â- .,'l?S^!l 'â- â- ' •S'l^S^'^Sw? 'i\A'«?*;^B^-^!aii«! JKH. ^flgsP^HI mmmm^m. •H?»W ^^flff^i^"iifgp â- â- -in theerer. " theit; open ,5 e nation nn,^ and forhine. iitrial, and mt.-. â- Js to attain die- But fortune vfi iuction byhaaftrj. itrong heroic to- :al to theachieye. erve and "grif ;he b£»ttle of Jrfe. have faith m fc his ability. •eporter last evea. r.others exhibiteti t in the eele^ica children. "QBe 3," be conttniad. of shoes on it that know what tlut arry for the baby, hort dres.s, ani ad aut having its feet ty that I'm gm» larger than tke at least I get it 1 iit £, foot operat. power. Ttiw I 10 foL- results. I: be Indignant aad tiio 'treasure* ta They muit fi: :hein. I insLsttiut \\ the foot out a; lid that the 8k«« 3 again I gije ap its. The footij and the baby pr*- le seraph is teeti- id its usual oa;, roas!}' yhile de- lovelv' and tliat b'I be becan»tk«l road to stand ttM les axe preferred W I freer deuelopa*"' I [-.eel, v;hichw»siB- I ago, is worn « I ;-!id has recflnWl lain r heir teens.!* I ithei inserted b«-| t part oftb«s»c«l Bel. It is Bel**! 3 ij made wit*' f on the coai»J«l These and ♦•'I top than has b«*j kbout baby «'««'• oat of bat'y^ dtekidandp^ or cf the little ks^ ^jt«lBS- n« TfBieo ykrlllc on the 3l5t inat. mnciP^"f^fit .onthao^t ^S IK A_ ,_ MINUTES spapfr " oXF««iRn.Dome«#, and .Concise. P tHy PCME.STIC. â- baenciveu of 7* mpplic^p^; i«"'f inion I'drliament at thfi nextfeS' H«l:V-..;v»te bills I'cntion ""Ifcoa'vcntion of the'^tera, *°" A3--^r.ciation wiU be opened at i* as ij a disgrace to any city â- (O ploy of Kingston, gives is a hool ^is a cockins school teachers. main in Kui^ton.A Many birds wero tlaug^s of the sport8losli largfe '.eiii!' ebtc nncction afoot by a number of to build a new City \rith the new court- nroilli lost (.â- lit ycung Kis II, Winnipeg S:kVi:iO. stoniau has been re-il estate, and creral citieens will suf- I rv. -.r-n r .1 uay cr two ago that Mr. C ' â- .- wm liktiy to bKCome general 'â- ' .v,^{' V K. was not without u^ei' -â- Gorniaii, tlie wed-known .G. __ ;ibaltl I J. conductor, L,;j Victoria I'.i iKi'^ilicieDt i- was t!irown from a train lire rojfutly, and is in a ciii.ti)^ of metallic ore t if tiie Okndover mine, weighs 1,200 iarge piece 'i 'o York forger, has re- laniicr determination and re- i .:' rgl U S ,I,i Yriat.-'.rily to New Vork with the l!?:-r kill.. ;,vH I rem itatc.l rv;ti;;it! 'lO' .^Io^creal. that the royal commission ia:; the nianagenr.ont of the 11 lloatreal is hi-- -.a'.ti ai'uut cxtrav inning to ijrant ex- i'.r-5 at jletlakatia cause 3 there is 110 British- this fetation. The Brit- ioraUi; alrn:! i,,.ci'.wir :iOH' oa fro';-.n;liia Government have notified the â- c(i j:iti.'3 (iovtvnment. lir.sn. rian-.el Piq-rant on the Kingston j'.aiiway, was carrying a ;,'c from a box to the hole to be placed when it ex- if IW'j cti !iis fingers and it V,'., Itr.Ti ' CN tiV' :Tr.i' ^T.vTES. fr.uitin:,' treasurer of Teune :rc:r/iV:-;a in custodj" );icy ihopi were raided in Tl 'â- paraphernalia was seii;- liii Maine, New Hampshire 'Z cnor.s loss ami .1 dis- 5tn-irary Iot-HaI di.'l lii.-!. ':i is 0)1 I'^-jt W" |;;,ti'i navig:i;;lc ;:^r ';: :t«.niy ?;n;lr_rr. lAK'iiro lih a very :qsik" was recently t"L.i Xo ii;t?;ingc. r;u:.idnit has sii;i;cd irivon the Baptist theo- J,',â- ^^•i^bur" a handred ciidering the Mis- ;tu steamers at a. sharp and litsry felt, ^lasting live u 'J \, the bill pcr- Caiiadian farm- in the United \V, 1: X. Y. â- jvdav iicst-ctfice was iiivrht and sever- :ii '.!:' i: M.l.uill '-!;cricprc;c'.itativc 'â- Bep:rcha?c of the \kui, for .?1.