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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Mar 1883, p. 1

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 \Vl l. 3. --No. 28. •cavB" MARKDALE, ONT., MAR. 22, 1883. No. 132. j'tiuliiialc n 1- "I AY EVENING. iatel** P'l :,1 -f •: :«;' Ti; ';irl j3 "V llo' kilil.i On'ario. ,j â- â€¢: iri â- , vi if iiot paid till â- - Mr. No i':ii"'i" rtiscoutiDueJ -.i ii" â- â- ;â- .: I 3.' I'x.'t'pt at the •".i-] •;â- . ?;n'i jirii ties refusing t â-  t".v. ' "-p "il- "f bel'l rispon- ,:-â-  ;-;.':jCrivtions until they S " ADVEr.TISIXa K:- \:-iY S'0 00 'â- . -27 50 ,1, 15 00 ,1(1 8 00 (1,1 4 00 ;, liist 'iHfrJion per line 8 ,i!' iu.s' .;ion 3 r of hill" to he reckoned by the â- i iiiertri'irLil by a srale of solid .1 iu-t.'mcats without specific :1 I.e published tiU forbid and 'liiiL'ly. All transitory adver- â-  in the oiSce ot bublica- luck ii!i the Wednesday proceed- REVERE HOTEL, 3IAR1£1AI.E. BTEENS McGASKILL PKOPRIETOES. THIS popular Hotel has changed hands and the above men cater to the wants of the public. Good stabling and attentive hostlers. The best brands of liquor and cigars, good meals and comfortable rooms, large ommercial room. Barber shop in con- nection. 130-ly. CHATSWORTH HOUSE (late moerow house,) C2IATSWOKTII, Out. "j: their imi. JOB PRINTING [fi ever* clesenption execiited with fatness nv.\ Josoatch at the Office of flie )ixsiK\?.n, MarkJiile. W. RUTUDGE. Fditob Nr Pr.oPRiETOR. THE undersigned having purchased the above property has had it thoroughly renovated and refurnished throughout be- side making other new improvements, which will preatly add to the comfort and couve- niertee of hig guests, would respectfully so- licit the pacronage of the pubUc generally. The best brand of liquors and cigars always in stock. Good meal and comfortable rooms guaranteed. Good stabling and attentive hostler. â€" G. H. Mathews, Prop. 114 Markdale Hotel. Ill* EOBT. ASKIIh, Has opened out a First-Class Furniture UNDERTKING ESTABLISHMENT, And therefore has supphfid a want loHg felt, especially in the Undertaking Line. COFFINS, C4SKETS, SHROUDS, and all FUKERH FURNI$HIN6S supplied on the shortes notice. \v â- ;:t I, 'â- â- ii .(:â- :] and iirillek. all l!i!' " promjiMv attfn.iled to. Eesi- -Mu '-rs Ili;i, (_wen Sound. 12!J-35 G!; i.i'j. ij :•, M.D., IvI.R.CP. S., O. â- â- ;i- a;i.l Surtreon, Priceville, )i l"i:v('isity. Vict. C'.)llege. New York, and .nx^c, of the same, .\vlot!i Xlcdir-al Institute. Op.halmic HoRpital, N,Y. ill. r'uvsiL-iansA- SurgGors,0. 104 Good Accommodation for Travellers. 'Bus to and from all trains. Ciiarges moderate. Markdale. A. Eutlbdge, Peop. "coTp^ercial "hotel' PRICEVILJ-.E, Ont. Large and commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Kooms, c. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor .A. STolenclicI Hearse for hire at moderate rates. Denial Oai-rt. Cameron Knight, It'lNTAL SUIiaEONS, A Ci-i7;u^ron and Co'-b Drug Sr'.OV"KN SOUND. ' ;-iveii til the pre^ervation of h. Artiticiiil Dentures mount- luloiJ, and llubbcr basos. Lo at Miukdale the last Tuesday in "ii mont-i, I. Camfriu. :,[.D.,A C. F. Knight, L.D.S. L.F.P. ,v s. ;i;i pgow, ]\Iedalist Eoyal Col- L.Ii.;S., Out. lege Dcn.Sur.,Ont -liM OVrV i â- on-. l',y;l 'v-r; a';. •'!