'^vpMiniiininip^i^pRPVHippvpPiPiii pipili m »«•(" ')5 acres cleaid le-bigbt of ana ouse. e 20 acres cla vantageouslTSU-J iod. on the '"" villages of Flesj J line of the T. nd a half miles I x\ a half JuAci places afforJi loll Brown \[y. Doll is leaving Mark- mto the Wholesale to S" -iirrv Business in Toronto, j :-,shing to leave Mark- noi ^- ' Ite I'J he has entered „^, Wtrurship -i^ith Mr. W. ^f"RO n'-V, late of Flcsherton, '^•' ,v ,7 '-rartical watchmaker "'^l-jcikr "J over 15 years ex- \J,..rr and co:ncs n'ilh the best l"-ci;;i::u'r.da'ionsfroin some of uatdiuiakcrs in Uie on. vii li'ill carry Markdale. on tht BenS^f ' •-« •» for«aleat fieynolda S^ • ^^^ the Medical HalL-A. TuKKiftT cJ A fresh an-ival of Candies, Oranges '^Dd Oysters at Montaomery-H bakei^ Mary had a little watch, W the watchU wonlinotgo. Mary shonld have got a watch _^ Mr. F. S.vrjeaut lias kept on band a large supply of good fresh meat this winter. Several vUln^es have boca overwhelmed by avalanches of snow from Mount Ararat. One hundred and fifty per..ons have been buried alive. Don't fail to get some of the har- ',7 AU:. :,rk i';iinistcd to hi?n ivill •:i a ijjvkinanlike man- Froat Famo 8qu.â€" Mr. Andrew KodweH* Bwr HaUbttiB, in Erin, has boM his term to Mr. Bobert Kodwea^ Jr.. foi »3300,ai»d pnnhM- ed MM in Arteme«ia, near Maifcdftie, for tS,- 500.â€" Orangeville Advertuer. Ths next GovKaNoa-GMiMAi^--It is cur- rently reported at OtUwa that Bi^t Hon. W. E. Forster, late Chief Secretary for Ire- Und, is io be the new Governor-General, in succession to his ExceUency the Marquis of Lome. Tile worst freshets eyer known in Nova Scotia have just occurred in. that pravince, involving the destruction of an immense quantity of property. The lowlands in many districts are submerged, and bridges and rail- way tracks have been swept away. So lar. â- rk â- ill be ii! "oods sold guaranteed., ^ill be found ij-rcst; nU'd, or money refnnd- tortunately, no l^-ss of life is reported, i^ains now being disposed ot at Rev- 1 Methodist Uxiox.â€" The returns of the uolds ' Son. voting on the question of the union of the NoTTCK.â€" AU those indebted to me I **^*^°'^^* Churches so far as completed show I that 595 quarterly meetings have declared in fiivor of the union and 73 against it, while j there are ten tie votes. The analvsis of the Doll Brown's, Ti: j',.,inL'" W.it'jhmakers ct Jewellers mai:k'i'.a.lf. only. Will please call and settle the same a once before court day.â€" W. J. Ejwe. tur'IZrvfr"" "°"'r^ ^^^^^-'^^ '-g tl^e I'fferent inferences is as fol- el^ tl^" wf' ' '" "°'"' "" ' 1â€" Toronto, yeas. 207. navs 16. ties .3; lithe d '=V '""r""' to I London, yeas 205, nays 22. ties 1; Montreal supply the demand owing to the failure of yeas 107, nays 2G. ties 4; Nora Scotia, yea^ ^f 'm ,. I 30, nays 9, ties 1; New Bruus wick, yeas 43, Miss Trevaro, who is lushly recom- nays 1, tic. l;Xewfo«ndland,reas 3, nays ]. r.Vi nl- V' t'v "' 1 "l^ll^^er, takes There are stiU 100 me^.tings to hear from, charge ot Vv .J. McFarlaod s millitiery shew rooms this season. TAJLOR. Oier McFarlaiid's Storey MARiCOALE. Special attention to Cutting.^^i If you want a Perfect Fit leave yo'tr Order with A. HILiL. SentemberWth 1882, 106. tea! ana Otlier Items. .^ lU t!o i/;(Hiri.v intended to benefit ' i! ui- Siivict'i iriU he chanjed ten •..,- t!:r iii:t insertion and Jive â- ':irh ^nljieqnent in-tertion. Tit Oiiliiii M'Xlioftists recently cleared |.;Mirii ;i:i air"i! .ocial. X:. T-rV' ii.il a tumor romovcil from his Ti:( u".ie:al diizetto announcps that the l^'iiim.