-,UOO. 'â- :E(-'iii;aco and x\l -fc-2jiu conductors, r-.or.ey and stamps l; coianiittes of the • lias agreed to a biil '"Uoc in which Lin- in Railroad is dis- It is claimed they third 'b;fn giving the company only a â- â- ' a^;i urcs collected. CEXEKAL, '".erprc\ails in Sumatra. â- :«ayo iias r.iit v.ith a cold reception f 3 aa c!ii J,=. Erit:/:i banjue Astoria, " Captain pcc'n,]^ has been bi-.rued at Pisagua. 'ili'-ic-l Kjncr.s, the distinguished i'-yv (.ffij.r and publicist, is dead. "â- :â- ' viHa-? of Patabaza, in Ger- '" 'Ci.: wa^^hed away by the floods. alio'i-h the suppression of news- ;-.' :;?n;R5ioa the iiighcst press 'â- •" I"i into iiie rise and pro- â- i •.::; in Trance will be demand- 5n Will UiC- ^teamur Ionic, r â- afe'v lauDched f the White at Belfast 'oriurts 1; â- ^â- ^S^ftsius-ospon. /w;e;i. â- i;"v Spanish Mini; "i-"Ms intention of r'"w' women. teP°°'^«°ioftn. -mediately for the to the request of ter (if Justice an- al)olishing the ex- Timcs foreshadows Krazza on Ci,„^"'^^°'^^-a"ItvandD piri" '^^'P^^^ch intimates that the O' k T V^^ ^° appointed Under Sec- •^ -Of Ireland. ' ^j^/°^'y ""-â- n has beca arresteti at 5'i"n-,"f^ """" provided with arms '/{•„,? highway robbery. fW^f '^^ "â- 't^onl-iei are ignorant of Krtedducoveryof two men of the ar- (^â- ntioDsd in the letter of the "St. r 1 â- iSkiiij'"' '"' '""o'^ish controller-gener- â- • • ^niste;Q, private secretary to lave resigned, aad the Khe- 'lir«' 'P'-^' their resismation^. â- 'VCOrrcc,».._ 1 aga'n progress- I'^accep 'Jr. Eg; iher.""-,^^^ ^^^ *^«" Pigott con- ' that noo f^" "^^"' ^l- ^^«°" ifor. ' " have not been ac- ' £?£°°' r^etary of the Organ- -X f °^ ^^^ National Lealne. ' **»m!)-ffl "'^^"'S has been sentenc- â- "^i^ths miprisonment. yers. Not a bill pf any^pSSnceW-T: ne ha^ a law passed to fit it. If a sartijul^ am an obstruct*^ to eome big cL^^'j^ w^lloTiBfcrit«p. J«^S5ta^fcn what it reads, and whicl'^^orbf ^^ " For ebery nonrderer cmreicted three eo clear, eben when de evidence am jCt !« strong, Dat's de work of lawyers "For eb»ry thief sent to priaon for a ,«ftr SIX thieves walk oat of de court room 'free men. Dat's de work ot lawyers. '•Outofebery fifty, arrests made by de police fur SUte.Prison offenses mo' dan thirty escape punishment. Dat's de work of law yers. "De lawyer rdvises divorce fur de sake of defee. He mcites relatives to fight a dead man s will beka?e he can clutch some of de money. He will turn son agin father or nusban agin wife for a twenty-dollar bill Let his own mother's brdy be stolen from de grave by aghonl. an' he would feel bad bekase public opinion wouldn't let him rake in $50 or $75 an' secure a verdict of not guilty. "All de mt^ney on airth couldn't hire me to raise ray ban' agin olo Sir I^aac Walpole ober dar' who picked cotton an' hoed cane w id me in slavery days. A lawyer will sue his own brudder fur a debt of SIO. He will turn fnend agin friend, relative agin relative, an' break up de happiest household, ar de oldest church congregashun at very low fig- gers, au' wid promptness an' dispatch. "De lawyer claims to rt present de law. In case he does, he am