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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Apr 1883, p. 4

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 MK^'Wf-?' w^- X T)te Standard. g5an*e8pattd8nx)6. MARKDALE, APRIL 5th. 1888. INDErENDKNT PAPERS. TliP ciiitur of the Durham Chroniclt liad an rticle in a recent issue under tne abovi hesid, in which he endeavors t' belittl- the honesty and usefulness Xo the Editor of the Stamdabs. Dkab Sib â€" Having read a letter which ap- peared in your paper a few weeks ago, writ- ten by Thos. Kells, on Govemmeui benches, experimental fanning, creameries and (iov- emment seed raLn, I would beg leave to point out some of ihe fallacies of the posi- tion he takes. 'â- Goremment benches are very high and hard to climb np to." Perhaps they are, I Fuopose he speaks froia experience. But, sir, the men who occupy, and who have oc We give below the amouut of reve- nue from the sale of postage stamps. c and salaries received by a lew post offices in this Ooanty for the year Sding 81st Jnne, 1882. from the le- port of the Postmaster- General:â€" SAIiABT. I f any incal paper ihat is not an out- iid-out Jiiiity joiirual, especially at cupied such positions onGovernment benches, have always been easy of approach, and al- ways ready to assist the farmers.or any others. 'oction rarv i tiLaes. Now, the very con- %ve believe, the general I'pinion of the public, for it is a well- ];ao\vn fact that the warmest politi- cians have uor suiiicient confidence in I heir own party paper during a politi- cal contfst to believe the reports con- tainffil tiiereiu. Why is it Simply because the anxiety of the publisher Lrets the better of his common sense, and the result is lit will construe mat- t'jv.i Hit when their requests were at all reasonable and for tne interests of the country generally, as proved by their willingness to assist in building railways, theveby giving us cheap and ipeedy facilities for exporting and im- portinc what we have to sell and buy, thereby increasing nur piofits. Also, the appoint- ment of the Agricultural Commission and Agricultural Bureau which has been of great benefit to the farming community. Then there is the Experimental Farm and College J I which he objects to so much, the benefits buch a sliape, m order to ^^ usefulness of which he seems to be de- BXVENUK 506 69 588 03 2210 38 1002 00 1080 51 1234 66 3113 04 271 20 5501 24 743 40 995 20 221 90 Chatsworth 1^6 00 Clarksburg 250 00 Durham (35 qurt's) «7 50 Dandalk Flesherton Markdale Meaford Maxwell Owen Sound Priceville Thombury Williamsford 267 60 832 00 339 00 766 00 142 60 1824 00 186 00 '395 00 42 00 jl^BKDALE MABKETS. FaU Wheat »0-W^!f •»»'o®C(l «f ,76 to TEN YEARS AGO TO-DAY. m'.Tlead those who are not fully decid- plorably ignorant, as it can be easily proven .(1, or not feulHciently posted in the from their reports that thev have been and ,,,.;.,, of .„n .i..,^l lYioH-ara rvnr are a great benefit and Credit to tliis country. iMiestioub at isbUG uuu maiiers per- ^. " i .. • j i *i „ ^i „ _„ „it= ' 1 i 1 1 I u Tne experiments tried, and the the resuits laming tueretu, tijat the reports be- j ^^ p^^jj^^j^g^ j^ ^^^^J. annual reperts, have coiue totally unreliable, while the re- created an interest among the farmers, and ports of an independent paper are al- a confidence in those experiments which has â-  Insulted iu profit to the farmers of Ontario. But, sir, there is a class of men who will profit from no experience but their