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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Apr 1883, p. 8

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 m iWliilili •^â- ^iSl^rgr-i^trr MISCE LLAN EOUS- ANSWEB Tins QUESTION. Whj do •.- many peogie we m* aioaiMl «s, •Mat to pnf er to suffer and b* aade miae- r»bl« bj Indigestiim, CooMtifmtioa, Dini- DM*, LoM of Appotite, CoBung op flf A* Food. Yiiiow Skin, when for 75 «ts., w* will sell toem Shiloh'e YitaliMr, gnanu* teed t* care them. Sold by Wm. Brawn' Ueneral Store Markdale. The Key to disrespect, depravity and death â€" Wluskey. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CUEE. Thi-i ia lifvoiiJ question the most success- ful Con;;li ?itdicine we have ever scld, a few (ioses iiiTari-ibh- cure the worst cases of Coii;.'li. Croup, and Bronchitis, while its Avipnd'-if 1 uccess in the cure of Con^ump- tiini IS ^vi;lK)llt a parallel in the history of lueaicine. Slice its discovery it has l;t-fu sold on a }.'uarautee, a teit which no otht^r medicine can stand. If you have a Cough wo earnestly ask you to try it. Price lOct-. 5 • cts. and SI. 00. If your Lungs are s;re, Chest, or Back, Lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by Wm. Brown's Gene- ijtore Morkdale. '•Julia, my little cherub, when does yonr sister Emma return " Julia â€" "I don't dnow." "Didn't she say anythiug before she went away " Juha â€" "She said tliat if yon came to see her that she'd be gone till dooms- day." SHILOH'S CATAllKHKEMEDT. A marvelous cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker mouth, and Head Ache. With each buttle there is au ingenious nasal Injector for the more successful treatment of these complaints without extra charge. Price 50c. Sold by Wm. Brown's General Store Mark- dale. A bride found seventeen lull sets of dishes among her wedding presents. Her far-seeiug friends evidently knew that she was going to keep a girl. FKEE OF CHARGE. All persons suffering from Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Loss of Voice or any af- fection of Ihe Throat and Lungs, are re- quested to call at A. Ttimer Co's Drug Store and get a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, free of charge, which will convince them of its won- derful Merits and show what a regular do!- lar-size bottle will do. Call early. There is only one objection to people who "mean well," and that is, they never fiud time to carry out their meaning. 1)0 NOT BE DECEIVED. lu these times of quack medicine adver- tisements everywhere, it is truly gratifying to find one remedy that is worthy of praise and which really does as recommended. Klectric Bitters we will do as recommended. They invariably core Stomach and Liver Complaints, Diseases of the Kidneys and Uriiiiiry ditliculties. We know whereif we bpBiik, and cau readily say, give them a trial. Sold at fifty cents a bottle, by A. Turner Co. He who can at all times sacrifice pleasure to duty, approaches sublim- ity. â€" Lavater, A VEXED CLEEGTMAN. Even the patience of Job would become irrhausted were he a preacher and endeavor- Vig to interest his audience while they were keepmg up au incessant coughing, making it impossible for him to be heard. Yet, how very easy can all this be avoided by dimply using Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump- tion, Coughs and Colds. Trial Bottles given away at A. Turner Co's Drug Store. A Londoner advertises a powder which will prevent cats ranning around and making a noise at night. It is black and is put into tbe gun and make a noise itself. MCGREGOR'S SPEEDY CURE. From \\.