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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 4 Jan 1883, p. 3

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 ul of flour, toe^ ^vhites forthetol " 0/ ^:^tract ofl of fctewed pi. 'â- ' eggi andeiti oa the water, t( -n one crust wil- ls tiff froth acd- 'ng it back in J I ° „p without a hero; I DO ff"^- her courage drops to zero ^r!a,incon?isteacie3 fe/rhit-iuld cares, g^es for blows. *^ nitv is not exempt "jfil 0" turns to coniempt ,1,.. a secret to tell, sure as fate frSfsbandVssesses her hate. r »l^f„!?a^"KL^nrthe head- «ng /Matters Entertainingly Kiged for Short Sittings. r^,f, Eagl*"*^' i^^^ nineteei. New tajfrgradnates. f '^n'the British army are slightly r"'pce-ti-.Telfth of the entire forces. r I _\[3riiiff" out of imiform, are f/\-'l thi Dublin police. They i 1 becansc tbe corps has not re- \,elind for years. r uifl(r»3 estimate that the w?^r cost France two prov- Eon of 1^^«^ '^â- ' " 000,OCO,OCO. l"j_00O,0OO,OOO to the debt. rjre,l Blnnt, Arabi's fiienl, is a Icj m'n 'â- ' I- ^^' '""^° ' Byrou's r/hUT. She i.^ an original char- i(f r.'j'.nt is •! Sussex Squire and a fst';o:ii;. .;,x. v.'i-r Vv-ras in Albany with •â- Visa i-.^'pl-ss sufferer from neu- I J jppp.ift. ft is denied that his t'fn"tiv-i3 impaifed, or that ho is \hm softenioiz of the brain. BtrMt, architect on the new Law ||,.,|o':i, died bjfors they were com- ll- the ad rets presented to the yo TTorkmen this was feelingly tp Seats w2ro a lotted to 450 1 1t tbf openirg. L.c»r is rather lai-,::;cr than France. f^linoit virgiu forest runs around Li. The population is about four I ltd the soii will easily support oi;?. India rubber is a princi- li- T\\2 niin'-ral wealtii is enor- â- \ikd '"'^j"' i^°^" *^^ submarine otwcen Italy and Sicily has been sn.l will soon bs submitted for brat approbation. The length of will be about eight and a half iThe expense 'u calculated at ^l-t,- ".3Cy i:'.::iii""ial in England will be a B-;3. Already something like If.asheen subscribed to perpetuate ^rf the I'roit High Churchman and l.:::o (loi:ht that the £50,000 for i.n'i' I.i.ldon asks be placed in ccK:t f te d.iiy at 3.Ionaco, a tre- LXp'.j.-iijii fcarcil every one in the „' reoiu-. It seems to have been 1 ly a dyr.amite bomb, with the ob- :;.iiiljicg up the gold on the tables ;.:e ;c;;iv. T;;3 crrupicrs, however, totheoodge. eccnt fp:cc:i Archdeacon Deniscu. ciihalatc speaker •? the House of saidi tl:at O.'-iford had trampled ' Dov'ti::.' i'luminaiio mca, under was a fellow of Oriel, sixteen clergj-mon and li:o fellewship now â- p is held by a, clergy When !;o ycr.i-5 a '.i, •.â- :'i':a h.eid It.'.ev "â- 'â-  r I'eprccatLS inter.'iational ate 1 tu prodaee nothing but indei-.s'.amlings, and mutual ' livery amateur match be- 1 anl Ameriein athletes has .i/i:ie utipleasaiitness. When font- came here in 1879 they t rf t'l.iv dread of being pois- ;â- ; ws, T. x'^.i. it;ek men t'j â- "A 1 1 y-j wi.ri deride I at first, il tj '..J :. making considerable v^r. :;LCci: men announced ^vivul i not employ any- L\ w-£apon. It wai -..Duld soon be compelled .; â- â-  r.:" r. li:;t the Stodc Journal -v !:.' 1 no (liihoLilty in getting '-: 'p' ,1-0?, and that, as soon as .:: "'1 trial on adjoining ranches, "i':i i Jcn;no its strongest advo- it tlie iLC of unhappiness to a statesman and agi- b.aivj, t.j 1 fv ii:cd tiio other day, was his _dwarf- Tiic -wife of an English church "'.