'I NJiW ADVERTISEMENTS. Farm for sale. â€" Andrew Kirkwood. Tenders. â€" Joseph MaHary. Stallion for sale. â€" James Megill. Seed Wheat. â€" Andrew Mesbitt. Warning:. â€" H. Foster. Easter Cards. â€" A. Turner Uo. Auction Sale.â€" Wm. Crowther. Credit Sale.â€" Mrs. VV. Watson. Mansion Hguso.â€" J. Brien. prietors gave for it, not what their neigh- bours supppose it to be, but what they, as intelligent men, (all assessors should De in- teUegent) judge it to be. Tet.it is susceptible of proof, that, in almost every instance (ex- cept in the village) there is, what may be deemed an accommodation assessment, and unless in mistake, no property is yalned at its cash value^a fair equitable cash yalue â€" and it may be ventured, that upon an ap- peal, the assessment Kolls so called would I be annulleU and tba assessors indited f«r perjury such is the result of habit. I Keflectiom No. 3.â€" The authorities, must ' have consilered those possible discrepancies, MAEKDALE. MAKCfl, 15th, 1883. j "hen it was thought necessary to provide for equalization, for it must appear transpar- I ent that if each assessor discharges his duty, the necessity â- yi'oald cease. But so it i», and to accomplish the desired end it falls to the county council to provide for the equalization, and have the'-efore a committee of finance and assessment. whose duty it is to C2jefuUy compare one Kol! with another, one The Standat^d. MUSKOKA ELECTION. TGravexhurst, March IS^The elec- ^on for Muskoka took place to-day. 'It is impo-sible to give the full return t,o-uight, Lat as far as heard from Mr Fauquier f conservative) has about 80 mnniciDality with another, and approximate of a majority over Mr. Bettes (refor- as near as maybe, the various municipal mcr;, and is probably elected, Latek. â€" Fauquieie's majority is over 200. EUPHRASIA COUNCIL. A meeting of the township council, of the toivnshin of Eupiirasia, was held puraiuiDt to adjouniinciit ou the 2ud day of March, A. D, 1883. ^leml^ers present. Thomas Gilrny, Esq., Eceve Jas. lu'^kiiie, Esq., Deputy Ileeve David ]i. Elhs, .Tamos l^oyd and .James C. Pater.ion, Esquires, ccaincillors. Minutes of last session of council read aiiJ cuiifirincd. The Anuitora' Iveport laid before council and accepted, and a committee i business places, her advantages, all was composed of the Reeve, Clerk, and ' carehilly gone into, and she was placed at Mr. Patiersou, appointed to examine I i-i.j dollars likewise. In this manner alphe- saidrtport, and report to council at betically and seriatim, the equalization was next meeLiug. j m^dc, after much discussion and labour, Tlie clerk was instructed to act but was rt-jected by the Council wLonin com- conjointly with the clerk of Artemc- 1 mittce of the whole. fcia m giving legal notice lor establish- j Eeflection Xo. 3.-Wliat lead to the de- liit: a deviation road in lieu of nart of ' £eat of what appeared at least to be so just, is a matter of conje^-ture. The office of l-HB LONDOK LOTTEBY.â€" It ^^.f" that life is one gigantic lottery, either blanks or prizes, yet a pnz«.i8 sure to aU who boy TrunWe Wright s tea. The re-count in West Simcoe has resulted in adding three to the naa ority of Mr. lhelps, the Beform ean- didate, which is now placed at thirty-^ five. "HeUo, Bob, where did you get that sack of floor?" "That's just where your left, Jim. It's a dollar's worth (rf sugar from Trimble Wright's. A deputation from Owen Sound has interviewed the Dominion Goverment with a view to getting a subsidy for a new hne of steamers running between Owen Sound and Georgian Bay ports. They also urge the completion of the harbour improvements at Owen Sound which they claim have not been satis- factorily performed, the depth of wa- ter in some places not exceeding nine feet, whereas the Goverment agreed to make a uniform depth of fourteen feet. A Tea-mf eting was helJ in the New England P. M. church on Tuesday evening, the 13th inst. The young people of the neighborhood did them- selves credit ly the manner in which they catered to the wants of the outer man. After tea Mr. McAfee was called upon to take the chair. Speech- es were delivered by Revs, Messrs. Tmdall, Corcoran and McDiarmid. Recitations were given by Messrs. A. McFarland and G. S. Bowes. An impromptu choir under the leadership of Mr. discoursed music of con- evcry case for personal property, this multi- j sijerable merit very creditably. The pliudby the acreage rave the assesment. Then i meeting dispersed about eleven o'clock Beutick was taken, her soU was considered and compared with Artemcsia; her swamps, her assessments for county purposes. But the law provides still further, it it lie deemed ad- visable, vhat special assessors named valua- tors, may be appointed once in five years, to do in part this work of equalization, and â- wras so done for Groy eight years ago, but unsatisfactorily done yet having been adopt- M necessarily stood for five years, since its term expired, the cummittee assumed the labour, altering as little -as poseibie this ba- sis until last year in June, a general analysis of the asse.^snient was had in this way. Arte- mesia was taken as a standard, at 12^ dol- lL.rs per acre, included was ten per cent in Easter Cards. CHOICE ASSORTMENT TO ABEIVE AT THE Medical Hall. A. TURNER CO. 131-32 TO SELL OR RENT. LOT 15, CON. 12, HOLLAND, J 22 acres. 100 cleared, good buildings there- on Terms easy. Apply to James Logan, Postmaster, near the premises, or to M. S. KELLOW, Tara P. O. November 14th. 1882. 114-tf. Fleshert^iri^ STEAM GRIST Is now giving Gel, Satisfaction, ^| â€" 0â€" Chopprng done Working day, â€" â€" CAN HAVE YOUR GRisj J THE SAME m. " GEO. MOgRHOUst, Proceeds about §32. FARM FOR SALE. LOT 6 CON. 3 E. G. RD-, HOLLAND, ICO acres, 70 acres cleared, well water ed, good orchard bearing good log house and barn. Situated 2 half miles from Chats- worth. A. bargain will be given m the above property, for particulars apply to Geo. 'Noble. Markiiale, or to Chas. King. Shel- Noble, burue. 12»-tf. BIRTHS. deviation road in lieu of part of' line between Juipbrasia and valuator, iu the eves of sj was of verv town Arteniesia. The lleove. Deputy Reeve, aiul ^Ir. g.^^j moment, and of more importance to ratersMu weic appointed a ccmmittee j thcmselve, than was the equitv m the case, to wait upon tlie council of Holland, Laboured agreement was introduced to ou union school busmes.^. I .^^^. -^^ ^^-y^^^, ^,^j ^^^ f^,. ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ -^ The rcquL'-ution of Noble Clark re- lative to 27 and 28 side line, laid over 1 ntil next meeting cf council, then to be taken up. The treasurer was ordered to re- mit to Messrs. Buwheli t*v; Hutchinson, Toronto, the sum of §48.60, for sta- tion orv. Tlie Eeevt'-j orders were issued to the Treasurer in favour of the folio vv- iiig named parties, for the sums here- I'uifter placed opposite tiieir names, viz George Graham, $-4. 5 J, for plank to repair road D. K Ellis, Esq., i:o 00, for relief of ]\Irs. Gre3%"iudigeut; .1. 13. Winter I-' 14.00, township Audi- t(n- Wm. H. Dodson $14.00, town- ship Auditor .John Devins $3.00, for plank to repair bridge. The treasurer was iustructodto pay to the following narael parties, the sums liereinafter placed opposite to tervening making it unlawful for any mem- ber of the cuuuty to receive theajipointment, it would have carried then. As it was, the council had to fall back on the old unjust basis for tlie rates of 1882. In Jauuarj' of 18S3 the same purpose was manifested with a slightly changed front, and notwithstanding a written and an orejn statement of the Solicitor of the illegallity of the appointments whilst they remained members of the council, the whole thing was swallowed