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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Feb 1883, p. 1

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 k is muif^uallyl lorn prices. riiielj I htWe liflj â- iijgs, Hiiil Orert le trade wi tbl' ill bt-fiie pureh iiri j,r Farm • t ,r,, in L-Rsbl ::.;i 'v ask ff" *-i." L a.-No. 23. MAEKDALE, ONT., FEB. 15, 1883. N'o. 127. I, fattiilalil ^tauilltll Is pLBLls'HED lY THURSDAY EVENING. At Murk litb Ontario. IN AIiVA.NCE. „,;,,.. e !!) ).'itl:s, 52 if not paid till ' .jir \f\r. No jiaper itiseontiDiied ;,,'^.j,, ii" i.:iil up, es.ept at the .,.,.[, iMi^iuv. nnil paities refusing â- ',,1-. ,1 vin- up v.-ill lie lit-M respon- ,-,'„'v.Mi- -ul).s(:;i|.tions until they â- S-,fS()l- AI-VKIITISING 'n.m..v.:u- e^^ "0 ;. ,1 -27 .30 ',: ,io 15 00 ,io 8 00 ,1,, 1 00 liKS, tii'^t i'H'i';oii i)cr line 8 L-t-l'ifTi' i'wr-rtion 3 â-  i,!,"r " hnr t I-p reckoned by the iimI 111-,1-i'iri'il b.v a scale of solid Al.-.rn-ei!;'n:s withont specific â- ,\;il hf ]):iiiii-:ht'l ti'l forbid and u'l-.'i liiii'ly. All tran-^itory ad'-er ii; mil--" ' in the nffit:e or bahlica- |l!ii"liicl; n till' W'l? iiesday proceed r,alli';if."ii. .]13J5 nUNTING rv t.seription executed with UaTiJ clt'spateli al the Office of fiSDAKii' Markdale. C. W. RUTLEDGE. llmi'iir. it Proprietor. iatel«* sun Kj. \V AKIDfi::!.!^, (iLLindG'-i; AXD DIIILLER. ALL ii'iitTS |inin))rly attf-ndeil to. Resi- j-siiider'-Hi.d.O'wen Sound. 122-,35 [lent, M.D., T.I,-..C P. S., O. ;:in rtiiil Sui-L'eon, Priceville, ^f'jf UnivHr-ity, Vict. College. New York, and j'aiaato. uf the iuue, Avleth Medical Institute. Uutiiihjiic Hospital, N.Y. 'iiiiL Phvsiciansit Sargeors,0. J04 jmeron Knight, j:;.n"Tal suHiiEONS, 1 A. (nraeron and Go's Drug JhMlfttSt,, ()W.EN SOUND. Ikt'i'iitiuu 1,'ivt'u ,t() the pre-^ervation of iiriitee;;!. Xrci.'iriai Dentures mount- ,Culiiiloid, and Rubber bases. '• n: Markdnle the last Tuesday in pJI:l!l. l-r-'x M I)., A C. F. Knight, L.D.S. " 'V ' Giiisfidw, Medalist Royal Col- l^"Oiit, lef,'el)eu.Sur.,Ont' MARSHALL, L.D.S. DEM'IST, p'J'lTE (iF TORONTO SCHOOL f'f 'i.tKry, Will be at Rutled^e's "Uile, o!i the third Wednesday of 1 firiL,. inietice of his profession. F'-ii. l^â- !(, 122 74 icgal. Fiost Fro«it, .•'â- "S.r.RS. AXD ATTORNEYS-AT 'â- f, oi ct, r- in (,'harcerv. Convey â- * o.vii! Sound, have resumed at '••^- Office njieu rvery Thursday, as '"â- â- y -J. W. Frost.LL. B. vTynwr. Attornev, 1 -â- "i*Ti:i;, MAS riiH AND DEP. BEG pUanctiy, Xutary Pubhc, Conveyan " i-KXn .VT SIX PEti, CENT. f_;--OuYn Sound, in Vicker's Block r Si.: aud ia .Markdale, over MeFar '"re, on Friday and Saturday every 57.b (i 'â- asorA- ^^l" rriion, â-  •â- '.SOLICITORS. CONVEY- Ac ie. F-'l-"?,?7"'" "«"d. Dufferia Block, ' â-  """' """"'â- *-â-  and in V. J MARKDALE; ,;â- '" ariaud's Store on Tlinrsday ".\"f lach :H.ek. lC;^j,'!,'|,"':|'^^o» rea.sonable terms, ^iiir" 'â- ^â- ,"^- Duncan Mori^on " March 15, 1882. It.p "f -^"der Brown. rMusu-'""'"® Licenses. Fire and I P' tc "^p" -^Rent. Commissionei I'liser hr ,1, ,?"'