-- mar;} by ii.-i!.j Mi_'Gi~-,' pei'5 .1 Ir.,l:_- â- .:..--L Con-r; tioii :;.. ' â- â- .•.; .__. â- :â-  â- ' â-  of it \\Kh.. ;: •.â-  • â- â-  \u-^. ., to pla;x 'I t\-- â-  .V â- :, -,... tho?i \k 1. â- â- . ' uT ._ â- - tro to Hi:! \\\ ,. I â- â€¢af-:-. I ;r tnu ';.â- ..::"â-  t'iw. r ti.e le^v.i. • l:l- J'u i â- illf UL'iiilr. eniar iij Spfip' :u-ief:v..tnght I'^re fci! Dys- -â- ;! vA :ii:rG- Kiu-ien-e .... â-  â-º- concli.mjcl ..ike. no that iOrf.=ct ca:-f:. e ant! get a oizt at fifty 127-40. I. '^v ;i'i Without imagination is 'll^Jrv,•ltory would be without 'ii' Uiccker, I Al Vl;UTS CARBOLIC CERATE. i I. :-'r Chni-. 0.1 Hands, Cuts, Burns, '.: :i 'ri^i;ii;iticn of Vaseline, ' â-  ' -li"i::tf. It 'vil! cure any â-  :li â- !â-  I rt-iiarationsfail. Call a"t "• â- ' 'â- â- 'â- 'a: "iMro and 'et a package. ••.. nts :.â-  all it costs. 127-40- tor uj -U'lborn than untaught, iiii: I 1 W.'.it^ r. fi â- !• iguoiuuL'c- ii the root of misfortune. I'lat,,. KKAMS FLUID LIGHTNING. Is tut- lu.y in-tautaneous rehef Neuralgia, IL-aJiuhf. r)oti;ache, etc. Rubbing a few drops bri-'.,;y i- .all that is needed. No tak- ing uaiis -I'.is uiedicLues for weeks, but one minutes application removes all pain and will prove tiie great value of Krams Fluid Lightning. Twenty five cents per bottle at Hill Bros General Store, Markdale, 127-40 Wm. Lucas Co, bankers, Markdale, have $200,000.00 to loan on real estate, btraigbt loan system. No fines. Low interest: moderate charges. THE QUESTION HAS OFTEF BEEN- ASKED. Canâ€" Rapture â€" ;abdominal hernia) be cured â- ? M'e most eyiiphatically say. YES. That this part of the body offers no escep- ti..n to those physiological laws whirh gov- ern the whole pliysical economy ai^.dit makes not a particle of diiference whether tue a;e of the Lupiure vear or a hmuired y-^ars. For proof of tins send for a F^ree book on Rupture to The Excelsior Rupiure Cure if'c to., Pre^con. Ont. liW-s4. S'ill' in o; inif-.i" alTr.Ts in tl;e \^l^.-. â€" Drrleu. MABKDAliB Sash and SASH, DOORS, BLINDS MOULDINGS, HOLLOW BATT0N|.^^^ Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Always on Hand. Orders Promptly Filled. The Subscriber wishes to return tha"^°t^ple ^farkd.le an^^^^^^^^^^^ the very liberal patronage they have given him in the past, and hopes Dy cio business to merit a continuance of the same. I have now extended my busmess.and will in future keep a luu o* PINE L U Direct from the North Shore. AT.1. SIZES, DBESSED AND UNDBESSED. ^11 Kinds '^fl^lain and Fancy Tuy^ingT Done in a first-class manner. THOS. McNBA. Markdale May 271h, 1881. BER. 37-tf leoTot- S. ISsie, TAILOR, SYDENHAM STREET, 3iv£-A.:ES2Z3D-^I. GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES â€"AT THE- 'TORONTO house; Selling off at and Under Cost TO MAKE BOOM FOR SPEING IMPORTATIONS. NOW IS TIME TO Our 25 cent. TEA is Unsurpassed, it a Trial, WM. BROW Markdale, March 2lBt, 1883. Give w A. M'INTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA f A. M'INTYRE T^lo-CLX, lE^lo-ULX, 2^1o"UJi:- W McINTYRE'S {} LIQUORS I_LIQU0R8 W McINTYEE' Cigars, Cigars. H I? McIXTYRES Cotlee, Collee. And ever ythin g kept n in a first-class Grocery and Liquor Store, always on hand, cheap fob cash. McINTYEE'B MEALI MEALIMEAL! j|| McINTYRE'S S n Pork, Pork, Pork. McINTYRE'S Teas, Teas. ARTEMESIA WAREHOUSE Jb^JL.ESHER-T01V ST^^TIOTV. o Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, ProvLions, c. Stock