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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Mar 1883, p. 7

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 •er^m? wmmm ip " ' «i.H"' ' *iw*»m«r- !.#!»;! .-.-i' â-  lent f Jon sSSl^J annonncet PT^*iaco 3hip. ""no ' '^^ daily a, ^lakoff p. OUR BXCHANGBS. ^cs naturally a soldier. Ls^-'J^fgharary, b? was soon on the I' 1, ,w \vho drank himself out of ff7.ilvellea tirst-class. He took a TorW " f*^^^^ an Ohio woman who is so "thai- slic has never even bee-a |f-"l'"'ve au obstinate cough. '"â-  VnwiDtrton takes his family to ' .i^h drawn by an ox. Ihat s IS13 ;o escape the sermon. K l" [.- between a male flirt and a le;;^^'"^^"' in the fact that f ne is up 'ejaer lies Vncks an:i the other to trimmin' le8. ;;-'^*" cope w.ti, 3 propusal. ' â- â-  "" ifc HLES. o numeron. on soâ„¢ ty that peo. !p 1*"" aa sift theiras-'fii i,;^a-.iistthenet\» o«- in a New Yon pi-opnetor was «r.J it;d undertaker "' â- â€¢nethin^ to do i 'erclal traveller J i)ezziement, aoJ ifessea his j.uih " â- o gilt, but to brii n in thetheiiroc were generally L ke-up that I ahoai] for lost time betwe n have been da;{ciJ Jii, Mith both han3 h. The biiildiiiir, is supposed to hi t. je3 are discussing a They cari't imag^ ade bnt a warn rai â- -'e about as quick i urglars' tools ia [New York Comn at is sc we suppcsel :ools inujt be \ic:u lou eJ that "Curfew gbal correct. ItdiJi d the kell of partid that a poet get thiiia says cigarette sjioi 1;.; me" ot their biaio^ :ay3 ho isn't afraid i 1, he probably ktow jut. (Pa.) young womai )rs at a man who wai of the points pei^ dn't see the joke,: was sheer nouseas,' Licord on tbe Board .r inspection, coarse you court tai "We'll, no, noteil t is, i;iy couitiDg liiJl r--3or â€" "Tne agEO-tiJ d as the KcowuothI I'asing that pomtl it she knows of se ' "rrofessor, !â-  Mr. Frouue, in tl t lecture, stated karn the Gret^kl 4 jears of age. ji-ir latticrs that the ixample o^ *-'"' io:i;r?" asked a fsul f the utiw'giH- T! ick t ;i p'.iotO-T'pSi aid aftrr another M iie visitor, aiis^' "•'â- "' ;.,uc to E'.ropt' ill ty ha.^ been starteQi Liameof "Oideroi^ -of "The Steal 0«f lively i:» tasviciD't: iut was suppressed cyi at Pittsbcrgh turns out 300 w^5' ^^jj These corks are all :;Jk«pMonor.gahela whisky safely '"fall thetalks and jokes only one "'â-  pntv-two l)eat3 his tailor, while ,,•:";;' .ood fit on more than two ^^ It's about an even thing. ., .TirafTo about twenty days to "** m The seasickness of an ocean "Thit i3, tfei to t;ci the feeling ;,ayJo^^"' and ten more to bring it L...C subtlety: first annex maidâ€" car'" Second annex maul â€" L.fs take that red one just be- i.-.v "0 ever so much faster." Lar'e no birds in last years nest,"' " t Xo and there are no pigeons [Li pi^e'cudiole.. The only thing L.Tattvt-n suggests pi. eons is a lot f ...' -tvlts of wall paper are so gor- r';j;amily t^a'i "0 longer take com- 'n? out old boots and split-back i^„.itiie house. Everybody sort o' Te was away on a visit. U-ientiou3 person affirms that he his life beheld people "minding bnsincsa." Tbis remarkable oc- ""hippened at sea, the passengers T.vtLlo attend to each other's cou- -lir.'uyioD, Rome, Athens or any of ;-3uchd)oa3ted cities hart ii sewer, a 'â- 'J.-e drain, a gaj jet, a door bell, a IcsMwbow to a-.ake oyster soup, or latcakes. Von didn't lose anything ke-bockers allthrcugh: 'Ob, yes.^" ;Mrs. Suddeuriches, "our aunt's ^ri Knickerbockers all through and J\) give balls and parties in the r^e day3 which for swelldom and liUile Dutcl-. i;o) close: "daue," sail a father, b' voa !i ,: s, others isekJiof!