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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Jan 1883, p. 5

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 ^^^v^ 'F^^l^P^P^^^^'^^PI^I^pPfP'PlP'ip^ jm^mi^gmfmmmf'fmui^'V^m^^^jir^W^/ s .^^ .^«»k jj $c Brown ^j, Doll IS leaving Mark- nn into the Wholesale oa Friday. oa r;i' iai a 5-' s] [business in Toronto, â- " ;-. din" to leave Mark- ' â- loc'cilur J he has entered '^Xo-shiP mth Mr. W. ^nQ\\'S,laUoftlesherton, ^j hrarlical K'atchmaker ' nltr i over i=, years ex- 'â- ;^-^ ^^^i comes K'lih the best L^.-Mations from some of I iC" ivatchmakcrs in the r,/j,,,K'H will carry on the '.. Ill Markdale. â- â- ^jykcmriistedtohimwiU .Un a ivjrhmvilike man- -ork ivill be guaranteed, â- )oodssold will be found itcd, or money refund- TO CONSUMPTIVES. Tlie adyertiaer. having oeen penaanenUv cured ot th-tdread disease, ConaWtion, bv a aimple remedy. U anxious to make knowi to his feUow suffererH the means of cure. To aU whole*ire it. he will send a copT of tbii prescnptiou used, (free of charge.) with be directions for piopairing and using the aune which they will fiQd a sobs Cube for Co«- 8UMPTI0X, Asthma, Bbomchitisv «Sc. Parties wishing be i'resAription, will please adclress. Rev. E. A, Wii«,n, 149 Penn St.. WiUiamsbui^h.N. Y. 75-127 McFftrland Hull want 1,500 cords ttaye boltH foi their factory. Mark* Wm. Aimrtrong nt« building a factory to be run by bteam as a wood turning manufactory. Pioton Agricultural Society are takin" steps towin-d« t le eetablisbment of a chees^ factory. Sensible idea. The burning out of two chimneys on Sat- m.-ay caused quite an exc"temeut for aehort time. No harm done however. Thnc A Tide wait for no man Take .your ^.aicb and have it propetly repaired at DoJl brown's, the jewtUe-s. Markdale. $i. .00 Overcoats for $.5.00. at McFarland's. Sew.irl ILejmonieters became a total weaken Mondfv in Markdale. not being stronc; eror.^h to In i.r the pr«ssuie. Tvoir-fcTi. 1 • I IWi^ cleaied, being composMl of the E. Kay Thomas have gone mto tbe harvest half ot I^t K., in thrsth oonoesaion of the glove manufpcgu ' AQEl^TS WAWTJSD. -Big pay.- Li((ht Werk. Steadv^v^l-nt: L Samples free. Naussau sttee Address, M. New York. BYUN, 46 20 Land for Sale. 1 1" â-  â- â- 'ft Buy It? tiy- A:, Vrighi 1 ptore opp.8ite4j â- iauKhteiinggtxylj Biid will contiuttil dd left fur tl)e DA.Yi toll Brown's, ' vf" Watchmakers Je^veller8, MAEKli.^LE ONLY. Lacal items. [ft^nditioni.f Mr. (iiadstone's health is :i«nuU3 a.'aim. oersand oilie-s desiv'ug a genteel,' lu- tifuucy business, liv which S-t to $20 a bceiniievl, stnd atluresd at once, on wH. (.'â-  W M.Ki.ssoN it Co., iy5 and ,.,iiSai"t, New York. 121-Cm 1I1.E WiNT::P,â€" A. large quantity Lii'uple ill bolts or lops wauttd :ch a .\pply ;oud price will ue paid in tj M. .t W. Armstioug. 1 char'cea of y t-vf-r o'Tered. LoM'tl lipf(,re purcbasiin;| Mimrles of ilitirl .^ jv fite of cka"'f.l ION ItRX â- â- s Uiat e^c;- ?fi "â-  most respeciiblt wn.'hips ofCilen- ;u)d HoUaiid. l)fv« toboUlfirstplac*! â- A so long. rivals d a large consic" will be sold off »«» es We will ftko ntcrstockatpnct*! lesale. K or d .e ClotJS, id CiotliiiJg lianciit of SHOES, •.;;,i,;.| expifss train broke loose at mill liiu down a steep grade, the laud otlier cars rolling down an em- icut. and catching fire were bu'ued. *fL 0; eii;litfcn pe.-.sous were roasted i;!iui the 1UU15. ii .Ui ivrNT. â€" A painful and severe |ti; iXTiv ed on .Afoudiiy to Mr. Koberl ,1111. 1. re. St. Vincent, whe?eby his I'f; I'liiKeii in two places â€" above "'thc kiite. Ht' was ecgaKed chop- I'Jatrei'As it fell glanced f^om an- vd^tiuok Mr. Jarues on tbe leg with â- ihJ rtsiilt. l)r. Maclean attended ':a";fei. Mirror. ' '-uv: IKS,â€" The Sta; ner Sim tiig- |::? fcllcwip'^r .^s the muuicipalitieg to â- !