•â- . V.'iialnr:;! Ic ^i.inGui.l, C John McDonald, CHATSWOETH, DrVlSION Court Clerk, Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses, Commissioner in B.E., Conveyancer, c. Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, c. attended to promptly, accurately, neat- ly, and cheaply. Private funds to lend in small sums on easy terms. Notes discounted FUENITUKB! From the Commm to the Best and Latest Styles, in everything in tie line. Call and see for yourselves ROBT.,ASKIN. R. jn. Oalbraitli i UCTIONEEE AND GENEEAL LAND i\. Agent, Wilhamsford Station. Auction Sales attended in all parts of the County. Goods sold on commission. Eates moderate. Pianos, Organs, and Sewing Machines; also Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Vines, Agricul- tursil Implemennts, and Machinery of all kinds on sale. Wihiamsford, Jan. 27,1881. Union Carriate forks. All work manufa^ured from First Class jMaterial In the Latest and Bst Improved Style, and finiicd with Ensrlish. ^^rnisli. J.P.MARSHALL, L.D.S. iE]\TlST, nRADFATE OF TOEaNTO SCHOOL IJ of D- litistry, will be at Eutledge's I'lcl, Markl.ile. on the third WA'dnesdav of â- aclimomh fori he practice of his profession. }inairv9;!i. IS^^:}. 122-74, iegaL GIBSOl^ IcIlLLAN CONTRACTORS. Contracts taken for all kinds oE BRICK AN DSTOHE WORK, Plain and Ornamental Plastering. Cahomininq in all Shades and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- antee'!. Orders left at ahe St..5Dabd oce will receive prompt attention. Markdale, Feb. 6th, 1883. 126-ly. BARIUSri-ilS, A Law. S.^l'.citors infers, v., n;;jl;f-nou. aerotofovf. Cant- E'8-ost Frost, AND ATTOENEYS-AT ors in Chancerv. Convey iwt u Sound, have resumed at Uit'ico open every Thursday, as Painfiitg Triifnlng Rigs will receive promj attention. All Repairs executedp the shortest possible toe consistent with goodrorkmanship. Good Work a Ipeciality. Eemember the Shop, oppite the Cheapside D. J. SH^TAHAN, Markdale. Dec. 2nd, 18f Proprietor. 64. J.'W own Attorney Fr.osT,LL. B. 1 Wm. BroMTi, rSSUEE OF MAEEI.\GE LICENSES c I Commissioner in B. E.d'c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefuUy executed K. B.â€" Money to Lend on Eeal Estate se curity JOHN ISDBLE, MARKDXE, GENER'LBLMSMITH BAi;risT;:i:. MASTER AND] inCh:i:c.- rv. Notary Public, DEP. EEG Convevan M'NFYT^ ;-:::d at six pee cent. ^.ounl, in Vicker's Block i ill :,Iarkd:\le, over MeFar Tiiday and Saturday every 57. ly A?,::i .^,,-,,solicitoes. CONVEY- Of ova W ;;!n)ttv-.i Sound, DuSerin Block, 1" Vi'iilfs Store and in .,., .,. MARKDALE; ^, _, ';^r \\. .J, \i^..,-.„l.^i-jj.^ St(jreon Thursday â- 'â- â- "' r :iil;iy ,,f ^f.]^ ^Teek. '^F;;;;.;-;:,,) Lndon reasonable terms. ""^x C^.F.A^ ,u. (^i.G DuscA MoBirfON ^I»rka:iU., March 1.3, 1882. 79-lv LOYAL MARKDALE LODGE, W. L. YOUNG, Sec'y. o'clock p. m. 108 HORSESIOEING A SPECI4TY. Wm.' Lncas Co. BANKRS, I la B •^nct: Alexander Brow^n. SSUER nf Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life In-uranco Agent. Commissioner R- c. Conveyancer and Licensed ^ictioneer for the County of Grey. Farmers, "chants and Land Sales, Punctually at- ^ndei to an,l char^res made very moderate. "icevIUe, Sept. 17. 