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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Feb 1883, p. 3

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 jC3K 'U:amSiiii. I »ssp; ^y ""r^g^:. !-^^f^WA ^^0" -;t ^;tT^ of ^â- '•I'ponthecoK ^* •'â- al chanj^e tf a great ";,wl^ slow- work^„7?y disease it ' .t^«" to the foot U* -;;,.^n operati?„"" ni^tiines resorted t.. otther seiise offe, pOPB ^^° ^^" „,„es on-His DaUy Work-Al- |ge "" grave and Solemn. ** ,-, which he says early, L«q •^â- ^'^ieace toCardiflJ Jacobiiji,, '^^f^'ate an.I formerly nuncio kt ^^- '^â- ^ txliti^al learniu2' is rare even *^°i^H iW ^iil position. His place " I,v the ciiJiiial secretary of lyii"-^ ,,.- ;,^ .j;,.-! by the congregation ""ili'of i\ hich has its tixedraay. • ':,^r.. its generally occupy' the .,' ui.tii on'j hour after mid- '::es clinucr. A potage, one "1,(1 â- â- '-I"" cheese, a few min- ".,'"/;;, Lousumption. While he 'â- ^ t':o a rternoOHâ€" generally in iv-V.^ually veails the bishops' ' • â-  co!Tit; direct ioto his jhi:s frjni the nuncia- news from Belgium. winch has broken its with the holy see, is licart. For it is there inaicio trom 1843 to BKlfASKBX.K KXCOSD. The Unittttal Kx^ence of an Aaerii aa Gentleimui and lt« Vain- any enterpS clrfoJlLTr^Ut puDLc mierest. whether relating to Tbul institations or private ventures The iLJ^SffF^^ «*.»^»iilattire, and we ar Sl^^«6 FdcerTSnr^hiefe i« so 'prominent^! :i t.:e i: iyary ic-hitioi.s lus a portion '"^ty the ^is first ire t Mooj me where betw n- Mr. moorcrtft. it 1 announced â-  â-  " iw-rk. "i], 1 tint he Ftiulied at close â- rci. P"ht^i--iaD, Leopold 1. To- 'â- k 't!.t F"P^ gives his private M- Jiciiccs, and the evening hours i' ti t!;e reception of bishops. This L-r A. J XEII. regains the solitude 'l' at last he is able to --^--ton,yft?rt?^ Aloorcroft, who l^ to honor 4i?Al '"ethodsof Der-n^- I ' 'n '.u-iding th" -l^;aadthelolthe, branches only, but' ;;;^"ot entirely reao;; iccessfuUy, Pro/, ^y ' toi lowing rules • ha, r off over the court ammalbemadetos » hour before operati e animal carefully • 'Jge of tendon p«rfJ ponthe nerve witL ar tissue, the nerve at upper dissect an inch on tment is the same as tj 'und. liKSrLTS. results of the operatioi well selected case. o w-hether it is judia lie lollowicg rules erate ^a a veryheavTiJ a tiuu 6i:;, with his pab and deep- J ,^, till" pope usually has delicate f\vLich l:c takes small care. His l„.^'"i^ extreme. The spiritual fover- ""â- â- ,,1 COO,OC10 'atholics does not spend ' ,V ii montii for his table. The s:ioiii."-y developed nervous sj's- ibK-s hun to resist the fatigue iiisnil vait respon-ibilitici. At ^t- alioit him percei\e a moment •i,.n anil collapse but a little hap- 1 C'-e ut .^oo.l news, or a pleasant csti.rco the life of his wrrn frame. '.^rlv \vull ai^ain, he takes up orce more """\- hia-Jfi;, and betakes himself to ,1, ,i t rnonc liation and peace-mak- viiicii ho a:i5 devoted hims^ilf. rrave or rather solemn al- I'lic Italians call his inan- ir.i^ings ceremonious. i;avity lis nature, as those aver who from !us earliest youth. hs rarelj' .ipcrat e hee jitinrr where thei !s. full in tiiei a pred.sposit.J only where the iiimal's action not I i utnerw'ise incurable. I'esiilis are fractureo rupture of the licof, and a peculiar] on of the burs:e structures along will u- lorm of fibrous tis always .:. pop-' |a;:JMi;-i'u' Iteifati;' 1 co'iiii !iim Irom lus ear ur .ibaElons himself, lauj: ;,: If tliou.;!it stern did he not tem- ' .Severity Ly the patient attention u:i;.,;i hehbtcus â€" without interruption Ijll vho ;pcak to him. His audiences If i;;s frequent, than were those of Pius ;.t tor that ve:y reason they take up â- â€¢nx. He has not the brilliant side so 1,' )v. in his predecessor, the genial [:;, tine t;i)3d humor which endured, htii-tauamg tlij surprising Ticissitudes ;U-i poatiticate, nor the I'rank, bold, ;uial speech fall cf witty and happj' â- _. ti.ronn cit in that sonorous voi,e i IVai l.