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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 Mar 1883, p. 1

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 "!».¥• ^5#S«* %^^^A' m MHPPil IPPlliiPiiiPiiiippRiiii wm Ob r, :J.--No. 29. MARKDALE, ONT., MAR. 29, 1883. No. 133. y THURSDAY EVENING, ^t y Ilk Li! ' Ontario. iv Aiiv.vscr;. :., ,;,.â- ,.,â-  m ):i:Ii^. "2 if not paid till " .1,. vtur. No i)ii()iT Ji.scontiuucd "'v.i! 'i"' Y"" "'â-  """^P' at the '.j„. ,,pj,li"(ii)r, iiiid piivties refusing ' i,,.i: |i iviiii,' np \vill be ivel'l respon- •li,. -.v 11' ubscriiitions until thej- â- -[â- â- â€¢p.ys 01' AnvHirrisixci ,.,„., oil.' veir â€" §.")n no 27 50 15 00 8 UO 4 00 8 3 Sotel*. ,v ll" lid. do. lU !:« tii'^t iu^t'riion per line â- .ji-ciiufn' insiTtioii |.nrii'.*i' of Imps to be rectoneJ by tlie ft-i'iy 1 iiicnsnred by a scale of solid Ahtrtisenicrits without specific Uvn. "ill "6 published tiU forbid aud ncroriliii^'ly. Ail transitory adver- t-iiij Din-t bf in the office of bublica- Ti;r U^'i'lock mi the Wednesday proceed- |ajc:r?6libciitii«2. JDB PEINTCNG Ifverv desenptioH executed with Ltss »i5\(i ilespatcli i^t the Oflice of liiisBiKii, Markdiile. C. W. RUniDGE. KlnOR I'UOPUIETOB. (iAHIEs. WAKDJELL, l^ELL DKiGEU AND DRILLER. ALL â- IrtN iiroEiptly attended to. llesi- rV E'R. Owen Wound. 122-35 C-iieat, M,D-, M.R.G-P. S., O. l!'l,;-:i:au and Snrneou, I'riceville, iiii-iif University. Vict. College. Xcw York, aud LiinilMtif, of the same, Avleth Medical Institute. Opthalmic Hospital, N.Y. ki«C.ill. Phy.sicianstt Snrgeors,0. 104 REVERE HOTEL, IVIARlLDArE. BYRENS McCASKILL PEOPRIETOES. THIS popular Hotel has changed hands aud the above men cater to the wauts of the public. Good stabhng a«d attentive hostlero. The best brands of liquor and cigars, good meals and comfortable rooms I*rge ommercial room. Baiber shop in con- ^^^on^ 1 30.1y. CHATSWORTHHOUSE (late MOKttOW HOUgU,) ClIATSWORTH, Out. C. H. MATTHEWS, rROPBiETOE. The best braad of Hquors and cigars al- ways m stock. Good meals and omfortable rooms guarunteed. Good st^blmg and at- tentive hostler. n^ Markdale House. Thii commodious and popular hotel is fur- nished in lirst-claBs i-tyle ig one of the finest hotels in the County. Good accommodation for tr*veilers. 'Bui to aud from all trains. Charges motlcrate. A, KUTLEDGE. Pbopbietor. Dent til Cai'cl. jameron Knight, DEXTAL SUBGEONS, fwovrt D.i, Cimeroii and Co^s Drug k-. l'o!ilett OIVEN SOUND. ptieiitioii pve:i to the preservatioa of |ii:iirjl teeth. Artifiiiial Dentures mottut- "u'.J. C'l'lluloid, aud liabber bases. F^L.i at iiariiJiiy t}j3 j^^j Tuesday in Vaoati, â-  .t^'-Giasg-)w, U'-S.,Oiit. C.F.Kuiglit,L.D.S. M«i»i!ist Royal Col- legB Den.Sur.,Ont COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICEVILLiE, Ont. Large and commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed lloom.s, c. The Bar and larde well .suDplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling aud attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor John McDonald, CHATSWORTH, DIVISION Court Clerk, Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses, Commissioner in B.R., Conveyancer, c. Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, (fee, attended to promptly, accurately, neat- ly, and cheaply. Private funds to lend in small sums on easy terms. Notes discounted *Ji ^^m^M EOBT. ASKIl., Has opened ont a First-Class Furniture I AUD UNDERTKING ESTABLISHMENT, And therefore has supplied a want long feU, especially in the Undertaking Line. COFFINS, CASKETS. SHEOUDS, and all FUNERIL FORNISNINeS supplied on the shortes notice. A. Sulendid Hearse iur hire at moderate rates. FURNITURE! From the Common to the Best and Latest Styles, in everything in the line. Call aud see for yourselves. ROBT. ASKIN. p.MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, K^DlATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL ' rf Deutistry, will be at Rutledge's 'â-  «.wtiUe, on the third Wednesdav of JSttoQth forthe practice of his profession. 