7icxgf^«^WEST NOTES. sse^i and released tanj agrapli* CarefnUy Collated J-tl onr Prairie Province ' Exchanges, IS to lia^'s pimp factory. to liave a lod^e of the ,•â€" a circus will visit i^ happy ,hlv aaina-cd Armitages bakery, j'nased in Brandon for i are using coal instead 53a, recently. -i..-^n:onini!i; ":r stea-n purposes. ' Np-a" travellins; from Winnipeg K^itwaVrubbod of S50O. 114 scarce at Edmonton no more than t'"v can .t" -.laa.^ iiavu ,. ];. CV' offers to transport pure ;,i' â- â- "'â- f"'" *eed, westward free of ., iif'in" iiiaile to have the duty .â- '.,y;i iLuiiber imported into the ,, ',iit!ty of lumber will be shipped .„ ,,',,-,,a to Prince .Albert as soon as .--i' ;;-: f-' Winnipeg have formed ' i it J a Medico-Chirurgical So- I).-, i.vr.cii as president. ;;i tliL' lakes about .Shoal Lake is ,^ ;\,.t and a half in thickness, and ,.- â- •jll'ji:; (lualits' .V ' ' r.' " yet received the pro- v'jiM'.l ;civice, and is expressing â- - â- -.i.jn ill tones not loud, but )\\ very good authority •yt'jriau and Methodist ,e;;: to f.attleford in the lias Iieon making strong :atc tralilc between the id .Manitoba, anil this vj.l that the obnoxious vlll 'oe removed alto ::i:U: j;;"1.' ' â- â- w/i rrni ' gives Brandon -,: \A\\ s. th most solid bus mess ::':]iro iiec Only one failu: ehas rl.b'-i v\ t lat f or the tr illing If. 10 'CM r:v se:i 'iis doubts Jis to wliether ;;â- ,• !!i:v: promised to Battleford and :i ",vi;' iic put ou until next summer, it may i)e conceded to Prince The poini-so was, like many others IIP i.-,katc!iewan District, only be jroi'.ci;. avjl autii'jritios of Minncdosa have 'j'.iil.l a larg brick .school house '), 000, at '^omc central point in Ti'.L' ^Lttomlauce at the school is iic yo'-.tiiful teacher is to bo con- ii;i iii. success in teachins; the jv; L 1 shoot. ' r^LO'i to be the intention of the ii\;airaii.;c the sidings at Broad- :- tu make them more convenient inpany'-s purposes, and also advan- )t:.L' t'^vp., when, no doubt, pro- :!^;v.•i'li lie made, and access to the iliehai Nvi:!i less trouble and risk â- CSOilt. .:v iroair- iiil^J, W c;ja!\' hi'.ing coinmanced t!ie on the Louise railway and anipetr, orders have been 1 all driving across it with t;r.i:'s as the repairs re- iljted. Public travel has â- 1 Tiii oriler, however, does it-Ticre with railway traf- ;an .â- jcicty lias been formed at tiic .\1 innedosa Temperance :crary A'sociation, the doors of which Cr'Kii cp;ii to everyone to attend, but taking a plcJije for one year are ftj ta tike part in the proceedings. It • copel s j;:ie good may be done, as issi.d i]ia dozen places in the town, ".::!.;. I);ic ti bring the guilty parties i^'catc:iiLâ- •.^•an Herald says that in -•:;-â- - 11: tile certainty that now ex- ;=f mill will be iu operation near liattleford, a very con- â- â- â- Ilea I wlicat will be put down â- ";;â- li.ce is an abundance of good ;U wr.cat i'.i ti.e neighborhood, and it of eleven dollars a to be counted a ;i a; cv j-e Mere soon lon2; a:iT. If \: 'â- â- '•/ gives currency '0 a â- jiuiant will withdraw from he was recently elected :â- :; 7/ -3 w;:icii â- Loca; Legii'.ature in Morris. It adds • Mi~ election v,-ill bs called for the â- ^--0 tiiat Mr. Wilde ig again likely -t.iotiiM for political honors. This "Y'--"' bv.on brought about by the :_ 'â- 'â- â- •-'ality of a certain voters' list =. t.e iat-: elections. However true •â- i.i.i.ut ]:-;;y l-u a ffw days will deter- â- â- -•pany La .e the Battle Kiver Valley Company, composed largely """f°^^e\a|iitalist-, has obtained a con- "" '--^"â- '0 acres of land, being com- •=^J"T,ship3 4;i and 40 in ranges 19, ' :. "â- ^st of the third principal meri- ^^15 land lies south of the Battle Riv- ',f'_;Ti;c company also claims to !•,'"'"" ' of a timber limit, and pro- aiJ"""' °^" a town and put up a grist property. The proa- J-'.stiecs to the advantages valley as a field for settle â- out a â- "•â- '•1 on its 'soesiuU •:orthis W m^iine^ "-f" street Anotl: Pifii says The is undergoing re- fiume '"i of spring is the break- k::' "' scooping out holes along the '"cr;"^^"' nierchants, either from M,:,,j°y^'"'ice to police orders, or „,:.