^ rs. Lanstry Git» bo met iMrs. La»: ,1 herself as gr' â- M tv and rcfine.Tient yon perfect yliapp.v- 5ion did litr bapP'" V" wt aho was ft wi'^*-" tady paying the I it has acquired. i of war are hover :-.c British crnw^r two oihera are on _^^| is ready to t***! r, if requiieA ^^1 i area than tir*',^| ^,. ,„. .lated stingy people, and yet LV,„aii_" "Why, pa, who said he ;t;' "Oh, nobody," replied pa; ':H 5e^' he was a little close as I :::;;â- ;, die room." ' ~r/!owu that Webster, Pat" said ::..:tly-cltcted judges to his clerk. â-  â- .,..;n tiiaiving newspapers have .„;;:g ir.e and, be jabers. I won't Ine tliriviu;: blackguard call me ;;.;^t" 5::j 11: the \\ irii;.ni-Tell-8hooting- li-kis-iitth.-boy'sdiead story will .. hear tliat tliere actually was a [.-..â- .withstandiur; the inconoclastic Itlio ittle legend by proving liKnisnot. And everybody knows L-j; apple. initcher iias clcpsd with a t::»i:i.' rjii.tjtlung shoul i be done biiti'hers. .\ butc .er who will I ;-;:toiiiir twenty-five cents a pound lii then walk otY with that man's fci'sL'Jgroiiud ill one of his own sau- i::ii:t'c says: "'I'lie puffy paniers le:!atothoJtr.-.ey around the hips." ".Seed that, and you see once in -ilijiliam or Ayrshire that looks '»e are not much of a dairyman, w-::y.r.\ the pauicr is the satchel "uis carried in. !r i:; the matter with Mr. 'i tie laiui lady, "lie scms to be i"Out Homttliing. "Why, von :.'0a l.iii: u'viuding his teeth just • 'i-ill. "i'LThaps," suqgcste 1 â-  ".y getting them in order be- -:' -:^ ' yor.r Ixufsteaks." '-â- :a:"iie Vi;-,. de Vere (senten- ' ci i"-3cs, my dear Miss ilarlbor- '"â- cn \v':i I Jim' miss being fools, ,â- â€¢â- â-  r;:(;n wiio j ;st miss being ge- " Marll; â- roii^.rh (awestruck) â€" â- --ithii:_'syou iay^ Mr. Vere de â-  -ti::.:;' ;:ii:,k you arc almost a • "'-t tluiu the ili.seaso; I'aticnt I"" 1 am not wed." Doctor â€" astonibh mo in the .slightest. ' 'iie iciult 0! going out to .-â- .i- suppers. If you desire to i'V";alth you must renounce such '»'.:ent^"Yes; but then, doctor, â- â€¢'â- â- a live for?" amded man: "Lend me five '«:t my pocketbook at home," M'^eratoT. J. Meyers, the lat- ii_;^caa of means, "but you are 'i-'A'f' ^°"' pocketbook, Saw- ,^%f3. "Well, 1 might just ';•" there is never anything in ;^i*yers candidly. ;^nerthe elopement: Miss Mil- i' ' Texas, chloroformed her ^jP^'oped with the young man ° f had forbidden the premises. ^7" are that aiiout a year .„â- ; conclude that her Mfe would 'â- ^serable if she had chloro- • "^g man and eloped with her ;ed'"re";iiVby'-3;' Tne spoech w^l A Malagasy e°;gS i-sons was patle»'„0' FioQch invasw^n- "iie^ir^ '^•" exclaimed a ^itt^ °S up from a daily jour- Jij^i^rBays that 'death has been L?^Cn^" ^â- ""' ^^" ^°'^^ °^ *Iiartv v„V y' i ^^^ present at be the ontooxu* 01*^ â- â- Â«p4/" V 'ly. I "was present at on," says tbi» «B*C of tt ""' "^i*'^^â„¢ •. "ihenit "*„S^W'»Hrii.' "' Serman who was on," says t"' -,^t^ ica: s of the B*""' vperiei-C :cd. N ^^ahnin. fcffii??in7°*"" " tcr crow J*',Â¥CJ"'demawnin, "*»l«sa?.^l«"»8teri8nomo' ^^lonrslorededawnin.' Georgia Major. A irew ntioctbum til»oiiMl«hs. .^5^" "^^ policeman awakes with a sudden start and moves around th" â„¢er stl^fhr "^IV." ** ^^ ^^ that Kd and far into to-morrow night. It is niirht ^Ti^n?^*^ Thepbkefaid fL r^ts d^J^!?il^*^^' ^^' 1«^^ "e holding £^i^ir^*r?I°'"' *^d here and there aS the^^^**'*P*"'y"^°? °^ » gathering of SL^IT^'^^TS- ^ader cover of «^,k. neas, brst manufactured over 6,000 years aco ?nri°*'^-"r*^°^«" ^« duds from a fo^^th t,VbL 'l"'i°7' " *ho have dead-head tickets start for the opera houses; hundreds wT^ "?. ^i °" *» »P*rk; reporters look forward to fires, robberies, and mur- aers, and church choirs meet to rehearse and wrangle and lay up clubs for each other. -1^13 night in the country. The stock has been ted the squeal of the pig is hushed, tne tired horse munches at his com and wonders why his master throwed in so many cobs without a kemal on them. The watch dog