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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 Mar 1883, p. 4

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 â-  f ;»•'• V 4^ u^ N'EW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice â€" A. Mclatyre. ^Va^u^^gâ€" W. i. Howe, 'ieaâ€" Trimble Wright. Seedsâ€" H. Parker. Durham. Milhueryâ€" W, J. McFarland. Farm for Saleâ€" Stan d.vkd office. Absti-act Statementâ€" Holland Tj: i has «ccarr«d in the Territories, in wlud. the daily papen. ha« grown from 43 to C3 and the wLkiies from IC9 to 243-Dekota The num- the tigRCst area of activity ,. .^ ber of monthhes tbrouKhout the Lmted meaford B«ad. At tke annual Sabbath School anniyersary held in the Wesleyan Church. tb» am.nnt realized was §31.35. Some lively times haye been transpiring allies tUrOUK"""' " ouiuc » J Qrmn r»f from 97r. to 1.034. while the j^ ,o^n,tion with the day school Someo daUies leapea from 992 to 1.062. Eeferring ,^, ,^,3 having been guilty '^[^^^I'^l^^^^^ to the joiimalistic growth, it is iuteiestmg I ^„^a_ if looked after, give them a berth m to note that the newly-settled regions of our j ^^^ keeping w T r Hrvlpn '• Canadian North-West are productive of news- Mairiago Associationâ€" B. C. "J^'^.°' r^"""' ,, ,_t f^^ the number doubled during the year. The Standarxl. MAKKDALE, MARCH, 29th 1883 â€" â-  â€" Personals. Seeds, Seeds. Our annual importations of Field and Garden Seeds We are pleased to sec Mr. William Bruce. i of Lily Oak, OHt again after hi rocent illness. ' He is "again on dutv teaching school in Sbep- ardson"s neighborhood. Mr. Bailey is mooviug to Berkeley today. It bc:c4iies our painful duty this week to ^^^ ^^^^.^ ^^^.^ j^^^ returned from visiting the death J.f Robert Cunuiugham. ^^.^ ^^.^^^^ .^ Bramptou and vicinity. midst for several vcars, j x, • 1 Z I â-  torp" until ^Villie Davis has been liome this week Mr. Bre^vn s store uucu ' DEATH OF liOBT. CUNMKGHaM. fr-.'ling rt^ cliruucle â- .r::o hn- been in our ueiiig sal'i-man iu l^-t fall, and the pas- six months in the em- ,.:.vmeut of Trimble A Wright. He ^vas m M /rkd.-.'.o ou Tburs.lay. the 15rh. and not xv,.ll went to Toronto, where bis siJt. Hi illness became more and .rmrtoms of b^ain fever were fn-hlent, Nvhich made rapid progress and le- invedbuu of hii reason or. Sunday, the IStb, ,n whidi state lie contii;UH,l until Friday the •-?r.I,wbindenth ended bissutT^rings. Kobert •«,us -2.4 vcars of a-o, was healtby, and bid [,rr L..Cig life up to l:si than two weeks ,i.s doatli. He had tlie good will and resiKct of all who .new him. being and aniiabit.- ai-poition. and jruaent, was, in faet, a He was a member of We refer our readers tc the adver- tisement of Mr. Parker of Durham for field and garden seeds. VK-TKh AtciDENT.-Edward Quin'an. aged about 20 vears, son of Mr. John Qnudan of the Gtli c^n. Glenelg, was killed yesteaday I7 I a falhijg limb while chopping. j A communication from "Observer- is un- j avoid..bly left over until next week. FBOMTHE AKICON C0MME11CIAL,0HI0, OF NOV. 25th, 1882. j Headers of the Commereial can not well forget that a large sj-ace has for years oeeii j taken up bv Kendall's advertisements-cs- • 'â-  Me have lea-Uug seeds. THOS. EariesS markdale KVERYTHIXG jv OlTji KEPT ON- IIAXD ok"';^^' Or« mail will I cc-oivc care- ful and psompt attention. (SEEDSMAN DURHAM. XI. TO OBDl'Il ox NOTICK. m SHO March 27th, 1833. 