own, and are very slow to leurn even from that, and perhaps your correspondent (T. K.) is one of them. He then attacks the Government cream- eries, and what womie'-ful ideas he has of them. Hear him; " run with Newfoundland dogs, specific gravity, bottles, a lactometer and a barometer, people drav\- ing milk from one end of the county to the other to get to the creameries." If there are many people in this enhghtencd age m this Province, who have no better knowledge of creameries than he seems to have, I think the Government perfectly justifiable iu es- tabhshing a few of th3m, if for no other pur- pose than to enlighten such mt'n i.iid lift them out of their gross iguorj nee. The ar- gument which he advances against the cream- eries if applied iu the same way to agricul- tural societies would away with them, because every one in the country that takes prizes at tiie exhibitions held by ^hcse societies, does it follow that tlio^e who do n(.t ex- ways ill accord with the plain facts. A^-aiu, our cotem. would have us believe that partyism is tlie mission of ;i local papor. \Ve maintain that a local paper has a duty to.perlorm which is (if much fj'ieater importance than serving any political party. We hold that the interest ot a locality in which a paper is published, the moral, social and finiincial interests of a communi- ty are, or should be, the first and yreat aim of a local journal. While we ndinit that rivalry is often a means of f^'rcat improvement in the character and usefulness of a paper, yet it is not indispensably necessary that a country ])aper have either rivalry or politics in order to make it reliable or useful a.; wo can prove without going from houu' Tile SiANDAED has been C6- 'le.l over sevcn vears during HI ii.- W l;icl !-.-!i,,i "Och, Barney, me honey," ses Biddy Ma- loney, •'We are mprried togither jist ten years to- day." Says Barney, so pleasant, "I'm in fur a pres- ent, ., A bonnet, a dhrcss. orwhativer ye say. "Says Biddy tU Barner, here none of yer blarney, -n But take out some whate til the gnst mUl to-day; An' on top ov yer grist ye can bring me a cnist „ Ay Thbimble Weight's Notobious Tat. FLESHERTON MABKETh. Fall Wheat. W.9ol^«W;Spnng, 80.95 ♦« *n Q7- Barlev. 67c; Peas, b9c, uats, 4ic BuSnlSrSs. iSc; Potatoes,40 c; Hay, J12.00; Pork, 7.4 5 to 87 60 TORONTO MARKli:TS. PaU Wheat, ».0.97 to »0.98; Spring, $1.05 to n OS^^Key, 553 to 73c; Data, 45c to 50c Pe's,"^fo 78cVHogs. »8.00 to »8.25; Pota- to " per b. ' 70c to 75c; Butter, dairy. x7c to 2 «.{«« • to 21c. BIRTHS. Lackey.â€" In Euphrasia, on the 10th ult.. the wife of Mr. James Lackey, cf twins, bey and girl. Spakling.â€" In Artemesia, on March Slst, the wife of Mr- J. P. Sparhng. of a son. RowE.â€" In Glenelg, on the 4th inst.. the wife of Mr. W. J. Eowe, (Barhead Mills,) of a daughter. T. C. B. RAILWAY. TIME TABLE. Ohangre yt Time. On and after Monday, Nov. 20th, 1882, trains will run as follows DIED- ;;uie It L lit ViV' â-  .:iu] liils been non-political. ' hibit and take prizes arc not benefitted in I'O ni. iliirin that it is as i,uh!y respected a vmu v.iil liiul, and the vil- 1: 1 u:.iiiii;: eountiyas pros- .luy place in tiie county, i:i| ,Me favorably with anv r i'li.vinee of its size and i I i:i',c we ex[u-es» the sen- i • m^ii'irily of the public ;he iiiihlic are growing ill 'i-peiLlei-t jimniaiism l::kv a stiaightfji-uai-d ii'i'it. vhicJi is not al- '.\.- rs jirsLJANDi'iY. 1^1 â- iiu-( I I hU- ]-. â- :..