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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Apr 1883, p. 7

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 \iif "^^ A*" company ckiimAA. this CotnT'any'"wa' â- ;»»^*""Sn"y's offices, 1C4 JW '.Tfl« ""ff nth xMarch. A large â- ,jae»l' °°,,iers directors and officer" •.'=^*""The airectors' leport ac- f^='°^i, full tiuanciil statement ©1 ,i:^";- ec5 had been printed and m ;r»""T' e' sfeckholders a couple of [3^=" ' Kiu'ii tbtSL' ^^â- e make the ::-i'fP'fev.n-s-:^4,S41,7:{, being -=';;;:,.sroi ^7^.341.5:^ â- ^â- "' â- .,-!â-  so t.' income lathe Life â- â€¢â- "' â-  -^l,! ti; H*--^ pe"ent, being 9 "" [! r'thac oi the previous year. a-^uiar.ces received, L;fe 4;! ()(Jl, 07s. 90, an in- fesfrJjodge*, u that it w ert ,; :, U'.) over ISSl. â- ri^c-: m 'iJi'i-'e '^^as 'â- "" §.-,,S40,S09.1!) l.'JoO.SoO.OO t'J 5 a' alio at I oMtr.s •|..t wliiif .li*-" .... S7,M0,739.1'J "' ;,^,,,i iiiLitased by nearly ";â- ;.. ' '.li:!! the capital not call- 'â- ^",i'X'.. i,,r the proteetiou of .â- '/s'i,07;J.'77.'J4. The total '"' ' «/ic\hL'lacrs, from the ^:i30,000. The sur- at the; close of the ""v iat-rt Mr. 'Liionias^ Workman, f.V, iri'v-rt a vi'iy :si'is!actory one "V^'its aiiopti'jn. He reterred to "'â- 'â- " ' '1,1 the l)U,-iueM3 and point- tb.e revenue was much r tiie expenses were uikcd reiilures f the .â-  to \i!ii'--' "â- ' ""' pleasure in rc- â- , ^t le t;.Lt liiit all claims aie paid '•. 1 t u" tl-'.rc is nut one in liis- .-i" -i 11. an.'i tl'.at the lijard have ^iie'nile oi paying all claims as soou r.-itorv picji ot death is rtceived at â- 'â- â€¢'ih-ce. 'i'l'-c success which had "j „.' Ccii.iany was largely awing â- ;;,,.;„, 'i o: die .Manager, Mr. Mac- â- ' a he ^v.-l^ present he \\ onld allow â- -eatrnr iiimself. He had pleasure 't:ciii:u" to ti,e htaffor ai^enio, who ,: :;u:.;h i:itif ction. ' v. (.aiili seconded the adoption of :. He cuiisidered the position of 'v '...jii.'er than ever before its .; iai lj..i-ii sure and steady. The --ut;.- very particular in accapting ";,ab. Wi.crever there was any '-p-.r^iir^ aci-c ilie bet efit of that V,;, '!. '11 tij the Company. The -::â- â- : iii k Lireiit car.' iu making in- ii~. 1 lit assets had increas-^d about iBiJiiiiiiL; the jcar. The whole of the ;::i iuil;i!,' t!i" real estate and mort- -,., \wrc :;i t':i- very best possible lls;i. A. \V. ;,'ilvic desired to call .:.'_;. ai vi the iiKirehoLders to the |--. a,tii ... 'h th'j assets were nondnally â- ' tiM amount available for v of policy liuld.ei.s, was increased r'.;;.:];' d capital to about 1,100,000. „:::.;i:-. :•. l'c. goo 1 a.L:ents, but the i- .-liivc than ever to the uiii;; niuu of iiooil character 1 in lite assurauco "S?.^"" t3^ Last^^jroJorL"£5o%?S:SSS: tenUr^-.'-^P--,^^^^ second city in thrDominion PerK 'e^ he metropolitan city would have to quicken NorK? "" """ ' '^o^npetitlon^. The tJ.*!^ I^'^ctors elected for the ensuing ?SsM:^Elg^- '^-^*' '-^- A LITTLE S UN. The PhiWelphia News thinks th»t be tween her flats and her sharps, New York is fjetting to be a dangerous place to live in ifte .^^Mâ- x might have added, "and her ..;-. ii: Ik-1 inr.aeiid everyone to ivsurc cu -li:,i,tu: life pLiu. Although the ... i..s t'i.j) tiioic of some English _.â-  • i d^.v holders might; look for „'â- â€¢. !a.„ci- leturns on the money _.. :I...,^t \.a'li this Company. ' ' :.;ait h( ii' rca i a let er from the .: r.i-_. Vu: M. II. Gault, who :â- â€¢ ie allov.ctl to retire from the :..;i ..ui:;:,' to .11 health, but it was â- iyuLc; U'd cij retain his name on ' '.•â- .11 tfr.'uM he be unable to at- i:!-,- .\1'.\ uu'ier moved a vote of â-  .