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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Jun 1883, p. 1

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 fr. .â- -;r?;».-?^Jf*...-.A "79?^?^^ ^iB^^^^-**"-?^ T^^-'?T!?S^^?1W? 'v'^^!r!S^'^--i'^-. '^f^!^*^?y^p H^H':^^^yis-p '?i " â- Â» iri i ii j i j i an; .^i:-.:. :i •â-  -â- â- â€¢. ji.t ,L. a.-No. 40. .•i:is-4iUi io ?-:';fci.^C; IS prBLisnKD l,Y THURSDAY EVENING, \r Ontario. IN Ar.TANCE. „;;,:,,. lu iitli=. 52 if not paid till â- â- â-  -,r;tr. No jtiper discontiuued .- .us ve pail r.p, exoept at the â- ,. •"'JIs'Kr, irai pavtie.s refusing • !â-  iviii„' up will be lieM respon- ',-r- s".;b.scriptious until tiiey ;:â- :.•, â- â- 'F ADVERTISING ,iic vftr 95fi no ,. h: 21 50 li,. 1" (10 .. ao 8 1)0 :h 4 00 :,, ;, iiist in^t'rtion per line 8 .1; iiivrtiiin 3 -::;l.rV ol i:T:f t;) "nc reckoned by tbe •â- .. .â-  i 'jHvif iircd by a scale of solid .\ ' i:;-i':-.iv'uts withoiit specific '.jijj jiul/lislie'l ti'i forbid aud ::l;::_-;y. All transitory adver- ',1; ')e ii; tilt! oliice ot bublica- â-  l'^\i I'M tlie Wednesday proceed i;...;i;i!ri!'li. • JUl riilXTING .; sciipiiiiii executed with aiiil Jo~iateh at the Office of j.RD, MiirkJiile. C. W, HUTLEDGE. '.li.'.o:: iV PllOPRIETOR. MARKDALE, ONT., JUNE 14, ISaa. No. 144. i«tei«. .\l,'iKl: AXO DHILLER. ALL â- â€¢ ;T./:ii;.;y attended to. Resi- ' iiii). i^wen Sound 122-85 :. Ivi.D., M.R.GP. S., O. ... iiua Saij:eon, Pricoville, r::i.i.-.-!;y. Vii-t. College. New York, and .;;;:â- ,â- , ui t'.e .~aine. Avletli Fedir;al Institute. Oiiriia.mie Hospital, N,Y. ... riiv-,;(i;insi- iSargeors,0. J 04 (meroFi Knight, I'L.VTAI. SUPuGEONS, lo":r i.i. A. Ciinerou and Go's Drug â-  :::â- â€¢: ^t..O\VKX SOUND. .!: j!i fri-.vii to the preservation of ^a' ".ii. Ariiiicial Dentures momit- ""'â- -. '-c.i"e:.i, aud liabber bases. " 'â- iai.; i;de tLj last Tuesday iu ::.5:.Ii.,,v ItlaM:- -v.- G. F. KmRlit,L.D.S. .Medalist iloyal Col- lege Den. Sar.,Ont [MARSHALL, L.D.S. DE.\TBST, t^'MTE OF TOEONTO SCHOOL r l-;nti,st;y, v.-ill be at Rutlcdge's ' H'UJe. 0.1 ;!ie 1st and third Wed- K'ewli mojitli aui also at Munshaw's inr^saert'jii tlie day following the F^ts-.lay ui e.icb month for the prac t--ml.^ii[,-,v.. r"th. ls:-;. 122-74, icgal. Frost A; Frost, Jr^^rKRs, A.\-D ATTORNKTS-AT I" â-  ^oliL-iturs hi Chancery, Convey -.Owt-n Siiund, have resumed at =• Office (ipen every Thursday, as j^-HisT, J. W.Fkost.LL. B. r'l^ Crown Attorney. 1 J. nASSOI*, jiSTEii, MASTEE AND DEP. REG r'-aancer}-. Notary Public, Convcyan JTOLKXD AT SIX PER CENI*. "Jwtn Sounl, in Vicker's Block li" "' '" ^Ifirkdale, over MeFar I"' f^. on Friday and Saturday every 57.1y I f fea sor :^i„ rrison, -^•n..SOLICITORS. CONVEY- '.*c. A-e, J'nOyeu Suund. Dufferin Block, â- ^\"lf'.s Store and in j^MARKDALE; -yharlaud's Store on Thursday 01 each week. » to len.l on reasonable terms. J'B, Q. G Ddncam MoBUOJr " •'larch 15. 1882. 79-lv .^'exander Brown. r hi ^^""'Re Licenses, Fire anA \l ij'^^'^e Agent. Uommissionei ^rf°" ,^°°"'eyancer and Licensed !:3 "â- '^^"ountyofGrey. Farmers, «»ad 1 " Sales, PunotaaUyat- ^e o '"""Kes made verv moderate. â- '^Pt. 17. 1880. ' 1-V jFm. Brown, ' ' sii^^KRlAGE LICENSES.**- •«.-/ " *U Its branches promptly •"'i to Lend on Real Estate se REVERE HOTEL, BYBENS McCASKILL PROPRIETORS. THIS popular Hotel ha.