1'231-7'Jtli, .18S3. 122-74. Frost A: Frost, I^SRISTERS, AND ATTORNEYS-AT ""f, Solicitors in Chancery, Convey a^.lc, Owen Sound, have resumed at ll^ott, Offiet- open every Thursday, as 'FsosT, J.W.Fbost,LL. B. I^omy Crown Attorney. 1 J, J. WASSOI^, PiifiKTER, MASTER AND DEP. REG r^Uancm-, Notary Public, Conveyan gj'^O LEXD AT SIX PER CENT. L; --Uwen Souud, in Vieker's Block V ' ""'M" ^f'lrkdalo, over MeFar "'"re, on Friday and Saturdav every ' t'asorA .^in rris^iT )i2,,' -^-^'â- "'•SULICITORS. CONVEY- '\vV\v^u^" "'""'1^ Duflferin Block, ViV^*"'-^ ami in n-.j ^MARKDALE; 'â- -.«-.,""â- " S^toreon Thursday '^BE.isor n'n°" ""^^sonable terms. f'sdaip 'r • Duncan MoBwoN '^e, JIareh 1.^, 1882. ' 79-lv R. M. Oalbraith A UCTIONEER AND GENERAL LAND j\. Axeut, WiUiam«ford Station. Auction Sales attended in all parts of the County. Goods sold on commission. Rates moderate. Pianos, Organs, and Sewing Machines; also Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Vines, Agricul- turul Implemennts, and Machinery of all kinds on sale. Wiliiamsford, Jan. 27. 1881. GiBSOM McMillan, CONTRACTORS. Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK AN3 STONE WORK, Plain and Ornamental Plastering. Calsomininq in all Shades and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed. Orders left at ahe Stakdard office will receive prompt attention. Markdale, Feb. 6th, 1883. 126-ly. Wm. Bro^m, JSSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSE S,t« Commissioner in B. K.c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj attended to and cairefully executed. N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se cority. Union Carriage Worlds. All work manufactured from First Class Miteriil In the Latest and Best Improved Style, aud fioitihed vrith Iilng-lish. 'Vamisli. Painting Trimming Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Bepairs executed in the shortest possible time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Remember the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHAJSTAHAN. Markdale, Dee. 2nd, 1881. Proprietor. 64. |S8rEj*?^*"der Brown. [life ki "'â- 'â- "'ge Licenses, Fire and "" -^Sent. Commiasionei L""'«ifurti n"""'""'" ^D'l Licensed ^•"te an^T "'"""â- of Grey. Farmers, K^^iud .1, °^ Sales, Punctually at- l^%,Sept i'^^\^»'l« very moderate. i»ill^^' G^^AJKDUNS OF CHIL- ^? 'l^t I ^," '^«y ^onld inform their of »„„ 7 °*" allow any one ander ««iutty Billiard Room. LOYAL MARKDALE LODGE; Of C. 0. 0. F. No. 78, will meet iu their hall on Monday evening. April 2nd at eight o'clock p. m. „ 108 "W. L. YOUNG, Sec'y. JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GEmiBLACKSMITH HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. V MANHOOD HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED ^jj-rrl-^ We haye recently published a new SBAXi ^edition of Dr. CnLVEB^wMJ-'s Cele- â- s-' -^ BBATKD EsiAT ou the radical and permanent cure (without mediciue) of Ner- vous Debility. Mental and Physical incapaci- ty. Impediments to Marriage, tc.. resulting from excesses. • »« fc** Price, in sealed envelope, ouly cents, or two postage stamps. The celebrated author, in this Mmif*^^* Essay. d«riy dBmonstratea, from tlutty y«tf.