holus-bolus, and we have unlaw- fully appointed valuators; two of them, one not being a member of the council is fiee from the charge. Reflection No. 4. â€" Is it not doubtful in the face of things whether their labours can be more satisfactory or just. Is it not a farce played at the ?ate of $9 per day, $3 each. Look for a moment. These valuators are to pass along the concessions onbj of each Blair: â€" jn Artemesia, on the 1st inst., the wife of Mr. Eobt. Blair, of a daughter. Trimble â€" In Flesherton. on Tuesday, March 6th, the wife of K. J. Trimble, Esq., of a son. Donnelly -In Mount Forest, on the 24th ult., the wife of Mr. M. Donnelly, T. G. B. li. station master, of a son. MARRIAGES- DoYMAN â€" Gaddes. â€" lu Branclou, by the Kev. Mr. Lawson, Mr. Peter Doyman, of Qu- Appelle, to .Tennie, eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. Gaddes, High Bluff. Both formerly of the village of Chatworth. DIED. McGnEGOR â€" In Dundalk, on the 5..n inst., infant daughter of Mr. P. McGregor.J t.ien- names as remuneration lor ser- township, time is unlimited, but from a ta vice and other expenses in connection ' with the last special election in the t )wnship,(ttir the election of a Eeeve,) .James Struthers, Esq.. $5.50 Geo. Wilson, jr.. $7.10 iSathaniel Curry $G.70 Willianr H. Manary $0.70; James Yclland $7. 00 Thomas Aber- cromliie $7.00 Eoberc Dunlop $25. The treasurer was instructed to pay as follows for the use of school hmsis, used as polling stations at last inuniei)ial election and at last legislative election, viz S. S. No. 4, $1.00 S. S. No. 14, $4.00 S. S No. 15, $4 00 S. S. No. 9, $4.00, and to pay to John Hurlbert, $4.00 for the use of the Orange H;?!! at Kiniberly. for said inirposc. On motion being made ard second- f d the council atljourned until the first I'riday in April next. EoBERT DuNT.op, Tp. Clerk. FARM FOR SALE. 1 AA ^^^^^' ^si"g 'ot 8, con. 10, X U v/ Euphrasia; about 40 acres cleared balance good hardwood; has a comfortable frame house 18x24 feet, a good wed, young orchard, and is situated on a good road 4 miles from Markdale. The farm will be sold on reasonable terms. For particulars apply to Geo. Noble,Markdale,,or to Andrew KiRKW^ooD, on the premises. March lOtb. 1833. 13i-33. TENDERS. TENDEES, will be received by the under- signed up to the 1st. April, 1883, for the erection and completion of a School House in S. S. No., 17, Euphrasia. Plans and specification may be seen at the residence of Joseph Manarey, W. J lot 18, con. Id, Euph- rasia, Harkaway P. 0. Building to be com- plete by the 1st August, 1883, and paid for the 15th Jan., 1884. The lowestor any ten- der not necessarily accepted. JOSEPH MANARY, Sec. Treas. Euphrasia, March 9th,1883. 131-4in. Notice. â€" We wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold otirseh'es responsible for t:ie opinions expressed by our correspondents Mr. Eai.or. W.ur playful allusion to Countv Va'uators' iu your hist issue stii'ge-ted a few reSec- fio'i- Kitlect'ou No. 1. The equalization of the countv assess- ments for county rati-s is no doubt of prim- al y impo'tauce, that eiC; mii'icinaUty may pay its due share and no more, and any m tjod pro\i ig o be eq lita }â- must be the Ufst, aud should be a'oit'-d. rK?LECTioN No. '2 Is Hot the necessity of V.duators a serious omment upon the as- s,s or- fo; the various nuuicipahties com- p ising the county These men take a aJlmn declivration ,to^ assess to the b St of STALLION FOR SALE. YOUNG "Stanley" is a fine bay horse 4 years old this spring, stands 16^ hands high, IS possessed of heavy bone, and good action. Will be sold on reasonable terms by getting good security. Pedigree can be seen at this office. Apply to JAMES MEGILL, Everett P. 0. 