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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 17 May 1883, p. 4

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 wmmmmmmff^^^^?9W^!fmr^ Tha Standard. MAKKDALE, MAY 17th 1883. •INDEPENDENT PAPERS." The Advance displays so mach g'ost ignor- ance in his remarks on this question that it is needless toiry to drive anything else into his crannium, for, the softer the head, the more difficnlt it is to drive anytliing into it. And as to Conservatives being disgusted with the peculiar course the Advance has followed on political questions, we could point out libera] Conservative subscribers to that paper who have expressed their utter disgust and disapproval, and though we here withold names, they are among the most respectable men of Flesherton Village, Artemesia and Osprey Townships. ADDITIONAL MAIL SERVICE. We hnve read a letter this week from Dr. Sproule, now at Ottawa, stating that the petition of Mr. Thos. Kells,and others asking for increased ra^il service at Vandeicur P. O. was allowed. Vandeleur is to have three mails per week in the future to and from F.esherton, Monday .Wednesday and Friday, instead oi two as heretofore. This will be a great convenience to that portion of Euph- rasia and Artemesia, who get their mail matter at this P. O., and they have reason to tliank Dr. Spicule, through whose influence, the desirable change was brought about. We eongregulate the neighbourhood in securing this convenience. Bmtal larder of a Famtr by his Son FOULLY SHOT \N THB BACK. ATTEMPr BY ITCBDEBEB BODY. TO BUBY THE ENTERPRISE. McFarland Hull's Stave Factory WHS raised a w,.ek ago, and will be pushed to completion with all possible speed. Tins new manufacturing in- diistiy will be a valuable addition to the place. A number of hands will be employed to work up the timber during the summer season, wliile a market is also created for that class of timber. The fsictory will be run by steam power from the engine which operates McFaiknd's grain elevator. Such a man as J. W. McFarlsnd is the ver}' heart and soul ot a place. Since became to Markdale, som2 22 years ago, he has bten always fore- most m any movemett that tended towards the prospeiity of the place. From the yery start, Mc. purchased anything in the shape of fi.rm produce winch was offered, while there was scarcely an article a fanner or me- chanic required which he did not keep in stock, thus he built up a business which is second to none in Western Ontario. He is siirewd aud far seeing yet veiitursomc, and has suffered many sevcrj losses by lluctuallons in the markets on various OLCasious. yet never a murmur, but rather energized forward to greater efforts. The value of such mou as a motive power in the growth and progress of a place is sel- dom fnlly ap]ir( ciatfd, while the whole eiiinui unity shnru the beueiits thus brought about. On Saturday evening last a murder of an unusually brutal character was committed about a mUe and a half East of the village of WilUamsford Station, in the Township of Holland. It appears that about 4 o'clock a farmer named George Lambert, about fifty years of age, came into his house for supper and whilst in the act of washing his hands was shot through the back by his son Joseph, a young man aged about 20, of eccentric habits but not heretofore looked on as dang erous. The shot was fired through a stove- pipe hole from the upstairs. The old man staggered backwards and fell on the floor, when his wife, who was in the house at the time, ran to his assistance but was unable to get him to his feet. Meantime the murderer was loading his gun for the second shot when his mother ran upstairs and implored