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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Mar 1883, p. 8

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 f -) /^' i I ' ?â- : r i m -.a I' â- oi.yr DYSPEPSIA LIvaB COHFLIirr. Is it lot warih the small priee of 76 oeots 'to bee jooiself of every symptom of these distressing complaints, if you think so call t oni store ar.d get a botUe of Shiloh's Vital- izer, every bottle has a printed gaaraDtie en it, use accorJing'y and if it does you no good it will cost yoa nothing. Sold at Wm. Brown's General Store. Mar^dale. The London Graphic announces the birth of "thre« young children." OH, WHAT A CODGH! Will yoa heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sore approach of that more terrible disease coasumption. Aisk your- selves if you can afford for the sake of 50cts., to mn tlie and do nothing for it. We krow from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your Cough. It never fails. This esplaius *hy more than a Million Bottles were sold the past year. It reheves Croup, and Whooping Cough, at once. Mothers do not be vithout it. For Lame Back, Side, or Chest, use Shiloh's Porous plaster. Sold at Wm. Brown's General Store Markdale. "Bounds at applause" help an ac- tor to the top of the ladder of fame. We have a speedy and positive 'cure, for Catarah, Diphtheria, Canker mouth and Head Ache, in SHHILOH'S CATAKEH KEMEDY. A nasal Injector free with each bottle. Ue it if you desire health and sweet breath. Price 50 centn. Sold at Wm. Brown's General Store, Markdale. "Sambo, did you ever see the Cats- kill Mountains ' â€" "No, sah but I've seen um kill mice." FOLTUNES FOB FARMERS AND ME- CHANICS. Thousan is of dollars can be saved by us- ing proper judgement in taking care of the health of your self and family. If you are Bilious, hive sallow complexion, poor appe- tite, low anJ depressed spirits, and generally debilitated, do not delay a moment, but go at "Oiice and procure a bottle of those Electric Bitters, which never fail to cure, and that for the tritiing sum of fifty cents. â€" Tribune. Sold by A. Turner Co. An architect proposes to build a Bachelors' hall, â- which will differ from most houses in having no eves. WOMAN'S TRUE FRIEND. A friend m need is a friend in deed. This none can deny, especially when assistance is rendered when on« is sorely afflicted with diseases, more particularly those complaints and weakness so common to our female pop- ulation. Every woman should know that Electric Litters are Woman's true friend, and will positively restore her to health, even when all other remedies fail. A single trial always pri ves our assertion. They are pleas- ant to ihe taste, and only cost fifty cents a bottle. Sold by A. Turner Co. Housewife â€" "Before I you employ must I you ask, 'Have you a lover " Servant maiden â€" One I should emile " NEVER GIVE UP. If you are suffering with low and depress- ed spirits, loss of 'appetite, general debility, disordered blood, weak constitution, head- ache, or any disease of a bilious nature, by nil means procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be surprised to see the rapid im- provemeui that wiU follow you will be in- spired with new life strength and activity will return pain and misery wil cease, aid henceforth yuu will rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold ai fifty cents a bot- tle by A. Turner Co., Markdale. If "all the world's stage, and men and women merely players," where are the audience and orchestra to come from McGREGOE'S SPEEDY CURE. From the many remarkable cures wrought by Dsiug McGiegor's Speedy Cure for Dys- pepsia, Indigestion, Constipation and affec- tion of the Liver, and from the immense sale of it without advertising, we have concluded to place it extensively on the marke, so that those who suffer may haye a perfect cure. Go to Hitl Lros. General Store and get a trial botil e free, or the regular size at fifty cents and one dollar. 127-4(). "Yes, the electric light is a great invention,' muttered Flub, as lac felt about the door, "an' every key hole should hiive one " CALVERT'S CARBOLIC CERATE. Try it for Chapped Hands, Cuts, Biu-ns, Bruises. It is a prcparaticn of Vasehne, Carbolic .