f\ afte. i;..f»rmin ^* «3,000, 1^ lease are â- s^^^^ %*.. T,3' gM3TlSB in Scotland gtiUtan^to^rto I .. one of having for many yeaTB This is a rodoction of I g"***** clesnsera of the M^'tikH " The conditionsof the tTnfr-togetfcwT^ " "" "~* ^^^^ «« «* in adi^on, to be .r^iy ^^ *w»y, defcaaitta, ii»^ «wr_ofrtiB, or 7aUoin^4inpa. K'^f Newspaper to rwnarkthat Eng. l.^ofa ferocity of the French firat-' hiir " A man wha has written a "'.ris treated, it says. "with-moWl 1P^._„== than a pickpocket or a bur- SVeness than a pickpocket or Previous good character as^ a dra. "" *~ ;485t not indi ' not allowed to teil in his favor. n'tbe royal review in London re- ,f the warmest outward welcome was id tc ;ir Evelyn Wood. Sir Garnet f'f.Zy is said to have appeared too early hVoro-esion to be generally recojmized. Jimissedinthe crowd oi surrounding Sir Evelyn at one point stop- to siiaK hands with an Essex man „m he recognized in the crowd, and ly pulled off his horse by ;-.iccro\vii. '.the rcmbiolce dock-yard in Wales was a fortnight ago, the new iron- CoUmgwood " in the of spectators, and 68 wide 16 inch^, and wtighs 1,497 toes; her saro J, 000 horse-power, and she has yas mi: fkeihata siiake hscflsd, U barbette ship was enthu- -enceofraany thousands o: 1 iron-clad is .S-25 feet Ions; armor has a thickness varying from â- n^e: '.jl jisplacenient of 1,050 tons. law has iaterfered with one of Mr. ern ontly declared line â€" l.'jpl flerneShephard's enterprises. Mr. paarl rec'Oniiy ueciaieu. himself about .!sue a liie of Thackeray, with some of a;keray'd unpublished writings, and it 'be leinembered that the English publi- 'jj of Ttockerav's works therefore an- nrea au authorizsd edition of the unpub- Ired woiks as a matter of self defence. a= now comes that the publishers have IculhI for and have obtained an injunction t'trainiug -Mr. Shephard from carrying out purfu=e=. IWhenthe Queen eoes to Balmoral she s bv special train, commanded by spe- seivauts. The trip there and back is i to have cost the snug snm of £2,500. erniembers of the royal family, how- ::. trivcl ia "saloon-carriages" by an :;:ii.y train ft first-class fares. During ;(^".:c'jn i residence a special train, known :x: t:ain, is run from Aberdeen to Bal- tr:or the use of Queen's messengers and iiiaet ministers on duty. From Ballater nalnioral they travel in carriag3S, as the liinay track, by special desire, does not ji £3 balnioral itte'f. I Mr. Joyncs, the undermaster of Eton cnool, wlio was arrested in Ireland last t^imor with Mr. Henry George, having Liedto be published in London a long ac- Ic':;^:, written by himself, of his experi- oue whicii is described as " a harm- ;^^ lijtle volume," the head master of E. on ado I upon him to suppress the book. head niaste afterward admitted that hill not reai! the book when he made tdc:i:aad. " It is surely abs'Jird," says '.;/' JJcl! Uuvtl'-, in a note on this '.ige proceeding, " that the master of a tea- j'diool like Eton should be tied down so:;eset of opinions, and tnat thos.e must .p;nioii5 to which tl^e head master hap- .; nut to object." !r. I'leston, author of "Unclaimed â- nev,' has stirtled Londoners by announc- t.hatthc new Palace of Justice has been i'iix raiacd witli the surplus interest of ijj'.s' money, the Court of Justice Build- Act, 1st).'), giving pDwer to tpply £1,- IW.OOO of the surplus interest fund for this Lrposc. Mr. Preston asserts that £75,- pj.OOO re in the chancery funds, the ^â- -3i!)er ot accounts being 34,545. A hun- ;eais ago it was £7,500,000 and 2,- accounts. This employirent of the r.jii-y in l)uildings the courts re^d not prni the numerous families in this country p.'iO claim these funds, inasmuch as there aa under.standiug that the government ;il make goO'l all tlie money thus appro- Ipr.ati'd to all claims which shall be subscan- pi'.C'.i. 1; is recorded in a London paper, as if it « a matter of some wonder, that an Eng- ^r. -untlcman possessing an income of §30,- 'J a year has been sent to penal servitude " -nooting at Police officers. His name is â- 'iia.