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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Apr 1883, p. 5

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 ft Brown I .M IS having Mark- r% the Who\esa]^ r Mn^55 in Toronto, f c/ij'r to leave Mark- l\lir]he has entered \Sp ^^th Mr W. :^k' lateofFlesherton, ^radical watchmaker Uico:ncsu,'ith the best L'ndationsfrpm some of I 'matchmakers tn the ^,-^n vitl carry on the ., ]iarkdale. L/iicnirustedtohimzvill liiii-jrkinanlis man- â- .r^'illbc f^uaranteed, is sold n'ill be found \:[d, or money refund- Brown's, ,Vj Watchmakers Jewellers hl's Kloclv, JllSKl^ALE ONLY. B Otler Iteis. "ff^^Will mm â- PPK! litte columns intended to benefit 9 Society iL-ill be charged ten .^rthe tirxt insertion and five Ifhiubiequeut insertion. l-Ali those indebted to me 1 and settle the same at Ire court day. â€" W. J. Kowe. ::2ibie Las purchased a fine ::;;i2ljt stiillion, 3 yrs. old, I'llbs., ffliich will make the Voa ill this neighborhood. â- ler of most hideous mien, ' \w::ih but til be .s(^on 'iiii;;i:ir with its face, ;!:.;ii pity, thcu embrace." L:rui;e Aid Association now HI and is rapidly increas- â- â- â€¢^.iO to S5,UOO at mar- j'.vJcii is the aacnt here. 133-3G. '::i ' 'lip a number of ac- le ill "u'r. .Ahassnn's hands :. at ilio next d'visiou 'â- 'â- ;;: I wi^h to save further '"iiro t raawe an oaidv -A. M In-:yi;i;. ' "Vrcii M :ir;;dalo and Mea- 'â- ay ITih Marcli. A pair -icii'S ill a Jefithor case. â- ".lii-^u' theui will be suit- f -led bv loaviiit,' them at " •-•• Markdale. ' -3SAl;N-rCA SALVE. â-  i.'i the -woilj for Cuts, â-  ' •â- â- '.v Salt lilieum, Fever '•• ".1-1 HauJs, CliilLlains. ^111;itiiis, iuiJ Positively •â-  â-  "â- iiiiuitrfil to pive perfect "::'.f'i;iy ivf-.mlca. Price 25 • iof -aic by A. Tinner Co â- â- "•i;/.â- ;â- c»/i^';â- /.s•f for April â- â- M'l'^alejessors in point of K liai ill-tides on a va- '-â- := 'f iiiter-'st to the a'^- 'â- â-  Its i'iiL;ravings aie also I'.rJiv of notice. Price §1.- 'â- .-"•m. (h-anrre Judd Pub. [-â- oadway Xew York. ^don-in tn J. M. Lazier, 'â- " drawn by two horses, "'t a Clack in the ice /[rora Belleville, on Sat- f-; |-izier was thrown into ,-,^-uwont under the ice, but â- ,â- 'â- " horses were also '-^f-!/.- 7V,;;r...._The above '•^'i-^- W. .J. .McFarland, wiidlosome amuse â- 'iiolesale in some â- -Tin. 'â- ^^ int • â- j"staiiee, one evening re- 'vufvouiirr people about f iv"^oiip'i'^ated on what is I'^^'Kavs hill, which is situa- r.;"'ve 01 a f; nn now owned l';;V' foiu' rjih^s South of '.â- â- 'â- â- iahont the shape of a f;^ "i-ned on the mouth. â-  ' ';!'?iii, and the moon ^i) • '"" '"'"ty, the snow «""'° ' ^0 t-'over all fGncos.tbe r^'ly hard to bear any ..^J^'o^'t. and nothing to L^^cept the buildings on the k L?'"' Tl'e Landsleighs k,/'f*^islii detached, on kie ?5'" 'O^IJ liaug on Bqitfenator Bk»d SiitM.««..v to be h«d rt SmiS^.^iSSiS' *^ » •» Saugeen PreBbytery wiU meet in on ^e 17th '^^^' ^^"^^ P°'«i. on me 17th of April, at 11 a. m. The skating, which has been the chief eyeniag amusement dnnng this r?orr '^°' '" Saturday^ven mg for the season.not fcr want of ice, however as there is not any discount m that fehpj)ery article yet. The Methodist Church, of Paisley put up cards in the sitting-rooms of the hotels and other public places, an- nouncmg the bouts of the different services connected therewith. This 18 a good idea says the BuUy Jimes, as no doubt many strangers are led td churcli through this means who would not otherwise attend A Drummee Fenced. â€" A smart travelling man from Ohicago tried to paralyze a dining room girl at a lead- ing hotel here, duiingthe snow block ade. At dinner one day he ordered •'sponge boup," and "quail on fence." She went to the kitchen and got a quail and built a fence (.u tlie plate, out of kindling wood. Then she got a piece of sponge from the bathroom and put it in the soup, and served his order in the presence of several other travelling men, who gave