V' il â- â- '11 TB^ Stendard. MARKDAIiB, DEC. Slsr, 1882. NEW ADViiETISEMENTS. Boar Pigsâ€" D. E. Ellis. Estray Cattl»â€" W. Wait. Booming, Bootaingâ€" W. E. Doll. Undertaking and Farnitnre â€" Geo Grant, Auction Sale â€" Sl a, Smith Eae, Toronto. To tbe Electors of Enphrasia â€" W. J. Black. To the Electors of Euphrasia â€" J. Erskine. l^oxv^ptmimtB NoTiCT.â€" W«wish it diBtmoflynnderstood {hst we do not hold ourselves responsibto for the opinioHB expressed by our correspondents MUNICIPAL MATl-EES, To-morrow (Friday) will be nomin- ation day and will decide who the candidates nill be formunicioal hon- ors. In Glenelg â€" the present Eeeve wiU no doubt be elected by acclamation. Mr. Mullarky, the present deputy ,and Mr. Glencross, councillor, are likely to bo the candidates for Deputy- Eecve, while the following names are men- tioned as candidates for Councillors Dansmoor, Davis, Binnie, Nei\ Mc- Millan, ?JcQuaig, and E. H. Boyce. In Artemesia â€" Dr. Christoe will be re-elected by acclamation. In Price- ville ward Mr, Webster, tl • pretent deputy, will resign, and Mr. J )hn Mc- Arthur will likely be elected by accla- mation. We hear of no opposition to Mr. "Wiight in Fleshertcn ward. Mr. Pedlar will be opposed by Mr. Win. McKoe, and Mr. Elliott will be elested in Markdale ward. In Hollandâ€" Mr. Cameron, the present deputy, will no doubt be elect- ed Eeeye, while ihe Deputyship will be between Messrs. Norton and Shnte, both of whom haye been councillors for many years. Euphrasia is having a lively time already. Mr. Myles and Mr.'Cilray are in the field for the Eeeveship, while Messrs, Fawcett, Ellis and Eis- kme are candidates for Deputy, leav- ing vacancies for three new council- lora. Very little is said publicly in Os- vrey y^t, but there is need of a change in some ot the members of the present feoard. In Proton it is thought J. J. Mid- dlcton will oppose the present Eeeve. INSPECTOES OFFICE, S. GEEY. Priceville, 12th Dec, 1882. Mb. Emtob, Deab Sib,â€" Please in- form the trnstees and teachers of South Grey, through yoar valuable paper, that I have this day mailed to each school section in my district, copies of the following blank forms, to be carefully and correctly- filled up and returned, viz â€" Annual and Semi-an- nual Eeports, Supplementary do., Spe cial Beport on Eeligious Instruction, and Trustees' Orders for the School Fund also a memorandum of the number of teaching days in each mouth ot tbe half y^ar. Included in tbe same package is an App^l from Dr. Hodgins.and Inspect- or Hughes, of Toronto, Chairman and Secretary of the "Eyerson Memorial Fund," to be submitted to the Annual School Meeting ou the 27th in»t. Yours very truly, W. Feuouson, I. P, S., South Grey, ON OUE TA±}LE. The Fakmer's Advocate for Decem- ber is before us and is no discredit to its name. It continues to improve an'l iiould be in every household. Or' $1 per annum, or 85 cents club- leu iththe Standard, Wilfoi'.d's Microcosm. â€" A monthly eontainii.g 30 pages devoted to the Discoveries, Theories and Investiga- tions uf Modern Science- in their bear- ing upon tbe religious thought of the i'gc. This mduthly iss only ^] per yettr, and is deeply interesting to all classes desiring information on the deep things cf life, present and future, from the ^ablest writers ou the conti- nent. Hall (Jo., Pubhshers, 28 Park Eow, New York. Gkip's Almanac for 1888 is to hand, and 1' interesting, amusing and use- ful. Price 25 cents. Sawyer's Commercial Penman. â€" A monthly magazine devoted to ptn. art ind natural bcieijce. I'ub isi;ed by Sawyer Bros., Ottawa, at $1 per annum. We have received Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine for December and a prettier, better printed, or more use- ful volume it would be hard to find. Jt is furnished to subscribers at $1,25 per annum, and each number contaiLS one of the finest colored plates that it is posFible to conceive of, and is a perfect gem of art. It is quite evident that the sous of James ick have in herited their father's talent in thi« respect, and we have no doubt will meet with the success their enterprise deserves, PERSONAL ITEM. The foHowing leftrruees are to a matter cf suffictnt iiiiportiuice to enlist tbe alter- tion of all our readers. OmCK OK THE Ch-BF OT PoUCB Hamllton, Unt. I hftTO much pleasure in staiibg. t'liat I iseii St, Jacobs Oil in a case of vei; severs sprain, with Marvelous t-i'^t-ct. I ha-l beeu badly hu -t and eould not ai?ord to rest too long 1 tuerefore used liie quickest ueans ff relief, St. Jacobs 0.1, which oeriainij •â- JOikeil wonders in luy catje. 