some poo' half-starTed prosecutin' attorn y who was placed in the office bekase he didn't know much, an' could be twisted 'round de fingers of lawyers de- fendin' aw-breakers. De real law represents â€" not de law, but de crimes of a community. He am de headlight of de burglar. He am a shinin' sun in de horizon of a thief. He am de bright star in de pathway of a hus- baii' who wants to put hjs wife in a lunatic asylum â€" de cashier who wants to rob de bank â€" de son v.dio wants to send de o'e folks to de poo'-house an' take possesshun of de farm. De smart law3-er am de one who clears de moos' srirainals. If a lawyer can't pull honest laws to pieces, insult Avitnesses, lead juries astray an' clear eight erindn Is out of ten, he nebber gets rich. Dar' am not a single day's work in dis kentry fur an absolutely honest lawj-er. But fur dat per- fershun we wouldn't have one crime whar' we now have fifty â€" o e public scandal whivr' wc now have scores. Let us now purseed to bizness. " â€" Detroit Free Prexs. la tlio Arsis ol a Star Fishâ€" TIic Hzzparir- enco of a Pearl Diver. 'â- was once a peail diver â€" and hard bns;- ncij; i: w;is " said t'le Captain of a Spmiish brig to a reporter. " We worked olT the Mexican and Panama coasts, principally on the J'aciiic side. Sometimes we worked alone, but generally on shares, and some- times for pay. We went to the grounds in small sailing vcs-cls; then we took to small boats and covered as much gr uj;d as pos- sible. Each man had a basket a weight, and a knife. For sharks? Yes: but it is a poor defence, for ic is almost impo-sible to swing the arm with any f' rce untu r water. The best weapon is a short spoar. When you roach the grou- d you strip, put your feet in a bic sinker, take the basket that has a rope for hoisting, drop over, and soon find yourself at the bo' torn. Then your business is to knock off as many oysters as you can, and p le them into the basket before you lose your wind. It is a terrible strain, but I could stand it in those days for six minutes, and 1 have known some men who could stay down ten; but it is sure death in the long run. If the ground is well stocked you can get twenty or mor- shells, bnt it is all luck. When the' basket is fall it is hauled up, and after you ccine up for your wind down yon go again, the sink being hauled up with a small cord tor that purpose. It was on one of these that I ran a"oul of the animal that gave me a lasting fright. You will smile when I say it was only a star fish, but that it really was. I went down sixty feet with a rush, and landing on the edge of a b;g branch of coral, swung off into a kind of basin. The badcet went ahead of me, and as I swung off to reach the bottom, some- thing seemed to spring up all around me, and I was in the arms of some kind of a mon- ster that coiled about my body, arms, and legs. I tried to scream, forgetting t_hat I was in the water, and lost my wind. It was just as if the plant had sprouted under me and then thrown its vines and tendrils about me. There were thousands of them, coiling and writhing, and I thought I had landed in a nest of sea snakes. I gave the signU as soon as I could, and made a break upward, part of the creature clinging to me, while the rest, I could sec, was dropping to pieces. They hauled me into the boat when I reachf d the surface, and