*'liEto a new county â€" "The town- 'liDj, Flo-i, i3Uunid;Je, Nottawasuga, ";oa^dU^pltâ- v, the villaf^e 01 Stayner 'â- "^a of l\'!l;ugwooa;" and of course, "IS act 60 stated, Stayner should je ffitvtuwnl (Jr'lliu is also agitating â- Mccuuty Itself as capital. fli'O A Ykar,â€" One of the iiie United States, the Detroit Post •Mv, m^ert.s an advertisenrent to-day offer their large eight page '-â- 51.1)0 j,(jr year, and as a premium '•'SaUe liouk trtatiua on the horse "-Mt's. Ih.s paper claims to stand ---a.i of tlie K.-t of i^vei American â-  â- â€¢: all dep'R-tuivi:"' of news and '1: i'ntliaeuce Huniple copies are I'";f .4NI. Tr.iia-NE, Ppt;-;;, Mi.L. '«u A,,p.i,i-i., i-RAi. SociF-^v.--Th« "'p".ji!: of ;iie agricultural -ociety of "P»! tuphri^sia was heid atRock- 'â- â- "a'-, lltli ini,.. The following "J Of Cfis ami directors â€" Presi- â- â- â-  -^[tKiiish' Vic(;-;\esident, Mr. ""'i«^!l; bvectors- Messrs. J. D. 'H-Siii.-,o'!,(' K,,lly, J. c.rat- "â- "1, •huu- Aithur, 1). R. Ellis, •^ a-id JniiHS }ryles. Auditorsâ€" •\" ".:.l u Clark. Secretary " "' "â- - r. 'Jjerc-rombie. " '1 V- r)ooH Factory. â€" â- 'â- 'â- 'â- â€¢ "-taMishea eight vears. It !? """ ioiitli of the railway -1- itveet. and is driven and "ciiu. (If ip^y y^ara the proprie- â- "â- ^'"e».l has â-  â- -S liiml. ar ;ig. Tijey took o-iiesforovtr t-30() worth in iwo dnys last week. Mofiat Bros' are making a specialty of tbe manufacturj of steam engines, (about 10 horse power.) Tbpy arefi^st class machinists, and the-r wo?k gives good satisfaction. Ladies Fine Wool Squares, only 50 cents each, at McFarland's. A public auction sale will take place at the Revere House, on Saturday, the 27th. at one o'clock, when Stock, Imule-ients, Carnages, Buffalo Robes, Harness ic, c., will be sold without reserve. See bills: Geo. Noble.Auc tioneer. The cold snap of this week has been gen- eral, the thermometer ranging from zero to 21 below, while a gale of wind prevailed throughout Ontario. In Winnipeg the ther- monieter langed from 40 to 4.G below zero for three daj-s without wind. An item in our Prioevillc corresponden»ie last week savors of slander on the character of a wo tby and respected citizen of that village. We hope our corespondent did not intend injuring the personal interests of the gentle- man, as the language used wouli lead one to suppose. Accordirg to the repcrt of the minutes of Proton council, the newly elected Reeve re- fused to take the necessary declaration of qualificatiou, hence a new Action will be necessary. It is an imptosition on a town- ship for a man to seek an office for which he cannot qualify. Mr. Wm. McLoughery has just finished getting out timber fcr a bank barn i2x70, the stone work of which he built last season. W. G. Richards, builder and coutractor, has the contract for the erection of the above. Township of Euphrasia. Apply at this office.. or to RoBEBT DuNLop, Township Clerk of Euphrasia, Griersville P. O. 117-tf. Just Arrived! A LARGE STOCK OP NEW AND FASHIONABS Boots and Shoes, NEW QROCERIES, At prices which will astouish you. Call and see. Be-Fresh-ing In tbe eool rkssenlon of Bome people th^t they can seQ Ixduw eost, c it may not be amiss to let the public ot Markdale and sur- rooitdinf eoontry know that "VVilHon Benson, .if tbe "BELFAST HOUSE." MARKDALE, can Be]l ' cheaper than the cheapest," and "better than the bett," aU kinds of Groceries, Liquors, c. Consisting of TEAS, TOBACCOS, SPICES. CANNED FISH. ETC., And for those wishing pure Wine for a«o- ramental purposes, will finds brand that will equal anything on this side tbe Atlantic. Other Liquors equally pure. SpscuxI Pure Holland Gin. Cheese from the best manufactories. Our Whiskiec are from the firm of Good- erham A Worts, Toronto, asd tbe public may rely on receiving them as they are sent. FLOUR. POTATOES, and everything in the