- .\. 11. Robinson. Several officers ' It il t'l arrest Mr. Robinson and he .-.aargtd a rc\'oIver at them, without, 'ever, I'.oing any of them serious harm. :â- com t at Liverpool, before which the -- was taken, appears to have made speedy 'â- 'f- of ir, in entire disregard of the gen- â- ciian's iiioouic of £5,000 a year. f'tnXevis is in a fair way to have erected r« its .--uminit a national observatory. A 't^oi Prof. Hilderbrand, who is the direc- i^' tf the observatory at Upsala, and whose tenches in atmospheric phenonemaare de- 'i!"' to be the most advanced and accurate nave been made known, has written to icn Scientific persons ttrongly urging t-it this work be undertaken. He says the â- ffiospheric observations published from y-dc-Domc, in the South of France.have eta oi great importance, but unfortunate- tni:, mountain has a bad situation in re- p'U to storm tracks, being almost placed ra the north-westerly or south-westerly rope of a high pressure. "Ben Nevis, on r"f contrary," he says, " is situated almost I'-; tne middle track of the depressions or â- 'orms of North-western Europe, and â- ence observations made there must be of L^'j^'^^"^r iniportance in their relation to r}^ theory of cyclones than the mountain J:':,""^ti'Jis in the South of France." It is t."l'" '" London that the necessary ;â- â- • 'S :or the observatory will' shortly have â- ^'^n raued. About $25,000 will be needed. ,1 A Hotel Man's Lnolc. ^^^: u ' '^^"'â- ' =^ief clerk at the Union • Hotel, Ogden, had rheumatism in the ,,;f'«^°\the chest and left shoulder. By PPimg the Great German Remedy three he i- "?,';^^'i2ed complete restoration, and "â- ot the opinion that there is nothing pain. The bepi ^qualto the St. Jacobs Oil for nm jyiooaandsof bottles ofcoj^te/the d^^K,!^*^^""' hair ^^^ and ?*«MMfc Thicfa^ kave been sold yearfcr since pftS^^z """•, ^»»f K*v « l,«3f^^^.""^^ '"«" thonghtfql. About cSs^^"^® ' Bpent iu forming ex- The Sonrc* at M««hU Temper or^rfa. o?rhi- iSj!?°* comes home in bad hum- or, jerKs off hia boots, and appears to be eenor- c^°J.?a^1;-*°"l* atwgSteit to bnIK ff^?' '" tunes, bnt to its real cause-thos« terrible coma constantly annoytngl^TA^wort to the wise will be sufflcient-bny a bottleirfT^if nam's Pamless Com Extract^n m^Xi^ll be quickly and painlessly remov^ ind^ii ^titudewui be unboundi^dr^taSin^f lai^ less Com Extractor sold everywhere. All good clothes come high except ball *jreat G fl I W] iftis and erman Remedy is also a specific for ' sP'"ain3,-Sa; Lake {Utah) Tri- l,S?,i^^^M3 speaks Eaglish, bnt not to "^^tly as his wile docs, naturally. dresses. The people of this country have spoken, iney declare by their patronage Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, that they beUeve it to be an article of genume merit, adapted to the cure ct rheumatism, as well as relieves the pains of fractures and dislocations, external in juries, corns, bunions, piles, and other mala- dies. In the Journal de Thzraveutixue the state- ment IS made by Prof. Nocard, that pilocarp- mq, a drug upon which the medical faculty had built their hopes as a cure for hydrophobia, exerts no beneficial influence upon that malady. ^p. Sullivan, Malcolm, Ontario, writes: 'I have been selling Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil for some years, and have no hesitation in saying that it has given better satis- faction than any other medicine I have ever sold. I consider it the only patent medicine that cures more than it is recommended to cure. In fishing fur krabs use yur fingers fur bait yu kun feel then when they fust bite. Have Yor Tried It?