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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Feb 1883, p. 1

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 J?v^i •4-* ^a^ issed. /CENT. cess Goodi, i oolGoodau -1 lent. pricefl. NG. it. lerity of id most: ;s, it wo«J||i mnl tlie lowest ' Hid Farm rice in wsb' ly ask fi .T*^ *r j|..3iii.,..i. ;^U «r^» »»»^ f â€" "*~ r*^^?^' '^r â- * " r-^ V"' 3^S^ -^-i^ â- Â» '*-iC«=S*»«swSr rfy^ »i»3. s»4-ii,. ^J 3.--^N0. 21. srs, *c, ^^, -IRON AND TION. raphei 1 good styii [XING! prices. alljLan ^.VMrc.'««/fl MARKDALE, QNT., FEB.- 1, 1883,, No. 125. 3toryj EP.. â-  tle4g*'« m IJar^ilaif |laiidiu:il iM«. NG, m! I"' "• â-  4i «""' lERXS OF A v\f 'CI, â-  0. piTd till I .^tiijiied ' at ihe rv-fnsin?r :m! they ?7 5-) 1.-. f)0 8 iiO 4 0" '»" 8 3 n ••• â-  by the ..,- ri' coliii •: specific 'oibi'i in-l ;. -^ *.iver â- '• buhlioft. la^ 'j~--coed rje(!.i 'â- â- â- rofh- • " |,V"(Sil)' t' â-  I""" •' '• Alv.r • 1 a s 3^ CKiD' will b.^ jB.i"ii-ue \ff.\ iff'i."diQ};ly.. '1 t â- â- â€¢. ri..nts must be ' 'i tli" 'iS.' tbf lloliiek i)n'bH â- v- V;: l'mt jibl.CHtinn. • JOBrP.fKT- .:l very lir^CTip'i^M: •^xcc'iterl wit}) IcbChT* ami 'lesp.i'.c'i « '-le Offlee of (Mandarin M-f â- â€¢â€¢ G. W. RiJTLBDaE. Ki'IlMR PnOPRntTOK. 'ELL DICWKB .0"D DKIJjLEB. ALL orlers pi-oinp.iy att»sriiie.i to. Kesi- -juiJw's Hill, 0\ve!i Sound. I22--35 REVERE HOTEL, ;r. SPKOUI..E, Proprietor. i'THIS po;'\ilai xlotel had " a large ail- l uicioti ad u;(t to it, thoronxuly refittec, and is now .-.pco'ul to none in the couutj' (iooi slablnig auJ attei^tlvt; ostler. Firiit â- :â- .«.â- ; accoininoi'atiou for commercial trayei» ers. tl iieiday. Barber's shop .1: cchimc tou, chatswortmIiouse (LAia MOJ.KUW HOC81S,) CMATSWOUTH, Oat. i^HE undarsit;i«d having pnrcho«ed the aboVK pro, erty has h«i it thorooghiy renovated acd rcJuruished thrtagho«4 be- side makia^ oibor now iiaprovementg, «iuoh will greatly add to ihe comiort ucid oanre- uieucft of t)ifi (^n^^st;^. would retpectfolly lo- licit the vftironagt) of the public generally. The beet branu of liquors aad cigars alw»yE iu stock. Good meal and comiortable rooms gufrfMoti-ea. Good siabling aa4 sttentiT* nosiier. â€" H. Mateewb, Prop. 114 Markdale Hotel. Good Aocommcdation for Travellers. 'Bus to and from all t! aiu?. Charges moderate. Markdale. A. Butlbdox, Pbof. COMMERGIAL HOTTl PBICEVILLiE, Out. L^rgo and comme'itou Sample Boom? iood Bed Kooniti, iSe. The Bar and larde '.veil supplied with -the best the market af fords good StHtJiEg and atteative Hostler's TKOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor EOBT. ASKIL, iVf A !: K:I A L.E, Has opened oat a First-GIaas Furniture â€" AMU â€" UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT. An^ thereture has supplied a want long felt, especially in the Undertaking Line. C0FFIK8, OiiSEETS. 8HBOX7DS. Mid all FUIEMI FURHISmUS. supplied on the shortes notiee. Best basineM now before the psMie. Yoa can make money faster at work for us uian ak anything else. Capital not need- ed. We will start yon. f 13 a day and up- wards made at home by the indostrioos. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to worK for as. Now is the time. Yoa can work in spare time only or gtve yoar whole time to the basineas. Yon can live at home and do the wodc. No other bosiness will pay yon nearly as weH. No one oan fail to make en- "i^ooms pay l(y engaging at Onoe. CkaUy outfit and teiisse free. Money made fut, easi^ and hononbly. Address Tbdk A Co., 4«IPsta, Maine. 71-IM A. Hearse tor hire at moderate rates. Gaont, M.D., M. .0 P. Se S., O. Pr-.iician and So'Ccon, Pricenlle, iMMif of Uniy«r-:ity. Viot. CoLege. New York, and Graduate, of the -laoie. ., A.vluth Viedinal Institute. Opthilmic Hospital, NY. ImfcorCoil. PhT9;ci^init Sarceo" s,0. 104 Dentul OiM-cl. lameron Knight, DENTAL SUHGEONS, Sworer D. A Cameron and Go's Drug Ponlrtt St., OWEN SOUND I«r7 attention given to the pre^erâ-¼ation of jidntnral teeth. Vrtificial Dentures mount- lun Gold, Calluloid,»nd Rubber bases. ^ill bo at Markdale the last Tuesday in month, Kiimeron, MD.A C. F. Knight, L.D.S. LF.P 4 Glasgow, Medalist Boyal Col- LD.S., Ont. lege Oen. Sur.,Ont ]ohn McDonald, CHATSWOBTn, ,IV1SI0N Court Clerk, Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses, Commissioner in B.R., iJonreyancer, c. Deedo, Mortgages, Wills, (fcc. attended to prouapUy, accurately, neat- ly, and cheaply. Private funds to l»«d in small sums on eaa/ terais. Notes discounted FUBNITUEB! From theCommoK to the Best and Litti! StylH, io everyfliing in the line. C^ and see for yourselves. ROBT. ASKIN. RESTaup COMFORT to thk SUFFERING Br*w«'s â- â€¢vsehold Panacea has Ao equal for relieving pain, both inter- ns! and external. It cores pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sore Thn^t, Rheumatism. Toothache, Lumbago and any kind of a Pain or Ache. "It will most sorely qnioken the Blood and heal, as ite aetiag power is won- derful." "Brown's Household Panaeea," being acknowledged as the great Pain Reliev- er, and of double the strength of any other Elixer or Liniment in the world, should be in every family handy for ose when wanted " as it really is the best remedy in the world tor Cramps ni the Stomach, and Pains and Aches of all' kinds," and is for sale by all Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. 75-127 D^ MI88 LAMB, DR£S!»-raAli£B. UP-8TAIR8IN ej(glas' Bli-ck. hatisfiotion guaran- teed. C'largas nioderalr. Mvkdale, Ne». iSth. 1882. H ^-Sm. B. n. Oalbraltta AUCTIONEER AND GENERAL LAND Agent. William-ford Station. Auction Sales attended in all parts of the County Goods sold on commission. Ratw moderate. Pianos, Organs, and Sowing Machines; also j/ Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Vines. Agricul- tural Implemennts, and Machinery of all Vinds on sale. WUiiamsford. Jan. 27. 18S1. J p.:marskall, l.d.s. iriRAnUATE OF TOBONT® SCHOOL IU of Dentistry, will be at Rutledga's "Mel, Mdrkdale, on the thiod Wedn-sdavW xii month fsrthe practise of iuM profession. JwwTT 9th, 18^3. laf-tf frost dk Fr4»«t, |DAERlSTE;fcS, AND ATTORNKT8-AT |iJ Law, Solidtors in Chancery, Convey Iil" **' *^"" Sound, have resumed at Iftsberton, Office open every Thursday, as I W Fbost, J. w Fbost, LL. B. Coanty Crown Attorney. 1 MISS WELSH, Di««« IVIaatlcmaker. Charges moWato. Sat'sfaction guaranteed. Hill's Block, Srdenham street. Maikdale, Nov. 6th, 1882. 118-1*6 Union Carriage Works. All work mAnrtfaetnred from First Gliss Miteriil Id the Latest ai d Beet Improved Style, and firishod with Ii:nS^li^li Varnisli- PiMing TTimmiBC IKigt will receive prompt attention. All Repairs executed in the shortest poPBible time coneistent -with good workmanship. Good Work a Speliality. Remember the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHANAHAN, Proprietor. Markdale. Deo. 2nd. 1881. 64. EAIS FOB i MILLION ipOO CHOO'S 1ALSAM OF SHARK'S I? OIL positively Restcres the Hearing, and is the Only Absolute Core for Deafness known This Oil is abstranted from peculiar oyoci ee of small White 8hark, caught in the Yellow Sea, known as Cabcbabooom Ronpk- i.KTn. Every Chinese fisherman knows it. Its virtoes as a restorative of hearing were discovered by a Boddhist Pr est were dis- covered about the year 1410. Its cures were so numerous, and many so seemingly mir aculpus, that the remedy was officially pro- claimed over the entire Empire. Its use became so universal, that for over 300 years no Deafness ha^ existed among the Chinese people. Sent, charges prepaid, io wiv ad- dress at 91.00 per bottle. Hear w^taat the Deaf swty t It has performed a miracle in my case. X have no unearthly noises in my head, and hear