sitB at the gate, perfectly wUling to chew up any of the neighbors for a cent, and with- •? T u "'^^^ "^^ ' serene, or would be If John Henry could find the grease for his boots, Mary Ann could find her novel, the old man aiscover the hiding place of the bootjack, and the mother solve the mystery of how some of her neighbors managed to get a dress costing two shillings per yard, while she had nothing but calico. Tis night on the ocean. The proud steamer sails galhintly on and on, the Cap- tain snoring in his berth, the mates playing euchre, the lookouts asleep, and everything in readiness to swear, in case of collision, that it was all the other vessel's fault. Nothing is heard but the steady beat of the propellor, the groans of the immigrants, and the voices of men and women declaring that anybody who plans an ocean voyage for pleas- ure ought to be shot to death by codfish balls. The sportive dolphin gambols away his hard earnings. The whale rolls over for another nap, and the business-like shark fol- lows in the wake to pick up any opportun- ities which may tumble overboard. ' 'lis night on the prairie. The red men gather about the camp fire and count the scalps they have taken within the last week. and to grumble at the Government for not furnishing them port wine and repeating r;fle3. The white hunter and trapper curls himself up to wonder where he can find old bones for breakfast, and to realize what a fool he has made of himself, and the gaunt woif shouldeis his empty stomach and sets out in search of something to make life worth living for. Night grows apace. In the city the weary wife takes her place in the hall with club m hand. In the country the old folks fall into bed aweary with the work of the day, and the young people spark and chew pop corn. On the ecean the sea-aickers begin to grow worse, and the songs of the mermaid fall flat. On the prairie the Indians finally de- cide to make war in the Spring, the hunter falls asleep to dream of eating his boots for dinner, and the wolf meets a wildcat and ofTors to toss up and see which shall eat the other. â€" Detroit Free Press. TIic Danube. The river Danube has figured lai,^ ly in history for two thousand years, and it has often become the object to which the eyes of the world has turned. It furnished a high- way for the Turks, in the sixteenth and scvententh oenturie?, to penetrate Europe as far as Vienna, and in the days of the crusades it became au outlet lor the religious enthusiasm of Europe to flow to the holy land. The Danube, from its source in Baden to the Black Sea, is 1,820 miles long, and it drains, with its tributaries, an area of over 300,000 square miles. It passes through Bavaria, Austria, and Hungary, lorms the bcJfendaiy between Hungary and Servia to the Carpathian mountains, where it separ- ates Roumania and Bulgaria, and passes in- to the Black Sea through several mouths, the principal one being that of Sulina. The Danube is navigable lor steamers as far as Ulm, in Bavaria. At Nicopolis, m the fourteenth century, 100,000 Christians were driven by the Turks into the Danube, and in the fifteenth century 40,000 Turks were slain on its shores at the siege of Belgrade. No Complaints from the Boarders. Dtroit milkman sometime since se- cured a customer whom he soon discovereil meant to pay in promises, but he realized that if he quit serving her he stood no chance of collecting the debt already con- tracted. He therefore planned to obhge her to dismiss him, and began by adding one fourth water to the milk. Jso fault beinc found he put in fifty per cent, of water Three days passed without complaint, and the amount of water rose to seveaty-five per cent In three or four days more he served her with two quarts of water colored by a gill of milk. Next morning he expected