â€" If so, you can testify to its marvellous powers of healing, and recommend it to your friends. We re- fer to Briggs' Magic Relief, the grand spe- cific for all summer complaints, diarrhoea, cholera morbus, dysentery, cramps, colic, sickness of the stomach, and bowel com- plaints. In building the St. Gothard Railway, 310 workmen were killed and 631 injured. Of the latter a number afterward died. "Twenty-four year's experience," says an eminent Physician," convince3.me that the only cure for " Nervous Exhaustion" and weakness or the generative organs is to repair the waste by giving Brain and Nerve Foods, and of all the remedies I have used Mack's Magnetic Medicine is the best This remedy is now sold by all our Druggists at 50 cts. per box, or 6 for $2.50, and on receipt of an order for 12 boxes, accompanied with ?o.OO, addressed to Mack's Magnetic Medicine Co.. Windsor, Ont, they will forward the goods free by mail, and send their " written guarantee" to refund the money, if the treatment does not efTect a cure. See adv't in another column. At Leicester, Eagland, three weeks ago, theauc'ion of goods seized for non-pay- ment of fines for neglect of vaccination oc- casioned almost u, riot, and forty police could Scarcely keep order. W. T. Bray, Pharmacist, Wingham, Ont., writes that the sale of Burdock Blood Bit- ters has very largely increased in that loc- ality, and adds that he hears very favorable opinions expressed rewarding it, and, if time permifedripould send many names of benefit- ed parties, 22. An old man named Daniel Cans was found dead on Friday morning week, in a dilapi- dat.ed log house in which he lived alone, near Aberfoyle. He was said to be between seventy-five and eighty years of age, and •was unmarried. It is supposed death was the result of old age. Testimonial from Mr. W. S. "VVisner, of J. O. Wisner Son, Manufacturers of Agricultural Implements :-^^^^^^^^ Ont.. July 28th, 1880. J N. Sutherland, Esq.: Dear Sir,â€" I take pleasure in bearing testimony to the efficacy of \our Rheumatine. Last spring I was com- pletely disabled with Rheumatism, and tried various remedies, baths. Ac, and finally heard of your cure. I purchased and used three bottles of it, and it effected a complete cure, tor I have not had a return of the disease since. Yours truly, v\ b. VV lt) tK. An impression prevails in London that nearly all the members of the Quecnsbury family are more r r less cracked; consequent- ly. Lady Gertude's nuptials with her young baker did not so very much surprise people. A Sore TUns In the treatment of Chronic disease with that great system renovator and restorative. Burdock Blood Bitters, there is no uncer- tainty as t- its action, its curative powers are speedily manifest by its marked effect upon the Liver, the Bowels and the Kidneys. Every dose performing its work in a per- ceptible manner. 24. THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. Believes and cures BHEIJMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, BACKACHE, HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, SORE THROAT, QUINSY, SWELLINGS, SPBAIHS, Soreness, CnU, Bruises. ISOSTBITES, BVBirS, SCAUJS, And aU other bodUy aches tfidpidns. nFTYCEHTS* BOTTLE. Uiigna«es. Th«Cli»riM*-Vo«e!erCo. to, 11,1- '"g""*â„¢-' imBum ___ â- P?ta oo the 0. orody,'fc«,int hSl^ "-i^^jfcMfto-a mMth, In- or^^hilb altenatod irith Jiot tow •pmtomnd giooiay rab«dmg«, of "Btut com* tympkoam ai« 'emedy for all aeh OoldeD Medicsl Dis- ,.."***' In many tmikV only put of thcM experienced. As a «»M Dr. Piaree's ^l?!?'!