133 ;r i.i-.luie billies ;,f all obliging; ^•iiitb-nianly dL-!.(jri model vdung luau. tin- I'resbvterian Cluir.-h in this place, was 1.;-,, It ui.ii.brr .f the l.oynl Markdale Lodge ,,f ihr Canadian Order .f J.UMellows. The sndd.;n and .ad news of bis death was a siir- aijxl '.iills ill aceents iiioK forcible spending the Easter hohdays. -He is naak ug good iM:ogres3 at the High School, Owen Sound. Dr. Sproule, M.P., was home a few days at Easter and returned to Ottawa ou Tuesday i is last. Mrs. Powes spent Uie Easter holi- days with her frioLds iu Miltju and Georgetowu. Rev. D. Perry, of "Walters" Falls, gave us a call iii Monday. Mrs. J. F. Sproule leaves Markdale on 'Monday next, for "Winnipeg. Mr. A. Chellew, cabinet malcer of CulliugwooJ, -was in tov.n yesterday. :\Irs. A. ?klclntyre will leave early peciallv of a certain Spavin Cure. To all who arc snilering from the errors and indiscretions ot youth, ner ons weak- ness, oarlv decay, loss of manboou, .^-c I that will cure you, I'ltEb ;at Bemeily was dis- wiU send a receipe ' I OF CHABGE. This groa had dealings with Dr. Kenaall i ^^'^i' cov^.r^dhyn mh^ion^iy m South America. vears. and we know of some large business j ^^^^^ t-elf-address( d envelope to houses in cities near by, who have also dealt, j^^^^.^^jj Inman, i:taiian 1), ^|'w with him for many years, and the trutn is j ^,.^^^ fullv and faithfully proven, not only that he 1 " ood honest man, and that his celebrated Spavin cure is not enly all that it is recom- j mended to be, but that the Engligh language is not capable of recommending it too highly. Kendair* Spavin Cure will cure spavins. There arc hundreds of cases in which that has been proven to our certain knowledge, but. 1!ev. York Farm for Sale. TO sell or rent, Lot S 1 2 IJ, con. 9, Eujibrasia, S miles from Markdale and 3 from Bocklyn. containing 100 acres, 70 acres cleared and in good state erf cultivation, tit to run reaper au' mower, and balance after all, if any person confines the useful- ],.-^,.j^y„o(l bush willi .suilicient cedar for fcii LIVERY 1-"" 1 e r 1 1 ' 1 • t mlst7, STEAM mi% Is now giving Gener; Satisfaction. Chopping done eva Working day, â€" 0-- CAN r!AVE YOUR GHISJ: THE SAME Da j'j..x; k" a II. 1 1 ml'.. V, cud.-, •â- Ti- ye also ru.iJy SOCIAL. next week to visit her parents in W'iu- nipeg. Mr. G. S. Prown, who lias boon ill i for some time is, we are pleased to Utato, recovering. i Mcaford last â- week ' W'e arc veiw pleased to be able to 1 g^ sav that Mrs. D. E. Wiiglit is fast re- ' ....