him the grand laugh. The wise land lord charged him a dollar extra for serving articles not on the bill of fare, and it cost him six dollars for cigars and drinks, to keep the matter qniet. â€" Walkerton Telescope. The largest and best asserted stock of spring and summer clothing ever brought into Markdale has arrived this week at Trimble Wright's. Sudden Death. â€" Onr citizens were startled on Saturday evening by the news of the very sudden death of Mrs. Butchart. wife of our well known townsman, Mr. Robert Butchart, which took place that afternoon. In the mid â-  of the day she had been seen on „. j street in her usual health, and about 3 o'clock ia the afternoon, being aions in the hyuse, she ran into a neighbor's bleeding at the mouth, having burst a blood vessel. Medical j 'attendance was at once ouramoned, but it was of no avail, as she continu- ed to sink, and died in a couple of hours. The deceased was in the prime ofl'fe, well known and respecoed by a large circle of acquaintances, by whom her sudden death is much re- gretted whilst the sorrowing hus- band has the general sympathy of the community in his great bereavement. 0. S. Times. Social.â€" The social at the Metho- dist Church, on the town line, Lyons neigliborhood on i^'riday evening was a grind success, the church was crowded to its utmost capacity, after the eatables (which were rich and abundant) were disposed of, Mr. .J. Logan was called to tlie chair and an interesting prograrcrae gone through with. llsv. Mr. McDiarrm.l, the pas- tor spoke briefly, and Mr. Joseph Haw kens. Sr., made an interesting and humorous speech, Mr. Wm. Ij. Young,and Mr. G. S. Bowes ot Mark dale, gave readings, and a portion of Markdale choir which were present gave selections of muiic. There were between 20 and (ye editor purposed goiu„ left." This was the most successlul social of the season thus far notwith- standing the tears of certain parties to the contrary. Proceeds §25. 15. The next one will be held in Duf- ferin Hall, tomorrow (Friday,) even- ing, when a very enjoyable time is ex- pected. "Who mado yer new boots "Nobody made them Bob. them for two dollars Wright's. Sudden Death.â€" An old man named Patric Muldoon died suddenly in gaol yesterday. The deceased, who was 60 years of age, sat up in bed and ate his breakfast yesterday mornmg, but about half-past eight o'clock he was seized with hemorrage of the lungs! and shortly afterwards died An inquest was held, and a verdict iu accordance with the fact re- turnd.â€" 0. 6' Adctrtiser. If you wish to subscribe, or renew vour " subscription for " ' Weekly Mail or Globe, Daily Montreal Star, Canada Farmer, tnrist, or scientihc {fnmn CorreapomdeiU.) |^„«or the ereetkm of. toTctoh. A tag dijy may be expected when UyiDcthe ^«g»e. E^J.Len»«,olT«iito. U tte ew^teeu The committee infcnawd u i^*^ «»»t«ct vhiflh ia now adyeitiaed will be let on the 31»t just Ter«wi L 0. O. F Sod*!,.â€" The L C. O. P. irfl) STf wL*** ^^ ^^" ""^^ ' reunions JfiM Wedneaday evening 4th inst.. a good Jmeisexpested. The 4th of April i« the AnmwMtty of the lodge, and the 26th of Apnl 18 the Anniversarr of the order in Amenca. We win give full partictdan next Nxw Mtrsicâ€" The editor of the Advafie^ « a member of the Methodist Chorch choir, tne Stamdabd man ia OOTdiallv invited to visit. New Copy Boom.â€" J. L. Robertson of W. J- tiage t Co., was in the village on Tues- day making an exchange of "Gages Beyised Copy Book" for the "Old Beatty Copy Book" published fegr them, in order tha» book sellers would not be at «ny loss- New Bbick Block.â€" Mr. M. Eichardson has teams busily engaged drawing brick and sand lor the erection of a new brick block on the comer of Toronto and Sydenham Street. â-  â- â€¢â-  Insitrance. â€" W. J. Bellamy, Eeal Estate and insurance agent, Flesher- ton, will be in Markdale at Ratledge's hotel every Thursday until further no- tice. Insurance at th^ lowest possible rates. Money to loan on Real Estate at 6 to 7 per cent per annum. Convey- ancing in all its branches carefully and properly executed. Over IcFarM's Store, MARKDALE. Special attention to Colting. If yoa want » Perfect Fit learn yonr Order witL Sentember 90th A. HILL. 1882. 