- I'lU li.i^ apaiu been disallowed. n.':i'r;ii:.; siiow of the Euphrasia agricul- :ji. :â- 'â- .'â- '.: will bo held at liockljTi on the ::::A!'vii. Ijc ?iirins ,-!;ow of the CoUingwoodtowi}- |^:'ja;,'iu'-iltnial society will be held ou Alay !«^^r^. Poll iSc Crown have arranged to .:•â- .; ?. 1 rauch store opposite Elliott's drug •â- :r, Cl'.ri;v.-LHl'ii. "r. Eaipl Iti-t, a valuable cow on Friday '^:l -i.o slii'i'ol .^oiiig into the stable and Ti;; I'ii;iii!k Jlertihl continues to iraproTe i;.ii.:'.VMit!;;.' (if the support of the I'eople CL:i: i".o.-)"_ru;i-- village. \;r. John On-, nf Glcnt- Ig.Jias a ewe which -li three laiubfi l;;st week. The same sheep ui I'jur last ;. ,ir and three two years a^o, '-.ik;;.g 10 laiub^ iu 22 months. Le ^TANi-AV,:. is a vainable medium for -;"ir:ii;^' l.aviu;; upwards of four thousand "â- ^iiirrs abuut '-DO families get it, with an â- â- ^."^-•0 I'i nut kss than C readers to each «?;• A-.YU'i will be given under tiie auspices 'â- "-V.L. .\. s. of the ilethodist Church, in 'â- "â- '^- Clrn'.li, town line, ou Friday (to- n-^ii ivcuniu' a'lmission locts. A crowd- •:ti3;K villa :o there appears to be an ut- U'li-ftlie provisior.s of tire insur- [loliee regulations, both pro- V of ladders to houses. At 1. j "â- fq'oiicifsu;!^ 'â- ^' Lr tlif s',v- • Lt-jvei;-,' !;i r^'»Oh. Wi.i. •^â- ;eJ. Til.' Mr. E. H. Hilboru, lecturer of the Dominion Graoge will deliver a free lecture in the Orange Hall, Markdale, at 2 o'clock p. m. April 2nd. J. 11. Trimble has purchased a fine jet black drauizht stallion, 3 yrs. old, weighs 1G40 lbs., which williuake the comhig season in this neighborhood. The only direct importer doing bus- iness in' Markdale is W. J. McFar- land. The first instalment of his il.afura .i//;-n);- was printed by I Spiiiig imports are now on the ocean. The Marriage Aid Association now numbers 1,600 and is rapidly hicreas- ing. Pays §250 to $5,000 at mar- riage. Mr. Bryden is the aseut here. 133-3G. Good Friday passed off very quietly in this village. Business jdaces were closed. Services were held in the English and. Methodist churches in the eyening. Miss Minnie Eorke and Miss Tre- varo are cow in Toronto selecting the spring styles of bonnets hats and mil- linery goods. Look out for McFar- land's grand opening. The trains on the Durham railway which hav been blocked with snow for tliree weeks, made their v\ay through on Sunday evening last, and are now again running rfiguhirly. ^filloy, the Longuo Point murderer, con- fesses the shooting of thelateMr. Nesbitt.aud says it wss from an uncoutrol'able impulse that he committed the act, as he did not go to the plice with the motive of killing his former employer, with whom he was ou the best of terins. Doll*Ss Brown, Jewellers, will be represented at Ghatsworth in then bi-anch store every Monday and Tues- day; shop with Mr. Chambers, All work carefully repaired and warrant- ed. I am making up a number of ac- counts to place in Mr. Masson's hands for collection at tlie next division court, those who wish to save further costs will require to mane an early settlement.â€" A. McIxiyke. The past winter has been very un- favorable for entertainments and so- cials, owing to the stormy weather, but they are making up for it nov, n^ less than tliree this week, two Presby- terians and one Methodist. There will be one tins Thuieday eveciug at Mrs. Murray's, Glcnelg. Yestry Meeting.