to hear from it, but as the servant girl made no complaints he asked: " Uow does the family like the milk ' ' Pretty well, I gi:ess. " "No complaints?" "Not as Tve beard.. Missns is a wido^, you know, and doesn't drink tea nor coffee In account of the dyspepsia, and the board^ ers have all they can do to complain of the butter I " The man gave it up as a bad joo. A Mottor KlUed bySuadea Joy. Joy is said sometimes to kill outrighN thonch su-h cases are extremely rare. A nerfeSly authentic and quite recent instance of such an occurrence may be worth record- Sff A certain Mme. Laroche, who kept a Htie mercS^hop in the Rue Oberkalnpf, n PaS. S a son^ho, when his turn came bs^^ar'h-ad^t^^tjrpn^^ fheTtter in which he announced the fact *°st cofiS^Sf sSgo- and as her tU reoeived no re^^y.she feU^into^a state of P^o^°"'°iL2f"cStly. however, that her son was dead. '^^JVeturn to the young man, ^^^"S J^^^^a himself in France, unexpectedly Pl^sen^gg^ ^^ mouiMsarma. "".y.^ „tt«rad a cry of BBIOBT THOWBXS. K to do were easy as to know what w«e good to do. chapels had been churches, and pMr men s cottages princes' palaces. ^SAafe- F^nX^lTlZ]^^' '--'-rldly wise.- onSi^^ !* "impossible to be soiled by any outH ard touch as the lunlieam-if i/ton. h^^ "T" ^^^ *° ^*^ marriages are nappy IS because yoong Udies spend their Swm^ " ^^ °^**' not in making cages.â€" Dost thou love Ufe, faen do not squander time, for that is the staff life is made ot.â€" Jienjamin Franklin. What is twice read is commonly better remembered than what i» transcribed. â€"Sam- vet Johnson. The true sense of speech is not so much to express our wants as to conceal t hemâ€" Go/d- nmth. All that is human must retrograde if it do not advance.â€" (?i66o». A life spent worthily should be measured by a noble lineâ€" by deeds, not words.â€" Sheridan. Man's inhumanity to man Makes countless thousands mourn. â€" Robert Bums. Imitation u the sincerett flattery.â€" Cot- ton. ' Mind is the great lever of all things human thought is the process by which hu- man ends are ultimately answered. â€" Daniel Webster. Nothing is more simple than greatness; indeed, to be simple is to ba great. â€"Emer- son. We always like those who admire us, we do not always like those whom we admire. â€" La Rochefoucauld. A guilty conscience is like a whirlpool, drawing in all to itself which would other- wise pass by. â€" Fuller. KnowleJge without justice ought to be called cunning rather than wisdom. â€" Plato. The lightsome countenance of a friend givcth such an inward decking to tne house where it lodgeth as proudest palacess have cause to envy the gilding. â€" Sir Philip Slid- ney. Happiness consists in the constitution of the habits. â€" Paley, Great minds, like Heaven, are pleased in doing good. Though the ungrateful subjects of their favors Are barren in return. â€" Roire. A wealthy doctor who can help a poor man, and will not without a fee, has less sense of humanity than a ruffian who kills a rich man to supply his necessities. â€" Steele. â- biaikiiitf Fault-Finding, If- any one complains that most people are selfish, unsympathetic, absorbed iu their own pursuits, their own happiness, and their own sorrow, the chances are ten to one that the complainant is conspicuous for the very faults which he condemns. His thoughts are so concentrated on his own concerns that he is impatient because other people think of their concerns and not his. He is unable to enter into their grief or their joy when he is wretched he is amazed and indignant that any one can be happy when he is happy he thinks it intolerable that other people should be so oppressed with their own sorrows as not to make merry with him in his gladness. He has so high an estimate of the importance of his own work that he thinks other men ought to spend a