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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 10 May 1883, p. 5

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 ^fffm^amm "^^^-s^^f^jr^^^,**^^ ic Brown ^qU IS leaving Mark- ]g into the Wholesale 'business in Toronto, l-slw' /o leave Mark- "'/,,r 'ihe has entered Mint" T J "" ... Inship '^^/^. ^^- ^^• 0S,latcofFlesherton, hrartical n'atchmaker of over IS years ex- '\ndco:ncs with the best ^scndat'ionsfrom some of '-tiichinakers in the very «li^^^^ J»l « %§»! goocU. Fisherii ?!»6ti|d gee ^te i^. immense wsortbent flmSni^uS RPPIPP "a«^i ' ..'%* â- Â» J ilf;rr»-j-.- -04 Ur. down acoordiagly^ ^^** P^*^^ «'i'»^ J I -: S^?,t^£i^'":^U.^^- com- i^^p.;-.„ ;:â- ;// crtrr' on the linU^^rkdale. \^.rk cnirns ted to him will in a rkinan like man- ::ori liill be guaranteed^ mds sold ivill be found Vantd, or money refnnd- 11 Brown's, li^iple' W:i.::'Iiru.ikers Jewellers i^iil's li^locli, MAllKliAl-H ON"LY. yONIHLV FAIHS. l^SiiurJav bttore FJealierton. Lj,_Moiiilii.v before DuiLam, Lljtsil.iv ivti'ie Oran^eville. .--MuiiiLiy bufoi-e OraugeviJle. L_ffciliuMliiy before Uraiipeville. tr-Ilie serciuJ Tkursday in each |f,f;,t_Xuird Wednesday in eacli Ibu. t_lfou:lay before Durham. -liiiiil Tueslay in each month. -Moiiiiay i'efo'-e Di\rham. i! iii Other Items. t-;'i 'V-(' i-idumnii intended to benefit iiu)} '• SiK-ii'tji !(•/// he rharijed ten " hr til" lirst insertion and five |;,it' Mi'/i -.}i'i'q»ent insettion. [fame of the new stave factory [C'A TiKsIay last. Oquet " 4, 8 ball sets, iMcA Hall. Kaod dress .croods in great var- :i.cap at Foster's. b:ei.â€" Acaliuet maker, apply In. Pertini, \Vi!liamsford. pltndid variety of cretones, Fur- loitou Etc., at Ileyiiolds h spknaij Diamoud riDf:[s for |i:Dulli Browu's from $10 to Ecil. t lest nature's Hlood Purifier aud l«ti: Bitters kuown, solJ by liilitPJiirber. (flivouieye cu Doll Brown's prvwiiid(.\v, if you don't 6ee '"•Jwaijt step inside. oiiiiii,' ill biack, rucett JEand Inylit bronze, â€" fashion- ers at McFarland's. Kii reported last week, at Mr. P tJuruett's should have read P'-;trtidof a daughter. P""'s ,t Sou have a €p]endid fiaew fpiiuL,' stock at very low â- "0 trouble t'j siiow goods. fi;^Rret toiearn that Mr- Andrew pM a mare recently, death was ^•^y inflauiiLiation after foaling. Doll Brown U«vV ia^ ditionlotheir8tock.a. petition from any Bource. Money to loan on farm woperty at seven per cent,, easy terms of i^oaf "^eut. Apply to M: Richardao;^^^" mensebargamaatKoyaddtC o'cTiLhaâ„¢ "' ^t'^^l^ ^» ^^ose at 7 Lt of May^rT ^^^"^.'i^y night.after the Fob bALE.- Frame house, good stable and skating rink, will sell chSp MarkTalf"' "^^' '° ' ' ^^^l Priceyille has announced by posters a splendid li»t of prizes for utuloticKa- mes and other sports, to take plac,.Ii.e 24tii 10 that village. A SPI.ENDIO Chance.â€" $850 organ, liew. will be 6ola by aucUou at \v. F l»o i s sale on the 19th can be seen at IJoU JirowuB btorc. HamUion's Piiotograph .Gallery is the place to get bar^aius in picLure iruuiesuud album.. A good assort- meut always ou band. A word to the ladies. Call and see the hne acssorDuieut of miUmery atM. iticuardbou-s. All the new siyles for tuia month are now in. CWfiT Parti bu les wishing to purchase a good gy, wagon, suiky, set harness c. should attend \V. F. Doll's big sale on baturduy the 19th. "J Foe Sale.â€" a fine parlor Organ two years in use, original catalogue price $26y, offered now lor $90, wairunted in good order. Apply to M. liichard- son. Runaway.â€" The spirited young team which draws the Ma'rkdafe House buss, took friglit yesterday morning and ran to their own stable, no serious damage. Insubance.