\- retained in his extreme is. L'jn XUl. is as slow of speech L arc'ibi-h.ip of Paris. %But if neither :pi- 1 urtiie cardinal has received the r.: Li'ft, e.ich lias been endowed with ir..:.r:.. IVrhaps this similarity ex- u sjiLcial sympathy and cstFcm jv jij oi:tt-T:a:ns toward Mgr. l;i,. 1 Ha igrlns Basets. sell I to imagine that il to do as well in a 1 I -low as it does in a Acting on this belie( Ii :y take a fancy .1 {generally meet nil u.s .are obvious to icii experience with] first place, a phnti !cad gets a macht to i)reathe thanthoi '1 the next place, aj e ditlljult to get 1 ;i\ en to other pla plant gets an in ;!ectcd, "and oa a;c •J air about it it3000| Irop, If the fact hat sucii plants M below it, andttisD d to, aadwithref be so much failai O.Tce every two enough to water ants in baskets shoil and enough to thoi^ th in which theyg« in abasketlalw»jj Dil around the e* d evenly wit'i the surface of the I erable ot it, at le«*l id enough to le hanging baskets i have the cord« «J asket extend totiy hook to hold the r i one piece. I I- chains or cjr^s et about afoot hook on to one ceiling. MyoW t facilitote icver occasion take it down, qoite^ 'ood success hm'.s In which tlic archbisiiop of lid v.a.-i (.'ardinal I'ecci's cflice ba- tisclectipu as pope) was wont to de- s'rate the harmony of faith and reason, e!:gija aiiil civilization, " growing like ::a!;d fniit from the root cf Christian- »aeii',ajii noticed by Italian publicists. ii;a-5l 1,ivl-,! t j treat the question of the -ni cf muiieia society. The illustrious ,v;i ;a!',l to him, that his was "one of I'.ujt lincly balanced and vigorous of ictcis." tliat he was "a man who had ;i the ideal of a cardinal such as St. irJci.iiccived it." Since the eighteenth ry. siiue the time of Benedict XIV., .cintntXlV., iLome has not seen a 'ISO cultivated a mind, so accomplish- i; Latiuand Tusoan verse; so familiar at :«ith classic and Ciutemporary letters. ".e present tiire, the two qualities which .\I1I. most prize?, and aims most con- tly ill securing in his writings, are sim- y auJ moderation. His letters, his cicih, all are submitted to the sacred j^. Nothing i.s more admirable than na:;ner in wliicli he elicits opinions and .:::3 ciijccticns. Ho has been known to fietely rewiite, after grave debates, lyclicils wh c'.i he had already completed. tesuders iroiu sleeplessness, it is gencr- ' iD the night hours he compoics his t immortal work. '•IS by tliis active life, the monotony of -iiffuuliliiii,'htcn many statesmen, that j)ly latiicr u able to manage directly, U their i'ninen.sity of detail, the affairs '-edmr,;!i. Those affairs have multiplied '"VjiiH'c tile lirst third of the century. 5 than one hundred bishoprics have been 111 Aiaciic.i. I'lus IX. wrote little, ^-'paedthe writings of others. Leo XIII J^'lisov.n hand in al), sees all with his " 'â- "yts, ami directs all. Moderation, •wrd; aiutciity, is the dominant note overcim;'j conduct, and which he has iw lor hin^self, has borne its t'o time of his ascension the corps accredited to the Vatican jice I to about two ambassadors â€" '.-â- ; "'•â- â- -" 'ud Austria. At present he '-it;,e envoys of the amba'sadors of J^ powers, save only Belgium and Italy. '•â- Ttrgards 10 these two countries, there ",5 sgu3 01 any possible understanding, ' "f ^â- '^^^ablishnicnt of diplomatic rela- â„¢ between the holy sec and almost all icaea "•eut.i loiin- 1 Milting Te«* were V^} .guarantees for the present the exist I.' et!"' 1 ' '^^' ^^ P"'"' ^^" '3 spiritual [^^P^uence. Xcverth. less, we must not fcai:..