106. MAEKDALE, Manufacturer of all Kinds it Drop Valve, Cylinder, Force, and Cistern Pumps. MAEKDAIiB Meat Market. A eonstant sapply of Fresh Meats! on hand, at the Lcw^est Li'viiig Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free to all parts of the Town. Farmers having fat stock to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale March 23. 1882. 80-lv Orangreville. The Ontario Arnual Conference of the M. E Church will be held in Orangeville on the 25th April. Mr. Samuel Polley, cf Melancthon. has sold his farm, aiid was presented with an easy chair aud a large bible recently. The American tlotel was sold at auction on Tuesday afternoon to Mr. W. H. Hunter, for S4,500. â€" Orangeville Advertiger. Personals* We are pleased to see th3 genial connten- auce of OUT respected townsman Mr. Black oat again, after beiug confined to the house most of the winter owing to his feeble state of health, together with the severity of the weather. Mrs. Mclntyre, took her departure on Tuesday, foiWinuipeR, ivhere she will spend tiie summi^i- with her friends. Mrs. J. F. Sproule, took the morning train Taesdaj last, to join her husband iu Winni- peg, she having wintered iu this place for her health. Albert Hut'ledgp and Or^car Wright are going to Owun Simid nn Monday, where tliey will spend a term in the Northern Busiiiess Col- lege. Edwaid S. Tartlodge and Wm. Wright left on Tuesday for tiie Noith W^est. Thos. Gamoy, Esq., of Osprey, gave us a call on TuGsciay. Miss Hassin of Leads Co., who has been visiting friends in this locality the past ftw weeks, left ou Tuesday to joiuher brother in Winni,-i'g. All kinds of IRON PUMPS SCPFLIXD. TENDERS. TENDEBS will be received by the under- signed up to the 1st April, 1883, for the erection and completion of a School House in S. S. No. 17, Euphrasia. Plans and specification may be seen at the residence of Joseph Manarey, W. ^lot 18, con. 10, Euph- rasia, Harkaway P. O. Building to be com- plete by the Ist August, 1883, and paid for the l-5th Jan., 1884. The lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. JOSEPH MANARY, Sec. Treas. Euphrasia, March »th,1883. 131-4m. T' Farm for Sale. sell or rent, Lot S 1/2 14, con. 9, Euphrasia, 8 miles from JIarkdal aud 3 from Eocklyn. containing 100 ,.cres, 70 acres cleared aud in good state of cultivation, lit to run reaper and mower, and balance I'arJwood busn with sufficient cedar for fen- cing. Well watered with never failing spring only 10 rods from barn; nasa yoang orchard, house, barn and stable. There is a new steam saw mill on next farm to it. Clear deed can be giveu. For particulars apply on the premises to SAMUEL WRIGHT, Eookiyn P. 0. We liavc rpceived a copy of a new paper oalleii "The Evening Tribtine" published in Hamilton, the first number of which ajipeared on Tuesday the '27th. of March. The tribiaie is to be independent, but not 1 jefurmshed the same neutral, in politics, and bids fair for success. Price 2;3cts a mouth. Strayi^d â€" Into the premises of Mrs. Cornwall a strange animal without feet, hav- ing on extra anio;int of fi ills and lace tuck- ed ail around it, how itr got their without feet is a mystery. Owner can have it by provin,' proiiuity. The social at. Mr. Murrays, Glbnelg on Tuesday eveniug was well attended, Mr. Murray s ti^e large house was filled to its ittnio-t capacity, A very enjoyable time spent. Proceeds *15. The thanks of the \onng people of Markdale, are cordially riven to thoe persons who were so kind iu Mansion House, MARKDALE, JAMES BRIEN, Pboprietob. •Jim " I bought Trimble arid r^istaiic "f a quarter of escent rf about 230 ^*^, foing ten )eache.l Jightning ' "1 the barnyard of a ^^'«ier. Ajo'ly time providii g a way of convevf.nce. At OoU ttB -o^-n's yisi received, new