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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Jan 1883, p. 1

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 lOL. S.-^o. 20. rYTHUR^^DAY EVENING. ^, Mftrkaulo Ontario. p^i« Vnumn IS' vnv\NcK C. W. RJTLED6E. K'lir in PnoPRiBTOR. MARKDALE, ONT., JAN. 25, 1883. No. 124. lfti*ceUsni««M. ^1 ,S;,iilT itt'.veii ALL to. I^esi- 'J.nuul. 122-35 iG^ent.M.D, .vl. ^.C P; S., O. .^\.ol' Uriiver-itv. V;ct. Gol ege. Xiiw York, iiud a.luate.of t'-o ,iuis A.v!:!:li v(edi?al Institute. Ot.tii "irail berCni Phv. linio Hospital, NY. n ic Snri.'co"s,0. If^4 ' ^sii-l. Knight, I it'jEUNS, â- ioii anil Go's Drug .\ SOUND t 1 the preservation of • al Dentures raount- :GoiJ, Celhiloi.l. ami Ruliber bases. filkut MurkJ.ilo the last Tuesday in tniDiitli. K-„n.r.iii, M D..ct C. F. Knit^ht, L.D.S. f p V •. (rliisgow, Medalist Royal Col- I LD S.. O'lt. lt';e Den. Sur.,Ont lameron UiiNT .L I .,ver D. A. '« PoilettSt ,0 3:;.fiitioii(,'ivi^;i iinriUeetii. Vrli Markdale Hotel. Good Aoe«MniBodation for TrAvellen. 'Bni to aud from aU trains. Charges moderate Markdaie. A. BvTuwos. Pbop. COMMERCIAL hotel' PRICEVIIjLiB, Ont. L«rge aud commodioas Sampk Booms Good Bed itoouis, *c. The Bar and larde well sauplietl witL the best the market af fords good Stabling andatientiYe Ho.stler's THUS. ATKINSON. Proprietor John Mcbonaidi CH\TSWORTti, DIVISION Court Clerk. Issuer of Mar- riaKe LiceuseH, Commissioner in B.B., Conveyaueer, e. Deedrf, Mortgages, Wiils, e. attended to promptly, accurately, neat- ly, and cheaply. Private funds to It-nd in small sums ou easy terms. Notes discuuated AllUL* ^•^ [p MARSHALL, L.D.S. DE\TIST, BinU.lTE OF TOUONTO SCHOOL 1 D.'iiti-try, will be at Rutledge's Mirkdile, on tlie third Wedu"sdav of (month f(irthfi praclicd of his profe'siou. Urv'jth, IS-S. 12»tf CcQal. Frost ft ri-o«t, IVltlUS rKU.S, AND ' ATTORNF,YS-AT Law, Sol citors in Chancery. Convey itrj.iVc, Owen Sound, have resumed at ittiDU, Office open t-very Thursday, as iifore. IrnsB Fbost, J. W Fbobt, LL. B. iloanty Crown Attorney. 1 DiESlSTER, MASTER ANDDEP. REG I in Chincery, Notary Public, Conveyan iit. iD.NEYTOLliNP AT SIX PER CENT. -Owen Sounil. in Vicker's Block ^t St.; Slid in 2ilarkdale, over MeFar Store, on Friday and Saturday every 57 .ly MISS LAMB, Ditf:S»$.nEAM.ER. UPSTAIRS IN I oiiglas' Block. Satisfaction guaran- teed, enlarges moderate. Markdale, Nov. »oth. 1882. ll4-3in. B. n. Calbi*aitb 4 UCTIONEER AND GENERAL LAND j\. Agent, William^ford Station. Auction Sales attended in all parts of the County. Good.s sold on eommissiou. Bulesi moderate. Piauos, Organs, and Swing Machinen; also Fruit and Oruameutal Trees. Vines. Agricul- tural ImplemeuntB, and Machinery of all Vindx ou sale. Wiliiamsford. Jan. 27. 1881. T. E. DATlti. BUILDER CONTRACTOR, (Stone and lirick). After completing 13 buildings his season is still on the track and is still prepared to do all kinds of stone and brick work, plastering and tuck pointing. Those who contemplate building wiH find it to their advautage to give him a call. Residence corner of Brown and Sproale Stetes. Maskdai:.!. 16-t SOBT. ASKI]S, Has opened out a First-GIass Furniture AMO UNDERTKING ESTABLISHMENT. And thereture has supphAd a want long felt, especially in the Undertaking Line. COFFINS, CiSEETS, SHROUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNISNINeS, supplied on the shortes notice. Best BOW before the pofalie. Tea em make money faster at woik for vatliah M auytkvug else. Capital not neei- wtt- W«willatar^9oa. flSa dayaad np- ward*! made at homtfby the indiutrioos. Men, women, bc^s and giils wmted evtrywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Tton can work in spare time orly or give yoor witole time to the bunness. Yoo can live at home and do the work. No other business will pay you nearly as well. Ne one ean fail to make en- ormons pay by «npaciiig at onee. Costly ratfit aiid terms frae. Money made fast, easUy aud honorably. Address T»uk Co., Angugta, Maine. 