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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Mar 1883, p. 8

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 Igw,-*- 4f;- Ih I ' i !*l :f r 1 1.1 i •f â-  ' » •m â- " I 1 f; ..%- ?-â-  MISCELLANEOUS- ANSWEB TfUS QUESTION. 'Why do 8 many people we see aroond us, â- eem^ prefer to suffer and b« made mise- rabJe'f-by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizzi- ness, Loss of Appetite, Coming up of the Fcod. Yellow Skin, when for 75 cts., we will sell tnem Shiloh's Vitalizer, ^araB- te^J t» cure them. Soli by Wm. Brown's General Store Markdale. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. This is beyond qnestion the most success ful Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a few doses iuTariably cure the worst cases of Cough, Cronp, and Bronchitis, while its wonderful success in the eure of Consump- tion is without a parallel in the history of medicine. Since its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a te»t which no other medicine can stand. If you have a Cough we earnestly ask you to try it. Price lOcts, 5) cts. and #1.00. If your Lungs are sore, Chest, or Back, Lame, use Shilob's Porous Plaster. Sold by Wm. Brown's Gene- Store Maxkdale. Teacher, severely "John, why i it that boys' hands are always liirtier than girls' " John, hesitatingly "Please sir, the girls wash the dishes." SHELGH'S CATABEHREMEDY. A marvtloua cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker mouth, and Head Aclie. With each bottle thej* is an ingenious nasal Injector for the more successful treatment of these complaints without extra charge. Price 50c. Sold by Wm. Brown's General Store Mark- dale. An Irishman in a strange town 6tood looking at a vessel. "Where are you from, Pat " "Begorra, sir, I'm from anywhere but here," he replied, "and I'll soon be from here too, sir." FREE OF CH^RGt;. AH persons suffering from Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Loss of Voice or any af- fection of the Throat and Lungs, are re- quested to call at A. Turner_ Go's Drug btore and get a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's h'ew Discovery for Consumption, free of charge, which will convince them of its won- derful -Mer;ts and show what a regular dol- lar-size bottle -will do. Call early. Who says it's unhealthy to sleep in fcatLers Look at ijie spring chicken, and see how to'Jgb he is. TAILOR, STDENHAM STBEET, GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES â€"AT THE- i^ mm eoiis 1 ' Selling off at and Under Cost ^^ TO MAKE EOOM FOE SPEING IMPOETATIONS. NOW IS TIME TO â-  â-  I ' • I â-  i • â-  ' " .â€" SrGA2 KETTLES OF THE BEST QUALITY at MAKKDALE FOU^Ji •SUPPORT HOMX: ]?I.4]Â¥UFACTiRi;, WOOD OLD IRON TAKEN IN EXCHaJ The People's Continues to take Pictures, r Do Copying and Eniargini i H ^n good I "~2I1 FE AME S and FB AM in 'great variety and latest designs at Jisperalo !ot\- j.vjjf., Our 25 cent, it a Trial, Markdale, March 21st, 1883. TEA is Unsurpassed. Give WM. BROWN. ti DO NOT BE DECEIVED. In these times of quack medicine ndver- ments everywhere, it is truly gratifying "f praise to find onr- remedy that is worthy and wliich roiilly does as recommended. Llectric Bittiirs we will do as recommended. They iuvariaJ)ly cure Stomach and Liver Cumplaiiits. Diseases of the Kidneys and L'riaary difficulties. Wo know whereof we «peak, and can readily say, give them a trial, tjold at tiftv cents a bottle, bv A. Turner Co. now quickly branches out. a limb of the law M A. M'lNTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. M'INTYRE rraLo-cLx, IF'loiir, Fl0"U.r- A VEXED CLEEGYMAN. Even the patience of Job would become exhausted were he a preacher and endeavor- ing to interest his audience while they were keeping up an incessant coughing, making it impos.-^ible for him to be heard. Yet, how very e.isy can all this be avoided by simply using Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump- tion, Coughs and Colds. Trial Bottles given away at A. Turner Go's Drug Store. The average searvant girl dosen't believe in pouring oil sn the troubled waters she'd rather pour it on the troubled fire. MCGREGOR'S SPEEDY CURE. From the many remarkable cures wrought 'by using McGiegor's Speedy Cure for Dys- pepsia. Indigestion, Constipation and afilec- tion of the Liver, and from the immense sale of it without advertising, we have concluded to place it extensively on the marke, so that those who suffer may haye a perfect cure. Go to Hill Bros. General Store and get a trial bottle free, or the regular size at fifty oents and one doUar. 