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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Mar 1883, p. 4

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 â- HP..U" m .1 t â- * SI I. Id i. I 4 !J ll 1* The want of a thoroughly trained ^^ _^ ^^^ fire brigade in Markdale is apparent j Eap'iJ^j^ij to all. While some appear to think very gQ^j^jj^ ' little could be accomphshed without I Qgpjgy ' an engine, we are of opinion that a pp^j^^ well trained company, with a hook and ladder outfit would do as much, if not more, m nine cases out of ten, to saye property and extmguish a fire m a place like Markdale, than would be done with such an engine as this place could afford to procure. Tho coipor ation could grant suflScient to pur- chase a hook and ladder outfit, and no ratepayer would leel the cost, while the prompt and well directed eflForts ol an efficient and trained body of men would no doubt be a great miprove- ment on the prbsent state ol thiugs. We would like to see our Villaere Po- lice give some assistance in the mat- ter. Of course there is no encourage- ment to form a company without the co-operation of the authorities. The majorities are as each Mtmicipality. EAST 6BCT. Lander Artemesia, Collingwood, THE EAILWA 1 GOBBLE. In another column we ^ive a clip from the World oi Saturday last inti- mating that arrangements are in pro- gress whereby tbe Grand Trunk is likely to control the Northern, Hamil- ton Northwestern and T. G. B. Kailw..y8. Should such arrrange- ments be completed, the question will very naturally arise, what will be the result? The Grand Trunk would then control four points on the Georgian Bay, viz Collingwood, Meaford. Owen Sound and Wiarton. We believe this (tbe T. G. B.) line to Owen Sound would be made the main line of the five roads leading to the lake; the Durham branch would likely be extei'ded to Markdale, thereby giving a direct route West as well asEast.we hope soon to be in a position to giye our readers something more definite on this important question. MR. ANDi.RSON'S FIBE. Last week we mentioned the fact that Mr. J. R. Anderson of Orange Valley, Artemesia, had the misfortune of bavujg bis residence destroyed by fire, but were not in possession of fur ther pardculEirfc-. Tlie fire originated in the kitchen, and is supposed to have been working in the neighbourhood of the chimney during the night, and broke out about fivt- o'clociv m the mdruing. While the family were enjoying peaceful slum- bt:r8 ill tbe upper poriion ol tUehouse they were awakened by tbe crackling of the tire on the rwf. They first diiected thejr attention towards en- deavouring to extinguish the fire but the supply of water failed, and all bauds turned to to save whatthey could of the contents and succeeded in sav- ing considerable in good order, yet a great amount was consumed â€" $15.00 in cash, together with Life Insurance and other valuable j)apers were burn- ed. A voung lad who had earned and received for lighting fires at the school housf,some $0 or $7,had his liitle all burned. Mr. Anderson's house was a very comlortabie one, built some eight years since by the late Jamea Waldie. It was well furuishjd and carpeted throii^'hoiu. The loss i not less tiiiin §1,8U0: insured in the Gore District for S500, which amount Mr. Anderson w:ill no doubt i eceive. 