â€" At the annual vestry meeting of Christ church, Markdale, held on the 2Gth inst., the following officers for the ensuing year Our HARr.ocR.â€" .\3 a first fruit of tbft re- cent deputation to Ottawa, H. A. Gray, Esq., of the Public Works Department, accompan- ied by Mr. Temple of the T. G. Sc B K., ar- rived in town on Friday night last, and on Saturday morning commenced taking sound- irg'T of the river, to ascertain definitely what is required to be done, so that an esti" rnate of the cost can be made. The deputa tion was favorably received, and there are good prospscts of the dredging being continu- ed the coming season. â€" 0. S. Times. We learn that the American hotel is about to change hands, Mr. Lesslie having taken one of the principal hotels in Napanee, and will move there in a few days. He leaves MABEDALE, Manufacturer of all Kinds (.f Drop Valve, Cylinder, Force, and Cistern Puiaps. All kinds of MABEDAXiE Meat Market. Fresh Meats oit handrBttkc LiOT^esi liiv^^ Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free to all pxarts of the Town. Farmers having fat stcck to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TEfiMS, STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJJEANT.. Markdale Mansh 23. 1882. 80-lv BEST II CHEAPEST. o Coolness of temperament ?s a virtue, but the refreshing coolnesg of the Preserved meats, FrHits, and Vegetable's, KEPT AT THE [BELFAST HOUSE, MARKDALE, beats .all the iceberg!' ever floated down the- Atlantic Ocean. IRON PUMPS SUrPLIKP. TENDERS. rpENDERS will be received by the under- I signed up to the 1st April, 1883, for the eiectiou and completion of a School House in S. S. No. 17, Euphrasia. Plans and _•., ., 1-1 â- , specification may be seen at the- residence of with the good wishes of akrgeliostof friends I Joseph Manarev-. W. i lot 18. con. Id, Euph- in town and PnnntrT TTo Ima anJA ..nt 1,,V ' • tt i t ,-v n -IT i l^ lasia, Harkaway P. 0. Building to be com- â- it was nocessaiy to go a» r.rowu's before ©ne could be 1 olice tnistees should look â- "'jwau,! lufnioo the regulation. I^'CKLKXS ARNICA SALVE. ' ^vt s:;lvi. in the world for Cuts, â- â- ;^^- Soif.i, llccrr. Salt Eheum, Fever ^^nn. (, lirtpped Hauds, Chilblains, in town and country. He has sold out his business here to Messrs. Primmer Graham, both well known in connection with the T. G. B. R., and they will take control of the American on his leaving. â€" 0. S. Times. F.^iLUP.E. â€" We are sorry to learn thf.t Mr. Thos. Swan, who for over a quarter of a cen- tuary has been doing business here, has at last succumbed to the reverses of fortune and closed his doors. The stopping of his machinery will be quite a loss to the town as a large number will be thrown out of em- ployment. When the failure was made known in town a number of local creditors visited the work? and secured their own by taking articles sufficient to square accounts. Mr. S. has the sympathy of the town with him in the time of trial, and we express the hope of many that he may yet be enabled to commence afresh the baitle of life in om- midst. He has made assignment to Mr. Allan Lamont. â€" Mimnt Forest Cnfederate. AcciDKXT. â€" Last ^tV^ednesday morning Mr. ' Craig, near Griersville, sustained a severe woun-,?! in his left foot from an axe with which he was chopping. Having on moccasins at the time the axe sank into the bone, severing an artery. He was driven into Moaford, and the wound was dressed by Dr. Clarke' The loss of blooif was very great and left Mr. Craig in a weak condition, but he was driven home that afternoon, and it is hoped the wound will rapidly heal un- der the doctor's skillful treatment. â€" Monitor. plete by the 1st August, 1883, and paid for tlie I'jth Jan., 1884. The lowestorany ten- der not necessarily accepted. JOSEPH MANARY, Sec. Treas. Euphrasia, March 9th,1883. 