household hue kept constantly on baud. Henceforth my Store will be suppUed with Fruits of all kinds, such as APPLES. PEARS, PLUMS, Ac. FRUIT CAKES of all kinds always kept on hand. Essences, Hair Oils, and Perfumery of the choicest nectars. TOILET FANCY SOAPS, better than the best. CANADIAN A WESTERN PORK, of first quality. Everything in the Grocery Line kept on a fuller and more complete t-cale than at any other place in Markdal'*. WILSON BENSON. MARKDALE Meat Market. A constant anpfdy of Fresh IVIeat* on hand, at the Lo-weHl Living Prices. Orders solicited, and deiiv ered free lo all parts of the Town. Farmers having fat stcck to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale March 23. 1882. 80-1t Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs or any kind of Fowl at the Cheap Stobe. JOHN DOUPE. Fleshertou Stnfion. Nov. 16th, 1882. lli-Sic. Health is Wealth! Dr. E. C. West's Nebve and Brain Treat- ment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neu- ralgia, Headach" Nervous Prostration caus- ed bv the Use of alcohol or tobacco. Wake- fulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Braiu, resulting ii Insanity and leading to mLsciy, decay and death. Premature Old Age which is a sufficient guaran:ee that a good j jjarr euncbs, Loss of Power m either sex, iob will be done, as Richtrds cannot be ex- 1 Involuntary losses and Spermatorrhcca, I caused by overexertion of the brain, self- '^®^^^- I abuse 01" overindulgence. One box will The cable despatches this morning convey eu e recent cases. Each box contains one PIMPLES. I wUl mail (Free) the recipe for a simple Yeobtablk Balh that wdl remove Tan- FBECKLKS, PIMPLES and Blotches, leave ing the skin soft, clear and beautiful aUo instruction* for producing a lux.iriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Ad- dresx, enclosing a 3c. stamp, Ben. Vandelf A Co.. 5 Beekman st.. N. Y. 76127 ERRORS OK YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for yi^ars from NERVOUS DEBILITY, PREMA- TURE DECAY, and all the effects of youth- ful indiscretion will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe md directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing tc profit by tbe advertiser's experi- ence can do so by addressing in perfect confi- dence, JOHN B. OGDEN. 75-127 42 Cedar St.. New York. SEEING ISBELIEYING. GENTLEMEN.â€" If Tou want a first-class Buggie or Wagon call at MGKENNA MAtON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can supply you with anything from a Lumber Wagon up to Exiension Tod Phaeton. To buy from them is to SAVE M:o]VE^ir! Gold F^. iht news ol the loss of the steamer Ciinbria, Hambnigfor New York, which was suuk in collision duruig a fog in tha North Sea on Friday morning. Thrte hundred persons are reported lost, the majority bemg German emigrants fcr Canada and the United States. Numerous other disasters at s.a are report- ed. Mr. Doll is making preparations for a monster carnival on Tuesday, the 30th inst, when over J40 will be given in prizes. Mr. W. J. Crane, of Owtn Sound, is expected to give an exb'bition on the ice tbe same even- ing. Good music will be provided and a jolly time is expected. Admission loots. Maskers free. The ice open to all after 9 o'llock. At the kst meeting of the Roynl Scarlet diopter of Artemesia. held in the lodge room of L. O. L. No. 429. Bro. T. H. Fb-th, W. M., of L O. L. No. 429, and Bro. J. Blakely, W. M. of L. 0. L. No. 234, were raised to the exalted degree and took their places as Juni- or Knights. The following Sir Knights are the ..ffictrs oftbis Chapter for the year 1883: James Brodie. W. C. C; W. Wri.jht. E C. C; John Hales, Chap.; Thos Elliott, C. Scribe Wm. Rutledge. C. Tieas.; .T. Field, bir H. Knight at Arms; T H. Firth, I. H.; A. Row, 0. H. Black Creek Grasg.i No 786.