â-  l'.\;;dLat, Direct. .is, manager, â- :::;:, agents and otiicers generally, 'â- ry saccessial manner in which the :t f Coiiiiia-.iy had been conducted ' t-jL'ar. He had been on the Board â-  yturs aud could th .s sjicak peison- --iii;,L; thj great care- that the ' :.'a' c to the busines.s of the Com- Kiioivin.^' intimately the Manager 'â- â- -'â- 'm he cuidd say that the aiiairs of â- "Piiiyveic iu safe hands. He 1 e- â- 11' tlicy had as honest and faithful '-a;..';:i as could be found in Mont- 'â- 1" ki'iii.; tho humble beginning of d"V it v,as a matter of wonder to â- " t!.c L'.L'e proportio s it had now ""'Crt Audeicbn most heartily â-  tiiL' vuto oi thanks, adding that if " i.-ptakn-he woul I say a great deal, 'â- "•â- 1! simply ^ay to the other share- â- ' taat they had" every reason to be â- â- *"atli.' oliiccrs and the manage- " "i^aiaa ti.itably repl'.ed in behalf â-  l^^rcctors, remarking that it was "'ije to so build up the Company â- 'al be iu existence and flourishing ;--i-s to come. He felt it his duty ~«k the great care bestowed by Dr. ;^^s chief medical officer. â- Manager Mr. E. Macauley, referred â- â- ^«' percentage to which the expendi- f batn reduced, and the large saving f'^Srom mortality. Usually these re- ,j?^ considered legitimate indications " -I 'nana^ement. He explained that *-t:ntage of profits awarded by this ^^7 was large in comparison with that "ng coii.pames, notably so in the ^^«at3 and Limited Payments Lile. â- iii""?* other companies did jrive, he â- je to institute comparisons much to ^;;|":f theSun Life. He enumerated Htl a ""® agents with whose ser- â- .^^^ good reason to be well satisfied. Ct'T/ 'S^'y °^ ^^^'â- - Gilroy, who has ^th '°°'P=S' and is rendering good oere, where he has the very help- ^TT:. of the Manitoba Board, con- "' 'ne Hon. W. N. Kennedy, Mr. in,' ;V"iur, Mr. J. H. Ashdown and .r^^^^lah, Referring to Mr. Gaulfs I ;j„^i that all present would join 5^ 'f, the hope that Mr. Gault's I ""iW soon improve and that he ' Dart • *° ^^ present and take an il^^. "» the proceedings of the next fftDorf °y (Winnipeg) said the pre- ^C ,^ certainly the best that had S be before tr^e shareholders. " tie v° ^^^" li» would say » wora ., \;°/tb.\Vest. It is a wonderful K iij '"e progress that has been ".md" amounting to $20,000,000 .tit "' ^stent, ^richness, and the «ttotT? ?P- Looking at all things out believe it will have a sue- irs. An exchange says the railroad of the fl' '^i.r^' be run by electricity. Then tl ere U be no boiler explosions, but " shock ing accidents will be more liable to occu- than ever. ..t'P.*'" '•^" the mother of a daughter, i shall stop Mr. Tommy's calling without any trouble or unpleasantness. I shallmerdy ask him to stop to dinner and then invite him to carve.' It is said " 200 years ago the Indians in- du gcd lu Turkish baths." Yes, it must have been all of 200 years ago. To judge from the one we saw last, it might have been 1,000 years ago. " Yes," he said, describing dinner at a certain hotel, " it was just about the Wcrst I ever sat down to. Everythiuj; was cold ixcept the ice-cream, and a piece of cake fell on my foot and lamed me for a week." Everything seems to move in a circle. While, for instance, the lawyers are lo king up the authorities, the authori- ties are looking up the cri^ninal, and the crimiiial in his turn has to look up the law- yers. "Saj-. stranger," siid a trampapproaching a guest at a well-known hotel, "do joithink thirteen is an unlucky number?" "Yes," was the answer. " Then lend me -Sl'i," said the Bohemian. Two ladies were coming out of the theatre, seeing the other drop her play-bill, one of