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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Mar 1883, p. 4

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 .-I ^f prompt infiUing orders for job prining, which hat ifien the means of greatly in- creeuwg xtt crutom. We are in recevpt of many letters of thanks andgooi wishes from outlying points for neatness in de- sign and despatch in forwarding orders. Our business is increasing es^ J.Uy in fine work, which we made a specialty, having added reeendy to our already large assortment of material of fashion- able type, besides having one of the most rapid and perfect nmning job plesses manufactured. We ar^ prepared ta ex- ecute all kinds of work in Pamphlets, Circulars, Letter Heads, Note Blanks, Receipts, Business Cards, Funeral Cards, Posters, Hand Bills, Dodgers, Printed Enveloves, dc, etc. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Address all letters to C. W, EUTLEDGE, Standakd Office, Markdale, Ont. The Standard. MARKDALE, MARCH Ist, 1883. York. E. York, N. York, W. Badgerow, Widdifield, Major Gray, Bef. Con. EBCAPrrOLATION. Party. Elected. Gains. Reformers 48 7 Conservatives 88 15 Reform majority 10 netCon.gain 8 Algoma and Muskoka are yet to hear from. NOTES. The three ridings in Grey county have all gone Conservative as follows East Grey, A. VV. Lauder,106majon tv; North. D. Creighton, majority 159 South, J. Blyth, majority 100. Mr. Myles is a plucky man and made an excellent cauvas. T«hie, and may you and yoor family ^,^\ possesssn of the rich treaaorea oontenod Serein. And we trust that the same eflorta that have crowned your success during your stay among us may ever attend you in the future, and may the Giver of all good ffoide you and your family into all apiritual bless- ings. Signed by Cassis Bi:.ace. JosKFHiMX Ball, B. KiLLODOH, Phokbe Gilbat. BXFLY. n THE ELECTIONS LIST OF THE SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES. The following la a corrrct list of thoae ubo were successful in being elected oa Tuesday last. Addiugton, Dennison, Con Braut, N. Young Ref Bruut, S. Hardy, (( Brockville Eraser, t Bruce, N. Roland, (( Bruce, S. O'Connor, (( Card well, Harrmill, Con Carleton, Monk, t Cornwall, Rosa, A. r. (( Dutferin, AIcGbee, (t Dxiudas, Broder, *i Durham, E. Brereton (( Durham, W. McLaughlin, Ref. Elgm, E. Ermatiuger, Con. Elgin, W J.Cascadeu, Ref. Essex. N. S. White, Con. Essex, S. Baiiour, Ref. Frontenac. Wilmot, Con. Glengarry, Rayside, Ref. Grenville, S. F. J. French, Con. Grey, E. A. W. Lauder 1 Grey, N. D. Creighton, (i Grev, S. J. Blvtt), IlaUlimand, Dr. Baxter, Ref. Haltou, Kearns. Con. Hamilton. J.N. Gibson, Ref. Hastings, E. Hudson, Con. Habtings, N. Wood, ii Hastings. \V. Sills, Ref. iluroii, E. T. Gibton. • Tluron, W. A. M. RoKS, i 1 {luron. S. A Bishop. tt Kent, E. D. McCraney, (( Kent, AV. Clancey, Con. Kiucston, J. Metcalfe. It Lambton, E. P. Graham, Ref. LambtoD, W. Hon.T.B.Pardy, " Lanark, N. W. C. Colwell, u Lanark, S. W. Lees. Con. Leeds «t Gren- ville, N. H. Merrick, 1 i Leeds, S. Preston, (i Lennox, Roe. (( Lincolu, S. rseelon, Ref. Loudon, Merrpdirb. Con. Middlesex, E, McKeuzie, Ref. Middlesex, N. J. Waters. (i Middlesex, W. A. Johnson, Con. Monck, Harcourt, Ref. Norfolk, N. J.B. Freeman, ti Norfolk. S. W Morgan, Con. Northumberland, E., Ferris, Ref. " ^Y Mulholland, Con. Ontario, N. Gould, Ref. Ontario, S. .T. Dryden, li t Ottawa, Baskervdle, Con. v^xford, N. Hon. A. Crooks, Ref. Oxford, S. " 0. Mowat. t i'eel. K. Chisbolni, Perth, N. Hess, Con. Perth, S. T. BalientvDe. Ref. Pefcerboro' E. T.Blezard (i Peterboro' W. Carnegie Con. Prescott, A. Hagar, Ref. Prince Edward J. Hart, Con. Ivenfrew, N. T. Murray, Ref. Iti'ufrew, S. Dowliug. (i Paissell, Robillaid, Con. Simcoe, E. Drnry, Ref. Simcoe, S. McKay, Con. Siiucoe, \V, 0. J. Phelps. Ref. btormout, J. Kerr, Con. Toronto. E. Hun. A. Morris, ti Toronto. W. Aid. Clark, i 'ictoria, N. Fell. it Victoria, S. Mclutjre, Ref. AVaterloo, N. W. D. Snider, • • Waterloo, S. I. Masters, «i Welland, Moran i Wellington, C. Hon. C. Clarke Wellington W R. MoKim, ti WeUingt^.-n, S. J. Laidlaw, • Wei^tworth, N. Dr. McMahoi:, 4( VreMwortli, S. N, Aw.ey, ,( Oh, Yes Oh, Yes I The Ontario electieus are now over. The storm has passed. The excitement is cooling down, and we trust the right men are in the right place. And amid all the discussion on the Boundary Award, the Streams Bill and many other things, it is pleasing to note that there is one point on which men of all shades of opinion, and all wcmen, too, are fully agreed, tIz That the place to buy Tea is at Trimble Wright's, Markdale, where the rush after their notorious '2Sc. Tea stiU con- tin: es. No pains or expense will be spared in order to supply the ever increasing de mand. We cannot procure space to give anything like a full list, but '--ould beg to re- fer the public to the following gentlemen as a few of our mo'e distant customers who have purchased by the chest A Munshaw, Flesherton; T. M. Wilson. Flesherton; S. Wauchob, Flesherton; Joseph Legard, Fleshcrtou; R. M. Purdy, Eugenia; Ji^dward O'Brien, Eugenia; John Beacroft, Eugenia; McD .well Bros., Dundalk; Nelson Bro.s., Dundalk; John Acheson, Dundalk; Wm. Achison, Dundalk: .lames Bell, Sing- hampton; Edward Lialcy, Singhampton; W. McAlear, Flesherton Station; W. Patersen, Flesherton Station; Jos, Allison, Maxwell; John Kadley, Sr., Maxwell; S McCallum, Vandeleur; Mrs. J. Allen. B rkeley; Robert Walker, Berkeley; Wm. Love, Berkeley; S. Halliday. Tp. Clark, Durham Co:; M. John- son, I'p. Clark, Durham Co.; while at home the purchase of chests and quantities from live lbs. to 25 twenty-five lbs. are named legion. Don't fail to try it. Our stock in every department is always kept full. An endless variety to shoose from, wUich in quality cannot be beat, and at prices that "imply defy competition. TRIMBLE WRIGHT, Reid's Block, Markdale. Notice. â€" We wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents To the Editor of the St.\niiakd. Sir. â€" In the Standaud of Feb. 1st there is an article ^y "Farmer," which l)y the way is a move in the right di- rection for I think that a liet) and friendly discussion in the hxcal paper ol matters periainiug to Agriculture wouia be of prffit to ;l11. There was a suggestion by •â- Fanuei" with a re- gard to holding town.ship ahawsall on the same day tnat I thitiK is defective, 'n a place like Markdale where the show is largely made up from other townships it would be a nmall affair if confined to our onfii township, now instead of curtailing and making the thina; smaller I would like to see it in- crease and become larger Suppose the friends of Agriculture within a circuit of five miles around Markdale would come fcfrward and join the so- ciety so as to warrant the directors to get up a good prize list and extend the show to two days.I think it would be a decided improvement, besides the village would be largely benefited by the same. Hoping to hear the views of more of the Farmers, and thanking you for the above space, I remain Jabmkk No. 2. Clydesctale Stallion FOB