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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Mar 1883, p. 5

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 ii« JT;^•r;^fENT of ?ira.;ter of the Sn- m'l, uiade m thii e •J.ind ilay of Sep- t to subsequent lii- 1 r laacb on the 61I1. will be 3old, with I ^t^^:-tâ- tâ- .byAb^am iL'trjiicer, AUCTION, 3 aci-ea cleared, aai .-, acres cleared, a e--..igbtof auacri '"• )â-  acres clcarei -a^a^'eouslysitu^" 0,1, on tbeleaf^, places afiordS*^ id down at the 5 1 one iBontli. I $c Brown I, A, DollisJcavingMark- rj r .P.'/s/«i^55 /;? Toronto, 'â- â- ^Siii'^;^ to leave Mark- "'i^cr.) l'-^ ^^^^ entered \^^^;-s!i!p i^ith Mr. W. vj' \\ late ofFleshertoii, ^-rrLical I'jatchmaker iVl ^f ever 1 J years ex- â- ,ncs li'ich the best VIS from some of jdidiviakers in the i CO datu .Br on the Is it sick you are Yes. WeU try a cup of McFarland'B tea. f .7""'?°! "" '^^' aescription execu- ted m first class style at this office We would like to hear from our cor- respondents. Lefs haye something for next week. ° at the Markdale Bouse, on Wednes day next, 21st, where he wiU be happy 4o wait on those requiring, his seryices. Local notices requires to be m this office by noon Wednesday to insure an insertion that week. We timidly prophesy that there will be a continuance of weather for Bome time to come. Look out for it. Beynoids Son are offering large inducements to purchasers for the next thirty days. See their large posters. FARMERS BEWARE. Petty awiBdkws are now working ;, ;; ::'/// carry Maykdalc. â- n\( .^^/^'â- ^l "orses changed hands on ::r-'!!Stcd to luni H'lit lair day at good prices. Mr. Walter rjvrkmanlike man- Nidiolls solda team for $300.â€" Dan dalk Herald. in Hull county, Georgia, U. S., a dniuken father named Hull poured a f hovel of hot coals on his infant child, c " uarantced, 'ill I ^^ sold :iill be found' burning it to death vr money refnnd- r^^^.\ )11 Brown fjiiirs 111 ONLY ui \^^^ â-  " fi i1 ^1. ,. '.,-â-  .ili'iuifd ti lit'iif'll â- I ,:â- ;]: /,(â-  cii'UilC'i lt:i I .- 1 n.Li " 'i (i'((' jh'i' .11 lit iir-u'i t'wii. A despatch from Deadwoorl, D. T., announces the burning to death ot eleven men in the lodging house of a camp in the Black Hills. A boat was driven to sea at St. Piorce, N. F., on Friday. When over- taken by persons from' the shore yes- terday the crew were found frozen to doath. The death oi Prince Gorifchakoff, the eminent Russian statesman, who h-is acliieved tlie reputation of one of the ablest diplomatists of the age, is announced. up the rural district wiJi a litUe ?aine described thus An agent wiU ^wt a House and exhibit a wonderful powder, •«k for the Joan of a lamp, and plac mg a pinch of the suflf in the oil. he will dip a hghted match mto the fluid. Ihe match will be extinguished as if dipped into water. The wonderful staff IS nothing but common salt, col- ored blue with ultramarine. As the vapor of the oil, and not the oil, is wl^t burns, the agent experiences no difiicalty in playing the artful trick., ihe swindler claims that the powder is espt cially adapted for the preven- tiori of lamp explosions and insures against the breaking of lamp chim- neys. Here is another of the many plans of defrauding the honest farmer of his hird-eamed money A farmer re- ceivesrf a circular through the mail stating that a new variety of winter wheat has been discovered and that seed will be furnished free of charge Uutil a good crop of said wheat is raised, on condition that he send §1 to pay for packing, etc. The dollar JS sent and nothing more is ever heard of it. EOUXD TOWN. THE BEST IICHEAPEST. Coolness of temperament is a virtae, but the refreshing coohiesg of the Preserved meats. Fruits, and Tegretablei*, â€" KEPT AT THK â€" BELFAST HOUSE, MARKDALE, bests att th« ieabergi ever floated down the Atlantic Ocean. next Sraiday v;i!i be BjCI -) vu;f or !