131-4in. PURE SEED WHEA-T. "THE i;VE STERN." MR. ANDREW NESBITT, LOT 110. 2nd range W. T. S. Road, Glenelg, 1^ miles from Mai kdale, has 200 bushels of pure 'lr^/ltenl spring seed wheat for sale. Mr. Jas. Bell, Artemcsia, near Eugenia, secured •5 bags of this wheat which he sowed last year and says it yielded him ?i30 more than the same amount of Russian or other varie- ties which he sowed on ecpially as good land. The price is SI. 25 per bushel. ANDREW NESBITT. 131-33. The Belfast House Teas and Coflees I give an exhilirating influence, not equaled in Markdale. except by Benson's WHISKIES^ BRANDIES, WINES, d'c. Those who relibh tlie " pipe of peace " will find the Tobaccos and Cigars at the Belfast House unsurpassed north of Toronto. Cht-esc, Bologna Sausage, and Biscuit in endless variety, all froiB the Ibest manufacturers, at the BeHsst- House. Ap- ph-s, (green and dried,) Spi«e», Sweetmeats, *c. Toilet and Fancy Soaps,. ERsences, Perfumes, and Family Oils, of Ihe purest quality. Floor, Potatoes, Ebrlr, Herring, (dried and salt,) kept constantly "n hand. IS'Our Bottled Gin is imported directly from the manufacturers, and our Bottled Wines are put up at the Vintage. Piikles in bottles. Mustard in cans-, umI in fact ev- erjrthing in the grocery trader A. r«cent ad- dition tomy finances will enable me to pur- chase in the head markets of Europe and America.. WILSON BENSON. Mansion House, MARKDALE, JAMES BRIEN, Peopeietob. .stakiains,' v' « â- â- itiiir, uirtpped Hauds, CiiilOiains, ° • *. i Pbnrfh Wardensâ€" I( is Kuarauieed to give perfect I,: "•action, I r money refunded. Price 25 '"'•â- ^ Kr b,'.x. 1-01- sale ' by A- T ^mftr Sf Co yt piiitor vj the AdraiieevTAtila Markdnie '^•\v las: wn.;. and appears astonished at " "'^^ of "'^usiiiess aud immense number of â- ^^ i-'oia^' Lit'ih rand thither on our streets, •"js* o[ tlu'iu i:,,t f^oing very slow either), ll^'^femirks m Lis puper that there seems to ^»'^autof Uv.- aud cvrir ia Markdale that ^.' "Ot u t .-^It-ratea in any other village. /_ "" ' "'V'i'isG he vool^Beo as greai a ^^ 'D a;,v village (or.. Qv§^, lip-yn) in this •â- -^ Kuch disorder in Flesherton, â- â- tt.T luiei. f'W fair day, evoiy thing perf «cui,._x],g social held last Friday ev«n-. I ., ' "â- 'l»o upices of the young people '^resUterian congregation, was yery 22^°*^*" Mr. Richardson's Urge and ^^ble haase was well filled; any qtuin- fanis *^^^ "" ^** ^^^^ provided for the tiiefo ** ^^^ "^^^ '°^ MwlwUleand StitT" .*^"^°'i- The crowd bei»g W Ou^^"^^"^^ room was left to iutroduc "'aaUy indut^-ed in, yet an enjoyable "P«»^t. Proceeds S20.60. "' B. Coleman and T. Elliott. iaes menâ€" A. Tarnpr and O. Walker Sec.-Tie»«.-K. P. Bigger. Synod Dele«ftte-^Wm. Lucas. Auditorsâ€" J, W. Ford aud J- Cassar. The Williams Sewing Alacliiue factory at Mootreal was destroyed by fire ou Saturday night last. Tins was the largest iactory of the kind m Lau- ada. Their machines has carried th« day in taking prizes. The loss is between two and three hundred thous- and dollars, and is mostly covered by insurance in several good companies. The origin of the fire is unknown. Mr. C. Tieadgold is.,w:ent for this m-i- chine and is making-quite a number of sales, as the macbipes are growing more