SALE. That .plendid ClydeBdale Stalhon "Scot- tiBh Champiou." from imported '^\*^^ S property of Wm. Shephexd«.n w^ be sold chwp. The horse «Und8 16^ hanas ^igh. is 4 year* o^, jet bh«=k in ool«-, and a suie foal getter. Any one wishing to get a bargain should take advantage of this offer. Sto^ken in part payment address W. SHKPHKBI.SON, Lot 23, Con. 11, Euphrasia, Blantyre P. 0. l^^"' ilr. Chairman and Friends. It affords me the greatest pleasnre to bid you all a hearty welcome to my new home. I am sure that your presence here to-night is a surprise to me. and the valuable present you have presented me and my partner with is more of a surprise to us, as I feel that it is quite unmerited by me. If I done any- thing in the Sunday school I only done it as my duty to those dear children and to God.' I love the Sabbath school, andbeheve it is the nursery of tlie church, and as Christ has given us all a work to do I am convinced that the Sunday school is my phice. I spent many pleasant houis at Epping school, ani althuogh you so often placed me at the head of the school I alwoys felt that there were others of more abiUty that ought to have been there instead of me. I always found the people of Epping courteous, kind and the best of neighbors, and when going away from there I felt it like leaving home, and when I visit there again I know that I am welcome. The valuable book of the Word of God that you have given to-night I shall always prize, as it will bring to mind this and many other pleasant times we have spent together May we, by the grace of God. be able to walk in the light of its truths, and may you aU be enabled to accept the salvation of Christ so freely and fuliy pro- vided for us. And, dear children, there is nothing that will give me more pleasure than to hear that one after another has given their heart to the Saviour. Wish- ing you all long Ufo and prosperity and an abundant entrance into the kingdom. May we all meet in the Kingdom above where parting is no more. MILWAUKEE HOTEL FIEE. THE LESSE OF THE BAR-ROOM INDICTED FOR ARSON. Milwaukee Feb. 26. â€" The grand jury have indicted Schiller, the form- er lesse of the bar-room of the Newhall house, for arson. The indictment charges the prisoner with wilfully, mliciously, and feloniously settiuj, fire to and burning the Newhall house on the night of January 10th, causing the death of a number of persons. Counsel insisted upon his immediate arraignment, and schiller was taken to court this afternoon almosi unob- served. He pleaded not guiltj^, and was re committed in default of $10,- 000 bail. The grand jury are still considering the respou.sibility of the owner and manager of the hotel. It is believed indictments for manslaugh- ter will be returned against Nash, Antisdell, and the uiglit cleric, De- 1.1 ney. The mail train was five h.ours late yesterday, just when people were most anxious to have it on time. Mr. Wm. Lucas,(BHERer,) returned yesterday from Lampton. The Sunday evening service in the Methodist Church. Markdale, will commence for the time to come at 6.30 instead of 7 as heretofore. Mrs. WyviU's sale, Euphrasia, to- day, 1st. GEORGE NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Agent for the following reUable Companies CITIZENS' of Montreal, AGRIGULTUR.