^ mi««rful practice, that '^•rming oon- ^oenoe* may be imdicalhr eni«l without the SSoosoa^of i^tonJ medicm« or the ^of the knife pointing out a moderf cm« at onee simple, certain and f^^^^'^J^ meana of which every mSeier, "» 'P^g whatWH condition may be. may cure hin»eB cheaply, prirately and radically. ^^nua LMtnie ahoald bein tha huti* of every youth and every man in the iuti. Wm. Lncas Co., BA NKE RS, Ione;j^ L.oaii«5cl IN large or small amounts, at all times, on good sndorsed notes, or on collateral secnriiy. INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. ' Allowed on Savings Deposits. I^Draftri issued and Collections mst'c on points at lowest rates. W.M. LUCAS. Manager. September 23. 1880. '^-^T TMMv«r»ellJhiieil|^ Pâ„¢b.!S ""^^^•'^iJS* W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDEB, CQNTBACTOB. ABCHI- IBCT.â€" Besidence on Jfill «treet, Mark- dale. Sfcrkdale. Jan. 21A, 1883. litiy WARNING. ALL NOTES AND OVEBDUB AC- aunnta not paid dniinff the present maaA will be handtd in lor «IIeetion. H.fOSTEB. HarUak, JXarcb 1 1U». 1«S. Ul-« (GhAyOE REPORTâ€" Continued /torn latt^aeek.) Moved by Bro. J. Kennedy, seconded by Bro. Thos. Mann, thai this grange give expression as to whether the delegates from this gKiDge phoulJ urge for the discontinuance of Provincial granges as a part of the buiDess machinery of the grange society. â€" Carried. Moved by Bro. H. D. Irwin, seconded by Bro. Dr. Kennedy, that aa New Efigland grange has showed to the satistaction of this grancje that the amount shown by auditors' report against if as arrears in dues hits been paid, be it therefore resolved, that the Secretary be in' struuted to add to the credit side of their account, the same to balance it, and a copy of this resolution be handed to delegate of said grange. â€" Carried. Moved by Bro. Palmer, seconded by Bro. Reid, that our Worthy Secretary be paid $40, as salary for last year. â€" Carried. ;. Moved by, Bro. G. Stewart, seconded by Bro. B. White, that we now proceed to elect officers for 1888. -Carried. Nominations were received and ballots passed for the different of- fices elected, and the following declared elected offi(^rs of Grey Bivi- tdon Grange No. 2 for the year ' » Bro. R. J. Doyle, Master, S " 'H. D. Irwin, Oversesr. " John Weber, Vandeleur P. 0., Secretary. " James Brodie, Treasurer. " Dr. Kennedy, Lecturer. " H. Palmer, Chaplain. '• D. R, Ellis, Steward. " W. McLoughrey, Asst. Steward. " G. Stewart, Gate Keeper. Sis. Doyle, Ceres. Sis. Stewart, Pomona. " Gifford, Flora. " Aikin, L. A. Steward. Executive Com. â€" Bros. H. Rei^, D. Armstrong and Monroe. Auditors â€" H. D. Irwin and H. Palmer. Moyed by Bro. H. D Irwin, seconded by Bro. H. Palmer, that we proceed to installation by administering the obligation^ â€" Carried. Bros. Hewgill and Skene, visiting brethren from Beaver Valley Div. and South Grey Div. upon request installed the officers elect. Moved by Bro. D. R. Ellis, seconded by Bro. J. Kennedy, that Bros. H. D. Irwin and H. Palmer be a committee to prepare a pay sheet of delegates' expenses to this meeting. â€" Carried. Moved by Bro. Stewart, seconded by Bro. J. Brodie, that the fifth degree be conferred on all members of this Div. Grange who are en- titled to receive the same at the next meeting. â€" Carried. Moved by Bro. H. Reid, seconded by Bro, G. Stewart, that the Secretary be requested tc get the minutes of this meeting printed iu the local newspapers and iu pamphlet form as usual. â€" Carried. Worthy Master explained the formation of aud working of the co operative salt