T ...^ L^ KEEV^ATIN MINES Tlfl3M:flTAT8 TOA!aTBaA guoavi^.;. TO'iiM fjS KETXraWS PBOUISSD -^HE CAPITAL OUTLAY. ,f Toronto AsHaycrsâ€" -V District «"' „,iiii ' I' Woaltliâ€" Tlic Place ti Mate ForJanes. K.^e»atin Mining Company owna ^â- â- " • pr'.p'j;-:)' "P*^" Hay islaud, which ' ' V the nany islauda studdina; the Lake â- W'ol-. 'i" original discoverer of 'â- uaiie F^peity was Mr. William '•â- ,'â- 'â- ,, J .^vhu \vill amply repay himself "'â- ',•" un nulepsndant fortune from '•' â- . ^, r\ecu!ic3s. Since Mr. Lockwood'a ;,,: vuluB of this section can be â- '3 -â- â- •iiiitu I "lit'u it 13 known that nine- ;,ti arc working in the Keewatin â- aiii tliat orer 100 leads are now 'cji- 'Mfii-'il to back their enterprises, I r,^»aero: a'leul asking a? high as §60,000. â- ' ^^"jj^ very s oil au old time Californi- ' â- j,\)h.n.:r\. In thjt year 840,000,- .,[ i/r,l(l was extracted from the "-Ilia ii;i:i'a and tlie .(uantity continued â- ,Ki.a-r eaci year as follows §40.000,000 i.s.JO lv-1 IS.V2 50,000.000 50,000,000 GO,OJO,000 U."),000,000 ;â- ,â- !! ii;i--' !i;:iii'e3 there has been a grad- ' 'iii!f. uatd in ISS-2, twenty-nine years ;.r ue ii'ad tiie total amount of bullion -ti'i-il ii ^^""^f'O'OOO only, a decline of •..iwOiKW. winch amply goes to show an r.^t =pL'iit district. ^Vnen the Black. iimiii' wert. opened, a wild cry of "take i rill up 'i"'i the press, and capitalists ,)J a i'ie «â- I'ear of burnt fingers, until â- ,„, iiu; ,111 a^jureil fact that gold laid m •;, ;iill.-i 111 ahunilance. What are the .. n'l'.vV Simply these: Deadwood vr.iii'-= iiuMiL,' the past five years have jiiiiCL" tweuty-ei;;ht million ounces of ;.r, one iiumlre i and forty thousand tons ,1^1. au'i twenty-six thousand ounces of â- t ;clu5:vf of one liuadred thousmidtons r,r- siiii'i'Cil to other towns fur treat- "i- /tv l.iit ycir piid S!, 000,000 in â- .tt' tiie i')i;r.-k Hills R K. for carrying â- â- â- :.::.. imvKi\-. This speaks for itself. i ^UJ;K VKIXS, '.. ;â- .â- ;..' .11 ill iiiine and the district sur- z'}:^: aiv --iui ited ou the fissure veins and ... .ifii- aic i'lijcper in mineral wealth than ;:;;.':.iii:v lit !:iau cm estimate or labor v:; I he supply is simply ine.xhaus- â- :: a iiiin.i i.ir 'â- : HIT. :iri; V. I .jai-it'.jk maybe mentioned as ir'goit 01 thi.s variety, though i-u'ii'ir. 'I'aid class o: veins is \t.iii-, and that is why so much I â- u !u lupin the valua of the i-tri â- :. Tlij Winnipeg Tim^.i in I â- !â- : rather doubted the value of ,â- II! .!â- â- ill Ihii clistrict by Xe .v York iih',1 .; a^Myeis, and a suggestion â- ]'[â- :• t.: c 113 sjnt to rrofessora Pike if Torouto, was quickly tak- .\; wa Sent 1o Toronto, assay- ;-â- A'.jw iiig resaks were obtained: " rqi-Tiin .s report •*! It) in gold â- Jii 1 1 lh-., and a quantity of silver le a i: .;iiit, and from Prof. I'ike's ' i iM per L'OOO lb.:!. Can any- â- MiKlusive a^ to the value of lidi of this district, when the :r,iiie5 .supposed to be profifc- t.Ki, whilst thj extrams is -â- -1 ' I'ii.' average of the famous ii: ;; t. Jo'.m del Rey, which dur- â- .V „rs iias given a profit of §5,- :-- ^- nv:^. i.'S.i;4l of gold per ton. ' !â- '.â- •.' o: '^ftM per ton cm g vc a " lui ii!i I in tliirty-six years with M til) 1-1 used by [Jraziliansfor ex- '.-'â- â- • p e.ious motal and at a cost of â- "'"' 1' r t ):i, ho\i' much profit cm be :."'.ii 1 iiun.c snowing, not $1 10 or '.r-' i :• 'it, icit .^T" per ton for 'â- -; ^1 tir.i â- , at a cost of -St p:r 'â- â- 'â- â- 'â- 11.; :ii.. It â- lai))- is large indeed. .