^L, of Watertown, and TRADE COM^^f^RCE. (Mutual) of Toronto. A number of Choice Farms for sale, also â- Village Lots Auction Sales conducted in Town or Coun- try on Shortest Notice. Charges moderate, Bills, Blank Notes, and Stamps provided. GEO. NOBLE. AN ACROSTicI liook out ye farmers and ihresho, And nee that yon buy for Spring Bight splendid good oil. Don't be misled by otatemontB bl f^'^l Insist upon having the verv best I lVowgoo.1 as ever, in fact it is nanj'*^ Everlasting wear, without grit or ,!' ITIachines run smoothly, no iarrip And engines too in its "use rejoice^""" Carding also it suits, as vou plainw Heavy gristing cannot do witbont't ' In fact all machines aro blessed bv l%ew or old it will save from wearL Every man try it, we are it will p!e» "^^ Our initials, when read, will give t), In looking for oil, the best and thX"" L,ong in the market, but ever new Manufactured solely byMcCollBroi Ar Toronto. No connection with an ttie. i's 127-l.'i3. "y "therii^ .Land for Sale. XV/V/ cleared, being coinno.fcd of i " half of Lot 11, in the 8tL conce^sl., 1 tlij Township of Euphrasia or to RoBEnx Dunlop, Euphrasia, Griersvilie P or to R,BEnT .1unlop,_ Toffship' Q^'f^- ii:-ti."' T. G. B. RAILWAY. TIME TABLE. Cliaiigre ot Time- On and after Monday, Nov. 20th, 1882, trains will run as follows QOINO N TH. Read Dawn. P.M. 4 25 6 00 6 45 8 44 8 45 15 9 55 P.M. A. M. 7 30 9 05| 9 55 12 20 12 06 2 25 11 50 1 30 P.M. 1 ToBONTO Cabdwhi.l Junc Orangsvillb mohnt fobbst. Mabkdale, Tkeswateb F bshebton ... Owen isocMD A Mixed Train will also lun between onto and Owen Sound. See Time Table GOING SOUTH Read Up. P.M. 9 10 7 31 6 50 4 30 4 30 2 45 4 47 3 10 P.M. Tor- A.M. 10 45 9 05 8 27 6 30 6 27 5 00 6 43 5 15 A.M. D. McNicoLL, Gen. Pass. Agt. Edmund Wbaggk. General Manager. Fleslioiton Statio^ STEAM GRIST MIU Is now giving General Satisfaction, â€" o â€" Chopping done every Working day, â€" o CAN flAVE YOUR GRIST m THE SAME DAY. GEO. MOORHOUSE. 125.151. MAKKDALE MARKET^. THE BROKEN CH.\IN. LINES ON THE DEATH OF WILLIE, ONLY CHILD OF HENRY ANB BLIZA JANE KEID. Fall Wheat, $0.98 to *1.00; Spring $1.00 to SI 02; Barl.?y, 55c; Peas, 70; Oats, 38c Butter, 18c; Egfjs, 22c; Potatoes, 40c; Hay, $10.00 Pork, 7.S0 to 8.00; Flour, §4.75 to $5 00; Grass Seed, $1.90 to 9 J. 00 FLESHERTON MARKETlr*. Fall Whoat, §0.98 to $1.0f Spiing, 81.00 to :$1.01; Barley, 57c; Peas, 67c; Oats, 38c Butter, 18c; Eg'8, 21e; Potatots.40 c; Hay, 811.00; Pork, 57.45 to S 7 90. TORONTO MARKETS. Fall Wheat, %.101 to ?1.05; Spring, 51.05 to SI. 10; Barley, 553 to 73c; Oats, 45c to 46e Peas, 70c to 78c; Mors, $8.00 to 88.25; Pota- toes, per bag. 70c to 7oc; Butter, dairy. i7c to 20c; e ;?s. 30c to 32c. Undertaking. Coffins, Caslets, Burial Pobes, Gloves, Crapes, -AND- All Furnishings fer rsinerali May be had on Sliorte.-^t Xotice, Hours from anii at A;i GEO. GEANT, MARKDALh^. SURPRISE PARTY. On the 19tb January the officors and children of Epping Sunday School and other friends uurprised Mr. R. H. Sfirson, their lormer Superintend- ent, by taking possession of his new home and presenting him with a hRiidsome family bible, purchased from Mr. Harkness, Meaford. After retreshments Mr. Richard Ball was called to the chair, when the following address and jiresentation took place AODBBSS. To Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Stinson and Family. Dkab FaiKjjrs, â€" As circumstances which could not be avoided cause your separation from among us, and especially from the Sab bath 8 ]hooi in which you took such an ener- getic part. Sucti circumstances occur occa- sionally, and in many oases deep regret is caused, so it faUa to our Jot to regret your departure from among as, and fully appreci- ating your valuable serrices rendered us dur ing your stay among ua, we are therefore desirous of expressing