71-126 A. Splendid Hearse tor hire at moderate rates. MISS WELSH, Dress Maatlemaker. Charges moderate. Satisfaction guarante%d. Hill's Block, Sydenham street. Maikdala, Nov. 6th, 1832. llS-l-se rSSUBR OF MABUGEIJGENBBS,k« Commissioner in B. K. Ste. Conveyancing in all its branchas promptly attended to and carefully exaented. M. B.â€" MoB^ to Lead on Seal Btt*t« m earity. PURNITUKE! From the Common to the Best and Lattst Stylet, in everything in the Une. Call and see for yourselves. ROBT. ASKIN. BEST AND gOMFOET to thk SUFFERING BrowM's^HMiseliold Panacea has no ei^nal for reUeviug pain, both inter- nal and external. It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sore Tlm^at, Rheumatism, Toothache, Lumbago and any kind of a Pain or Ache. "It will most surely quicken the Blood and heal, as its acting power is won- deriul." " Brown's Household Panacea," being acknowledged as the great Pain Rehev- er. and of double the strength of any other Klixer or Liniment in the world, should he la every family handy for use wben wanted "as it really is the best remedy in the woi'd for Oramps in the Stomach, and Pains aud Ache« of all kinds," and is for sale by all Drugffists at 25 cents a bottle. 75-127 ioMonmo itwe. niTBBVBTIMO ITEMS 04TREBKD FBOM OUR IXCHAMOES AND OTBSBWIHE FOB THK B£AIEB8 ur TBS **8TANrARD.' ^ir. B. Q. StijKun, uf this V)llh;;6, has rented hid biack»iini'h i^hop lu Hr. Thos. Morrison, Mud :."„ t; to re^de on a farm receutty purobuHed i y tiiui oq the 9tli lii.e uf KuphraAi^i, tiirvo miles Irom MurkdHle. Prior to Mr. bdu- sou's dcMartiire, the hieihreu f L. 0. L. No. 899, Eppiug. tesiitied t" tlio e teem in which he is he-d b; t.^iiiiii him to any uyste. supji lias the giK)d wiali»'s ^if tue ueighborhoud in his aew horn ei I t.f;r â- r. Ho W u le Creasordr ITInriisoa« )iBRl ...s.SOLICITOBS.CGNVBY- mm, ie. e. I in Owen Sound, Duflerin Block, '" K. Wolf's Store and in ^^ MARKDALE; '"â- J, Mctarland's St«re on Thursday «Prid«yo(eaeh week, ^fundstolen.lon reasonable terms. ' Cbusor, Q. G DUKCAJJ MoBIiOK Je, March 15, 1882. 79-lT Alexander Broiira. We of Marriage Licenses, Fire and lie Iu.surance "Vgent. Commissionei • c. Conveyancer and Licensed Waeer for the County of Grey. Farmers, "' and Land Sales, Punctually at- ' to and charges made verv moderate. [Seville, Sept, 17.1 8R0. ' 1-V l^ H. CAMPAIGNE, SENSED Auctioneer for the County of "y- Siiles attuuiled in town or couu- ' "â- * sWti'st notice. Charges reason- "'Irftattbe Stakdabd office will- re- •"f'"Bptatt.::ition. 117-3m Cictdd. SEVERE HOTEL, â- SPROULE, Proprietor. " a large ad- '^now LOYIL lUinALE LONE; Of C. d. O. p. No. 78. wffl meet in their h^l on Monday aTening. o'clock m, 108 Feb fith, at eight \r. L. TOUNG, Sec'y. EUGENIA Grist, SawandLathMifls Having made eqtonsive improvements m my Oriat Mill I feel confident I can give good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND. estopping Done Every Day. Custom Sawing and BUls Filled on the shortect notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Bnt.omut, White Ash Blao.A sii Ba8sWc;od, Pine and Hemlock Logs wanted 691y. M. AKLTT,. Eugenia. Union Carriage Works. All work manufactured from First Cuss Miterml In the Latest and Best Improved Style, and ficishcd with Piiiiliig I TTinning Rige will reoeive prompt attention. All Bepairs executed ia tke shortest possible time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Bemember the Shop, opposite the Cheaptide D. J. SHANAHAN, Markdale. Dee. 2nd. 1881. Proprietor. 64. HAIR CUTTING AND SHAVING J3y rr. I Smith, Razors, straps, and Shaving Brushes for Razors sharpened. 