188a, ' 1-V ^EN-TS AND GUAEDIAiJSOP CHIIi- JL dren will confer a fayor upon me and "«netit themselves if they would inform their ^nudren that I will not aUow any one wider years of age ia my BUliard Boom. V ,^ D.M.HOGAll,Propri«»«- "«*^aie, Jan. 15th, 1888. WAHtmmm HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED â- ^CV We haye recently published a new (^iBA^edition of Dr. Citlvebweix s Cele- permanent cure (without ^edicme of Ner ^ous Debility, Ment^ and Phy«cal mcapaci ty, Impediments to Marriage, Ac resulting from excesses. •• e ^a-nin Price, in sealed envelope, only 6 cents. or two postage stamps. admirable The celebrated a^^ttors m thisjiomg^^ Essay, clearly demonstrates, from thirty years •^^.CS/S^^'S- Ioney Xanod IN large or small amor^!, at all times, on good indorsed note or on collateral security. i INTEREST AT ^ER CENT. Allowed on Savij Deposits. IS'Drafts issued andtllections maiJe on points, at lowest ratfi f.M. LUCAS, j Manager. September 23. 1880. ' 2-ly W. C. RI0AROS, TOB, ABCm- geqriences may w lao^J ^^edieineB or the -rUILDEB. CO "â- ^^ ^f °*. ^Sg OTt a mode of cinre t T«ci.-BeBidenod Mill Street, Mark- ofleofthelmife.pMrapB^^ efleotnal, by »t once simple, "^^"V 1^" no matter ^t hiB condition "»y.S?;X r ^^ e-Thi« Leetoe *««^J?J^£1^ erS^yoath and ev«y nan « tt» 1" dale. Markdale. Jan. Slfli^ 134b^ WAR ALL H0TB8 Al JOLcemaU w*ivm Ifjirt^^i O^SBDUE AG- the. prannt lor wileotioii. S,#Q9TBB. J**' .v'-cvi^ rW'-.a-i;'^.r/J-v-;^C*'ii- |..v%.;4liS^^fe4-^'"r^ INC. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. S--S- GJ^REY rlVISIO]V GH^^rSTGrE IVo. 3. Report of Semi-Annnal nioetin^ Held in Y. Itl. C. A. Rooms, Owen Sound, January 25tta, 1883. Owen Sound. January 25th, 1883. Grey Division Grange met at YounT Men's Christian Association Booms at 10:80 a. m. The W. M. not heing present it was moved by Bro. H. Eeid. sec- onded by Bro. D. R. Ellis, that Bro. R. J. Doyle take the chair pi-o tern. â€" Carried. W, M. then appointed Bro. H. Reid Overseer, and Bro, D. Arm- strong Steward. Grange opened in due form. Moved by Bro. Jas. Brodie, seconded by Bro. Inkster, that the min- utes of last meeting be considered read. â€" Carried. Moved by Bro. G. Stewart, seconded by Bro. H. Palmer, that Bra. James Brodie bo Auditor. â€" Lost. • Moved by Bro. H. Reid, seconded by Bro. D. R. Ellis, that Bro. H. Palmer be Auditor. â€" Carried. Moved by Bro. D. Armstrong, seconded by Bro. G. Stewart, that Bros. Reid, Stewart and Ellis, and Sister Doyle be a committee to strike Standing Committees. â€" Carried. Bros. Kennedy and Armstrong were appointed a Committee on Credentials, who reported as follows Bro. Kennedy, Sanble Grange 824, " D. Armstrong, Hawthorn Grange 36-4. " J. Brodie, Artemesia Grange 259. " John Weber, " " G. Dale, Artemesia Centre Grange 458. " G. Stewart, " J. Hickling, Hickling Grange 381. " J. lukster, " B. White, St. Vuicent Grange 15. Bro. R. J. Doyle, Owen Sound Grange 421. " Robt. Walker, " H. D. Irwin, 0;ange Valley Grange 320. " W. McLoiigbrey " " " " Thos. Mtitio,- Markdale Grange 334. " H. PalmfT, St.'VTncent Grange 15. " D. R. Ellis, New England Grange 312. " H. Reid, Hiwthorne Grange 364. Moved by Bro. Kennedy, seconded by Bro. Armstrong, that this re- port be received, adopted, and engrossed on the minutes. â€" Carried. Moved by Bro. H. Palmer, seconded by Bro. H. D. Irwin, that