to you in a tangible form the highest regard ia wbioh yon were held by us, both as a friend and superintend- ent in the Sabbath sohool. We therefore take leave to present to yon and Mrs. Stinson this gift as a slight expression of •nx regard for you and not gn aeccuut if it* iatrimsio A family chain of precious links In peace and beauty grew, 'Til round each loved heart there twined A sweet affection true. The parents in a tender way Their offspring tried to raise, B p'ecept kind, from day to day. Unto their maatei's praise. Through trials of trouble, toil and care They tru.sted in the Lord. Until a boy, both kind and lair. Appeared around their board. But what is this can break the chain And bear the child away. And fill the loving hearts with pain So happy till to-day Grim Deatli appeared ia sable dress, And will no more pass by The parents feel, with breaking hearts. Their precious boy must die. And as the eorly morning dawued A biUo- o'er the deep Boiled by and bore his soul away To Jesus, there to sleep. 'Tis in the gloomy grave he lies. The casket that they loved. Look up, dear friends, beyond the skies lour Willie shines above. ' For early in his infant days He passed away to God, And but his precious form must lie Beneath the graveyard soi. And though the Un\s may one by one Be severed from the ehain, If faithful tiU you're caUed away You my unite again. Yes, m the glorious world above He waits for you to come. But mo6t himsafo at home. â€"By a Friend. J. W. FOED, Is giving splendia satisfaction in GRISTING, By the New Proaoss at the Udlale ngiriij lis. Special attention to parties from a distance so that they may have their gnst home the same day. Also a well assorted stock ol FURNITURE from plain to fine prices. quality. fJJ at ll'Jt:. EUGENIA Grist, SawandLath Mills Having made eqtensive improv*ient«i in my Gnst Mill I feel confident I^ gi^^ good satisfaction. 60nD FLOUR AlJVAYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day. JNO. MONTGOMERY, B ^v k: K K Begs to tender his thanks to the inhpbitanw of Markdale and surrounding cou. nr f^' past patronage, and to intimate ;o them thst he is prepared to supply the public with Fruit, Pound and Plum Cake either plnin or iced and ornameuteJ. Alsn Brides' Cakes got up in the best stvle tM" can be done this side of Toronto. Bread, Buns and Cakes! in great variety. All these are mann Tactui^ on his own by him^^elf bt'iclf5 Bis- cuit of every description from the best nun ufacturers in Ontario CHOICEST CONFECTIONERy in great variety. T«a Meeiirgs, Socinl^, aihl other parties supplied on the sliorte.s: not« and on the most reasonable terms. JOHN MONTGOMERY. Markdette, Nov. 82nd. 1882. lUri'a^ Bills Filled on the ALWAYS *h. wife of Mi. John Mdntyr.. of .da^h: Custom Sawing and shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ON HAND. Cherry, Builamut, White Ash, Bhwsk Ash Basswood. Pine and Hemlock Lo^ wLS5 6%^ M. AKITT, Eugenia. Notice to Debtors. AIJi PEESONS INDEBMED TO MP »f " '^q^eeted to caU and settle ^^ Mr. Turner, of the Medical HaU, or wth^r Armstrong, a»d save troalJe. A roceiSt frnm «^er of the above wUl be ackt^Sg^X 137-93. T, a. 8PK0UUB, M. D. NOTICE TO FARMERS. BUSINESS STILL INCREASING WITH W. J. ROWE -AT THE- UNDER THE OLD PROCESS. Gristing and Chopping done every workinf day, Farmers from a distance oau hft»« their sta£f homa with tbem the same dav. All ordsra for Flonr and Peed promp'!? filled, W. J. BOWB, "Barrhead W^\ F«U aSod, 1883. 123 at JKDALE O:

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