him to desist. On threatening to shoot her next she rushed down stairs and while in the act of doing so the second shot was fired taking effect in the dying man's head ard kilhng him outrit;ht. The murderer then loaded his gun a third time, came down stairs, took the murdered man by the boot leg and dragged him about 40 yds. to the foot of the gaiden, where he began to pre- pare a grave. He then got some lumber, which he commenced to measure and saw up for a coffin. By this time some fifteen or twenty of tlie neighbours, who were alarm- ed by the mother, had congregated, but were unable to do anything, as the murder- er threatened to shoot the first man who ap- proached him. A warrant was also got for his arrest, but neither was it considered ad- visable to do anything in the way of enforc- ing it till other devices for tiie capture of the murderer were exhausted. At length a mau named Hauly, under pretence of ren- deriug the murderer assistance, succeeded in getting beside him, when he took him by the legs an threw him to the ground, after which he was handcuffed and taken to the village. He says in committing the murder he was carryingout his father's instructions. It is said that he wished to get the farm and that the iact of his being kept out oi it eu- gendt-red the feelings wnicli prompted him to commit the murderous act. A coroner's inquest was held this attcrnoon and a ver- dict of wilful muvder lottirned. The mur- derer WIS taken to 0\ve)i Sound, wnere lie will be detained till his trial comes on. "BTRTHS. BiTCWK.-In MMkcWe, on the 1«*»^»*-' the wife ot Mr. Geo. Bitohie, rf« a»pi- ter. Bbadt.â€" In Euphrasia, on the 16tt» iMt.. the wife of Mr. Wm. Brady, of twins, boys. McCoEMicK.â€" In GleneUt, on the 9th inst.. the wife of )Sf. Donald MeCormick, ol a son. Syminotom.â€" On Friday the 4th inst., the wife of J. Symington, Station Agent, Dundalk, of a son. MiDDLETON.â€" In Dundalk, On Monday the the 7th inst.. the wife of G. B. Miduleton, Esq., of twins, son and daughter. Beattie.â€" In Artemesia on the inst, the wife of Andrew Beattie of a daughter. MARRIAGES- McDosAU)â€" Beard.â€" By Rev. J. Ward, In Owen Sound, on the 8th inst., Mr. Benja- min McDonald, of St. Vincent, to Miss Ellen Beard of Markdale. Eagleâ€" Hamilton.â€" By By Bev. N. A. Mc- Diarmid, on the 9th inst.. Mr. Samuel Eagle, of Euphrasia' to Miss Melissa Hamilton, of Holland. By the Rey. T. J. Snowden. Voddenâ€" McAuLAY.â€" At the Methodist Par- sonage. Dundalk, on the 7th inst., Mr. Wm. Vodden, to Miss Jennet McAtilay. both of Dundalk. Kennedyâ€" Palesteb. â€" At the Methodist Parsonage, Dundalk, on the 18th of April, Mr. John A Kennedy ,to Miss Palester.both of Proton. McMillanâ€" Leppabd.â€" On the 2nd of May, at the residence of Mr. Robinson, Mr. 1). McMillan to Miss Leppard,both of Proton. DIED. Fire in Mk. McXAE'S arkdale. SASHct DOOE i;ui::;ED. FA'TOKY Ou Monday las just as the men cmpinyed in Mr. Thos. McNae's Sash Door Factory, iioar tlie Station in lli!s villa^'o, Lad shut off steam and started for their dinr.ers, they wove recalled by seeing smoke issiiin;,' from tlie upper story of the buikiinjT, and found on returning, the iriper room so full of flames and smoKe as to render it impossible to get anything out, however, some of the machin- ery on the lower flat was removed, although in a damaged state, by this time tlie crowd aroiiml the scene was very large and some worked vigorously in keeping the flames from the skating rink, which stood only 14 feet (lisiant. and a house, owned by W. F. Doll, and occupied by Mr. Kobt. Montgomery, wh'ch had already been stripped off it; con- tents, doors and windows, which thty snc- eeeded in doing. Very fortunately the wind WIS East at the time, or the damage to Imnber sliingles, etc., of which there is con- siderable near tho site of the budding dest- tioyed, would have been much greater, a.