|«Qea notion that they are doing :rnrw^'"""" ^^^ having the ice re- 5 L ^f° I'laiiks m front of their iaconv °*^" ^^'0 their share to- ^jemencmg the public by doing 1"^!, itt. 1 "' ""ol* of a sidewalk is remaTn "'""' ^«"er to let the 'Mer.i J '^^'^^ "*ould then be at L 51 surface to walk upon. StiU. it Flag .,;f'^^^^^'"y to have some com- lis alt;:" *^eing that the weath- ^â- ^'000^ :f "^exceptionable snd ""t, the finest in the Domin- A WewCaiuMUaa Zndnstry in C3a t^r^Z *^,*^ *^-^0P«i Toronto ftWPul? ^^^^^ e^u"*^ *^« destined to t!tf •" estahfthnient is imporfalt n^m». T'T"'" ^^^' I* i^ Ski'cfF?""" '-«'2.'.£ grelt stin^f " conhdently taken the thft l^ °.^ turaing out their goods from ow773,t«"^TS *^ "--^^ -d ^vfthin th^" ^T»,7 ' "" ^^" impression they have a-ready createa among the Canadian^ trSde has been most favorable-an impression wr,vl^"u°?\"^y' *° *^^ «*yl« a°'l quality of work which they have presented, but large w.r." ^^'°\° ^^^ "'" *h^- tb^ company ^^ere fortunate enough to secure for C supermtendent the ablest and most experi! enced man in the Canadian trade-M Ja nes A. Watts With an experience of over Ti ^1^2 ^?' thorough knowledge of all the d.fficult^details of the business, no man could have been found so ^.ell fitted ta take charge of such an establishment. ordVr °t^h^""'T *° ' *^^ P^'^c^ '" working ^Ir t*i?_^"ter took a Kmg stret west car and, being set down at 420, found him- self m from; of a new three story brick bui.ding surmounted by a cupola and having more the bright and .iry appearance of a college than the prisondike forbidding pi'es known to the past and present eeneratious as .actory buildings. T; e front windows were neatly curtained, ihe lower stories being fitted with plate glr.js and, indde, the brightness and elegance of the oftijes show- rooms and workrooms struck the vi=itor a*- oncc. As v/ith the main building' so with" the auxiliary portions of the factory aud caretaker's premises; comfort, convenience aud taste seemed better studied than any new laotory the writer has vicitcd for many a day. Although it is not the writer's in- tent'.on to attempt any discriptiou of the many processes employed in chc work, the following notes given by the Trader of the lactcry will be interesting "i'rom the miglity "Corliss" engine of hity horse power, that silently and a;na- rently without effort, drives the heavy and rapidly revolving machinery, to the powerful presses, some of which are very expensive, and stcmi rollers, every- thing wa* of the most perfect description and gave promise of fully carryiag out the wishes of the makers ' 'In one department we found the moulders busy ladling the li(|uid metal from red hot cauldrons into moulds, and turning out with great rapidity, caster, pickle and tea pot handles, and many other articles of like kind, destined to form a prominent part of the elegantly finished goods with wdiich the show room is fast being filled. In the spin- ning department might be seen the wood turners making chucks, on which to turn the metal, and the metal spinners, with the help of these wooden chucks, fashionin' the metal into caster bauds, cake baskets c?, on their rapidly revolving lathes. But time would fail us to tell of the plating department with its immense vats ot silver solution and ils rapidly rcvolviig electric motor, from which 13 generated the electricity which modern science has so well utilised in this department of the fine arts or, of the bur- nishing room with its long row of men with their steel burnishers, driven with their seemingly tireless arms to the cheery music of some Moody or .Saudey melody or op ra song or of the department where the de- signers and mould makers reign supreme, and everybody seems so quiet aud studious that a novice might imagine that th^ work- ers were amusiog themselves instead of working or of the immense stock room, where shelves are loadod down with glass of every description, from the cheap, plain pickle jar to the richly decorated vase or berry dish of Bohemian manufacture. All the glassware used here is imported direct from Bohemia, and it may be iutereit- ing to note in conclusion that every dollar devoted to the founding of this enterprise has been invested by Ganaiians. Air otD Kurircacar. ^~ « Incident of a ZZti New ToMe FIm. a iTtH!