pulled the main part of the rnimal from me. It was oval, about three feet across, and the five arms seemed to divide into thousands of others. I probably landed on top of that one, which at that time was the largest I had ever Eecn, I at er- ward saw the bodv of one that was washed ashore on the Isthmus that must have hart a spread of thirty-five feet. Their power of grasping ia considerable, but touch them in a certain way and they throw off their arms in a regular shower, and are soon reaucert to an oval body.â€" Ca^//ornm Times. A New FasUlon in Balr. There are unmistakable signs in *J« *^7 of fashion that a boom in red hair is gathw- ins for a decent upon us-not *^\^^^ hair which is oraugehued and J^ °«?Y Milesian, but that other «»d.«'^*?^„S' suggestive of very ripe com "and the cnm- 8on tinge which iixake. the waving barren field so beautiful." â- â- tiiat dmtnyvc ot' the Mn, ^, ird's Peot(»«l Balnaninli; eon the ceogk and allay al! irritatioa ofilM fanutehial tubes and lungs, and efkctmtSj' FMnedy all pnlmon ary complaints, such as " " IS, Whooping Cough, .4e«. GEORGE NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND. AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Agext for the following reliable Companies CITIZENS' of Montreal, AGEICJULTUBAL. of Watertown, and TRADE COMMKBCE, (Mutual) of Toronto. A number of Choice Farms for sale, also Village Lots. _, r, Auction Sales conducted in Town or Ooim- try on Shortest Notice. Charges moderate. Bills Blank Notes, and Stamps provided. GEO. NOBLE. KENDILL'S SPivinURE. The most sarcessftal B«Bie«r Z'atT^V^.' '^* IS certain i^itreffecTs and does not blister. Bead Paoor Bzlow. Kendairs Spavin Cure/ H^ii:oN;;l!io..J4nel4,i8eiV • tn- i^v ^^ Cky;.,H34ais:-TBi*i* to certify thai I hav^ nse^ KendaU's SpatiaM Cmei and have foundlt to be all that it hT rpoosiimended to be and in fact more too: I have removed bv using the abote CaDous Bone Spavms, Bing-bone, Splints, tind can cheafiUly testiXy and reeemmand it to ke the best thing for anv%w^ sjjbrfance It We ever used, and liave tVi^ m^iy asIhaW made that my study for years. ' "^^ Bespectfiilly yours, r. V. ClliST. FROM Col T. L. Foster, YouxcsTowx, Ohio, May 10, 1880. Dn B. J. Kendai.i. Co., Grntr-:â€" I had a very valuable Hamhletonian colt that I prized very highly, he had a large bone Kp,ivin on one joint and a .small one on the other which made him very 1 unc; I bad bim under the charge of two veterinary suvgeims which fail- ed to cure him. I was one dfiy reading the advertisement of Kendall's Sp'ivin Cure in the Chicago E.rpre.?«. I determined at once to try it, and got our druggist here to .send for it, they ordered three bottle.^;; I took them all and thought I would give it a thorough tr' il. I used it according to directions and the ff jrth day the colt ceased to be lame and the lumps have disappcired. I used but one bottle and the coifs limbs a, e as free from lumps and as smooth as rjiy horse in the state. Ho is entirely cured. The cure was BO remarkable lliat I let tv.o 1 i' my in i.-idjors have tlio remaining two bottl .s who aie no^.- using it. 'oI•v losoictful'v, L. T. FOSTEIl. Kendall's Spavin Cure. \Yi:on.'.M, Ont., Jan. 17, 1882. Dk. B, J, Kend.