-*^ " **'°*" â- â- i* •»«t» perfect ««l radical cuna. At aU drug stores. T«?f* of WelKngton's mAdien, Mr. Geo. SSySrs »tMorri«burg. last week, aged Bad temper often proceeds from those paih. lul disorders to which women are snbiectTln female comphinls Dr. R. V. Pierce's " Fav- onte Prescnptioa" is a certain cure. By all druggists. Thirty-three thousand sheep crossed to the united States from BrocKville during the season just closed. Young 0T middle aged men suffering from TCrrons debility, ion of memory, premature Md age, as the resoltof bad habitsi, should send three stamps for part VII of Dime Series pamphlets. Address World's Dis- PENSART Medical Associattoit, Buffalo, N. Y. Messrs. James Allan and John Dennison, of Perth, shipped seven carloads of provi- sions for Winnipeg lately, incluiina 318 head of dressed cattle. Purge out the morbid humors of the Wood by a dose or two of Ayer's Pills, and you will have clearer heads as well as healthier bodies. Mr. Stewart Harris, j. London township, weighed on Monday at the city scales a fat heifer which tipped the beam at J ,490 pounds, A Wise Maxim "A stitch in time saves nine," not only in making garments.but also in mending health. If Hagyard's Pectorial Balsam were used in the earlier stages of Colds and Congh8,many a "st tch io the side" and many a case of torn lungs might be avoided, that neglectef^, rapidly develope into irreparabh Consum- ution. 21. Diphtheria of a terribly malignant form has attacked a family in Sydney township and carried off four meiiibers within a week. Another member ii ina critical con- dition. PROFESSIONAL. TOBOXTO. â€" Nr. .f. H. iHayne Campbell Barrister, Etc., 9 yictoria-st., Toronto MF.FORSTEB. ARTIST.HAS RETURNED irom Europe and opened a Studio, 81 King-st. East. Portraits in oil life size. R VBREB STAMPS.â€" ADDRESS R. H. CO X, r 4 King St. East. Toronto. Agents wanted. WATCHES repaired. Trade work a special- ty. A. Ballabey. 8 King St. E- Toronto. CHRIS. SHEPPARD. Manufr of Masonic and other Society Jewels, 154 King E., Toronto. $5 PER DAY or female. can be made by agents, male C. W. DENNIS, Toronto. PRICE TICKETS, SHOW CARDS, WIN DOW SHADES. Newest designs. Send for price list. F Williams, 4 King E.. Toronto. Christmas, New 'Year, Birthday and other Cards, at H. J. Mat- thews Bros, art depot, Toronto. ARDS S5.000.000 TAGS. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE FOR our Family Bibles and popular subscrip- tion books. Send for circulars. C. R. PARISH Co.,.T or onto WORTH OF FARMING and other pronert.v in Ont- tario for sale by the CANADA WEST L.A.ND AGENCY COMPANY, 14 Adelaide-st. East, Toronto. Sen d for lis^ Patent eWet, smooth surface, heavy and verv tough. Send for new price list. J. G. WOODLAND CO- Steam Printers, Toro nto. THE BRfriSH AMERICAN BUSINESS College, Toronto, is the most reliable and throughly practical school of its kind .in Cana- da. Send for circular. 0'NTi^ RIO' VETERINARY COLLEGE, TO- ONTO. Students can enter from October until Januarv. PROF. SMITH, S.,V. Edin., Pr inciiMtl. F ee s, fifty dollars CANADIAN MliTUAIi AID ASSOCIATION. Co-operative Life Assurance. Provide for families in case of death. W. PembertonPage, Sec. 87 Kmg St We st Toronte. Agents wanted. f^ ROCER\ AND LIQUOR BUSINESS FOR \X Sale in Western town of 2.000 population, doing $20,000 per annum J cash trade stock about 85,000 convenient terms. MACKIN- TOSH PETERS. Toronto. SOMETHING NEW.â€" PATENT C1«AK made of good stock, cach'cigar containing its own holder. Samples will he aert for seventy- five cents per box. G. B. HUNT, 91 Church-st., Toronto. ' WANTED PARTIES OWNING A PORT ABLE Saw Mill to tender for sawing the lumber off 200 acres of bush land. For parti- culars address, AUTHORS COX, Manufact- urers of Artificial Limbs, 91 Church street, Tor- onto. THOSE WISHING TO DISPOSE OK OK purchase a business of any description in the city or elsewhere should call or send parti- culars to C. J. PALIN, 53 and 55 King-Street East. Business Agent and Valuer. OWNERS OF FARM LANDS, CITY AND Town Properties, desiring to realize, will find purchasers bv sending me full descriptions, lowest prices, and terms of payment. J. W. G. WHITNEY, Estate Agent, 25 Toronto street, Toronto. JAMES BERGEN, aOOKSELLER IM PORTER, No. 4 Adelaide-st. East. Tor- onto, Ont. Beautifully Illustrated and Cheap Editions of the h^st and most popular Authors in History. Fiction and Poetry: also FamUy