84 111 2 807 140 Maj. for Lauder 167 BOUTH OBEY. Hunter Bentinck 59 Egremont 69 Glenelg Durham Norman by 98 47 140 128 Majority for Blyth ^ORTH GREY. Creighton Owen Sound 85 Derbey Sullivan 135 Sydenham Sarawak 81 Keppel Meaford 18 St. Vincent 40 259 104 Maj. for Creighton 155. WHAT THEY ARE SA Blyth 40 40 285 815 128 187 Dt)yle 10 98 104 McFarland's strong tea r«-elected Blyth.â€" We Grits. We will soon know about Wiggins' March storm, â€" The people. I wish Mc. had gave me some. â€" Bob Myles. The elections are over and we gain- ed a victory. â€" The Conservatives. So did we. â€" The Reformers. Oh, dear oh dear, why didn't I get some of McFarland's tea â€" R. I. Doyle. Tbe appointment of valuators for the county of Grey is a fraud. â€" The I Ratepayers. I am not coming back, boys, until tbe next time. McFarland's tea is valued by me. â€" A. W. Lauder, The choice of valuators is all right, but we do not favor the system. â€" Ed. Standard. The second meeting was held at Feyersham on the 26th February. All members present. Comnmnications from Co. Treas., list of lands liable to be sold m 1888 for arr. ars of taxes. C. W. Rutledge, re printing. Registrar General, cer- tificate as to Births, c. J. Gamey, bill, re Miller.a vflgrant. F. Winters. ))etitiob to reconstruct school sections. R Gordon, petition, re Mrs. Glover, an iuaigent. W BUght, re statute labour, lots 40 and 41, in 3 S. Au- ditors' r port. Taxes on lots 40 and 41, in 8 S. f )r 1882, were ordered to be erased. Orders issued:â€" Mrs. Glov«r, in- digent, $10 T. Gamey, committing J. Mill.r, $2; A. McGirr, commit- ting J. Miller, $i J. Gamey, expen- ped,Co. Rates, $5 supplement school equivalent, $11 J. Gamey, re J. Miller, $3.85 N. A. McLean, audi- tor, $10; S. R. Edwards, auditor, 112; J. McPherson, keeping Mrs. McDougal, $15 W. RugKitt, postage and stJitiocery, $10 Division Regis- trar, $18 10. Tbe Audit its' Report was adopted, ani Mr. Thos. Perinoe was exempted from taxes. Registration returns for 1882 â€" births, 62 marriages, 20 death6,49; Total 131. Councd adjourned to meet on 10th March, at Fever sham. W. MiLNK, Clerk. [Note. â€" The copy of above came to hand at 1 o'clock Tuesday, and proof forwarded by return mail at 4.30 same day. â€" Ed. Standard.] PROVINCIAL APPOINTMENTS. The following appointments appear in Saturc'iy's Ontario Gazette, Don- ald Sinclair, of Paisley, to be registrar of deeds in the county of Bruce; Edgar Fred Cross, of London ,Eng, to be a commissioner for taking affida- vits S M.Jarvis. of Qu'Appelle, N. W. T., to be a commissioner for taking affidavits Donald McGregor, of Cale donia, to be clerk of tne first division court of Haldimand Donald R. Mc- Kay, of Penetanguishene, to be clerk of the ninth division court in Simcoe John McCouchie, of Ancaster, to be baUiff of the sixth division court of Wentworth. THE RAILWAY GOBBLE. the HAMILTON AND NORTHWESTERN CON- TR0LT,ED by the GRAND trunk THE NORTHERN TO FOLLOW â€" LIKE- WISE THE GREY BRUCE. (^H\NGE IN BUSINESS. Mr. J. L. Browae, Piiotographic Artist, has sold his plant and business to Mr James Hainiltiii who will take possession the 15th of this month. Mr. Br iwr.e has worked up a fine bu.-iness durrig the 15 mouths he has been in the place, and has made luauy warm frieLds. As an Ar- tist his work speeks for itself. He is a genial, good ln^arted and worthy citizen, and we regret having to part with him. Our oost wishes follow him Where liP may locate. Mr. J. Hamilton, who succeeds him in business, here is ut)»v turning out very tine specimens in Photos of varjcus sizes, trom card to lil'e size. Wiiatever he does he takes pain to do w, 11. We bespeak for bim tht Kuccess whicii tine work and close application to business deserves. Passed Aw.