„ of bis celebrated medicine to curing spavins alone, they make a big mistake. It is the best medicine known as an outwanl application foi rheumatism in the family. It is good for pains and aches, swellings and lanTeness, and is just as safely applied to men woman and children as it Ls. to horses. We know that thereare other good liniments, but we do believe t\;s spaviu CHre to be far better than anv cvec invented 133-30. BiRTHS. IR -:-e)C'il heltl il Mr. Mclntyre";^ on Tudsdr.j evening, on the occas-xm of Mrs. Mclntvre leaving for the iorth- West was well attended and u vel-y ])leasai!t time spout. The various iiinusoincuts were entered into with a 'will and enjovcd immensoly. A very pieasi:^;; circumstance of the evening was a p'l-e.sentation to Mr. W. A. Mc- l)ou'a!l, ho having deculed to leave (HU- midst. He has made many warm friend.^ daviug his slay of nearly lour years amongst us, and has contributed erfullv and with rare acceptance ic, at covering, last week, He went home to Walket.â€" In Flesb-ertou, on Tuesday, 20th I inst., the Wife of Mr. Geo. H. Walkey, of on. TOVEL.â€" In Mount Forest, March 18th, the wife of H. C. Stoyel, of the Confederate, of a son. cing y\'cll wat(u-(!d with nev'ji- failing spring I oiilvlO rods from barn; liasa yo,mg orcbard, jf\|JHE HIGH COURT OF i'li^ll house, barn and stable. There is a new! ' JU^I steam saw mill m next farm to it. Clear JpTTATVTr'PPV PiT-^/Tctn deed can be given. For particialai-s apply ou i XT. /^ IN V^i^ r;. X U i V IblQ the premises to SAMUEL A^TiKiHT, K^sklvu P. O. fc MAEKDALE MAPKETb. riisrAN' vs. 5JLUR. her life being despaired of Fall "Wheat, iO.'.yi to i?n.93: Spring ?0.00 to SO tiS; Barley, oyc; Teas, 72; Oats, 42c Butter, l!c; Eggs, lot; Potatoes, 40c; Hay, â- ^Pi Oij Pork, 7.'=n to 7.7'-; Flour, S-1.7o to 55 00; (Jrass Seed, g2.00to $2.10 FLESHEPTUN MAPKETh. t X -Tajiks Masux, l-;.. ^l;.-;, preme Co nt at Owin S ';ii' •.: iVi-tioii and bt-rtriiig d.itr {]:â- â-  'iJ:: tfcuiber, IS.S'i, iiuil j^ur uini: t,i MARRIAGES- Osprey. The quantity of snow here is as great now as at any time dining the winter, being about lour feet, in the bush and drifted 111 many places to a depth of 10 and Iu feet. A number of farmers are disposing of their stock and farm implements by Fleminoâ€" Ceittenden. â€" At the Commercial PisnER â€" Mensey. â€" Xt the residence of .John McKinncn, Mclutyre, on the 21st inst., by Rev. .John Chisholin.B. A., Mr. W. Fisher. Artemesia, to Miss Mary Menscy, Maxwell. Mc.AnTHXiiâ€" McLean. â€" .At the Presbyterian church, Mclntyrc, on the 20th inst., by the Rev. J. Chishohn, Mr. Dutacan McAr- thur. to Miss Christie McLean, both of Mclntvre. F.all Wlieat, ?0.0() to 0.'J3; Spiiug, SO.'.bi to ^0.97; Barley, o7c; Peas. (i'Jc; Oats, 41c Butter, ISc; Eggs, loc; rotatoes,40 c; Hay, $12.00; Pork, 5j7.4r) to ?7.C0, ' or of goiii sellin.i: to auction, and either rentm their farms with the view Manitoba. Trade m the different business cen ciiee bv wav of recitations, s-nigs n „ the numerous entertamnu^nts ot the ties in the township lia., been Vci-y dull various denominations. The present 1 all winter. The business transacted eimsisted of a beautihil gold watch â-  by the four stores iu Maxwel rlriiri ' worth !?"i.")) and a golJ pen easily be done by any one of them older., with the following address Hotel, Priceville, on the l.jth inst., by the Rev. D. McLeod. Mr. James Flemhig, of the N(Uth west Territory, to Miss Katie Crittenden, of Egremout. TORONTO MARKETS. Fall Wheat, ?.0.97 to 30.98; Spring, SI. Of) to S'1.08; Barlov, ;j.3 to 7.'c; Oats, 45c to 50c Peas, 70c to 78c; Hogs, $8.00 to $8.25; Pota- toes, per bag, 70c to 75c; Butter, dairy, i.7c to 20c; e;['s. 20c to 21c. rections (,f the saiil Mi.