Bibles, Photo. Albums, c. Monthly Payments Taken Agen t* Wanted, ORSALE-FARM-OF 117 ACRKS IN OKO. being parts of lots 22 m 13th and 14th con- cessions-fKHHs on Carthew's Bay. LaKe Sim- storey frSiSousd^e x 40, and another 20 x 30. kU/hen attached ' bam 50 x 30 terms easy. CROOKS, KINGSMILL CATTANACH Toronto. ' THEBELL TELEPHONE CO. OF CANADA having purchased patents of Telephones: which can be rented at reduced rates J-or privafe line purposes, parties desiring to obtain same will be furnished on apnUcation to the CompS^atits Head Offlce. MontreaL or to agea^or Manager of Ontario Department Be» TP.Icpho ne Co.. Hamilton. TiTM ASHAlii.. WATCHMAKER AND \^ Jeweler, 262 Yonge St., Toronto, hM en- Wrdhis premises, a»d grea.tly mcre^ed his tSoSkotgold and silver jewelry, plated ware, cuUerr clocks, watches, ete. Fine stock of jet SSd ^met jewelry. Goods imported direct Eve^ kind of jewehr repaired promptly.neat- ly, and cheaply^ Tr TQUDAY PRESENTS.- CHAMBERS' M encydopedia, $18 75 for lather. Iffi2 ed^t- â- JI;, in vols. S14 for cloth; Worcester's Dic- f^naJy Twtt«i: l^e^tion S8 75; Roy al Path of LlS'lS^M 50: Guthrie's Llf^W^^tiou for 75^. Soott-s Novels. flSset for »12. 12 vrfs. jSnuaisrChatterbox, Horn of Renty. lotUe rS^Play Book, ete.. half iwlo^ »1 25fOTOc: fmoU A nnnnla in proportion fire« mi rec«iat of ^^DICKe1?S0N CRANSTON, Wood- stock. Snfl^iSn, ^(^Im, ]feiai«( look te 7^ a «Mttif oUi be raoMdkd by ilnlt' BitteEa, Ask your dinKgt for yooL jO. Yc^ ttcraisqiota • difffareiMB betirain' Ml aubcy oUrk and • ball boy. Keep Hia yoar £Huly. Tbe bitrMMdy for accidents and cSiMigencies, ||(Hr Boms, Soaiasi Braises, BanaasB^ Sore Tbroat, Croop, Rhfinmatism, Chilblains, and Fain or Soreness d all kinds, is that marvelbraa healing remedy, Hsgyud's Yellow CML 19. Amoni{ the items in a shoemaker's bill presenteid to a KinKsttm man was i "Heels on wife, 23 cents." Lsst week a boy of II years of sge, son of Joseph Latchford, hotel-keeper, Tnooaas- burg, was kicked by a horse in the head, smashing in a por.ion of his akulL The boy died. A Cure for Croup. There is no better remedy for Croup than Hiagyard's Yellow Oil taken internally and applied according to the special directions, this is the great household panacea for Khcumatism, Stiff Joints, Pain Inflammation c. 23. Street lighting is agitating the Municipal and private wisdom of Richmon«J. The bridge question is temporarily resting on its oars. If your hair is coming out, do not murmur over a misfortune you can so easily avert. Ayer's Hair Vigor w 11 remote the cause of your grief by restoring your hair to its natural color, and therewith your good looks and good nature. fil Old ani 7«aa« aiboaltl use " iKAMMaax ThoB yoor lan^ amy be qidte msRy rrnrant liripa;:iaban ii^*y iii liiw rheumatismT KIDNEY COMPLAIf«T Entirely Cured the use of E3 â- X'X Hamilton? O.. March 11, 188L Mr. H, R. Stevensâ€" Dear Sir Although an entire stranger to you. I wish to inform you what Vegetine has done for ine. After suffer- ing for several ye-irs with the Rheumatism, I can truly say, the Vegetme has entirely cured me, I have had not the slightest touch of it for several months. Have also been badly afflicted with Kidney Complaint, suffering great pain in my back, hips and sides with great dimculty in passing urine. By the use of Vegetine I find myself entirely cured of this complaint. I take great pleasure in recommendiog your remedy to my acquaintances and friends, and all speak favor- ably of it good effects Resp'y yours, P. H. GILBERT, Undertaker. I am personally acquainted with Mr. Gilbert, and believe him perfectly reliable in his state- ment. B. S. JAMES, Dmjgist, HamUton, O. Read the Facts- Toronto, April 3. 1S80. 