1 consider it to Ue un invaluatwe remedy snd shall not hesl- tttie to recommend it to. any one whom I lueet, suftenog from want ot a reliable re- Hkedyv I reg^iti St. Jacobs Oil as a wonder fni pr»parHti«i, and. shall fse^ sorest its 'She .to my fzijiods. â€" or enemies for that iB«tT ift â€" «heu ^^jmdtkem seeking aaythiag-fi^ t^ie sllt^viMUu of tHe temole torture o( ilieuu.nti^ip. I write this note vQlnntarily Ht bay what I think of the Oil, an^. it may tie used in auy way to act.-vuipiih the mos^ To the Editor of the Standard. Dear Sir, â€" In your issue of the 7th inst. an article appeared reflecting very much on the respectability ot our hotels. Now, sir, I hold that we have just as good and respectably conduct- ed hotels in our village as may be found in a day's travel and while there may be placs in our midst which are a discredit to the town, yet all should not be classed as such without distinction, X. AETEMESIA COUNCIL. This Council met in the Town Hall, Fleah- arton, Dec. 4th, 1882. Members all present. Minutes of previous moeting read and con- firmed. Communications as follo'ws were presented and read â€" S. Coleman, S. Cowan re Con- vention to be he'd at Orangeville, J. Masson asking Council to return S. Kelly his school tax of 1881, A. Nelson re drains, the Clerk of Melancthon re Arbitrator. Accounts as follows presented and ordered to be paid: â€" R. J. Sproale, postage, 81.70; S. Pedlar, services on committee, '2; Mrs. Thompson, bread to Boyles and Taylor, two indigents, 811.25; John Noble, repairing bcra- per, 7^0. Keport of Committee en tov/n line, Osprey and Artemesia, received ai:d adopted. By laws appointing daj'iity-ieturning offi- cers and polling places, and to extend the time for return of the Collectors' roll until st Jan. ^eie TTfsci-Ud ti d read requisite number of times and passed. A contract which had been let to one Cha"" Pvyan on the base line, not having been ful- filled, was cancelled, also the order to pay the same. The taxes of Ann McKinnon, of Priceville, were ordered to be remitted, she being in poor circumstances. Orders for payment of the Trustees rates in the difierent school sections were passed. Chas. Lumley was paid 52, being balance of contract on town line, Glenelg, and Don. McDonald, 7oc., repairs to the bridge in Priceville. Samuel Wauehob was paid 51 1, being road job in Wird No. 3. Tbe Eeeve and Deputy-Reeve were ap- pointed to attend a convention in Orange- ville on the 12th inst. Mr. WrieLt was ap- pointed to represeat this Cotmcil at the ar- bitration re drains from Melancthon at Dun- dalk on the 12th inst. After the business of the year was finished the Rcpve was requested to vacate the chair, wh-jn the following resolution was put and unanimously carried. Mr. \Sfebster moved, seconded by Mr. Pedlir, that the thanks of thii Couned are due and are hereby teulered ta the lieeve Dr. Christoe, for ihe able and impartial manner in which he has presided over this Conucil during the year, and for the careful and painstaking rranner in which he hag discharged his duties as P^eve f jr the past year. ConncU adjourned. W. J. Bbllamt, Clerk. The Minutes of Gleaelg Holland council together with G's commnnicatiom and other matter crowded out this week will appear next Iesuo. A. 5. rir.t. f^t f Fclic iyrARfllAGE AspEBsoH -GtLLEspn:â€" At the Primitm Methodist parsonage, .on the 20th inst br the BeT. J. 8. Cfercoran, Mr. Epbt. Ande ^n to Mi8s Sarah Gillespie, all of HoUani