f'^^^^f^^^y^^- 7**"^^ ^mL..x „ LiJiiipp^«p9nmpipipj| ipn esi Noticsij, and at i s fram r-wted stock of aiity. bU at moden Brown Ify Doll IS leaving Mark- ^to SO into' the Wholesale II Jy Business in Toronto, inotii'^shing to leave Mark- rimthtrO li^ ^^^ f«/^r^i ZinerslnP ^ith Mr. W. 'RO n^A' l^l^ of Flesherton, 'â- J hyartical watchmaker .Leikri ovens years ex- I'nce and comes with the best Lomnendationsfrom some of lliading watchmakers in the kinion. L Broui'n will carry on the ^ncss in Markdale. II li'urk enirusted to him will wni ii a workmanlike man- w I work will be guaranteed, rill goods sold will be found Lpresented, or money refund- )oll Brown's, J I The People's Watchmakers Jewellers Hill's 131ocli, MARKDALE ONLY. lUCTIO^^JEER iiity of Giey-. ig rttliable C^Bpaniatij eal, L, of Watertiiwii, I OMMKRCE, (Muta^j ronto. I e Farms for w*. al»j cted in Town or Com-I Charges moderaM,j^ d Stamps proTided. GEO. NOBLE. sive improvements"' ct)ufident I can g"" .gdoneeveiy^Jl distftnce »» id and Otlier Items. I iiicE3 in these columns intended to benefit 'in:lkiduil or Society will he charged ten j J line for the first insertion and five atUne each subsequent insertion. r. Isaac Brown has a few cows.in for sale, ue Uweu Sound Dry Dock Com- V tmpldv li meu at the Dock. ttbiness is goiae; to be boommg for next 30 days at Keynolds Sou, don't jou forget it. very aew subscriber to the Stan- getsa book of90pas;es "A Trea- on the Horse and his Diseases" Many of those who got them past year, say the book is worth 3abscription itself. HE New Steamer. â€" The Pacific, leiug built at the Dry Dock by :am Juhu Simpson, will be ready LiUDcbiuf^ early in April. Siie is riv all planked, and the machinery ow being put into her.. She will be, D completed, one of the finest. pro- lorsoulbe laakes. â€" U. S, h-dver- New ChaiM and Necklota. sod mm Brown's. Mia-kdale. â- **«*** One case of thoee celebmtod Selh Thomas O G. clocks, of Tery finish, just to hand at Doll k Briwn's. K^m^HfT* *i* •* â- '"" ' *»»« ^^ bam Station tots week yet, the raU- way IS useless this weatherâ€" Grew titvteui. Reynolds A Son are giring some of the best barjiains in Cashmeres ever offered in Markdale. Don't be de- ceived but come in and see for your- Moffat Bros, of the Markdale Foun- dry, have a fine lot of sugar kettles of a superior quality now ready, and will «ell them cheap for cash. Wood and old iron taken in exchange. A meeling of the fire brigade will be held at the SxANDiiBD Oflice on Fri- day evening, at eight o'clock. Mat- ters of importance to be considered By order of Capt. McDougall. The ice harvest goes on and a splendid lot is being housed. Every farmer should have a few loads; when t^fv once use it they will find it an al- iiost indispensible article for the da*y. Tather Cassin gave us a call on Tuesday. He removed on the 22ad February to his new brick residence at the "Irish Lake," Artemesia.which he bnilt the past season and is now comi^ete with the exception of some .outside painting, .About four o'clock on Sunday after- noon |ast Mr. Fred Sargeant's house was discQveied on fire but was tpeedily extinguished without any damage to speak of. The fiie originated on the roof near the chimney Mr. John Ford advertised his farm for sale in the St\kd\ri», which brought a cash purchaser fiom near Brampton who paid Mr.. Ford his price, $5,5QO. Who will say it's no use advertising in a local paper. The Canadian Farmer is a weekly agricultuial paper published in Wel- land, Ont., al $1 per annum. It con- tains a vast amount of useful and practical infjrnration on Agriculture. Subscriptions takeai at this oflSce. Just received at Doll Brown's from W. F. Doll, Toronto, a consign- ment of very fine watches, Elgin and Walthammovements, cases in 3 and 4 oz to fit coin silver, also Ladies and Gents Hunting Leyers iu soUd gold cases. An immense quantity of grain, wood, stave bolts, tie8,,c., have been delivered in Markdale during the past week. Several days between 300 and B. HunMn, of the Owwi bonnd "»nte works, ga^e ua oOl je^batdaj. ?* *^*»»« •ttwitiim of mr ntA- eta to Mr. Bensoo's ehnijie of adter- tasement in this iMa». Be«d»leuQ, l\ Fe.ud. â€" A person by tne name iHoftaid or Rus.sel (he gave a dif- Jfiit iiiime to ^ey£ral individuals in oailitv) will I went around our iiL'e stiiuo time ago, soliciting ad- iriiMineiits for an Hotel Adver- i:g ailmtu, or some such thing, is a iUr'Hlead bead." He left Flesher cn^bidtrablv in debt to some of t citizens. Look out for him, â€" Ad Our Little Ones" for March is I s«ieiif liuraber. Parents should â- t' t'i'r the amusement of the -f Iks and in no way could they 'â- ^i^I'LtUr than by obtaining this '.