â€" W. J. Bellamy, Real Estate and Insurance agent, Flesher- ton.will be in Markdale, at Kiitledge's hotel.every Thursday until further no- tice. Insurance at th« lowest possible rates. MoLey to Loan on Real Estate at G to 7 percent per annum. Convey- ancing in all its branches carefully and properly executed. A trip to the farm of Finlay MacKae, Esq., Reeve of Gleuelg, on Monday last, found that gentlemen in the midst of hie farm labors with half a dozen farm hands about him and nearly as many carpenters, all ply- ing their labors under the able supervision of Finlay himself. The farm comprising in all about four hundred acres, lies about four miles ic from Griffin's Comers on the north- ern confines of Glenolg, and is a most desi- rable prperty. It fell on Mr. MacEae's hand's somewhat unexpectedly, and, determined to make the best of it, he moved out there about three weeks ago with Mrs. MacRae aud lamily. Since which time he has been pushing matters with characteristic energy. The farm combines what lew others do â€" ad- mirable adaptability at once for graingrow- ing and stock raising, into the latter of which Atr.MaeEae intends to go extensively. Every thing is push and bustle, carried on, how- ever, with great regularity and buildings and outhouses are being run up with the ra- ts i McC'asldll had a' horse dity of a western city, Mrs. MacRae. always ^Jliieiiuansgot its legbroke-'liospitable "'l entertaining, is if possible more fo than ever on the farm, and no one can visit there and come away without feel- ing a desire to "call again" on the first op- portunity. â€" Chatsuorth Cor. AdvertUer. a»B â€" â-  riaviii.riit „, iiis o^u stable, pakt rlie next morning. If " r^cxtlianso is no robbery, put "teyii youl- j^ocket and' go lo Fund's aud s e what a stack of J '" ^^"li' K^^t, in exchange foi it. I* occiired at the Revere House 'f m uliiel, s. L. M. Luke was â-  "»'-«l; u- luive not vet learn.'d '^â- â- ^ i'lU umlcrstand there will 'Over it /^f"irtii MeMiodist quarterly 'r^'^t the cnnfL-reuce year will be \-)Jar:;,,l,ie, on Sunday 13th. " "'0. of Thornbury will "'^•1 coudacfc the service. Itvf " 1-I^LE REWARD. Lji 'â- .,"-â- â- ' "' l'-iitledije\ Monthly oi- L, f V^"'"ard. in ti.eir Monthlif for T«a",-^'""J' '^*"' following: tj, ^^^.^. "' in gold to the person e*T- " "' sliorte-st chapter in ion: hv\T'"" Scriptures (not the New ^Z r """ â- '£83. Should two 'tiili' -^^^^^"s 'S received, the re- Vj r l'""'*^"'^- 'I'l^e money wilt be Hi J' "' ""»»" May 15th, 1883. hiC^, " tl'e reward must send 20 [«iisne ' T'^^^^Re stamps taken)witli nf^(i, °".^l"ch they will receive the Ntb " "' 'â- ^'1"=1» the name and ad- in J"""' °^ '^« reward and the ••O' "'" published, and in SAYINGS AKD SIFTINGS. Addi '^re valuable rewards will be ress PCBMSHlSJa The cricket club at Owou Sound, are pre- paring for biz. Dr. Wild will give a lecture under the aus- pices 01 the Mechanics Institute ou the 22nd. The ste'»mer Pacific was launched two weeks ago to-day at Owen Sound. FiKE IK CoLLiXGWOOD.â€" The emigrant sheds, or what is better known ai ' -Old Riley Hotel" was fired four times within 24 hour.s the building was bwne.l by the Noitheru Ry.. and was totally destroyed. A gang of 230 navies on their way^to Algoma Mills did the mischief. Mr. G. R. Middleton, Dandalk, raised his Oat Mill last week. The Dnndalk merchants close their shops at 7 p. m. Dnndalk cheese factory win be in operation in a few days. Mr. J. Broderiok. who was burned out re- cently in Dundalk, has since lost a valuable stallion, which wa« found strangled m the staU in the morning. The new Lambton st. bridge in Dorlwnii is progre«8iug' A atoge and mafl ^nll nm between Pmr- ham and Walkerton, after the Ist Joly. A lodge of the Ancient Ordflr of Uiuted Woripnen wa» orgamJifti in Dorha^ laat wj^cuBcil the Dorbamlf^e »•_ W*^ jj^jwi^Hve