kept full and well assorted with new goods recoivetl every week. MY BRANCH STORE AT EUGENIA replspisbed with new goods everv week. For sale cheap for cash or produca. o My Saw mill, Shingle Factoty, and Lime. Kiln AT LITTLE FALLS, AEE IN OPERATION. All kinds Saw ofi;s bought a{ fhe Mill cr sawn en share â€" â-  Oâ€" ' â€" I^.ninler, Latb, Broosa Handles. Siiiasrcs and Lime for sa;c. 3. SUGAR KETTL TQ, 'J^HB FAEMJ15J SUGAB KETTLES OF rHE BEST QUALITY AT ARKDALE FOUNi ;SlJPPORT HOME IflAI^UFACTlHE WOOD OLD IRON TAKEN IN EXCH^ The People's Photograpl Continues to take Pictures, Do Copyin g and Enla rging in gooj] FEAMES and FEAME PiXi] iu great vaiiety and latest depigns at desperate low pricei. NEW SPRING IMFORTATr: 8. 9» $SSOQtA, Begs to announce the arriyj his immense NEW STOCIl SEEING GOODS which are being marked off, and will be at the lowest Tight Money pricj OUE MOTTO is SMALL PI PITS and quick returns. I am sick of the credit busini which requires large profits to tain it, and should have beenbi lohgago; therefore I will offer spi inducements to cash and proi paying customers. My MILLINEET PAELO] under the able management of Harbottle, will be opened on 16th inst with the prettiest st( ever seen in this part of the coi try, and will be sold at rock boH prices. SALT SALT SALT Just received, one car load Farm and Dairy purposes, wl is selling fast. $^^4»» FKJESH STOCIi FIELD and GARDBJ of all E:in.d.S, at tHe MEDICAIj HALi A. Turner 8 CO. 15 u 3.-N0 jS p^TBIlSHEP [,Y THURSDAY E\ AtM*rWa3 Ontaiio jVr ADV.\.SCE. i"l^ -e paul up, ex J rUe years sub.scni.tiOu Ev with the rules. TEBMS OF ADVERTIS olamn one year do. do. ^â- -••• Lrdo. do -•â- â€¢â€¢â-  L do. do ^•••• I do Lnlines. first insertion f)e Wbseqaent insertion Vnnmber of Unas to be rec locoupied measured by a L Advertisements wit- Inns willl»e published ti" L| neoordingly. All tran [ents mast be in the offie by llo'dock on the wedne heir pablicatiou. lOB PRINTIN( Lvery tlescription exo teas »nd despatch at t [jTiKCAKD. Markfi.'ile. C. W. WtlEI Editor 1 limJEi. WAKD ^LDIGGtiF. AXDDR orders pvonl'.ptly att^n -Snider's Hife, Oweu Sai Jtient, M.D^ M.R.C .fky^Kn Bnd fjt^rjreon, Intte of University. Tict. 1 „ ,. Ni!\v "i .flrraduate, of the same, Ayleth ^lei ,, Optlialmic lit fiberColl. Physicians Sur Dental Ca imeron K DENTAL SUEGE( over D. A Cameron a \i, Poalett St" OWEN SC â-  attention given to the natural teeth. Artificial Di |n Gold, Celluloid, and Ku fill be at Markdale the Ir montk, Cameron, M:.D., C. F. |ff'JP.(^. Glasgow, M*itl llia).S., Oirt. leg* \ilARSHAL: OESTIST. lBaduate of toko: of Dentistry, will be i, Uarkdale. on the thii' month for tha_practice o v^j 9th, 18,S3. Frost Sc Fro JABEISTERS, AND Al I'aw, SqlLeitors in Cli; M, (fee, Owen Sound, b perton. Office open eve fftofore. »hdFuost, .T.^^ County Crown Attorned J. OTASSO: ^AfiBlSTER, MASTKll in Chancery, Notarv V Net to lend at si ^â„¢e8â€" Owen Sound, \v. ^wt St.; and in Markdi 2_« Store, on Friday an. Creasor* W/^ i *BJ ' .x,»,S0LICr ?*J^, Ac. c. •iHaBinOwen Sound, PW.y. Wolf's Stove a â-ºerw T .MARKDAI ff W J.McFarland's S f^ndsy of each weuk. L f^^^i to lend on reas [^ CRK4B0E, Q. G [*»*ikdale, ^laich io. 188 ran 'dander fi I ^^EB of Marriage L ^* lasnrance Ageii »• R. 4o. Convey an Ik*"' ***' *^® County •«k8, and Land Sal 1^ and charges ma â- â- '"«. Sept. 17. 188C .£»TSANDGUAB ^P^ will confer a fa M»ea»Belve8 if they 1^2»tIwill»ot a] T'**««mmyBili: iii%-^ D.M. H MM. l£tii, 18

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