\y. â€" Mr. Wm. Eulmer, I Phi'toyrapher,) Fleshertou. who was an old citizen, au 1 very nighly esteem- t'l gentl-imeu, died ou Friday evening 1 ist. He lini been in vei-y poor healtb for some years, be was a devoted iiiristian and passed away in the Iriumphs of faith. (From thi Toronto World.) A railway lawyer of this city wbo ought to know is authority for the statement that the agents of the Giand Trunk have secured a con- trolling interest of the Hamilton and Northwestern and that they will soon have the Northern. For some time back the bonds of the Hamilton and Northwestern have met with a readv sale, and it was evident that some person was very active in buying them in. It was suspected at the time that the buyers were acting for tbe Grand Trunk. It is also reported that the litiga- tion regarding the Toronto, Grey and Bruce will soon be over â€" tliat those who ai e holding out against tbe Grar'd Trunk assuming control will be quiet- ed and peacable possession allowed. 1 â€" I Rpvival r.ervises are being held in the Flesherton Metiiodist Church by the pastor. Rev. Mr. McDowell. Another County Heard From. â€" Mr. Sarjufl Haliiday. Co. Durhatn Tp. Clerk, says, Trimble k Wright's fa- mous Japan Tea gives great satisfac- tion. No Tea comes East of Toronto to equal it for the price. Several of our neighbours intend ordering chests of it. The "Markdale Mission Magazine" is published at this officH monthly m pamphlet form. It contains a great amount of interesting rea-'-ing matter, together with a caleudarof the vaiious English Church Sunday and «.eek day services, at the various appoint- meuts on this mission, receipts and expenditures of all kin4^ pertaining to the church en this mfOfuon, and. va- rious other matters nfji^terest. Every churchman m the disti^iet should have it. Only 50cls per year can com- jnenceany time. Api^ to Rev. J. Ward.MarVdale, oi;^at ttis office We have received 11 renewals and 6 new subscribers the past six days. Keep on at it friends, you are doing well. Mr Brian,of Shelburne, has leased tbe Mansion House and is having it refitted throughout and will open next week. On or before stock taking we will sell off our stock at a great reduction. Our stock of winter goods wdl be sold regardless of cost. Our stock of Mil- linery will be sold at 25et8 on the dol- lir. â€" TRismLE Wright. BIRTHS. Haskett â€" In MaikdIe, on the 7th inst., the wife of W. N. Haskett. Esq., (hard- ware merchant,) of a daughter. Wilson- In Markdak, on the 5th inst., the -wife of Mr. Geo. Wilson, (butcheij) of a daughter. Stevens.â€" In Collingwood, 2l8t ult., the wife of W. A. Sterens, B A., Science Mas- ter, Collingwood 'oUegiate Institute, of twins â€" son and daughter. Campbell.â€" In Collingwood, on the 19th ult.. the wife of Mr. Chas. E. Campbell, of a daughter. !K marriages- Guyâ€" couTTsâ€" At Maxwell „ ou. the ?8th Feb. by Kev. Mr. Dowler. Mr. Thos. Guy. to Miss Sarah Coutts, all of jOsprey. Raddletâ€" McLean.