-i day of Maicb, IS^:',. lb the approbation ot tin- -,t S. Vali.l;i-eii ' Wi-.i BY PUBLIC AUCTII AT THE MAPKD.M.EHOIvlI generally known a- liu;!. iLv's lie:.' VILLAGE OF .TlARwKiL On Thursday, 5//2 18S idX ci T. C. I -- DIED- could i ^^'"I'-nr. â€" In Markdale, on tlie 23rd inst.^In- ' fant child of Mr. D.E. Wright, (Merchant). iiouier,. wit ;â- ,, Mr. If'" Ji- McDiiiiiiall. Pfvv S?ii.â€" a feiv of .vouv very numerous lis' of friends having jearned with regret tliat V, u wrVH ab.jut to ivniovf from our village. :.fter a rrsi,Wiiee oC nearly four years, and duriii" which tiino you have on so many oc .â- â- .«ions .-.mtiibuted .so matcraUy to the snc- eess of the i-iimerous futertainments givtii 'u our villngi, as well as in the surroundniL' TiioMPsox. â€" In Artenaesia, on the SOth inst., Mrs. Thompson wife of Mr. Thomp- son, aged 70 years. eonntrv, m your efforts (m been endo\TeiU to A rentleman by the name of Mr. Ciabb has opened out a general store in W'areham which will lake away some of the trade from Maxwell, School Ex.uiination. â€" The Easter examination, conducted at Fc\;ersham on Thursday, 22nd inst., was the most â-  "'"'^^^^ " '^- "^^ ^- ^*"" Artemesia. one mile succe:sful and satisfactory ever held in that place. The scUool room was tilled to its utmost capacity by the children of the section, whose average B. RAILWAY. TIME TABLE. dia.iij2:e ± Tiine. On and after Monday, Nov. 20th, 1882, trains will run as follows _â-  Farm for Sale. A VERY noropcrty being 100 m\_ acres; Lots 111 and 112, Ist Range attendance has been between GO and 70 during the winter. The children were examined by their teacher, Miss McKinnoii, and did credit to lier and in whicli they answered the (piestions. After the examination prizi s to the number of 90 were distributed, after which the school was closed. Duiiinni. W'e spent a few hours in Durham on Tuesday last.andnot haviug visited the ue of th fts with wlneh vou have nlea-^e and interest the various auai.nt-es be- fore whom you have appeared m recitation mid in siiiig. Ycur .â- i-nial temper and social qualities liav.. nuule fer you many warm and true irieiids. whom. Ibougb not with us to-niglit in giving peroual BXpressions of regret at 1 .^jj^-| ^ijg,Qgpjygg ]jy the prompt manner ^0TUâ-  removal from our midt. no doubt share' " with us the same foehngs. V. e ask you t li.refore. iis but a shght token of our esteem, t,-. accept this old Chain and this bold 1 en and H.Jder, and wh.-n you from day to day â-  â- onsult th» time-piece securely held by thus -diain, ai-ik fi the many vleO-sant eircnm- ».taiice: of Tour rei'dence in .Markdale and j,,nr frieudri 1«»^. which as a chain less per- ishable than that of gold bind,=i us witli links ,f lastiug friendship and when yon u.;|ie this ym let words of love, kindness, a;fd good that place for some ntteeii years, ill bi- tra**l therewith on pages of whiteâ€" j ^^.^,j.