•'â- -â- 'â- tlie Keewatin mines is â- •' â- â- â- â- :: 1 .rtia.Iy decomposed, which â- â- ' v.-.;,. lit minii'.K an;l r.;d':cin;" â- â- :.; i 'er.'-i'.-c. â- i;; :;iNi.. ae 'la.'itio 1 o; ti:iii)ci\ng ij' iitaiit, batri'jht here, .:it be rouiui all the â- li.avy mining and fuel i:i I liauliagaloae. Tiiis t 1 â- ,'nani'..i to in;n2rs, aad • â- ^ lolls -wlueli sup^rin- I t I their lisc ot e.xpeiues i;. W'iiea it is taken ,e va^t amount of timber ;U and at the reduction '.. i-.t -SI 0,000 per year is â- :i: itcs that can be placed -•, .a.j the Sted'-rieldfa a i:i company will use t wood per daj' "This ' required to run the ;;r.; I i::i- hoisting, .crush- it;. Ti'.ij coit of hiul- â- â- p 11 of tlie coniprny's 'T.^'ine room, etc., there ji'y upon the compaEV s â- â- - ir ma:iy years. M-KV .WH HAULIM.. ' xpcn-ive bills attaciu-d ' i:i;t of pumpiiiij: iiia- i- there constant dread ' 'ill of tlij superintcn- X.' " 'â- â- :v..t:'.rin the leveis or /â- â- 't ur.: s'eatn muft always "'J a pva:p. r-au night and day, '--' ei p unp^ with'a largo capa- â- 'â- â- -: a: a-: f .â- u.i-.:d, r.coc-sitating ^-' ia"...iy lor fuel ami â- " ti.e Comstock lower â- ' iiinense value and " tae purpose proved of 'â- and could not prevent " tl-.e lower levels, with -J â- '1st Miincr^i wcaltb. In the â- «sth ""' '"" ""â- '" fou::dthat£0 "â- •^Ci paci;, the sluices for COU' -I'.e .^•Utevi -:caa.tut --: lu -•: i-'-^'f"'"'" the main shaft of N'jj,f-^ ""-^ to be construoted .on -,.. .Mtmiy be pumped agaia: iato ^â- -^useni tj;c boiler an i milling .-â- -i:V,4'^J^"^-:, "ji such immense sums â- 'â- â- "' t;;,"'!^' ""' -^ long wiy towards • â- â- .: 'y-S-Oi :nining aarV increasing .,;i| ',â- â- â- - ^I'rection of the Stedefeldt's â- -:â- .."',/ "' ^^"nost efficient money ,."^ji' j'^nd, for i-jstead of ship- â- â- â- â- ui- 'â- '^â- atef' to along dis- -ti. its tre tnient upon the the toastmaster to of the three present the "The three lainc thou dost forgive, they are toreivcn, wh'isc sin^ thou dost retain, they are n ed." aad ain- Modern lemptations. J country has been more prolfl k; than In tri- niue- enough for tiiis in devices for making life pleasaat. spite, however, of the universal song of umph over the material progress of th teenth century, tliere is reason enoUL interjecting a quiet query whether this ad- vance in the arc of making life comfcrtible is an unmixed gain. Eve;-y new experience of a material good not before attained, creates a new want: and so far makes one le^s willing to stand in hU own strength. \Vlen it becomes a frequent thing for inen ard women to destroy their own hves when reverses come, rather than face the tedium of a life in which wonted comforts and pleas- sures would be wanting it is time to inquire whether the hard discipline of a bare struggle for existence would not be preferable, from a moral standpoint, to the ea.sy training which leaves its subject in a state of heip- derendence upon '^n-.olern conven- Ko no! We have invented the ' and the electric light; our plied with district-mcsscEge- nd our less iences. steam-engine houses are su calls and telephones, an! our tabl^^ wdth chicken croquettes and terrapin; but our modern inventions have not yet enabled us aelt-reliant men by m^- to turn on^ manly, =«-..-â€"â€"- ^„„r«-bpre cninery and they never wilL Indeed ^^ere hieh purpoae ml u o-al canviction are lac^ ^f eaohnewly discovered comfort or plea nf; has a direct weakening and corrnpt^g influence:aud so it oftei happens that in tl.e ITouses of t le rich, amid aH the appliances cf Sfzatk." which -wealth can commima. Shere is to be found discontent, ^ea"^^?