ut woe ^.j,, ,.j^,^, j,j a-ina«»o«»,oor brea4hto hwroa+eigh. _-rwiU o«rte your tena to flow T »" Bymiwthyyon wiU extuui _^o those who have of laU ' " ««n oj^to moom the loeaot ftundc, *«1 thair heait-rending t«. '*»« m September, beaokeoii^ ftonth, In eighteen eighty-two. iiie Asia steamed from CpUingwood. Manned by a baray crew AK ®f^*y Pasaengers she took, ua. what a precious freight The worth ol an those noble aools, oay. who can estimate She clave the dark blue waves in twain. And hke a burd set free. Glad to be loosed, she hastened on 10 wards her destiny, French Riyer was hor' destined port. But Ah, the storm did rivee ishe sank to tell a mournful tale That words cannot describe. Say. who is held responsible. And who should bear the blame It this was done through oarlessness. Then, 'tis a burning shame. ShaU those who hold the public's trust. And good thereby derives, Grow heedless of that tmst. and thus Endanger human lives. Ah, little did they dream, indeed. Who paced along her deck, That 'eie the sun would rise again. She'd be a total wreck That rich and poor, aU side by side Engulphed beneath the wave. Should in the cruel arms of death. Sleep in one common grave. That soon, lull soon above the roar Of the destructive surge, The raging winds would stoop to sigh And chant their funeral dirge. That for their sakes the bitter tear Of agony would flow Adown the cheeks of loving friends. Crushed by their weight of woe. That widowed wives aud orphaned babos Looked on the forms of some. Who to their homes and fond embrace. Ah I never more would come. Who shall depict the mournful pceno. The horror aud the strife, Th* dread confusiou that took place. The Btrugt'le afier hfe No doubt a prayer that God may save, Esd ines the lips of some, (While others stand in mute despair. All motionless and dumb,) I seem to hear their piercing cries. For mercy thoy implore Ah some have taught their Ups to pray, Who never prayed before. And surely God did not despise. The souls who sought Hia peace. He t,'ave them hope he gave them strength He gave them dying grace. God speaks to us, shiill we be warned, Or shall we still delay 0, let us turn aud seeK and find H.s mercy while we may. |ECTti^H»PEii^t^jHimn8f mm iW OHdBesB«f tempetaibeBtlB.aiiniaBkHlMife tlia ftfreahing cocdnesft of th» -M^#»!^" Fr«9enre4 Meats, " " • '-^^'k^ p^' BELFAST HOUSE, MARkDALE, beats all the icebergs ever floated down the Aiiimtie Ocean. 'xS'he Belst House Teas And Coffees I give an exhilirating influence, not equalled in Markdale. except by Benson's WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, Ac. Those who relibh the 'pipe of peace " will find the â- I'obaccos and Cigaxs at the Belfast House nnsarpassed north ot Toronto. Cheese, Bologna Sausage, and Biscuit in endless variety, all from the best manufacturers, at the Belfast House. Ap- plfs, (green and dried,) Spices, Sweetmeats, *c. Toilet and Fancy Soaps, Essences, Perfumes, and Family Oils, of the purest quahty. Flour, Potatoes, Pork, Herring, (dried and salt,) kept constantly n hand. C^Our Bottled Gin is imported directly from the manufacturers, and our Bottled Wines are put up at the Vintage. Piikles in bottles. Mustard in cans, aud hi fact ev- erything in the grocery trade. A recent ad- dition to my finances will enable me to pur- chase in the head markets of Europe aud Ametica. WIJiSON BENSON. ^^^3^^ ,iiow giving General ,. i^ Satisfaction, ChopiHn^ done e^e'ty Working day, ^0 CAN HAVE YOUR GRIST HOME THE SAME DAY. 6E0. MOORNOnSL 125-151 GEORGE WILSON, Wholesale and Retail BUTCHER! BEEF, PORK OR MUTTON SUPPLIET from a single pound to a whole carcase, at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL IN THEIR SEASON WHAT IS THE REASCIj.if What 18 the reason that TRIMBLE