^?^^" before Lw,i« Brwlenborgh. coJnllf^l' '^ith light golden hair, and re- cognized her as his granddaaghter • ne S 'T'}J^. ^^ *»^""^« downli;:^' her \T^^- iff ""^as ani had in the world." he said with tears streaming down his fack i-oor Lou, poor, poor little girL" Then unmindful of the presence of e^^er^body.^ kuelt down by the child's side, and prei«ing one hand to his forehead, with the other he smoothed back the golden hair of the little girl, which the wind had tossed in masses across her face. When the poUceman ap- proacaed to raise the body to carry it to the waggon which was to carry it to his home, he turned towards them with an appealing look in his face and besought them not to touch his child. ' ' You would not carry her tromme, would you?" he asked. "Don't take her away; you don't know how she loved me and how I loved her." "Go ^^^y-" said Commissioner Brennan to the olhcers, "and get a private coach." Then turning to the old man he asked him if he would help him to carry out the child. Carry her," he said; "why, kind man, i have carried her in my arms a hundred times while she was alive, and why should i not do It now when she is dead Come come, home Lou," he continued, "let us go Aud he lifted the child in his arms. A little ribbon fell from her dress as he M-as lifting her and a policeman placed it on her breast. " Oh, don't let me leave anythinT give mo all she has. They will be all I w7li have to love." he exclaimed, looking down at the fioor where the child -liad been. He then started towards the door still crying, and, withhislong white beard pre^seddow'u on the child's face kissed her li-.;. from nervous debility and kindred weakness- es, should send two stamps for large treat- ise, giving anccessfnl treatment. World's DisPKSSAKY Medical Association, Bulo, 4f you can manage to ksep silent while yon are young yon may posiibly have some- thing worth saying in old age. Da R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N Y. Dtar Sirâ€" I have advised many ladies to try your "Favorite Prescription" and never see it fail to do more than you advertise. Yours trnly, Mrs. A. M. RANKIX. 141 Bates Street, Indianapolis, lud. Italy is keeping steadily active in prepar- ing for the future. Last year the pablic works sanctioned by the Government amounted to $50,400,000. If you are bilious, tak: Dr Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative Pellets,' the original " Littli Liver PiUs." Of all druggists. Enough malt liquors were consumed iu the States last year to give each ;,dult a gallon per week. Thousands Speak. â€" Vegetike is acknow- ledged and recommended by physicians and apothecaries to be the best purifier and cleanser of the blood yet discovered, and thousands speak iu its praise who have been restored to health. The governments wants to sell -Ij.OCO condemned cannon balls. The moths have probably been working at them. There was a young man so well bred, That the hair would not slay on his head, But the Carboiine Oil Put new hair on the soil. And now with an hcire:!^ he'rs wed. '•"(.^-i- says "Aged tiihen; mcst successsul. Lona th arc r-r,a y sot practice Twice aiarriccl In One irJiglit. A social party at Frceport L. L, had a singular aud romantic ending. After the usual tames aud dances incident to such gatherings had been indulge,! in, the many couples present were discussed and the pro- bability of ther makin;; a match canv.assed. Among those present were Frank E. Rhodes and Josephine P,emmet, wlio had been keep- ing company for a long time, aad were sup- posed to be engaged to be mairied, and they agreed t: act as principals in the wed- ding cermony which the guests proposed to inaugrate. "And I will act as Dominie," spoLc up Ben Rhodes, a brother of die proposed bridegroom. The company were arrauged in a circle, and the willing couple repeated the ortiio- dox wedding '-ervice after Ben Rhodes, who acted as celebrant, and who, with