V,io- 30 from Markdale, nus. Bridges, strings Ac, steel and cat. Ah but "got i good i at reasouable prices, aud as represent- ed. If von want your razor put in good order, take it to Smith the Barber. Holland couiicil met at Holland Centre, to-day (Thursday.) Euphrasia council meets at Eocklj-n, to- morrow (Friday.) A hou^e and lot for. sale in Markdale, a very desirable place, apply at this office Mr. C. Treadgold is agent for the celebrat- ed Bell Organ and also for first chiss sewing machines. Parties wishing to pirohase in his line of business will find it to then: ad- vantage to deal with him. Siiith the barber keeps the best stomach bitte:s in use. Bemember the Methodist social m Duffer- ia Hall, to-morrow evening (Fruifly). Every preparation is being made to make it a first class entertainment. Admission only 15ct. IJe suve and go, the weather won't stop the fun. Mr. Nodwell. who purchased Mount Boyal Farm, is mooviug ia today. llT. Gihay, Eeeve of Euphrasia, gave ne a call today. Mr. E. Gordon has been buying horpes 6ere, and^shipped today 7 pan:. Jimmy tried to shaye himsel His razor proved the nave. So he went to Smith the Barber And had a decent dhav«. SftME GOODAPVICE. A\aNG LEASED THE ABOVE HO- tel, aud thoroughly overhauled and I am now in a position to receive a share of public patronage. The choicest brands of Uquors and cigars kept. Good meals also good stabling. Miirkdale, Mar. 14th, 1883. ]311y the daily or World. Farmers Advocate, American Agricul- American, hand your subscription to us at the Sii^- ^a^ Office.'^we wUl forward :t and run our own risk. Farmers and others Listen ye lovers of the cup that ebeer*. In which are always smiles and nev^ tears, Quit buying mbbish advertised as (Aeap. Un'ess vou want to help a doctor keep. de hnn? a *nt3-l, ' Order tbe best, the cheapest, ^^^ ao " -s _„..i_, ^iciTAR-soN a« your true irientt but onee and we are sure yoa U find rT^s"ly"wMc^ 9lto «23 I ^^fv-on T^ictt.h' son a« your tâ„¢e Jr^^f lucrative agency b«^i"^!' J^^^ ^S oice. oa Try hi.u but onee and we are sure yoa U day can beearna^ -^ addxe^^_^ ^^ ^^ Ea^n.,onnd of Tk. e:^'y^%l^^^^. a postal to S..C. WM.»»« ^•â- ijr^pT Stl£i»le.â„¢«T... bAtaa. EARS FOR I MILLION IpOO CHOO'S BALSAM OF SHARK'S ' OIL positively Kestcres the Hearing, and is the Only Absolute Cure for Deafness known. This Oil is abstracted from peculiar species of small Wliite Shark, caught in the Yellow Sea, known as Cabchabodon Eonde- LETii. Every Chinese fisherman knows it. Its virtues as a restorative of hearing were discovered by a Buddhist Pr est were dis- covered about the year 1410. Its cures were so numerous, and many so seemingly mir- aculous, that the remedy was officially pro- claimed over the entire Empire. Its use became so universal, that for ovei 300 years no Deafness has existed among the Chinese people. Sent, charges prepaid, to any ad- dress at $1.00 per bottle. Hear what the Deaf say It has performed a miracle in my case. I have no unearthly noises in my head, and hear mucb better. I have been greatly benefited. My deafness helped a great deal â€" think ano- ther bottle will cure me. Its virtues are unquestionable and its cura- tive character absolute, as the writer can per- sonally testify, both from experience and ob- servation. Write at once to Haylock and Jenney, 7 Dey Street, New Yorlt,encIosing $1 and you will receive by return a remedy that will enable yon to hear hke anybody else, and whose curative e£fect8 will be peimanent. You wiU never regret doing so." â€" Editor or MEUCA:;TiiiE Bkvxew. I^To avoid loss in the mads, please seiyl money b; Eegistered Letter. Only unported by HAYLOCK JENNEY. late Haylock Co.. Sole Agents for America. 