^rc al'.nost drove him to a state i^iIjI ircn/.y by asking him., when I uetained ia her country house by j whether he would mind sleeping in a f'*h Another day, at Brighton, he piiered .supremely wretched because stakon at the i'avilion for Gen. Tom 'â-  An old lady said to him, "You â-  1 really must you." He took W- stattt: c ftorn the C)rsican side' of the |h';v, H. (J. Pratt was formcily a law- .. " ^^-"^t'^i-sive practice in Ohio, a ^pontical orator, and for two terms l"«r ct Congress, He told a Mctho- "'\^'^? cOf.veutionthe other day that '-5- beioro his conversion he was not sympathy with the teachings of the Jind tried harrl to make himself a aea sk eptic. ' In Nothing occurred in his peace wl.ile in Congress to direct his jl^^t-enlar to religion, and he was '-e ot a church during a whole winter Ij..".^ ""jcet of his personal salvation ^-5 Ills irand, and h? could not drive j,j' ^^,"«'ould often leave his seat in rt'nf *:' '^â- ^i^^sentatives, he said, and |tae street to PpO; Groftt The e»8ta«se of another S^^iafc* mCeatna Africa* far to tl^STorAwJ tLT^ k ^^ writes to us from his sta- tion. Dehm Siber, on the 27th ot July to ^«^a^7f^** tfaeUeUe, told him that heXd some of the memheys of the expeditioB had seen a great lake i the coontry rf the Bk- Doa, a wonderful copper-colored tribe clth- el With a peculiar grass-cloth (of which Mr. L-upton sends a specimen m his letter. Mr Lupton gathered that the position of the north latitude, and 23 degrees east longi- tude, and that it was quite as large as Vic- *?" Nyanza. When the weather permits the Barboas cross the lake in large open boats made out of a single tree, the voyage taking three days, and they obtain from the people iivmg on the western side (their own country being east of the lake) articles of iiuropean^ manufacture, such as bine beads and brass wire. Mr. Lupton adds Rafai Aga s own account of the route to the lake Started from Dehm Bekeer, marched six days southwest to Zeriba el Douleb, then four days south-southwest to Bengler four days southwest to Zeriba Warendema six days southwest by west to the Bahr el Mak- war, which he crossed after visiting several very large islands inhabited by a people who call themselves Basango. The Makwar is called by the Arabs Bahr el Warshal, and Uelle, but is a much larger stream both flow in a -west-southwest direction. After crossing the Makwar Rafai marched ten days south-southwest and reached the resi- dence of the "Sultan" of Barboa, by whom he was well received the lake is situated four days' march to the southwest of the Sultan's residence. Mr. ' Lupton concludes by saying, " I feel I should not be doing right in keeping dark this information, which, when looked into by competent per- sona, may throw some light on the famous Congo and Uelle rivers. I believe that the Uelle flows into the lake discovered by Rafai Aga and that the stream which is said to flow out of the lake probably joins the Con- go." Mr. Lupton further informs us that he is engaged in preparing a map of this prov- ince and that he was about to start in a few days en a journey to a country called Um- bungu, some fifteen days' march to the west of Dehm Siber. â€" London Times. A TmlaimtmMtm. â-  --^ »n ^;, not to take Dr. K. V. Pierce' lolden Medical Discovery" if you are bibons, sufEering from impure blood, or tearing consnmption (scrofalons disease ot the lungs). Sold by all drnggists. It 18 reported fiom St. Petersbm-g that much alarm is felt ia consequence of recent developments showing the rapid spread of J*iaili8m in the R jssian army. Functional deiangemoit cf the female ^y«*f°i w quickly cured by the use of Dr. R. V. Puree's "Favorite Pre scrir^t m.' It re- moves pun and restorta health acd strength. By all druggists. The British ship "Pioneer" has bombarded and burned a vellage on the west coast of Africa in consequence of the natives kaving attacked the British factory and killed the agent and several workmen. Dr. Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative Pelets" are sugar coated and incloaed in glass bottles, their virtues being thereby prererved un- impaired for any length of time, in any cli- mate, so that they are always freh and reliable. No cheap wooden or pasteboard boxes. By druggists. Count Andraesy bad a long interview with the Emperor of Austria which is supposed to imply that he will shortly be again called to the Ministry of Forei^ Affairs. Am Adai«iiltl«B. To neglect a cough or cold, is but to in- vite consumption, that destroyer of the human race. Hagyard's Pectoral Bal»am will cure the cough and allay all irritation of the bronchial tubes and lungs, and fffectually remedy all pulmonary complaint?,- such as Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, c. 17. "A. P." 106 O'Donovan Rcssa's Opinion. O'Donovan Rossa, speaking of the Great German Remedy to a friend, said: "Mrs. Rossa has been cured of a very severe attack ff neuralgia by St Jacobs Oil, as she will gladly tell you, if you call at my residence, 879 Bushwick ave., Biooklyn, N. Y.' â€" New Fork Graphic. Dr. Corvisart, an eminent physician in Pan?, is dead. It is stated that he nes^er recovered from the shock caused by the death of th3 Prince Imperial in Zaluland. Many sink into an early grave by not giv ing immediate attention to a slight cough which could be stopped in time by the use of a twenty-five cent bottle cf ir. Wistar's Pu'in nic Syrup. Sir Aithur Gordon has le.'used the Gov- cmo ship of Jamaica. Xo one -vvho^e blood is impure can feel -well. There is a v/eary, languid feeling, and often a sense of discouragement and despondency. Pers ns having this feeling of lassitude and depression, should take Ayer's Sarsaparilla to purify and vitaliza the blood. The Khedive's decree degrading Arab: ard other rebel Pashas has been published. TlicTV^ery Latest News. "llavc you heard the latest' news?" said one city swell to another. "No, do tell me what it is." "Well, I have at last fcot rid of my corns by one trial of Putnam's Painless Corn Kx- tractor, and I know yours were even worse than mine were, I couldn't pass without telling you to get a bottle at your druggists. 111 guarantee it will fix 'em completely," It is sure, prcmpt and painless, taking tho corns out at once. Sold everywhere. Beware of substitutes and imitations. A young woman -teaching in a public school in Bloomington, 111., is in trouble because flio stripped cff a boy's shiit and whipped his bare back with a rawhide. Come all who wish white Teeth cf peail, To set off lips of cherry; A fragrant Breath for the boy and girl Who purchases " Tkaberry. " M. Dc Lesseps, at a banquet given by con- tractors on public works, announced that tbe scheme for the creation of an inland sea in Africa would be resumed by private enterprise. Dsacon Smith buys Carboline, the deodor- ized petroleum hair renewer and resturer, and since its improvement, recommends it to all his friends as the perfection of all hair p;eparations. This shows that the â-  man and knows what is I^vy ft Clark, Dnig^sta, Bmbew. date of Jane 3rd, write," Burdock Blood Bitten tkoagh cempanttiTely a new preparation, haa taken the lead in this locali^ as a Uood potifier, our sales of it beins equal to that (d all other medicines used tor tne purpose during the laat year." 18. Narrow-chested and soft-armed students at Harvard are coming to tBe front in the Hemenwa gymnasium. They are contes- tants for the prizes offered to the men achieving the best general development of muscle and form during the year. What is beautiful Why, Carboline, a deodorized extract of petroleum, as now improved and perfected, dear as sprmg water, delightfully perfumed and will not soil toe finest lines fabric â€" a perfect toilet preparation and absolutely makes tho hair grow on bald heads. m THE GREAT AN RE CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, SoreTliro«t,Swcllln«»,8praln»,BruUe», Bnma, Scalds, Froat Bites, iXD ALL OTHER BODILY PA1N8 AKD ACHS8. SoMbj Drugglsu and D«»leri eTerrwhere. FiitjCenUa bottl*. DlrMtioDi in 11 tingaagei. THE CHAK1X8 A. VOfiELER CO. CSnaoMMciwA. VOi«L«»»CXl BlUUMoro. Md.. C. S. A. PROFESSIONAL. MR.FORSTER, A.RTIST,HAS RETURNED from Europe and opened a Studio, 81 King-3t. East. Portrait« in oil life size. (I»e PER DAY can^e made by agents, male g )0 or female. C. W. DENNIS, Toronto. RIJBREK STA«rs.â€" ADDRESS R. H. COX 4 King St. Ea st, T oronto. Agent s wanted WATCHED repaired. Trade wor'i a special ty. A. Ball kbsy. 8 Kin. St. E., Toronto CHRIS. SHEPPARD.Manufrof Masonic anl oth er Society Jewels, 151 King E., Toronto PlUCE TICKETS, SHOW CARDS, WIN' DOW SHADES. Newest designs. Send for p rice list. F. Williams. 4 King E., Toronto. HIPWRIGHTS.â€" WANTED FORTYâ€" AT the Owen Sound dry dock. Steady em- ploymentjintil^pring.^Vag(^nvo_doUars. ILLUSTRATED RELIGIOUS WEEKLY story paperâ€" containing Spurgeon's and Tal- mage's sermons-Sl.oO per year specimens free. Box â- 3'H, Port Hope, OBYN'd SURK CURK IS THE BEST remedy known for Catarrh, One dollar for single box, or three boxes for 82, C. POM- EROYCo., 85 King-st, West, Toronto, CtNAni4N MUTIJAL AID ASSOC lATIOX Co-operative Life Assurance. Provide for families in case of death. W. PembkrtonPage, Sec, 87 King St. We9t,Torento, Agents wanted. N-fARlTTVETERINARY COLLEGE. fS RONTO. Students can enter from Octo ber until Januarv. PROF. SMITH, V, S- Edin, Principal. Fees, fiftv dollars. T^inn Patent eyelet, smooth surtace. I AI.S heavy and very tou;ih. Send for I HUUr nou- price !ist. J. G. WOODLAND fc CO.. Prir.jcrs. Toronto. n fl nnn Christmas, New Year. Birthday IiAkHS and other Cards, at .IL J. Mat- UHllwU THEWS ^- Bros, art depot. T oront o WV\T?:D' PARTIES OWNING A PORT- " ABLi Saw Mill to tender for sawing the lumber off 200 acres of bush Land. For parti- culars address, AUTHORS COX, Manufact- urers of Artiticial Limbs, 91 Church street.. Tor- onto. SOHOHI^O SEW.-rATtST tl«AK. made of good stock each cigar containing its own holder. Samples will be sent for seventy- five cents per box. G. B. HUNT, 91 Church-st. gain relief, but all to Oi his return home he learned 's- in '^°'^° considerable religious 4 PI, °"'"' ^°*^ ^hat his wife and ddniit "" ^^'^a^ had unitedly .j^ 'Illy tor several weeks for his con- do uf' experience in Washington W'//' "mystery to him, and from r 1?^ ^e believed in the efficacy of hk^^rf^^?^^^ ^^" tiimed his back "^inistiy prospects, and entered Deacon u a wse what. There is a renewal of the demonstrations which followed the hanging of Overdank. It was necessary to suiround the Austrian cde- sulate in Turin with troops to protect it from the mob which gathered, cry ing "Do^-n\*ith Austria ' Vegetine.