5 Bear-st. Mr. H. E, Stevens, Boston, Mass Sirâ€" I have much pleasure in bearing testi- mony to the efll6acy of your invaluable family medicine Vegetine. For three years I was a great sufferer from Chronic Rheumatism and Derangement of the Kidneys, and after testing innumerable so called remedies, in the spring of,last year,' I was recommended to gfive the Vegetine a trial and to isrsevere inusin^ it for sOnSSktime, I did so, and in the course ot three months found a perfect cure bad been effected and I am now, thank Gad, in the full enjoy- ment of the best of health. I consider it the most effective remedy for the distressing com- plaints just mentioned and for Indigestion, fiiliousness and Liver Disease. It is very pleasant to take, vitalizing and invigorating. I can most confidently recommend it, knowing great benefits I have derived from its use and consider I cannot over-state its great and im- portant value to those similarly afflicted as II have been. Yours faithfully, R, L COLE, • Accountant. Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists- MUSIC. THREE SONGS-The lat- est and best things out. Im- mensely popular. In full size sheet music form for Five Cents per copy or the three for tei^ cents. S. FRANK WILSON, "TB0TH" Offlce, 33 «E 36 Adelaide-Sf W. Toronto. Valuable New Grape Vines By 3J:ail. The undersijjired will send by mail to any part of Ontario or Quebec, and guarantee them to come in good order, good, strong, well-rooted Vines of the following nffw and valuable 'arie- ties of Grapes at the anJexed prices Brighton. Bnrnett, Lady. Moor'.i Early, or Worden, 50 cts. each, or 5 for $3. Belinda, Dnchesft. Jefferson, Poekllnatoa, Prenils, or Vergenes, $1 each, 6 for $3. Also, a large assortment of other varieties of GRAPES, GOOSEBERRIES, CURRANTS, RASPBERRIES, BLACKBERRIES, STRAW- BERRIES, ETC., cheap by mail or express. Also, Fruit Ornamental Trees. Send for catalogue. Address A. M. SMITH, Box 571, St. Catharines, Ont. P. S.â€" The proprietor of any paper sendinAjfi special notice of this advertisement in his ^- per to the undersigned will receive $1 worth of vines. A. M. SMITH. MAdNETICMEDieiNE. e^?oRefBRAIN^NERVE FOOal Positively cures Nervousness in all its stances. Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power. Night Sweats, Bairrenness. Weakness and General Loss of Power. It repairs Nervous Waste, re- juvenates the Taded Intellect, strenj^thens the Enfeebled Brain and restores surpiising tone and vigor to Uie Exhausted GeneratiTe Organs in either sex. is- With each order for Twelve packages, accompanied with five dollars, we will send our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment docs not eflbct a cure. It is the Cheapest and Bent Medicine In the market. Pamphlet sent, free by mail to any address. ... â- •di'a Hacaetlc Medlctae is sold by drug- gists at SO cents per box, or 6 boxes for 9XM. at will be mailed; free of postage, on i-eceipt of mooer, by addresstng Hack's Masaetic Medl* eiae Ce.. Wiadsar. •â- (., Canaila. SoM by all drpggiats m Canada. Brace up â€" Your system for wtrk. Zo- FESA, the new Dyspepsia and Uver remedy Atends strictly to business in correcting the Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys. Sample bottles, 10 cents lart^e bottles, 75 cents. Uf ATf^UCC Send for free illustrated cata Iff A I UllCO* loguetoRYRIK, the Jeweler. 113 Yonge Street. 1 oronto. CORSETS uneqtialledfor health, comfort and durability. Manufactured by the CROMPTON C JRSETCO. Torontg DYSPEPSIA And the severer forms of INDIGESTION. A small pamphlet on the above most distressing maladies and their complete cures, post free, 5 cents in stamps. By R. KING, Esq., Staff Sur- geon, Royal Navy, England. Apply to KICHARB KUrCi, Box 346, Windsor. Ont. THe Toronto General Trusts Co., 87 and 89 WeUinston St., Toronto. HY HON. ED. BLAKE, Q.C., M.P., President. F. A. MEREDITH, Esq., LL.D., Vice President J, W, LANGMUIR, Manager This Companjt which has been approved of by the High Court of Justice and the Uen- tenant Governor In Council, accepts trusrts of every description, and acts as executor, ad- i^inistrator, c., and