssion Joseph Ilawken as- sssscd as tenant for N^ lot 4. ir. the otii c\n- c.ssion Abraham Tay or as,-c se 1 lor S.V of lot 29 in the 4tli concession Nelson Laird assessed for Wi or lot G, in con. 9 at 9GC0 John and Thos. Moore assessed for N-} lot 7, in tlie 12:h concession at S5iJ0. The eouri adjoarueJ until 10 o'clock a.m., on Friday l";rh inst. Council ri'suni'.d Minutes of la.-t Kossion of council rend and continued Tlie council declined taking any action ia refcience to the forming of a School SectioB which v.-as ]v;titioned for by coitain ratepay- ers as this is net the proper session of the year for '^uth actions. The requisition of Rev. T. Rennie and o hers in reference to the improvement of 27 2-i side roads in tlie 11th 12th con concessions entertained an 1 Mr. Boyd and Mr. IMter on, appointed a committee, to ex- amine said roads, and report at next meet- ing of Council. A petition asking for improvement on 9 cfe 10 side line in tlie 7th 8th concessions laid over for further coasideration. The amount of 860 was granted to be es- p.mded on the 11th line at lot 15. The Reeve, Clerk and Mr. Paterson were appointed to examine the asses-msnt roil. ifr. Jordan's time for returning his roll was exteuded until the 18th inst., on account of his recent illness. The petition of Wm Paterson, and others laid befi)re Council asking improvement, on Southerly end of 3rd hne, and the Reeve' and Mr. Eilis appointed to investigate this mat- ter, and also to examine the blind hne bet ween the 3rd 4th concession at lot 2, and report at next meeting of conueil. The Treasurer was ordered to remit to Mr Rutledge, priuterMarkdale, $38, for printim BUCKLEN'S ABNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulccrf Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, CoruSjand all Skin Eruptions, and Positively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaotion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. Turner Co MAEKDALE MARKETS. Fiill Wheat, $0.90 to «0.92; Spring $0.96 to SO 98; Barley, 55c; Peas, 72; Oats, 42c Butter, 15c; Eggs, 14e; Potatoes, 40c; Hay, §12.00 Pork, 7.50 to 7.75; Flour, 54.75 to §5 00; Wool 16 to 18. FLESHERTON MAEKETS. BE8TI[CHEAPEST. Coolness qf temperament 's a virtue, but the refreshing coolnesg of the Preserved Meats, Frnits, and Vegetables, â€" K£PT AT THE â€" BELFAST HOUSE, MARKDALE, beats all the iceberg? ever floated down the Atlantic Ocean. Fall Wheat. 50.90 to 50.93; Spring, S0.95 John I '0 $0.97; Barley, 57c; Peas, 69c; Oats, 41c John ' ""er. 15c; Eggs, I4c; Potatoes.40 c; Hay, $12.00; Pork, $7.45 to 57.60 The Belfast House Teass and Goflee*!* I give an exhilirating influence, not equalled in Markdale. except by Benson's WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, c. Those who rehsh the •' pipe of peace " will find the Tobaccos and Cigars at the Belfast House unsurpassed north ot Toronto. Cheese, Bologna Sausage, and Biscuit in endless variety, all from the best manufacturers, at the Belfast House. Ap- ples, (green and dried,) Spices, Sweetmeats, frc. 'Joilet and Fancy Soaps, Essences, Perfumes, and Fanwly Oils, of the purest quality. Flour, FotatOfee. Pork, Herring, (dried and salt,) kept ©oostantly on hand. IS"Our Bottled Gin is imported directly from the manufacturers, and our Bottled Wines are put up at the Vintage. Pickles in bottles. Mustard in cans, and in fact ev- erything in the grocery trade. A recent ad- dition to my finances wiU enable mo to pur- chase in the huad markets of Europe and America, WILSON BENSON. Manufacturer of ^i wnm p,."""'""".