^, .,^omewlat surprised at the ap- ^;:.;;;;;r^^li:":^u.J'r:^:uoUu ;^U 1 P-ent want of^ progress and improve- in't take into e.msidaration so much • lafiiit in that time the. Towu being â-  be moiR-Ury value ii.s the kindly feeling ' devided into what is called upper and whieb )-ixMnp"ted its be-towal. Wishing you j jgwer town, has, no doubt, a very iu- » hapiy «ul prosperous future. I jurious effect, as js always the case 'â- '""" On W JoJ^fnend,. -l'" -V\^^^ " divideil against itself. ,,. ,^ ,, r 1 "1 • (?.r ;„! ^\e called on our old fi lend Mr Jas. y- McHougall replied breibm j,,.^^,,^ ^^..^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^,^ .^ ^^^^. suitable terms expressing •' «;^^/" the .outh end of lower town, and also .ttacluiienrto-^l.vkdaleandt e pe ^1^ i,^ .,^^ pie of the place and regret at la^tMug. ^,^^ ^,f ^,^^ ^^^^.^_ ^^^ j^^^.^^ ^^_J^^^^^ â-º-*•-â-  j in and we passed on. The Mid- AMERICAN NK\\'SPA5Jii;S IN 1SS3. daugh Hotel is imleed a fine buildhig, and would be a credit to anv towu. Fromtbenewediiion..of tesars. Ceo. P. Jhe McAlister house has (we were Rowell it Co's Ame-.ivax Newspatek Dikec- i informed) changed hands, Mr. R. W. •louY which is now, ji. press, it »ppe»r^ that Horn (blackomith and carriage maker) the total number ei newspa^ers and perio- 1 being tiie purchaser. Mr. Parker, the. from the town of Markdale, on the gravel road. 70 acyes cleared, balance hardvood, has a large stone dwelhng house and log one, is well watered with never failing spring creek; splendid soil, and in a very desirable locality. Terms easy. ArPLV XT THIS OFFICE. Markdale, March 29th, 1883. GOING K m. Re^td Down. A.M. j r. M. 7 30' 4 25 9 or,\ 6 00 9 55 j C. 45 12 20' 8 44 2 25' 10 15 11 50i V. â- â- () 12 OCe 8 45 r 30, 9 55 r.M, i P.M. GOING SOrXH Read Vp. u FARM FOR SALE. OT r, CON. 3 E. G. RD.. HOLLAND, 100 acres, 70 acres cleared, well water ed, good orchard bearing good log house and barn. Situated 2 half miles from Chats- worth, A. bargain will bu given in the above property, for particulars apply to Goo. Noble, Markdale, or to Chas. King. Shel- burne. 12C-tf. TOROXTO CAlinWEEL JCKC. Ol.^N"GEVILLE Mount Fokest.. Teeswater .... Â¥ ESlIEKTON ... Maukhai.e, Owen bovND... A.M. I 10 451 9 05 8 27 C 30 5 00 6 43 6 27 5 15 A.M. P.M. 9 10 7 31 C 50 J) at the Iiour of Two oV'o^k ia ik the following valual'li' Fanii h]ti Lots Numbers 128 s!;d I'J.i. :r ;l-l Concession N. ^l.. unA ],.i;.- X!;;i .:: and 131. in the l.~t Cuiiv-i-v.i V,._ Toronto and Sydciihan! i;.):i(l, iiKa :^ ship of Artemesia, iu lij' Cord;"' consisting of 200 ucn 'f -.vIlUi :;â-  acres are cleainl and i'l :i ;:cl â-  cultivation. The riiii:.iii.;rr -•'â- ;â-  cediir, tamarac, balaui. aul ":i»; The soil is a 'uod clay iui.ia b.' â-  in good reiiair, anl lln' laii- i- "h:. Cto Lot 131) there aiv -lb .--^k- i-'J orc'Lard in bearing, mostly .4 :]]'â- â-  dwcllhig house, a tine friiii".li:au"" with, stone foundation and a ;." und'sirneath barn. On Lot 131 there ire 'J.' :ircs a a gci«d spiiiig creek. Ob Lot 128 there are "5 acr.