-, changed hands and the above men cater to the wants of the public. Good jtabUhJi and attentive hostlei-s. The best brands -of liquor and cigars, good meals and comfortable rooms large ommercial room. BarT)%r shop in con- nection. 130.1 CHATSWORTH HOUSE (latk itonRow nousfi.) CHATS WOKTH^ Ont. C. H. MATTHEWS, Propbietor. The best brand of liquors and cigars al- ways in stock. Good meals and comfortable rotims guaranteed. Good stabling and at- tentive hostler. xi4 Markdale House. This commodious and popnlfti hotel is fur- nished in first-class style, is one of the finest hotels in the County. Good accommodation for travellers. 'Bus to and from all trains. Charges moderate. A. RUTLEDGE. Proprietor. COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICEVTLl-iE. Ont. Large aud commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed itooms, *c. Tha Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabhng and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor Mansion House, JAMES BRYAN, MARKDALE, Propkietob. HAVING LEASED THE ABOVE HO- tel, and thoroughly overhauled and lefurnished the same, I am now in a position to receive a share of public patronage. The choicest brands of liquors and cigars kept. Good meals also good stabling. Markdale, Mar. 14th 83 1311y John McDonald, CHATSWORTH, DIVISION Court Clerk, issuer of Mar- riage Licenses, Commissioner in B.R., Conveyancer, Ac. Deeds, Mortgages, WiUs, c., attended to promptly, accurately, neat- ly, aiid clieaply. Private funds to lend in small sums ou easy terms. Notes discounted R. M. Galbraith A UCTIONEER AND GENERA LAND ^-\ Agent, Williamsford Station. Auction Sales attended in all parts of the County. Goods sold on commission. Rates moderate. Pianos, OrRans, and Sewing Machines; also Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Vines, Agricul- tural Implemeiints, and Machinery of all kinds on sale. Williamsford. Jan. 27.1881. GIBSON McMillan, CONTRACTORS. Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK AVD STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. CalsomininQ in all Shades and Colors. Charges mc^erate anl satisfaction gMr- antee-^. Orders left at alie Stasdabd office will receive prompt attent.on. Markdale, Feb. 6th, 1883. 126-ly. LOYIL lUIWDALE L0D6E. "'"iSs"" A. Tun-,, S~!r.' BEAVER DALE jbltiJ* AN ACROSTIC. •â-  â- "â-  â- 'â- 'â-  J " -i^l 'IE- â- â-  I EOBT. ASKIN. Jvr^a.jt€.K:r ALE Has opened ont a First-CIass Furniture I UNDERTKING ESTABLISHMENT. And therefure has suppHpd a want long felt, especially in the Undertaking Line. COFFINS, 04BKETS, SHROUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNISHINGS sapplied on the shortes notice. Xjook out ye fanirtfrs and ilirfeshto all Anji «ee that you' thxy for Spring, Stimmer ^ighrtsi^fendid good oil. [and Fall Pan't be: misled fej" statements bland. Insist upon having the vei^ best brand, l^low good as ever, in fact it is gnind, Everlasting wear without grit or sand, Tffachines run smoothly, no jarring or Hoise, And engines too in its use rejoice. Caiding also it suits, as you plainly see, Heavy gristing cannot do without me. In fact all. machines are blessed by its use, New or old it will save Irom wear and abuse^ Every man try it, we are sure it will please. Our initials, when read, will give the cue In looking for oil, the best and the true, liong in the market, but ever new. Manufactured solely byMcCollBros.Co.. Toronto. No connection with any nther firm. 127-153. A. STlei:iclid. Hearse t«*r hire at ©loderate rates. â€" All