â€" For eradicating all impurities of the blood from the system, ithas^no equal. It has never failed to efiect a care, gmng tone and strength to the system debilitated bydiseaes. ., Great con8tern.T.tion is caused in tne Bernese Oberlanl by th» suspension of the Interlachen Comptoir Escompte. The Mana- ger, who is a member of the Cantonal Gov- ernment, bus absconded. Its EVEKY osB's DOT^-To improve the opportunities presented for health, cheer- Xcs^ and comfort. See to it. that Zopesa ia used in your family for Dyspepsia and Biliousness,^ It ^s guaranteed to remove them. The man who travels under an alias may boast that he has made a name for himseJi. Testimonial from Mr. W. S. Wisnar. of J^j Wianer Son, Manufacturers of Agricultural implements:-^^ Out July «t^l^ ^r5Si3?L^"c«ve^- e Toronto. TH EONTARLO WIRK WORKS IS THfcl place to get Wire Cloth for Fanning Mills, etc. Window Guards and every description of wire work. PARTRIDGE SABIST0N.116 Bay Stre et, Toront o. rilHOSE WISHING TO DISPOSE OF OR I purchase a business ef any description m the city or elsewhere should call or send parti- culars to C. J. PALIN, 53 and 55 King-street East. Business Agen t and Valuer. FOR SALE-FAAM OF 117 ACRES IN Oro being parts of lots 22 in 13th and 14tn concessionsâ€" fronts on Carthew's Bay. Lake Simcoe, and is beautifully situated; 80 acres cleared, balance in good hardwood fine large two-story frame house 46 x 40. and another 90 T â- % kitchen attached barn 50 x 30 terms ILy. CROOKS, KINGkMILL. CATTA- NACH, Toronto FARM^FOR SALE -BEING LOT 106 Gwillimbury, adjoining ^own of HoU^d Landing 212 acres, T VesTotine. Was Laid ao Six Montlis Rheaatatism. witli VECETINE CURED ME. MoNTREAT, P. Q., Oct 23, 1879. Ma. H. R, Stkvknb Dear Sirâ€" I have been a great sufferer from Rheumatism, and was rei? much run down with general debility, and had been unable to work for six months or more, but after using two bottles of Vbgetink, I was able to go to work again. I have not been troubled with Rheu- matism since, and think there is nothmg equal to "VSGaTINK. Youra tmlr, W. F. MYERS, Employed by G. T. R. R. A Sovereign Remedy for Rhenmatism. MoirraiAL, P. Q. Oct. 17, 1879. Mr. H. R. Strvbks :â€" Dear Sir,â€" I meat cheerfully add my testi- monial to the great number you are daily re- ceiving in favor of your "vegetine I have been troubled with rheumatism for several years also with blotches and pimples breaking out upon ray neck. A friend reccommended Vegetine and, after using several bottles, I have had no more trouble with rheumatism, and the blotches on my face a d neck have disappeared. I have recommend ed VkgetinS to some of my friends who were troubled with rheumatism, and they have used it with good success, and I will re- commend it to all who are troubled in the same way. Yours truly. VICTOR PIGEON, Passenger Conductor Grand Trunk Railroad, Always Gives Satisfaction. Medical Hall, Halifax, N. S. July 1, 1880. H. R. Stevens, Esq :â€" Dear Sir,â€" I sell more Vegetine than any other blood purifier. It always gives satis- faction. Yours reanectfully, AVERY F. BUCKLEY, Chemist and Druggist. Veeetine is Sold by All Druggists. " THREE SONGSâ€" The lat- est and best things out. Im- mensely popular. I full size sheet music form for Five Ckxts per copy or the three for ten cents. S. FRANK WILSON, "Truth' Office, 33 35 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. .25 FOR 39 CTS. Any person sending me 39 cents and the ad- dressesoflO acquaintances will receive by re- turn mail goods (not recipesy that net ^6.25. Tnis'is an honest offer to introduce staple goods. If you want a fortune, act now. J. D. HENRY. P. O. Box 127, Buffalo, N.Y, Burdock MUSIC. Bitters i.»oi^K .