â- â-  lltli, as Ann Leahy, arrested in New York on a charge of vagrancy, eluded the 2ith A|'ril. ' 'fficer and jumy.ed through an open ' ^Yindow ^f the court house to the ground, 30 feet below. She did short- ly afterwards. The young man who called on his girl tlie other night and mistook the cat for the chair cushion and sat down ou it, says tliat he had no idea that a cat could come up to the scratch on such a short notice. X^r. Skeffington Bell has purchased n .â-  J a building lot opposite to Mr. T- Han- ,.' '" i bury's store, and intends erecting a Avas predicted I -^ t â- , i,- :l i--..i.i.„.:4.i. a at Mr. John M mciTD'.v niiiut,; Friday.) ;)ii JIii-i.-O unw occupied! 1, wiis u|)eued ou Mondav j ' i fi-;. mllv call from Mr. ' on Saturday prec rELia- -1. Ford's auction i^Uili iu;-t on lots 'i, Arti'inesia. 1 store and dwelling on it forthwith. I The contract for the building which «^^e j ^iii be 20 X 40 and 24 feet high has ^-'â- " i boen let to W. J. Hicks, contractor. I Herald. D..T a:i;i!i;in is laying in a i 1 ' iii;it:er!;il for the mauu- 1 ii.':ie-, Vv--iggons, c juiuiui'r. ord timothy ;)ii ui avd luil in the barn, for sale at Wilfords Microcosm for March is „ I beiorc us. This scientific monthly can- not but be deeply interesting to the reader. It treats religion from a scientific standpoint, and clears up The snow is ten feet deep and less. Armstrong's steam laciory is prc- gress ug. Kay Thomas haye secured orders for several thousand pairs of harvest gloves. McNea has a huge stock of sash, doors, dressed lumber, shingles and other building material on hand, J. G. Irving is enlarging his pump business. His work gives good satis- faction. Mr. Doll is home for a few days and is prepared to give bargains in jewel- cry. Mr. D. McArthur has opened a Bakery and Confectionery in Dunlop's new block. Advertisement next week. The Belfast House Teas £Liicl Coffees I give an exhilirating iufluence, not eqasilled in MarkJale, except by Benson's WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, etc. Those who relifeh the " pipe of peace " will find the Tobaccos and Cigars at the Belfast House unsurpassed north ot Toronto. Cheese, Bologna Sausage, and Biscuit in endless variety, all from the ^best manufacturers, at the Belfast House. Ap- jiles, (green and dried,) Spices, Sweetmeats, A'c. 'J'oilet and Fancy Soaps, Essences, Perfumes, and Family Oils, of the pure^t quality. Flour, Potatoes, Pork, Herring, (dried aud salt,) kept constantly on h.ind. l^'Our Bottled Gin is imported directly from the manufacturers, and our Bottled wines are put up \at the Vintage. Pi:kle's in bottles. Mustard in cans, and in fact ev- erything in the grocery trade. A reo ct ad- dition to my finances will enable mo to pur- cliase in the hiiad markets of Europe and America, WILSON BENSON. cou. 7, lot 4, Eu- LTJOC 1 sh-aw for sale. iBubkiuV Ere.^ul;- of the voting in New s-itl: i\i\ rriuco Edward Island l;- i.f liic Methodist Union au MV'jvwlielmiiig majority ia jia Jc rr'.yii.ii.l.s iiiu re tea just arrived rood run the risk irror has entered on F-:'^iiu liiive promised us w- lib by liringiug it in at once, |tr.v;-} \Tu will be compelled to â- '!|iiis!it trij's aud -= l\Au!errLl sticks "^â- â€¢aijva ?