kinds of â€" PICTURE FRAMING Done ou short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. Union Carriage Works. All work manufactured from First Class Material la the Latest and Best Improved Style, and finished 'with Eiig"lish. Varnisli. Painting Trimming Rigs Ti'ill receive prompt attention. All Eepairs executed in the shortest possible time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality, Eemember the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHANAHAN, Markdale. Dec. 2nd, 1881. Proprietor. 64. Lumber and shir.gle8 kept orifiie^ m R.J0ltft8T9» m Single copies of the Stan- dard, 5 c«^*^* Wm. Lncas Co., BANKERS, ]\loney Loaned IN large or small amounts, at all times, on good 3ndorsed notes, or on collateral secririiy. INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. ^^Drafts issued apd Collections ms^e on points, at lowest ra.tes. W.M. LUCAS, 'â- " Manager. September 23. 1880. 2-Iy VK- C. RICHARDS, Bui;ldeb, contractor. archt- Tf ox. â€" Residence on Mill Street, Mark- dale. Markdale, Jan. 21th, 1833. 124Iy a. W. FOED, ' Is givitliB; splendid satisfactioQ in W. oRisTmc,;'..; ' '"'i i th6 STowPirooaBB a^ tlij6( WARNING There is great danger of tak- ing cold from wet feet. If you want to Guard Against Sickness Keep your feet dry and warm by procuring your :boots I â€" FaoM â€" KAY THOMAS. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Med- icated Cork Soles, all sizes, kept on hand. Remember the pi ice opposite the new St.wjabd Office. 4$ JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GENER'LBLACKSMITH HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. SEEING IS BELIEYING. GENTLEMEN,â€" If you want a first-class Buggie or Wagon call at MCKENNA MASON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can supply you with anything from a Lumber Wagon up to Extension Too Phaeton. MINUTES pr OlSPREY COUNCIL. Tljiseouncil inet,jj(' TaaxweH pa. theSlaft y Mtiy. ;^^bei%|ill pwe«aV â- ' Commnoieations from Hart Gq., bill 89.21 for ass^sment rolls, tfe. C, W, Bat- le%9, bill }2.pO for l^heaules; Toronto General hospital for maintenance and treat- ment of Flora McQaarrie 44 days, $2?.60 frpm general Superintendent of the Credit Valley Rwlway that the extension of their line through Osprey was under consideration of the Board of Directors and that further communications migh be expected. John Goneman stating that one of the Melanothon Drains floods his land and asking Council that an oat-let may be opened across to S. Road J. Hamilton bills for flour to indi- gents. 3100 was appropriated to each division to be expended on roads. Commissioners, T. Johnston, A. McGirr, J. Speers, J. Taylor, and A. Mclntyre in division 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 respectively. $10 each to be expended on Artemesia and Cnllingwood lines if these Councils grant equivalents. Orders were issued in favor of J. Gamey $12.50 for flour to 0. MiUer Hart Co. *9.21, Assessment Roll c. C. W. Rutledge, «2.00 for Schedules Toronto General Hos- pital re F. McQuarrie, $17.60 D. McQueen $5.00 'necessaries to Margret McLean J. Hamilton $5.00, $4.25, $1.80, for flour to"0. Miller, Mrs. McQueen D.Buie respectively; Joseph Maxwell, assessor. $80.00 clerk $10.85, postage. Mclntyre, Speers, that the clerk go to Durham and make maps of the vfllage in this municipality from the plans in the Registry office for South Grey. Speers, Mclntyre, That $200 will be paid