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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 4 Jan 1883, p. 8

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 1 m I! laiMa iMMMOOi NEM. tsnxBxeiaa tomb aixBxaxD raou oub EXCBANaSfr ADD OTHBBUnHB 70B THE KEAIEB8 or THK "STANTAED." PricevUte. Cbriftmas and New Year's passe*^ off pleasautiy, the surrounding conn- try being well repieneuted by pleasure T,.8 uew grist mill is rapidly ap- piuticl lug completion, there beiug four uiillwiigbts constantly at work, aiiu wiien .completed wiii be stcond tj IV i.ii in tbe county of Grey for ft celiLiiCy of machinery and durabibty o" w ikmaufebip. A ram »r gained ciineucy tbal the saw mill w mid uo Le I'll, in optrrtiiuu ttiis comiug sea- s 1. iijil was n s(mrce 'f regiet to i iiiii;i.v i»irt I a/u now ha py t be abiO to iL! u m y^iir niim-ioUi lea'lurs in ui-, .11, T A 1 L O R ..^^ SYIXBKHAM STBEET. Cm^tiMM»8 to tdke Pictures, Oo Copying and Enlarging in goo i»r o- FBAMES and FEAME FIXlj great variety and latest dcfigns at desperate lew prises fy lU 3.- ^g^iK"tH!vr nUlARTEWESIA WAREHO» »"^*' 1" I. V, i.L- I L' l-i IL., Ol "1 1 1 U *i L. 1 ' a id i 1' 1 4 U It r n, ,, I 1. C \v u. ... e. ,, i; l: U- c 11 1,L-. f:i L u. .. O' 1.- I ai'i fi llUiiii T.. iii' â-  wn tlii't Mr. J. 'hi ^.IcL^'oii has t;js mill, and is irow biisily eii- !!i puttii'i it ii.tu iJiorough le- ith bin u- .al -uergv iu eveiy- iiC uniioiirtlieb hi. (J fiom his t .ii.spo!ji:.;uiJ HI fi'liu.^ lur-iber couit" us maDiitr tu a i. and iL lealiiJt: lu the iast, we have ...n to douut but that aA who with iieir pauouajie lu the will receive satisJact -ry treal- his haudri. ^eueral luiaor that Mr. Mc- Aillcouvert Clje ii!d grist mill ijardinj,' m.U uext seas lu, iy into a woolleu fac;o;y aud â- ]A siipp y a want long felt iu r lundiu^^ coiiutrj' •James T yo.i has opeued a and Pi (vision store op^'osiie â- â- -u hot'-.. crdus biiiidiiJg euttrprises are f fur uLXt seas.Jii, among mat of a L-abiutt .actory. Bo be. ticets prtbfuti'd quite a lively on Christmas ua witli i.s meriy sleighk:g paities. rourth new poweiful turbine as low-i'i il one day Jast weeli '., iievv fl...ur!ng mill. h wili \d with steam at low BOOTS Sb SHOES JUST ARRIVED AT THE BEST QUALITY AND LOWEST PRICE. o STOCK COMPLETE IN Dry Gcods and Grroceries! PRICKS ALWAYS RIGHT. T.v\'r: rr^ supplitc OUR THIRTY CENT TE Is the wonder of the day A trial solicited. WM. BROWN. Markdale, Oct. llth, 1882. 13 :..,f r lua id Mrs. W, ., U. S. A with Irieuils here. •J. U.iiidersnn, of is speiidiug the FlcsUerton. Ts. H. Ildopir, John Wbitton, \V. AlUl^tr()llg were elected 'Irustees by acclauialiuu. Eder is (.'(.inf; to South Garo- he "0!)(i of his healih. M. Jiicliardson v. as elected Trustee. understand that Viv. "\Y. H. the popular wateli makir and f tliis place, will blioitly take Mb 'lie in Markdale. Mr. Br^wn ;u.o mH;iy friends during his :ay here, r.nd his leinnval to :ion will be geu- ihero of a: aii.i â- - P 1 c. Ml li:.., f. 1 '•ir. SlIt ul w. E. I.\\L. til 1/1: up 111- • ua.s II ii(./ri .