unusual solemnity, pronounced Frank p]. Ithodes and Josephine Remmett man and wife. When their associates sought to turn the cere- mony into a joke, the couple declined to so regard it, iiisisting that according to the laws of this State they were legally and reg ularly married. Pi,eturning to their homes with their belief unshaken, the vexed ques- tion was finally settled by calling- in Rev. Dr. Peck, who repeated the service, anel Frank E. Pchodes and Josephine Remmett were maele man and Wife by bsing weddcil t wioe in tnc same night. Drunkenness has been investigate! by Prof. Verga, of iMilan. Men or women given to intoxication are, "Strange to say, given to kl«ptonianiaor suicide. A woman is less apt to take to liquor than a man, but when she does she can hardly be reclaimed. She becomes shameless anel abominable, but seldom dangerous. Cold weather seems to cause men to take to strong driuk, aud mild weather has the same influence upon women. A big handed sawyer named Shaw, Put his finger too near the buzz-saw. He saw his mistake. But each pain and acne, St Jacobs Oil cured in his paw. A rheumatic old man named Meeker, Was sick a whole year in Topeeker, He there would haye died, ilut St .Jacobs Oil tried. It sent him back cured to Osweeger. The Latest Electrical Discovery. The Rev. Mr. Gilbert, during an address atChrist Church the other night, remarks th Otago Times, while speaking of the tele- phone, asked the audience if they would be astonished if he were to tell them thati it was now proven to be possible to convey by means of electricity vibrations of light--to not only speak with your distant friend, but actually to sec him. The electroscopeâ€" the name of the instrument which enables us to do thisâ€" was the very latest scientific dis- covery, and to Dr. Gniirab, of Victoria, be- longed the proud distinction. The trial of this wondertul instrument took place at Mel- bourne on the 31st October last in the pres- ence of some forty scientific and public men, and was a great success. Sitting in a dark room they saw projected on a large disk ot white burnished metal the race course at Flemington with its myriad hosts of active b°ings Each minute detail stood out witM perfect fidelity to the original, and as they looked at the wonderful picture through binocular classes, it was difficult to imagine that they were not actually on the csnrse itflelf and moving among those whofe ao- tions they could so completely scan. Why Be SXarried. In the forthcoming fascinating biography of the heroic Lord Lawrence there is a«oiig many anecdotes one eminently ctiaractenstic of the man, who was as strong in ti. affec- tionasinhiswill. He was one evening si^ ting in his drawing-room at Southgate with his sister and other members of tlie family all were engaged in reading. Looking up Sm Ms bS,k in which he had been en^ crossed he discovered that his wife had left fSe rcom "Where's mother?" said he to one of his daughters. "She's up-steu-s. Dlied the girl. He returned to his book, and kSSng up again a few minutes later put Se^me Jaestion to his daughter and re- ceived the same answer. Ouce more he re- turLi to his reading, and onoe^°°"^^« looked UD with the same quf^tlion _on^h*» up Uds Hi» siBter broke .in " Why, reaUy. jJL. it would seem as if joa^-l^n^^ on five minutes without yonr wife. That" why I married her." herepUed. How many people live on the reputation of the reputation they might have made. â€" Jlolmfis. ELECTRIC OIL XOT EC'LECTKIC OIL. The two words have very different significa- tions, as will be scon by reference to Webster. The Eclectric Oil has no claim to Electric pro- pftrties only by the picture on the wrapper, which looks like begging the question. The popularity of Briggs' Electric Oil is such as to induce unprincipled persons to appropriate all the law will allow them to do. Ihe proprie- tors of the Electric Oil have no claim to tlie words iEclectric or Thomas but to the words Briggs' Electric they do lay claim by right, as they liave made them of value to themselves. Opportunity is rare, and a wise man will never let it go by him. â€" Bayard Taylor. Wbat a BowmanviUe Sditor has to say Re.!;ardlnz Dlxsn's Catarrb Remedy. BowmanviUe, Canada, Jan. 2, 18S3. To the Editor of the Statesman. Dear Sir.