1^" Orders filled *or Tomb Stones. EARS FOR I MILLION K'^OO CHOO'S BALSAM OF SUAEH'S Jj OIL positively llestcres the Hearixig,' and is the Only Absolute Cure for Deafness known. This Oil )e abstracted from pcciihar .species of small Whito Shark, caught in the Yellow Sea, known as Cabcbarouon Ronde- LETii. Every Chinese fisherman knows it. Its virtues as a restorative of heaving were discovered by a Buddhist Pr est were dis- covered about the year 1410. Its cures wei-e 80 numerous, and many so seemingly mir aculons, that the remedy was officially pro- claimed over the entire Empire. Its use became so universal, that for ovei 300 years no Deafness ha* existed among the Chinese people. Sent, charges prepaid, to anv ad- dress at Jl.OO per bottle. Hear what the Deaf say It has performed a miracle in my case. I have no unearthly noises in my head, and hear much better. I have been greatly benefited. My deafness helped a great deal â€" think ano- ther bottle will cure me. Its virtue Bare unquestionable and its cura- tive character absolute, as the writer can per- sonally testify, both from experience and ob- servation. Write at once to Hayloek and Jmmwj, 7 Dey Street. New York, melesing 91 and yon will receive by return a remedy that will enable yon to hear like anybody 6lso,and whose curative effects will be peimuient. You will never regret doing su." â€" Editos or Mbbcantile Bsmw. â- 3'To avoid los in the mails, please send money by Begintered Letter. Only unported by HAYLOCK A JENNEY, late Hayloek Co.. Sole Ageata for Araeriea. 7 De t St New Yobk 9S-14 PROPERTIES For SALE Ol outh half of Lot 5, eon. $66i P""il.r Jotel has """ a.l,l,.d to it, thorouKuly refitted, I ,, ,. second to none m the county. stabhn^ and li^f, ,â€" 'I'ti^ntive ostler. First ^/omniodation for commercial travel ' I'er day. Barber's shop in connec- '^TS WORTH HOUSE ILATE MORROW HOUBK,) /^HATswouth, Ont. •»OT?trJf?d leaving purchased the ^tedaSTfnl-^"^^^ it thoroughly ?othpr nev r add to '"S'tf\ir"""i i-espectfuUy sohcit the â- ^^Umort '"' 'generally. The beet '"Seal \1 1 *°" "^•' always in stoeK. • Good siw^"^rt'We f-^m" t^*^^' "'Hii^^t I" " attentive hostler. "85^-^. Prop. 114, »na refurnished throughout beside ^e V improvements, which will »ne comfort and convenieaee would a week in your own town. 95 outfit fiee. No nsk. new. Capital noi require:. We wiU furnish J^^ fj^ thing. Mariy are making fortunes. L-idies make as much as men, ami bovs and gir « make great pay. Reader, if yeu want a busi^ nets at which yoa can make great pay aU the time you work, write '«r ,P*r""^*'%V iS Haixbtt a Co Porthm.l, Mame. 1^ ^^ JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GEHER'LBLACKSMITH HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. ""WElflcasTCoT BANKERS, DISCOVERY! L06T •«*«MO«Oi«HI2f5IL. To all whoaw •«»««^ ^^LS! !!!£ «d in^-^tioo. o» y~"»;JX3f S5 iiif. Stmtum Money l^oanod IN 1 .ig« or small amounts, at aU times, ^n good indorsed seciuiv/. 2 outh half of Lot 5, eon. 9, Euphrasia, containing 1«0 acres, 4 ncre' clearetl balance good hardwood, bash 8i..nated 4 miles from Markdale lo good road; al^o a village lot with eomfortabla house thereon.on Mill Htreet, Markdale. For foi-ther particu- lars apply to G. 8. B wes or Wm Armstrong executors of the estate of late Mark Arm strong Erq. 122-124 WARNING There is great danger of tak- ing cold from wet feet If you want to Guard Against Sickness! t Flesherton. Mr. Roijer Lovor 1ms puri'iased Mr. Wm. Culleii'8 la;m for $8,00). Mr. M. Ricliards»i uit'iid- b il ling !i brick block on the c ruLi- w:i-"e the Drug Store stands. liAST GbEY AoRICULTLRAL boclKTY, â€" Tue above Bocitiy nut m tl*i^..Ti\vu Hull, Flesherton, yesterday, VVediies- liay afteruoou. There a t.