= it is, Mv. McN'ac's Lss is about 5:), 'JOG, iur^nr- ance 5G.000. Mr. DoF.'s slit;ht damage to b uJdiiiKS, log-: about glUO, no iu.-uranc. Mr. Montgomery'.s furniture rudily removed. At on( time qnite a conjiuotion and stampe- de was caused by the steam from ?..e bo.ler noisily escapiiiij, but no esplo.-ioii took place. Mr. McNie was fortunate in incr"asing the insurance lat inrumcr at the time of tlie (â- lev itor lire, and we are plud t.. Jwun that he iiit'^nds to rebuild as soon ns ]nss;bie. The cause of the fire, no (Unl;r., w-,a.s acci- dental and i)'\.bdb'yj).i^'iua.ed fixiiu tho en- gi'ie liou-.' near waicii it v.a" tiist seen. Mr. ^cXae's loss ,,v(-r tiic ins.irjiice will not be b'ss than fi'oni tuve-d lu lo-ir liiousaiid lUtl- 1 i^'s. besides a (-leac poititn of ilia ^tsasoys Work EUPHllASIA COUNCIL. A meeting of the Township Council of the Township of Kuphrasiii, was liell pursuant to adjournment on the iJi day oi May, A. D. ise.^. Members all prf sent. Minutes of last session of Council read and continued. James Stiu.hers, Esq., was appointc.l re- feree on sclwol basine.-s. Tiie petetion of William Stewart, and others for epening side road ct 7 received, and the lletve and Ilr. Ellis appointed to inspect said road and report at next meet- ing oi Couucil. The petition of John Kerr, relative to fo' niatiin of a i:e.v school section, laid over un- til neyt meeting of (.'oiincil, iin.l the Clerk to notify interested parties. A committee of the whole Conned to take action cjncerning sidd road 27 Jj 2S, in the otli and 0th coicessicns. ' The petition of John Talbot and others asking repairs ot 9th line at lots 14, 15 and If), rectived and Mr. Erskine, Air. Boyd and Mr. Paterson. ai)pointe(.l a counuittec to in- spect the road at this place, power to tale whatever action they may deem prudent, in the way of making improvement 1 hereon. The Keeve was appointed to confer with the commissioner of CoUing\/ood Tp., in re- ference to improvement of town liuo at lots 2 and 8. The Auditor's Eeprrt was finally Audited by council, and the clerk ordered to get 500 copies thereof printed. Alyea.â€" In Euphrasia, on tlie 141h inst., Abigal, relic of the late Isaac Alyea, aged 76 years. Jones, â€" In Dundalk, on the 4th inst. .Nancy Ellen, youngest daughter of Mr. Thomas Jones, aged 4 years. Traynobâ€" In Dundalk. on the 9th inst.. Mary Ann, only daughter of Mr. I. Tray- nor, aged 6 years and 4 mouths. ABSTRACT STATEME]J^ t £^ THE â€""" RECEim AtXPEHOITOREofthe TOWNSHIP OF EUPH! J For the year eadiBV SIM December, igaa ^1i| â-  ' â€" "" • *• Irtectfipts. Balance on hand from 1881 47 25 Asueeoinents • 11837 28^ License Fund ' 45 79 Clergy Keserve Fund 2y OO Land Improvement Fund .^. 44 r-^ Fmes. Fees, c 38 25 Money borrowed 50u 00 From Railroad liuud 073 00 Union Schools 1029 75 Miscellaneous 51 yy Kxpen d itui'e. Roads and Bridges $1528 17 Salaries and Commissions gj^y q(, ychool Sections G194 4^ Sinking Fund 1000 oo" Election expenses 72 50 Taxes rafunded y t^^^ Charities 10 do Printing, Postage and Stationery 20G 22 Law Fees [09 24 Bills Payable redeimed o^q („, Interest on Coupons, Debentures, Ac 1421 25 Municipal Grant 54;-} (j^ Safe 125 00 Miscellaneous r^-, 24 Total Expenditure S13597 CU Balance ou hand Slat December, 1882 094 'Ji MARKDALE MARKETS. Fall Wheat, SiO.Qit to iJO.92; Spring $0.% to JtO 98; Barley, 55c; Peas, 72; Oats, 42c: Butter, loc; Eggs, 12e; Potatoes, 40c; Hay, W2A)0 Pork, 7.'