-^ ^^ ^he present moderation denotea -2 or a backward movement from the ommy there was mnc-i ley had been,!' ^^^'the ' '^â- \^"^^^ pontificate. I recall to •Johnny, i t^ei*' r-^i .u recent siimiticant saymg of a dig- L ' the Roman curia: "All that had to ., ^hecn said. The church never â€"Cit'/iorir /,' â- saii ha I'^iiew. iedTomniy- the street^*^; and we'd D"^^ ii3,"whil»**" r them. T Yonki ieo Condesconslbn. innnj""'"'" Orinoco sailed recently for '^n'.er^'?^°'^* seventy-fire fisst ?abiB '»• Many of these were Bodety "j'ofsJ^ !u°S the trip for the opportun- y^ â-  *«ea2^1/ ^^^ Princess^^Lonise, ••Indeed, -Z^o'-^* «'»^ QKertts. ' Prin. °"'" '=^et3 long before we kneir* »ii A-f^l ^iiise was going," said *^ ^ue.T.ri'!^ princess in a sealskin 'Pwioi, V^y s*y »^e is qiute a pleaa- • ^^ ^e won't mind meeting her.^' to be of universal interest â- mceilf. H. H.. Warner. Chester, N. Y., became supposed was an becomir are prominent as Several years residing in Eo- aware that what he iron constitution. wa» tense, became somethbfa ^^^^ nnjlermined, and that Xi^i- a inystenous nature seemed to be sapping his vital,. At first the indi- cations were slight, consisting princiSlly frequent Headaches, dull pli^, in QT Zll^'^," *^" ^^"y- ^accountable ks- fhJn' C'==asional nausea. He thought that perhaps tnese symptoms were the re- suit of a cold and gave them but little at- tention, but they increased and finally be- came alarming. Consultation with two prominent hyaiciana revealed the fact that he was Euffering from an acute attack of kianey disease, and to say that he was alarm- ed would be only to partially express his feelings. Under the most careful attention otthe physicians, however, he failed to improve and in fact grew worse constantly His symptoms at this time were most seri- ous. Ihe slight troubles which he had first ol,served increased and finally became in- Uhat originally were simple pains the greatest agony. Occasional headaches and a 1 ick of energy eventually resulted in the pains and horrors which only such troubles can bring. It was at this critical time that he l:eard of a tropical plant, .which was reputed to be of great value in eimilar troubles. He had little ^aith in its powCT but resolved to. try it, as nothing eh-.e seemed' to iu any way relieve him. He therefore ceased taking the medi- cine of the doctors, began the use of the article referred to and was aware in a very short space of time that it was greatly t)ene- htting bim. He continued its use faithfully and as a result became perfectly cured, has t eeu one of the most active men in America ever since, and is to-day a picture of perfect health. Mr. Warner's experience caused him to thoroughly and most carefully investigate and as a result he discovered that the major- ity of common diseases could be traced in their origin to disorders of the kidneys or liver. This was a revelation so starding in Its nature that as a duty to humanity, Mr Warner felt impelled to make known to the world tne great means by which he had been saved. Up to that time kidney diseases had increased at the rate of 25 per cent, each year for the past half score of years' and were still largely on the increase. With the end in view above described, however, Mr. Warner began preparing and selling the remedy referred to, since which time the de- niand for it has been remarkable. In all the hist:,ry of the world there is no instance on record where so great a demand has been known as that at present existing for War- ner's i^xfe Cure for all diseases of the kid- neys, liver and urinary organs, and for sale in every drug store in the land. Were the call for this remedy a fictitious one, mor- tality from kidney troubles would now be as great as ever, but statistics show that for the past few years there has been a mark- ed