\.ll Co., Gents:â€" This is to certify that I have used Kendall's Spavin Cure, bought from C. E Williams, druggist, Wingham, Ont,, and do without hesitation pronounce it to bo au invaluable remedy for the cure of Spavins, l\in;,'bones. or Curbs. I used it oil a bono spavin of several years growth which it completely removed, and I can safely say it will remove any Spavin, Curb or Bingbone it properly used. I have also recommended friends to use it, who have done so with perfect success. I gladly make this public, and will ausvcr any questions or letters sent me. Yours e. GEOlUiE BKYCE. Kendall's Spavin Cure OIV III 3IA!^ FLESH. West Enoseukgh, Vt.. Feb. l^j, LSSl. Pn. B. J. Kendall Co., Gents: â€" Several months ago I injured ii'.j- kucc joint which caused an enlargement to grow the size of a walnut and caused me very severe pain all the time for four or five v/ceks, when I began to use Kendall's Spavin Cure with the most satisfactory results. It has entirely remov- ed the enlarptemcnt and stopped the lameness and pain. I have long known it to be excel- lent for horses hut now I Knov,- it to- be the liest liniment for human ilcsh that I ain ac- qnaintc-d witii. Yours triilv, T. r. LAWBE.NCi:. Sr. Jon.N-. P Q Oct. 27, 1681. Un. B. J. Kenjiai.l it Co., Gents: â€" I have used your Spavin Cure with great succcfsou spavins, curbs and Lplints. 1 knew it to be a good remedy for ringbones, bone spavins' cuts, galls and' all kinds of lameness and other difficulties about the hor.=e. One of my men sprained liis ankle very badly. I applied KendaU's Spftvin Cure and I never saw any- thing work 'ike it, he was v.cll in a few days. I know it to be good for man as well as beast. I procured one of your Treatise on the Horse, bv mail for 2octr^. and I think it was the means cf saving me §100 on one horse that I treated according to the directions given iii vour book for displaced stifle. Y'oars trulv, Wm.J.PEABSOK. Rend address for Illustrated Circular ^which wc think gives positive proot of its virtues. No remedy has ever met ^vith such unquahfi- ed success to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. o Price $1 per bottle, or six oottles for »o. All druggists have it or can get it tor you, or it will be sent to any address on recept of price by the proprietors. Dr.. B. J. Kendall Co., Enosbnrgh Falb, Yt. Sold by all Druggists. LYMAN, SONS CO., Montreal, P. Q. Wholesale Atrents Th^b^s iinbne of oar erammar schools call their school ma'am "Exp'rierce," be- cause she is a dear teacher. Zmponant. ;iflien ypa Tisit or leav- New York City, save Baggage Bxpressage and Carriage Hire, and stop at Grakd UiftoN HoTKL. oppoflite Grand Central Dep oc. 430 elesant rooms, fitted up at a ooet of one million doUara, reduced to %l and upwards perHlar^- -European plan. Elevator, gen^iftnrnnt .WMtfted wfth the best. Horse cars. Btagea and elevated railroads to all de- pets. Families can live better for less mone/ at the Grand Unioa Hotel than at any other â€" • -stair -htJtet in the city. â€" â€" F»oygigioxj PRtGR DOW SHADES. TAGS. T S. WOOD f- c JXi KACrU'RiOHS Ulinds, Sash, Doors, 1 R.FORSfEB;, ABTaST.H^KBETtlPNED from S^iropB and opened ' Studio, 81 C-8t.EM4. Pfl^aainoiuSsi^ I Itf llHl Life size portorak Just ptib- !• ff IfcUg Mshed: best eVet taken 2i5c. post paid. AKcnts wanted. J. S. Robertson Bros., Publishers, Toronto. ^B'PER DAY ean bemade linr tu^cnts. male «PO or female. C. W.t)ENraC Tronto. r*fi*«flk«tvi»I^A4bftfcJ* R. ^r^TsT M\ i King St. East, Toronto. Asents wanted W.tTCHK' rapiiral. Trid^ w.iric a'speciil ty. A. BvLf. V3;r. 3 Ivia St. K., Tic-oatj CHRIS. SHEPP.vTtl)yjrlCK^uri^fM-i30!iic anl other Soaietj Jevvals. 