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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Apr 1883, p. 8

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 ^â- it^^ â- *â- ? II 'if f -I IWwiWMWW«»*»- s ANSWEB T mS QUESTION. Why do 8" many ieople we see around ua, Beem to prefer to suffer and b« made mise- rable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizzi- ness, Loss of Appetite, Coming up of the Food. YiUow Shin, -when for 75 cts., we wQl sell taem Shiloh's Vitalizer, guaiaa- teed t# Qure them. Sold by Wm. Brown's General Store Markdale. Dublin ouglit to be a good place foi; twins. Bread is the grub that makes the butterfly. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. This ia beyond question the most success- ful Cough Medicine we have over sold, a few doses invariably cure the worst cases of Cough, Croup, and Bronchitis, whUe its wonderful juccess in the cure of Consump- tion is without a parallel in the history of medicine. Since its first discovery it has In-pn sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medicine can stand. If you have a Cough we earnestly ask you to try it. Price lUcts, 5 ct.s. auJ 51. UO. If your Lungs {ire .â- -ore, Chest, or Back, Lame, use Shiloh's I'Oi-ous Piaster. Sold by Wm. Brown's Gene- Store Markdale. When the short man begg'^d the tall woman for a kiss, she stooped to concur. SHILOH'S CATAURHREMEDY. A marvelous cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker mouth, and Head Ache. With each bottle there is an ingenious nasal Injector for the more successful treatment of these complaints without extra charge. Price 50c. Sold by Wm. Brown's General Store Mark- dale. Nothing can constitute good breed- ing tliat has not good nature foj it's foundation. â€" Bulwer. FORTUNES FOR FARMERS AND ME- CHANICS. Thousands of dollars can be saved by us- ing proper judgement in taking care of the health of your self and family. If you are Bilious, have sallow complexion, poor appe- tite, low and depressed spirits, and generally debilitated, do not delay a moment, but go at once and procure a bottle of those Electric Bitters, w^hich never fail to cure, and that for the trilling sum of fifty cents. â€" Tribune. Sold by A. Turner Co. A foe to God was never a friend to man. â€" Young. He who hyes to no purpose Hves to a bad purpose. â€" Neviim WOMAN'S TRUE FRIEND. A friend in need is a friend in deed. This none can deny, e-specially when assistance is rendered when one is sorely afflicted with diseases, more particularly those complaints and weakness so common to our female pop- ulation. Every womau should know that Electric Bitters are Woman's true friend, and will positively restore her to health, even when all other remedies fail. A single trial always proves our assertion. They are pleas- ant to \he taste, and only cost fifty cents a bottle. Sold by A. Turner Co. " False friends are like our shadow, keeping close to us while we walk in the sushine, but leaving us the instant "we cross into tiie shade. â€" Bovee. NEVER GIVE UP. If you are suffering with low and depress- ed spirits, loss of appetite, general debility, disordered blood, weak constitution, hcad- a-che, or any disease of a bilious nature, by all means procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be surprised to see the i-apid im- provemeni that will follow you will be in- spired with new life strength and activity will return pain and misery wil cease, a id lienceforth you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bot- tle by A. Turner Co., Markdale. Mr. Beaty.M. P. for West Toronto, is regarded a» likely to succeed Hon. T. M. Gibbs in the Senate. MCGREGOR'S SPEEDY CURE. From the many remarkable cures wrought by using McGiegor's Speedy Cure for Dys- pepsia, Indigestion. Constipation and affec- tion of the Liver, and from the immense sale of it without advertising, we have concluded to place it extensively on the marke, so that those who suffer may haye a perfect cure. Go to Hill Bros. General Store and get a trial bottle free, or the legular size at fifty cents and one dollar. l"J7-4(». Bishop Marty, of Dakota, says that Sitting Bull will soonj«in the Roman Catholic Church. CALVERT'S CARBOLIC CllRATE. Try it for Chapped Hands, Cuts, Bums, Bruises. It is a preparaticn of Vflseline, Carbolic Acid and Cerate. It will cure any sore where all other preparations fail. Call at Hill Bros. General Store and get a package. Twenty-five cents is all it costs. 