decrease of deaths from this class of diseases, although the tendency toward kidney troubles is as great as ever through- out the entire United States. The theory, therefore, by which Mr. Warner advanced has bee n proven the correct one by reason of the decrease i f mortality shown by government statistics. Xot long after presenting this n edicine to the American public, Mr. Warner intro- duced it into England. Kidney and liver difficulties, as you know, are very prevalent over there, owin? largely to the nature of the climate and influence of the atmosphere. The same results, however, which were noticeable in America were to be found in an equal degree in Europe. The rem dy conquer- ed the disease. Strange as it may seein, this great medi- cine which has become so popular in the United States has never baen introdueed into Canada, owing to the fac't that the large amount of business coming from the demand prevented an extension of the field. AVe learn, hswever, that Messrs. Warner Co. have just established a Canadian house Bt Toronto, for the purpose of supplying the demand which has already sprung up, and ' our Canadian friends are to be congra- tulated on this fact. The financial and social standing of Messrs. H. H. Warner Cj., in the United States, is second to that of no house with whom we are acquaint- ed. The well known public spirit and liberality of Mr. VV^amer in contributing to the wants of the South during the yellow fever epidemic; endowing the celebrated Warner Astronomical Observatory at Ro- chester, N. Y. at an expense of neaidy §100, 000, and encouragmg the advancement of science by the generous expenditure of money in prizes for cometary and meteoric discoveries, are known to the entire world, and mark him as one of the leading patrons of science of this day. Success such as has been achieved by this house, and of so high an order, is wholly meritorious and deserved ani while it is phenomenal, it is none the less of the greatest value to the entire west- ern continent. An Old Llconslns Law. In the year 1440, a code of laws for the ' ' code rule and governannce of theboroughe of Walsall was issued by the " Mayer and his brethren." From this it appears that even in those far-off days strict watcn had to be kept over the conduct of the ale-house keepers. This is evident from the foUow- ina extract: "XI. Also it is ordeyned, that if eny man kepe at the ale or spor- tvrge '• i ^heyre hau^§»..aft. tha-bos^rs ap- ^^?twti*wk^^ici2iend7tll- the «Ple W *u*"'"' °^ ^^^^ were society ^^"'^iC\T^2*SiZ^ifAmnie^)Viiiecom 41,!l*!^^y generilly disclaimed that, w™«^«^^««^^*»**" mandment of theMayer.^djhk brethren.- aWT" I. A Practice makeA perWA, can conttive to droR \h'^°^^: r^# tie first tiite'^ryag^rte 5rae,Bntafaan bfiT^hoe as lecond. mm VvUi:/' FflOM MANITOBA, PorUge la Prairie is shortiy to have a' straight Reform newspaper. -I'S?â„¢.?!**"' " numerous about Vie difficulty of obtaining meat atMor^ The ttaarfer office of the St. P. M. M itaUway at E nerson has been burned to the ground. i..,'^-"'^^" 'â- ? ^^^ secured the contract for bmlding a $20,000 bridge across Red R ver »c iiimerson. i^^^'r^- ^If^i" »f the Brandon Presby- hS '" ' 'â- ^^'S°^d onacioaat of ill Two hundred British immigrants arrived a Quebec last week. Nearly aU of them left lor Manitoba to take up land. Mr. Rind, a member of Beatty's survey rarty at Fort Saskatchewan has been badly burned about' tlTe face and hands by a pow- explosion. Premier Torquay is ill so from overwork, at his residence m St. Andrews, that his physi- cians have forbidaen him to con versa with any one.' The new station at Winnipeg will bs ready for the reoeptioa of part of the C. P. K. staff by the end of the month. It is in- tended to use the old building for a re op- tion room. The