company. Bros. Hewgill and Skene each gave short hut instructive addresses. Moved by Bro. Reid, seconded by Bro. J. Kennedy, that in the ab- senoft of Past Master Diivid Christie, who has filled the chair of Worthy Maoter of this Grange with great credit to himself and with pleasure and profit to the members, that the thanks of this grange are tendered to our worthy brother, with hopes that he may still feel it his duty to honor us with his presence and assist in our deliberations. That our Worthy Secretary be requested to forward to Bro. Christie a copy of above rcsnlution with the seal attached. â€" Carried -unanimously by standing vote. Moved by Bro. D. Armstrong, seconded by Bro. B. White, that the uei^t DivisioQ meeting be held at Meaford. â€" Carried. Report of Committee appointed to strike Standing Committee. To the Worthy Master and Members of Grey J)ivision Orange No. 2. Your Cotumittoe beg leave to submit the following Standing Com^ mittees for the year 1883 Ihflbmbnts â€" Bros. H. Palmer, Reid, Brodie, Richardson, and Walker. HoBticuLTURE â€" Sister Doyle, and Bros. Connell, Ellis, Armstrong. Weber, Brodie and Doyle. EnuGiTiOM â€" Irwiu, Gifford, Dr. Kennedy, White and Weber. MuNictPL Laws â€" Bowes, Christie, Richardson, Dr. Kennedy and Weber. Stock â€" Palmer, Irwin, Armstrong, Geo. Dale and Ellis. JuBBtSDiCTioN â€" Christic, McLoughrey and Inkster. Sekd Grain â€" Armstrong, Walker, Stewart, Reid, Kennedy, Hickl- ing, Brodie and Palmer. Domestic Lvdustbt â€" Sisters Doyle, Stewart, Hickling, Gifford, Reid, and Margaret Aikins. BEPOBT OF COMillTTEE OX HOHTIGULTOBE. Your Committee on Horticulture beg leave to report as follows â€" "In consequence of the demand for fruit iu the North-West and Great Britain we would strongly recommend farmers to pay more attention to Iruit growing, aud would urge farmers in planting out trees to se- lect stock carefully, plant nothing but good trees, and select apple.? that are good shippers. We recommend tlie following varit-ties â€" Russets, King of Tompkins County. Ben Davis, Spitzenljarg, Cjoper -i Mirket, Wealthy, Bellflower, F4II, Duchess of Oldenburg, and St. Lftwrence, Harvest, Early Harvest, and Red Astracan. In Pears wo would recommend Partlett, F. Beauty. Clapp's Favorite, Dearborn, Seedling, Duchess DeAngouleme, Hud Vicar of Wakefield. In Plumn the Lombard, Coe's Golden Drop, Yellow Egg, Duaine's Purple, Pon- d's Seedling, and Bingham. We would not recommend Peaches unless iu very favorable localities. Where Peaches pre pliinted try .-Mexandcr. In Grapes we would recommend Ho.) tford,Prolific, and Deleware. We would strongly recommend Wil.snn"8 Albany in Strawberries, and that farmers should grow more, as they are one of the best paying frait crops. In Cherries we find the common red cherry gives the best satisfaction. We would recomoaend that every farmer shoulti setapart a plot for flowers, as their cultare has a refining influence and beaut.ii s and adorns home at the same^|me." KBPOBT OF COlOaTTEfc ON STOCK. To the Worthy Master and Patrons of Grey Division Grange. Your Committee on iJtocks beg to report as follows â€" "Your Com- mittee are folly eetwible of the advaniage" to the farming commuuity of breeding ftisfe'eiaH stock and view with pleasure the several trs^- izatisne in tb« neighboring townships for the pnrpose of introdnciu-; ihoruaghbred horses, and as the grange Mciety is pecaliarLy adc^ted for aiding and initiating saeb efforts, your committee would advisa {t^entinufdon .^upphvient.) lit' -l !i;1 i .(«' 1 ijiillj h\M ..r-.fiSM..

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