1 51 Ki ng E., Toronto TrCKETS, SHOW CillD3r"WlN-- SHADES. N«^we§t designs. Send for price list. F. \ViLLiA.il-i «Ki n? B., Toronto. Uf ATnUCC Send for fro"~illn5trated cata- ff fl I unco, logua to RYRIE. the Jeweler, 13 Y n f .4 S trt^et- Tor onto. ME'^ICAL PR A C riiri.rFOirSALK-1'KEL count v worth $2,000 ner annum; no op- positlon. MACivlN'TOSfl Ar PKTKRS.TororLr ^. NK RfSOQlL' AI\.cai.\rt AND PRK PAUER for sal« cheiin a's.i f nir putfirs complete running order. WILLI.'i.M SUTTO^" AVindham Mills. Simcoe Residen(;e of a mfTdicai., MA"N~F0R sale or lease in city of Hamiltonâ€" has been a physician's residence for the last 7 jears. MACKINTOSH PETERS, Toronto. ILLUSTRATED RELIGIOUS WEEKLY story paperâ€" containing ^Spurgenn's and Tal- mago's sermons -$1..50p2r year; specimens free. B ox3S {^ Port IIop(\ Patent cvelet. Rinooth surface, licavy and very touch. Send for new-piiccli»t. J. G. WOODLAND Printers Toronto. 0.ro~AKVrLLIir-MA"NU~ S of Outside and Inside and Mouldings. Send for prices, Oakville, Ont. CtANAL SCHOONKRToII SAITe-IN GOOD J repair class A 2}, valued at ?10,000by In land Lovds capacitv. 24.000 bnshfte wheat and 21,000 oak timber. Apply to J. C. GRAHAM, St. Catharines Or t. Ij^OR SALE OR E.\CMTANtrHrF(yR"FAlUiI ' property in the village of Port Sydney, cx- cellciit business stand, with lots a!so con- venient, improved farm of three hundred acres, with fraii'.c buildings. Address Box 46, Port Sydney. FARM " FUR~ SALE â€" -lOO^ACRES â€" 43 cl( ared good land large house stable timber hewed ibr frame bsrn 30 x oO, and for a hewed log buildint: IS x 24: price $1.C00 cash clear title. Address, MKS. C. LEVKNS, Utter- son P.O., Muskoka. Ontario. \VrAN'TEI)~PARTIKS'0\VlsTX(rArPOK^T TT ABLiCSaw Mill to tender for sawing the lumber off 200 acrps of bush land. For parti- culars address, AUTHORS «: COX, Manutfact- urers of Artificial Limbs, yi C.hurcli street. Tor- onto QU'APPKLLE land" 0)il PAN V OFFER Free Homesteads and Prc-cmptinns (Gov- ernment terms) on east side of Long Lake, near Regina loam soil, rolling piairie; good open- ing for merchants, c. For particulars address "W. H. GIBB.S, Pr. s., 0:.hawa,or W. H. GIBBS, JR., Managing Director, Regina. N^W. T. FARM "FOR SALE â€"BEING^ LOT 106 Gwillimbury, adjoining town of Holland Landing 212 acres. Northern R. R. Station sit- uated on corner of this Lot, the land is high rolling clav ioam Brir'ic hoij3i frame Bank Barn. J. W. (i WiltTNEY. Eitate Agent- 25 Toronto-st. Toronto. SoiETHi\(; \3:tr. agents 'wanted to sell a new Every cigar hflS its own holder. $5 to If 10 per day can be nia.de by good agents. Samples sent for 25 conta. Addrc-s, H. BLOOM, Xo. 73 Queen Streer, West, Toronto^ S6.25 FOR 31) CT^. Any person sending me 39 cents and the ad- dresses of 10 ocquaiiUanccs will receive by re- turn mail goods (not recipes^ that net ^6.25 Tnis'is an honest offer to introduce staple goods It you want a fortune, act now. J. D. HENRY P. O. Box 127. Butf al o. N. Y, SEEDS M7 ILLUSTRATED CTALOCnTB FOR 1883 rmtaining dpnciiption and prices of the choicest kinds ot Field, Garden, and Flower Seeds mailed free to all Intending pnrehasers npon applieatioii. It