them exclaimed, "Why, Miss Blank, do you always throw your pr jgramme away I should think you wouid like to keep it for a momentum " yeeinc; a company of immigrants riding through the streets, Brown spoke of a sandy- haired man in a Scotch cap as a descendant 'I Rob Roy. "And that other fellow in vel- veteen," said Fogg, "what is he, a descend- ant of corduroy '" Inquiring amateur â€" "How did Joseffy ac- quire tliat rine, delicite touch, hardly more ttian a u.usical whisper " Experienced pro- fessor â€" " 1 believe he did his practicing at home, and always had a wholesome dread of \vaking the baby." Eathu.siastic Professor of Physiss, discus- sing tiie organic aud inorganic kingdom " Now, it I should shut my eyesâ€" =0â€" and drop my head â€" .so â€" aud should not move, you wo lid say 1 was a clod But I move, I move. I leap, I run then what do you call me?" Voice from the rtar, "A clod-hopper " Class is dismissed. The pawnbroker takes unusual interest in his The mariner who casts the sounding lead has great depth of ieeling. No matter how high-priced roses may be, they can always Ijo bought for a =cent. It is astonishing how mode t an •^rapty pocketbook is. It shrinks irom publicity. A sound thrashingâ€" Tiie waters of Long Islind in astorm "Home sweet Home" â€"Where the children are pulling molasses candy. I'he barber began talking with the man he was shaving, when the man "cut him short." A green chap from the country, down in the city for a spree, walked into a dentist's otficc the other afternoon, and seated him- self iu the chair of torture. ' Go ahead, he said to the gum-gouger " I want to get full a. quick as yoa can do it." ' Want to get fud " exclaimed the tooth-tackier i guess you are full already. You'd better get out of hereâ€" you've mistaken the place. " I have, have I " shouted the stranger. " Then what do you mean by putting m the newspapers ' filling a specialty ' UKB*KnuN ounm A Japanese WeddinK. The Japan Weekly Mail reports the mar- ri»ge of Miss Inouye and Mr. Katsunosuke Inouye, recently celebrated at the oflicial residence of his Excellency Inouye, minister of foreign affairs. The ceremony was con- ducted in Japanese fashion, and attended only by the near relatives and intimate friends of the family. The wedding presente were displayed i^i an upsUirs room a^d of course attracted much attention. With few exceptions the Japanese gifts, though cost- wS attractive, were intended to express a sentiment rather than to serve any useful purpose. Most prominent was a mountam Formed ot rolls of floss silk white ^cnm- son Each roll wa3 bound with strands 01 Pti-JSlored twine, the ends not brought into a bow. as is usually the case, but tied n h^ knots, emblematic of the md^sohi bilitv of the marriage tie. The liosa suk waLfntended to typify gentle yet endunng ro^t^cy. the stiingth of its «keu^°2^J iM a noted contrast to their softness and were thrust pieces of dried bo°»^»^° "to accompanimeEt of wedding pr®^^^ /Z ^^mrffisuwo-boshi) being a "yBonym for SethreS Chinese characters signifying vie torions, manly, andorave.^ and other goods, has advanced very a. ally in the same period. flke Boo. XmriMs tm. " I wish todisplain," said Brother Qard- ner a« he adjusted h s spectacles slid *rttt- np hw front hair, "I wish to dinUu^f ?