^ Northern R. R. Station sit- uated on comer of this Lot, the land is high romng clay loam Brick house "frame Bank ^m. J W. G WHITNEY, Estate Agent- 25 To ronto-st. Toronto. HE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF CANADA having purchased patents of Telephones T^hich can be rented at reduced rates for privat ^purposes, parties desiring to obtoin same fiefirnishea on application to the Company ^tsHead Office, Montreal, or to agenfa. or MimiJeTof Ontario Department BeU Telephone Co.. Hamilton. â€"- 4 GENTS WANTED TO SELL DR. RÂ¥ER- f\ ^n VS " The Story ot My Life edited by t!^. John Potts, lXD..^Rev. S. S JIcll^. LL^D. Sid J Geo. Hodgins, Esq.. l4fD,. Principal Kditor. with estimates of charact«, etc.. byDr. OmSton, Dean Grasett, Bishop of ManchMter, nr Dewart^ Dr. Withrow, etc. prospectuses mW ^y. Also, for the best fi^ily Bible ^nhiiRbed Send for circulars to WILXIAM ISuGaf 'PubuSiOT. 78 and 80 King street east, Toronto^ SffL^SeiTloweet rates of interest. AppUca- J^s^OTmOTeyfromfarTersaspedalty. Rmts ffiSd^^tatos nuHUMrca in town or coun ""nB -Beet of references on appUcatton. Old and 7«Miig ahoald oae "Tbasbbiit, Umii your bni^h mav ba qoite mnry Frafirant Breath ahall paas your lipe. Ana your Teeth ahall pearls eolipee. Brace cp â€" Your system for work. Zopesa, the new Dyspepsia and Liver Remedy, tends strictly to business in correcting the Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys. Sample bot- tles 10 cents larve bottles 75 ceate. H BOOK. WAAfl nnn worth of farming •UUUaUUU and other property In Ont- ario for sale by the CANADA "WEST LAND AGENCY COMPANY, 14 Adelaide-«t Baat, Toronto. Send for list DYSPEPSIA And the severer forms of INDIGESTION. A trmall pamphlet on the above most distressing maladies and their complete cures, post free, 5 cents in stamps. By R. KING, Esq., StafT Sur- geon, Royal Navy, England. Apply to RICHAKD KIN«, Bex SM. TTiadter, Oat. "A Merciful Man is Merciful to his Beast. Send 15 cente TO TRUTH OFFICE, /\.tjr Hi I3I I ^sample copy of a â- *"*â-  ^^ â- *-â-  â- Â«â-  " new HORSE BOOK It treats aUdisease:^ of the horse and has a large number of receipts and is pro- jiounced the bes book ever printed for the iSrice, Pro- fusely Illustrated and sells, at sight. Agents claim it to be the best selling book they ever can- vassed with, 9 copies for one dollar or to agents 85 cents per dozen. Try it. " Agents Wanted Valuable JNew Grape Vines By IVEail. The undersigned will send by mail to any part of Ontario or Quebec, and guarantee them to eome in good order, good, strong, well rooted Vines of the following new and valuable varie- ties of Grapes at the annexed prices BrigbtoB, Burnett. Lady, RToor's Early or Worden, 50 ets each, or 5 for t^'i. Belinda, Dacliess, JelTersnn, Pocklington, Prentls, or Tergenes, 81,00 eacli, 6 for $3. Also, a large assortment of other varieties of GRAPES. GOOSEBERRIES, CURRANTS, RASPBERRIES, BL ICKBERRIES, STRAW- BERRIES, ETC., cheap by mail or express. Also, Fruit Ornamental Trees. Send for catalogue. Address A. M. SMITH, Box 571, St. Catharines, Ont.^ P. S.