- A Mixed Train will also inn between Tor- onto and Owen Sound. See Time Table. D.. McNicoT.L, Geti. Pass. Ar/t Edmund Wkag(«5, General Manarjer. SALE OF Valuable FariProp'rties •1 so plum orchard of about oue-ti^'Uto. ^-t 2 4.5 and 1 log barn and log lieuse. ,1 4 47 On Lot 129 there aie 20 acreff^ 4 30 This.firm propertv is advautaf-Wiiv* 3 10 edm-a good neiglibo-lK.oa. ou tL^i P.M. gravsl road between the \il!;ii;"'-; ton and Markdale, on ihe linf "' 'â- -â- .â-  B. railwav, distant two aiul a^^f^fi Fleshortou, an.l three iuid a li^iH i!:-;:1 Mirkdale,botli of whicli i'l:u'.s a.-j markets THi^-J^roperty will be lu'ivn "i "• time cjnA place above nnui' a. â- "'•' serveu-bid hxed by the M;i-ti'i.'i' ' and if not sold tbeii iu seiMia:.! will bo sold free from u.' ;*' -^ bra noes save a mortgage DiiLi't- " the amount and jiarlind-rs ^^'"â- â- â€¢^' made known at jliine of ale. ;! " ' PURSUANT to an oid^r. of the CoHft o^-^l '«" to the solicitor. ""[^\'|:^[.\ Chancery, made, i» this action, there 'I'^te possession given. m- J will be sold with the approbation oi Thomas Z^'^^^" opportunity to any ei;c tain a tine farm. INTHEHIGHCQURTQFJUSTIGE. CHANCERY DIVISION. DElrVSON vs. ^VILSON. Hodgins, Esq,, Q. C Master in OTilinary, All and singular tliat certain parcel or fract ,, ei^^iuterfwi. Under and by virtue of a power of »ale con- 1 "/^'"""' P^^mi-ses sjtiwe-.hing.-.ndberogin Uiuedinamortgi^emadebyS.^dAHDonKan- ry*^* iowuship of Piotoii' in the Conaty of and HusiiANi., default Jiaving l*«n made iu ^:;'*^" "^^ ^^^^f^ composwl of the South pavment thereof, will be sold |. j; " P"" '^^ !•'«' number Two Hundre(?.aud Twenty, hi the Second Concession .S.*ith BY PUBLIC AUCTION -*"^*"""""'°""'^^y'^«"i^a'"i^"*J' eseept- ing thereout tlie part occupied bv the To- nmto. (irey and Briwo Railway, in the s*id Township of Proton, containing by iidmMa- sarenient Fifty acres,, more or less.' All tenders must be »ddi-ess«tl to Th^^ias HoDGixs. Esq., Q.C, Oxgootle Hall, Toroato, aud be received not l«ter than 2 p.m. of Ten per cent, to be I'ai.l ^â- '"*;,; of saleanatW"bal-.i:ie.iu AH-^' tfi-in^ At the Grand C^utrttl Hotdl, Collingwood, 0N8ATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1883, At One o'clock p, m., the foll.iwing propertv dicals of all kinds fssued in Canada is 59G. There are no issj^jhau 74 daily pa^^rK.while the monthlies. nuKiher 57. The weekly pa- pers number -l^a-: This is an escelleut show. i.VWw Oftice. Mr. Townsend showed eld established and reliable druggist and still in tlie old Btund iv upper town. We also called at the us his collectiou of fossils of various specimene. He has iudeed a large and varied collection which are in theiui selye* a grand array ot curiosities, and veary iut«re»ting, especially to those wbu liike ail iaterestm such,uad study their nature and composition. ,Our •tiuw being very limited Ke had to ce, is 1;»9*-B «i 80 in the'^Uiwrv away, but hope to sttike Dm- iiig for the.D*minn.n, though it o*unot of conrse «K)ii).tJie liuited States and Terri- tories, ki .which -ttofc jcumals and periodicals of all kinJ*,aiaw lesM* the imposing total of ll,lPil. 11i:$d«aD iiBcrease of 585 in tarelre montlifc;. iasJiae »t^,S.tates oa« ky on«. the ne-^asf»per fprwitth ic^me is 'TefT .cooaider- uble.. Tlie pnw«at toial in New York State, for Lots Nos. 28, 20 and 30 in the 10th Conces- sion of Osprey. County of Grey. Clay loam 1(50 acres cleared aud in a good state of cul- tivation balance well timbered. At the same time auil place there will also be offered for sale Lpts Nos. 18 and 19 in the 7th conceMion of .Osprey. 