â- DIED- MoRwooDâ€" In EuphiKsiaron th« 20lh inst. Isaac Alctwood, aged 16 years, Cbowthkbâ€" In Wiiliamsford, on 13ih inst Mrs. John Ciovriher, aged 64 years.. Sftnated m tj»e Tillage of ^W«»^ Toiradup of ProtOT, County of Grey. Porsaanl to the Power of Sale eoatwaed mVSSaiB mortgage there ^lUbe .oW^j pnbUc auction at tha Crown Hotd. m the Village of PiioeTiile, on u-.: M0NUAY,THE15THDAY0F JAN- UARY. 1883, at one o'dook in the afternoon. Pabckl L-IiOt 9. south sida Ktooss street; Lot 9, ^otih M» Tonj stTe^,F^-^ Tilte, containing .ne acre, more ^less^ JJ^" is a good acre of land, weU fenced, without any buildings on it, „ i. PAac«L2-Lote 11. 12 and 13 on somh side of Kinross street and lots 11, 12 and 13 on tbe north side of Tony street, Price- ville, oontaimng threa acres mora or less. Upon this property is erected a rou2h-ca-.t house 18x24, with an extension lixi.^, and wood shad in fair repair also a stble 20x30. There is also a ve y nice orchard consisting of apple, plum, cherry, and crab trees, also currant and gooseberry hushes. There is also a weU up- on the premises. The property is well fenced, Pabctl 3,â€" Also at the same tune and place there will be sold lot 3, north side of Elgin street, and lot 3, south side of Haryey street, Priceyille, containing one acre more or less. Upon this property is erected a house ifx 24 with an extension 10x24, and the property is fairly fenced- Pabcel 4,â€" Also let 17, concession 8, Township of Proton, containing 100 acres mora or less. Terms and conditions of sale very favor- able and will be made known at time of sale. Tho Vendors reserre to themaelveis the right of one bid for each parcel, for further particulars apply to SMITH, SMITH BAfi, Vendors' SoUcitors. 3 Building and Loan Chambers, llStd Toronto St,. Toronto, Undertaking. Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes, Gloves, Crapes, -AND All Furnishings for Funerals May be had on Shortest Notice, and at All Hours from GEO. GEANT, MARKDALE. Al^ a well assorted stock of FU RN ITURE from plain to fine quality, all at moderate prices. 119tL. estray; CAME on 10 the premises of the under- signed, lot 21. concession 12, Holland, about the middle of November, oneredStfier, and t wo red and white Heifers rising three years old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. W. WAIT. Holland, Dec. 20th, 1882. 119-4t» DYSPEPSIA LIV^R COMPLAINT. is It not worth the small price of 75 cents to free yourself of every symptom of these distressing complaints, if you think so call at om store and get a bottle of Shiloh's Vital- izer, every bottle has a printed guarant.ie on It, use according'y and if it does you no good It will cost you nothing. Sold at Wm. Brown's General Store, Markdale. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN- BHip 07 Euphrasia. Gbstlbminâ€" Having be«i urgently so- licited by a large number of iufluential rate- payers to oiier mj self as a candidata for counciUor for the ensuing year. I hereby re- spectfuUy comply, and would take this means of sohciting your vote and influence. If elected I pledge my honor fo use my best endeavor for the best interests of the Town- ship. .^ W. J. BLACK. Eppmg. Dee, 16th, 1882. 119 2w. rpo THE ELECTORS OF THBTOWN- X SHIP OF Euphrasia. Gbntlekkn, â€" ^I have been waited on and earnestly entreated by a kige number of in- fluential ratepayers of the Township and have cotuented to become a candidate tor U.e office of Deputy-Beeve for tha yeai 1883. loor Toteand influence is respectfully solic- ited. Should you place me at the head of the polt I pledge my honor to use my best endeiTora for the best interest ol the Town- ehip Wgarleas of locality or jwrty. ... JAMES lEBSKDOa. BoAlyn. Dee. 16th 1882.;^, Hfl.at A'WELL BREB Sttflolk«oai"fDr sarflM " on Lot 6, Conct8=^6ii'7, .Jtuphraaia. Aioo a Poland China Boar. Char,.e» for either %l at time of service. D. R. ELLIS. Deo.16tli.183S},. 