Nelson Mountaineer .says that a man named Quintin Blair, who lives at Pembina Crossinifj whHe- kboring under a tit of dtlir- lum tremen8,inade a desperate attempt to kill his wife. Crazy with drink, he threw "^lOO into the fire. Teams are hauling wheat into Brandon from a distance of fifty miles, several loads coming in from Oak River, Souris City, and eight miles beyond Rapid City. At a meeting of the rate-payers held in Portage La Pt-airie i-ecently, on the motion of W. M. Reith, seconded by Mr. Wm. Smith, By-law No. 46, for the purpose of in." creasing the town debentures from $50,000 to SS5,000, was p .ssed by a unanimous vote. Three rows of townships have been set off from the south of Shoal Lake conntv and named Miniota. The EagUsn ot Minlota is " well- watered." Shoddy men are said to be going about the country trying to delude farmers and others into purchasing worthless goods, and there- by detracting from the trade at the stores. It is a pity ttiis practice could not be put a stop to. The second run of stones in the Eamonton mills is at work, but is only used for chop- ping, as the bolt for that run is not complet- ed yet. When it is completed one run will be kept for making fine flour only. A brass band of ton pieces has been or- ganized amonij the Alounted Police of Ed- monton, and Colonel Herchmer will bring the instruments if he can obtain them at Winnipeg, otherwise he will send east for hem. Mr. Larwill, of Rapid City, reported at a public meeting held at that place a few days ago that the Local Government was pre- pared to grant the prayer cf the petition of the ratepayers in reference to the proposed division of the counties of Minnedosa and Brandon. Extreme cold, slow business and light re- ceipts of grain are the leading points of re- port from Brandon for the past week. Mer- chants say customers are scarce and sales few. The cold weather has doubtless much to do with the matter. Grain comes in very slowly and sel Is Wheat, 60c. to 62c. Oats. 35c. to 40o. Barley is cot in demand and scarce. An application will be made to the Legis- Icture at its first session to charter a line of railway to run from Brandon west and north through the Birtle district, tapping the lumber country in the vicinity ot Shell River. Messrs. Leacock and A. W. Ross are the principle promoters. The quantities cf gold which have from time to time been washed from the sands of the Saskatchewan have caused the impres- sion to prevail that if the bed of the river were systematically dredged by proper machinery the result be a paying investment, and a company have been formed, and the neces- sary machinery will be imported for this pur- pose. RufusStepheuson, inspector of colonization lands will leave in a few days for the North- west, and report upon all the e\un number- ed sections of rhe belt on each side of the Pacific Railway Company as far as Moose Jaw Creek. It has been discovered that some colonization companies have been charging §30 for homestead and preemption entriei, though they are only entitled to charge $20. The matter has been brought to the attention of the Governms at, and will be at once rectified. A Lock of Hair. Few things in this weary world are so delightful as keepsakes. Nor do they ever, to the heart at least, nor to our eye, lose their tender, their wonderful charm. How slight, how small, how tiny a memo.ial saves a beloved one from oblivion, worn on the finger or close to the heart, espec- ially if they be dead. No thought is so in- supportable as that of entire, total, blank forgetfulness when the creature that once laughed, sang, and wept to us, close to onr side, br in our vdry arms, is as if her smile, her voice, her tears, her kisses, had never been. She and them all swallowed up in the dark nothingness