â€" The follow- ing is the list of Officers for the year 1883 â€" Wm. Glencross, Master; Wm. William- son, Overseer (Jeo. Lamb, Secretary T. Towusend, Tieasurer Wm. Sparrow. Lec- turer Thos. Murray, Chaplain A ch. Mc- dougad, Stewart Thos. Sack. Ast. Stewart John BeU. Gate Keoper Mrs. T.'ios. Murray, JoUn Bell, 3?^ora Mrs G. A. Ste- moutli's treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for liye dollars sent by mail pre- paid OH receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order re- ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser a written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar- antees issued only by A. Turner Co.. solt authorized Agent for Markdale Ont. JohK C. West ACo. sole proprietor.Toronto.Ont. J. W. FORD. Great cnance to make money. Those who â-¡ always take advantage of ti.e good chances for making money that are offered, generally become wealthy, whil^ those who do not improve such chances re- main in pverty. We wart many men, wo men, boys and gu-ls to work for us right in their own localities. Any one can do the work properly from the first start. The bus- iness will par more than ten times ordinary wages. Expensive outfit furnished free. No one who engages fails to make money rapidly You can devote your whole time in the wark, or only your spare moments. Full informa- tion and all that is needed sent free. Addres. Stinsox fc Co., Portland Mame. 71-126 They are both practical workmen, and employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN They guarantee their work Seoond to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. They use nothing but First-class White Oak for Wag^ms, and thiice Extra Second Growth Hickory for light work. The immense amount of work turned out of McKenna Mason's shop is snfficien proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. The BEST is thr CHEAPEST ni the ENI Poor cheap work we positively will not take. Special attention given to- Re-Trimming and Repainting all classes of Carriage Work. Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pay) in HORSESHOEING HHOPâ€" On Mill Street opposite tj- Sproule's Hotel. McKEN NA M ASOlSr. MAN HOOD Ml MARKDALE A Sons. '^^ JJ they w"" LE rec^ ived bis chief sup- I'lom tbe North Shore. '" Diaiiufacturtd, dressed and "" "' "^^' tv.euty thousand feet ' 'â- ^^si.ies over eijjhty thousand feet "rk, aud manufactured •^o-:«ud sLiugks, ';-^« cotuing reason mne i«i b*-^- He has now lfc/l""'°' "'" ^^e^" 'ir»-e linn- ' large quantity of 'â-  seasoned, and his 'Ee cutiinfT at the rate of ten V^i: day. Lath is also in largu ^*"0U to â- "^^11 """ 'Jiautities. From a of the business and Ws, "' '""' '^^- ^cNe* has """' wh.cii is a credit to the FliOU LS Pomona Mrs, Lamb, Ceres Mrs. James Bell, L. wart. Angus Mclnnis, Geo. Stoddart. and John Duncan to be E^. Committee. Wm. Glencross, Geo. Lamb, and Thos. Townsend delegates to Division Grange. Men's Heavy Undershirts 40 cents, at Mc- Farland's. WHAT THEY AKE SAYING. I'm head and shoulders above aU my com- petitors m bussness- W. J. McF. We're the bankiupt kuigsâ€" Trimble "Wright. T »c t I'm all their daddies at baking--J. Mont- gomeiy. Lay it their again, me boy-J. Bichards. I cant understand why so many are stopp- ing thejT paperâ€" Ed. Advatiee. I'm the biggest bankrupt l^-WJham Wiigbt, Flesherton. Markdale is the smartest place we Ptnte â€"Commercial Travellers. The Stxndibd is a creOit to the phwse- The People. ;r HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED /^^^~^i\ We have recently published a new f SKAL jedition of Dr. Culvbbwecl's Celk- ^â- ^^^Y^^BBATED Eg*tAT ou the radical and permanent cure (without medicine) of Ner- vous Debility. Mental and Physical incapaci- ty. Impediments to Marriage, c., resulting from excesses. taT' Price, in sealed envelope, only 6 cents, or two postage stamps. Tbe celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from thirty years' sueeessful practice, that alarming con- sequences may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicines or the use of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himscU cheaply, privately and radicaUy. CB^This Lecture should be in the hands of ever youth and every man in the land. .