â-  i^'iviur of publication. It is â- â€¢â- "' ;1, iii',v.-v, and is conducted •-â- y. AVl- wish our cotem the "^i.ic!i [i;.-h and enterprise de- "F.n-n-riN ,V,1vncate" for March i' 1" 'r!ii n-.imber contains t'l i'.toro-ting and use- â-  '!•',â- ;â-  n::e dollar a year. faiiienco ;i!iy time. Subscrip- ^=;;. ::t tlu:j i.t:ice. iiVd IlriL-i'do meeting, whch â- ^""i- k I'rLday night, '•'"t-i:,ie I. fiiily fiiur or â- â- '!-i ti i many dark places with intelligence and ability. Hall Co., Publishers, 23 Park Bow, New York. There is some talk of a union be- tween the Methodist h^piscopal and Primitive Methodist churches of Orangeville taking place this year. We understand that steps are being taken to bring about this result. Should it take place a large saving could be effected aud as much if not more good would result therefrom. â€" Oravgeaille Gazette. Accident. â€" We regret to learn that Mrs. Wm. Dinwoody met with rather a bad accident recently. She was riding in a cutter with her son, when in turning a corner (the roads being vary slippery) the cutter upset thrr.w- iiig the occupants out, and breaking several of Mrs. Dmwoody's ribs. We ar.j glad to know that the afflicted ladv is doing as well as she could be exp"'ccted under the circumstances.â€" was five secretory of the raovud from town We have raceivod 10 renewals since las: issue. Archy Donaldson and family wi 1 remove next week to Muskoka. Tl.e weather is now mild, and three are indications of an early spring. The crows aie cut, and robins have been seen. Mr. W. P. Doll is in town for a few days, he has an immence stock of CJuld and Silver Watches, Rings, Chains, c. Parties wishing to pur- chase something in his line should callimmcdiate'y. Mrs. Jas. McLean has sold out the Holstein Hotel to Mrs. James Calvert, of Orchardville. The sale was com- pleted on the 13th uit., the licence being transferred and possesion given within 24 hours. â€" Grey Review, Big Sawing. â€" Mr. Andsew Irving and Geo. Rickets sawed recently, in twenty minutes, one cord of wood by hand. They are willing to put up money that they can saw a cord in 20 minutes or three cords in one hoar.. Wiggins claims that his predictions are verified. True, there was a severe and disastrous storm in various parts. We had quite snflicieut in this section on Sunday and Monday List, yet it did not come up to tbe expectations of a great many. A Reverse GaUS.â€" Fr.r some time we have been selling far sets, ladies and gouts fur caps, mantle clotas, heavy tweeds, and all Kinds of winter goods at a heavy discount. Now, to make room for Spring goods wo will sell for the discount, throwing off the price. Call and see them. â€" TRiiXBLE Weiout. CREmr Sale.â€" Mrs. M. Watson, AN ACROSTIC. L,ook out ye farmers and ihrosheis all And see that you buy for Spring, Summer Kight splendid good oil. [and Fall Uon't be misled by statements bland, Insist upon having the very best brand, 'Xovc good as ever, in fact it is grand. Everlasting wear, without grit or sand, ]?Iachiues run smoothly, no jnrring or noise, And engines too in its use rejoice. Carding also it suits, as you plainly see, tf eavy gristing cannot do without me. In fact all machines are blessed by its use, Kew or old it will save from wear and abuse. Every man try it, wo arc sure it will please. Our initials, when read, will give the cue In looking for oil, the best and the true, Eong in the market, but ever new. Manufactured solely UyMcCollBros.. Co., Toronto. Ko connection tcith awj other Jinn. MARKDALE Meat Market. A constant supply oi Fresh Meats T on hasd, at the Lowest Liviiig Prices. Orders solicited, and deiiv-- ered free to all parts of the Town. Farmers having fat stGck ta dispose of, will please leave, their addresses. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale March 23. 1882. 80-1t GEKTLEMEN,â€" If you want a first-class Buggie or Wagon call at MCKENNA MASON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can supply you with anything.' from a Lumber Wagon up to Extension Tod Phaeton. ^- \vn- At ^â- i, V.-; '.nt.iu. ii ' ra't Sm.f.â€" Mr. Wm. cm. -1, E. G. K., â- '1 â- ^•11 liis funn stock and â- ' 01! \Vo hitsdav, .March •^'•cinj^ut 10 o'clock a. w. c^'tiiii ou sniny oyer §5 '•i- aiiprovod joint notes. 'â- ' alsr. bo orfored at the Galbraith, Auc- r?« itnracKse arrival of teas }i.dcance. A social will he given at the rspi- dence of Mr. John Hamilton, ou Fri- dav eveuins 'he 16th, uuder the aiis- m .i n i ,. r'L of the Methodist L. A. S. Those L t ^2 con. 1, No-th Durham ruvt In ores ed on the back Ime have ar .iU ^eil by latbhc ancton en li2nd r^ed to send then- team, out to the March, h.r iarm stock la.i.emcat. VI' a-e in the eveuiu- to accomodate .tc, comrr.siag S, G cou., a meuce at noon. 9 „^ i^w^.v „n sums over §5, (ioj Iv irom 7 to 8 p. m. i ""'7 r ,r » ^.^ IN oble, auctioneer. The annual address of Mr. A. (jii- a ^pr- nh-nqAnt and f.n,. Worthy Master onbe Doo,..„,a A^O U W^A v„.^pLa,a,.t^a,«l fpwer than ob2 saborainate ""o- ^,,.-,q Tiip of levvtii lij'i" Jiviqion I the workuiss of the s.i'UP. me oi l:^^^ L.^m:Sie^'e£s'r;ph^^^ l-a^efor 18S3, are as co-operation of trade fostered, by. i-he| follov.s • crranae institution, the edaoation of ,. i^'o " ers.railway monopcl-y^ tlje spread .Ijand for Sale. 1 A A -^CEES; about 30 of which i^ X v/w cleared, being comDOsed of the M. half of Lot 1(1, in the 8th concession of the Township of Euphrasia. Apply at this oftico, or to KoBEiiT DuNLor, Tov.uship Clerk of Euphrasia, Griersville P. 0. 117-t' j7w.~ford, Is giving splendia satisfaction in ORISTING, By the New Process at the Mdlals rioiimj Milk. Special attention to parties from a distance so that they may have their grist home the same day. l^ealthis Wealth! To buy from them is to S ^4L " Ii: 31 O IN E ^^ I They are both practical workmen, nnd employ nono but PRACTICAL WORKMEN Tlioy guarantee their work Second to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. They use nothing Lut First-class Mliite Oak for Wagons, aud thiice Extra Second Growth Hickory fai' light work. The immense amount cl work turned out of McKenua A Mason's shop is snuicica proof of the wide reputation thej" cujoy for doing good work. The best is thr CHEAPEST in thit EXD Poor cheap work we positively will not take. Specialattcntion given to Pe-Trimming and Eepainting all classes of Carriage Work. Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pay) in HORSESHOEING SHOPâ€" On Mill Street opposite to. Sproule's Hotel. McKENNA MASON. A^ MXt»t** i' pk3 with him, the j ^^,^j^ ^.^^^^,.j^ ^-ji^ ^Ijpj^^ ^^er th^ social. i_vlemeiits, o. Ihis iiljuirn-d until ^uch j young peopleand oihers be tave sals. To com m ,tr, .s:n-cr could secure J,^' J 7 /^. j months oredit on .ua ^-' a i-.^cat iLuiy iiu r iNoble, auctioneer. ^^^ '^AKXICA SALVE. ^t salve i,j the world for Cuts, jletv ,•,""'â- â- â€¢ " Hheum, Fever md j:'i i; J'i"^^^ Hands, Chilblains. "-es T, '" Eniptms, and Positively OB rt ^^ Pi^frantced to give perfect ^rm^ney refunded. Price 25.. farmt.