^ Viilunble i)er'odical for them. 'j "1 attractive and instructive. 'Bl'l' c:in be seen at theSxANDASP -^' si.r)0 pir annum. Eussel •liiii? Coiujuiiiy, 36 Broomfield " I'Oifi'll. "Canadian Farm Journal," for "â- "â- 'â- pulilishpcl by the Canada â- |;^i:" Ai:f ncv Comoany, is on â- 'â- • It contains full «nd re- "'"rma'ioii as to the resources â- 'â- foiiutrv â- and 5 .I.iiiri About 8 tens of Rood timothy hay, weU saved and in the bam. for sale at John Baskin's, con. 7, lot 4. Eu phrasia. Also good straw for sale. The Canada Pacific Bailway Com- pany are havmg tliree powerful steel botton steamers built on the Clyde, of 1.200 tons each, to ply between Al* goma Mdls and Prince Arthur's Land- ing next summer. Mr. Thos. Si/roule, late of the Be- vere Hotel, who has been in this town two years has made many friends. He was very obUgmg and cheerful and will be greatly missed at his old stand. We wish him success where- ever he may locate. Our paper is a day late this week. We had a stock of pap r coming which should have arrived on Weduesday, but owing to the storm, which block- ed the railway, it did not arrive until late Thursday night, henue the delay. Grand cleamig sale for the next SO days of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Glassware, Crockery, Hats, Caps, Ready-made Clothing. Reynold8. Son are going to sell a large stook^.of the above goods in .the next 80 days. As we are going to make a change in business, come and see some of our bargains. A copy of I Steele Bros'., annual il- lustrated seed catalogue,. for 1883, is before us, and for beauty of design and amount of useful information con- ' tamed in it. is hard to excel. This firm, is established 10 years and are reliable. Intending purchasers can have a copy of their descriptive cata- logue tree by applying by letter or card to Steel Bios' Co., Toronto.. PicTUBESftDE Canada. â€" Mr. (Jrysler. travelling agent for the above,deliver- ed parts 15. and 16 this week. This grand specimen of Canadian Art grows more interesting with each number. The engravings in the last two parts are very natural, giving various views of Niagara Falls and vicinity, Welland Canal, St. Cather- ines, Toronto Harbor. Queenston, c. Credit Sat.k, â€" Mr. Ford (Mount Eoyal Farm) will sell by public auc- tion on his premises the 20th March, his entire stock.implements. c. Mr. Ford has good stock and his farm im- plements are in prime condition. This IS a genuine sale 8s the proprietor has sold bis farm. Sale to commence at Ooolgera of Umpeaaamt '• a vutoe. bwt tiw rafawfaing coo l nMg of the Preserved Meata, Fralts, aa4 â€" IKPT "at Tint â€" BELFAST HOUSE, MARKDALE, beat* an the icebetv ever floated down the Atlantic Ocean. Teas The Belfast House and OoffeeA give an ezhilirsting infloenee, not eqoalled in Markdale. except by BenRoo's WMMIES, BRANDIES, WIRES, c. lliose wluhrelibh the 'pipe of peace' will find the Tobaccos and I Cigars at the Belfast Hoase unsarpaMed north ot Toronto. Cheese. Bologna Saasage. and Biscuit in endless variety, all from the best manufacturers, at the Belfast House. Ap- plr«, (g^n and dried,) Spices. Sweetmeats, o. Toiitt and Fancy Soaf^, Essences, Perfames, ,and Family Oils, of the purest quality, Flaur, Potatoes, Pork, Herring, (4zied and sait,) kept constantly on hand, i^Our Bottled Gin is imported direct]^ jftwn the manufacturers, and our Bottled Wines are put up at the Vintage. T*i;kleB inhottles. Mustard in cans, and in fact ev- erything in the. grocery trade. A recent ad- dition to my fiaances will enable me to pur- chase in the head markets of Europe and America. WILSON BENSON, Just Arrived! 1 A LARGE STOCK OP lEWtltDFASHIOIIULE MABKDALE Meat Market. A eonatant supply of Fresh Meats E on hand, at the Lft'we.st Liviiig Prices- Orders -solicited, and deliv- ered free to all parts of the- Town. Farmers having fat stcck to dispose of, will please leave theiivaddresses. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANX.. Markdale March 83. 1882. 80-1t miGISMVIBG. GENTLEMEN.â€" If Tou want a first-daw-. Buggie or Wagon call at mmu MAi)ON's CARRIAGE WORKS MA.RKDALE. They can supply you with anything from a Lumber Wagon up to Exiension Too Phaeton. Boots and Shoes, NEÂ¥r 8R0CERIES, At prices which will astonish you. Call and see. Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs or any kind of Fowl at the Cheap Stobe. JOHN DOUPE, Flesherton Station. Not, 15th. 1882, 114-3n:, Health is Wealth To buy from them is to SAVE jMOIVEY: They are both practical workmen, and employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN. They guarantee their work Second to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. 400 teams passed our office which is in o'clock, Eefreshments at noon, on tiie mam street leading to the Nine months credit on approved joint station. Scarcely a day passes without teams running races on Mill stieet between the station and village, in some cases three teams a breast. This should be put a stop to. It is not only a breach of the law but endangers the lives of those who may be on the road, as many are, owing to the side walks beint^ mostly blocked with snow. The Oldest Inhabitant. â€" The old- est inhabitant of Ontario passed away, near Ayon, a few days ago, in the person of Eichard Norris, who had reached the patriarchal age of 105 years. As an instance of bis strength it is mentioned that on his 104th birthday he ploughed a field of wheat and shocked corn during the balance i)t the d.iy, â€" Durham Chronicle. Mr, John Ford has sold his (Mount Koyal) farm containing 100 acres, 3 miles from Markdale, to Mr. A diew Nod well, of Erin Tp., for $5,500 cash, Mr, Nodwell takes possession the 1st April. This appears a good price for 100 acres of land in this sec- tion of country, being $55 per acre, of the I III other property for sale is issued gratuitously. â„¢u ie. a-eiit, Flenherton B, C. 'itr^iit. Markdale, If yon '""^l'i;y or sell fni-ms see these pu'.-ui"n. but Mr. J^ord's place is one with a list of improved guest larms in this part of the country and is without exception in the bo.st condition, all things c )n8idered. It carried off the first prize in East Grey for the best managed farm la^t Sum mer, Mr. Ford had a place for every- thing and everything in its pla,ce. Accident,â€" An accident of a very serious nature occurred" oti the farm of Mr. John Black, D»rham, l.oal. on Friday. Fab. 23rd. A young raau named John IJennedv was employed to cut saw log*. He was m the act of sawing down a large elm when it fell in a contrary direction and ing another tree close bv, caused it to 8^ TEMPTtn IxcENniARisM,â€" On Sun- 'iiijlit liist finiTie rjigcal attempted '« Bntchnrfs Block on the east ^^ ^1 Poiilett Ktrpet. The place J^^the attempt was made is between 'â- f^^ Biiocber Shop and Holme's '^â- ^rai.li Gallery, where there was ij"" ^••'lirway between the two 'J' "« was riiscQvered near the n the front stairs, and also at pttf'mofthe j^^"°::^Wch when discovered was â- Had this fire got under head- 7« IS no telling where it would ISnn?^ ' ^^ ^^ '11 be remember- ' Jc V "^^^"^^ ^^^ a ^ery windy one. h i""i^^ion of property is bad en- ' « when human life is at stake, feaibl 'V ^*^^' ^* ^®®™s almost an "J°/i^y"ne calling himself liy a^t e guilty of such a das- ^~'~^Q^ii^ Advertiser. back stairs, where fine lumbering and It notes. Geo. Noble, Auctioneer. Lottery Writs Issued, â€" A. M. Gambli^, keeper of the Provincial ho- tel at Gananoque, was on Thursday last served with a writsimilar to those beryed in London last week, Mr. Gamble won the $5000 prize in the London lottery. The writ was issued at the instance of the Toronto society for the suiipression of vice. David Por- ter of Ballyduff, who won the $15,000 could not be found by the. constable who went down, andi*" is thought that he got wind ot the writs and skipped out. A Phompt Kesponse. â€" On the 18th Feb. part of our stock was damaged by removal from tne late fire, and on the day following the inspector, Dr Ilea, apprase.l our dumage. W( were agreeably surprised when Dr. Hea. Ii.si'Pctor for the Western, iuid W. Lucas Co., agents for the Fire Lnsiiraiice Association (LiuiiteJ) banded us the check on the 24th Fib., settleraei't in luli of our claim We a" ail who want to injure comjiany. â€" Thimble Dr. E. C, West's Neeve and Brain Tbeat- UENT, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neu- ralgia, Headach«, Nervous Prostration caus- ed bv the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wake- fulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain, resulting in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barr ennsbs, Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntary losses and Spermatorrhoea, caused by over -exertion of the brain, self abuse or over-indulRence. One box will cu e recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. One