-;l IIl: a 11. I l.i â- 1 ' 'J C' 1^ I'i n 111 I .111 :. u i; Jill ii\ )„,,, liV a f 111,, ,l V I: I :i 1 I I 1 •^i wpi'l--, â- (va "ic- •^â- 1. Hall. .Maik.laJo, on L-t, l.y i:. li. Hill.orn, I inianiiiiu (Ti-ange, v.:i vut'd tn tl'e chair. l^s ni-ai iliiif,' tlio object v.i'ws (111 the (rrniiKe, 'â-  :;. r. Mr. llilliurn is a all i an iilile s.pi'uki'i' a KriiaiR-o anii i^'ooildeiivery, in .â- -liiii,' a I I'i vtTV iiistru'-;- r.i K' lii:iiiiirr tlu' lurc^sitv i' f.luc itina a:iioiii: favuiers, la.--; ulik-Ji will (.'liable an ni'v.-i' the soil, ail 1 laMo • '-iia.; Jif sMii -111 nt what I..;. ail! of t'vaiu ami .i.A'rs an' rrijuiitd to make I li-e ill' in-. 1 r"?ui; Th'j 1 the iiii|ii'rtanfe aiiilnoces lit :re auii iil; farmers aud a.iiii'.iL; the sraii(,'e a' an .:;i.iii iiiti II I'-ii luoiH as a means of r=i iiii'-i( final imjirnveinent than I' uiiiaiv liLiiorit. He is thoroughly all i iiiHstev of his liusiiies. ana was 1.1 wiiii ii(e]i interest for two hours i-eir.miii'r of our most intelliKeut Si:o';M Mr. Hilborn p.ive a lecture 1 anv tiiture oi-cnsion, we venture to i w;h he a eiowJod liouie. some way by said societies' Uow absurd. y«t this is tiie kind ol ln^' c used by T. K. ' '.;^'ainst tliu en 'les. ]f every lariner raiinot tjet tlai â- â- ; to them llu're should he no creameiie- iU.Il. Xo one wall uudt.T- \idae the conditions noece-saiy I'.ir the pro- j il action of good luctei-. as stated liv T. K. j hut these ])arts of the country wIkmo cream- eries have b en e-tahlished are not particu- i larly favored, as-' the province as a whole is viell watered. Yet the cieameries have been i a ikcided succe.-s, reah/.ing from 5 to KIcts ' per pound mi re than for h^nre jiaGKid hut-' tor. It is stated on authority that theio is .j, (ji)U,(iti(i j:oimds butter annually made in i 'lis Trovhice: of wli.eli (t ' ' ' 'urn in.'il- ityj say .5 cents per lb., (the lowest estimate i i would reali/.e a ])rotit to the far.ners of On- 'â-  tario of â- :l,')0().Uuil, without any a,dJiti-jnal j expense i f time oi n.'iiey oa iheir juirt. j But T. K. wants the Government to assi.'it the farmers (:nrT;) in .cettin;^ a 'han;,'e of seed ^raiu, but not to as.^ist the u-uiiliii or iighteu their labor iu any way. That a eh.ini;e of eocd and .-uitahlo seed grain from a country or jilace whose climate, soil, itc, are somewhat similar to ours has been, and i- of great iieiielit in iucrca-iu' the yield and quali^.v of wheat and other grain are Well Jiiio'-.n from experiments. Some of the exi)erimeuts at th- Isxperiment- there 1.S say .iU,ll;iU,Oai) lbs. marlieted if iuerea-ed in vahte, (by beiu' of liettt r Galloway. â€" In Port Elgin, on the 30th ult., Albert, only son of Eev. J. Galloway, aged 2 years, 9 months. Lackey, â€" In Euphrasia, on the 29th ult., infant twins of Mr, and Mrs. Jas Lackey, aged 4 weeks. Lucas. â€" In Markdale, on the 2nd inst.. \Vm. G. H. Infant son of Mr. Wm. Lucas (banker) aged 1 year 23 days. Bryan. â€" In Markdale, on the 26th March, (teorgina, daughter of Mr. Jamos Bryan, late of Sbelburne, aged 4 years, 4 months and 14 days. rir.KEY.â€" Iu GleiU'l;:, on the 2nJ inst., Geo., son of Mr. Gi'orgu I'ilkcy, aged 27 years. Y.wntcn-ATEF,. â€" In Allenford.on the 3rd inst.. Ii ttie, beloved wife of Mr. M. W. Vande- v.-nter, and dai'.^diter of James AUen, Esq., f lleeve of Amabel, aged 21 years. 'â-  ' ' â- ' "â- â- â- - .- "â- - H I â€",â€"â€".