^^; andScspaic^iia ^-»"3, *^„^£eS srems iarder one may fini ^n^^*«'J^ir'„" na'"nce^nl faitlu •' Behold we count them EappPhicheadure." No advanoa of ization will ever change the trutb.Jk; The real upbuilding of ^h'^^'^*?^' ""^^ than better than peace, and work^tter t^ ease It has been said that many am eaves half his soul in his easy chau- vUen ,t comes to the question ^^ t^^'^*' ";,°4a„ ready to give up our efy- chair rathe, the hall of our soul.â€"b. S. Umc,. f^mTh f°t*"^^u*"°^°f *«t«al savins en^.;„ ".^ggouB, harness, feed S eQga«ing of drivers, in fact effect an Jsti This alrne m connection with pnmping^wU be a saving large enough to pay a eood dividend upon the stock lold. PZasOMAI. PAAGRAPHS. H.^^^u* ^^^}"' husband of the Duke of {rnTl^"" "" T-^r (^^« ^^ divorcer f^T. l^'"c°v.':^ ?^ Monaco), has become by the death of his father and uncle about the greatest landlord in Austro Hungary. For the purpose of studyin!; commercial and manufacturing systems, with the idea of introducing them into China, a high offi. cial of the Celestial Empire, Ton Kin Sin 13 making a tour of Europe, and will visit America in July. With the consent of the widow of the late Richard Wagner and the sanction of the King of Bavaria, twelve performances cf " Parsifal" will be given at Bayreuth be- tween .July S and 30 next. Several arUstj from Munich will take pirtin the perfor- mance. Dr. Schliemann has lately returned tc Athens, from a visit to Thermopyla;, where he hoped he might find the site of Polyan- drion. This, however, he -was unable to do. He is at present at work on the Ger- man edition of his new volume on the dis- coveries he made last year at Hissarlik. Miai Chamberlain has a rival at Cannes in the person of Miss Crabbc, daughter of the lady who, as Miss Herbeit, was one of the most admired of London a tresses. She and Montague frequently plaved together at the St. James's Theatre in Lmdon. A more thoroughly ladylike woman never trod the stage. The King of Siam, havin.' read IVic Land of the White Elephant, has appointed Mr. Frank Vincent, Jun., a Knight of the Royal Order of Buspa Mala, the medal of which, of dark yellow gold elaborately eugraved, is one of the four Siamese decorations which the King himself wears at ceremonies of state. Q locn Victoria and the rriucess of Wales have resolved to improve the tone and man- ners of London aristocratic society. They are alarmed at the encroachments of Ameri- can vulgarity and French refinement, and will attempt to repress both. This is on the authority of the Rev. Robert Laird Col- lier, who is now in London. At a recent dinner at the Mansion lljusa, in Loixlon, three foreign Consuls were present, whom the Lord Mayor wisii- ed to honor by drinking their healths. He accordingly direited announce the health Uonsuh. He, however, mistakini. \vords. gave out the following Lord Mayor drinks the liealth of the per cent, consols." Among other strange coinci 'ences is the part played by the number 13 in the life of the late 11 chard ^^'agncr. In the fir-it place, 13 is the number of letters comprising his name in the year 1813 he was born, on the 13th of March, 1861, his great work, '-Tann- hauacr," failed to arouse any appreciation in Paris, it was on the l.'ith of February that he breathed his last and he died after L'Syear.i of mar.ied life. Caen Wood Towers, wliich the ex-Khedive is to make hi.