imm mmmmmmimi J f? MISCELLANEOUS DYSn^SiA. A LIVE COlffLAlNT. Is It not worth tbe small pr»« of 7a cents to free yourself of erery symptotn of theae distressing eomi^HBts, if yoo think so call at om store aad get a bottle of Shiloh's Vital- izer, every bottle has printed guarantee on it, use accordingly and if it does you no good it wUl cost yoa nothing. Sold at Wm. Brown's General Stwe, Markdale. New York has 2,749 more driDking places than places where food is sold. OH, WHAT A COUGH! Will ytm heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease consumption. Ask your- bclves if you can afford for the sake of oOcts., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know Jrom experience that Shiloh's Cure wili cure yc'ir Cough. It never fails. This explains why more than a Million Bottles were sold the past year. It relieves Croup, -an.l Whooping Comgh, at once. Mothers do not be ^â- 'ithout it. tor Lame Back, Side, or Chest, use Shiloh's Porous jdaster. Sold at Wm. Brown's General Store Markdale. The mau who caa alwaj^ make a maish 13 the rich young distiller. We have a speedy and positive cure, for Catarah, Diphtheria, Cankei mouth and Head Ache, ia 8HHIIX)H'S CATARRH KEMEDY. A nasal Iqector free with each bottle. it if jou desire health and sweet breatli. Price 50 -cents. Sold at Wm. lirown's General Stor«. Markdale. Robins' nesta in Tennessee are said to contaiu mUiions of the birds. A GENERAL S"^.\MPEDE. Never was stwh a rush made for any Drug Store as aa -now at A. Turner Co's for a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for ConsomptioB, :£oaghs and Colds. All per- tous affected with Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness,- Severe Coughs or any affection of the Throat and Lungs, can get a Trial Bottle of this great remedy free, by calling at above Drug Store. The sale of the revised New Testa- men has fallen off tremendously, and .the publishers have lost money on it. TBUE TO HER TRUST, Too much cannot be said of the ever faith- fal wife and mother, constantly watching and caring for her dear ones, never neglect- iug a sin^exlaly in their behalf. When they are assailed by disease, and the system should have a thorough cleaning, the stomach and bowels regulated, blood purified, a ma- larial poison estenninated, she must know thatElectric Bitters are the only sure reme- dy. They are the best and purest medicine iu the world and only cost fifty cents. Sold bv Jl. Turner. llie b.Lo of a Chicago woman laid up a policeman for four months. If sue had hit him with her foot he wonid never have known what struck Jiim. MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. M iilions of bottles of Dr. King's New Dis- cover/ for ConsomptioB, Coughs and Co'ds, have feeen given away as Trial Bottles of the large size. This enormous outlay would be ilisastniaa to the proprietors, were it not for the rare merits possessed by the wonderful medicine. Call at A. Turner Co's Drug Ntore and get a Trial Bottle free, aud try for yourself. It never fails to cure. Conversation was carried on by tele- phone on Sunday between New York and Chic£^o,a distance of 1000 miles. McGKEGOR'S SPEEDY CURE. From the many remarkable cures wrought by using MeOiegor's Speedy Cure for Dys- ^lopsia, Indigestion, Constipation and affec- tion of the Liver, and from the immense sale of it without advertising, we have concluded to place it extensively on tlie marke, so that .those who suffer may have a jierfect cure. G) to Hill Bros. General Store and get a trial bottle free, or the regular size at fifty 'euts aiul one dollar. 127-40. House rent in Jerusalem has ad- •vanced nearly forty per cent. CALVERT'S CARBOLIC CERATE, Try it for Chapped Hands, Cuts, Burns, Bruises. It is a preparation of Vasehne, 'arbolie A.eid and Cerate. It will cure any sore where all other preparations fail. Call at Hill Bros. Genera' Store and get a package. Twenty-five cents is aU it costs. 127-40- A New York chemist makes apple- sauce -out of chemicals. KRAM'S FLUID LIGHTNING. Is the only instantaneous relief Neuralgia, Headache, "roothache, etc. Rubbing a few drops briskly is all that is needed. No tak- ing naiueous medicines for weeks, but one minute's application removes all pain and will prove the great value of Krams Fluid liiglituiiig. Twenty five cents per bottle at Hill Bros General Store, Markdale. 