by the municipaUty of Osprey to any person or persons who shall give any information to the Reeve or any member of this council to convict the party supposed to set fire to Mr. Stinsons store in the vUlage of MarweU. Council adjourned to meet at Feversham on the 16th June. COUET OF BEVISION. This court held its sitting [at Maxwell on Thursday May 31st and adjourned to meet at Feversham on the 16th June next. Wm. Milne, Clerk. To buy from them is to SAVE IVtOIVE^^I They are both practical workmen, and employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN o They guarantee their work Second to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. They use nothing but First-class WTiite Oak for Wagons, aud thiice Extra Seeond Growth Hickor} for light work. The immense amount of work turned out of McKenna Mason's shop is snfficicn proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. The best is thb CHEAPEST in the END Poor cheap work we positively will not take. Special attention to parties from a distance so that they Btay have their grist home the same day. Special attelrtibn given to r.e-Trimniing and BepaintSng kll classes of Carriage Woric. Satisfaction gnaraut$^(ar No Pay) in HORSESHOEl NG J^HOPâ€" On Mill Street opposite to Spronle'B xoteU McKB^NA MASON. Advet;tiS0 i^ tjhejSTANDARi^. m -â€" TT â€" TT-rrr- in'vyia tfUti teoMi ntuiidj, Ium i eo«crd«itepHa^aA«WclitewiH Mnd te Ui feBew-auieA^addiMr ^- ||. CAWING A CONSERVATIVE. IIowIr. Sproule, M. P., sot eyen inritb Mr. HugtaChisholm. Dr. Sproule, M. P., is a grateful man, The member for East Grey, too, is open- handed and large-harted. And he has been mauifeating these traits of character in a manner which will cause his constituents in this portion of the riding a considerable a- mount of plefisure. He has .ione honor to a gentleman to whom honor is due, and he baa done it in that unostentatious manner pe- culiar to a true gentleman. Mr. Hu^h Chis- holm, of the firm of H,. Chisholm Co., Meaford, was Dr. Sproule's ^ancial agent at the last general election, and sta efficient agent, too. he proved himself to be. He carefully guarded the interest of the candid- ate, and did so with suavity and in the un- assuming way peculiarly his own. Dr. Spr- oule naturally felt grateful. And as his fin. ancial agent would accept of uo emolument for the yery considerable trouble he h-id been put to, the worthy docter cast about liim for a means to expres's his gr^itude. Ti.3 result was that on Mr. Chisholin's leaving i r homo after attendmg the Conservative ba luet at Markdale last week. Dr. Sproule a^ i him if he could make it couveuient to ea around to his place before he drove off. Chis- holm, in the innocence of a he shat is looking for no favour, did as ' d. As he was- about to drive aw,' -Jproule handed him the most beau.: gold- cane we have ever had th; â-  to vt.- amius^ It is a perfect b' i ust be seen to be thorough^ â- . The gold-head, ^thich is richly cV, it^h it the followirig incrlption in ..i. • aiftt of toe engrayer's art FttOM •' •' â-  ' :. ML fiPEOULE. " " ' ,, ' to his j-esi)ei-; ' ' F^ND, H.;c^HpiiMv It If! tumeoeMar;. ib.'slBy/ i^.o^Bpletely astotiiahed an ' frim, aad tlmt hci t6di#agh}^ gift df the liiembcnr fdr "Et^i i Wrror. « et j9mr Mm% IToAdoae at .-â- â- -,.â- * ":hL^dm 1 by snr- jja[)esthB SUBSCRIBE h\ "STANDAi THE .»*r •%.;. i-'*M«» »"V ^**«ife4

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