1 00 acres cleared and balance of 100 acres well timbered with hardwood. Th^^property is «pl«jtadidly sitn ated, beiijg oDe»..^d one-hall inUes from MarweU, .and on gj^vel road. Good build- ings aud yyaug ore^ard. „/*oTtS^ puWn««r shall par a acposit of «200at thetimsrof sale. th. balance^ of one-third the parohase mon^ in three vweks tbojeafter I the remaining two-thirds 1* cash, o» *eeqi»d, by a, morticag* uayabl* ia(/rom on»to fire j^am at the opti« of the pwjhasets-, i'or furthjw particulars apply to CBERAR MUIR. T-^ .,, „ VenJors' auUerlDrs. I-4iiuilton, Xl^rch 24th, 1S.S3. jjctd Thursday, 12tli of April next. The highest or other Tender not nec- essa^ly accepted. Trins Of Sale.â€"One-teuth of the pmch»ge money shall be paid in cash when notice »f aooepte^l tender has been giv^n to purchaser, and a BuflScient amotwt within one moath thereafter, withoat iJrterest, to make to«[ether with the cash pa,y*ient one- quarter .«f said purchass money, tho balance to be seaored by mortgage on the premises at 8i\ ver eent per aanoob in the three equal yearly payment*. Xb» other oonditions of sale are the Bt^mding eovditions o* the Court of Chan«Mry, Further partiQaUn can ha bad from Den- ison MaekldTO, So^itoa. 16 Toronto Street; Manw. McCaithy. H«»«kin, I!tumb C.eelman, Solicitors. Toivmto. (Sigaed) THOMAS HODGJI^'S, Dated the Mth Mar.chw 1883. I* all other res]ects l?i tions of sale will b.' llie ..â€" _,, of the Chancery Division cf tW'-- of .lustice. Further varticulars can 1"' ^^, Frost it Frost, or Civair .V -^i' • Sound. -ii, Dated at Owen Soiina tiU' ' Marcli, If^i:^^. stiiki'lni- '^â- â€¢"i i.Ufr""" FKOST ct FHOST. ,,,,, Veo.Ur^-Solieito-s.O.Ti.S" I l^ 1 MA^' (Signed) ,:;.,to«" i:-50-4t. .. Mai-ter GEORGE m Wholesale and R^'l butcheh EEF, PORK Oil MUTTON g# â- om i single ponn tlto^" •hi*!* BEE fn „ .,. at the^lowest market pnc«=' BSH FftWtJNTH^; Pigs to dispose of wilH",^'"^,»«" a Burns' Block, opposite niiwk. Markdale, OckSiJth, 185^ iLast week's Moaf keani power. I Tl»e Oriliia Mel 20P on an apron .s j Mr. Baird bad a fictilder on (iood 1 The official Cla; reams Bill has aj She spring show I society will b |;tli April. The sprins sJiow Lip agricultUial t( it Clarksburg. Messrs. Doll Ipeu a branch stc |tore, Cliatsworth. Mr. Baird lost ftsi, elie slipped ' fff back was brok The Dundalk ]I lud is worthy of t K that prosperous Mr. John Orr, o: i three lambs in four last yea king 10 lambs i Sri'NL.^BD dyertising, haviii, liJ^ers about SC ^Yerage of not k opy. A social will be f the L. A. S. of I'J'ons Church, t morrow) evening, 1 bouse IS desire In t^iift village lef disregard of ll; â-º'ice jiolicies and Me for the suppl w. Leavens" the ras Ir. Wm. 1 Obtained. The 1 |o tkiii and enfon

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