®^- Higginbottom lawless, ot^ioins- W • Â¥^' 5*? P»P8ent B» de aunty room an' p^n to fleliv* hU 'cfelebrat6d address on ^Sentiment' He arrove heah three or four oays sm, an' has fiaishtd mv las' bar'l of apples worn my Sunday coat 'right along, an will be a dead head on me till he k n spoke dis piece an' cotch a mixed freight tram j;wine to Toledo, De committee will escort him, an' if dat waterpaU am upsot or any lamps knocked down doorin' his delib- ery de guilty wretch or wretcles will receive a leaEon dat will remain solid for a hundred y ars." The Hon. Lawless appeared with a pair of red mittens m one hand and a lemon in the other, and such was his placidity of miad that when he bit ii]J;o.09e o; the.mitteiisin place of the lemon he never even changed color. He sized up five feet and six inches, intelligent expression, head cast in the shape of a pear, and feet large enouzh to trample an onion bed out of sight. He mounted the platform like a steer climbing a side-hill, bowed right and lelt in response to the ap- plause, and quietly began " My fren I cannot dispresa de pleasure an' gratificashun which I feel to fin' myself standin' heah under de sacred shingles of Paradise Hallâ€" a structure whose name am a household word whareber de Engbsh lan- guage greets de ear. rApplause.+- 1 uaula rather stan' heah dan to be buried under a §10,000 monument. [Cheers.] "De subjick ob my address am Sentiment. What am sentiii»*t Whar' do wfe git it, an' what am )t\^f by de pound ^len de market am sot bb^BtoclsBd ' I~aB»-er dat sentiment atn a fort o' 'lasses an' mush sur- roundin' de heart. In some cases it hardens up an' turns to stin, while inodders it thins out until the heart fairly tloot in a pond o' sweetness. [Applause.] Sentiment has con- siderabul to do wid ebery ackshun in our ebery day life. It am bizness M-hen you start out to borry a pan of flour, or a basket ob taters. It am sentiment dat causes^ a naybur to lend, instead of de i andin' spot cash. [Wild applause from Judge Cad- aver. " Bizness acktuates de lazy an' de shiftless to sot out an' beg oold vittles an' old-clothes an dimes an quarters. Sentiment acktuates women t6she3 ttar sober 'em ail' stofck 'em up wid 'nufi'to loaf on fur another month. ^Vhen we have a kickin' hosa our sentiment am 'pealed to. We argy dat de safety of our loved ones requires us to trade dat ana- mile o.if to some preacher who wants a 1 er- fejkiy reliable boss, Dat's one ' kind of sentiment. When we buy an excutslftin tic- ket to Niagasia Fall^ an' reach de, grajid cataract arter a thirtiv liours'sweat^ ca.tile ears, de iihinenae waste of water 'poals to anodder sort o' sentiment. When we lav w-e re veaf another phase of sentiment. If de gal am high-toned an' rich de sentiment' am all solid. If siie am only aiver ge, an' in debt fur her las' corset, de sentiment am purty th'n an' won' last longer dan de first bill fur meat comej m. [Cries of ' You bet " ., "]Niy tren.«, sentiment writes poetry wid one hand an' tans de backs of de chiU'en wid de odder. It guides our thoughts to frens ober de sea, au' sends old Clothe 4 to rela- sliuns in Wisconsin. It makes us shed tears fur de dea^d, an' yit v/arns us to cut (is und- ertaker's bill. down twenty per cent. Senti- in nt tells us to love our fellow men, an' yit whispers to us to lock our doahs an' place torpedoes iu our hen-roosts. [Groans.] 1 have been lookin' into de matter fur de las' forty-eight j 'ars, an' I has cum to de conclu- shun dat it was a wise thing to purvide de human race wid sentiment. If it had bin left cut by any accident in de mixin' de bes' man among us wouldn't have got a bid if put up by aucshun along wid a lot of fence- posts. I could talk to you fur three straight weeks on dis subjeck, but obsarvin' dat my half hour am up I will chop off right heah an' hope dat it may be my pleasure at some fucher day to meet you 'agin. Aiiy; fusson who wants his fortune told will find me in de aunty-room fur de nex' two hours." [Cheers and yell?.] Japanese Wrestlers. There are at Tomioka several small tem- ples, but of only local interest. One there is dedicated to the god of strength, and is venerated by the mother of weakly children or children suffering frdiri sickness. Oad- suma Sama is the stronggod. On this feast day celebrated wrestlers congregate here and contest the championship. 