much better. I have been greatly benefited. My deafness helped a great deal â€" think ano- ther bottle wiU cure me. Its virtues are unquestionable and its cura- tive character absolute, as the writer can per- sonally testify, both from experience and ob- servation. Write at onse to Hay lock and Jenney, 7 Dey Street, New York, iBclosing 91 and you will receive by return a remedy that will enable you to hear Like anybody elscand whose curative effects will be peimanent. Yon will never regret doing so." â€" Epitob or Mkrcaktilb Rbvixw. IS'To avoid loss in the mads, please send money by Registered Letter. Only imported by HAYLOCK A JENNEY. late Haylock Co., Sole Agents for America. 7 Det St Nxw Yoax 93-145. NEWHBOIHIOOD NEWS. iMTsufiTiKe rnms aicasBBD WKbu ot'R KZCHANWUI AND OCeSKWUB VOB THE BSADBBB or THB "CHANT ABD." Evfeata. A fioek of ten wild geese passed over here on tke afternoon of the 28rd. headmg to the forth East. There *^ a ohanoe for ail ye weather wise to â- peealate on. Scarlet lever «till prevalent in the vieiuity of Yaudeleor. Diphtheria is said to be raging at and near Maxwell. Three fonenJb at one time on the 16th of this month. A scarcity of water in weHs is yet being complained of. It is beginning to luik out that quite a number of votes wew paid for at last numicipal contest in Sngenia ward. Weather daring last week stormy. Boftds badly drifted and blodced np. The thermometer ten below sero. Wai. Br*wa« ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Ac Commissioner in B. R. Ac. Conveyancing in aU its branches promptlj attended to and earefully executed. N. B,â€" Money to Lend on Real BsUU se •ority. i. ITIASSOI^, "Darrister, master anddep.rbg I â- L' in Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyan l*{,ic. I l!)NET TO LEND AT SIX PER CENT. Jffices-Owen Sound, in Vicker's Block j^,"" St.; and in Markdale, over McFar •J^s Store, on Friday and Saturday every '^- 57.1y LOYIL Of C. 0. O. F on Monday evening o'doek p. m. 108 LOOaE â- ARKDIE ^,^ No. 78, will meet in their h^ Feb 6th, at eight W. L. YOUNG, Sec'y. HAIR CUTTING AND SHAVING By rr. I Smith* Da rhe 0£Bce of Wm. Lacas Oo has b«en removed into Hanbory's new brick block. Elsctiom or Beste. â€" We have beer iuformed that Mr. Fennel, Beeve elfcted for Proton has put in the h«ndB of the cleik a disclaimer, and Mr. McGregor has taken the declar- ation of office. There is no dou"bt Mr. Fennel wouW have served the town- ship very eatisfactorly, but seeing that there werci difficulties in the way, it was certainly the wisest course to do as be has, and thus save the township th» trouble and expense of a new elec- tion. â€" Herald. Mr. J. Munro of Proton lost a val- uable horse on Sundsy nightlast. The horse was placed in the stable at nigbt and the following morning was miss- ing. There is no other way for accoun- ting for his disappearance, only by coming to the conclusion that he wae stolen. Just as we go to press word r«aoheB us that the horse has been found dead in a swamp near the place. The snow aronnd was much beaten as if the animal had died iu great pain. â€" Herald. PROPERTIES For SALE S' Razors, Straps, and Shaving Brushes for sale. Razors sharpened, tsr Orders filled for Tomb Stones. Creasor* Mnrrisoa, B^^^ MB,SOLICITOBS. CONVEY- i' 'fs (tc. 4c. J'ff^ciginOwen Sound. Dufiferin Block, *^"F. Wolf's Store and in Hirff T vM,ARKDALE; "T '^•J.Mcl'arUnd's SUire on Thursday "^ndsy of each v^eek. J», r^^ '° ^®°' °^ reasonable terms. k, ]^J^^^' Q- G Dtj«cas Mobwok •»«dale, March 15, 1882. 79-1t *l^ Alexaa4erBr» 1 Lif.^^ "' Marriage Lieeitses, Fire and B a ^^"'ice Agent. Ownmisgionei 4Betin«« • Coov^anoer and Licensed ^one.rfortkeGowtyofGrey. Farmers, ^t^' andLw4 Sales, Punetuallyat- Pti-i!ff t ^*W«e m*de vary moderate. .JJ^^^*^Pt. IT. 1880. 1-T .