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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Apr 1883, p. 8

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 ;ti uf I [1 DYSPEPSIA LIVEB COMPLAINT. Is It not worth the small price of 76 cents to free joarself of every sTinptum of these itistressing complaints, if yon think .so call At oui store and get a bottle of Shiloh's Yital- izer, every bottle has a printed goaraotc^ en it, use aocording'y and if it does you no good n will cost yott nothing. Sold at Wm. JJrown's General ^^or«, MarVdale. What is a boase withoat a baby well comparatively quiet. OH, WHAT A CODGHI WiU V04 heed the warning. Ihe signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease consumption. Ask your- selves if yon can afford for the sake of oOcts., to ruu tno risk and do notfaini; for it. We krow from experience that Shiloh's Cure â- *ill core your Cough. It never fails. This «zpIaios ivhy more than a Million Bottles were sold the past year. It relieves Croup, and Whooping Cough, at once. Mothers do not be v»ithout it. For Lame Back, Side, or Cbest, use Shiloh's Porous plaster. Sold at Wm. Brown's General Store Markdale. Tat; Keynote. â€" 'Wife â€" let mem!' Always U.vdeb Ask." â€" Crutches. \Ve have a speedy and positive cure, for Catarah, Diphtheria, Canket mouth and Head Ache, in SHHILOH'S CATARBH KEMEDY. A nasal Injfcctor free with each bottle. Use it if you desire hesilth and sweet breath. Price 50 cents. SaLl at Wm. Brown's General Store, Markdale. WORTHY OF PEAISE. As a rale we do not recotnmeud Patent iviediciuea, but when we know of one that really is a public benefactor, and does jjosi- tiVely cure, then we consider it our duty to impart that informatiou to all. Electric Bit- ters are truely a most valuable medicine.and will surely cure Billiousnoss.Feyeraud Ague, Stomach. Liver and Kidney Complaints even when all other remedies fail. We know whereof we speak, and can freely re- commend them to all. â€" Ezch. â€" Sold at fifty -ceat? a bottle, by A. Turner Co. A sound suggestion â€" never turn a deaf ear to the telephone. FREE OF COST. All persons wishing to test the merits of a great remedy â€" one that will positively cure Consunption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bron- chitis, or any aff'-^ion of the Throat and Lungs â€" are requi.ated to call at A. Turner Co's Drug Store and get a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption free of coit, which will show you what a regular dollar-size bottle will do. A. man's manners are not neces- sairly a criterion of bis moral worth. The pickpocket is often a most polite riscal. GIVEN AWAY. V7e cannot help noticing the liberal offer made to all invalids and buffeiei s by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. You are requsted lo call at A. Turner Co's Drug Store, and get a Trial Bottle free of co-tt. if you are suffering with Consumption, hevere Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hut Fever, Loss of Voice, Hoarseness, or auy affection of the Throat or Lungs. It will positively cure sou. Whosoever lends a greedy ear to a slanderous report is eUher himself of a radically bad disposition, or a mere child in sense. â€" Menander. MCGREGOR'S SPEEDY CURE. From the many remarkable cures wrought by rsing McGiegor's Speedy ure for Dys- pepsia, Indigestion, Coastip.atiou and affec- tion of the Liver, and from the immense sale of it without advertising, we have concluded to place it extensively on the marke, so that those who suffer may haye a perfect cure. Go to Hill Bros. General Store and get a trial bottle free, or the regular size at fifty cents and one dollar. 