'They are almost entirely without clothing, offering their bare bodies only to the grasp of their opponents. It is a sight that would delight the fancy wrestlers of the western world to witness these chaps tug at each other for the mas- tery. As they take the r places preparatory to the trial of strength and skill they place themselves in a partially squatting position, their limbs wide apart, and slap first one leg and then the other, at the same time raising the foot and leg, and then bringing it (the foot) down again with an energy and force that portends a determination that their feet shall not be tripped from under them. They then squat facing each other, and. upon a signal, spring upon one another as they rise, catching such hold as they are able. Such wrestlin^f never came under our observation elsewhere. The style is pe- culiar to Japan, and appears to bo more a demonstration of power than skill, as they make heavy work of it, sweatmg and steam- ing as men only do when putting forth their utmost strength. Some heavy falls are sus- tained, while it can hardly be seen how the thing was accomplished. They rorxot tHe Corpse. A few weeks since an old woman, upward of ninety years of age. died at a plwe called Eglington. near Londonderry. The usnal arranisements for a funeral were mate, in- eluding a wake. The coffin was closed and taken to ths place of interment, service gone through, the coffin lowered, and the grave filled in. On returning home, however, the relatives were amazed to find Uie corpse of the old woman lying on the bed upon which she had expired. They had simply for- jtottcn to put her in the coffia. They took Ber to the grave in a cart, dng up ^e empty coffin, placed her in it, and eventu- slly had hjf securely planted. ^^^^^-^' l aiaii f ^^ ii A tjM^ted he meiry, inoaiianiL KIDNEYS, LtVER AHO URINARY 0RCA.1S THE BiST I cCCb PUhIFIER. Tlierr Ivonly o«r nay liy Mhhb any (ls rmi^fhn immi«I. »i:«I that !.« ii} rruiovlnic Ibe rau -â€" nbcrrver (I itiiiy be. Tb« greiit mcdlral aulhorUI-» or llie lny drrlarr Itaal nrarly «m cry disc:if Is -:in*4l by drransMt kidne.VK or liver. T» rrslorv ibfKC thrrcrorr In ibr oiilv wav by which iKulib can be sr- cnred. Ucre'u ii'brre WAENkB'S BAFE I URE hax acblcvrd ll« crent rcputJitloii. il arts dlrrcily Dpon the bidiievr and livrr ;iiid by pl.-trius liieiii in a healthy condition drive* dUi-.-ise aud pain froiu the syxtcni. Fftr «U Kidney, Livrr and Urinary troiiblp* x for the dlslrcsslus di.«iirdrrsrr women I'or Miliaria, and physical irKjiMc* t«-tiiT!il!i Ibis jrrcat remedy has no tiial. Iicwn-n of iniposlors, iinitatiou» aud '"ncocUoi.:, lafd to^ Mst as good. r iHlbctrg ask for V^AE..i:£*3 EATB ^_BETB8 CUBE. Var sallkby all dealers. H. H. WARNER CO., Toronto, Ont.,fioctaester,N.T., LoadoBj £â- (. MISCELLANEOUS. PEH D.\.Y c m be inide by agents, male or female. _C. W. DENNIS, Toronto. CHRIS. SIIE'PPAIll). Manuffbif Masonic and otlj^r Soiyety JeweU, lot King E.,_Toronto. Ri;[38£B S r\nP!4.- ADDRESS R.llTCOX, I 4 Kinif St. Eas t Toronto. Agentj) wanted. UlinCWINUOWGUAHDd. WIRE (JL,Ui'H II I n C and Wire Goods at the Toronto Wire Works, 116 Kint S t. West, T G. RICE. I for free illustrated cata stoRVRIE, the Jeweler, I'oronto. $5 WATCHWi^tl 113 Ypnge Sty^'I'oron ia $1,32.