^-'""" a°i Licensed Ks l\j T^y^^^'^^y- Farmers, ""^.Sept'?7!'iff ' '"'" '"«^Y-y**" REVERE HOTEL, MAKM0AL.1:. T. SPBOULE, Proprietor. "pHIS po u'^r Hotel has " a large ad- L dition .. :aed to it, thoronguly retitted, and is now second to none in the county. Crood stabling and attentive ostler. First class accommodation for commercial travel- ers. $1 ier day. Barber's shop m connec ton. CHATSWORTH HOUSE (late morrow house,) CHATSWORTH, Out. THE undersigned having purch*.sed the above property has h*i it thoroughly renovated and refurnished throughout be- side makni^ oth«r new improvements, which will gj-eutly add to the comfort and couve- inence of his guests, would respectfully so- licit the panonage of the pubhc generally. The best brand of liquors and cigars always in stock. Good meal and comfortable rooms guarauteccl. Good srablir.g and attentive hostier. â€" w. H. Mathews, Prop. 114 Markdale" Hotel. Good Accommodation for Travellers. 'Bus to and from all trains' Charges moderate. Markdale. A. Rutlrdge. Prop. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. PEICEVILLiE. Out, Large and commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Room.^, d'c. The Bar and larde well supplied with the bes the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor John McDonald, CHATSWORTti, DIVISION Court Clerk, Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses, Commissioner in B.R., Conveyancer, Src. Deedd, Mortgages, Wills, Ac, attended to promptly, accurately, neat- ly, and cheaply. Private funds to lend in small sums on easy terms. Notes discounted MISS LAMB, DRESS-iTfAKEB. UP-STAIRS IN I/ougias' Block. Satisf action guaran- teed. C'larges moderate. Markdale, Nov. x5th, 1882. Il4-3m. R. in. Galbmith i L'CTIONEER AND GENERAL LAND j^ Agent, William-ford Station. Auction Sales attend.-d in all parts of the County Goods sold cin commission. Rules moderate Pianos, Organs, and Sewing Machines; also Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Vines, Agricul- tur-jl Implemcnnts, and Machinery of all ^-ind* on sale. Wihiamsford, Jan. 27, 1831. GIBSON MCMILLAN, CONTRACTORS. Contracts taken ff^r all kinds of BRICK AND STONE WORK, Pluin and Ornamental Plastering. OahomiviiKi in ali 'Shades and (Jolom. Charges mode-ate and satisfaction guar- antee' Orders lefs at ahe St.^ndabd office will receive prompt attent on. Markdale, F-b. fith. 18H3. 126-ly. Wm. Brown, rSSUEi: or [•â- j;i-:i\(TE LICENSES •• Commissionei in 1' K.itc. Conveyancini.' in ail i*s branches prompth attended to an.l caref.illv executed. N. ii.â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se cnritv. LOYAL MIPJCOELE LODE 01 â-  O F. -•.i' 78. 'vii; meet in their had or. Mond*-' evaiung. Feb 19th, at eight o'clock p la. ^„„T^ a .„ 1 08 W. L. YOUNG Sec y J* EOBT. ASEIL,, IVT A 1^ K:I A LK Has opened out a First-Class Furnjture I UNDERTKING ESTABLISHMENT, Anc* thereture has supplind a want long felt, especiallv in the Undertaking Line. COFFINS, C4SKETS, SHROUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNISHINGS, supplied on the shortes notice. REST AND COMFOivT to the SUFFERING Brow^n'K Household Panacea has DO equal for relieving pain, both inter- nal and externiU. It cures pain in the Side, iack or Bowels, Sore Thr.»at, Kbeamatism, Toothache, Lumbago and any kind of a Pain or Ache. "Jt will most surely quicken the Blood i.nd heal, as its acting power is won- den'HU" " Brown's H.iuaehoh! .Pana-: a," being acknowledged as ihe great Pain Rehev- er, and of double the strength of any o"dior hilixer or LiniunnL in the worhi, slionld be 1:1 every family liaudviov use when wanted "as it really is the best remedv in the world for Cramps m the .S^tomach. and I'ains end Ache« of all kinds," and i* for tale bv all Druggists at 2.5 cents h bort'le, 70-127 EARS FORI MILLION IGt, Auctii Si.) I?"" for the Ck)untT of ^a^n.Z 'â„¢"' ia town or conn- ""mst notice, 'lelti ' »'tcution. Ckar|;e8 reason* 117-Sm EUGENIA Grist, SawandLathMills H*vinH-«nade eqtensive improvements m my Grist Mill I feel confident I can give gcKKl satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND. Chopping Done Every Day. Cnstom Sawing and Billa FiUod on the sbortect notice. t w va LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. n,«rT BoUOTiut, White Ash, Blaek AA gSSodVPine aiid H«nlock Log. want ed egiy. M. AKITT. Eugenia. ^V SiDlendid Hearse tir hire at moderate rates. FUBNITUEE From the Common to the Best and Latest Styles, in everything in the line. Call and see for yourselves. ROBT. ASKIN. 1 U)0 CH.»0'S BALSAM OF liAliK'S I leaving Deafness Union Carriage Worlds. All work manufactured from First Class MATERiai In the Latest atd Best Improved Style, and firishcd with Painting Trimming Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Repairs executed in the shortes' possible titie consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Spei iality. Remember the Shi p, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHANAHAN, OIL po.itively lUstcres the and is the Only AuoluU! Cuk for Known This Oi s altstraeied froni jiecvd'i; -pecies of small \\ :ii;h. Shark, ciiughi in the Yellow Sea, known a- CARCHAnoeoN P.onde- LETil. livery Cniiiese fther;iia'i i:nows it. Its Virtues a- a r^ torative of In a uig wtre discovered by a Bu'tdnist T'r esi ^.tre dis- covered aljout the year 1 ilii. Its eures were so numerous, an.i many so seeiui!,j.dy niir aculons, thit ;he r.-medy •.\as I'Cic'ii'lv ])!ii- claiiaed over .he entire Liiijuie. lis iisi becam ro universal, thai lor o^i' "'(l years no Deafness ha existed am... c i:be Cliine'se peoi'le. Siut, chaiges p ^pai I. '•• anv ad- diess«,i Si. 00 per hoUle, Hear what the Deaf ^ay It has periormeci a miracle in iny case. I have no unearthly noises in iny head, and hear much better. I have l)een greatly benefited. My (leafnes- helped a great do il â€" think anu- iLer bottle will care m*^. Its virtu' sare unquesc ionableand its cura- tive character absolute, a~ the writer can per- sonally testify, iiotli from exp.rience and ob- s- rvation Write at onci to Hayhici. and -Tenuey, 7 De. Street New Yoii- 1. losiiig^l and you will receive b\ return a rr n^e ly that will enable j'Ou to hear hke ai'ytji'dy else. an;! whose curat \e effects will be piuianent. Y'ou wll n' vei regrer doing so "' â€" I^kitor OF Mercantile Review. _- :ase send Markdale. Dec. 2nd, 1881. Proprietor. 64. HAIR CUTTING AND SHAVING â-  ;. zois, Strai)S, and Shaving Brushes for sd' Rr.zors 3harpeuel. i^" (trde.'s filled" for Tomb Stones. IS'To avoid lo 8 in the mail^. j ^â-  money hv Registered i^-etter Only imported by HA'iLOCKct .JENNEY. late Haylock Co., Sole Agents for America. 