â€" Perhaps some of your readers are alfiicted -svdth that dreadful diseaseâ€" Cat- arrh. If so, I ask permission to say through the Statesman that I have been a subject of Catarrh for the last twenty years, and for the last eight years no one can tell the pains I have endured. At times I had a dull, heavj headache, discharges {ailing into the throat of a thick tenacious mucus. My eyes were weak and watery.ringing in the ears, deafness, hacking and coughing to clear the throat, and at times I was almost suffocated. I consulted some of the best physicians of the day, but to no effect. I have tried every kmd of patent medicines, washes and snuffe, that I could hear of, but did not receive the least benefit until I tried Dixon's Catarrh Remedy. On the 5th August last I procured the remedy and started its use immediately.and by the nss of only three treatments I consider myself permanently cured. Its beneficial action was immediate and the cure speedy. Judging from the effects of this treatment on myself, I am satisfied that Dixon's is the only Known treatment for cat- arrh which will effect a permanent cure. To all who are suffering from Catarrh I must con- scienUously say: Give Dixon Sons Catarrh Remedy a fair trial it is "worth its weight m Gold." Smcerely yours, Richard Oke. XoTE BY THE Publisher.â€" The Publisher of the Statesman has had an intimate acquaint- ance with Mr. Oke for about thirty years, and can. with scores of others, vouch for correct- ness of the above statements. W e had never known so bad a ease of CaUrrh as Mr. Otes was and the use of Dixon's Catarrh Remedy has effected a perfect cure, so that no symp- toms whatever of the disease reinain. We SSuy give space to Mr. Oke's letter In the lone that it may b3 of benefit to some victim of BatoS^h. uiasn. A. H. Dixon Son will Rend a treatise on Catarrh free on receipt of itaSp. The address is 205 King Street West. Toronto, One, Canada. nialcca prevarication pei feet, A Wise Ms "A stitch in time saves lui.. ' lâ- .c^. oiny ;.i making garnients,but also in mending nealth. If Hagyard's Pectorial Balsam were used in the earlier stages of Colds and Coughs, many a "stitch ill the side" and many a case of torn lungs might be avoided, that neglecte *, rapidly develope into irreparabl; Consum- ution. "21. The King of tiie Sandwicli Islands locks himself in when he gets drunk. This is why you never hear of his being sent up. Keep it in your family. The bejt remedy for a'.cidcuts and emergencies, for Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Soreness, Sore Throat, Croup, Rheumatism, Chilblains, and Pain or Soreness of all kinds, is that marvellous healing remedy, Hagyard's Yellow Oil. 19 (leu .Joe Johnston has been poisoned by the dye in his stockings. It is better than "dying in his boots." NOTICE. Each bottle of Bbiggs' Elkctric Oil will hereafter be accompanied by a corkscrew, as it is important that the cork should be rro- served and the bottle well corked when not in use to retain the strength of the medicine. It cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Liver and Lid- ney Complaints or of the Urinary Organs cures complaints arising from Colds, such as Sore Throat. Bronchitis, Diptheria, Cough, Asthma and Difllcult Breathing. Railroad men know nothing of the "bum- per at parting." It is the bumper at sud- den meetings that stirs them up. Daughters, W ives, Mothers, look to your health The many painful and weakening diseases froiitwhich you suffer, despairing of a cure, can be remedied by that unfailing regulator and purifying tonic. Burdock Blood Bitters, Ask your druggist for proof. 20. It was an enterprising sight to see a news- boy down in the bottoms wading around up to his kntes in the water shouting: "Here's your paper, all abcut the flood " Important. When you visit or leave New York City, save Baggage Expressage and Carriage Hire, and stop at Grand Union' Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. 