-i home, sold to him for four hundred and fifty thousand dollars bv a person Mho p9id two hundred thousand for it, was embellished by Mr. Edward Brooke, the formci- owner. Some of the doors are of ebony inlaid with ivory, the staircase windows are painted with sc3nes from Ten- nyson, and some of the rooms are hung with 5-tamped Cordova leather. A miniature farm and dairy are on the g^^£^^-^^ Tlie Rt V. Ceo. W. Hinkle is displeasing many of the Episcopalians of Cleveland by hearing confessions and granting absolutions. He defends this practice on the ground that it is " not at all contrary to the teach- ings of the Church, but is distinctly im- phed by passages in the Prayer Book. ' He reminds his cities that wlien he was or- dained the Bishop said " Whose sms NEWS IJr;AinrTSHELL FIVE MINUTES' SBUCCT BXADIKG. Snnmiary irf Foreisn. Oomsstlc and War Items-Cdnclse. Pithy and Pointed. DOMESTIC. Mr. George Brush the well-known Mon- ti eal foundry man is dead. Winnipeg ha^ I'iO licensed liquor houses, cr cne for every 200 of the population. The Quebec Legi.slatuie will not prorogue till the end of next week. A meeting of fruit and vegetable canners and packers has been held at Hamilton, A commit;ee of citizens at Montreal have recommended the contestation of Mayor Beaudry's seat. Mr. Lamothe, a well-known Monti eal notary recently fell down suddenly and ex- pired immediately. The case of the Bank of Montreal against 1. H. Hodgson, bids fair to be a most com- pHcated afifaii. Hon. P. G. Ryan, Cliief Commissioner of the board of ^Vork3 was elected by accla- mation in Gloucester countj' An old man named Thomas Study, for- merly lighthou e keeper at Knap's Point died in gaol of old age. The young man Cook so badly wounded in the massaacre of his family by the immi- grant Mann some time ago, is believed to be much worse. Mrs. \Vm. Kea, of Kingston, and Xel- lio M. Shaw, of New Bradford, both pretty and attractive, are being looked for in Mon- treal by the police. Jas. McCuley fell off the cars of the Que- bec train, Xorth Shore Railway, and is in a precarious condition in the hospital. Mr. Lawson has entered a civil suit for ?o,000 damages against the collector of the customs at Montreal for refusing to give up two infidel works of 'oltaire and Paine imported by plaintiff, C.NITED Sr.VTES. At Calais, Maine, Herbert Eit^n, a well- known citizen, suddenly drew a pistol and shot his brother Joseph and Samuei KeTly. The steamer City Point is still ashore at Permaquida harbor. Dukes, popularly accused 'of seduction and murder, came to 'H^rrisbu;a^, and it is said no hotel would ke^p him. There is intense excitement tlironghcut New Vork over the milk war. The private banking firm of R. E. II. Hedges, of New Brighton, I'a., has sus- pended. There is cjood authority for the statement that Folger will resign before the 1st of July. The superintendent of the Youngstown Coke Company, Uiiiontown, Pa., was shot and killed by .Tolin Kank, a iloliy Maguire. Eleven fire iusuiance companies are can- celling the risks t.hey hold on property at Red Bank, N. Y. Salmi Morse has contracted to produce the Passion Play a hundred tim2s it Louis- ville, commencing August Ist. The signed uoes will A bov with .1 top tried to fpin it, But his han.t got a thorn right in it The sport didn't. «poil. For St. Jacoh'c Oil. Cured his hurt in less than a minit. A red haired clerk in Savannah, Slipped on a piece of banrna. Great pain he endured. But St. Jacobs Oil cured, lie now goes dancing with Hannah. K i schooner rounded to at some distance in its wharf at Bath, Me., the other nay. and while thelcokcrs-on were waitingfor a boat to be lowered and rowed ashore with a hawser, according to the na^ ^ff^l^J things, they saw