- On Ftb. 7th, at the residence of the bride's mother, by th« Rev. John Chisholm, B. A., Mr. Wm. Tel- ford Raddley. of Maxwell, to Miss Margar- et McLean, of Melntyre. Morrison â€" McEachnie. â€" On Feb. 14th, at the residence of the bride'a father, by the ReT. John Chisholm, B. a., Mr. Marshall Morrison to Miss S*iah McEachnie, both ot Maxwell. Stewart Best â€"4t the Manse, Mard^ale ou Tuesday the 6th inst., by the Rev. a' Wil.von, Mr. Alex. Stewart to Miss Mar- garet Ann Best, both of Art«me8ia. DIED- BiTLMESâ€" In Flesherton, on Friday 2nd inst Mr. Wm. Bulmer, (photographer,) aaed 47 years. Clydesdale Stallion Fi»B SAUB. AN ACR081 That splendid ClydasdateMion "Scot- tish Champion." from impwtfi stock and sold ch ap. Th« horse stands 16 J hands ,--1 -„»*„, Anv one WlshUlK tO get sure foal getter. Any one wishing to get a wain should take advantage of this oSer. Stock taken in part payment Address W. Sh^phebdson, Lot 23, Con. 11. J«Pl;â„¢8ia, Blantyre P. C ^^^^^ MAEKDALE~MARKETb. Fall Wheat. »0.93 to ♦0.97; Spring fO 98 to »1 00; Barley, 65c; Peas, 69; OatB,S8c; Butter, 18c; Eggs, 2:Jc; Potatoes 40c; Hay. Jll.Oo Pork. 7.-'0 to 8 00; Flour ?4.75 55 00; Grass Seed, »2.00to »2.C0 to FLESHERTON MARKETb. FaU Wheat. »0.95 to »0.97; Spiing, «0.98 to «1.0C' Barley, 67c; Peas, 67c; Oats, 38c Batter. 18c; Eggs, 21c; Potatoes.iO c; Hay, $11.00; P«rk, »7.45 to «7 90. TORONTO MARKJiTS. Fall Wheat, ».102 to »1.06; Spring, «1.05 to 81.10; Barley, 55o to 73c; Oats, 45c to 46c Peas, 70c to 78c; Hogs, »8.00 to »8.25; Pota- toes, per bag. 70c to 75c; ButtPT. dairy. i7c to 20c; e.ire. 30c to 32c. T. C. B. RAILWAY. TIME TABKE. Change ot Time. On and after Monday, Nov. 20th, 1882, trains will run as follows GOING N TH. Read Dtwn. eOINO SOUTH Rtad Vr P.M. A.M- r-«- 4 25 ToBONTO 10 45 9 10 6 00 Cabdwbll JcNC. 9 05 7 31 6 45 OBANGBVIIJ.K 8 27 6 50 8 44 Mount Fobist.. 6 30 4 30 8 45 Mabkdalb, 6 27 4 30 15 Teeswateb 5 00 2 45 F ESHXBTON..,. 6 43 4 47 9 55 Owen aouND 5 15 3 10 P.M. A.M. P.M. A Mixed Train will also inn between Tor- onto and Owen Soand. See Time Table. A.M. 1 7 30 9 05| 9 65 12 20 12 06 2 25 11 60 1 30 P.M. 1 D. McNicoLL, Gen. Pmss. Edmund Wbaoob. Asrt. General Manager. IN THE HISHCOURTOF JUSTICE CHANCERY DIVISION BEATTIE v». BL.AIR. Ijook out ye farmers and Ard see that you buy fo. Right splendid good "oil Don't be misled by statement,.' Insist upon having theterrwS Wowgooil as ever, in fact it i^^'^. Everlasting wear, witbont o^.^ 1 JWaclunes run smoothly j • "'i And engines too in its tjse ri*^ Carding also it suits, as vou ,i"' Heavy gristing cannot do ^C^ machines are blei New or old it will savehorC^ S Every man try it, we are it l^*^i Our initials, when read mll'N In looking for oil, the b;SN in the market, bnt ever ^^ Manufactured solely bTMnr^i.T, Toronto. No conneJio,!S^yi 127-1.53. """J" Flesherton Sta^ STEAM GRIST K| giving Geaeu batisfaction, Is now â€" â€" Chopping done e^ Working day, â€" o â€" CAN HAVE YOUR GRIS' THE 8AMF m, GE(k MOORHOySil Undertakiiil Coffins, Caskets, Burial Pobes, Cloves, Crapes, I â€" A' â€" CARi^GF TH AUKS. I hereby to express my heartfelt tl \l the pei^ons who so nobly assisted me at the bite fire, and also to the kind fnends for timely aid to myself and familv a kindness which I shall never forget. J- R. ANDE»pON. TO SELL OR rent: on. acres. 100 cleared, good buildings 'there- Terms easy. Apply to James Lo^t Postmaster, near thepreinisea, o^to .M.S. KELLOW.TfcraP November 14th, 1882. PUKSUANT TO THE JUDGMENT OF James Masson, Esq., Master of the Su- preme Cor.rt at Owen Sound, made in this action and bearing date the 22nd day of Sep- tember, 1882, and pursuant to subsequent di- rections of the said Master made en tke Gth day of March, 1883, there will be sold, with the approbation ot the said Master, by Abram S. Vandusen., Auctioneer, BY PUBLIC AUCTION, AT THE MARKDALE HOUSE, generally known as Kulledee's Hotel, in the VIL.L.AOE OF MARKDAXE^ On Thursday, ^th day of April,, 1883, at the hour of Two o'dosK