127 40. Church building m the United Sta- tes has averaged 100 new edifices every year since 1868. CALVERT'S CARBOLIC CERATE, Try it for Chapped Hands, Cuts, Burns, Bruises. It is a preparaticn of Vasehne, carbolic Acid and Cerate. It wdl cure any sore where all other preparations fail. Call at Hill Bros. Genera! Store and get a package. Tweuty-live cents is all it costs. l'27-40- Those who have obtained the farthest insight into nature have been in all ages firm believers in God. â€" Wlincell. KRAM'S FLUID LIGHTNING. Is the only instantaneous relief Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rubbing a few urups briskly is all that is needed. No tak- ing nauseous medicines for week-;, but oue uiiuute's application removes all pain and will prove liie great value of Krams Fluid Lightning. Twenty -five cents per bottl(! at H.H Eros General Store. Markdale. 127-40 U m. Lucas Co. bankers, Markdale, 1 uve $200,000.00 to loan on reul esute. biraigut iuau system. No tines. Low interest: moderate charges. THE QUESTION HAS OFTEF BEEN ASKED. Canâ€" Ruptureâ€" (abdominal hernia) be cared? We vwst et.iphatically saij, YES. That this part of the body otiers no excep- tion to those physiological laws which gov- ern the wbole ijhyicnl economy andit makes not a particle of difference whether the age of the Rupture is one year or a hundred years. For proof of this semi for a Fiee Book on Rupture to The Excelsior Rupture Cure M'l'g Vo., Prescott, Ont. 132 84. Dr. Frankliii,8i)eakiug of education, says: â€" '-If a man empties his purse iato bis head, no ra.-in can take it away from hiui. An investment of kiiowhdie alwava pays the best in- terest." Farmers and others de iring a gentael, lucrative agency business, by which %b to J20 a day can beeaiaed, sead address at once, ou postal, to H. C. WU.H.N30N Co., 195 and 197 Fultcn Sti\et, New York. 121 Cm. Knowledge is that which, next to virtue, truly and esseutially raises one j miu above KnoXhBT.â€"Addisim. riie mind is like a trunk. If well packed it ho'da. aJuioet anytbiiig if ilJ TJafckrf lifejLt to' n Jthinir t M A E K D A L E^^ _.^„ Sash and Door FaiCtpry o â€" â-  SASH. DOORS, f. I p ^o I »; BLINDS MOULDINGS. HOLLOW BATTONS, FRAMES Lumber, Lath and Shmgles, Always on Hand. Orders Promptly Filled. The Subscriber wishe. tj return thanks to the people of Markdale and vicinity, for the ver V libeial patronage they have given him in the past, and hopes by close attention to business to merit a eoutinaance of the same. „ 01 u t I have now extended my business, and will in future keep a fnU StocS of PINE LUMBER. Direct from the North Shore. ALL, SIZES, DRESSED AND UNDRESSED, .A.II K:inds'f I^lain and Fancy XuT-^ingr Done in a first class manner. â-  ,v ABDES k Markdale May 37th. l«81. THOS. McNEA. 37-tf TAILOR, SYDENHAM STREET, D^s/i:.^f^:EsiciD-^x. GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES â€"AT THEâ€" i m ROIT ouse; Selling off at and Under Cost TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPBING IMPORTATIONS. NOW IS TIME TO s^ECXTisE] :E3.j:^isa-u^i2srs Our 25 cent. TEx^ is Unsurpassed. Give it a Trial, WM. BROWN. Markdale, March 21st, 1883. It A. M'INTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. M'INTYRE tF'lo'u.x, S^lo-u-r, I^lo-ULX. ft McINTYRE'H LIQUORS I J.IQUORS McINTYRE'S Cigars, Cigars. McINTYRE'S Collee, Collee. McINTYRE'S MEAL I MEAL MEAL I McINTYRE'S Pork, Pork, Pork. McINTYRE'S Teas, Teas. .\ud ever ythiu g kept n in a first-class Grocery and Liquor Store alwavs ou hand, cheap fob cash. m CI n « ?yr.-»i*-^i?