«, -â-  of fraternal, feeling- among formers, and the ad^anoement of the ca^ sys, t^m of doHig business. The address hkewise claijns that the prospects for efficient grange work in the future are brighter ^\^n at any former period in ^^ ^jhe history of the inetitution.-Mtr-,. For sale by A. Turner Qo"' ror. Wm. Brown, P. M, W. B. S. Kae, M. W. Jas. McDjugall, Foreman, E. C. Tjarge, Overseer. J. G. Irving, Kec^rder. K. Mclntyre, Eeceiver. W. N. Haskett Financier. Geo. Wilson. Guide. J. W. Rowe, I. W. J. H. HuU, 0. W. TAU-OR. Over McFarland's Store; MARKDALE. IS' Special attention to C-ulting.^^^i If' you wniit a yo'ir Order with Perfect Fit Icavci Scntr-inber "Oth 1882. inc. r. E, C. West's Nerte and Braik Teeat- Mi-NT, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Ncrvxius Nou- ralgia, Heaaach'», Nervous Pro.stratiou caus- ed bv the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wake- fulness, Mental Dcp-jessiou, Softening of the Brain, resulting iii Insanity ami leading to misery, decay and death. Premature Old Age, Barr ehnchs, Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntary losses and Sj^ennatorrhcea, caused by over-exertion of the brain, self abuse Of over-iudulgence. One box will cu e recent cases. Each box contains one'vtreatmei.9. One dollar a bax, or six boios for five i;ollar.s sent by mail pre- paid on receipt of pmce. We guarantee sii; boxes to- cure any case. With each order' re ceived by us for six boxes, acompanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser a w^ritten guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar- antees issued only by A. Turner tiCo., soJf authorized Agent for Markdale Out. .Tohc C. West Co. sole proprietos.Torouto.Ont, $^^0 Rewar^ I; We will pny the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dysptpaia, Sick Head- ache, Indigestion. Cou'-tipation or Costive- ness we-cannot eure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, whpp the dire«tions are strictly comphod with. They, arxjDurely Vegetable, and nej?er fai^'^to giv£. satisfaction. Sunar Coatedi I-arg* Ba«es, containing 30 Pills, 25 cts. Sor sal^ by all Dniggists. Beware of counterfeits aiijt immitations. The genu- ine man.ufacture4,.onlv by JOHN C. WEST CO-. "The Pill Makers," «1 83 King St. East, Torointo- Ont. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid ou receipt of a 3 cent stamp. For bale at Turner ACo. DruR Store. ESGLISH EITEICI 07 i^ ORE OF THE BEST " DTTISTIGATOI^ DT USE. It is specific in the cure of all diseases oi-Vba lodoeys. Bladder, Prostatic Por- tion of tlt9 C^nnary Organs, Irritation of the Kecfeof tii Bladder, Burning Urine, I Gleet, OonofTea in all its stages/Mucous I Disclutrges, CeseestioB of the Kidneys, Brick Dust Deposit, Qiabetes, Inflamma- 1 tion of the Kidneys and Bladder, Dropsy I of Kidneys. ActJ Urine, Bloody Unne, Pain in the Breton of the Bladder, PAIN IN THE BACC Urinary Calculus, Benal Calculus, B«nal Colic, Betention of Urine, Frequent Urination, Qraif 1 In all I Its forms. Inability to retain the Water particularir in persons advanced in life. IT IS A' lODNEY INVESTiaATOB that I lesfbres the Urine to its natural color, removes Hbo acid and bnmlng and the t.h«flyff«agiTAng«nf inttrriftftting Idrink. Prto* • I, or Six Bottles for $5. Those who eumot obtain a bottle of thla I TwirtirinB from their dmeetet may send na one I dollar and we irlll and n to Vbeaa. Bead tor Cirea]a Sold hj an Dnsgiati. W. JOHNSTON A CO. ' I AUIUTBOSO, Ont SBIOXT, lOeh. I Jtfmtm for tka U; a aad Oanadfc m h J T 1 â„¢ w ::â-  ;^ oi4-

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