\iiJrftKS To Ouiverwell iedlcal Co.. P.O. box 450 41 Ann SU, New Fork JNO. ^OSJTGQSiE T ^V Iv 1 W Beg. to tender bis tlianks to the i^^^'^j^^ of Markdale and ^urroanding =au-a.y for past patromige.and lo intimate -o^^^^^' he is prepared to supply the pubx.c «ith Fruit, Pound and PSum Oaks eitber plom or ired and omamented. Also BrideV'ljakes got up in the W style th.t can be done this iide of loionto. Bread, Buns and Cakes! •„,.««. t variety. All these are manufactured ^nC owrpimises bv hunself, besides Bi- ::it of eTery'deM^iption from the best ma- ufacturers xn Ontario. CHOICEST CONFECTIONERy • .,r«t variety. T» Mee irgs. Social^«. and "^W^*^ supplied on the shortest notic- "'LT^n t^e '^most rea ouable terms. JOHN MONTGOMERY. Markdale. Nov. 22i:d. 1882. n^-^ S500 Reward We will p»y tiie above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyf^ptpsia, Sick Head- ache, Indigestion. Constipation or Costive- ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pill*, when tbe directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satinlaction. Suiiar (boated, fiarge Boxes, containing 30 Pills, 25 cts. For sale by all Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and immitations. The genu- ine manufactured only by JOHN C. WEST iSc CO., '-ThePill Makers," 81 83 Kmg St., Toronto. Ont. Free trial package sent by maU prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. I'or sale at Turner kCo. Drug Store. Motheral Mothers! Mothers 1 Are yon disturbed at ni^ht and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excmciatinff pain of cutting teeth! If so go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediatelyâ€" deueud upon it there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother upon earth who has eyer osed it, who will not tell yoo at onoe that it will regulate the bowels, and giye rebt to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating like magie. It is perfectly safe to^se in idl cases, and pleasant to the taste, imdis the prAseription of one of the ol- dut and b««t fsmale physicians and nurses i» the Um»^ SUtes. Bwld eveiywhore at i,MaL a bottle. THOS. MATHEWS, ml Eslailisksul MARKDALS. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEFC ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNE CTIO N. Auction Sale OF VALUABLE. Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a mortgage made by Richard Taylor, default having been male in pay- ment thereof, will be sold by public aiicticn at Tuck's Hotel, Village of Maxwell, on THUR8DAY.FEBRUARYTHE18T, 1883 at 1 o'clock p. m., the following property Lots Nos. 18 and 19 in thft 7th Concession of Osprey, County of Grey. About ItK) acres cleared and in a fair state of cultivation, balance of 100 acres tiiubcrod wiih hard- wood. The above property is well situated as to roads and markets, being on gravel road, au'l I and one-half miles from Max^ well, f be above property is well watered good buildings yonng orchard, and in a very desiiable locahty. Tebms. â€" The purchaser fhall p*y a de- posit of 5300 At the time of sale, the bahiuce of one-third of the oureba^e money in tw»s weeks thereafter the remaiaing two-thira*., in cash or seeured by a mmtgAge payable m from one to fivti yeais at tiio option*. pnrchaiier For fnribei particulars, apply te CKEBAB fe MUXt;. TondoTd' Soliolton, HamfltouA l i tl 1 r I i â- Â» I' » ,. J fi V i hi ' 5 »

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