- anot.iiO 'I tia.iv louretted. â€" Alliance. IksLei .oil Sabbalb School Anniversary Tl.i uii'.. tiug, which has long been an estab- iiblicd insLitutiou of the village, came ofl as usual o;i Uie evening of Now Year's day, and was patronized by a large and appreciative auaierit;. The tables were supplied with an abundant supply of the best, to which ample justice waa done, after which a lengthy prc- XranuiiC "as rendered, consisting of music, by the scuool, recitations and dialogues by th.; cliilL.reu. Addresses were also delivered Ly Iw. v Messrii. Edmunds and r»t.v D. vj. McDowell occupied the chair. Tie r(.'port of the sch^ciil was read by Mr. J. it. htrain, Secretary of the scnool, and was moat satisfactory and encouraging, showiiii^ the sohool to be in a flourshing condition, thoroughly equipped with a good balance in the treasury, independent of the pructeds of the entertiuument, which amounted to one hundred dollars. The en- tertrmimeiit, which was altogether the most tucctfsral held for many years, was brought to a ciosp by presenting Miss Christoe, organ- ist, of lle.-nerton Methodist Church, {on the jvf- of htfi- (departure to attend the Whitby Larles' College) with an addre.'?s from the tihoir and Sabbath School, accompanied by a beautiful Kdld watch. Miss Christoe has givm htr services gratuitously as organist lor the past six years and in that time we ^re iuforoied has been abbent only five Sab- iiathfs, three of whieh she was absent from boaic and two indisposed â€" a record hard to leai, P. S. â€" One Department of the report above refeiTcd to, namely that of the libra- rian, is perhaps un8urpa8sed,if e«^ialed in the iiistory of Sabbath Schools, tho Ubrary has *!een iu the charge of Mr., Wm. Clay tou for tbe past eleven years. It contains about •500 volumes, has been freely circulated and in that timt. only ^ix bcoks have been lo'^f -%o tbe' school, not cuie in th« last £ve years. What school can produce an equal record. SuinKN DWH. â€" An old man .juunect D. â- Smith, -a shoemaker by trads, ago) abont 73 years, m the employ of Mr. Wm. Bam h0ase,of Flesherton.weiat to â- moik tiiis (Taei- day) morning as osiud. :. Shortly after xe- itaruing to the hoose he ate his breakfast and v«nt-to tbe vooc^hed to split some wood, ' ^irhere after a few jsmates he dropped dead Ml heart disease. The Coroner bein^ called prouotmoed an inquest onneajaiy and he was ^urieli this evexuiis in th^ Flesharto.i,c6fn3- Utry. He has no fiit'U.L iu tli,.- .c.-ou ji the ^AOOBtcy-. .A. M'INTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. m'intyre: rF'loiJLr, 2E^loiJLr, Z^louLi. McINTYRE'S m It LiQUORS 1 LiQUORS W I Mc-INTYEE'S iAj Cigars, Cigars. jp^ j McINTYEE'S jMj^i Oollee, Coilee. McIN TYRE'S MEAL! IMEALl IMEAL! McINTYEE'S Pork, Pork, Pork McINTYRE'B Teas, Teas. And ever ythin g kept n in a first-class Grocery and Liquor Store. always on hand, cheap fob casu. M AEK DALE Sash and Door Factory SASH, DOORS, BLINDS MOULDINGS, HOLLOW BATTONS, FRAMES Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Always on Hand. Orders Promptly Filled, -o- The Subscriber wishes to return thanks to the people of Markdble and vicinity, for the very liberal patronage they have given him in the past, and hopes by close attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. I have now extended my business, and will in future keep a fall Stock of PINE LUM BER. Direct from the North Shore. AL1_, SIZiiS, DBESSED AND UNDKESSED. ^11 liinds -^r Plain and t^ancy Tu}r*nincr Done in a first class manner. Markdale May 37th. 1881. THOS. McNEA. 