â€" The proprietor of any pai)er sending a special notice of this advertisement in his pa- per to the undersigned will receive SI worth of Vines. A, M. SMITH. do a great many ladies still pay from tvo to four dollars per year for high priced American fashion papers when they can get the Ladles' .lonrnal one year for fifty cents? The Ladles' Journal is a 16 page monthly fashion paper, containing tho sura and substance of all the latest American high priced fashion magazines. Large full page illustrations of all the newest styles, useful household hints, shortstories,poetry,miscellaneous'selection8,and lots of other interesting matter, also one full sized piece of sheet music In each number, always the latest and most popular thing out. To every person who sends me fifty cents for one years' subscription I'll mail postpaid at once an Elegant Silver Plated Batter Knife or Pickle Fork with ivory handle, ordinarily re- tailed at one dollar. Don't forget to tell your friends that the Ladles' Journal contains be- sides the fashion illustrations,Sc., at least three to five dollars' worth of new music in the course of the year, and fifty cents will pay for one year's subscription and one dollar will pay for three years, and an elegant silver-plated butter- knife with ivory handle with either one or three years' subscription. 8. FKASK WILSOSf, 33 A 35 Adelnlde-St., West, Toronto. Mack's Slcdicine. And cJl complaints of a Rheumatic nature, nxZUMATINE is not a 'overciga remedy for "all the ills that fesh 13 heir to," but for NEU- RALGIA, SCIATICA, RHEUMATISM^^ and complaints cf Rheumatic nature, .y IT IS A SURE CURE. Sold by all druggists. The Rheumatine Man- ufacturing Co., St. Catherines, Ont, Messrs. Northrop Lyman, Wholesale Agts., Toronto iston* Mart. ..^_l_aL Bast, sold or excbang- Positively cures Nervousness in'all its statues. Weak Membry, Loss of Brain Power, Night Sweats. Barrenness, Weakness and General Loss of Power. It repairs Nervous Waste, re- juvenates the Jaded Intellect, strengthens the Enfeebled Brain and restores surprising tone and vigor to the Exhausted Generative Organs in either sex. IS. With each order for Twelve Ijackages, accompanied with five dollars, we will send our written Guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. .It is tne Cheapest aad B^st Medichie in the market. Pamphlet sent free by mail to any addresA.. â- adTs MaapaeUe Hedlclne is sold by drug- gists at M cents per box. or « boxes for a9.5* or will be mailed free of posttsre. on receipt of money, by addreasinK MaekV â- aicMctle Medl* ctae C*.. Wtednor. Ont., Caaada. Sold by all drugKista in Canada. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOB All tlie purposes of a Family Physic, CURING CosllvencHS, Jann* dice. Dyspepsia, In* digestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach and Breath, Headache^ Erysipelas, Piles, Khcnmatlsm, Erup- tions and liktn Dis- eases, BlI lonsness. Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tum- ors and Salt Rhenm, Worms, Gont, Kenral- gla, as a Dinner Pill, and PnrUyloc the and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure. They purge out the foul humors of the blood they stimulate the sluggish or disorded organs into action; and they impart health and tone to the whole being. They cure not only the every day complaints of everybody, but formidable and dangerous diseases. Most skilful physicians, most eminent clergymen, and our best citizens send certificates of cures performed, and great benefits derived from these Pills. Thej are the safest and best physic for children, be- cause mild as well as effectual. Being sugar coated, they are easy to take: and being pm-ely vegeteble they are entirely harmless. PREPARED BY DF.J.C.AyerCO., LOWEU^ MASS.. PKA^CAL AS» AKALTTICAI. CHEMISTH. Sol i'tj M D.-Jtijii^a anl Dialers i i Mediein ;t t â-  1: m ii S'MV â- iih 1 "i â-  it W m i M*^ i.. "Mi •r"-T" ri \tl ^KX,aSS-ai,J:

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