dollar a box, oi six boxes for fiye dollars sent bj^^mail pre- paid on receipt of price. We guajfantee six boxes to cure any case. With eacb order re- ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollar^, we wUl send the purchaser a written ^aranteei to refund the money ii the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar- antees issued only by A. Turner ACo., sok authorized Agent for Markdale Out, Johr C. West Co. sole proprietor.Toronto.Ont. They use nothing but First-class White Oak for Wagons, and thrice Extra Second Growth Hickory for light work. The immense amount of work turned out of McEenna Mason's shop is snfiicien proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. The BEST is tub CHEAPEST in the ENIk. Poor cheap work we positivdy will,, net take. ilip off the stump, and the snowl eing so very deep ho was unable t3 make bis escape and the falling tree struck Lim. driving him into the snow nntil he was entirely covered, and when shoveled ont. it was found that both his legs were broken.one being broken above the knee, and between the «nee and ankle, the other leg being broken at the ankle. Dr. Gunn was called on. and set the injured Umbs, .and und« his treatment the patient « domg^ weU as can b^. expected,T-^ry_ view rLComraend the above Wt'lfiHT. The Socialâ€" Notwithstan ling the wind storm, wlii.i;h pre/aiLd for 21 homs;pieviou8, a 'oodly ouml)er gacn- erod at Duffeim Ha 1 last.vvi.ing.and rt KotKl timH was spent Alter Hiuiise- uieuts of vaii 'US kinds were enjoyed, :i#d reffesliinent-i tiispo-sea or. Key. Mr. McDiarmid called the meeting to order, and the f )ilowiug toi;k part ii) tie programme, wirii credit t them- selves and satisfaction to tlieaudience. Music by tne Olioir Beaiiing. J. L. BiOwne lustiumental Musie.Hemy, Smith and Coi eland Instrumental Music, Minnie Cornwall Beading, Mrs. Wm. Brown Song, J. H Dev- auev Beading, W. A. Brown -Iii^h Philoscpher." W- A. McDougal; Music, the Choir Reading. A. McFarland Instrumental Trio, Henry, Smit^^ and Copeland Song, Armstrong, Hull and Miss Gamey Beadin?, "Mary Queen of Scots," Mra. Tnmbl^; Song. "Strarge as yet," man "Betsy and I are out. A. McDcugal "The Maple Leaf fpr Ever," Choir. Some of the tea^pm were very thrUUog and well rendered. Proceed,* $18.50. Next one w, two weeks.. $500 Reward We will p,iy tiie above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyi^pepsia, Sick Head- ache, Indigestion Con^tipation or Costie ness we cauuot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaotioa. Susjar "oateU, Large Boxes, containiug 30 Pilis, 25 cts. For sale by all Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and immitatiovs. The genu- ine manufactured onlv by JOHN C. WEST CO., "The Pill Makers.'" "1 83 King St. East, Toronto Ont. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. l?'or sale at Turner Co. Drug Store. Special attention given to Ee-Trimming- and Repainting all classes of Carriage Work. Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pay) in HORSESHOEING SHOP â€" On Mill Street opposite ta Sproule's Hotel. McKEN NA M ASON. THOS. MATHEW lanesS EsWibTI MARKDALE. BVEBYTHI$^G IN OUR LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT: NOTICE. LfVERYi IN CO^NECTIC __ jr W. FOED, Is giving splendia satisfi^tion in CRIjSTINC, By the New Proc^siiit the Bo«- JNO. MONTGOMERY, Begs to tender his thanks to the inhabitants of Markdale and surrou^j^ii^g cou.itry for past patronage, and to intmite io them that he is prepared to supply the puhUwith Fruit, Pottiid ami Plum C^lce either pip in of'ired and ornamented. Also Brides' Cakes got up i^the best stylftrthat can be done this ^nde of Toronto. Bread, Buns and Cakes! in great va^^y. .All these are mannfaoturei on his own .premises bv himself, besides Bis- eait of every description from the best man- ucturers in Ontario. CHOWEST COHFECTHHIERY in great variety. Tea Meetings, Socials, and ^hor parties supplied on the shortest notice and ap the most reaiionable terms, Jp,EN MQNT60MEBY, IfaikdiOe, Vor. 22ud. 1382, Special attention to parties from a distance so that they may have tlieir grist home the same day, FARM FOR SALE. tOTGCON. 3E. G. ED.. HOLL.\ND. IGO acres, 70 Hcres cleared, well water eil, good orchs^d lieariug good log house and barn. Situatttil 2 half milo^ from Chats- worth. A. U^rgain will be given in the ibove property, for pariicr»lars apply to Geo. Noble, Markualjj. Of to Ohas, King. Shel- burue. V-t-il. Land for Sale. I -J I J r ki. • :,â- 8-- â- ' illl^