=0 to 7.75; Flour, $4.75 to $5 00; Grass Seed, 52.00 to 52.10 §14292 m FLESHERTON MARIvETS. Fall Wlieat, 80.90 to $0.93; Spiing, SO.Oj to 80.97; Barley, 57c; Peas, 69c; Oats, 41c Butter, 15c; Eggs, I2e; Potatoes,40 c; Hay, S12.00; Pork, $7,45 to ?7 60 iScw Advcrtijiieinciits. ^^or S'a.le, Statement of Issets and Liabilities. CaRli balance 31 st December, 1882 G94 94 Buildings and Real Estate.. 1200 0' Debentures, Mortgagos and Bonds 2024 2!) Invesfment. Sinkiof^ Fund, Roads .tc 9924 00 Non Resilient Collectors' Roll for 1882 914 2V,- Due on Collectors' Rolls..... 3095 j4" $18458 4('Jr Excess ot Liabilities over Assets 0708 'I'l L.ialilitie«. ?2oiei M Df'benturps and Loans c; 102 C-Junty Rates 14(ii» Railway Liens and Louusos on OS 2;-!.ji!o (HI ATiOT of splendid eating Potatoes for sale Cheap. WM. BROWN. Markdale, May 15th, 1883. 140 Notice. THE pnrty -nhn took from Fagan's wagon at Jfrs Allen's Hotel, Berkley, on Wed- nosday the 9th inst.. a parcel containing a plinc, paint ind othe- arlicle= are hcrchy warned tlmt if the same is not returned to Mrs. Allen's Hotel before the 24th May, pro. eredings will be ta\cn against the party as tiny are known 140-4 1 JOHN NOBLE, Markdale We hereby certify that the above is rnrrocf J. B. WLXTKR, WILLIAM H. DODSOX, EuphniKia, March 1st, 1883. ?2.:ici.^ .\uiIIHt. Coiii-t of rievissjion. Township of Holland. Notice ishernhvpivpnOiat the first sitting of the Oonrt of llevision for the township of Holland, for the current year, will be held in rhe Reeve au'l Mr, Ellis were appointed a I VopanV Hall. Holland Centre, in the said iUv. Mv. Franks. (Ueli'Otlist.) of Thorn \i i-y, 'i"'J^f4"-a iu Lev. M.:. iloOiarmiu's 111 |..i. .uarit.aie, ia.-t Sal.Lut'i mo5riu„jj. T louirli q ite a yoi ng man }.lr. v'Jiks ]i onnes i' 1 e Mil iibjo sLtaker, he \\ua hs- I cvi 10 ,3..„. ^,.g_;ioi' bv a layg2 hai- ^itgatiou. comniittee to enquire into the advisabihty of ooeiiii.g side road 6 and 7 in the 1st conces- sion, and to report at uest meeting of coun- cil. Mr. Ellis was appointed to confer with the Deputy Eeevee of Artemesia, in reference to bridge over saugeen river ou town line. By-law No. 329 carried through different stges and passed. The following named partie.s were appoint- ed Pound keepers A ifcKewe.i, G. WUson Sr., A. Wpy, VV. Ellison, J W. Thurston' W. J. Black, J. B. Winter, S. Wiley, T. Mc- Connell, G. Kichardson, Esq., J. Murrav jr W. Wil.son.T. Brarty, A. Aid. " ' ' The Fencyiewers appointed are A. Hall W. Kerr, H. White, J. Keuiney. T. KUis, j] Hurlburt, H. Knott, E. Parker, J, Pickerin J. IVllf-nd, J. H. Pern-. J. Cock, W. Boyd,' T. Nelson, W. Kelly, J. Stitt, J. ^truthMs' Esq J. Stirson,si- J. Cuiry, W. McDonald 11. Elhott, J. Logan. T. Kincr, W. M. Artltv] By-law No. 230 cairied through the dii- fereut stages and passed. Bv-lrtwNo. 231 carried through different stages and pa.ssed. The Treasurer was instracted to remit to T. Gilray. Esq., $5, witnes-; fees, c.,c., ui suit with J. Kerr vs. Corporation. The Treasurer was authorized to settle ' full the claim of J. Ker--, ajiaiust coriwrat Tlie B -eve's orders were issued Treasurer to pay as follows, vjz Samuel Ko-i- 524. "0. for building bridw • William Charters. «t.5.00, for w..rk on roa.i ai:d bridge; Jojpph Howe. ?IO.Oi 10 p^iy liands employed at Beaver rive- durin" higa w.-.ter Andrew Grier. E-q.. f-lv.n tor „(,.- v c;s in div:sion OMiit .7am s Artliur 8^ W) for plank furnished for culvert â-  w'lilTa'in Stewait 85.0 ., f..r relief of J. Feeny.indiin" Joseph Eoyd, »SC.M0, salary as township on Monday the 2Sth day of May, 1883, at 10 oclock in the forenoon. Caiiso\ Price, Tp. CIprk. Holland.Msy 7th, 18^3. 