$1 5'), or-51J loti. B/ D )Jt pra-piid MATTHEW'S BROS.. Toronto. nApno Valentiaa aal ii-nce;- H. J. ' TRICE TICKETS, SHOW CARDS, U'lN- Jr DOW SHADES. Newest designs. Send tor price list. F. Wil,l.rAMd. 4 ICing E., T oron to. ROOF»« HATEI^IAI^. CXHPET~^Nb BuSfding'Papero, wholesale and retail, at Iqwpricatat HODGg WILLIAMS, 4 Adel- aide St., East, I'ofontft. rjiiiCJtSMrrH-^UOD -GENERAL- IM- TJ^i'.DlA I'ELY-Mftust be good horseshoer, steady emploj-ment and liberal wacos. E. WKL- BOUIIN. Ra glan, O nt. WA-GKiJjr~SH9P A.Nl) DUELLING House for sale or to rent: good opening. Apply to ANDREW J. COLVIX, Glenmorris P.O., County Brant. â- Â» " â-  PORTLAND CEMENltiâ€" FIRK BUiClv.S. Eire Clay Sewer Pipes' c. I;argc stock of m-st-olass branda. W. McNALLY CO., Im- porters, M fentreal. CLERKS AND SCU09LM ASTKKS- WHY not add $5 to f 15.00 per week to your salary atier business hours. Address with stamp. H. Mc ALISTER, Drawer iti SO, Toronto Ont. R S.WOOD » CO.,' 0aR.V'1Ll£-MANU • FACTURERS of outside and inside Blinds, Sash, Doors, and Mouldings. Send for, prices. Oakrille, Ont AcjTOPHoxJJs, ?f.;5o. Including four tunes. T. CL.\X TON, dealer in Musical Instrmnents, Piano Music, Band Music, c. Catalo;^ ue3 free. 197 Yinge St.. Toronto. C.4.'V\»IA."I nCrUAL AID IJSSOVlaTlU.^ Co-operatiye Life Assurance. Provide for fatniliesincasifeof death. W. PbmbertoxPa'gk, Sec, 87 King St. West. Toronto. Agenta WMited. \7'ESSEL3~rok SALE OR CHARTEK- schooners Craftsmay\. Fdlowcraft, Her- cules, and Erie Il'are; all A. vcsscla andin good condition. Apply to W. Y' EMERY, Port Burwell. Ont ffil t\(\ "^K WORKING MODEL «B) J_iVf 1/ steam EagrinejWith 'amp complete, C. K) t'TER,3tgiBg-3t.. Eagt, Toronto. ^TOCK OF GOODS WANTED IN EX- JO CHANGE for large good farm, having vil- lage and RajJyW.ay station on it, or would sell cheap. AppiJ' Box 1; Dundalk, Ont. O"wNER3"0F"FARM"iJa.NDS, CITY AND Town Properties, desiring to realize, will find purchasers by sending me full description!), lowest prices, and terms of payment J. ^\ 1 J WHITNEY, Estate Agent, 25 Toronto si, ct, Toronto. ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLEGE, TO ONTO. Students can enter from October untU January. PROF. SMITH, S.,V. Edin., Principal.^ Fees, fift y do lla rs. FARM FOa SALE-2ND CON. PICKER- ing township, one mile north Pickering vdlage, six miles west ot Whitby; 67i acres; best of soil; 2 houses; good ontbuildings; flrst- class young orchard. Further particulars ap- ply to ISAAC HOAG, on premises, or JOS. J. MOORE. Norwieh. Q^ ^l^ewconsB piaivofoktes are M § 1^ endorsed by the most eminent I • musicians for superiority of tone and act- Illustrated catalogues mailed on appli- cation. O0TAVIU3 NEWCOMBE CO., ..orner of Chtmjh Kichmond Sts., Toronto. A variety of second hand Pianos by Cbickering, Stodart and other makers at close prices. GanadaFermaiientLoaiii Sayings Co- Paid up Capital Total Assets .$8, MM.* ... 7..t50,« Lends money upon Redl Estate a lowest cur- rent rates of interest, and on favorable terms of repayment. ALSO Purchases Municipal Djbeaturjs and Mort gages~on Real^Estate. For farther particnlars anplr to J. JRRBSRT MABON. ManaRcr. Company's Building, Toronto Btrect Toronto Home. Endorsed by the yttt w cH Acaymtx of iudi- cnn. r«r iMflaauaaUam •rthe Vrlmmrj OrsaMS, caused "by Indiscretion or Exposnie. Hotel Dien Hospital. Paris, Treatment Poaitive Cnre in one to three days. Local Treatment only re- quired. No nanseons doses of Cnbebs or Ckipai- ba. IXKAIXIBLE, HTGUnnC, CUBATIVK, PBE- VKMTlTK. Price 9IJO, Including Bdlb Syringe. Sold by allDraggista, or sent ftee by maii, securely teatod, on leeeipt of price, Descripttve Treatise free on