also as agent of existing trustees, executors, c. $300,000 of Trust Funds to Iban upon real estate and mortgages. Fo further information apply to ^J. W. LANGMU IR. Manager Wl io a great many ladies still pay from two to four dollars per year for high priced American fashion papers when they can get the Ladies' Journal one year for fifty cents. The Ladles' Journal is a 16 page monthly fash- ion paper, containing the sum and substance of all the latestAmerican high priced fashion magazines. Large full page illustrations of all the newest styles, useful household hints, short stories, poetry, miscellaneous selections, and lots of other interesting matter, also one full sized Piece of sheet music in each number, always the latest and most popular thing out. To every person who sends mo fifty cents for one years subscription I'll mail postpaid at once an Elegant Silver Plated Butter Knife or Pickle Forli with ivory handle. Don't forget to tell your friends that the*Ladics Journal contains besides the fashion illustrations c. a, full size piece of sheet music in each number. S. FRANK WILSON, 33 35 Adelaide Street Wes t, T oronto. WHAT IS OATAERH Catarrh is a muco-pnrulent "discharge caused by the presence and development of the vege- table parasite amoeba in the internal lining membrane of the nose. This parasite is only de- veloped under favorable circumstances, and these are morbid state of the blood, as the blighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poison of syphilis, mercury, toxoemea, from retention of the effeted matter of the skin, suppressed perspiration, badly ventilated sleeping apart- ments, and other poisons that are germinated in the blood. These poisons keep the internal lin- ing membrane of the nose in a constant state of irritation, ever ready for the deposit of the seeds of these germs, which spread up the nostrils and down the fauces or back part or the mouth causing ulceration of the throat; up the eu- stachian tubes, causing deafness; burrowing in the vocal cords, causing hoarseness, usurping the proper structure of the bronchial tubes ending in pulmonary consumption and death. To effect a cure the parasite must be removed or destroyed, hence inhalants and snutfs are worthless. Some time since a well known physician of 10 years standing, after much experimenting, suc- ceeded in discovering the necessary combina- tion of ingredients, which never fails in abso- lutely and per. nanently eradicating this horri- ble disease whether standing for one year or forty years. Sufferers should, without delay commiinicate w^i^h the business manager, Mr. A. H. Dixon, 307 King St. West, Toronto, and get treatise free by enclosing stamp. isK your druggist for it .VEGETABLE SICILIAK This standard article is compounded with greatest care. Its effects are as wonderful and satisfactor as ever. It restores gray or faded hair to its youthfu color. It removes all eruptions; itching and dan druff, and the scalp by its use becomes whit and clean. By its tonic properties it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, prcventftig bald ness, and making the hair grow thick and strong. As a dressing nothin sd e fectual, or desirable. Dr. A. A. Hayes, State Assayer of Massachu- setts, says of it "I consider it the best prepar ation for its intended purposes. Buekingham's Dye, FOR THE WHISKERS. This elegant preparation may be relied on to change the color of the beard from gray or an other undesirable shade, to brown or black, a discretion. It is easily applied, being ihi n preparation, and quickly and effectually pro- duces a permanent color which wiU neither rub nor wash oS. MANUFACTURED BY 5 R. P. HALL CO.. NASHUA, N. H. Soli ba cM Dru:j3ist8 ani Dsalenin Mtdiein ^; 1 i â- 1 i ' 1 I 1 It i t "' 1 b 1 11 ' !â- â- f J ?b; « " â- 'I If J;' 4 I i ' t^. i v\ mi It- p â- -WW ^^Hliiiil *ei Jfr •c-^ \H- 'AA-tV^V* -^ Ii; '-ri^'s'"' iM^f.'