â-  I FARIVS FOR SALE. 1 no --^CriESâ€" being Lot 20, Con. 10, i VyV/ (^h^nelg. This farm is three miles Ill,, a i-it,., f"om Markdale, with about 40 acres cleared, .r. ,s.,i wiIimI, bal-mce. hardwood bush with suflicieut cedar for fencing the place. It is well watered wall never lahinj; stream of spring water. Young orchard, Iol; house, and stables. Clear ueed can be gi\e,i. i"or price and terms ap- ply to .\IliS. MiGflT.onthe premises. Mark- dale 1' O. â€" Also a farm wai;gun and fanning mih for sale 127-11. OOIKO N TH. Ktad Dotm. P.M. 4 25 6 00 6 45 8 44 to 15 \i .() 8 45 9 55 P.M. GOING SOUTH Raid Up. A.M. 7 30 9 05 9 55 12 20 2 25 11 50 12 06 1 30 P.M. A.M. TOBONTO 10 45 Cakdwell Jcnc. 9 05 Obanoevillk ... 8 27 Mount Forest.. 6 30 Teeswateb .... 5 00 f. eshebton ... 6 43 Markdale, 6 27 Owen bouND.... 5 le A.M. P.M. 9 10 31 50 30 45 47 30 10 P.M. A Mixed Train will also inn between Tor- onto and Owen Sound. See Time Table. D. McNicoll, Edmund Wbagok. Gen. Pas*. Agt. General Manager. IN THEHI6HC0UBJ0F JUSTICE. CHANCERY DIVISION. DETVSO!V vs. lÂ¥Il.SOIV. PURSUANT to an order of the Court of Chancery, made in thLs action, there will be sold with the a'pprobation of Thomas Hodgins, Esq,, Q. C Master in Ordinarj-, All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate,lying and being in the Township of Proton, in the County of I Grey, and being composed of the South ' West part of Lot number Two Hundred and Twenty, in the Second Concessitm South of the Toronto and Sydenham Road, oxce])t- ing thereout the part occupied by the To- ronto. Grey and Bruce Eailwaj' in the said Towuship of Proton, containing by admea- surement Fifty acres, more or less. All teuders must be addressed to Thomas Hojjoixs, Esq.. Q.CO-goode Hall, Toronto, and be received not later than 2 p.m. of Thursday, 12th of April next. The higlicst or other Tender not nec- essarily accepted. tiiac i-t to t. al null e: I Ira l; ana ;i I'e ;:i, liuie in i' al Farm prove the same, prove that tarmers rei^uire to be careful from what place they get their seed grain, for some that will do wi»il in one lucalit.v will not do so well iu another. But, Mr. Editor, we do not aL;r'e with the directors of the Ag. Society or the president T, K. as to who .-hould bruig iu the seed grain. They say the tiove'riimeut shuul.l. V/e w ill suppo.-e they do, what then " To secure themselves and coun;ry from loss they would have to pass a law compelling every farmer to buv so much seed cram from them every yea--. Then what a howl there would be about centraliza- tion and tyranny. lint if they bought any thing like seed grain euougli for the wants of the I'rovinco without such a law, the possi- bility is the half of it would iiot be sold â€" then the howl would be extravagant, i-i- competent, lic. Government. Again it would ciist the govjrument moie to obtain suitable seed tor all localities than if done by private enterprise. Then I think tlieie is no ueces- sity fcir the government doing at prcsant 'Vssociations one, called more than it is doing in this re-pect. as they ' generally try any new kinds of seed grain at the model farmjtiuelph, and rep'irt annually the resuhs. And again, the different seed's men of the rrovince are wil iag to send seed I ill any quantities (almost) to any one who is j willing to buy irom them. Now, Sir, I think that any farmer who will i not take advantage of and use the facilities I that are within his reach to gain knowledge, seed grain or anything else he requires, would I be di^pleaied with any government that j would force bim into a better positien. I Now, Sir, I think the best plan for the I farmers to adopt iu getting a change of s^eed I grain is to let it be known what kinds tbpy want o" are suitabl, for tbei' respective localities, then let them unite or co operate Land for Sale. 1 /^rv ACr.KS; about 30 of which is J-VyVy cleaied, being comoosed of the]",. half of Lot I't, ia the 8tli concession of the Township of Euplirasia. Apply at this ofhcc, or to KoBEUT LuNT.op, Township Clerk cf while some others i Euplirasia, GriersviUe P. 0. 