^, •Wl kilg IROX â-  pui •n-I'PUl;!,. U, k]i li^lLW AYj EVENING EXi;Essjl;'jv5, direct coniiectior. -vvuh tbePai the- "Spartan." 'â- ..\;rica the ©wen ISnunu Sttfim Sijj, leave Owen Soimq THtRSDAY for H ail! fim A^ ^IS^t TAILOR, Over McFarland's Store MARKDALE. Speci.-^l attention to Cutting Fitting. Orders promptly filled, and satid- i'action Guaranteed. ^^. Hill, T. G. B. RAILWAY. TIME TABLE. Cliange ot Time. 20th, 1882, On and after Monday, Nov. trains will run as follows GOING N TH. Read llnwn. P.M. 7 301 4 25 9 05 1 G 00 9 55 1 6 45 \-2 20! 8 41 2 25J10 15 11 ,50 C (J 12 OC, 8 45 i SO 9 55 P.M. 1 P.M. ting issued on the up to date. The Eeeve's orders were Treasurer as fo'lows, viz. ;â€" liobt. Dunlop clerk S20, pr°pairiug min ut( s for press Adam Melville 87 50 road work P.^ter Harris So, road work. Council adjourned.. ROBT. VUXLOP. Clerk. for A.M. lORONTO 10 45 Cabdwell Jdn'j. 9 05 Obanoeville ... 8 27 Mount Fouest.. o 30 Teeswater 5 OQ f bsherton.... (5 4.3 Mabkdaeie, (; 27 OwHil kJOWSD.. 5 jr; A Mixed Train will also run between Tor- onto and Owen Sound. See T«pe Table. B. McNicoLL, Gen. Pass. Agt. GOING fiouin Read Vp. P.M. 9 10 7 31 o 50 4 30 2 45 4'47 4 30 3 10 MANHOOD HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED yi^'^^â€"^S. We have recently published a new SSAI, jedition of Dr. Culveuweix's Cele- ^^^^Y^^r.RATED Es-iAT OU tlis cadicol and permanent cure (without medicine) of Ner- vous Dv^bility, Mental and Phv.-^ical incapaci- ty, Impediments to Marriage, itc. resulting from excesses. t^s* rricc, in sealed envelope, only G cents, or two postage stamps. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from thirty years' successful practice, that alarming con- sequences may be radically cured without the dangerous use oS internal medicines or tlie use of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at once simpW, certain and effectual, by means of wiiie-E evcrs- sufferer, no matter what his conxStisti may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically' 'â€" "^Tliis Lecture should be in tlie hands of every youth and every man in the land. Addri-ss The Gulverwell Medical Go,. P.O. box 450 .11 Ai»ii !§t., New Vork 110-02. mteimeihate Torts, mA oen ' and SATUllDAY for Lakts' connecting at Thunder Lav '^a, dian Pacific P.ailwav fur'^iai^., points in the Canaaiaii Nonius Saturdift-s sU-ann rs rr.n dirB-iai Bay, and tho?e ti.ivtUir.g [,-.j route will reach '^Vinniw-i-^a-fe all train route, nvA at ra'?»-en' SHIPPEKS OF FUEIGHTm sign via the Owc'i SimuilS. \L, For rates ami all other i^^rnii; to any of the agf-nis oi theOirtib Line, tue Torouio. Gil-v and Bnall or to B. McNICOLL, ED. M^a Gen'l. Freight ar.J Gecmil Passenger Af;eiit. Toronto, April 20. 1S83. .11 B â€" ^^ â€" jls Mr. Doll is lei iaU to go into the UwclUry Business 2 land not washing to I ik altogether J he \iio parimerskip mil ROIVN, late of vho is « prartical â-  id jeweller of over erience^ and comes t â-  recommendations J he leading watchnc ')mif!iott. Mr. Brown will c rnn^s in Markdal A U work entrustet done in a worhm er. AU work will be nd all goods sold u represented, or im at loll Br( Tke People's Watchma Hill's Bl MAEKiJALE C MONTHLY F.i EUGENIA Grist, Saw aMli Having made cqtenfive ,rji?f my Grist Mill I ful cuddJki i good satisfactio'i:. GOOD FLOUR ALyVAYSOi Choppi?!, Done Ev^nl Custo7n Sawii-L' ::iul BiilsFileij shorte:;t notice. LUMBER AND LATH .lH] (_.N IIAMl Cherry. Buil^n:;,:. 