139-41 CoiTT-t of Revision. Townshtp of Olcnclgr. N-OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the first sitting ot the Court of Revi- sion, for the Township of Glenelg, for the current yoar. will be held at the Town Hall in said township, 011 Monday the 28th day of May, 1883, at ten o'clock in the foreroon. r-i ^. J-^s- BR0'»-n, Tp. Clerk. Glenelg,May 7th, 1883. 139.41 T. C. Ill lon. oa the B. RAILWAY. TIME TABLE. Change ot Time. On and after Monday, Nov. 20th 1R99 trains will run as follow.^ ' ' GOIXO N TH. -4i;c:tiui^ sale of Valaable Farm Property IN" TIIE COINTY OF GREY. Under and by virtue of tb.e Power of sale contuine,! in a Mortgage, there will be offer- ed for s-.ale by Public Anctun. I)y Jas. M. Webster, Escj. Aucti ne r' At the Eugenia He.; 59 iu tlie vdlage of Eugenia, o;i WEDNESDAY. 23 DAY OF MAY, 1883 At the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. the following laud, iu one parcel Being com)jo6cd of the North half of East half of lot No. 1. in the 7th con. of the lowuship of Euphrasia, in the county of Groy, containing 50 acres, more or less About forty acres arc cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the remaiu.lcr is covered witli good Mapk and Elm Timber. On the premises there is erected a good frame house, log barn and t ible Terms of Sale. -Ton per eut of tho pur- chase money down at the time of sale, suf- hcient to make 25 per cent within one men. the balance to remain on Mortgage, or be paid in cash at the option ol the purchaser. Ihere will he a resei-ve bid Mansion Hod MARKDALE, JAMES BHYAX, '.: TTAVlN(i LEASKJi Till .\wi 1 l_ tel, and tlicr iii-l:i. iVrlLlllni lefurnisliod tlie snii;i\ 1 .n:: I. â- v ;!. :.JTC to receive a share oi pniii;. ;:: '..f' choicest hiailds el llqu. 's ..! iipii i Good nieids idso ^-i^o 1 s;:.',ii; Markdale, Mnw 14tli. 's-:; EOT fi C()X 100 a. res FARM FOR SALE X. ;i ]â- :. (.. !,ii., HtiLLi-l (1 ::rn ch rvl, KJ. M Oil, good orchard l-e-iiiiiL' j: i iitfiio'" barn. Situated 2 half iniv^ from !â- '" worth.. A. bargain will lc given iati above pro) lei-ty, for aiticulaisaifi.f '"j? Noble, Markdale. or ti (.lins. £"?â-  hune. I' FARM FOR ACJiES'^eii SALE. For further particulars apply to essrs Mulock, Tilt, Miller Crowther V,^ndor8solicitor8,99King st. East,Toronto GOING SOUTH current year D. U. EIli-, S5.() for rebef of widow Grey, in ii-en* William Irwii, 3-^5 for repairs on Wiley's budge Wm. W,b: oad. T 5 -oO. f-r r^rairins K.n's bridge The couaci! adh„med until Friday'the Ut day of June npxt. then to nie.t as a court of revisiou at 10 o'clock A. M. B:B2Birw::L0i.Tp. Cleik. Htd Down, A.M. V M. 7 3(11 4 25 9 05 00 9 55 6 45 U 20 8 44 2 25110 1.5 -1 50| o .;0 f2 ()(jj 8 4.-. ' m 9 55 P-M. I P.M. Toronto lo 45 (Jakdwell Jlnl- Ol;.^.NGtVILLE .. Mount Forest. Teeswatek .... F esherton .. Makkd-ale Owen isouni).. Rend Vp. AltoTE drawn about the 1st Jannary, 83, by Robert Stafford in ia\or of Geo Black«-oo I f..r f 90.00, payable six months afterdate. All parties are hereby warned against negotiating for the same should it be found as payment thereof to any person but myself is stopped. 138. 40* GEO. BLACKWOOD. 100;^ from Markdale, witii balance, hardwood bii for fencing the i.„t •â- 'Uot-; eiielg. This farm istbrtt" !i wiih sutficieo! jlacr. It â- := «eil ^^ with never failini stieaiu of fpiisp ' Young orchard, log house, ami â- -t*^'**' deed can be given. For price ami V ply to MRS. MlCiHT.oii the V^^'^f:' dale P. O.â€" Also a faun wa-!;iii i"» '*.' mihfor sale 9 05 8 27 6 30 5 0(j G 43 6 27 5 15 A.M. P.M. 9 10 7 31 6 60 4 30 2 45 4 47 4 30 3 10 P.M. A Mixed Train will also nin between Tor- onto and uwen Sound. See Time T^le. 4). McNicoLL, (ien. Pass. Ajt Edmund WnArioy. Ger.eral Manager. Single DAKP 5 copies of the cents. Stan- FOR SALE. A CHOICE CORNER LOT AT WIL- ^T-uV"^^^^°"V****"°^" large premises suitab for stoil awl dwelling, also stable and shed. This place was formerly occu pied as a store, for ,vhicb bow their is a good openiug, will be sold cheap, apply to James lieton, Wilhamsford Station, or to Thos. lates, Owen Sound. Farm for Safe. EKY desirable beiBf ' ni' 112.1^' West of T. and S. Koad, .