127-40. No intelligent Lawyer will take the will for the deed. •tALVERT'S CARBOLIC CERATE. Try it for Chapped Hands, Cuts, Burns Bruises. It is a preparation of Vasehne, Carbohc Acid and Cerate. It will cure any sore where aU other preparations fail. CaU at HiU Bros. General Store and get a package. Twenty-live cents is all it costs. 127-40- Thougiits that bum -Eejected com- munications. McINTYEE'S LIQUORS I LIQUORS McINTYEES Cigars, Cigars. McINTYEE'S Coffee, Cofff^e. McINTYRE'S MIALI mm MEAL I '"" ' MoINTYRE'S Pork, Pork, Pork. McINTYRE'S Teas, Teas. And over ythin g kept n in a first-class Grocery and Liqnoi always on hand, cheap for cash. Store. H R. J. Sproule's ANNUAL %. KUAM'3 Is tho FLUID LIGHTNING. ou.y instantaneous relief NeuralfTia Headache, Toothache, etc. Rubbing a few crops b;:~k;.v is all that is needed. No tak- ing uaii-^-uus medicines for weeks, but one laiiuiu" apj'.licatiou rMuoves all pain and will p;- ,ve Lii, great value of Kranis Fluid LI.eht^;,l^-. Twentv-five cents per bbttle at -Uai liiof^ General Store, Markdale, NVm. have re.-il c tiu?s. THE MAEK DALE Sash and^oor Factory SASH, DOORS, 127-40 Lucas it Co, bankers, Markdale, $200,000.00 to loan on ^^â- â- u;. MrHi;_,'iu loMii system. No Low i!iteiest: moderate chai-ge.s. QUESTION HAS OFTEF BEEN ASKED. Canâ€" riiptureâ€" (abdominal hernia) "be cured? We mo.t ei,tphatical!ij say, YES. ihat iLis p.-.rt of the body offers no escep- tian t,. phy.sioh.jricai laws which gov- ern the wnole physiciU economy audit makes not a particle of ditiereuca whether the age of me i.upture is one vear or a hundred' .T..ars. For proof of this send for- a Free book on Rnptnre to The Excelsior Rupture Cure U 1 g Co., Prescott, Ont. 132-84. "Tiiex)nly lady who ever impressed me much." said an old bachelor '•W85 a 280 poond.Mrcman, who was ^aadiug-m a street car, aud when *tTi6 cjur.t!inifjaa;cQnier fell 4 Markdale May 27th. 1881. BLINDS MOULDINGS, HOLLOW BATTONS, FRAMES Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Always on Hand. Orders Promptly Filled. The Subscriber wishes to return thanks to the people of Markdhle and vicinity for the very liberal patronage they have given him in the past, and hopes by close atteAtion to business to merit a continuance of the same. »n.eiinon vo I have now extended my business, and will in future keep a full Stock ©f PINE LUMBER. Direct from the North Shore. ALli SIZES, DBESSED AND UNDBESSED, All Ivinds DPlain and Fancy Trtn^iti^ 15one in a first-class manner. THOS. McNEA. Is now going on and WILL CONTINUE ANOTK -R WEEK Call early and secure bargains. Heavy knpprtations. of Spring goods are now ou, ttie way, and our? present large stock must be cleared out and will be Fold out *t and under .-sost. 37-tf ARTEMESI A WAREHOUSE t^J^ESHERTOlV .S5TATIOTV. -o- against Dry Goods, Hardiare, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Cxrbceries, ProTioions, c, Stock kepi fall and weU assorted with new goods recoivea everv week. MY BR ANCH STORE A^ EUGENI A repleni^ed with new goods every week. For aalecheap for cash or produw.' My Saw ;f "" ^ahnsia and otbes d«-mng â- % Inc^tiveageiMgrhBsujeas^tT whir ^7 'dUn Street, 'y'^^^ mill, Shingle Fajctp AT LITTLE PALLS, AMI K -©â-  ^;and,Umc Kihi AU Unit S^ •«• kMi^ ri Ad itt w â- b«r, LaUi, Bro«m FARM FOR SALE. 1 00 wF^^^^^ii^K Lot 20. Con. 10. frr,â„¢ W U'T^- ^^^ " i« three miles bZ,.^?^f '• ^^^ ^^^"" *0 "^^« cleared, Sh npl^^f *r^ ?^^°«- " is ^ell watered wf J I !^l^ ^*'^«*°' of spring water. dSan'"i"'^^^°'^««"'°^"^*Wes. Clear dSe P n A?"^^^'**" th« premises.Mark- â„¢' 8ai« 127-tf. STaRTMNC DISCOVERY f 1..^ â€" tevdnr* Fran* ^. Sort KMdiiSed^^ Farm for S3 T A A ACRES, bein? W' iUU Euphrasia; aboai ^11' balance good hardwood; W- frame house 18x24 feet, a i"i orchard, and is situated 0" miles irora MarkJak. j.^, sold on reasonable term-" apply to Geo. NoWe.Ma""*^' KiRKWooD, on the premise- March 10th. 1883. Warhw There is great ing cold from wet ie«»' want to ^©i Guard Against S Keep yonr feet jirr by procanngf* KAY tbV^ Satisfaction G»f^ on hand. ^^^^ opposite tJie^^; SAMUEL

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