117-tf. Farm for Sale. i 1 C\C\ '^^^"^^ ^«i*i-' lot^ 8, con. 10, 1 XUVJ Euphrasia; about 40 acres cleared, I balance good hardwood; has a comtortable frame house 18x24 feet, a good well, young orchard, and is siiuated -^ a good road 4 I miles ironi Markdale. le farm will be I sold on reasonable te:i.e .-'or particulars j apply to Goo. Noble,Ma.;-J;aa»3, or to Andkew KiKKWooD, on the premises. March lOth, 1883. 131-33. â- i;iii-\N!i I'roff.ssio:^ in f'.vx.vp.^. hand luofession is rapidly increas- ibeis and im()ortaiice, and is re- n Shorthand 'Writers" Associn- ' ^:,. Albert Horton.of the Iln l'r"-i'lent, and the otlier. the laiitiiand Societ.v. of which Mr. â- .^â- . eiiif of th" 'll':u,:yd staff, is Th'-is Hengoufih. Secre- 1 een ., uiS-'USsiciii goinp ,:t"dto t;;,' amalgamation ivs'.) r^jatii;: it"" indin Hfniinuny.-! "'ii; .s"',, .,-;.';,:;?(; W'liter for Marfh a ,11 le: ore of il.e di.-cnss-ou wh'ch iC' :n Ottawa, at a lar^-o and repre- •' n.e .i; l; â- [ ili riofes;or.. The n SI:or"l' ;â- ! 1 Siiciety was ovganiz'd 'lar. and \\ '.] receive as enests. on aiai iTin Auy;ilst next, the interua- ei .:ri f Shonjiand Writers for WARNINC There is great danger of tak- ing cold from wet feet. If you â- want to Guard Against Sickness Keep your feet dry and warm by procuring your â€" YRCIU KAY THOMAS. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Med- icated Cork Soles, all sizes, kept t-n hand, llemembcr t^Jie place opposite the new SiAy^ASD â-  Office. 4P '1 il' ::;U.nei :v, eeU :iri'-e; •â- " 1 :.! I a 1.1 I e va s a' d Ciria.ii. Tli's meet r tlie mot impo-'aut tbfit ' "^."' •"^^"l " sucn grain as they require and 'id in Caual-t, tlie nv.mhe- ""^J" "' do better. auJ obtain it cheaper i lo he jnesent heiu;; estima- i '•^^" }-^*' government can. Or a goodanJ .safe !:r. o and four huulr' d. I '^^^' ^^ when they hear of any new kinds of ...iv. s f om the United f^*^^" *^'" "'^^ doing well in any section of h\v tin 1 "" ous l9r;:" t-fii leral steno ' *^^ cwuntry to give it a trial on a small scale, â-  OS. Delo- 1 bushttl or two in its ada;itabihty to their iso expected fn m 'o.iiiiit ill. Hi.m E :.' ' to I'.iiver the Addrcs of \Ve!- it is I xpecte 1 that the m-etings â- â-  :.â-  'â- â- â- f li.'.i m Sfho,!. aul 'i- ' t '-u.Hrs w !1 ' :o I'll. 'li -lie ' 'â-  •' o ' 1 ^iicd at HeiigruLrb"' 'â- "i".!-, i'i L..:g Street West, « aiu J ',)-L;-iode. Hi»n. the Normal J -u'l.-Iative Chamber. Full be giv'u, from month to Cii mopolitnn SJuTthinii Short ha- d ' a. fl pir| eat Britain i "^^^ neighborhood, if it does well they will ward Blake j ^o^n have plenty, if it fai:s the loss will not be heavy^ These observations, if apparently lengthy, are as short as possible considering the na- ture audvariety of the subjects dealt with. T'u.Lu!i;ug you for so much of your valuable sp -.ce. I rsTiT-n, Yua..s r3opectfiil!y, Qbszbteb. GEORGE NOBLE, RANGE m LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER I'or the Cotmty of Grey. AoENT for the foUowing reliable Companies • CITIZENS' of Montreal, AGEICULTUEAL, of Watertowi., and TRADE aOM^f KBCE. (Mutnal) of Toronto. ' A number of Choice Farms for Bale, also Village Lots Auction Sales eoaducted in Town or Coun- t'T on Shortest Nptice. Charges moderate ^io..;o. and .Stamps provided Torins ol Sale.