^- H. CAMPAIGNC, L ff^ Auctioneer for the Coanty •t "7 on t2'.kl^ tttended in town ot ooim- t^ •^••Wtest notice. Qutrxes reseon- "nptsttenSo,. lJ7.-3m EUGENIA Grist, SawandLaMffls good satisfaction. GOnDFlflUR ALWAYS ON HAND. Chopping Done Every Day. OMtom S.««».d Bill. Fined » th. SSlSEfAND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Baaswood, Pine and Hemloek Ijo^ ^™« ggjy. M. AKITT, Eugenia. --ik in Toor ewa teww 'BveiytMng «••• ^J**** tune y«ra work, *n**if^^^ 71-138 JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GEHER'LBLACKSMITH HORSE SHOEINC A SPECIALTY. " Wm. Lflcas Co., BANKERS, louthhaif of Lot 5, con. 9, Euphrasia containing 100 acres, 4 acres cleared balaiice good hardwood, bnsh si..nated 4 miles from Markdale id good road; al^o a village lot with comfortable house thereon.on Mill Street, Markdale. for further particu- lars apply to G. S. B iwes or Wm Armstrong executors of the estate of late Mark Arm strong Epq. 122-124 WARNING There is great danger of tak- ing cold from wet feet If you want to Guard Against Sickness! Keep your feet drr and warm by procuring your BOOTS â€" FilOlf â€" KAY THOMAS. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Med- icated Cork Sol» all sices, kept on hand. Bemembrr the opposite the new STAr^asD Office. 49 Money l^o»***t^ IN large or smaU amounts, at aU â„¢^.^ good sndorsed notes, seonrity. or on collateral Allowed am Sanacs Depoetts. iVDrafts iaaaad and Coileetions maa« on Bointa, at lowest rates. ^M. LUCAS, $661 ^W^ _j iir« SepteniWrSS, 1880. «-lT -T^j^SBHTS AHD GUASnUHBOF^Ij 1-^ .^ â€" oi Mmfv a fayek upon sm aw* SSSnthatl^n-otaBi-Sl ^^ D.MiaOG Markdale, Jsa- 15^ ^^^ Wholesale WIL80M. and Retail (BUTCHER!! BEEF, POBXOB MUTTON SUPFUKD. from a riii|^ pound to awholeeaioaas, at tiie lo w es t muket prieee. RM AfWL MimSEMW Fat Csttia, Slieq^ or olwaiaowellto eaUat He. Z'Mk, oviMsite tke ••» UaiaB ltaUai».Ost.S6tii,1881 Pricevllle. On Thursday evening last the Pres- byterians neld their annual congrega- tional Tea- meeting. The weather beinj; favourable there was a very large and most respectable crowd out. A substan- tial repast was served by a number of the ladies and gentlemen belonging to the congregation in lUleys Hall aftfr whieb all adjourned to the church. Order being called, Wm. Fer- VjUBou, Esq., P. 8.1. was voted to the chair, the duties of which he discharg- ed with his usual tact and good hu- mour. Cards and letters of apolo(;y rom several absentee speakers were ' read The chaurman then called on the choir, and an excellent piece of luusic well executed was the result. The first speaker called was Mr. Melurum, it being the anniversary uf the bulih cf Robert Burns, tlie ScHtisb bard, the speeker took this Hs his subject which brought Bums sweet song oflf, "After Water" by the choir, aud "Scots Wha Hae by Mr. Robertson. Mr. Bobert^ou gave a v«ry intK.re8tiug and forcible address on -Opinions and Piueiples," tshowiii^ bow frequently Opinions are sobbtitute or and biUe the place of principles; Mr. Black, teacher gayt a comic recita tioji which kept the whole audience i:i H laughter for a few minutes iiev. Mr. McLeud was the last qeaker, his jjiibjact was "Bites and Coremmit^s" With the church sbawing the origin aud abtise of them and huw easy it was to slide into a sensuous ntnal and even m many eases to belieye it wor- ship. The Booessnn ehour under their earefal leader Mir. Geo. Binnie, rendered nanj ohbice pieces during tii» 9i»aag, and gave striking proof oC sueeeaM Md deUgktfiA singing vfttKMrt Che aid rf an instrument. This mt» ont of the pleasantest eveniage /^ bu been Mr lot to eiijoy in the T«a- moehng Une. The i^weeedings ware broi^t to a ekffe by tiie Iferedict ya '11 Mfi ;^ i ' â- \:2 i M. i:g: ' !â-  'â- â- â-  j ' ,; f • .a i â- .? u '« :â- :?' â- : m I' =1- â-  lir!.-' U-^ â- iu ill uiim-; w.,i

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