450 elegant rooms, fitted up at a cost of one million dollars, reduced to §1 and upwards per day. European plan. iElevator. Restaurant supplied with the best. Horse cars, stages and elevated railroads to all de- pots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other first-class hotel in the city. Susan B. Anthony is going across the sea to talk woman's rights to kings, queens and despots. If she should happen to fall in love over there, eh A Cure for Croup. There is no better remedy for Croup than Hagyard's Yellow jOii taken internally aud applied ac^- â- - ing to the special directions, this is the j'eat household panacea for Rheumatism, Scifif Joints. Pain Inflammation c. 2,3. A Mississippi dog bit otT a boy"s nose and swallowed it. A Sure Thing In the freatment of Chronic disease with that great system renovator and restorative. Burdock Blood Bitters, there is no uncer- tainty as to its action, its curative powers are speedily manifest by its marked effect upon the Liver, the Bowels and the Kidneys. Every dose performing its work in a per- ceptible manner. 24. An Atlmta, Ga., sight the other day v.as a car drawn by two tame alligators. W. T. Bray, Pharmacist, Wingham, Ont., writes that the sale of Burdock Blood Bit- ters has very largely increased in that loc- ality, and adds that he hears very favorable opinions expressed regarding it, and, if time permited, could ssnd many names of benefit- ed parties, 22. A.P. 115 T o »v -, jacC^athatittBg, lUy 4th, 1SS2. J. Sutherland, Esq. Dear Sir,â€" I have been for the past year suffering from "Sciatica." I was recommend- ed by a neighbor te try your cure "Rheuma- tine." I did so. and am glad to 8ay it oomplete- ly.cured me, and I can now thoroughly leoom- meod it to any one suflbring from the same complaint. Giving you the liberty to use this as you may think fit. I remain, yours truly. „ ^, X. B.CLENDENING. Mr. Clendentng is a fanner living in Louth, about nine miles from St. Catharines. "If the Legislature abolishes the office of Chaplain," says the Tombstone (Arizona) Epitaph, "some of the members will lose an opportunity of hearing a mioister of the gospel for the first time." To THE Reauer.â€" This request has born made for your benefit. Humanity is one conglomeration of pain and suffering, and with a view of relieving one of the most common ailments flesh is heir to we make request^ as above. Are you suffering from corns? Nearly every person can say yes. The thing for you to do is to buy a bottle of Putnam's Painless Com Extractor, " the great corn cure." Saf?, sure, painless. This great remedy never fails. N. C. Pol- son Co., Kingston, prop's. The senate lias reduced the tariff on barb- ed wire fencing, but that won't help the farmer's hired man any. He wants the barbs- filed down and a cushion arranged every twenty rods alont; the t^p wire. RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY COMPLAINT i;mij:^:5 V TIXE. THEGREATGERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. Relieves and cures RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, BACKACHE, HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, SORE THROAT, QUINSY, SWELLUfOS, SPBAUrS, Soreness, Cuts, Bruises. FBOSTBITES, BrSKS. SCAU9, And all other bodily aches and pains. FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLL Sold by all Droggists and Dealers. Directions in 11 langoages. Ths Charies A. Vogelv Co. â- m to A. TOeSLCB k Ca) BalUmra. Id., C. S. 1. Hamilton, 0., March 1 1, ISSI. ilu. H. 11. Stkvensâ€" Dear Sir: Although ui\ entire stranq-cr to you, 1 wish to inform yoi; what KiiKTiitE has done for me. After sutl'cr- ingfor several years with the lUIEUMATISJl I can truly say the Veg^etine has entirely cured me. I have not had the slightest touch of it for several months. Have also been badly atllicted with KIDXKY COMPLAIXT, sull'ering great pain in mv back, hips and sides, with graat difficulty in passing- urine. By the nseof VscKTiNK 1 And niT'=^e'l' entirely cured of this complaint. 