WRIGHT sell the best boots and shoes for the money, m Markdale What is the reason that TRIMBLE WRIGHT'S stock are selling so fast Wbat is the reason that TRIMBLE WRIGHT are doing such a busi- ness in ready made and ordered cloth- ing What is the reason that TRIMBLE WRIGHT sell more tea than any other house in this section of country? Wbat is the reason that TRIMBLE WRIGHT'S store is continually crowded with customers aud tbat all go away well pleased What is tlie roasou of such a rush amongst tlie ladies aft--r TRIMBLE WRIGHT" S dress goods Wliat is the reason that TRIMBLE WRIGHT are taking the lead in eacb and every branch of their vast bnsiuess ThQ answer to thpse qni?ries is both short and birrple, because th^y make it a point t.o give better value for your money than you can get slse where, because tlioy keep a complete stook of just wliat the i)eop]e want, because they buy for cash kud sell for cash, aud are thus able to get and give the very best bargains, and be cnu?^ tlieae facts liave become known to t'oe people, and because the people know eoough to go where they chu deal th bewt. And it there should be one who is inclined t4 doubt tli«j truth- fulness of thciojfacts we wonlJ respect- fully request that you call and see for yourself. Yours Respectfully, Trimble Wmght. EUGENIA Grist, Saw andLatb Hills Having mado eqtensira improvements in my Grist Mill I liiel confident I can give good satisfaction. GOOD FLOURALyVAYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day. Cn!totu Sawing and Bills Filled on the shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Gbeny, Bak'..!nmt, 'White Ash, Black Aah BaBswoo4, Pine audrHanloek Xtosa w.uited ««j-.:l'",.fe44lw',.E«soui«. EARS FOR I MILLION IpOO CHOO'S BALSAM OF SHARK'S ' OIL positively Restcres the Hearing, and is the Only Absolute Cure for Deafness known. This Oil is abstracted from peculiar species of small Wliite Shark, caught in the Yellow Sea, kuown as Cakcharodon Rojjde- LETii. Every Chinese fisherman knows it. Its virtues as a restorative of heaving were discovered _by a Buddhist Pr est. were dis- covered about the year 1410. Its cures were so nuDierous, aud many so seemingly mir- aculous, that the remedy was officially pro- claimed over the entire Empire. Its use became so universal, that for ovci BOO years no Deafness has existed among the Chinese people. Sent, charges prepaid, to any ad- di-ess at $1.00 per bottle. Hear wliat the Deaf say It has performed a miracle iu my case. I have no unearthly noises in my head, and hear much better. I have been greatly benefited. My deafness helped a great deal â€" think ano- ther bottle wOl cure me. Its virtues are unquestionable and its cura- tive character absolute, as the writer can per- sonally testify, both from experience and ob- servation. Write at once to Haylock and Jeuuey, 7 Dey Street. New York,onclosiug$l aud you will receive by return a remedy that will enable you to hear like anybody else, and whose oirativc effects will be peimanent. You will never regret doing so." â€" Editob OF Mebcastile Review. tS'To avoid lo-=s in the mails, please send money by Registered liCtter. Only imported by HAYLOCK JENNEY, lato Haylock fe Co., Sole Agents for America. 7 Dky St New Y'ojik 93-145. Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, -or Pigs to dispose of will do well to call at No. 3 Burns' Block, opposite the new U^ion Bloek. Markdale, Oct. 25th, IStfl THOS. MATHEWS, W MARKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. Health is Wealth AN ACROSTICp Liook out ye farmers and threshers all And see that you buy for Spring, Summer Bight splendid god oil, [and E»I1^ Don't be misled by statements bland. Insist upon having the very best brand,, Now good as ever, in fact it is grand, Everlasting wear without grit or sand; Machines run smoothly, no jarring or ngise,, And engines too in its use rejoice. Carding also it suits, as you plainly see. Heavy gristing cannot do without me. In fact all machines are blessed by is tiso, ]\ew or old it will save from wear and abuse. Every man try it, we are sure it will please. Our initials, when read, will pive the cue In looking for oil, the best and the true, Long in the market, bnt ever new. Manufactured solely by McColl Bro'.. t VW*. Torcnti No connectiou icitliany ntlierfinn. 127-153. Dr. E. C. West's Nebve and Brain Thea-p- MENT, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzipess, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neu- ralgia, Headache, Nervous Pro.«tration caus- ed bv the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wake- fulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain, resulting in In.sanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Ag(!, BaiT euuets. Loss of Power in either sex, Involnntarj' losses and Spermatorrhtea. caused by over -exertion of the brain, self- abuse or over-iudulgeiice. One box will cu e recent Ciises. Each box contains one mouth's treatment. One dollar a box. or six boxes for fiye dollars neut by mail ire- paid oil receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order re Ctiived by us for six boxes, nccompanied with fiye dollars, we will send the purchaser o written guarantee to refund the money it the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar- antees issued only by A. Turner C«., i oli authorized Agent for Markdale Out. Jolu C. West feOo. sole proprietor.Torouto.Ont, MARKDALE Meat Market. A constant supply of Fresh Meats on hand, at the Lowesit Living Prices- Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free lo all parts of the Town. Farmers having fat stock to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT, Markhtfe Mmch 38. \fm. 80-lt' ;* t â-  'â-  Single copips of ilie Sta^-t $500 Reward We will piiy tiie above reward for any cnas of Liver Complaint, Dy^ptpfiia, Sick Head- ache, Indigestion Con^ tipatiou or Costiv*. ness we cannot cure with West's Vcgetabka Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly com) lied with. Tliey are purely Vegetiible,, and never fail to give satisfaction. Suiiar (!oatea, Large Boxes, containing 30 I'ills,, 25 cts. For sale by all Druggists. Beware, of counterfeits and imniitations. Tlie genu- ine manufnctured only by JOHN C. WEST ' CO., '-The Pill Makers;" PI i?3 King St. East, Toronto Ont. Free trial p.ackagH sent by mail prepnid ou receiot of a 8 cent Btam|i. For sale at Turner Co. Drus: Store. 7^ BUCHU OIE OF THE BEST nrTESTIGATOES 15 IISE, Itia Aspeciflc in the cnre of all diseases I ot the ludneys. Bladder, Prostatic Por- 1 j tioo 6t the Urinair Organs, Irritation of I the Keck of the Bladder, Bumuif Uripa, Gleet, Gonorrhea iaaUitsstafeELUucous Pischarges. Congestion of toe Kidneys. Brick Dost Deposit, Diabetes, Inflamma- 1 Uon of the Kidneys and Bladder, Dropsy of Kidaeya. Acid. Urine, Blppdy Unno, Pain in theBeKf^ of the Bladder, PAIN IN THB BA^'TOMry CW^'M. Beoaj CaksiUua, Benal GoUc. Betebtion of I Utiae, Frequei^Ibi'iation, Gmvelin all I I lt« formCu^^ui^ to retain the Water I ' ' ^SS^Wpesnoof adraaced in life. 1 ^SixbNET INYESnaATOKthat a IMne to ita natoial oplor, le jwid. end bonilng ana the! elTeetoettaeeteeaiveiiseof iatoxtattliig:] [drink. Prta»tN or aix BottiM fi»r es. ThOM Wko ouuMt oMalii a bottl* of ttls mefidiM from tbair dniBirt any send «â-  w* ' " aadwawUlMadlliathvk 1 tat OroalacrBald Iqr • OraSBl W. JOONSIOM 00. I tor tk* O. «, iw4 -0 '?• i â-  IS s^ ' ' il. â-  l^t'lv^^l •--A.-- ,â- "' -ftrfasiw*-"

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