131-33 Tossoronto Tp' PURE~SEED7WHEAf. "THE WESTERN." E. ANDEEW NESBITT cit understanding. They complete their la- b )urs for the June session. If so, they must proceed at a rapid rate, seeing there are twenty municipalitie sto examine. Does it not. appear therefore impossible to perform scuh. duties, with any degree of justice. A mer e guess, at best. Who knows but the side lines may be the more important to examine, to secure just conclusiorvs, ajid tlien no note is to be taken of personal property. The com- rtiittee aforesaid havft to adjust that after- wards, and can alter thereby the whole face of the assessment of the^e very valuators. And their appointment makes it possible to disturb very seriously, what is known as the railway group. The assessment for the T. G. B. R. being made upon an unchangeable basis for its 20 years of duration, wb.ich to this pi'iiit, no serious obstacles have occur- red to prevent asking equitably in the pre- mises. Reflection No. 5. •â- â€" .-. .w. ocuc. ^p rect, sir. what can be thwgLt of those, who i^^' ^^^^l "t^me^ia. near Eugenia, secured supported the appointments. 1„!^„.^* J^i' .T^f'X ^^^' ?« s°^ed last 1st. Contrary, to statute. 2iid. To incu' an expense of perhaps ?3- 000 to accomplish a doubtful work. 3rd. To appoint interested men, who have fought again and again for their respect- ed townships, in preference to disenterested ones. In conclusion, for it is not intended on my, part to carry on a discussion, I merely look upon the whole thing as a complete /arc«, carried through the CouncU by. means that some interested persons have always at com-, maud. I have only to hope the result will be better than my anticipptions, and leave the matter for other persons to reflect upon. "Opposition." M! o 1 v.. m ' i^OT no, 2nd range WT. S. Road, Glenelg li nules from Maikdale, has 200 bushels of If my position be cor- P'lre W.-stent spring seed wheat for sale. Mr year and says it yielded him §50 more than the same amount of Russian or other varie ties which he sowed on equally as good land. The price IS 51. 2S:.per bushel. ANDREW NESBITT. â- 131-33. warnTno; A LL- NOTES AND OVERDUE AC J^ counts not paid during the mfZ^l month will be h^ded ia for coUectlon. Markdal e, Ma«h 14th, mf.' '^^^frU^ Clydesdale Stallion FOR SAL.E. That splendid Clydesdale Stalhon "Scot- tish Champion," from imported stock, and the property of Wm. Shepherdson, will be sold cheap. The horse stands IGV hands high, is 4 years old, jet black in color, and a sure foal getter. Any one wishing to get a bargain should take advantage of this offer. Stock taken in part payment. Address W. Shepherdson, Lot 23, Con, IT, Euphrasia, Blantyre P. O. 129-4t* MAEKDALE MARKETS. Fall Wheat, $0.95;to *0.7: Spring ^0.98 to SI 00; Barley, 55c; Peas, G9; Oats, 38c Butter, ISc; Eggs, 22c; Potatoes, 40c; Hay, Sll.OO Pork, 7.50 to 8.C0; Flour, S4.75 to $5 00; Grass Seed, ?2.00 to $2.00 fleshehton maeketb. FallVTheat, §0.95 to $0.97;: Spiing, S0.98 to $1.00; Barley, 57c; Peas, C7c; Oats, 3Sc Butter, 18c; Eggs, 2Lc; Potatoes,40 c; Hay, ?U.00; Pork, $7.45 to $7.90. TORONTO MARKETS' Fall Wheat, $.102 to $1.05; Spring, $1.05 to $1.10; Barlev, 553 to 7.3c; Oats, 45c to 4Gc Peas, 70c to 78c; Hogs, $8.00 to $8.25; Pota- toes, per bag, 70c to 75c; Butter, dairy, i7c to 20c; e.-?es, 30c to 32c. T.: C. B., RAILWAY. TIME T31BLE. Clianije ot Time- On and after Monday, Nov. 20th, 1882, trains will run as follows GOING N TH. Read Detcn. P.M. 4 25 6 00 6 45 8 44 8 45 10 15 !J ;•() 9 55 P.M. GOING SOUTH A. M. 7 30 9 05| 9 55 12 20 12 06 2 25 11 50 1 30 P.M. 1 Riad Vp. A.M. Toronto 10 45 Cardwbll Jdnc. 9 05 Orangeville ... 8 27 Mount Forest.. 6 30 MARKD.U.E, 6 27 Teeswateb 5 00 f] ksherton.... 6 43 Owen Sound... 5 15 A.M. PiM. 9 10 7 31 6 50 4 30 4 30 2 45 4 47 3 10 P.M. A Mixed Train will also inn between Tor- onto aud Owen Sound. See Time Table. D. McNicoLL, Gen. Pass. Agt. Edmund We.