'vVhitt .«:, tin Basswood, PiiiL ,, â-  'A'^.r.-^'^l: COly. CANADA TH[' Still Victorioy I^rjIENSE Mill Ai- To the Farmers of Grey. I HAVE made arrangements with Cbatli- am Harvester Co., to sell for then tiieir Mower, «»in;;lc Reaper and two Horse Cord Biuder. AU material in these machines warranted of the best quality. Every machine warranted to give satisfac- tion or money or notes rcjfuuded. Pajtios in need of any of the aljovt^machinca, can inspect them, on fair day'-s at FlesJteritou, Markdale aiid Chatsworth, consult youi^ltest interests, and examine for yourselves. ALEX. McKEOHlsip, Traverston P. 0. 143 56 EnjnjND Wkaoge. General Manager. Farm for Sale. A YEUY desirable noroperty being 100 JnL. acres; Lots 111 an.ril9 iT w West of T. and 3 Boad TU 'â-  ^^* ^^^^e from thu town of^iSr^'V^^^^ road, ,^-ef 4rSniitncrh%Y;S very, desirable Markdale, March .m^S^r""'""^- Barrhead Mill for Sale. TENDERS wiU be received by the under- signed Executrix until Monday, the 2nd July, 1883. forthepurchoseofthe property, known as he Barrhead Grist Mill together with lots We\;tn?W«^^T ^i* '^« "' con^sion ?ri • «*.»• Road. Toxvnship of Glenetg. Tenders received for the Mill with 50 acres 100 acres anon which there is a large sub- stantuU bam either jointly or severally acce^te? """" """ "" neoe.ssarily For further particulars apply to Or to «HODA ItEID, Executrix. J.E.McGAByiN. Qrangevi^e. 4«tru, OnJ. I'i2:45„ A rvA/.v. A'r ..^ IN CAN A,' AT wnu :â- - y â-  I First prizes rr: â- . I the Wiliiain-' ^-^^ 'â-  hibitions held :â- ' 'â-  I ada: â€" Tairo, N.^-.: ilton, QU.; BcW-.-^ Simcoe, Â¥)nt. Thesa- celehr!!' ' ManufaclurerV A'.; ranted, Hjay l» ' Over wit.Oii'i 'f in uso in Can uh' 'â- â€¢ guarantee uf ti'r"' â-  C. Tr.KUKioM' V for the cilrhi.i^' i minion Organ ^s• â- â-  i)il koiit for .snle. C. TliEADGOI.l' .,:tis. vroKi'l ,..\.;;f beawfl M-yi; .ire I -e Msi'iiiO"'" (It l!.-W " â-  rkdale â€" Saturday before «worth â€" Monday befor â€" ^Tuesda.Y before lierton â€" Monday before ne â€" Wednesday bi »Dgeville â€" The second 1 month. at Forestâ€" Third W* month, rieeville â€" Monday before fham â€" Third Tuesday v. »Bover â€" Mondav befo»« T iOcal and Oth X«ncfis in these column ly indiiidual or Societii i \nts a line for he rirsi a Une each sub-enui'ii â-  IN BAGS OF -AT- LOWEST PR^^' TurniP Tho largest 'â- toe:; r.t Pri*g;store All work from iJuliu Flesbertou, Gii; ss. [Kever visit Flesherrr iig at Bulmer's An â-  fectioii of vork suli.i; [Turnip Seeds lle growers, pun, uame at the ^leduM frCo. I Doll Brown Iv.ix.: ^iition to their stoei; ptitioa from anv sor.i [ no MIST-\ of Doll Broui ectacles aud have ored. [The trotting stall io j"" will be at the wle from 3 to 4-30 r»y Saturday uutil I The aunnal pic-ni pi^e. win take pjac ^st of June, gi-€ -oebg made by tl antoement for a gt F if the weather is M»9 doubt us ig. 1^:1' Brown, L. iti. *^^ ^^ i^ ^J^arl r* for 8 weeks, idass dental wot j«„ will bo caref 'tt.fiUinK a specia \X ^ce at D rf^ry store. °* SA.iiE. Lot 4 ^\^t i^ of au f i*9t along side ^«tod woaid be a agnnk, which ]^^. doubtless lept. Fo *X.att,biB oi

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