of the dust. Of all the keepsakes, memoxials, relics, most devOtctiy do w« love a lock ol hair. And, oh, wlien the Read it Ueanfifled has long mouldered in the dust, how spiritual seems the undying glossiness of the sole remain- iifg ringletCJ All else gone to nothing, save and eSrcept that soft, smctoth, burnished, and glorious fragment of the appareling that once hung in clouds and sunshine over an angel's brow. Ay, a lock of hair is far better than any picture it is a part of the beloved object herself; it belongs to the tres that oftffl*. long, long ago, may hare all been suddenly dishevelled, iike a shower of sun- beanu, over yoa^ Iteafcra breast. But how Bolemn thoughts sadden the beanty once so bright, sore W^^ FOR THB KIDNEYS, UYER AND URliURY 0B6ANS THE BEST BLOOD PURIFl£lt. Thrre {« enlr one'iray bj 'wUch wtUT dla rase can be cored, and tkatis by rtsaamrrtoff â-  he caaae â€" ivfaerever it may be. The creat medical anthsrlliea ot the dar declare that nearly every disenr^ ig caused by deransed kldneyitor liver. J'« restore these therefore is the only vray by 'vrhich health caa be •«• cared- Bere ta where WAUNBB'S 8AFK CUKE has achieved its arcat repatatton. It acta directly upon the kidneys and liver and by Racine thens in a healthy eoadition drires disease and pain trom the system. Forall Hidney.Urer andUrlnary tronbles; for the distressing disorders of wonit-n for -tlalaria, and physiral trouble* se»'«'rnllv, Ihis a'c^( remedy has ao cqMa'.. ITtii!"!-.' of impostors, imitations nrxt coui ..ctiouM said tobe jnst as good. or Diabetes nsb for WA U.^CK'iS '«.^ VE DIABETB8 CCRE. For sale by all dealers. H. H. WARNER CO., I'oronto, Cat., Bochester, K.Y., London, £ng. L.|^a^iKfr(|lii^t l^lalih ^d^eetfa like snow Foo li s h ^d flT wl ei i t yon'd be, very, ^ma dUB^aii(moeia,trialiestow ' OathAttjrofiutde 'rance^"TEABXKv. lauigest'on, ostiveness, or constipation, are inime.liitely cuied â- Â« ith Zopesa. It stimuldtei and' s^ive.s aoli iry to tlie li^er. It increases th* dissolving juiJes of the stom- ach, and closes the food to»a«imil;)t.e. VVoiiiH ur tAK-niiNii and oilier pronor'T in Ont- tarioforsHle by the CANADA AVEST LAN'iJ AGENCY COMPANY, U A^le'aiile-st. East Toronto. Semi lor list. $5,000,000 PROFESSIOXAL. MR.FORSTKR,ARTIST.lIA3UETURNEn from Sliirope and openo I a StudiO, 81 King-st. East, Toronto. Portraits in oil life si ze. miscellaneous; ' PER DAY can be made by assents, male or female^ C. VV. DENNIS Tor onto. ATCHE^ repaired. Trade work a special ty. A. Ballabev. 8 Kin? St. E., Toronto. $5 W R »!BBE« sriWPS,â€" ADDHKSS K. H. COX, 4 Kinif St. East, Toronto. Aerents wanted. CHRIS. SHEPPARD. Manuf r of Masonic and other Society Jewels, 151 King E., Toronto. mnE RE.irVEjrAT«K, THE CJRE.VT HER X .liAL Remedy, 25o. per package post-paid. Byjnail. Box 17, IBronte, Ont. Agents Wanted. AUTOPnONES, ?6..t0. INCLUDiNG"FOUR tunes. T. CLAXTON, dealer in Musical Instruments. I'iano Music, Band Music, c. Cataloprues free. 19 7 Yongc St.. Toronto. PRICE TICKF:TS, show cards, WIN- DOW SHADES. Newest designs. Send (or price list. F. Williams, 4 King E.. Toronto. illllTPljir'0~Send for free^illustrated cata- IwHI unco, logue to RYRIE, the Jeweler, 113 Yonge S tr eet. 'I or onto. WIRE WINDOW GUARDS, WIRE CL0T"F 11 lilt and Wire Goods at the Toronto Wire Works, lie King St. West, T. G. RICE. RRiOK Wrn^ MACHINES. I MARTINPATENT E. 0. GURNEY CO., Mention this paper. Choice, Fresh and Reliable Fc-wardcd by mail to all parts of the Dominion postage paid and safe itrriral snarautccd by STEELE BROS. Co. They will send to CDCC the finest illustrated all applicants I nCC catalogue in Canada. It is full of information and contains a com- plete list of evervthing for the Farm Jt Cinrdrii. Don't fall to send your name and post office ad- dress for a copy before ordering jour supply. Catalogues will be sent to past customers nnloi^s their address is changed in such cre.