127-40 Wm. Lucas Co, bankers, Markdale, ird\« $200,000.00 to loan on real eKiatc. iStraiglit luan system. No lines. Low iuteiest; moderate charges. TUE QUESTION HAS OFTEF BEEN ASKED. Can â€" Rupture â€" (abdominal hernia) be cured? We x».wt fir.phatically sinj, YES. That this part oi the IwkIv offers no exccp- ti.:n ti) those physiological la«s which gov- ern the wliole physical eeoooniy and it makes not i\ particle of difference whether the age i the Rupture is one vear or a huudreil years. For {Hoof of this send for a Free Book on Rupture to The Excelsior Rupture Cure M'I'k Co., Preacott, Ont. 132 84. Philadelphia has 4,000 victims of opium and morphine. Farmera atid others de iriug « gente*!, lucrative agency biisuiess, by which 9oto (^ • day «an be«aruo«l, send address at onee, on pAdtal, toH. C. Wilkinson Co., 1J5 aud 197 Poltcji Street, New York. 1216m. Eoaeict^T E«eve*ihp.â€" Inthc e.cction for »«»ve fat tha towMMsip cf Kgremont, which look plaM on Friday, Mr. Wm.tTanlfield was • lert 4 »w«t JJr. Lawrence, by a majority of ABSTRACT STATEMENT •^ THB EEOEIPTS BXPBNDITUBE OF THE FOR THE TEAR ENDING SIst DEC 1882. RECEIPTS. To cash from Collector, balance of roll of 1880. • ' on roll of 1881 onrolloil882 â- â- • â- Laud Improvemeut Fund ... • Licence Fund ' Sale of Land and Timber ... Treasurer of Euphrasia ... • Non-resident Land Fund ... • Clergy Reserve Fund ••• • A. Ciimpbell, taxes ... â- Fines by Magistrates ... â- Balance paid by Treasurer PAYiWElN'TS. By paid County lates " Councillors' in full fees and Officers' salaries. Miscellaneous expenses Pioads and Bridges Schools 10 00 2712 18 3689 00 80 07 1 264 47 81 00 142 12 722 13 27 68 ' 10 80 25 00 2019 15 *;9733 GO $2905 57 467 00 40G 60 1126 42 4828 01 i-'O THE -, F A E ME Eg ' sxjGAB KETTLES OF I'HE BEST QUAUTY AT MARKDALE FOUMDR^| â- SUPPORT Home »ianu WOOD OLD IRON TAKEN IN EXCHanqI 3BOS §9783 60 leoTot- S. leeie. TAILOR, SYDENHAM STREET, 1s/{E-a.:kk:3D-^^-X •» The People's Photograpliei Continues to take Pictures, Do Copying and Enla rging in goodly PEAMES andFEAME FIXING in great variety and latest designs at desperate knv prices. 1 Igreat reduction of prices â€"AT THEâ€" Selling off at and Under Cost TO MAKE EOOM FOR SPEING IMPOETATIONS. NOW IS TIME TO S:E30"Cr:ESE3 :B.r^:EBa--A.I2:TS Give Our 25 cent. TEA is Unsurpassed. it a Trial, WM. BROWN. Markdale, March 21st, 1883. A. M'INTYRE TEA TEA TEA A. M'INTYRE XT.O"a.r, E=^lo-CLr, 2^1o"clx- McINTYEE'S LigUORS I LIQUORS McINTYRE'S Cigars, Cigars. McINTYRE'S Ootlee, Coflee. McINTYRE'B MEAL I MEAL I MEAL I McINTYRE'S Pork, Pork. Pork. Aud ever ythin g kept n in a first-class Grocery and always ou hand, cheap fob cvsh. McINTYRE'S Teas, Teas. Liquor Store. ARTEMESIA WAREHOUSE t'-JluEtSHEIiTOIV STATIO â- O â- Dry Goods, HaMware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Provioions, c. Stock kept full aud well assoitecl with new goojis recoiveil every week. MY BRANCH STORE AT EUGENIA replenished with new goods everv week. For sale cheap for cash or produco. Saw My mill, Shingle Factoty, and Lime AT UTTLE FALLS, ABE IN OPEBATION. Kiln All kMs Saw •«:$ hoyghtatttitMM tr tawn on thiret. L«ail»er, I^th, Broom Handles, ShtofflMMid Ume for sale. R. J. Sproule's ANNUAL Clew Sale Ib now going on and WILL CONTINUE ANOTHER WEEK Call early and secure bargains. Heavy importations of Spring goods are now on the \ray, and our present large stock must be cleared out aud will be fold out at and under cost. FARM FOR SALE. inn -^CRESâ€" being Lot 20. Con. 10. 1U\J Glftnelg. ThiB farm is three miles from Markdale, with about 40 acres cleared, balance, hardwood bnah with snffieieat cedar for fencing the place. It is well watered with never failing stream of spring water. Young orchard, log house, and stables. Clear deed can be pven. For price and terms ap- ply tp MKS. MIGHT, on the premises.Mark- dale P. O. â€" Also a farm wacgon and fanning mill for sale 127-tf Hou. (iraduate, of STmRTLING DISCOVERY! L06T MANHOOD RESTORED. tJt^^S^^JT'*^^*^ toprndenoa «inpw» PteiB» *^ ,^^S2i fe°» rAi, Lo^lSa^od; ^, tarteg tr^ la vata eTe;riSo;;s';^^jK.'3i;: to bii Mam.*SBSSi. jkttRW. T^U Farm for Sale. 1 f\f\ ACRES, bfin- lot s, 100 Euphrasia; about 40 «ca^; balance good baruvoou; "»= ° i, frame house 18x24 ffiet. a fe'ooa orchard, aud is situated on a h miles from Markdale. U^,^^ .., sold on reasonable terms. o- apply to Geo. NoblcMarkJale.or KiRKWOOD, on the ]ireiu)^o?. ^^^jj March 10th. 18S3. 43Cbsth«i||St..ili.T Eft, Land for Sale. 1 AA ACBES; abont 80 of which is ^y^l de«wd. being composed of the E. JT^ "'Ji** !*♦• in the 8tii concession of the Town«^p of Enphiasia. Apply at this olHee, OT to BoBKBx B0MLOP, Township Clerk of fi«plur»sia, ariersTlIle P: O. WARJSilNC There is great aanficr of '^^j ing cold from wet feet. want to Guard Against SickJ' Keep your feet .Irv aii| by procuring' .«»' FOCI'S' _Fi!OMâ€" KAY THOM' ateed- Sat'«fa«tion Guarante^ ^,pi icateA Cork Soles, aU^^ploc* cnhaid. Remember U-^i;^ opposiie the new *^ Office. iiii' t ni I ^ir -iT -ra*