â€" One-teutn of the purchase money shal' be paid in cash when notice of accepted tender has been given to purchaser, and a sufficient amount within one month thereafter, without interest, to make together with the cash payment one- quarter of said purchase money, the balance to be secured liy mortgage on the premises at six I'cr cent per annum, in the three equal yearly payments. The other conditions, of sale are tlie standing conditions cf the Co'dtrt of Chancery. Further particulars can be had from Den- isou Macklem, Solicitors, 15 Toronto Street; Messrs. McCarthy, Hoskin, Plumb Cieelmau, Solicitors, Toron'to. (Signed) THOMAS HODGINS. Dated the 14th March, 1883. FKOMTHE AKHON COMMERCIAL.OHIO OF NOV. 25th, 1882. Headers of the Commercial can not well forget that a large sj-ace has for vears been taken up bv Kendall's advertisementsâ€" es- pecially of a certain Spavin Cure. "We have bad dealings with Dr. KendaU for many years, and we know of some large business nouses in cities near by, who have also dealt vMth hiin for many years, and the truth is tuUy and faithfully proven, not only that he i;S a good honest man, and that his celebrated Spavin cure is not only all that it is recom- mended to be, but that the Engligh language IS not capable of recommending A too highly KendaU s Spavin Cure wiU cure spavuis i- Here are hundreds of cases in which that baa been proven to our certain knowledge, but after aU, If any person confines the n^eS ness of his celebrated medicine to curin. ?Pf^i°« alone, they make a big mistake It «the best medicine known as an ^tward application fox rheumatism in the family It s good for pams and aches, swelhnes an 1 ^mene.=s. and is ju.t as s^ely apSSni to men woman and children as it is to Cse, bit ?r7 *^v tl^e^^^reothergood liniments" benrtbl ""' " ^P"^^ CHreto be ue.tei than any ever invented I33.3" -A. CARD. anl^inl! Jetr r?3 ^^.*^« â€" ness, earl, decay. lorofi^Tjll" will send a receine thst sHii "'""'*x« ««. J covered by a missionaS^ ^^SV** ' Send a self-address, Z^nvdop* If *«•*• Joseph T. Lnuii. ftatiJm nxr ^^- City. ' **«"o» i New York FARM FOR SALE. J/^-HOliiND, ".1. well watPr C 6 BUls, Bia GEO. NOBLE THOS. MA-nJEWs, ImnS Mmi\ MARKDALE. ' EVERYTHING INOURlikp KEPT ON HAND OR Haj)£ TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. Flesherton Station STEAM GRIST MILL Is now giving General Satisfaction, â€" o Chopping done every Working day, â€" â€" CAN HAVE YOUR GRIST HOMf THE SAME DAY. GEO. MOORHOUSE. 125 151. Seeds, Seeds. Onr annual importations of Field and Garden to hand (per SS Erlking) from one rf the best houses in Enroi»e, and includes all tLo leading seeds. Ordcrsbymail will receive care- rul and prompt attention. 11. JP^VIiliER, (SEEDSMAN.) DURHAhn. March 27th, .S'i?,. 1?-^ SALE OS' YaluaKeFamProD'fli Under and by virtue of a jiov.-cr rf •?.]-(â- .â- :; taiuedin a mortgage '.nadi' by SA!:A!i l-'i;.:.)' and HusBANi*, dL'Tauit lii;viTv.' Ih-^ii lii;;.;, .1 payment tlicrtnf, wiil 'f.- '•. 1 SY PUBLEC AUQ'7lO:l 1 At tlie Grand Centi-iil, l-\ ON SATURDAY, APRIL At One o'clock p. m., the foll.r.. Lots No.=;. 