\M!ii'-i%" from the town of M:iilvilii road. 70 acres chared, hd ^^^ has a large stone dweliiii.u' 1" » '"'"" is well watered wiili lu^r creek; splendid soil, ai.d n' 'â-  en tk.f* liaiii'" fiiilii' 'â-  locahty. Terms eas Ain.VATTHlS oFi;*l Markdale. March l-'.itli. ;,s/r\ J 39-41 \^ To all who are suffering from the errors and UKbscretions ot youth, ner *i ous weak- ness, eariy decay, losa ol manhood, c.,I ^1. ^TT ^Z^"""' ^^^^ *i^ cure you. FKEE Oi- CHAEGE. This great Bemecy was dis coTored by a missionary in Scnth Amerfca Send a self.a.idre8s.d envelope to Emt J08KPH T. to^,^ .-^fl^,-^ J,*- j,^^ Bit, York Farm for Safe TO sell or rent. • ' ' Euiihiasia, 8 Lot S ,,,1,.. iV. u' M.ri'l*"' liM r(isr ' "1 3 from lioekl.n, criiwiiir-.i- ^^^, acres cleareti and in ^L'"i '•'â- " ' fit to run reaper and iik"i' harJwood busii with si;:tii-"'" jj^^p cinp. Well watercil wiih wv.* -i*^ ^^ ouly 10 r«)ds from bill iir '•"";*'|^ is 1 house, bam and staWe. '•' ;, Steam saw mill on n'X' deed can W given. tho premisess to \r iilari l.'or piuui-"' SAMUELWg^ \. noil is 1^""^^ Kmlo tl^. Who it 5«5t««w tn I Oi U waking- to leave h I .iiier,) he has et Iftnership "^f^j^l iQlYNjate of Flesh [^ prartical watch ielUr^f^^^ 1 5 yea and comes wiih th Lfnendationsfrom sc Lfiff watchmakers i kon. Brown will carry I5 in Markdale. \work entrusted to hi) j^ (I workmanlike jnork will be guara I goods sold will be \isented, or money rt 11 BrowE IPeople's Watchmakers J lill's ^loclc, MAB KdALE ONLY. "monthly FAIKS. -Saturday before Flesher ih_Mondfly before Duihar .-Tuesday before Orangevil Uâ€" Monday lefore Oraiigev pf_ Wednesday be lore Ora illeâ€" The second Thursday itb. iForestâ€" Third Wednesday Itb. Iâ€" Monday before Durham. •Third Tuesdfty in each mc Monday t)efore Durham. 1! and Other Itc in t/i«.« columns iiiti'ndi'd ridual or Society xcill he rhu [line for the I'trst in.frt(i'ti hii' each suhteqiient insert"' iiuion day comes 01:1 Sni )quet i'J -i, G it S La iLdical ILall. FTED. â€" AcabiiT-t niiilifr Peretra, Wi.liaiu^h.rd tamPDt will ijcd likely I limtil the 4tli of Juiu-. Iv,' fpleudid DiainonJ li It Doll cV liiowii's IrDiu fcch. atprepai-atioi:s; are 1); in: agricultural grmiMls 1 I's Birthday Celelira' i best naturc'fi J31oo.l Ptui til Bitters kco .1 -s. the Barber. iDull wishes to siDceielv J'ho sc uolily a^-sisN^l m kiperty from the deViau; «t tlie late fire. 1 Sale. --A fine pnrlnMV,-: jiu use. original c:il;i!ourii .offered now (or S"O, v. a H order. Apply to M. 1; p you are in Mai kd.-i'e (asevervbody will^ lo si ' Sjjauahan's display N good" T.nstiTs ;ind •i at about half the ovdv.-.v 'Torontc House. Wu:. ]; h next sitting of Division ^.^illbeheld in Markdnlc '"lie, and iu Cluitsworih "es wishing to purciia«o â- ^ wagon, sulkv. Ret ban attend W. F. Doir^ 1 ftarcUw the I'Jth, "'•^ to the ladies. Cull »ie assortment of miUinei "fasoo's. All the new s; ""Dt'i are now in. ff'eek, while Mr. Joe. (i "terding to his work- in "lnear Flesherton, hi »ngbt by the niaehiiierv L ^^^ ^^""ii'ed ana two r ^ere somewhat laccrat r^n's Photo-r ipli Ga pceto^et bargains ni r««i albums/ A gocJ ibonli ?• ^â- """" K^t sun '^«at4,aui there ,s n.n J Ua.s weather." '-WM; ^at^P ., ihev are sclli Mimbfe .t Ur take twoâ€" (I ,,.^ tso? Ill ha 'rown have made -*otlleir stock, and dc

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