popular every d*y. SOME GOOD i^VICE. Listen ye loT«r8 of theonp *Bt chwra^^ toXdi are always 8inn«» andwver teais, ifctr^sTw^e:^-^^^ Fleslierton Station. Mr. Wm. Cnlleii left with his family on. Wednesday, tiie 21st, for the Northwest. He has located near Regina, and took with him a large quaatity of stock, implements, Ac, and will no doubt do well, having gone full handed. We wish him success. Mr. E. Cook is getting up a large number of the celebrated Mandera iron harrow. It is quite amusing to read the efforts of the Advance in last week's issue, to make the public believe that Flesherton is progressing, and iu almost tne same nreath jfive the r«a- scm why she docs not pro.spor. A nood level road to tluj station is what is wanted, aud what they must haye, and theu pros- perity would be thoirs certain. Names of tliose who talk ot building, 4c., are given, aud it, is rumored that others are considering, the matter, (we have heard of th()se rumors or a number of .yoars.) Preparations are lieing made by one worthy citizen to erect a brick block. "Now. sir, we at the station be- gin to feel the nes'l of a uewgpaiw to let the world know our advant«ge» and inportance. Jf we had a man like the editor of the Ad vance, the public, (who did not know better) would be led to believe that we had a very imi)ortaut aud prosperous town. The im- posing appearance of our pubUc building, (post office) our manufacturing industries, natural scenery, tc., would be food for lengthy and interesting newspaper articles. A\'e must have a printing office. Prlceville. Feed for stock is petting scarce, and farm- ers are wishing for spriug. That air Wigg'ns histed nairy a roof. The elections are over and we are nearly all again clothed and in our right mmd. But we have a dreamv recoUection of some hinny acts that we played in during tne campaign as follows: 1st, work hard aU day in the in the woods, at the anvil, or walking the salesroom floor, go to a meetmg m the evra- ing through mud, np ajl niglit, no* w* sleepy either; 2nd. we uvpont a three-l^ged. stoot at least try to. aJ^tle toph^vy bow- eyei. weU. luft-take thft S»ar fcr it. .and hol4 forth the as»tl«maJ0jlai ^pahtie* of our oaoj- didate; 3rd, Section E«i»--bnrr^ up ato« and down stwet. mustiWake op #10 to keep ihtelectioni»aobin« rowing ^^Wh*: **^« aTiissionary coUector. can I p«|iWy rea^ th, next comer before sha atUcN ' ^^ wSr* to church the next S;«»nd»,. Vary dry g^on. an about money iw*i«*«». tem- p^ce.etc We look at.ooi, i^tch. time 1 ^Iluo wonder we were alaeny. "ternca fif- tctaiwiuutes logger than U4U»L. H. tel, and tlioroughly overhauled and lefurnished the same, I am now in a position to receive a share of public patronage. The choicest brands of liquors aud cigars kept. Good meals also good stabling. Markdale, Mar. 14th, 1883. ISlly EARS FOR I MILUON InOO CHOC'S BALSAM OF SHARK'S ' OIL pciitively Restores the Hearing, and is tbe Only Absolute Cure for Deafness known. This Oil is abstracted from peculiar species of small Wliitfi Shark, caiiglit in the Yellow Sea, known as Cakcba^odok Rondk- LETii. Every Chinese fishefma» knows it. Its virtues as a restorative ol healing were discovered by a Buddhist Prest were dis- covered about the year 1410. Its curei were sft numerous, aud many so seemingly mir- aculous, that the remedy was officially pro- claimed over the entire Empire. Ite use became so universal, that for ovei 300 years no Deafness has existed among tlie Cluuese people. Sent, charges prepaid, to any