\cid and Cerate. It will cure any sore where all other preparations fail. Call at Hill Bio.s. Genera! Store and get a package. Tweuty-livf cents is all it costs. 127-40- A Cortland man who read at the end of a friends marriage notice. "No cards," sent him a euchre deck by the first mail. KR.VM'S FLUID LIGHTNING Is the only instantaneous rehef Neural^a, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rubbing a few ilrops briskly is all that is needed. No tak- ing nauseous medicines for weeks, but one minute's apphcation removes all pain and wUl prove the great value of Krams Fluid Lightning.- Twenty-five cents per bottle at Hill Bros General Store. Markdale, 127-40 Wm. Lucas Co, bankers, Markdale, have $200,000.00 to loan on real estate. Straight loan system. No fines. Low interest; moderate charges. Toledo has one of the most exem- plary Chiistian young ladies we ever kneV. When kissed on the right, cheek she always turns the left also. "» The United Slates nse two tons cf hairpibs daily.. The rem»ija8,o| a man hayo been dug out of the ruihs of Pompeii, with both hands resting on his stomach. The building in which he was found is supposed to have been a cheap re- staurant. leoiDt- a TAILOR^ SYDENHAM STREET, FISH JUST TO HAND IN tpp " JfK* A E M E Bji BIKJAB KETTLES OF I'HE BEST QUALITY AT ARKDALE FOUNDl ^StTPPOBT HOME MANUFAOTITBE. WOOD OLD IRON TAKEN IN EXChJ The People's Photograph! Continues to take Pictures, Do Copying and Enlarging in goodi FEAMES and FEAME PIXINJ in great variety and latest de.tiigns at desperate low prices. eAn ci»t.T« M rkdale, Fcb'y. 8th, 1883, WM. BROW A. M'INTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. M'INTYRE T^o"CLr, X^lOTJLr, E^lo"iJLr- McINTYRE'iS LIQUORS I LIQUORS McINTYEE'S Cigars, Cigars. McINTYEE'S Coffee, Coffee McINT^iRE'S MEAL I MEAL I MEAII McINTYEE'S Pork, Pork, Pork. McINTYEE'S Teas, Teas. And ever ythin g kept n in a first-class Grocery and Liqaoi Store, always on hand, cheap fob casb. H MAEKDALE Sash and Door Factory R. J. Sproule's ANNUAL CleaiiDgSale SASH, DOORS, BLINDS MOULDINGS, HOLLOW BATTONS, FRAMES Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Always on Hand. Orders Promptly Filled. The Subscriber wishes to return thanks to the people of Markdhle and Tichiity for the very Ubeial patronage they have given him in the past, and hopes by close attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. I have now extended my business .and will in futttre keep a full Stock of PINE LUMBER. Direct from the North Shore. ALLi SIZES, DRESSED AND ITNDBESSED, All liinds -^r Plain and Fancy Txurixing Bone in a first-class manner. THOS. McNBA. 37-tf Markdale May 27th, 1881. ARTEMESIA WAREHOUSE Diy6oods,Hardware, Crockery, Boots aM Shoes, Groceries, Provisions, c. Stock kept fiiU and weU assorted with new goods recor^eil every week. MY BRANCH STORE AT EUGENL\ replsnisbed with new goods everv week. For s^e cheap for cash'or prod«ca. My Saw. mm. Shingle i^acto^'ihd Utne Kite?^^^ AT LIXTLE FA^, ABB m 0tEga4,!^KJN. All kinds Sail ogytiHlrt rillwIJ w taw w rtmfc- Liuaber, Lath, nr««m BUui«l««, Is now going on and WILL CONTINUE UNTIL THE ^OtJoL of ^vCarcli- Call early and secure bargains. Heavy importations of Spring goods are now on the way, and our pre^nt large stock must be cleared out and will be pold out at and under cost. MarkdalelPUMP Fact( MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF PUMPS, DKOP VALVE PUMPS, GYLlNDEil PUMPS, CISTEBN j FORCE PUMPS, Mbo, all kinds of IEON pumps SUPPLIEP Satisfaction guaranteed on all my work the proof of i^i^L fact that I am doing a larger busmesB now than ever was docei" toe i'ump business. Kemember the stand, 1 door north of K"" 1 Sydenham Street, Marl ^©VERV! i-.-V-:-*^-*^-***. i4^v Oet rmmr !•% Wa done at this P^ FARM FOR .^'Glenelg. Th|sj^ Markdale, with aio^jjj^ "S: I balance, hardwood bnsn .^ -â€" for fencing the V^-J ^i 'â-  with never faihn^ t^^^ioi^,* Young orchard, log \°"f:ric« i^ deed can be Pjen. *» »^, p,^ ply to MES. MI^ST^^,«g*» mill fmr Bale }f every desc jeatness and c ie bXANDARD, G-hent, M Pbvfiician n TTadua:e of U"-:i I Hon. Gra.luate, Member C. til. rii Office over P. ' Siore, Poiilott S Every attention the natural t'eotl! ed on Gold, Cell Will bo at M: eaoh month, A. Cameron, M. L.F.P.fet.G! L.D.8., On fe.*£

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