large part of their time in watching and admiring it, and he wonders at the self- ishness which keeps them close at their own occupations when they ought to be showing their sympathy with his. This absorption in everything that relates to himself is the explanation of the universal indifference of which he complains. To secure sympathy we must give as well as take. The country that exports nothing will have no imports but if it infers that all the rest of the world is in wretched poverty, with no mines, and no timber, and no glorious harvests, the in- ference will be a talse one. As soon as a man finds that he is beginning to think that all human hearts are cold let him suspeot himself. When an iceberg floats away Irom the frozen fields which lie near the pole it cools the waters into which it drifts the very Gulf Stream sinks in temperature as soen as the mountain of ice touches it. In a crowd it is the man who pushes hardest who think? that everybody is pushing him it is the man who ia resolved to make his way to the front who complains that every- body wants to get io front of him. If peo- ple speak to you roughly, take warning the probability is that you speak roughly to the:n. â€" Good Words. ««»♦•-»•«•»•»• •♦^ A granger whose name is Bob Shi-ld, Was mowing the grass in his field, By a snake he was bitter. And he has just written. "St. Jacobs Oil has the lite healed. A iame Chinaman on the Pacific. Of pains and aches was prolific; He limped all around, Until he had found St, Jacobs Oil, the great specifac. "In for a peny, in for a poind." Thebaic drummer. If you are bilious, takj Dr Pierces "Pleasant Purgative Pellets," ^he original ' ' Little Liver Pills. " Of a^, druggists. Genuine self-denial â€" Saying, "Not at home.' jjjjpg ^i^n, onr Recks. A weak stomach or enfeebUd circulation is like a rope about our necks. \Ve are strung up anS unstrung altenately till ex- fstenc! becomes unbearable. Inrdock Bloca Srs will arfest all this msery. Bm- JSk B^od Bitters is a bom to the sick. Let us remember this fact, (t) A pert miss says she wears bangs becauEe she d^sn't want to look so foKhead. Tmaeine for a moment the tfousands upon thSds of bottles of (iarbolme. the Sorized petroleum hair lenewer, an- n^lv sold and the fact th«t not a smgle ^o^C has been receivedfrom all these SonaandB, and yon may hav? some idea of its good qualities. A man oat West died in a kth tab. The vardiot vas death f roai inexpjnence. FOR THE KIONIYS, LIVER AND URINARY ORGANS THE BEST OLOOD PURIFIER. Tlierr In only ono way hj' ttliicb nny dlS' rn!e r»ii be rnr «l. ami that Ih ly rrnioTlnK llie •â- iiu'câ€" Mbcrrver It iiiny lc. The great u1cfHr.1l aiitliorlllcit of I ho clay ilrclaro tkat nrnrly rvrry illsenMc ta rjiu.seil by deranscd kMnryH or liver. Tn rrfilorc ihrKC tberpforc i.« Ibr'ouly way by M'hich iK-nllh rnn bi* sr* riircil. IItr«- U T«hrre WARNES'S 811'E TIKE hiiH nchlrycti IIh emit rrpntation, II artA «lirrrlly upon Itac kidneys and liver :iiid by plnrlus Ihrni in a hrullhy condition drivr* allHrnsr and pain rroni the sytttcBi. I'or nil Kiilncy. Uverand I'rinnry tronblcx furllir dlKtrcsstusdiHortlersorwoiiieu; Tor .viiiliirhi. and pliysl\-il tntiiMi's gcnci-iilly, IhU u;rent rrnirdy lias i»t» H|Uii!. KrMaro ir iiciposiorK, imltalluns n'li; coucoiiloiis s:iit] io 1)1- Jnst tiH good. For lialK'l-H iisii for TiiKNEE'J SAFE DIARETE-! CUBE. For isalc by all dralrrs. H. H. WARNER CO. Toronto, Ont. Kocli ester, N.V., London j EBg. $5 MiSOELLANEOUS. PER DAY can be made by agents, male o r fem al e. C. W. DENNI S Toronto. CHRIS. SIIEPPARD.ManufrofMasonicand other Society Jewels^lot King E., ^oronto. Iff I D r WINDOW GUARDS, WIRE CLOTH iff I n C and Wire Goods at the Toronto Wire Works. 116 King St. West. T. G. RICE. UfJ|T|tl|FC Send for free illustrafod cata It n I UnCOl logue to RYRIE, the Jeweler, 113 Yonge Street. 