A«ie*h«gtety Afferent. A dog sprang from the schooner into the Hver, swam to the wharf with the end of a Hue in his mouth, and when the hawser to which the line was attafehed had been liaul- ed in and made fast, swam back to the schooner, seized a rope that was flungto him and was drawn on board. Nashville, Tenn., has the State debt at the dollar with 3 per cent Governor of a bill to pay rate of oCc. on the interest. In the Cleveland Bessimer steel works, several tons of melted metal overturned and striking the damp sand exploded, fatally burning Patrick Foley and another work- man. In the action against the telegraph com- panies at New York, the jury gave a ver- dict of six cents for the people, the effect of which i*that tlie company must remove the poles. IIKNKR.^I.. George .ic-iei, Master of the Polls, is dead. An eruption oi Mount Etna has occurred, accompanied by au earthipaake. General Macco, the Caban refugee, con- tinues to complain of the severity of his con- finement. There have been frightful thunderstorms with gales and bail in Queensland. The crops have been destroyed. All the Socialists on trial at Vieiiua have been acquitted of high treason. The Right Hen. A. J. Mundello, member of Parliament for Slitfiisld, is seriously in- disposed. Four thouiands Ashantees hare renounced alHegicucc to the King and demand the es- tablishing cf a British protectorate. A letter stating that it; is the intention of the Invinoiblcs to dynamite Parliament after K,i;tc:-, has rtecivcd by an English M. P. The /Ve')/! "'.s Journal that Pained and Sexton Philadelphia Convention. The police possess a clue to the explosion in the olHcc of the Local iovernment Board. The Court of Cassation at Brussels has refused to grant a new trial m the ca^e ot Leond and Armand Peltzer, convictdd as the 'iiurdercrs of the Bernays. not believe attend the PROFESSIONAL. MR.B'OIISTEII, Krtl'IST.HAS RETURNED from Europe and opened a Studio, 81 King-3t. E.tst Portrait.^ in oil life size. R MISCELLANEOUS. i:B:tKS ST.4.WP.*.â€" ADDRESS K. II. COX I Kin; ' Knst. Toronto. Ai^ents wanted PAbnC ValentineandEaster;in51,$2. $t, UHIIUO. $r or $10 lots, ny post pre-paid. H. J. MATTHEWS tBRO.S^ Toront o TTWR SALE OR TO LET-RLACKSMITU ]C shop and house, garden anc orchard, good business stand. FofffiHther particulars apnly to R. HOWELU Kimberlcy \\ O. Eu- phrasia Tp. Ont. FOR 'SALE â€" r.\ ACRES CLASS"' OjSE Land Oak itivcr District, Manitoba, $3 per acre; 81.000 ca;h, balance on time. Splen- did chance for intending settlers. Apply to ROBEItT W ATSUN' O rillia. AT A BARUAIN-STOCK AND GIIAIN Farm, near Fergus, county V\ ellinffton, 1C5 acres; 100 clear; 30 new land; good clay loam: prood water and pasture. Address. G. F. PL AT T Fergus P. O. OC PER,DA\ can be made nv a'jents. male 3)3 or female. C._\V. DEN'XIS. Toronto. CIIRIS.SIIEHI'.VIID. Manufrof Masonic an other Sosiety JcwcU, 154 King I'^-Tpronto 1I|11T/*IJC0 Send for fre^ illustrated cata If M I unco. lo;?uetoRYRlE, theJowcler 13 ^J^nj;.' Street. Toronto. ^^^ ' WIN DOW GUARDS, wTltE CLO I'H wire; and Wire Goods at the Toronto Wire Works UG K ing St. West. T. G. RIC K. "IPlrtft Paoeni evelet. smooth surface luli\ heavy and verv tou-rh. S-^nd fn IrlUUi newpricelist. J.G. WOODLAND CO.. Printers Toronto. ROOFIX; MA.TKKIALS. C.\RFn-:T AND Buildihgr I'anors. wholesole and retail, at low price, at HODGE W1LLIA3IS, 4 Adel- aide, St., East, Toronto. AUTOPHONES, Sa50. INCLUDING FOUR tunes. T. CLAXTON, do.iler in Musical nstrument^. Piam Music. Band Music, c. at alo.;ue5 free. 197 Yonsfc St.. Toronto. ra-| £\(\ FOR a" WORKING MODEL »!l)J_«"" stea'n Enarine. with lamp complete. C. POTTER. 