\ogt5, General Manager. THOS. MATHEWS, MARK Mr. John. Hanbury. of Brandon, Manitoba, arrived to-day. Those who nurpose travelling a their kncwl^dge and behef, Stallion this season, iu this district, Mansion Housed MARKDALE, JAMES BRIEN, -o ' â- l^BOPRIETOB. TTA^VING LEASED THE ABOVE HO to receive S^re of^pib^J^^^rth^ choicert brands of Uquor«.IJ^ ^!: J^f -» .~ ,«!„; ..i ♦ »r will do well to give us a call as early I r !T^ T^^^ •* liquor*,Md oLraM w propertv at its cash value, not what the pro- ' 4.0 n â- ""V ' Good meals also boo3 atMi oigars jtept. p Jors'suppose it to be. not what its pro- as^^Y^Dient. Spmetbing new.he,e. MarkdaJpjMS^r f^^."" jg^^ EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. GEORMniOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Agbnt for the following reliable Compames • CITIZENS' of Montreal, AGEICULTUBAL. of Watertown. and TBADE 4 COMMKBOE. (Mutual)- of Toronto. Vifh^:^^."' °^"^^«™«for sale, also m^^^J"^: a ^^"" modenite. Bills^^BlanJpjotes, and 8t»mp» provided. ' GEQ..BOBLE. Undertaking Coffins, Caskets, Burial Pobes, Cloves, Crapes, All Fumlshs^gi fcr Fifsierj^ May be liau ou Sliorcc^r. X. i,:..e, ^^ ,. GEO. GEA:^ MARKDALE, Also a well a-.-oi-tcJ st' ck oi FU R N rruREl from plain to fine qnality. rjl rd m.'.rrj prices. j INTHEHIGHCOU_RT0FJUSIIl1 CHANCERY DIVISION BEATTIE v«.. BLt;K, PURSUANT TO THE JUr'r.AfENK J.\ME3 M.vssoN" Esq.. ?i!»-icr of itisl prerae^Court at O'.ven Soim'l. made r^'^^ action and beariupdate tlie 2'2nJ.layoiK| teinber, ls82, aud]iur-uant to sub-eqKi;i- rect'ons of the said Jlnster lanJe ontiieSi day of March, 18i3, there will bf s-M, the approbation ot thesai'l M,irti'r.bv.lirs S. Vanduseu. AuctiJM..?:, BY PUBLIC AUCTB'I AT THE M.1RKDALE HOrSL generally known. as Euthd[,'e's Hotel, 221 VILI.AGK OF .lI4RHDilt| On. Thursday, ^th day of A'p 1883, at the hour of Two o'c'osk in theatoa the following valuable Farm Prq«7: 1 Lots Numbers 128 and 1-?'J, intht Concession N. E., a"4 Lots Numbers and 131. in the 1st Gcnos^ioii S, Tr^. « Toronto and Sydenham llorttl. in ti' f-'^l ship of Artemesia, iu th^' Coiuitv cf w?J eousistin^of 200 acres, ?f. whicli aboo' acres are- cleaiad and ia a fiood stale ' cuUivat^^n. Tlie remaiaaer is covereaf«| cedar, tcfluarac, balsam, and swauip i'.tt-f The soil is a good clay lop.m. Ti^^ f"'^l in good repair, and the li.nil 1.^ ^^'U " On Lot 130 there arc 10 acres Awt^\ orchard in bearint,' mostly of apple tr«;i dweiUn? house, a line frame barn (K)S'\^ with stone foundation aud a cDod underneath barn. On Lot 131 there irc i.j acres c.erta, agwdspiSngcreek. •, On Lot l-.8thore are 3.j acres cicsr" 1 plum orchard of about one-eignt of w and a log barn aud log Lousl' On Lot 129 tliere are 20 acres 'a j This farm property is uavantageoiisKVj edin a good ucighbo'iK'O.l, ou lu-J^j^n gravel road between the viria^-'e- ' ^A ton aud Markdale, on the line """^\"2 B. railway, distant two a;il a baaniU's J Flesherton, and three and a ba.i m-^ 'J Mnrkdale, both of 'Phieh places aii« market?. .^^i This property will be olTerr^ i' â- , "'.^^j time and place above named.. sul']e" served bid ti.xed by tlic .V.asitir.ui ^-^, and if not sold then in st'.i;^""""^,; ^^ajl will be sold free from dowtr ^f' 7^jia| bm nces save a mortgage on Lj'!^ ^^ the amount and particulrt}-s vuei' ^^^ made known at time of »;ale, c^ '"' j^jj tion to the solicitors """"""k" jSiri-i diate possession given. Th:s sii' rare opportunity to any one wiiWut tain a hue farm. .{]jfC Ten per cent, to .be paid uo^i of sale and the bakince in one uioiii^' out interest. ,j In all other respects the term* jjji tions of sale wUl be tlie staiidnig ^^ j. of the Chancery Division cf tUe D' of Justice. .ffl 1 Further particulars can be li*^ ir"^^^ Frost Frost, or Creasor il'"" Sound. ._ Jib 3»J' Dated at Owen Sound this March, 1883. 130-4t. (Signed) FKOST FROST. Vendors' Sohcitc-s, Ov^â- e^ J. MAi" Master at 0*^»: Single copies pARD 5 cents. iiitiudia