127-40- KRAM'S FLUID LIGHTNING. Is the only instantaneous rehef Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rubbing a few drops briskly is all that is needed. No tak- ing nauseous medicines for weeks, but one minute's appheation removes all pain and will prove the great value of Krams Fluid Lightning. Twenty five cents per bottle at Hill Bros General Store. Markdale. 127-lU Wm. Lucas Co, bankers, Markdale, have $200,000.00 io loan on real estate. Straight loan system. No fines. Low interest; moderate charges, THE QUESTION HkS OFTEF BEEN ASKED. Can â€" Rupture â€" (abdominal hernia) be cured We mixst eiiiphaticaUy toy, YES. That this part of the body offers no cxcep-" tion to those physiological laws which gov- ern the whole physical economy audit makes not a particle of different whether the age of the Rupture is one year or a hundred years. For proof of this send for a Free Book on Rupture to The Excelsior Rupture Cure M'f'g t:o., Prcscott, Ont. 132-84. "William Toplas, an editor of the Montreal He/aid, died on Wednesday, he was an English clergyman, and Baid to be of scholarly attainments. Farmers and others de inng a genteel, lucrative agency business, by which $5 to i'20 a day can beearned, send address at once, on postal, toH. C. WiLKissov Co.. I'.lo and 'n, c-.,u.„ ,,,,„. KewYork. 1-21. fim. ,ij.a.^.- M ABE DALE Sash and Door Factoiry ^o SASH, DOORS, BLINDS MOULDINGS, HOLLOW BATTONS, FKAMES Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Always on Hand. Orders Promptly Filled. The Subscriber wishes to return thanks to the people of Markdale and vi"nijy, for the very libeial patronage they have given him in the past, and hopes by close attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. no*.-i,«# I have now extended my business, and will in future keep a fuU StocK oi PINE L UMBER-t Direct from the North Shore. ALL SIZEiS, DKESSED AND UNDBESSED. All Ivinas-»f r»lain and Fancy TuT-i^ingr Bone in a first class manner. THOS. McNBA. 37-tf ^^iS'R-ESH STOCK "" PIEtiD and GARDE] k:5 Markdale May 27th, 1881. TAILOR, SYDENHAM STBEET, of sill IKir^-d-S, at th.e MEDICAL HALL, A- Turners Co. A. M'INTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. M'INTYRE rr'louLr, iF'lo-CLr,, I^lo-u-r. McINTYEE'H LIQUORS I JLIQUORS McINTYEE'S Cigars, Cigars. McINTYEES Collee, Collee. McINTYRE'S MEAL I MEAL I MEAL I McINlTRE'S Pork, Pork, Pork. McINTYRE'S Teas, Teass. .4.nd ever ythin g kept n in a first-class Grocery and Liquor Store. alwavs on hand, cheap fob cash. « SUGAR KETTLEl TO THE FAEMERS! SUGAR KETTLES OF THE BEST QUALITY AT ARKDALE FOUNDrI ISUPPORT HOME ]fIA]Â¥IIFACTI RE. WOOD OLD IRON TAKEN IN EXCHAn) ARTEMESI A WAREHOUSE Jb^JLiESHERTOiV STATIONS. Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Provioions, c. Stock kept full and well assorted with new goods recoiveil every week. o MY BRANCH STORE AT EUGENIA replenished with new goods every week. For sale cheap for cash or produoa. Have You Seen Theni SEEN WHAT? WHY THE BEAUTIFUL :-: PHOT! â€"TAKEN BY- MR. S. G. PALVING, late of Messrs. Notman Eraser's Stufiio,T(i Mr. James Bulmer, Flesherton, hasj secured in Mr. Piilvins! a Firi^ Artist, having been employed with the aforesaid firm for a number of Parties should not loose this opportunity of securiug a first-class ft tlicelves or friends at low rices. All photos taken by the new process stantaneous. Babies a specialty. Don't wait for fine weather, tm come