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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Feb 1883, p. 8

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 4 YOBTUSBS FOB FABMSBS AND ME- CHANICS. Thooaanda of dollars can be saTed by as- iog proper jodgement in ^^^'"p care of the health of your self and family. If you are Bilious, have sallow complexion, poor appe- tite, low and depMsaed tspirits, and generally debilitated, do ne* delay a moment, bat go at once and procure « bottle of thoee Electric Bitters, which nfe^er fail to cure, and that for the trifling sum of fifty centa.â€" Trtiwn*. Sold by A. TximM- Co. Wm Lucas Co, bauker*,Markdale iia?« $200)000.00 io^° "° real 'estate. 8traigbt loan system. No ies. Low interest: moderate charges. W0MA2*'S TELE FRIEND. A friend 'ifi Heed is a friend in deed. This none can deny. especiaUy when assistance is rendered when on« is soroly afSicted with diseases, more particularly those complaints and weakress so common to our female pop- ulation. Every woman should know that Electric Bitters are Woman's true friend, and will positively restore her to health, even wl.'^u all othei remeuies fail. A single trial always proves our as.sertion They are pleas- aet to \he taste, and only cost fifty cents a bottle Sold by A. Turner Co. A " (larkubss which may be 'felt' " â€" a biack hat. NEVEE GIVE UP. If you are suSering with low and depress- ed spirits, loss of -ippcti.p, j^eneral debility, disordered bJoud, weak coustitution, head- ache, or auy disease of a bilious nature, by all means procure a bottle of Electric bitters. You will be surprised to see the rapid im- provemeui that will follow you will be iu- apired with tiew life strength and activity win return pain and misery wil cease, aid heacefiriii you will rejoice m the praise of Electric Bitters. Hold at fifiy cents a bot- tle by A. iurner tk L'o.,Marhdale. For the first time within the memo- ry ol the olUust iuhabitant of Milwau- kee, navijiHiiou un Lake Michigan is comi'lelely dosed. DYSPEPSIA LIVEE COMPLAINT. Ii It not wor'li the small price of 75 cents to free youi self of every symptom of these tlistressing coujphiiiits, if you think so call •at out siore aud get a bottle of Shiloh's Vital izer, every buitle Lia.i a printed gaaraiitc^e on it, use ai.'curJii)g'y aud if it does you no good it will cnst you nothing. Sold at VVm, Brown's Geueial Store. Mar^dale. A Syrucu.-e sloigh 100 years old is drivL-D Ijy a man o' 85, and pulled by a hot Be lu iiis 35 yeas, aud it is the only rig in that vicinity that has been hauled up tor fast driviug lor six years, OH, AVHAT A COUGH! Will ^(.u heed the warning. The signal peilinps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease consumption. Ask your- selves if you can aO'oid for the sake of y'Octs., to run the ri^k anil do nothing for it. We kiK)w from experience that Shiloh's Cure will eii'-e your Cough. It never fails. This esjilains .vhy more than a Million Bottles were sold the past year. It relieves Croup, and Whooping Cough, at once. Mothers do not be without it. For Lame Back, Side, or Ciiest, use Shiloh's Porous plaster. Sold at Wm. Brown's General Store Markdale. A stage was overtaken by a blizzard at Fluit Cretk hills, Montana. Seve- ral pii.s«e ig rs aud horses were frozen to ueath. There has been much suf- ieriijg m that region. We have a speedy and positive cure, for Caiaral). Diphtheria, Cankei mouth and Head Ache, iu SHHILOH'S CATAEEH IIE.MEDV. A nasalinjector free with each bottle Use it if you desire health and sweet breath. Price 5U cents. Soil at Wm. Bio" n'a General Store. Markdale. A new questiou tcwr debatiug socie- ties. "Wh«u a woman and a mouse meet winch is the most frightened " BUCKLEN'S AENIGA SALVE. 'the best salve in the world for Cuts, Bra. es. Sore,,, Ulccn Salt Eheum, Fever S'Me i'euer, Chapped Hauds, Chilblains, C..ra~j,aud all S ^u Eruptins, and Positively â- eui.s Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect aa; laci on, cr money refunded. Price 25 •c«iius per box. For sale by A. Turner b Co Maple Waxtkd. â€" A large quantity of ^. ..i maple in bolts or logs wanted fc! .MJuh a good pi ice wil! oe paid in •fc Appi\ to M. W. Armstrong. -wAEliTS C.A.EB0L1C CEEAIE. Try it for Chapped Hands, Cuts, Burns. Biu.-e.s. it is a preparaticn of Vaseline, CajoheAui.. aud Cerate. It will cure any ' ' • all ocher prtjMirations fail. Call at 5. ueueial More and get a package. i:v tents is all it costs. i27-40- 1; »'â-  Opera House iu Toron- u royeti by fire on Thursday he 1( 1S3 IS f ritimate J at §80, • d f.a- $15,000. i:iis of nails be dipped iu cm easily be driven into -vuen otherwise they would â- ' reak. bC E T\ â- to ui Ot 1 giea hu dc A ACROSTIC, 4i R D. In Wo ui p taimers and tbresbeis all e ,1 YOU btty for Spring, Summer -;uo:idd g.od oil. [and Fall bo misieu by statements bland, up avinir the very best brand, -cod aa Bver, in fact it is grand. 