'I oronto. PADIIC Valentine and Kdstor; in.$l,$2,$l UnllUOi 95. or $10 lots. Bf D)3t pre-paid H. J. MATTIIEWS BROS., Toronto^ CLERKS A.VD SCHOOLMASTERS-WHY not add $5 to $15.00 per week to your salary- after business hours. Address with stamp. H, McAL ISTER, Drawer 2630. Toronto. Ont. FARMERS AND LAND OWNERS WlStl- Ing to sell their nroperties can secure im- mediate sale bv sending full particulars to BUTLER Sc LAKE, 68 King Street East, To- ronto^ ANAUl.%.^ MITUAL AlU A»8»€IAT10N Co-operative Life Assurance. Provide for families in case of death. W. PkmbkrtonPage, Sec, 87 King^t. West. Toronto. Agents w anted. AGENTS-IN EvfeY COUNTY IN ON- tarioâ€" to sella necessary and profitable articleâ€" sent three cent stamp for particulars. Ad dress L. B. CLEM ENS. Wa terloo RS. WOOD « CO., OAKVILLii:â€" MANU • FACTURERS of outside and inside Blinds, Sash, Doors, and Mouldings. Send for prices. Oakville, Ont. AUTOPIIONES," sew. INCLUDING FOUR tunes. T. CLAXTON, dealer in Mus-cal Instruments. Piano Music, Band Music, fcc. Catalogues_f rec._ 197 Ynngc S t.. Toronto tBBEK SrA.HPS.-ADDRESS R. II. COX, 4 King St. East. Toronto. Agents wanted. B ^-| g\f^ ton A WORKING MODEL «l5JL«\l\/ steam Engine, with lamp complete, C. POTTER, 31 King-st.. East, Toronto. STOCK OF GOODS WANTED IN EX- CHANGE for large good farm, having vil- lage and Ilailway station on it, or would sell cheap. A pply Box 1, D undalk. Ont. OWNERS OF FARM LANDS, CITY AND Town Properties, desiring to realize, will find purchasers bv sending me full descriptions, lowest prices, and terms ot payment. J. W. G. WHITNEY, Estate Agent, 2j Toronto street, Toronto. THOSE WISHING TO DISPOSE 6^ OR purchase a business of any description in the city or elsewhere should call or send parti- crdar» to C. J. PALIN, 53 a nd 53 King-strtct East. Toronto. Business Agent and Valuer. ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLEGE, TO- ONTO. Students can enter from October until January. PROF. SMITH, S.,V. Edin., Principal._ Fees, fifty dollars. FARM FOR SALE-2ND CON. PICKER- ing township, one mile north Pickering village, six miles west ot Whitby; G'l acres; best of soil; 2 houses; good oi'tbuildings; first- class young orchard. Further particula'-s .ip- plv to ISAAC HOAG. on premises, o:' .).H. J. MOORE, N orwich, Ont. 'â- ^jTi^En COMBE PIAXOFOKTES ARE gm J3I endorsed by the most eminent g musicians for superiority of tone and act- on. Illustrated catalogues mailed on appli- cation, OOTAVIUS NEWCOMBE CO., corner of "hurch Richmond Sts.. Toronto. A variety of second hand Pianos by Chickering, Stodart, and other makers at close jjrices. M AIJITADA I RARECHANGE FOR mAnllUDA! farmers, choice lands. Choice positions. Easy prices and terms: J cash, balance i equal annual paympnts, with interest at 7i per cent. Southern Mani- toba-330 acres, $7.00 per acre, E. i 13. Tp. i, Rg. 14, west. Blrtle Dist.â€" G40 acres, |8 00 per acrf" all 6, Tp. 17, Rg. 25, west. Winnipeg D;st.-210 SIO OOper acre, S. W. i, S. i, N. W. i 1. Tp. 9, Rg. 2, west. 240 acres, JIO.OO per acre, N. W. i, N. *, S. W. i 34, Tp. 8, Rg. 1, west. ALFRED BOYD. 23 Scott Street, Toronto. ^___ THE KEEWATIN Wonderful returns promised from the capital invested. A district abounding in mineral wealth. The place to make fortunes. Prof. Chapman (of the School of Science, Toronto) reports JllO pure gold to the ton. Mr. Walter Hamilton the well-known mining engineer of the Hamilton Reduction Co., New York, re- ports f 193.41 gold and silver per ton of 2,000 Ibe., as the results of their assays of the quartz found in the Manitoba mines. AU information and full reports sent on application to TORONTO MINING BOURSE, 64 King Street East, Toronto. CONSUMPTION I Catarrh, Tbro.