all aud see for yourselves. All work guararteed. Yourd truly JAMES BUiiMEB, Flesb f NEW SPRING My Saw mill, Shingle Factoty, and Lime Kiln AT LITTLE FALLS, ARE IN OPERATION. All kinds Saw ofi:s bought ai the Mill or sawn on shares. o I..aml»er, Lath, Broona Handles, Shiagles and JAme for sale. GEORGE WILSON, Wholesale and Retail BUTCHERll BEEF, PORK OE MUTTON SUPPLIED, from a single pound to a vhole carcas», at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL IN T HEIR SEASON Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do well to call at No. 3 Burns' Block, opposite the new Union Rlo«k. Markdale, Oct. 2otJi, 1881 Flesherton Station. STEAM GRIST MILL Is now giving Greneral Satisfaction, Chopping done every Working day, â€" o WARNJNG There is great danger of tak- ing cold from wet feet. If yon want to Guard Against Sickness! Keep youi- feet dry and warm by procuring your BOOTS CAN HAYE YOUR GRIST HOME THE SAME DAY. 6E0. iOORNOUSL 12« 161. â€" FflOM KAY THOMAS. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Med- icated Cork Soles, all sizes, kept en hand. Kemembrr the place opposite the new Sta'jaiu) Office. 4p THOS. MATHEWS, U Eslaikeiil! MARKDALlg:. EVERYTHING IN OUR.LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO order' on short NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. IMFOIITATI y FLESSERTOm Begs to announce the arrival; his immense NEW STOCK SPEING GOODS which arei being marked off, and will be at the lowest Tight Money pri^ OUE MOTTO is SMALL P' FITS and quick returns. I am sick of the credit busing which requires large profits to J tain it, and should have been bu long ago; therefore I will offer sp^ inducements to cash and pr^J paying customers. My MILLINEET PABLJ under the able management ol^ Harbottle, was opened on 16th inst with the prettiest s ever seen in this part of the c^ try, and will be sold at rock bo^ prices. SALT SALT SM^^, Just received, one car lo^^J Farm and Dairy purposes, ^^ is selling fast. 18 PUBI'ISE itRS TMURSDA At Mftrkdalo Oi IS ADVANCE II 25 in tlir«e monilis. 5 eod of the year. No pi iil areare *re paid u y^ of the publisher, ant without paying up w glw tke years subscri 1 with tiie rules. TE4MS OF ADVE] Le colown ••we year d». d« larter di». do Uth do. do L do. Lrtettfiaes, first inner' io [oh sabse^aent insertion Ifbe amaber of lines to b 9 oMKpied measured b ,ier. Advertisements letioBS will be publishe ved accordingly. All I jients must ke in the » J by 11 o'clock on the w« liheir pabliftitioft. JOB PRINT! every description fttness and despatch i ibTAJiDBo. Markdiili C. W. RUTI Editor [iL DIGGEB AND orders promptly at: Suider's Hill, Owen Ghent, M,D., M.R. Physician and Surceo; doate of University. Vic .. ,. Nev Graduate, of the sam( ., Ayleth i „ Opthalmic aberColl. PhrsiciansA S Dental C lameron DENTAL SURG over D. A. Cameron Poulett St., OWEN r attention given toth itnral teeth. Artificial iGoId, Cellaloid, andE I be at Markdale the I month, oeron, M.D.,4 C. F J-F.P. k iS. Glasgow, M _LI».S., Ont. le |P. MARSHAL [.Riduate of T0E( of Dentistry, will t 1, Markdale, on the Ist *T of each month for t on. p»nuary 9th, 1883. Frost dc Fn JABEISTEES, AND A' l^aw, Solicitors in CJi " Ac., Owen Sound, 1 â- aerton, Office open evt of ore. «i Frost, j. \^ County Crown Attorne' J. IfTASSO: JABRISTEE. MASTER Lfc* ^^'^^cery. Notary P O^NEY TO LEND AT SI "*~-^eo Sound, in J. c^^*' ' in Markds ^8 Store, on Friday and CireasorA^ M«r mEl'._^a SOLICIT f2*'*8, c. fec. •^8 in Owen Sound. W. P. Wolfs Store an aj!;;J-MoFarland's St. IP^y of each week. I r^^^ ^^^' on reasc ' ^80B, Q. G 1 ^*«le. March 15. 1882 ^^ Alexander Br I tit °^ Marriage Lie [*B a"^*"^® Agent. L».--_ • *o. Conveyance « lor the County oi 'tn '^*lAnd Salee ^ii**i oharges mad •'W. Sfipt. 17. 1880. :iVOTlj ii^S AW) GUAfiD â- Jftatlwainot kilo •WfcgeinniyBiiiia, I^NAi.1. T ^- M. HOI l^^^'J«fc J6th, 188J ^i.:.:^-

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