1. i. g wear, without grit or sani m eni es run smoothly, no jarring or noiie, Ac eignK-s too la ita use rejoice. Cs '^s also it suits, as you pbdnly see, â- â-  y g' isiiug cannot do without me. In !; ct lI machines are bteiiaed by is use, Wev or old it wiJl aave from wear and aboset Every mau try it, we are it will ple«a«. Our initials, Uuai read, will Rire the cue In lookiup for oil, the best aad tlM tree, liong iu t^ market, but ent new. Manufactured solely bjMeCollBroa. A Co.. TOx u to. iVo eonnectioH tcUh any «f An- /nn. 127- US. " Fl H 'UST TO HAND IN CA^n 0lf l-T* Markdale, Fob'y. 8th, 1883. WM. BROWN Pulleys, Hangers, Gear Woeels. !^hiji^3i irsjti't*, c PLOWS and POINTS A SPECIAU MANGLES, 6RATiNG8,GR[STi;^icS,r'ir:r,: "i'JilHll i ' \i The People's PiiotograplK Continues to take Pictures, Do Copying and Kn^argn^gingoodsli â€" â€" PEAMES andFEAM3i; FIXIl iu great variety audi i^c- desi;.'n- t '1 ;â-  • v ricci. fl ft m A. M'INTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. M'INTYRE rr^louir, ^l0"ULr, lE^loiJLr- H McINTYRE'H LIQUORS I J.IQUORS McINTYRE'S Cigars, Cigars. McINTYEE'S Coilee, Coflee- McINTYEE'S MEAL I MEAL I MEAL I McINTYRE'S Pork, Pork, Pork McINTYRE'S Teas, Teas. AmA ever ythin g kept n in a first-class Grocery and Liquor Store, alwaysion hand, cheap toe cash. H M II HI TORONTO HOU FLESHEETOi^. c Stock Fully Complete, r" Unasiiailj li VERY ATTRACTIVE, AND CHEAPER THAN^THE CHEAPESi mi immsi imm n 4 MAEK DALE Sash and Door Factory SASH, DOORS, BLINDS MOULDINGS, HOLLOW BATTONS, FRAMES Lumber, Lath and Shingles, AlT?srays on Hand. Orders Promptly Filled. The Subscriber wishes to return thanks to the people of Markdble and vicinity, for the very liberal patronage they have giveu him in the past, and hopes by close attention to business to merit a continuance at the same. I have now extended my business.and will in fattire keep a full Stock of PINELUMBER. Direct from the North Shore. ALL. SIZBIS, DBESSED AND UNDBESSKD, All Klincis 'il^laiii and Kancy TaT«»iiticr Ione ill a first class maoner. Markdale May 27th. tSUJl. THOS. McNEA. Boot and Shoe Depaitment Would chII spficial attention of close buyers is m r- V is isrusuiillyll trom the best maDufacturprs at -l at r ck hr-ttoiu |,.!ces. OEDEEED CIjOTHING. Has beei) exceedinply brisk this sf^ason, ou account of wliich I iiave I the larf^est and best stock of Tweeds, Coati?i}/s. Tr- ws.riufis. fl»5 0^" ingK in this section of country. As I haTe always Itxi tlie trada iu tin partment buyers will find it to their advuntage to cmII bt^f'^e pnrii elsewlierf^ Millinery Department. Under the able managem.-nt of a firs' cIrkh milliner, witli pleijtT o' ' ance, will be found nnnsuailv attractive with' the ]uertust and luostf able, and cbeapeKt stock to be found in the county. Ladies, it 'f' yon Kood to call an.i look at (be stcck. ARTEMESIA WAREHOUSE O Diy Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Proyi^ions. c. Stock kept full and well assorted ^ith new ' t'oods received everv week. Hardware and Grocery Departnifflt. Is always fully assorted and complete wTtb the best goods, at the lowe«' sible price rS* I am the only constant «nd relialle buver of Grain and Far*J duce m Fleshcrton. and for which I will pay the higheFt vrice 'D' any quantity of good diy, sonnd grain, which I would spcciallv tsii ' to clean woU. A call jolicited. Flesherton, Oct. 3rd, 1888. IB, T- si=»:Eso-crx-3 MY BRANCH STORE AT EUGENIA replenished with new goods evervweek. For sale cheap for cash or prodoc*. My Saw mill, Shingle Factoty. and Lime Kiln AT LITTLE FALLS. ABE IN OPEBATION. AIT Uiii Sm Ks bo^^rittaiHI or nmn on sham. Markdaile PUMP Factoi IWAWRftF ALL KINDS OF PUMPS, ,^ DKOP VALVE PUMPS, CYLIisDER PUMPS, CISTERS P^" FORCE PUMPg, Wsc, ALL KINDS OP IRON PUMPS SUPPLIED ?J*S^*^°" ^enarant«e4 on »11 my work the nroof of it i« gJJ S?Pa»i J?"-^'"" alwrge^hugmes* now than cvar ^yas doneiBJ^ the Pan^ hxuaneas. Rememhet the stand, 1 door north of Batled?* Sydenham Street, Markdale .DIGGERS lers prompt! LiJer's Hill, C lot Uaiversit Variety and Value Unsurpassed, DRY GOODS "dEP A EMEN»enm Is this seasno vtrv complete with a very large pook ni Dr. ^s Gon^ prising in part Cashmeres in all colors W fiv t-n Wool G:odss| endless vaiiniv. t-'ar 15 1 -.- K^ ^C_ h /* 'r ,^\ijii^!^:^it -^iSviii.:'

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