^ lulvi-c STEELE BROS. lOY, Seed Merchants, Toronto, Ont. Three large superior bred CLYDESDALE STALLIONS, \»ith e.'ctra bone and style, an imp. mare and a few home bred Itllies. All registered and prize animals. JEFFRKY BROS., Whithy, Ont. A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever. I»X. T. FELIV 4;OlBAIJD'8 Onc!it;il {^Hiiw, cr lli^m\ ^tnid'i. H e m o V o .1 Tan, Pimples Freckles. Moth- Patch- es, and every blemish en beauty, and defies detec- tion. It has stood the test of 30 years, and is eo harmless we taste it to bo sure the prc- paration is prop erly made. Ac- cept no counterfeit of similar name. The dis- tinguished Dr. L. A. Sayre, said to a lady of the ?uiut ton (a patient) :â€" " Aa you ladies will ttsr them, I recommend ' Gouraud's Cream' as the least harviful of all the Skin preparations." One bottle will last six months, using it every day. Also Poudre Subtile removes superfiouSi hair â- without injury to the skin. Mme, m. b. t. gouraud. Sole Proprietor, 48 Bond St., K. Y. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers throughout the U.S., Canadas and Europe. Also found in N. Y. City, at 11. H. Macy's. Stern's, Ehrich's, Ridley's and other Fancy Goods Dealers. £3" Beware of base im- itations. $1,000 Reward for arrest and proof of any one selling the same. CONSUMPTION Catarrh, Tbroiit »lse.Tses. BronchitU. with diseases of the Eye. Ear and Heart, suc- cessfully treated at the Ontario Pnlmon.iry Instltnlo, I,'i5 Chnr-li StroPt. Toronto. tbt.irio. M. HILTON WILLIAMS, M. D., M.C.P.S.O., I'ROPHIKTOR- Our system of practice is by Medicated Inhala tions, combined with proper constitutional re- medies. Over 10, COO cases treated during the past 17 years. If impossible to call personally for an ex- amination, write for list of Questions and Aledical Treatise. Address. Ontario Pulmonary Institute, 135 Church st, Toronto, Ont. CONSUMPTION, nUOMHITIS, t;.4T4KI(U, .4STII».i, nisi;isr..s ol I he EVE EAB. CAN BE CURED. 3X!I.\LlTIO««. (i TQPtONTO^LIONAaiUM." S. L. J-JASH, MD.. M-C.P.S.O., has au cspcricacc of 20 years" practice in Ontario, Kr.ici Ihe fulIowinK L«'llorM IiU-h .sj^caks for ilscir. Toronto, 4 Argylc-St.. Dec. llth, 1SS2. S. L. NASH, M. D.:â€" Dear Dr., -I take great pleasure in sayin.g your treatment of my wife by inhalations, for an afTection of the bronchial tubes, has proved most satis- factory. After being treated by several of the most nrominent physicians of Toronto. I almost despaired of her being relieved of the distressing cough, which clung to her in spite of the best cltbrts put forth by skill- ed men to relieve her, and pronounced by some as incurable. Now, after a lapse of almost nine months since discontiauinfr your treatment, she has passed the fall weather without anv sifrns of her old com- plaint returning. Yours rcsDcctfullv, JO.SEPU POWELL. A personal examination is preferable, after which you can be treated at home. If impossible to call, write for Question.? and Circular. "Consultation free. Fees Moder- ate." Address TORONTO PULMuNAIt- lUM." 123 Church-St.. Toronto, Ont-ario GURNEY WARE'S *ar Send for illustrated catalogue to STllARD SCALES, Fos Kallroads. Kollins: WilU, Critt mas and Klevators. Scales for everythingâ€" Hay, Coal and stoc;:. A! sizes of Warehouse Scales. Coimter Scales of .;.; kinds. DAIRY FARMERS SCALES. Fish, Pork and Wool Scales. Butchers' Scales. Scales and Beams for Pedlars' Waggons. All sizes of Railroad and Warehouse Trucks, and Alarm Money Drawers. Every Scale warranted. All mnkcs premptly repaired. HAJ»IILXOIV. U I I 'l .1 I f. 'â-  I -•V I f^l. i' Ii' 'I. 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