28, 29 itud 30 iu f iio l' sioQ of Osprey. County of Grey. 100 acres cleaicd and in a good ".. tivation balance well timbered. At the same time and place lli' i' be offered for sale Lots Nos. 18 mil 7th concession of O.sprcy. lnO ;u)i and balance of l'.)0 acres \vell tiii; hardwood. The rouerty is sjiU'.i ated, being one and one-lialf nt Marwell, and on gravel ruad. C" ings and young orchiirl. !00a, i;i Terms. â€" Tlic purchaser shall pr.' of »200 at the time cf sale, tlie l one-third of the ])urchase nn p-:} weeks thereafter the remaining i in cash, or secured by a moitj.-,-' in from one to five years at the "it purchasers. For further particulars apply to CEEKAU A .Ml' Vendor.-' i Hamilton, March 24th, 1S-S3. one-' Irtini el lili- iil ;u-" ill til; ;.-iivi. 1 Ullil V -it" â-  fr»i;i ,i,-p.-,-r. :i!!e.' I'i '-llil^e i:;:ua GEORGE mmi Wholesale and Retail IBUTCHEli! BFKF, PORK Oil MUrXON "'y""^^'"' frim a single pound toavbel^ e;iiv^-' at the iDwest market piiees^. FISH FOWL JNTHEiR Uii^ Farmers having Fat Cattio, '""â- ^-' Pigs to dispose of will do well to '• I'l ' 3 Burns' Block, opposite the ii â- â- â-  â- -^•' Rlo»k. Markdale, Oct. 2otli, ISSl Farm for Sale. AVEUY desirable noropcrty li;"2 i" acras; Dits 111 and ll-^ 1-'""';^ West of T. and S, Hoad, ArtenieMi. uw w' from the town of Markdale. on tiif|;' road. 70 acres cleared, balance 'f! -^aue has a large stone dwellmg hou e lui'i "S ' ia vrell watered with never fai!i::K ^}\^^ creek; splendid soil, and in a very aeoira" iocility. Terms easy. A:---:. AT iin.s jFH' Markdale, March 20;u, .SSli. Single copies of the DARD 2 cents. Stan- Brow I r^Mis leaving Mji' P^tiu Wholes fh^Ue has ente W^laieofFlesheri \trartical watchma iLcf overlay ^^^^ JLjcomes wiih the Lndationsfrom som K ujatchmakers tn [own mil carry on L Markdale. Irk entrusted to him [n a workmanhe w yk will he ^uaram [oods sold will befc Unted, or money rep Sc Brown' Lie's Watchmakers Je\ [ill's Blocli, jtABKUAL E ONLY. HMerltei J cotwniTM intended to al Society tcill be char, for the first insertion a Lac* subiequent insertion. -All those indebted 1 call and settle the sa re court day. â€" W. J. |rimble has purchased Wglit stallion, 3 yrs 10 lbs., which will ma ,?on in this ueighbo lonster of most hideous i tated needs but to be si;o! oft, familiar with its fa flure, then pity, then en ftrriage Aid Associati' ,G00 and is rapiJlvii [.s§2oO to $5,000 a( Ir. Btydeu is the aactj 13; pakirg up a numbca- (I'liice in Mr. M.isson' fcliou at the next i se who wish to save require to raaKC ;u. |t.â€" A. McIntyhe. (â- Between Mnrkdalo ai ktuHay 17th Match, btctacles in a lea tlu ku finding them "xvill I farded by leavin,i,' t ouse, Markdale. LEX'S ARNICA S.^LVl f^ve in the world f ^163, Ulccrr, Salt Kheu'.; ' Chapped Hands, C 11 Skin Eruptins, and 1 It is guaranteed to gi' I fr money refunded. ^s- For sale by A. Tn:; ^(lican Agricuhuriat 1 its predecessors in ' It has articles o |bjects of iuterfist to Mt. Its engravings "orthy of notice. Pi ftnm. Orange Juc [Broadway New Yoi belongin to J. M. pburg. drawn by twc " int) a crack in Nefrom Belleville, N Lazier was thro I and went under th( The horses m '^odsujck Time.i.â€"T "f Mrs. W. J. Mc ale. â- â€"This wholesom "lie into wholesale P^ instance, one ev Frty of young peop "Jer congregated oi l^lcKayshill, whicl ^centre of a farm m ^^â- O'vii four miles fid ii about the si pe turnoa on th ' y^^ tlear, and t JQ all its beauty. K»?"g" to cover alii 7"^^y hard to ff height, and n P^^ "coQot the buildii 7?J^8 The ha ^•ob sleighs deta ft dozen could lorn ^^^ " q" L ' " descent rf ii C'^t'^fee. before U.'^^ leached m the barn' **?a»er, A j( [ppiDg

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