is the handsomest Catalotnie published In Canada, and is invalnable to all who wish to bny PnB« Fkksh Scxd^. SpMiHl Kttontinn firen tn Timparin? Hixcn Onissits foi PEROTANEWT PASTURE. r ices and fnll narticnlnrs will be fonnd in Catalorn- WM. RENNIE, SeedBman, TORONTO Important to Users of Check Books. â- h:CH COURT CPJUSrcTcHANCLR/D'VSlO::. Cirlp irintlns and Pablisking to., vor^u.' If. K. BnttcrBeld. We hereby give notice to all users of check books that an injunction has this day been granted in the above sviit against the defendant to restrain him from the manufacture and sale of his infringemcntof thePAHAGONBLACK- LEAF COUNTER CHECK BOOK. Parties are hereby warned fro.-n ordering, re- ceiving, or using the same, or any colourable imitation thereof, as by doing so they will be liable to action for damages. The Paragon Rlack-Leaf Counter Check Book is acknowledged by hundreds of users to be the best check booh In the market. Read the following testimonials to its worth â€" Scott d Paisley, Dry Goods Merchants, Brandon, Manitoba, write :â€" "Permit us to say that the PAR,\GON Check P.onks you printed for us are the best class of check books we ever saw or used. There is no need of soiling the fingers with the black-leaf, and fnrther we arc not annoyed with the loss ot the black-leaf as we were in other books." F. MoAllKter, Drv Goods Merchant. Napanee, writes :â€" "The PARAGON Check Book is a vast improvement on any I have ever used, and certainly ahead of anything of the kind manufactured in Canada at the present time. I have grreat pleasure in recommending it to the trade.^ MeKar Bro».. Dry Groods Merchants. Hamil- ton, write :â€" "We have nsed the PaRAGON Check Book for abont two months, and find them as convenient and satisfactory a book as we ever nsed." We have scores of others of similar valne, the originals of which can be seen at our office. Now is Ihe tlaie te erder. i»" Orders by mail or telegram promptly ex- ecuted. Grip Printings Publishing Co. SOLE PATENTEES OF THE P«K«Ssn Klaek«I.raf Cewiter Chrrk Beek â- j i j I Ux i iii. 'til* lAty and girl It's btery one's Dtnrâ€" To improve the opportunities- presented for health, cheer- folness, and comfort. See to it, that Zophsa is used in your family for Dyspepsia and Biliousness, It is guiranteed to remove them. .^fi nnfl nflfi~^i^^?" " Farming WVaUUUaWtPU and other propprtv in Ont- ario for sale by the CANADA WEST LAN7J AGENCY COAIPANY, U Adelaide-st East Toronto. Send for list DYSPEPSIAl And the severer forms of IXDIGESTIOH. A small pamphit t on the above most distressinr maladies and thoir complete cures, post fre*. i cents in stamns. By R. KING, Esq., Staff ior- gcon. Royal Nav.v, England. Apply to HICHAKD Kljrc. B»x S4«. Windaer, .^"'^. SHOBTH.lNn. â€" The necessity of the age to every young man, a de- lightful accomplishment to every young lady successfully taught hy post, or complete set of books for self-instruction free by mail on receipt of one dollar. JlcXabb A McTntrre. Box 631, Toronto. iiifc^^S:.^: A-; i -il co-)p!ii'r.'r. of a Rheu.".-.;;t:c r.ature, fmZij'AAT.iiS is ret .n. sovereig-i remedy f^r 'â- :tl; •.â- •e iiU lliat fleth is heir »o," b:;t for NEU- RAL' :iA, sciatica, RHKUM.UISM, and ccs3r.'uun;-i cf Rheumatic nature, IT IS A SUSIE CimE. Sold by all druggists. 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