in tlte afterM)on, the following valuable Farnv„Property Lots Numbers 12S and 12^ in th« Ist Concession N. E., aad Lftts lmbers 130 and 131. in the 1st Concession S. W of the Toronto and Sydenham EiBadi in the Town- ship of Artemesia,. in the Cannty of Grey, consisting of 200 a«res. of,, which about 120 acres are cleaj-ed.and in^.a good state of cultivation. The remainder is covered with cedar, tamaiae, balsam, and swamp timber. The soil is a good clay loam The fences are in good repair, and the land is well watered. Ou Lot 13U there are 40 acres cleared, an orchard in bearing, mostly of apple trees,, a dwelling house, a fine frame barn 60x90 feet With stone foundation and a good stabling underneath barn. tn Lot 131 there are 25 acres cleared, and a good spiing cree\. On LQt,,l-28 there are 35 acres cleared, a plum orcbaiil of about one-eight of an acre and a log barn and log house. On Lot 129 there are 20 acnw- cleared. Ihis firm property is advantageaasly situat- ed in a good neighborhood, on the lea. line gravel road between the villages of Flesher- ton and Markdale, oa tifae line of the T G fe B railway, distant tw« and a half mUes" from i lesherton and three and a half mUes from M rkdale, both of vhich places afford cood markets. This property willbe-ollered for sale at the time and place above named, subject t* a re served bid fixed by the Ma8ter,in eae parcel. *°,. i, '^°\^^"}^ *^^° *° separate parcels, and will be sold free from dower and allincum- bTHnces save a mortgage on Lots 130andl31 the amount and particulars wher»o wUl be' made known at time of sale, or on., applica- tion to the solicitors underwritten, ^me- diate possession given. This sale,, affords a rare opportunity to any one wishinB to ok- tarn a fine farm. e " yr- Ten per cent, to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance in one m«ih with out interest. ^^' â-  ' In aU other respects ^iie terms fnd condi of .fustke!^ " "° "' *^* ^^^ C^"' F^'os?A pbU""^-^ ~i» behadfro»M.89r8. Sound • "°' Morristti, Owen Dated at Owen March, 1883. All FuraisUngs for FoiKii May be had on ^oitesi Notics^ aidsi| Hours iiom GEO. GEANll MAE KD ALE. Alsoia well a^s^wted stock cf FU RNITURI frenoi plain to fine prices. quality, til at mwa GEORGE ROBLE, INSURANCE AND LANttAI LICES3EM AUCTIOxS-E£E For the Qouutyof Grey. Agent for the following reliable Cosif* CITIZENS' of Montreal, AGEICULJURAL, of WaterSs'm ' TRADE ^,COMMkBCE,(Miih of.Toronto. A numlMr of Choice Farms for srfe.' ^^lage Lots Auction Sales conducted in Town oil try on Shortest Notice. Charges m* Bills, Blank Notes, and Stamps proviii GEO. NOBLE] EUGENIA Grist, Saw aniLathl Having made eqtensive improvenieJ^i] my Grist Mill I feel coiifideut I cm i good satisfaction. BOOD FLOUR mL^YS ON Chopping Done Every Di; Custom Sawing and Bills Filled o«« shortect notice. ^| LUMBER AND LATH AL^^I ON HAND. Cherry, Buujrnnt, White Ash, Bia't 1 Basswood, Pine and Hemlock Lo?! d91y. M. AKITT, Eugen'^] NOTICE TO Seund this 7th day of FE0ST4PE6ST. Odors' SoUciton, Owen Sound. lU-tf 13Q4t ^^^^^ « J. MA8S0N, mtf. 13Q.-4t. M^teratOwwSciunL BUSINESS STILL INCBEASLNG W. J. ROWE -AT THE â€" UNDER THE OLD PBOCliSS Gristing and Chopping 'lone evw.^^ j„«| day. Farmers from a li"'*°"*„f,da^ their stuff home with them the ^^ ^^l All orders lor Flour and r" 4^ VT.J.EOTV^, "Ban-l"^!.,, 125"' Feb. 22nd, 1883. ,^j in tfiese c dividual or So line for tlie line each sub -^.'^Iw?ta: buT^ -â- ii^'iliim.f\t"'n

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