^ir at- tendance. Some matter of purucnlar mterost to the ianuing capmiinity were discussed in a very able manner. The question of most importauCf (in our opiuioh) discusced at the Kieetiug, WHS that m reference to the ailvisalility of farmers changing their sei^d grain perioilicHlly, aud the best metnud of accomplishing so desirable an end. The matter was discussed very tbor* oiighiy by Messrs. T. Kells. R. J. Sproule, S. Damude, J. Abbott and others. A motion by the piesideut, Mr. ThoR. Kells, seconded by Mr M. Akitt, instructing tl'e secretary to correspond n ith the secretaries of the various Aiiricultural Societies in Sau- geen District, asking them to cc- iper- ate with tliis (East Grey) Society in en- deavoring to obiaiu astiistance from the Guvernmenl to introduee seed grain in large quantities into tbe lo- calities iuterexted, aud dispose of it in the usual manner, was put and cariied unauimcu^r- la oui opinioa^ the Society deserves great credit for their prompt action lu this important queition. Thousands of doHart are aunaaly lost iu the oonnty, through the inability of a great number of Che farmers to cbanse their leeJ. Suggestions for certain chaises in the piize list were then trade, winch will no doubt meet with due consider- ation at the bands of the directors. The following were elected officers of the said societT for current ypar â€" Th .s. Kells. President J. Abb«.tt, Vice President D. R. Ellis. 2nd Vice President R. J. Sproule, J. I. Gra- liam. Auditors. S. Damude, Geo. Wright, J. Cameron. R. Oliver. R. Ruthven, S. Stocks. A. Munshaw, T. Ellis, A. McGirr, Diiectois. Ac a lucetnig of the Direct«)r8, Mr. 8. Da' mn.le was re-electutl Sec. Treasurer. A better man it would be hard to find â€" Adtance. Keep your feet dry ami warm by procuring your BOO'TS KAY THOMAS. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Med- icated Cork 8iles, all siaes. kept t-n hand, liemembrr the pKee opposite the new Statijabd Office. 4? notes, or on collateral GEORGE WILSOi Wholesale and Retail WTEREST AT 6 PER CEMT. AUowed OB Savings Deposits. ^-Drafts issued and Collections ma«ie on points, at lowest ratea September 23. 1880. LUCAS, Manager. Sir IVOTIOE. PABENTS AND «JAM)IAS80P CTII^ " will confer a vor upon me at^ b-nefit^emsdres if they would "rfo™» *^ Sen that I will not ifflow wy one nnder 10 year. HOGAN, Proprietor, Markdale, Jan. J Sfli. 1885. BUTCHER! BEEP. FORK OB MUTTON SUPPLIED, from a single poand to a whole carcass, at the lowest market prices. fm A fflWl m THEIK SEASON Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of wOI do well to call at No. 9 Bnma' Blodc, opposite the new Union Wo«A. MariHiale. Oet.SStb. 1881 ChatsMTorth. A few moruiags ago one of the rail' way train' ran over a fox a sh'rt ilis- tuuce north of the station. A fox should have been too cuuuing for that. At the anuaai meetiu;^ of the Hol- laiJ Ariricuituial 8iciety ou Tiinrs- day last the f llowiug gentlemen were elected officers for the ensumg year Presideut. John Murqnis Vice, W. Ri biuson Directors, John Cameron, James Gaibraith, A. McArthnr, W. Foster, Johr Deavitt, W. Norton, G. Lee, Dan. Taylor; Sec. Treas., W. G. Murray Auuit'rs, John McDonald, aud Alexrtuder Campbell. The audi- tors report showed some $13 on hand. It was decided to limit the show to members of the towubhip aud exclude This step is bemg vari ously ciitiolsed, and is by no meant* appri'Ved of in tliis section of the township. It will certainly injure the hhow, which haa always been looked Ou as one of the best in tue oounfy, and if the object of the chancre is to remove it to Holland Centre, ae it would appeiu: to be,4k9ee ia reason to fear that it will ki}l it oat altogether. 'X-' â- ' 1 1 Wi' 1: !â-  '.H^iii 1- '1 m !!iKi-Hi -^;

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