1 take Rrcat pleasure in recouimcnding vour remedy to ray acquaintances and friends, and all speak favor- ably of its good cfTectg. llespcctfully yours. P. H. GILBEUT, Undcrt*kr. 1 am personally acquainted witliMr. (Jilbcri, and believe !iim perfecMy reliable in his staic- nient. U.S. JAMBS, Druggist, Hainliton. KK1I» TIIK FXtTS. Touo.NTO, April 3, ISSO, -, -- „ ,, 6 Hear tjtreet. Mu. 11. n. e-iKVKxs, Boston, Mass. Sirâ€" I havr mucli pleasure In benring testi- mony to the efficacy of your invaluable family medicine, Vegetin:i. For throe years I was a great suflfeier from CAroJiic Rheumatism and Derangement oftiie Kidneys, and after testing innumerable so-called remedies, in the spring of last year I was recommended to give the Vegetine a trial and to persevere in using it for some time. I did so, and in the course of throe months found that a perfect cure had been ef- fected, and 1 am now, thank God, ini the fuli enjoyment of the cost of hciilth. I consider il the most effective remedy for the distressing complaints just mentioned and for Indigestion, Biliousness and Liver J)isease. It is very pleasant to take, vitalizing and invigorating. I can most confidently recemmcnd it, knowing the great bonolits I have derivea frcftn its ufc. and consider I cannot overstate its crrcat and important value to those similarlv alllicted ;is 1 have been. Yours faithfully. li. L, COLiK, Accountant. Vegetine is sold by al! Druggists. FTL 5 =1 '.3 iisii'iSia. tUv firejit NorUj-IVcsl ili. â- â- •:;: I, «»f son. tJriliIi'oInui;)ka, tiuit.ka, '•3i:iii'H(:i, or .Nehmska, t-cl ^^'^ll, G'lidi'S, ni'l l)'^crip::vp I'jmphleta F REE • ";« w. C'Unlry ihcy wl.h r:',r;ir!il.irfl. .\ddit;BB, D(';irl;ncnt 'f S'.isiisr.-slifiri, ' .â- ; Y'li-Ii SJrect, Tcronto, !I. C! l.I, '-WAY. .^nnaser. PROFESSIONAL. Ain'iriT,H AS iiiyv u ii.N J-; Knrope and opened a Studio, 81 King-st. East, Toronto, l^ortraits in oil life size. MK.FOKSTKU, from MISCELLArsjEOUS. WATtJlKS repaired. 'I'rade work a spcciil ty. A. Bali-aukv. S KingSt. E.. Tor onto. CBBEU sr.4MPS.â€" Xm)HESS'lTlLCOX 4 KingSt. East. Toronto. Airents wanted. R CHRIS. SIIEPPARD.ManufrofMasonicand other Society Jewels, loi King E., Toronto. A' ^UTOPIIOXKS, §;(5.oO. INX'LUDIXU FOUR tunes. T. CLAXTOX, dealer in Musical Instruments, Piano Music, Bard Music, c. Catalogu^s^free^ 197 Yon ge St.. Tor onto. PRICE TICKETS, SHOW CAUUS," "WIX- DOW SHADES. Newest designs. Send for price list. F. Williams, 1 King E.,^oronto. "DOWGUA.Rr33r\VIRE CI Wire Uf j h r "WINDOW GUARDS, WI RE CLOTH If I n b and Wire Goods at Works, 116 King St. West, the Toronto T. G. RICE. «B)JLi"\/ steam Engine, with lamp complete, C. P OTTER, 31 King-st. East Toronto. UfilTPUIZC Send for free illustrated cala- flMI Unild. loguetoRYRIB.theJeweler, 113 Yonge Street. 1 oronto. inn Choice selections for the Autograph Al lUU bum and 6 Handsome Cards for one 3 cent stamp. The CALL, Mattapan, llass^ P A Dn C Valentine and'EasteF;Tirsiy?2 ?1^ UnnUOi $.5. orSlO lots. By post pro-paid H. J. MA TT HEWS BROS.. Toronto. FARMS IN MARY'LAND-IMPROVED- $10 to $25 per acre; catalogues free. H. P, CH AMBERS. Feder alsburgh, Mar ylan d, U. S R S.WOOD *CO., OAKVILLEâ€" MAXU â- FACTURERS tf outside and inside Blinds, Sbah, Doors, and Mouldings. Send for prices. Oakville,_Oht. • MAKIT0BA~FA"RM^6~AX ACfUAI. Settler the north i of sec 1. Tp. 12 R, 20 W. is offered for 33.00 per acre, 6 years time. Soil the very best, only 2 miles Elkho •(Station. main line C. P. R. Apply to A. BOWERMAX Box 49, Winnipeg, or J. H. MACMVLLEN 1 Yonge Stree, Toronto. FOR SALEâ€" WATER POWER SAW MILL Shingle, Lath, and Cider Mills also grain crusher, in good order business well built up large stock of logs dwelling house (new), and ten acres ot land just south of the pine ridges to enable us to accept an offer in tne West, â- we offer the above for a short time for less than value $2,S00 down balance en easy payments. Applyon the premises, or by letter to Gorrmley P O. w. I. LEARY. Proprietors. "ORk FARMERS' COLONIZATION CO Limited. The first party of settlers under leadership of Mr. Boake, will leave for the C«lony about aotb March inst. For Tickets and fall information apply to JAS. ARM- STRONG. ManaginK Director, 1 Victoria-St, Toronto, T thel« 'i -if ' 'Pf; â- I. ?. '