ad- dress at 11.00 per bottle. Hcai- wb»t the Deaf say It has performed a miracle in my ease. I haye no unearthly noisds in my head, and hear much better. I have been greatly benefited. My deafness helped a great deal â€" think ano- ther bottle wiU cure me. Its virtues are unquestionable and its cura- tive character absolute, as the writer can per- sonally testify, both from experience and ob- servation. Write at on«e to Hayloek and Jenney, 7 Dey Street, New York .enclosing ?l and you will receive by return a remedy that will enable you to hear like anybody el80,and whose curative effects will be peimanent. You will never regret doing so." â€" Emtok OF Mercantile R»vibw. rSTTo avoid loss in the mails, please send money by Registered Letter. Only imported by HAYLOCK JENNEY, late Hayloek Co., Sole Agents for America. 7 Det St Nbw Yoak 93-146. S50Q Reward! We will pay the above reward for any case ]ajS^xet Qpmpl^nt, Dytpepsia. Si^ Head- fUiiie, Indiiastid^n. Constipation or Costive- !bi8«i woi cannot cure with West's Vegetable tlijrer Pilla, when the directions are stricter eewplied with, fhey are purely V*geUbfc, and never fail to give satisfaction., Sui!v Caated, J.arge Boxes, containing 30 Pilla. 2^ts. For sale by all Drnggists. B«wa«p oi counterfeits and immitatioiis. Tbogaxm' iae manufactured only by JOBENv^. WEST D^ CO., "The Pill Makei»," 81 tJ* King St. Sa.st, Toronto. Ont. Fpee trial package sent by mail prepaid ou rec«i^ of a 3 e«pt «tamp. fC.iale a( Turner KC)|M^Irux ii.t%^. AM ACROSTIC. Liook out ye farmeas and threshers all And see that you t«y for Spring, Summer Kight splendid good oil. [aud Fall Don't be misled bj' statements bland. Insist upon having the very best brand, Wow good as ever, in fact it is grand. Everlasting vstiar,. without grit or sand, ITIachines run smoothly, no jarring or noiie, And engines too in its use rejoice. Carding also it suits, as you. plainly see, Meavy gristing cannot do without me. In fact all machines are blessed by i's uao, New or old it wid save from wear and abuse. Every miwi try it, we are sure it will please. Our initials, when read, will give the cue In looking for oil, the best and the true. Liong in the market, but ever new. Manufactured solely byMcCollBrof,.Co.,^ Toronto. No connection with any ntlier firm. 127-153. Health is Wealth Dr. E. C. West's ^vBRve asd Brain Teeat- siE}»T, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Diazipess, ConvulsiMis, Fits, Nervous Neu- ralgia, Hcaadachn, Nervous I*nxstration caus- ed bv the use of aleuhol or tobacco. Wake- fulness, Mental Depressiiin^ Softening of the Brain, resulting in Insanity and leading to misery, decay aad death^Premature Old Age, Barr eunebS, Loss of I*ower in either sex, Involuntarj- losses and Spermatorrhua, caused by over-exturtion of the brain, self abuse or overiudulKence. One box will cu e recent case^. Each box contains one mouth's treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for fiye iiollars sent by mail pre- paid on receipt of price. We guarantee sis boxes to cure any ease. With each order re- ceived by u.s for six boxes, flccompanied with fiye doiiars, we will send the puicliasei a written guarantee to refund the mu-iey if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar- antees issued only by A. Turner C.)., s !e authorized Agent for Markdale Ont. .loha C. West A'Co. sole proprietor.Toronto.Ont. D. McArthur Has opened a new VIVI (ftnfectioner Store In Dniilop's blocK m M 'if fiv. f- 1 V li :|? i. Ill -^ .T