7 I^et STNEwYonR 93 U-' WARNINC! There is great danger of tak- ing cold from wet feet If you want to Guard Against Sickness! Keep your feet drv aii.l wann by procurintr vojir B O O T 3 â€" FrtOM KAY THOMAS. METHODIST ONION. It may be matter of surprise to some persons that the proposed oniou of the Methodist Churches of this country is the subject of such profound rtud widesr'"eftd interest beyond the bounds of the donominatiou. To some it may appear that this is a mat- ti r which belongs exclusively to tlio bodies immediately concerned, and with which the general public has lioUiiu}^ to do. Only a little consider- luii.u, iiowever, ought to be sufficient lo convince any mtel!ij,'eut and ihoiigiitful pprsou that this is entirely mistaken view of the subject. The ihniciies of the country are public in- stitutions in which the entire com- ijuiiiiy is deeply interested. These rire tli' creat mora! forces which are at work f rmitg the character of the eojile aiid shaping our civilization. Tiiey, more thsn anything else, have niauc lis wliut wp are, and in the great etui igeiicios which may arise in the future, wliut President Lincoln affirm- td o! his own country in the dark day ot the civil war may be iruo here in Canaiia, tiiat our hope, under God, win be in the Cnurches. 'Wiiliamsford. Mr. R. Myles he'd a pohtical meeting here ou Tnes ay eyening which was ivell attended. It i- said that he wdl poll a large vote in Holland... The quarterly board voted on the basis of union of the Methodist bodies It was carried b '.» to 1. Council meeting ou Wednesday. C. W Kutledge of the Stam- UAKD got the pri ting. Auditor's Report received School matters re union schocl section No 2, H dland and tuphrasia, was a caief ait of the day's bu iuess. That section is now broken up. Mr. Cameron, the Reeve, had to leave at noon owing to sickness ir his familv. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Med icated Cork Sole^-, all siz^s. kept en hand Remember the plrcfi oppositt' the new ST.iyi)AKP Office 4 GEORGE WILSON, Wnolesale and Retail KRAM'S FLUID LIGHTMNG. Ts the only instantaneous relief Neuralgia, Hea.lache. 'Toothache, etc. Rubbing a few drops briskly is all that is needed. No tak- ing nauseous medicines for weeks, but one minute's application removes all pain and will prove the great value of Krams Fluid Lightning. Twenty five cents per bottle at Hill Bros General Store, Markdale. 127-40 JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GENER'LBLACKSMITB HORSESHOEING A SPEC IALTY. Win. Lucas Co., BANKERS, Money I .oanecl IN lar;.;? or siujiu .t mounts, at all times, jn i^'oo'i =,:;dorsed notes, or secnriiv. on collateral INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed ou Savings Deposits. I BUTCHER!! BEEF. PORK OR WUTTON SUPPLIED from a single pound to a whole carcass, at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL IN THEIP, SEASON Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do well to call at No. *J Burns' Block, opposite the new Union Blook. Markdale. Oct 2.«th. IflSl W. G. RIOHARDS,~ BUILDER, CQHTRACTOB, ARCHI- TECT. â€" Besidence ou .^ill Street, Mark- dale. Markdale. Jan. 21th, 1S83. 12417 tSf-Drafts issued and Collections xnvi» on Doints, at lowest rates. W.M. September 23. 1880. LUCAS, Manager. «-ly IVOTIOE- PABBNTS AND GUABDIANS OF GBIL- dren will confer a favor nnwi ne *ai benefit themadves if they would mfonn tteir children that I will not allow any one wrf«r 16 ?•*» of afe in my Billiard Bqpm. D. M. HOOAK, Propriety. IUr)(da!e. Jaa. IStb, 189S, A. CAJFlJy. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions ot youth, ner " ons weak- ness, early decay, loss of manhood, c..I will send a receipe thst will cure yon, FBEE OF CHABGE. This great Remedy was dis covered by a missionary in South America. Send a velf-addressrd envelope to Bxv. JosrPH T. IxiuH, i'taHoH D, New York If HAS ENTEBED THE CAPITOIh ' BUILDINGS. It has fini^y gained his point and no les i a persorm^ thui the 8ei^eant-at Anns ot the Honse of Commons. Mr. D. W. McDon- nell, Ottawa, thns indorses the Great Ger- man Bemedy St. Jacobs Oil is a splendit remedy. I used it on my left arm and wrist for rhenmatinn, and foond it all that it is claimed to be. Mrs. MeDoneD used it for a moat severely sprained anUe 'tij the steady ose of the aitiete for a few days m eom|dete enre waa effected. St Jaeoni OQ doee lis work very tatistaetcmly and also nqrfd}y Qch at least is my opinion. 'W did iioi fnliy apprecisite the c n- V' li' lire of out- rai road wiiile depriv- f I f its use for h we^k. The anxiety d:s. laved by al! showed there was no I'sire to return to the old davs of st«ge«. wi;h one or two mails a week.. ANSWER THIS QUESTION Why do s • many people we see around us, si^-m to prefer to suffer and b» made mise- rs Id f by Indigestion. Constipation, Dizzi- na s. Loss of Apr-etite, Coming up of the Food. Y. 1 ow Skin, when for 75 cts., we dll sell tnem Shiloh's Vitahzer, guaran- teed to cure them. Sold by Wm. Brown's General Store Markdale. P-evions to sto-sk taking on the first of March we will offer our entire stock of win- tnr poods, consisting if Tweeil" Cloth'^, Cloth-n!/, Mantles, Mantle Cloths. Hats.Caps, Furs and Wool Goods ot every description, •)X 20 per cent, below wholesale jjaces. â€" Trimble Wright. Mi.GREGOR'S SPEEDY CURE. From the many remarkable cures wrouctht by nsii g McG egor's Speedy Cn^'e for Dys- pepsia, Indigestion Constipation and afifec- lion of the Liver, and from tiie immense sale o. it without advertising, we have concluded to place it extensively on tlie marke. so that those who suffer may haye a perfect cure. Go to Hill Bros. General Store and get a trial bottle free, or the regular size at fifty cents and one dollar. 127 40. 'riie'e fine afternoons Mill Street looks quite auimated, N'-arlv every horse and cut'er worthy the natne lia" bren trotted out the [nist few days, but the hirse8 are allowed to move a little too swiff, and several times ladies and children have been com- pelled to make quick tracks into a huow bank or jet run over. Go-^low. A SAINT AT THE ZOO. Capt. Harrv Piper, Alderman and Saper- intendent of tlje Zoological Garden, lately ooromiuucated tlie following facts to a re- porter of one of Toi'onto's most influental papers "Some time ago we pumha^d from the collection of animals at Central Park, Now York, a monstrous Eu^sian bear, which we have named 'Peter the Great,' on account of his tremendous size. Not long after 'Peter' airivud we found that Im waH suffering from the rlieamaiism, and ii» a pretty bad state. Pete was not the only one in the 'Zoo' which had a touch of that duUoions tortire the lion likewise La 1 it. and infact I wa» just be- ing cored of a bad ea^) of the rbetunattsm, myselthy the use of St. Jaeobspil,the Great GermMi Bemedy. I tooad St JaceVs Oil $n exedl^nii reined^, fitf it eared me in a ^hori whUe, and my case was a very agtoavated one. I aTgned that if it earaj men it aivab be gooi f^ animais as wcIU -f 'V^-»K^; ..*â- â-  .-i-i I i ..- 1 â-  :^'i l.t:li • « rA ....a..i";« ,^J..

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