31 King-st.. East. Toronto. ^TOCK OF GOODS WANTED IN EX- k^ CHANGE for large good farm, having vil- lage and Railway station on It, or would sell cheap. Apply Box 1. Dundalk, Ont. ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLEGE. TO- RONTO. Students can enter from Octo- ber until January. PROF. SMITH, V. S., Edin. Principal. Fees, fifty dollnrs. C4XAIliX MIy'Tl'AL AID A«»K;i4TinX Co-operative Life As=nrance. Provide for families in case of death. W. Pemherton Page, Sec, 87 King St. West, Toronto. Agents wanted. FXltMinVTA NDXANlTb W NERS^v= t ing to s»Jl their properties can secir n- niediate sale bv sendiner full particulu lo BUTLER LAKE, «! King Street, East, To ronto^_ PKTCR' TfCKETS, SHIW CARDS, WIN DOW SH.IDE.S. Newest designs. Send for price list. F. Williams;! King E., To ronto RS. WOOn'sTcoyTOAKVfLLE-MANU' • FACTURERS of Outside and Inside Blinds, Sash. Door^. and Mouldings. Send for prices, OakviUe, Ont. VESSELS F0'r""SALE'1)R^ ETaRTER schooners Craflsmnn, Felloiocraft, Ucr- culca, and Erie Wave; aU A. vessels and in Kood condition. Apply to W. Y' EMERY.Port Bnrwell, Ont. FARM FOR SALE -BEING LOT 106 Gwillimbury, adjoining town ot Holland Landing 212 acres. Northern R. R. Station sit- uated on corner of this Lot, the land is high rolling clay loam Brick house frame Bank Bam. J. W. G WHITNEY, Estate Agent- 25 Toronto-st. Toronto. 'f^ ENERA L" liCslNESS FUlt S.vLe IN "X western manufactiirinic town, doing 825,000 per an., sto^k about S'J.O.IO. favorable price and terms. MACKINTOSH PETERS Toronto. TWO R'uS WATkHPOWER GRISr MILL for sale in Ontario Co., with 8 acres good land and dwelling. Price ?1,150, easy terms. MACKINTOSH PETERS, Toronto. FOR SALE â€" DOUBLE-HEADED EGYP- TIAN oats, imported from Egypt; wei^h ISlbs. per bUThcl yield 100 bu«bcls per acre; circulars free, samples 20c. JAMES BOYD, Jr., Belford Ont. FARM FOR SALE-indCON. PlCKviRlNG township, one mile north Pickering village, six miles west of Whitby; 67i acres; best of soil; 2 hous^; good outbuildings iirst-class young orcharn. Further particu'.ari apply to ISAAC HOAG, on premises, or JOS. J, MOORE, Nor- wich, Ont. THOSE WISHING TO DISPOSE OF OR purchase a business ef any description in the city or elsewhere should call or send parti- culars to C. J. PALIN, 53 and 55 King-street East,.Toronto. Business Agent and Valuer. «» l^fcWCOHmE PIAIir«FeKTBS Altl fm j^ endorsed by the most eminent f musicians for superiority of tone and act ion. Illustrated cataloaues mailed on appli- cation. OCTAVIUS NEWCOMBE CO., aomer of Cuurcli Richmond Streets, Toronto. A. varlity of aeoonA hand Pianos bj Cfaiokering, Stodart, and other makers at close prices. sg:25"por 9; gts. Any person sending mc 39 cents and the ad- dresses of n acquaintances will receive by re- turn mail ^ds (not re-^ip^; that net »C 25 Tnis is an honest olfer to introduce staple goods If von want a fortune, act now. J. D. HE.VR Y P. O. Box 127. Buffalo. N.Y' Use " TukMOSX " «nd you will find Your Teekh become u pearls Twill fragrant make the Breath of all. Boys, women, men and girls. FOR THE KIDNEYS, LIVER AND URINARY QRCANS THE BEST BLOOD PURIFIER. Tlicrr i.