7 Dey Sx Nk w Yoax 93-145. S500 Reward We will pay the above reward lor any case ef Idyc Complaint. Dyspepsia. Sick Head- ache, Indigestion, Con^tipation or Costive- â- ess we cannot eore with West's Vegetable invest Pills, when the directions are strictly eomplied with, lliey are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satiwf action. Su(ar Coated. Tr^ige Boxes, eontaining 30 Pills, 25 et4. For sale by all Dmggists. Beware of counterfeits and immitatiois. Theganu- ine manufactured only by JOHN C. W3ST CO "The Pill Makers," »1 A ^3 K'nfr^^fe Kast, Toronto Ont. Free t ial package sent by miid jirepaid ou rectdpl uf a 3 cen; stamp, Fv sale at Xwmer dCo- IkuK Store, BEST U CHEAPEST. Coolness of temperament 's a virtue, but the refreshing coolnesg of the Preserved meats, Fruits, and Vegetables, KEPT AT THE â€" BELFAST HOUSE, MARKDALE, beats all the iceberg? ever fioated down the Atlantic Ocean. The Belfast House Teas and Coflees* give an exhilirating influence, not equalled in Markdale. except by Benson's WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, c. Those who rehsh the " pipe of peace " will find the Tobaccos and Cigsbrs at the Belfast House unsurpassed north ot Toronto. Cheese, Bologna Sausage, and Biscuit in endless variety, all from Uie best manufacturers, at the Belfast House. Ap- ples, (green and dried,) Spices, Sweetmeats. c. Toilet and Fancy Soaps, Essences, Perfumes, and Family Ohs. of the purest quality. Flour, Potatoes. Pork, Herring, (dried and salt,) kept constantly im hand. IS"Our Bottled Gin is imported directly from the manufacturers, and our Bottled Wines are put up at the Vintage. Pi;kles in hot les, Mustard in cans, and in fact ev- eiythiig in the grocery trade. A recent ad- dition iomj' finances will enable mo to pur- chase m the markets of Europe and America WILSON BENSON. AN ACROSTIC. LiOok out ye farmers and tlirrsheis all And see that you buy for Spring, Summer Bight splendid good oil. [and Fall Won't be misled by statements blund, Insist upon having the very best biand, Now good as ever, in fact it is grand. Everlasting wear without grit or sand. Machines run smoothly, no jarring or noise, And engines too in its use rejoice. Carding also it suits, as you jdainly see. Heavy gristing cannot do without me. In fact all machines are blessed by i s nsf ]^ew or old it will save from wear and abuse. Every man try it, we are sure it will jilease. Our initials, when read, will give tbe cue In looking for oil, the best and the irue, Long in the market, but ever new. Manufactured solely bvMcCollBrot.. A-Co., Toronto. No connection witli any other firm. 127-153. Health is Wealth Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treat- ment, a guaranteed specitic for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neu- ralgia, Headachf, Nervous Prostration caus- ed bv the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wake- fulness, Mental Depression, Softening of iho Brain, resulting i/i Insaiiity and leading to misery, decay and death.Pretnature Old Age, Barr eunes. Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntary losses and Spermnton-i'te-i. caused by overexertion of the bruin -t'f abuse or over iudnlgence. One box wH cu e recent cnse^. Each box contcins o^e month's treatment. One dollar a box. or six boxes for fiye I'ollars sent by mail pre- paid on receipt of prica. Wo guarintee s'x boxes to cure any ca^e. With each i:lei re ceived by us for six lioxes, nccomnanied with five dollar we will R(-nl the purchasei writ'^eu gnnrantr^e to refund the moMej- if the treatment do'-s not effect a cnie. (riinr antees iasned only hv A. Tnmpr (t'Co., «'""" authorized Agent tor AJarkdale On' lojiu C. West dtOo. sole proprietor.Toi.uto Ont. EUGENIA Grist, Saw aMLaili Kills Havngmado eatensive imr-pT-.-nen' u 197 tlr el Mill I feel cuiiii '.ea- 1 can give £03l satisfactioi? G0nDFLOiiaALvyAV3ONHA:iD h^ppin^ Done Every Hry. bhpr-(.;* noHoe. .ud B-'s F'jierl on th Che- V. B. .1 Woi'eA^b. B)*ck A^^U B -iwon; P le pad B.cmlock Logs -vit-i I CSly. M. AKITT, Eugenia,, -i t I • 1 i ^i I. '^1 i ..i I i i 1 II -mm ' "'â- " '•â- .,'1 ' 'f 'it 11: '"ii â- â€¢1. f I '-M tslr^il le? Ivi-tcn street, New Xoxk,

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