application. AMERICAN AOENCT ••86" MEDICINE CO., Detkoit, Mich., or I WnqMOB, 0:iT. Sold by all Dmssgista W'"l J ou exchange a case of chronic Dyspeps'a, or agree to break lip a Bil- ious Temperament â€" lo give your torpid Liver Jictivity, and thus strengthen your Digcst'on. regain eri rL'y, comloit health and spirits, «^/ for 75c "' A single bot- tle of Zoi'KSA will do this. -A. few doses furpr.'se those who try Z pcfa For Biliousness and Dyspepsia in then- many form" it is a Panacea, and is war; an'ed lo cure them It acts speedily and pleas- antly. Tiya I'l cent sample. LADIES rBEÂ¥AREler^cra,lne"" corsets will not break, or lose their shape. Wear corsets made by CromptOll Corset Co. Toronto* A CLEAB. Coinplexioii Tan. Freck- le 5. Suiiburti. Pimple s. Black Specks, and unsightly blotfhes on the Face.Neck Arms, Hands, and Rough- ness of the Skin, can be removed in BEFORE I'.SIXG. AFTER LSIN(i. stantly by applying BELL'S TAN AN 5 FRECKLE LOTION- It possesses a delightful fragrance, and im- parts a clealâ- nl•^s to the skin which is perfectly astonishing. Is warranted harmless, i;^ used by thousands, and never fails to give the ut- most satisfaction. Price 25 cts. per bn;tlo. '"old by all Dnigijist.J. Itobbins Bros., ARBITRATORS, PUBLICACCOUNTANTS,TRUSTEESj.C 37 â- Wellington street East. Toronto. FI\.lX'IAt .\EK0TI\T10\S. iacluding tlio formation of companiesâ€" procuring partners and capitalâ€" the purchase and sale of busi- nesses, debentures, c. MONEY LOANED other. properties at the lowest rat'ji ot interest. Ko cxoruit ui*^ charges. If yon ^Tiiitt a loan or a parlncr. or doslrr- n biisiuetM buuglit or Iispicil of, write to IIH. THi KEEWATIN Wonderful returns proniisod from the capital invested. A district abounding in mineral wealth. The place to make fortimcs. Rrol. Chapman (of the School of Science. Toronto) reports .5110 pure gold to the ton. I^Ir. Walter Hamilton the well-known mining engineer of the Hamilton Reduction Co., New York,, re- ports .S193.41 gold and silver per ton of 2,000 lbs., as the results of their assij's of the quart/, found in the Manitoba mines.' All information and full reports sent on application to TORONTO MINING BOURSE, (U King Street East, Toronto. RHEUMATINEli THE GREAT CURE FOn IHEUMAT And ill complaints of a Rhaumatic naturt, RMEUMATINE is not a sovereign remedy fat "all the ills that f.esh is heir to," bi:t for NEU- RALGIA, SCIATICA, RHEUMATISM, an* complaints of Rheumatic nature, IT 18 A SURE CURE. Sold by all drugtrists. The Rheumatine,Man- ufacturing Co., Niagara Falls, Ont. Messrs. Northrop Lyman, Wholesale Agts., Toronto. CONSUMPTION, BKONCHITIS, CATAKKH, ASTHHA, DISEASES of I he ETE a EAK. CAN BE CURED. BY OF '•TOROHTO jmiMOHARIUM." 20 years" experience in Ontario. The following Latter speaks for itself. Dear Dr. Nash.-I thank yon for my present excellent health, after your sic cessfol treatment. Uronchitis, with a com- plete loss of voice, so prostrated and annoy- ed me, until after treatment withsoine of the most eminent medical talent, and witn- ontsnocess,! resolved to avail myself of Jour services, and can now say that my ealth was never so welL I attribute my present good health to your system of m- bkutions. and oonstitntional remedies. SinSrely yonrs. T. M. Hknnb»8V. Toronto. Dec W, 1882. Dep. P. Works, OnL Personal examination is preferred after wUchyou can be treated at home. Ifim- poaalble to call, write for QnestionB and Cir- eSm. Conanltation free. Fees Hoderate. a L. «ASH,M.D., M.C.P.S.O., -TORONTO PULMONARIUM." 123 Chiuvh-St.. Toronto. Ontario* If*' I tfli t- ' i'f. •:i I 1 r 'i'n h

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