37-tf Blacksmith ng Flesherton Station. The subscriber b^s to annonnce to tiw inhabitants of Fl sherton, Markdale and Priceville, and smroiScading country, that he has commenced business at Flesherton Sta- tion, where he hopes by satisfactory work and moderate rates to secure a share of pub- lic patronage. H0R8E-SH3EIN€I A SPECIALTY. And goaranteed that In a case of interferetng horses he will pure the defect in two shoe- ingsoc, no charge will be made tor the 8eo ond shoeing. AttMLlOUCII^. HENRY "WTHITE. TleshertoB^tation^ Oct. ir, 1882. uo NOTICE TO FARMERS. BUSINESS STILL INCEEA.SING WITH W. J. ROWE â€" ^AT THE- UNDER THE OtD I'EOCESS. Gristirg ftiid Choppiig done eveiy worHng day. Fwrners from a distance can haw then: stuff home with them the same day fillei "'^^ '" ^^" and Feed ^protoptly V!. J. EOWE, "Ban-head Mills." Octob«-28Ui 1882. U3-12G ".. â- *#fi^*S:i-. -,^, y- Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, B Groceries, PrtvLions, c. Slock kept full and W( goods lecoivei' even' we;k o Cash paid for all kimls of Grain at the Sta â€" .^ o MY BRANCH STORE AT EUG repleuished with new goods everv week. For sale e-nr^,, If fa,' e^' My Saw Mill, Shingle Factcty, ard AT LITTLE FALLS, ATwE I^' OPEKATIO:; Licel Ail kinds Saw Lo$:s bought a( the Mill cr sawn c:ii o rnmber, liUtta, Broom Kandles, Shingles and Lirr.efcl November 7th, 1882. TORONTO HOU FLBSHEETON. T" Stock Fully Complete. Mm VERY ATTRACTIVE, CHEAPER THAN THE AND GHIg tib Variety and Value Unsurpassed] DEY GOODS "dEPAEMEI is this season verv complete with a very large stock ot P-(-f Gooj prising in part Cashmeres iu all colors. Worsted AVccI Q^M eudless variety. Boot and Shoe Department. Would call special attention of close buyers as my sto k is uiiusna!!^ from the best manufacturers and at rock bottom prices, OEDEEED CLOTHING. Has been exceedingly brisk this season, on account of wliich I liavej the largest and best stock of Tweeds, Coatings, Trowseriugs. anJ ings in this section of country. As I have always led tbe trade in partment buyers will -find it to their advantage to call before ps elsewhere, • o Millinery Department. Under the able manflgemcnt of a firs^- class milliner, witli pieuty ol| ance, will be found unusuailv attractive with tlie prettiest aud mo*" able, and cheapest stock to be fouDd in tbe county. Ladies, it you ^ood to call and look at tbe stock. Hardware and firoci^y Deprt Is always fully asf-orted and complete with the best goods, at the lo'*^ sible price. KS* I am tbe only constant and relialle buyer of Grain and F* duce in Flesherton. and for which I will pay the highest jrice in J any quantity of good dry, sound grain, which I womid specially ask i to clean well. A call eolicited. Pleaherton, Oct. 3rd, 1882. lEB, T. SZ=»KOXj: Markdale PUMP Pactoi JiiovTAL:yi^^mg^(^^ pumps, cistebk f^^ VV iHiA m »«t tuat I am doing a larger bnsmess new than ever was done in f*!, the Pamp busmess. Kemember tke gland, 1 do« north of Butle^S^' SydeiiliainBtreet, Markdale^ jo pi;iu i- f » -• ' ' No mi.t tlie i3!iW;«e:-. rt ili,. r.»ir- â- :â- )â- -•- tVi t)i.- ru'fs. RMS OF A"V I'l oiis veft" â-  • ,0. i- •â- â€¢ ,.. '»'•â-  â- â- â-  do A' â- â- â-  line*. '"•=â-  I""" ulifT ot h'\es I- p.el su-'HS .rt-il â- will be puMi ncordin'ily. A ynntit bf 1-1 I oViock ',n ti' .JOB vnr iV'^cni'-i ' «-vl .^PSfv,i: c. W. Itl kn »ONAL J DiREC !!pronle i Cian6,.;-ur:;e "â- CC, 1 H'luse. jnt, M.D-, sician Mid. Su of Univer -itj idaate, of t'-e AtI Opthw [Coll. Physicioi iT^ental leron DENTaL f^ rer D A, Can t«tilettSi.,0\^ ^tention giveu 1 teeth. \.Tii 1, Celluloid, at Mrkdal ith. Eron, M D., I. Glasgow ).S.,Out. Frost i aiSTEES, A r, Solictors tc, Owen Sc on, Office o] Ire. JFkost, nty Crown A J. mi 3TER, MA iCkanceiy, N( ^Y TO LEND ren Sol St.; aud in re, on Fri |Creasor4 6. Ac. â- 8 in Owen V. WolFs i: MAR •F ot each ads to len. Mu«h Alexaw lasotanee t 0«i erforiheC and La '•ad diat â- 'b"'^5^ *if^m% movi MAadi Meom •ni luMM^ii^iiiiHih

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