* only one way by whirh any «lls* rase cnu be cnrrd, and tbat in by removlnic the canscâ€" wherever It •may lc. The creat medioil aathorillcs of Ibe day declare tbat nearly every disease Is caascd by dcntnged kidneys or liver. To restore these Itaererure is fheonly way by wblch brnltta c-in be ne- enrcd. Here Is where WAENEE'S 8*FE DUKE b.is nclilevcd its great reputation. It acts direrlly npoB the kidneys and liver and by placins Ihciu in a healtby condition drivett disease and iain rrom the syistoiu. For all Kidney, Uverand Crlnnry trtiultlrs for the distressing disorders or M'o|iien lor Malaria, and physical trnnblcv ueiieitil'.v. this great rcmed.r has no niiiiil. Ile^i -trr ot impostors, imitations ait3 concoitioi.^ said to be Jnst as good. For Diabetes ask for W.^liNEK'S £AFS DIABETES CUKE. For sale by all dealers. H. H. WARNER CO., Toro|it»tOnt.,Bochestcr,Br.T., I^ndon^ Eng. Near Til.soxburo, Ont.. Dec. 14, 1881. I have been ailing for years with Bil- iousness ard Dyspepsia, and was reduc- ed to a mere skeleton. Last fall I weighed only eighty-six pounds. I was induced to try Zopksa by Mr. Thomson (of the firm of C Thomson Co., drug- gists, of this place), and. many thanks to him, I am now an entirely new wo- man and weiah 124 pounds, through the use of this new compound. MRS. (^ARGLINK FORBES, Wife of Mr. R. G. Forbes. nrartO Patent evelet. smooth surface I Ali\ heavy and very touarh. .Send for I HUU. new price list. J. G. WOODLAND CO. Steam Printers, Toronto. tfC Won riilflrwORTH~OF~ FARMING OUiUUUiUUU and other praperty in On lano for sale bv the CvVNADA WEST LAND AGENC Y COMPANY, 14 Ade^aide-st. East. Toronto. Send for li st. CLERKS AND SCHOOLMAS rERS-WHT not add $5 to *15.00 per week io your salair after business hour?. Address with stamp, H. McAL tSTER. Drawer 2630. Toronto. Ont A GENTS-IN EVERY COUNTY, I.W ON tarioâ€" to sell a necessary and profitable article-send three cent stamp for particulars. Address L. B. CL EME.VS. Waterloo. YORKji FARMERS' COLONY â€" FREE tickets to purchasers of land. Choice Homesteads free. Send for map, pamphlet and guide. Cheapest tickets to all points west. J. ARMSTRONG. 1 Victoria-st., Toronto. r\Tyr^ A XT CI new-io octaves vJ nyvr/m.!^ k5 reeds. Octave Coup- ler, $85: 11 Octaves reeds. Sub-bass and Coup- ler, SIOO. Same ia fancy pipe top case, tone superb, gri.l. Organs with Bell Chimes cheap. Write for particulars.Dox 600, Georgcfown.Ont. IRobbins Bros., Arbitrators: Public Accountants, Trustees, c., :;,â- Wellington street East, Toronto. riV.4\ri.H, XEtiOTB VTIOXS. includfng the formation of companiesâ€" proeuriir.;; iurtncr«i and capitalâ€" the purchasa and: s ile of buHi- nesses, debentures, S:c. IVIUNtT LUHllCU other nropertios al the lowest ralej of intcr^'sr. No cxorbitinit charges. If you want alo.ia or'apar^nsr, ordosirc a business 09u;h~. or disposed or, write tA ns. S eTdS It Will pay i)urehasers of seeds to send for my descriptive and ni'imd annual cif.ilo}ru(» o.- a "Cultivator's Guide" for 1883, sent free on plication. Address, 14: reliable SEED HOUSE Kins Street East, Toronto mm BROTHERS. INDIA.XCLOCK! M'lth li.'e sizj .Hi;nros sliikinL' the hour.=; and quarttr.-, aiso indie iting the time on three dials, is o â- oJ the grtat a':. Tactions ol Toronto. Their ?dagniticent Watcli and Js^elrj EstaMislimeut Is without a rival in the Dominion. A visit to this E•itttb!i^hmtn will well repay any intending- purchaser wiio may favor them with a call. Inspection is invited to their immense stock ol Watclies, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks, Bronzes, Musical Boxes, Spectacles. Opera Glasses, C., C- All goods rcarktd in plain figures, warranted as represented, ard sold at the lowest possible prices for Cash, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL' KENT BROS., 168 YONGS STREET TORONTO. ar .«ICN CF THE IXDLIN CI.OCJv iEJ P.S.â€" Scud for Price LLst. '1 ' i