- ii 'i--^ â- swK-aKwsekiSssiisi s^wc-. ARTEMESIA WAREHOUSE o Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, ProvioionB, c. Stock kept fall and well assorted with new goods recoiveil every week. MY BRANCh'sTORE AT EUGENIA replenished with new goods every wee k. For sale cheap for cash or produce. My Saw mill, Shingle Factoty, and Lime Kiln AT LITTLE FALLS, AEE IN OPERATION. All kinds Saw o^s bwigMalSaiiii h sawi on shares. I.â€" .iHJr, tath, Brooi* Ha«dlei, 8hi«sle, «M M-ie t*r sale of all 3CirLd.S|, at tb.® MEDICAL. IhaLL, A- Turner S Co. SUGAR KETTLES o TO THE FAKMEES! SUGAR KETTLES OF I'HE BEST QUALITY AT ARKDALE FOUNDR^I jSUPPORT HO]^fE MANUFACTURE. WOOD OLD IRON TAKEN IN EXCHANgJ The People's Photographd Continues to take Pictures, Do Copying and Eniarging in good styri FEAMES and^AME FIXINgI in great variety and latest deKigns at desperate low prices. T\^. BXTLMERI NEW SPRING IMMTATIl FLESHERTOIT, Begs to announce the arrival his immense NEW STOCK o SPRING GOODS which are no^ being marked off, and will be sol at Tight Money pricesj OUE MOTTO is SMALL PE( FITS and quick returns. I am sick of the credit busines which requires large profits to sii| tain it, and should have been buried long ago; therefore I will offer specij inducements to cash and prow paying customers. My MILLINEET PAELOl under the able management of Mi; Harbottle- 'Will be opened on 16th pst with the prettiest s^ ever seen in this part of the con try, and will be sold at rock bottoi^' prices. SALI^; SAIjT SALT Just jj^eiyed; :on^ car load 18 'ii-XXi, -P »i (j A I K'^aii: '^â- ^.•â-  .-. t;.:;w .i:xo-^ laMf^ r, •-â- ,â- â-  ' â- -. 18 PUBIISHEP /.-RY THURSDAY E At Markdalo Ontar IN' ADV-iNCK. ,. 25 in tliree mouws. Z'i i t V^a »{ the year. No papc; ita all »rear8 are paid up. ' Vie for the years 8ubscniti( Dply with the rules. TERMS OF ADVERT] L column one year lalf do. do iwrter do. do ighth do, do irJ «lo ivtrten lines, first insertion lush snbseqaent insertion I The nnml)er of lines to be r Laee occupied measured by i tener. Advertisements w Wtions will be published 1 iargeii accordingly. All tra fsements mast be in the o [on by llo'clock on the wedc r their publication. JOB PRINTS hf every descnption e? leatoess and despatch at bebiANDAKD, Markdale. C. W. RUTLE Editob SAM UeTTwAKI fTELL DIGGER AND D orders promptly attp tance â€" Snider's HiJl, Owen S 3. Gbent, M,D., M.R.C Physician and Surceon iuate of University. Vict ,, New Son. Grraduate, of the same, Avleth M Optkalmic F ilemberColl. Physicians A Si Dental d rameron I DENTAL SUKtrl ieetver D. A. Cameron re, Poulett St., OWEN !: Kte^ attention given to tbt Ithenataral teeth. Artificial] \ein Sold, CeUuloid, and E Will bo at Mrkdale the leach month, I A. Cameron, M.D. fe C F L.P.P. A Glasgow, Me L.D.S., Ont. le IJ.R MARSHAL DEIVTISI GRADUATE OF TOE( of Dentistry, will I [Hotel, Markdale, on the thi *A month for the practice Jwuary 9th, 18ri3. Fr^st Fr BXBB18TEBS, AVD A L«w, Solicitors in Ci (â- i*"'*®' '^*^ Souml, I iMkertoa, Office open ev j •wetofore. Coonty Crown Attornt jTwasso barsi8teb, master in Chancery, Notary |*«t4c. Honey to lend at s OiBceaâ€" Owen Sound, i If" St.; and in Markc '8 Store, on Friday an I *Bek. Creasordr Iflo BABKl -.xwo,SOLICI *^ne8, Ac. tc. OrticiB in Owen Sound •^ W. F. Wolf's Store i e,^^ MARKDA 2rJ?- "^^ M«Farland'8 S ^^nj»y of each week. T mndB to len I on rea ,,_««kdale,Mardi 15. 18i ,i^ Alexander! JBStEB of Marriage L *^® Inaurance Agei i-, â- "• *• *c. Conveyau SI?«ne«t for the Count v ^^^^nts, and Land Sal _^^^»fct9 and oharges ms ^^^^•^e. Sept, 17, 188( *^NTSAin)GUAI v-J^W-wai confer a fi â- 75!P* themselyes if they T^Wfitatlwilinot a "• y«»« of age in my Bill ^^,. D. M. H â- *«al«, Jan. 15th, 11^ ,*.tS iri..v,:J5. s-«$.ii-,, .£^^iUl.^*S!:iriLi'5;-^i'.^,^\! ii'Aj r-T-V.

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