119-«w. Headquarters of Santa Claus.my^^^j^ In retnrmnc thanks to our numerous customers and the public general], liberal patronage bestowed upon us in the past, we desire to announce tb' anSto^kof Christmas goods ^hich is eitensive and weU assorted, co, r'h^otmaa Tards. English and Canadian, China Cups a... """Mi" tacSSc«p«,SiiaTi«g Mugs, B«hemi«n Vas.I' 8^t» Albmus, a very large assortment, Card Cases W, Boxe^toell Boxes, Writing Desks, Tin t, Boofci», Pecms, Bibles, Prayer Books, BoofcMarlts, Picture Booiis, Dolls, and "a ereat number of other articles suitable for Christmas and K Wishing you the compliments of the season, we respectfully solicit a *Markdale.Deo. 6th. 18S2, A. TURIVEH y^M conti JNO. MONTGOMERY, Begs to tender his thanks to the inhabilants of Markdala and surrounding country for past patronage, and to inthnate ;o them that he is prepared to supply the pubUc with Fruit, Pound and Plum Oake either phiin or iced and ornamented. Also Brides' Cakes got up in the best style that can be done this side of Toronto. Bread, Buns and Cakes! in great variety. All these are manufactured on Uia own premises by himself, besidas Bis- cuit of e%ery description from the best man- ufacturers in Ontario. CHOICEST CONFECTIONERir in great variety. Tea Meetings, Socials, and other parties supplied on the shortest notice and on tho most reasonable terms. JOHN MONTGOMEBY. Markdale. Nov, 22nd. 1882.' 116-3m W. H. CAMPAIGNE, LICENSED Aucti-mefcr for the County of Grey. ' Sales attended in town or coun- try on the shortest notice. Charges reason- Orders left at the, Standaed office will re- ceive prompt attention. 117-3m ESTRAY. ~~ CAME into the premises of the under- signed, early in September, a Heifer rising two years old. The owner may have it by provir^K property and paying expenses. JOHN MERCEB. Lots 109 Alio. E, T, S. Road, Artemesia, Deo. 5th, 1882. Il7-4t» Land for Sale. 1 riA ^CKES; about 30 of which is JLvJv/ cleared, being composed of the E. half of Lot lU. in the 8th concession of the Township of Euphrasia, Apply at this office, or to BoBEKT DcNLOP, Towuship Clerk of Euphrasia, Griersville P, O. 117-tf. Just Arrived A LABGE STOCK OP NEW AND FASHIONABTE iz:Eerz' o-ooids. Boots and Shoes, NEW GROCERIES, At prices which will astonish you. Call and see. Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs or any kind of Fowl at tbe Cheap Stobjs. Nov. 16th. 1882. JOHN DOUPE, Fl«8hertou Station. lU-Sa. kTi.i.i,nu^^^n.nii.i.niy ,TTTT CABIHETS 93 per Bozen. PANELS 94 per Doas. |ftr fhr Holidays Only â- •£-• ^â- ..^ ferl-M^- « ^-^ -• -,-3! -f^i^mi .c^'SSA^ii^of^ iKf^Zti MAEKDALE Fall Wheat. SO.SO to »0.8; to SO.S.'i barli-y, o-'c; Peas Butter, 20c; Egss, 2:ic; I'oui, 89,00 Pork, 7.4Jto760 FLESHEETON M Fall Wheat, 80.80 to $0.8i^ to *0,90 Barley, 40c; Peas, Butter. 17c; Eggs, 22c; Puiit »9.00; Pork, $7,00 io7o0 TOEONTO m Fall Wheat, 10.90 to W.94; to JOeS; Barley, 56o to 72c; I Peas, 70c to 74f Hogs, 87.50* toes, per bag. 75c to 80e; to 20c; e.TPS. 23c to 24c. TAILOI Oyer IcFarWi MARKDAL IS" Special attention tod If you want a yoir Order witL Sentember "O-.h ^^ P«fei;| A.: BILLIARD D, M. HOGAN, First class tables, Cigunt drinks to be had. NOTE L05 A NOTE DRAWN IN ^^^ McKenna. Markdalf bj Harkawoy P. O., for Jlti(.i- mg or having tbe same :i ' will pleae return it '" ' ed as payment has been ai*l November 28th, 1882. TO SELL OR I LOT 15, CON. 12. acres. 100 cleared, gooi on. Terms easy. Apply "^1 Postmaster, near theprvmi-^ ^^ s. KEi November 14th, 1882. 5LWi Health is W i Dr. E. C. Wests Neb«^^I MENT, a guaranteed fP^ Dizziress, Convnlsions, i'"^, ralgia, Headach" Nervons ' ed bv the use of alcobo! or fulnass. Mental Depre.'sK'" Brain, resulting i/i ^^^Z\ misery, decay a^d de»" ^j Barr enneos. Loss oi ' a Involuntary losses «n^j caused by over -exertion^ abuse or over-indiJR^ j^^ en e recent cases. Eaico month's treatment. *^\^ six boxes for fiye '»oI^" ^«^ paid on receipt of pr?**- ^^^i boxes to core any c**' ceived by ns for six bexP°s five dollfcrs, wt^ wiU ^Jjj,^! written guarantee to r. j the treatment does no«e" antees issued only ^^ '^i_ authorized Agent i^^' **.((,,* C.West ACo. sole prfP"