no member speak more than once on any subject, nor longer than five minuten, without permission of the Grange. â€" Carried. Gringe allowed fifteen minutes to Bro. Kennedy to explain how certain dealers in Toronto do business with the Granges. When time had expired the Grange was so much pleased that another fifteen minutes was voted to Bro. Kennedy when he gave some interesting facts about the buUer trade. Committee to strike Standing Committees presented their report. Adoption moved by Bro. H. Reid, seconded by Bro. D. R. Ellis. â€" Carried. Bro. T, Blezard, M. P. P.. Eaet Peterborough, being present was called on to address the Grange, which he done, giving a very pleasing and instructive address. 12:45 the Grange adjourned till 2 p. m. Grange resurtied business at 2 p. m. Treasurer read report. Moved by Bro. Palmer, seconded by Bro. D. R. Ellis, that the Treasurer's report be received and adopted. â€" Carried. Bro. H. Palmer read Report on Stock. Moved by Bro. H. Palmer, seconded by Bro D. R. Ellis, that Re- port on Stock be received and adopted. â€" Carried. Report on Education presented by Bro. H. D. Irwiu. Moved by Bro. H, D. Irwiu, seconded by Bro. B. White, that Re- port on Education be received and adopted. â€" CaiTied. Moved by Bro. D. Armstrong, seconded by Bro. S. Stewart, that the different Committees meet the day previous to the ordinary meet- ing to prepare their reports, as we find it takes too mucn time at tlio meeting. â€" Carried. Report of Committee on Horticulture presented bv Bro. J. Weber. It was moved, seconded and carried that report be received and adopted. Repot of Committee on Jurisdiction presented by Bro. Wm. Mo- Loughrey. It was moved, seconded and carried that report be received and adopted. Report on Seed Grain presented by Bro. Hugh Reid. Moved by Bro. Hugh Reid, seconded by Bro. D. Armstrong, that erport now .read be received and adopted. â€" Carried. Secretary presented his Report. It was moved, seconded and car- ried that the Report be referred to the Auditors. Moved by Bro. J. Kennedy, seconded by Bro. H. D. Irwin, that the Committee on Municipal Law and Education sliall- bring ir a special report in detail at half yearly meeting in July next for Licgislative or other practical purposes. â€" Carried. Moved by Bro. H, Reid, seconded by Bro. Gfo. Stewart, that this Grange approve the Bill now before the Legislature of Ontario for es- tablishing three Model Creamerico, and request the Secretary to take immediate steps to procure memorials from each subordinato grange in tliis DiTision to the Government to establish one of these iustitu tions in the County of Grey, and that the Master and Secretary be re- qaested to petition the GoTeinment without delay to the same effect, â€" Garned. Moved in amendment by Bro. Jas. Bowes, seconded by Bro. Thos, Mann, that a copy of the Bill be sent to each sab-grango so that they consider it. â€" Lost. Moved by Bro. D. Armstrong, seconded by Bro. G. Stevart, that the del^fates to this meeting be paid their expenses, and that tiie Mas- ter anoint a OcMiuaittoe to examine the aeconiita presented b^ tUo didegi^.â€" Carried. ^..^^ (Oontinn«dnextwe«k.) r ^y X k -4 i?" s.. tT JK- 'â-  " 'i ft. H

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