-it Diseases, BroRctaltis. with diseases of the Eye, Ear and Heart, suc- cessfully laieated at the Ontario PalmoBary Instltate, 135 Cburcli Street. Toronto, enibtrio. â-  M. HILTON WILLLAMS, M. D., M.C.P.S.O., PKOPRIKTOB- Our system of practice is by Medicated Inhala tions, combined 'with proper constitntional re- medies. Over 40,000 cases treated during the past 17 years. If impossible to call personally for an ex- aminatian, write for list of Questions and Medical Treatise. Address, Ontario Pulmonary Institute, 135 Ctaorch st Toronto, Ont. U^e " TcABSRKY " sad you will 6nd Your Teeth become as pearls Twill fragrant make the Bnvith of all, Boya, women, men and giris. J*iearTiL.soxBURG, Ont., Dec 14, 1881 I have been ailing for yenrs with Bil- iousness and Dyspepsia, and was reduc- ed to a mere skeleton. Last fall I weighed only eighty-six pounds. I was induced to try Zopesa by M r. Thomson (of the firm of C. Thomson Co., drug- gists, of this place), and, many thanks to him, I am now an entirely new wo- man and weigh 124 pounds, through the use of thi"» new compoun'l. MRS. CAROLINE FORBES. Wife of Mr. R: G. Forbe«. SPOKTlKli, SonsHCional JSc (Joiuio ttuoks; ust for stamp. J. A, WILSOX. Panlaboro. N.J. ROOFl\« MATKKIAL8, CARPET AND Building Papers, wholesale and retail, at low price, at HODGE .AVILLIAMS, 4 Aciel- aide St., East, Toronta. AT A BARGAINâ€" STOCK AND GRAIN Farm near Fergus, county Wellington. 163 acres; 100 clear; 30 new land; good clay !oani; good water and pasture. Address, G. F PLATT, Fergus P. O^ FOR SALE â€" 610 ACRES â€" CLASS ONE Land. t)ak River District, Manitoba $3 per acre ?1,000 cash, balance on time. Splen- did chance for intending settlers. AooTy to ROBERT WATSON. Orillia. FOR "SALE OR TO LETâ€" BLACKSMITH shop abd house, garden and orchard, good business stahd. For further particulars apply to R. HOWELL, Kimbcrley P. 0. Eii- pSrqain, Tn. Out. X Fnee Homasteada with preemptions add- ed now open in this fertile track. For list of present settlers, improvements now going on and full information, address Head Office, 1 Victoria St., Toronto. Intending settlers want- ed as Bk-ents. J AS. ARMSTRONG, Managini?- Dir ector VESSELS FOR SALE OR CIIARTER- schooners Craftsman, Fdloircraft, Her- cules, and |K)-ic iroi-e;all A. vessels and in good condition. Apply to W. Y. EMERY. Port Bur well, Ont. (^ GOD SEEDS FOR ALL CLIMATES-IL- X LUtiTRA'lEDand DesTiptive catalogues of choioo Vegetables and Flower Seeds now ready, and will be sort free' to all applicants. No charge for postage on seeds at catalogue prices. WII^LIAM EA'ANS, Seedsman, 93 Mc- Gill street, Montreal. Established 18,5.'). CANADA WANTED DOJirxE CO., r.illimore, MJ.. U. S. A. "RELIABLE " LUMBER S "RELIABLE" ^^ eedS It will pay purchasers of Seeds to send for my Annual Descriptive and Priced Catalogue or "Cultivators Guide" for 1883. Sent free on application. Address. 14T RELIABLE SEED HOUSE, Kins: street East, Toronto KENT BROS, INDIANGLOGK I With life size figures striking the hours and quarters, also indicating the time on three dials, is one of the great attractions of To- ronto. Their ma£:nificent Watch and Jewelry Establislimeiit is without a rival in the Dominion. A visit to this establishment will well repay any in- tending purchaser who may favor them with a call. Inspection is invited to tbeir im- mense stock of Watches, Diamonds, Jewehy, Silverware, Clocks, Bronzes, Mnsical Boxes. Spectacles, Opera Qlasses, ^C-, C. All goods marked in plain figures, warranted as represented, and sold at the lowest possible prices for cash. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL^ KENTBBOS., " 168 TONGE STSEET, TOSONTO iS" SIOH OF THE IKSIAy CLOCK, "K| P.S.â€" S«ad forpnce List. i â-  .f i.( ' i; I ' f J^.t i i:;. t .J. t •.•'â- 

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